Self-made Man Explains How You Must Think to Win | Everette Taylor on Impact Theory

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at the end of the day man you really gotta want it you gotta really want it and I think the problem is is now with social media before when I was growing up I didn't see all these examples of people having cool cars or doing cool [ __ ] all the time like right and now with social media I don't care if you're in like you know in the [ __ ] middle of nowhere you can log on an Instagram and see just this whole world of experiences and things the problem is it's like oh well these people have it so I should be able to have it and it's just like man you don't see the work that goes behind this man I started my first marking job at 14 I'm 10 years into entrepreneurship it wasn't until the past few years where I started really getting recognition for it right and so people don't see all that it takes to even get to that point and that's the problem and so they think it's supposed to be this this overnight thing goes oh I started at LLC give me money no that's not how it works [Music] [Music] this episode is brought to you by our friends at audible enjoy hey everybody welcome to impact theory today's guest went from homeless to building for multi-million dollar companies before the age of 30 he was named by the route as one of the top 100 most influential African Americans and in 2018 alone he was named to Forbes 30 under 30 list grew his company Millicent's by 40% grew his other company popped social by 600% landed on the cover of cosine magazine launched both art x and e t enterprises was a key partner in the launch of zoe saldana x' media company bes a1 the power of influence award from BP our SLA and was recognized by the city of Los Angeles for his achievements and influence on african-american culture a truly extraordinary string of accomplishments for anyone but really inspiring coming from someone who witnessed his first murder at the age of 7 was selling drugs by the age of 12 and was homeless by 17 his incredible rise out of hardship has been profiled by prestigious outlets like the BBC and he's been called a marketing genius by both Forbes and fortune he's also a national brand ambassador for NASA's startup initiative and he's worked as a digital influencer for some of the biggest brands on the planet including Amazon Google Disney Toyota American Express and many many more so please help me in welcoming the serial entrepreneur and philanthropist who has proven it does not matter where you start it only matters where you want to go Everett Taylor yeah thanks for being here welcome welcome I like the fit well thanks sir yeah thank you very much matter so in watching your interviews there's always high-style going on so you know you got to keep it crispy over here oh yeah man I loved it I loved it so a little birdie told me that relentless is your word yeah I have it on my wrist right here nice I actually have a retina painting with relentless as well yes it's a mantra that's that's amazing the paintings really cool by the way thank you that word to me really does seem to sum up what you've accomplished it's pretty extraordinary to go from homeless to where you've gotten today how has being relentless helped what does that mean to you exactly yes so for me I think life is just a you know have you seen the movie Deadpool of course oh course so Deadpool in that movie he says something about how you have like these brief moments of kind of peace until like the next accident happens right and that's just life in general you know it's never going to be complete smooth sailing one of the things that I've noticed about a lot of people is that they let the hardships and the things that happen in their life failure stop them from like alia said you know dust yourself off and try again right and for me I've just never let anything or anybody prevent me from achieving what I want to achieve so I've always had this relentless mentality and if you say I can't do something if I fail if I you know mess up it just motivates me even more I just become even more hungry and so I've always just had this you know relentless mentality I don't take you know no for an answer I don't take failure or acept failure at all and it's just always been kind of in my heart to not give up I love that there was a moment in your story that you've referenced a few times that really made me think of this I want to know what you did specifically I want you to take us back at that moment you're living in your car yeah somebody smashes your window and this is back in Virginia right back in this from Virginia yeah as hell yeah smash your window take all your stuff and now not only you - your stuff but you have a hole in your window in the winter right how did you react that moment well okay so there's one thing being homeless but there's another thing having everything taken away from you right so you know I worked throughout my teen years so I had Jordans I had like cool clothes Rocawear all this stuff that kids aren't wearing anymore right and you know for me like I was literally out of my car and so even though I was homeless I was still trying to uphold the appearance of everything being okay when that moment happened it was like whoa this is rock bottom because now all my clothes are gone all the cool shoes all the things that were material that you know I tried to fake it until I figure things out were gone now and not only that all the the elements so now rain and snow and all these things that get in the car so it was like mildewy and smelly and so I smelled right and so for me in that moment I understood that wow this is I thought things were bad but things are really really bad at this point and now I can't pretend anymore I just have to really embrace this I think a lot of times when we're going through things we kind of try to figure out how we're going to finesse our way into people not knowing that things are things are wrong instead of just saying this is my life this is real now you know and so now I had to go to school smelly I couldn't front anymore you know it wasn't just no-shave November I didn't have fresh clothes and fresh kicks and so I really just had to embrace it I think for a while in the beginning I really just tried to pretend for so long and then at that moment it was like no this is this is real and so when you say embrace it what what do you mean first of all and then second how does embracing it help you is it that you're no longer spending emotional and intellectual cycles in something pointless or what does that look like I think embracing it mean it means like okay I actually have to find a solution to this problem right so I think a lot of times in life we try to kind of put band-aids on our problems or issues and instead of for instance to Instagram air right instead of actually being successful or like moving out of our mom's basement or whatever we put so much energy and time into the presentation of not looking like that's the situation instead of putting the energy and time into actually finding a solution to that issue and so that point it was like okay I've been putting a lot of time and effort trying to pretend things are good instead of actually trying to find solutions and then that's when I started to do everything I needed to do to try to make money and just really when I say embrace it's not necessarily like accept it for what it is it's almost like okay this is real I need to figure this out yeah I think that's really powerful and I was just talking the other day about something very similar about you have to first accept your reality accept the truth of where you are right and once you accept the truth of where you are then you're not wasting the cycles on that then you can switch over into a solution oriented mindset which sounds like exactly what you were doing yeah so how did you begin to strategize your way out of that you were I mean at that point pretty young I don't think you'd ever done anything truly entrepreneurial so without any role models to chase like how did you begin to put those pieces together honestly was just learning from people on the street right so you kind of take in your surroundings you take in the people around you you see how they're making money and I just didn't like begging people for money and so I respected the guys that were like figuring out hustles right and so for instance there was a Amoco right down the street from me and so I would go there and I would watch wind chills and make money just try to save up enough money to just be in a motel for the night and I mean like the nastiest motel but for me it was just taking in my environment seeing how other people hustled how I can do it better someone taught me how to play drums on buckets and things like that and so you know I just tried to do any type of hustle that I could to kind of make things happen and you kind of learn like a lifestyle it's like oh I'm going to school dirty no go to the gas station go use the bathroom use the soap in there use the paper towels in there clean yourself up you figured out ways to kind of hustle like the way I discovered tech was that I used to go into the look I never went to the library and I'm like whoa this place is open till 8:00 and is warm and Computers an Internet what who never no one told me about this and so I just started to learn how others were moving and kind of adapted throughout it's really interesting and it's really interesting to watch you in retrospect begin to put the pieces together to be a voracious learner and one thing that you've talked about learning from that is one of my favorite subjects ever is that and let's piss some people off here really fast drug dealers are extraordinary entrepreneurs right and so my wife and I have a philosophy so I talked about it in your intro it doesn't matter where you start from it just matters who you want to become the price you're willing to pay to get there and I find that most people are not willing to pay the price right really hustling really figuring things out but we put out on the street that we would hire people even if they had a criminal record and so we ended up having a line around the building from people just trying to interview this back at Quest and it was crazy man some of the most extraordinary people that I met with criminal backgrounds ex-gang members former drug dealers we had one guy that just told me straight up like oh I was trying to get this job as a front for my drug money and I was like it's actually really clever this kind of press and so he and I ended up getting really close and and he's gone on to do extraordinary things but when he was breaking down for me what a drug dealer has to do to pay attention to like to know where the cameras in the neighborhood point to know where the blind spots are to know what undercover cops are around based on the cars they drive and everything it's just really extraordinary he was talking about how he didn't call them employees but like how he dealt with his crew and I was like dude I'm like you're a better entrepreneur naturally than I am by far but I've done more because I've taken an approach that is far more scalable because essentially what you're selling is risk but talk to me about that because you both learn from them but didn't succumb you didn't go back to it right so I want to understand like how you begin to tease out knowledge from people that are very unconventional right without just going well it's what I see so it's what I'm gonna do right so my supplier that was the first CEO that I have from that like literally like being a drug dealers like being a chief operating officer the things that they have to be aware of the type of all the types of people that they're dealing with and things like that and you you you got to realize that you know it's almost like a two-sided you know marketplace in a sense of like dealing with you know people who are supplying you with that the person that's supplying you like it's it's you know two different sides to it and so it's really impressive and at the time I didn't realize the things that I was kind of taken in and kind of learning you know you have sales goals you know you have to learn people skills you have to be able to discern you know different situations I talked about my time being homeless in my time selling drugs it's like those are the times where I really developed my emotional intelligence because you you get to meet people from all different walks of life people think the only people don't with buying drugs were from the hood like no like it was like VCU students Virginia Commonwealth University sorry VCU but like college students like all different types of people were coming around and you would see like you know and you have to be able to discern for that is like yo this guy that looks like he's not shouldn't be in our neighborhood is this guy undercover cop is this guy college student and we had all different like methods to you know trying to figure those types of things out but for me it provided a source of inspiration and a lot of people feel uncomfortable with that but I grew up not having anything you know and so to see these guys with a nice jewelry the nice cars the newest draw ends and things like that not saying that they were spending their money on the right things but it showed me that my family and a lot of people around me had just accepted a certain level of mediocrity that was generational and so for me I looked at them as wow if you have the motivation to do something for yourself and make something there's there's a lot of drug dealers it's not a lot of drug dealers that are making real money right it takes a certain like you know Jin sa quoi like you know to to get to a point where you become a boss right and so for me it showed me how you can separate yourself from the pack and really run things the way that it should be yeah that sentence will go down in my memory is one of the most fascinating janessa kua regarding drug dealers and what matters but the thing is really true and to your point about people get uncomfortable talking about it I've never quite understood why so my thing is learn from anyone that has something to teach you and that was the thing that so it's hard to fear that what you love so in in having so many employees that really were right or died for Lisa and I when we were building Quest it was like you you just you really fall in love with who they are as people and so and that's how I got to know so much about their real story not the sort of PR story but really what what went down right and in in loving them as much as we did for who they were then we could really open ourselves to what that story is and to some of the extraordinary beats and moments and so that time coupled with some big brethren that I had done for a kid in in South Central Los Angeles really is why we did impact theory for the very reason that you said you know there's a lot of people that are in this but there's very few people that really learn from what they're going through and so I'm looking at these people and it's their mindset that's holding them back right and it wasn't that we weren't encountering incredibly smart people we were but the people that they had to model after weren't the right people they weren't making the right moves they weren't investing their money and intelligent fashion all of that but it was all that they knew and so what I find really interesting is the inner city and poverty specifically break most of the people that that it touches great but every now and then you get an Everett Taylor who it seems to propel them forward it's like they're fighting so hard against that thing that they overshoot which is really interesting so how do you think of that beginning is it is it something that you think has now really worked for you or is it something that no I'd be even farther ahead if I hadn't had that it's the Rose that grew from concrete right it's like no matter how terrible a situation is no matter how bad it is there's still gonna be a rose that grows from that concrete and I feel like I was that right no matter what my situation was I was built for this I was not going to let myself fail right man I have that mentality and I understand that now that I grew from that concrete I'm starting to plant my seeds and there's more roses growing right and so that's why it's so important to be on a show like this it's important that you're doing what you're doing with impact theory because you know we're planting seeds man we're planting seeds in places that people like and should all never grow here right we're like no it can you know cuz there's a lot of people out there that have the heart to have a talent that have the ability they just have to see that someone else can do it and and that's you know that's important yeah for sure I always said that I think the next Einstein is gonna be discovered somewhere in Compton's where we were working at the time and I was just like the problem is they don't believe they can do anything with their lives and so our mission became those seeds right like how do you plant those seeds what is that what is that mindset that you have that you can pass on so if you know I mean you do know so you've got this potential generation they've got extraordinary things to offer but most of them never will they're not going to encounter this seed that you're gonna give them great what is in that seed like if that kid is watching right now he's in a library right now what do you want that person to understand that will allow them to build your mindset great I remember being in a library and I discovered Mark Zuckerberg and I've told this story a hundred times the part I haven't talked about often and I don't know why is that when I discovered Mark Zuckerberg yes I was inspired to be entrepreneur and be in tech but I said I can't do that I'm not some white kid from the Northeast with a Harvard education I can't do that but you know who I discovered cue rest in peace cue from WorldStarHipHop now however you may feel about worldstar right cue was a guy that looked like me from the hood no formal education no background in tech or the digital space and he built this super viral profitable website and at that moment I said oh I can do it too you have to be able to show people that there's other options and that's what spreading sees is all about showing people that they can actually do something different you know what do you think is your trait that is the most useful thing in terms of making you successful the most useful thing I think emotional intelligence I think I have a god-given ability to understand people what makes them tick what motivates them you know what they desire how they feel about things and it helps me build world-class products and world-class services and it helps me understand what companies to build you know everyone asks me what it's like my secret sauce with marketing the whole thing with marketing is like you can teach anybody how to do SEO or do like an Instagram hat or whatever what's that special what's that special sauce right what's that special thing and I think it's my ability to truly understand people right at their core that has helped me really be successful all right mister understand people at their core since you just scared poor Jimmy back in you know hardship land because you said that your talent is god-given there's nothing he can do about that he's convinced that he has no god-given talent right that he is just hopelessly average right what do you think about skill acquisition are there things that people can learn and if so how do they go about it well actually I think emotional intelligence is something that you can work on okay right so for me it's it's opening your mind and opening yourself to people I think a lot of people they are ignorant they are like rejecting change travel get out of your comfort zone meet people from all different types of backgrounds if you want to build a product or service or company that you want to build at scale and your friends are only the homies that you've been hanging out with since you know middle school probably should me some more people get to know them travel the world you know and even if you don't have the resource to travel the internet learn about different cultures learn about different people alright so he's there in the library sitting in front of the computer ready to type into the prompt what website does he go to what does he sir what depends on what you're trying to work on I think what's so special about the internet now is really anything you want to do you can learn like if you want to learn how to code if you want to be a developer you want to build a software you want to build apps you can literally go on YouTube and learn how to code and so what I would tell that person is what do you want to do tell me anything what do you want to do right now there's resources and there's things online that can help you build yourself into whatever that is so I think that that kid at the end of the day he has to have that kind of just I got to make this happen right here's the thing no one can teach you that no one can no one no one can go I can you know they say what you can bring a horse to water but you can't make them drink it or whatever I'm probably [ __ ] about that was perfect but but yeah you can't do that and that's the one thing I've learned through my time mentoring people through giving people advice I feel like we all have that friend that is always hitting us up for advice and then never [ __ ] takes our advice it's annoying right and so at the end of the day that person has to take that last leap you're at that computer you tell me what you want to do I tell you this is how you search this is this is how you find those resources now you got to actually go and learn yeah so one of the deepest de-stresses that I have in my life is that I can't want it for people right because there are people that I love very much that like you said they come seeking advice you give them very clear instruction correct do this yeah you will get this result do that you'll get that result you'll end up here and then never take that first step great either because like you said they're resistant to change or whatever but they they never deal right I heard an amazing phrase one time to your point about you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink and he said don't worry about leading the horse to water or making them drink just try to make them thirsty and I thought well that is really powerful and so then the question becomes how do you make someone thirsty and your life is a very intriguing glimpse into I think what the answer is here you said once that you used to think what was driving you was the desire to get out of poverty and to take care of your family but you said I'm more driven now than ever and I turn here my family a long time ago so what drives you why are you so thirsty now you know for me it's it's interesting because that it changes with time I am inspired by helping people if I can make money - damn that's cool - right but the thing that really gets me out of bed right now is my ability to help people I don't need any more money I don't need any more material things you know as well as I know that [ __ ] gets old right and you know it feels good temporarily but it doesn't really hold any weight or substance and so the thing that I feel like our legacy is how do we affect as many people as possible in the most genuine and impactful way right and for me that is what drives me today define impact in that scenario like in what way do you want to touch people well it depends you know everything is everything is different the the biggest thing that I want to do is help people get to their place of peace okay getting to their place of peace for a lot of people financial freedom is a big part of that I tell people all the time money doesn't make you happy but it sure as hell helps you find peace because if you're in a space where you're constantly worrying about money how are you gonna focus on what keeps you at peace right and so for me it's really getting to that core of what people are passionate about what brings them peace and in financial freedom let's talk about passion for a second I think that's really really an interesting topic I think there's a lot of misconceptions about what passions are how they're created what do you say to the kid that comes up to you and I don't know what I want to do with my life you're lucky because you have a passion but I don't have a passion right and I get this all the time and there's a sense of desperation it's like they're talking to somebody who's drowning great um what do you say to people in that position I don't think you can just put so much pressure on yourself I think like this is a marathon this is not a sprint right you never know when that moment is gonna happen in your life where you're you find that passion oh you figure it out the fun part is just trying a bunch of stuff like when you get to a point where you can just try a bunch of stuff it's like hey sit down make a list I'm interested in all these different things right okay I'm interested in these top five things now how can I do something that not only am i passionate about with one of these top five things but also make at least enough money to just get by now what I want to get into is you seem extraordinarily good at taking something that's sort of big and amorphous and putting some structure to it and then going step by step to figure out what you need I'm guessing the first time that you built Tec was for that company right so how do you approach learning like so to just frame the question a little bit for me I'm always trying to learn the vocabulary of the industry I'm going into so that when I read about it which ultimately is my goal to go read and be well-versed and just begin to sort of put shape to the saying I just write down the words that I don't know and I go look them up meticulously I'm not trying to like finish an article or anything I'm trying to learn the vocabulary right do you have sort of an entry level step or a way that you think about you know really getting a foothold yeah you know it's so interesting I was recently thinking about how every company of mine has started and pretty much they all start the same way whether I consciously or subconsciously subconsciously do this I immerse myself within the target audience of that product or service right I see a lot of people that want to try to do something and they don't talk to people they're like oh I think this is cool and so they just start working on it and the best way to learn from other people especially the people that you're trying to serve these products are these services - right and so for me like I said consciously or subconsciously I've always emerged myself into that target audience that culture those people and learn from them have conversations with them find out what they hate what they love right and that was extremely important and when you start to immerse yourself within this right you're gonna want to do more research for like art being a young black guy in art space it doesn't happen right it's not it's not a lot of us like the youngest art collector that I know outside of myself is Jesse Williams unlike Grey's Anatomy he's 37 right you know so he's like eight eight years on me so it's not a lot of people that I know and I'm like oh why is that right and so then I start to do my research and I start to learn why things are the way they are so it's like wow I put myself in this space I'm starting to identify problems now I want to research why these problems are problems and then figure out ways that I can tackle these problems right and so it's just like this step by step process and then when I think I find a solution to those problems I go back to that target audience and I started saying how do you guys feel about this or try this out what do you think about this is such a collaborative experience it's not just about you getting on the internet and just researching things I think it's about talking to people and really bringing different you know minds into the mix at the end of the day man you really gotta want it you gotta really want it and I think the problem is is now with social media before when I was growing up I didn't see all these examples of people having cool cars or doing cool [ __ ] all the time like right and now with social media I don't care if you're in like you know in the [ __ ] middle of nowhere you can log on an Instagram and see just this whole world of experiences and things the problem is it's like oh well these people have it so I should be able to have it and it's just like man you don't see the work that goes behind this man I started my first marking job at 14 I'm 10 years into entrepreneurship it wasn't until the past few years where I started really getting recognition for it right and so people don't see all that it takes to even get to that point and that's the problem and so they think it's supposed to be this this overnight thing goes oh I started an LLC give me money right no that's not how it works we talk about something else so my thing with that is I actually love the I don't know what I'm doing and I have to figure this out like that actual process right and because of that I'll win over and over and over because I can go into a new space and fall in love like oh oh yeah like I guess now in this weird world which I'm still not used to people are paying attention to what I do but I just love the process of going in and figuring something out right and if that's your mentality if what you're trying to do is acquire skills so is that you are capable of something like I think people acquire skills to check a box they're thinking like it was in high school or college it can gonna be test and you either pass you fail no this is like you can add value to somebody's life and thusly build an app and and make a lot of money right or you can't add value to people's lives because you don't have a skill set that's usable or desired great and you're stuck but if you love the very process not like the thought of oh this is gonna make a cool Instagram post but like if you love the the process then then you've really got something so I've recently gone into the comic book market long story why but I find myself in this place where historically I had a passion but I didn't know anything about the industry right and it's there's half of it that plays to my strengths and the other half that just is a succubus on my weekend and so it's like whoa I really have to face every insecurities that I have every lack of skill it's like and I have to figure it out or I have to outsource it to somebody or whatever and going into this side and being able to fall in love with that and then I'm in a position where I can monetize my content but I forget to even record the content because I'm so focused on learning and if people could like I feel a little bad because when you grow up with something it occupies a part of your mind this is this is real and because I grew up with I didn't get social media until I was like in my late 30s great so it was like man I didn't really it's not real to me it's a tool right it's a marketing tool it's an ability to touch somebody's life like all of that [ __ ] is amazing wait but I'm not thinking oh how is this gonna make a cold post and I think that's a big shift that if people could make that then they would just go about learning who you gotta love it you really gotta love it so I got ahead of myself and I had this idea for our decks which was formally called art noir when I was gonna launch it last summer so almost get into a year a year now I was like oh I'm launching this in a couple weeks it still hasn't like officially like we have like a community right now and all that but as an efficient launch because you know what I said to myself I was like dude I don't know as much as I should so I took a step back and I said I am so glad I did not launch that company then because you know you get excited and all that and I know so I took a year of learning I just took a year to learn just learn a space get to know people figure things out because even though I had been in a space for a little while I was more intentional about it before it was okay I'm just here cuz I love art and so I've been meeting these people and learning about this and this is what's needed but then I said no I want to be intentional about doing this and so I shifted my energy I shifted my time and I really got into it and it's also something that I love to do right and so yeah did I miss out on revenue that I miss out on you know making more money in 2018 and all this other stuff yeah of course yeah but at the end of the day I'm going to launch a much more successful business when I do launch it and it's because I took the time to learn and I just think that people are in such a rush to have something especially money money is like oh I gotta get more money but it's like if you launch something that's piss poor or shitty even at a point where I had accomplished so many things I almost did it right we're not perfect I'm not perfect you know I still [ __ ] up all the time and [ __ ] up earlier today like I was came here at the wrong time right so we we mess up constantly but it's a it's identifying and saying wait let me take a step back and let me do this the right way you sent a tweet about that I think late last year and you talked about basically that whole notion of you know hey if you don't know where something is going to go you might be leaving money on the table but you're better off leaving the money on the table and walking away knowing that you're not misrepresenting yourself and doing a bad job of a very quoting the tweet but it was that idea and I thought that's actually really powerful that's a really important message to get out there like yes you could grab the brass ring right now but it's probably going to end up being a lot smaller than what you could have accomplished it have been willing to take this step back focus on something other than the money focus on value focus on knowledge and I thought that was a really really important message where can people find you online just my name in Everett Evie er ET te it's that on Twitter Instagram snapchat for you guys who still use it and yeah man my websites ever tailor calm yeah man just reach out I'm a pretty like personable person so yeah it's like normally I end the interview by asking what's the impact you want to have in the world but I think you answered that with the piece yeah answer so I'll see something a little bit different what's one change that people could make in their life that would have the biggest impact on improving their life confronting mental health oh [ __ ] like it's it's it's honestly been something that has absolutely changed my life now you got to go into detail oh yeah for sure taking a few years back I was VP of Marketing of a company called koala rule we had also co-founders company called growth hackers and I was working on my marketing firm so I'm juggling three companies I'm working 20 hours a day something crazy I just wouldn't enjoy life at all and I have gotten to this crazy deep depression like I hated myself I didn't like my life got separated from my family because I was so focused it's just like you know and it got to a point where I've never actually admitted this on camera you ever like missed that call from your mom or you missed and then it turns into a week and it turns into it and then you start to feel this like anxiety because you know it's been so long since you talked to that person and it literally be like a month and I wouldn't have talked to my mom you know and it's it's because I [ __ ] I don't know what to say like I've literally been so stressed out and you just isolate yourself and I was in such an awful place and it is juxtaposed by people singing your praises it is the weirdest phenomenon in life when you're a public figure to have people saying how great you are and you [ __ ] feel awful and it got to a breaking point where my work started to suffer you know my relationships started to break and I just said you know what what is this what you know I gotta figure this out I grew up in a place where depression was naughty I don't even know if I knew what the word depression was like outside of like the [ __ ] DMX album the Great Depression like I don't know if I ever really knew what Depression was and you know it's taking me taking that initiative to like I need help this is what I'm dealing with this is what I'm feeling and I need to figure this out and it's saved my life I don't know what would have happened to me right the thoughts that were across in my mind the ways that I was feeling and I think a lot of times the thing that's stopping us from being the person that we truly want to be is ourselves that's usually ourselves and I think being able to identify mental health depression anxiety all these things that we're dealing with and say that we want to make a change and we humble ourselves to wants to make that change is one of the biggest barriers that one can break through well man that was really really powerful thank you so much for trying to be all somber at that no yeah no that was so perfect then you have no idea how much that drives me I think that that it's a real real issue and when I say that I'm terrified by the depression and anxiety and suicide that I see it's it's really scary and I I always thought that my role in the public sphere was going to be the business guy I always thought that I would help people build their businesses and what I have become is the mindset guy which I was me mindset was a tool for me to get good at business and now I'll be you know at an event or something and that I always used this example because it it was so striking guys big yoked because of my background in fitness I get a lot of followers that are Fitness so he's probably six to 230 I mean just a big dude and walking down the hall grabs me pulls me aside and he just burst into tears and he's like I want to kill myself like first words and I was just like [ __ ] like this is not the guy anybody would ever imagine is grappling with depression and and he is and so you know having things like that happen over and over and over you really start to think about people have to talk about it great you know what I mean and so I've certainly sort of being super open about my anxiety which for a while was crippling right because you're right like that's that's the breakthrough being able to talk about it being able to confront it and not let it get somewhere cuz you're embarrassed great I mean it's crazy enforcements is really really awesome yeah of course um guys if you haven't already be sure to subscribe and until next time my friends be legendary that was amazing Thank You Man appreciate it hey everyone I wanted to take a second to give a shout out to our longtime friends at audible I know you've heard me talk about them a thousand times before but that's because I literally live inaudible it is how I do virtually all of my listening and that's because with audible you can get pretty much any audio book in any genre and listen to it anywhere you are so whether you're at home at the gym on your commute whatever audible is hands-down the most convenient way for me to learn and I think that is true for a lot of people so start listening with an audible membership today and to get started you're gonna get a 30-day free trial you'll receive your first audio book for free and to free audible originals just go to slash impact theory or text impact theory to 500 500 when you start I recommend checking out david Goggins book can't hurt me it is one of my recent favorites in fact it's one of my all-time favorites absolutely love that audio book and what he did as a part of the read of that is really extraordinary it's very different I highly encourage you to check it out so if you want to get more reading done this year I urge you guys to do it with audible it's just a phenomenal way to do the reps get amazing information so go to forward slash impact theory today and start your free trial right now that's slash I am PA see t th e o ry or you can text impact theory to 500 500 give it a try alright guys enjoy as soon as I started doing everything that I loved there was a surge of power a surge of confidence I wasn't insecure anymore because the emotion that had the most dominance in my thought process and in my heart process was actually being paid attention to
Channel: Tom Bilyeu
Views: 226,800
Rating: 4.8982296 out of 5
Keywords: Tom Bilyeu, Impact Theory, ImpactTheory, TomBilyeu, Inside Quest, InsideQuest, Tom Bilyou, Theory Impact, motivation, inspiration, talk show, interview, motivational speech, Everette Taylor, Everette Taylor & Tom Bilyeu
Id: gvuqBX-9NvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 30sec (2550 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2019
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