Self-Denial (Taglish) - Jeff Eliscupidez

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] we're starting a brand new series that's why we have a good stage a good design a great design actually and it's entitled cross check okay and the bikes have been across check my jaw matalin pasteur what do you mean by cross check and it's going to run for four weeks and we're going to talk about different uh stories in the bible cross reference the way we believe uh the way to live our lives cross check me nothing cross check it just simply means to verify whether it's a figure or information by using an alternative source or method information and you want to verify uh request to pray so i received this um a girl in india church okay and then only to find out if you want to check i said to verify there's a there's a credible website called so apparently when i check indianapolis christian or mated service and church service but that's not true it happened in guatemala and origin and cinema it's a miscaptioned the event depicted in the video took place in guatemala in may 2015 and that's a problem because what you believe drives your behavior with because my parents is into iron and steel business in the in the in the province so my mother iron your belief is very important because it drives your behavior and and it's very important because today we're going to talk about uh jesus invitation and we're going to check that and it's important to understand later on your belief drives your behavior be careful how you think because your life is shaped by your thoughts wow how you be behave is just a product of your belief and the problem is saying because it will shape the way you live your life now my belief is doesn't do any damage or or indeed great damage but how about if your belief in god is wrong now that my friend made you deep deep in munich because bhagavad-gita spiritual belief it the ramification or the consequence is eternity you cannot afford that risk it's too high in worship only to find out malika hindi ross check and then we'll have a problem and that's what this series is all about we're gonna see the world's point of view and then jesus's words it's an exciting series isn't it so let's bow down the hedgehog we thank you and we just want to honor you lord god for giving us wisdom lord god to grasp your word today we know lord god that that your word is the ultimate truth a lot of seemingly true and reliable sources or truth lord god but at the end we just have to cross check with the bible with what you say that's why lord help us to navigate through this series for a month help us lord god to apply whatever we're going to learn dito is naming the cross check because this is your word in jesus name amen let's open our bible to mark chapter 8 verses 34 to 38 this is the shortest of the grasp this is um the the second of course of the gospel matthew mark luke and john it's written between the late 80s 50s and early 60s and matthew was written for the jews young look was written for the gentiles mark so it's a fast-paced gospel showing the readers how jesus is always on the move and today it will mark chapter eight and it happened in caesarea philippi this is the caesarea philippi uh two years ago i was there and i was given the chance to make a tour and this is caesarea philippi when jesus spoke he was somewhere here those are the gods during the time because if the art is sketched during the time of jesus it's a it's a buffet of gods the temple of zeus and nemesis if you want to worship other gods and jesus was there with his disciples w survey who do people say i am and but then peter stood up and said you are the messiah the son of the living god you're actually not a human being you are a god in the flesh and we know the stories of the jesus in the garden say yeah gallagher and revelation and from my father in heaven and and after that manila disciples during this time he began to teach it's this is interesting he began to teach them that the son of man messiah the son of the living god and all and then jesus teach them that the son of man must suffer many things and then re-rejection among elders and then eventually he will be killed and then mabu on the third day now if you are with the disciples they're expecting something an earthly kingdom jesus will be the king they will overthrow rome and then jesus back at my dying part but rejecting suffering killing um you are the most powerful being and jesus we're going to establish a powerful kingdom just like in king david's days and jesus was just talking to them plainly of all the people see jesus jesus christ see jesus i mean this you cannot declare someone as lord and meddle with this agenda are you to the point of great job look up here for you are not setting your mind on the things of god but on the things of man in this and across check the old testament and jesus started calling them with his disciples and he said to them if you want to come after me if anyone would come who want to come after me he set an invitation he extended it to all if anyone would come after me it's an invitation for all for seniors and for the the disciples anybody here you've turned down invitations yes it is that are exciting and of course information are full of life or enlivening and you're you're gonna die wanting to attend those kinds of uh invitation a concert maybe wedding simply means an anxiety that an exciting or interesting event may currently be happening elsewhere often aroused by posts seen on social media website google it's a pervasive apprehension that others might be having a great time a rewarding experience from which you can absent so far you have the fear of missing out when they want to invite simply means an anxiety now you miss out something soul enlivening so exciting and so enticing are you aware of this fire festival well it's a luxury three-day music festival supposed to be uh two years ago on the montgomery dapper founded by billy mcfarland and ja rule and it's a party it's the greatest party on earth okay private jet castle this happened in this this is a bohemian island of great exuma okay bahamas private jet kappa getting more you'll be social media influencers can't wait for the fire festival to happen hundreds of thousands of package dollars just to go there so you go in everything well good job so dummy like sign up just just just watch the uh netflix okay and somebody doesn't mark 8 34 and calling the crowd to him with his disciples he said to them talking about the invitation if anyone wants to come after me you need to do these three things that law oftentimes we come to god because we have a certain need and i get that 99 percent siguro now born again majority of you lumapika lord because there's something lacking anybody all of us came to jesus because we needed something right seemingly but in england requiring jesus you want to follow me you must deny yourself take up your cross and then follow me seemingly demanding and threatening and difficult demands having jesus christ to come after me deny pick up your cross and follow me definitely not enticing definitely not exciting definitely not enlivening though so this is my question for you and for all of us would you accept jesus invitation would you accept him when he said come follow me because this is an rsvp you want to sign up to this you have to agree to his terms you know what sometimes i think it's it's our fault as well as pastors sometimes we invite people to have a relationship with christ i'm guilty of this and i think this is a confession sometimes when i ask people to come to christ if you're suffering if you want to have a good life if you want to do your merit should be restored and yeah that's true partly but having a relationship requires isn't just accepting or getting something fixing your marriage or fixing your financial issues it's more than that so now let's start would you accept jesus invitation number one deny yourself everybody say deny jeff what do you mean by deny yourself self-denial so does it mean i will abandon my personality no does it mean i'm going to be like monks practicing ascetism i'm going to go up to the mountains and then just deny myself of all the luxury and indulgences no the word deny it means it means it's it's a very strong greek word when you say deny yourself it means to disown to refuse to be associated with it suggests is strongly reject especially the source to utterly refusing to recognize the original source involved when you say deny yourself you're denying everything not ikaw it doesn't mean personality more but since our sinful nature before coming to christ we're sinful we're selfish we're self-absorbed to deny yourself means to turn away from the idolatry of self-centeredness apart m if you really dig deeper your kindness is motivated by selfless selfishness rather we are living in a me me me generation apart from christ and jesus was saying you want to follow me deny yourself of self-centeredness because our very nature pata for people will be lovers of money of self rather lovers of money proud arrogant abusive okay let's have a practice okay you hear you're disobedient to your parents ungrateful iphone 6 more yolo you only live once joe looks without self-control sex sex by now sacrifice later brutal [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] rather than lovers of god because you're so full of yourself that's hidden in him the pursuit of pleasure and intrinsic goods it's the primary and most important goals of these people hedonism at all costs just to retain my power at all costs sex the boss parama promote at all cost hedonism wow because you're thinking the more stuff i have the happier i'll be having the appearance of godliness but denying its power it's highly possible that you're so religious and you jesus christ i mean mary and joseph they're doing all the religious activity they lost jesus in the process you can be too busy doing church and miss out on jesus that's legalism by the way you think you can earn your salvation because you're a good christian good luck you're like a pharisees and you look down on people no no legalist people also i mean look at the apostle paul if you think you're you are a christian and you are really religious look at the apostle paul if anyone else think is the reason and confidence in the flesh i have more this is apostle paul before he became apostle paul he was circumcised on the eighth day and israel of the tribe of benjamin hebrew of hebrews as to the law of pharisees considered persecuted church as the righteousness under the law blameless paul if you think you're you're righteous in your own side we're not gonna reach paul's righteousness in terms of of the law examination but whatever gain i had i counted all laws wow so self-denial is not just for sinners but also self-denial are those people who think they are holy they have all the form of christian but they don't have the power form and power pura forma well in power so jesus is saying you want to follow me here's the key self-denial an utter rejection of self-sufficiency and self-will that's why when the bible says blessed are the poor in spirit because when you come to a point of spiritual bankruptcy there's a sense of deadness there's a sense of bankruptcy you will come to god lord i have nothing i may be so rich i may be so beautiful but lord when i come to you i have nothing that's what it meant when you say deny yourself because we're so sinful to the core we're saying god is saying you want to come after me deny yourself and next pick up your cross okay what do you mean by cross jeff well during that time jesus in the panamani mission jesus hasn't mentioned that he's gonna die of crucifixion but the disciple knew when jesus said pick up your cross then you immediately oops suffering oops humiliation because cross always equated to shame pain opposition and death so because it's a common thing back then there was one instant 800 jews were crucified in one blow there was another instance 2 000 jews were crucified there are roughly around 30 000 crucifixion happening during that era so crucifixion is just so common that time so when jesus said to peter and the rest of the disciple you want to follow me you're going to pick up your cross jesus was saying you want to follow me there's going to be suffering and oftentimes we come to christ thinking but christian suffering but christian everything will be okay our marriage will be blissful we're going to have great kids going to church yeah that's part of it but let me tell you jesus said indeed well i don't find pretending during the the the contract not only jesus put it in bold letters you're going to face troubles cross equates suffering but not all suffering doesn't mean it's crossed okay when when you say not all suffering are cross because wicked people suffers and it doesn't mean they're carrying their crosses i mean wicked uh they they made wrong decisions or finances relationship they're suffering not for the sake of the cross but because of their own foolishness so when you say suffering by the cross it means suffering that comes because of a faithful connection to christ it means you're suffering because you prioritize christ there will come a point of time you're gonna cross check me now i have to close this business because according to the word of god it's not glorifying to god you're gonna suffer some of you need some of you i talk to people pastor how can i let go of this same sex relationship i've been with this woman for 12 years she's my only relative in the philippines and she cannot fathom the fact of suffering loneliness wow you're going to suffer it might not be dying on the cross but suffering is for sure for christian so if you're living in a bubble and apart of feeling more everything is okay i'm a born-again christian that's not what christianity is we're gonna suffer because for the sake of christ we're gonna encounter opposition anybody here you've been persecuted by your own family members i was counseling someone ayo baptized he did this wow following christ demands suffering and by the way uh just for just for uh uh some people here okay around the city normally pinup so you're going to carry that bar and you're going to travel the whole city because it's a public spectacle it's a public declaration to the whole world that rome is right you're admitting your fault i'm really a sinner i'm really an adulterer i'm a murderer when the reason why before cilapaj was a they're going to go to the whole town because they're declaring rome is right i am guilty that's what you do so there's no such thing as convenient christianity let me convince christianity remember thinking now everything is okay big new concert came to those people say lord lord christ what it entails to follow christ in james one to the four he's the purpose of the suffering dear brothers and sisters when troubles of any of you come consider it as an opportunity for great joy what troubles that's great joy of someone for you know that when your faith is tested and it's testing and your endurance has a chance to grow so let it grow according to this verse in nlp for when your endurance is fully developed you will be perfect and complete needing nothing you see trials suffering picking up your cross helps you focus more on christ who among you here you came to the knowledge of christ in the midst of your suffering most of us maybe there are a few of you now set up them you have everything that you need but still there's something lacking and you need to encounter christ but to most of us here we get to know christ because of those times that we're suffering we're needing something so the idea is this it's like this little tree the more you grow higher the deeper your roots should be the more your spirituality gets bigger the more kaluma the more you humble yourself before god paramedic so that you will be strong the more actually the more you're going to grow higher and stronger that one is very important as a christian and and the reason why a lot of christians a christian a lot of christians counting because there's no roots they thought that following christ is all about having a great time so let's finish this it says here if anyone would come after me deny take up his cross and then follow me the word follow me it means you have no choice it means lordship and oftentimes we view jesus for some of you you think that jesus christ is like a gas station you're running out of gas stations boy we treat jesus say santa claus i did something right bless me oh i'm naughty don't give me a gift because you keep records of who's naughty or nice that's not who god is we want jesus as a savior i get that but are you aware that jesus referred to a savior only 24 times in the bible refer as lord you'll be amazed 622 times it means it's overwhelming nasty jesus hindi language it means from the time you got born again and from the time you're going to go to heaven he is lord of all or not at all it cannot be selective jesus worship finances john macarthur said we do not make christ lord he is lord those who will not receive him as lord are guilty of rejecting him either you receive or you reject there's nothing in between cristiano because when you say lord you don't make him lord he is lord you're either submit to him or reject him but there's nothing in between jesus's invitation is costly isn't it would you agree with me it's costly to accept this invitation to follow him don't you just recently but that was a part of jesus blessing withdrawal healing i like that jesus give it to me oh my gosh give it to me lord don't you just reach the following christ is just all about having a good life and convenient life and comfortable life but it's not it's costly but then again jesus individuals there are three more verses or four more verses but jesus didn't just say no no no he gave four arguments it's embedded in those four verses there are four four okay okay four four okay there are four fours here four four four four each verses have those compelling reasons why you will choose to follow me he didn't follow me because i'm god because i said so no no he gave an argument that it will be better for you to follow me than not to follow me i know it's costly to follow me but it's costlier to not follow me i'll get to the point piglet and he says very shortly it says here for whoever would save his life there's the first four for whoever would save his life will lose it but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel sake will save it okay you don't want to deny yourself so you want to leave yourself to the max a british lifespan of filipinos 70 years great you have 25 500 days the moment you're born to enjoy to the max [Music] 80 years old and jesus saying you want to keep your life you don't know what the you don't want to deny yourself go ahead but whatever will happen you're going to lose your life eternity because what you thought was life was not actually life what you thought was sex with india it's like it's not life it will ruin your life actually you're here you want to enjoy all those exciting enticing exhilarating enlivening parties go ahead but the moment you want to keep your life you don't deny your life for me you're going to lose it you know what happened to this party and apparently hindi our lives experience no they were all disappointed [Music] [Applause] they sued the guy and he's now in prison for six years and multi-million lawsuits they were able to deliver miserable airports and all next four four what does it profit the man to gain the whole world and then you'll forfeit your soul you don't want to deny yourself you don't want to sacrifice for me go ahead enjoy life to the max here's a sample the rich young ruler who approached jesus right he was morally wealthy materially wealthy he came to jesus looking for something good teacher here's the word looking for eternal life he actually asked the right question how to gain eternal life and then somebody jesus simply lang looking at him he loved him and said to him you lack just one thing and give it to the poor and you're going to have treasure in heaven and then come there's a word come follow me your own agenda your own your own plans and jesus just gave him the right answer sell follow me deny yourself follow me pick up your cross follow me you know what he did he went away sorrowful and the bible gave us the reason why for he had great possessions he made the wrong decision i don't know if he's in heaven right now i don't know but at this time he cannot be in heaven because he didn't follow jesus because he had so much possessions he was yeah he was morally wealthy excuse me he was materially wealthy but he was spiritually poor but be careful be very careful life is not about having a convenient life if god requires to give your life for the sake of the gospel i know people like that because this is a christian nation if you go to other parts of the world christians are being murdered churches are being burned what does a man for what can a man give in return for his soul what are you willing to give for for your soul of course everything and anything because we're talking of eternity don't love the world and forfeit your soul lastly another four whatever for whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation of him will the son of man also be ashamed when he comes he's talking about the second coming in the glory of his father with the holy angels so jesus was saying yeah it's costly to follow me but i'm telling you it's more costlier it's costliest it's the most costliest thing but enough finally it will cost you more you're going to spend eternity in hell you're going to have all the luxury in life uh giving all the indulgences in this world and then you're going to die rotting in hell and jesus was saying it's not worth it count the cause is it really possible to follow jesus because yep i'm here up then and you're not gonna deny my pick up the cross you know why it's easy to follow i'll tell you why you know why it's possible to follow i'll tell you why because when jesus said come follow me it means he did it first that's why meron sample peg somebody said philippians 2 5 8 look at jesus having this mind among our yourself which is yours in christ jesus who though he was in the form of god he was god he's part of the trinity he did not crown equality with god a thing to be grasped look at the word he emptied himself meant to say he became man he is in heaven being worshiped by billions and billions of angels day in day out 24 7 20 30 he's being worshipped in heaven and now he became a baby a helpless tiny little baby he became man he emptied himself by taking the form of a servant not to mention he's born so being born in the likeness of man being found in human form he humbled himself talking about denying yourself and not only he denied himself by becoming obedient to the point of death he sacrificed he picked up his own cross died the death he should have not died but then he chose to give this life for you and me that's why when he said deny pick up your cross it's possible because jesus did it for you and me so would you accept jesus's invitation today of course because it's possible because there's no other option for you i'll tell you it's going to be short-lived enjoy it to the max it's not worth it it's empire no more it's not worth it going to enjoy life it's not worth it what good for a man to gain the whole world and you're right in hell it's not worth it honor god in everything you do lordship is an all or nothing deal let's all stand our feet today let me just pray as we start this series this is just the foundation of this whole series that when jesus demanded us deny take up your cross follow me because he loves you and me hindi power tripping because followers no no no because he knew if you do not follow him that's the worst life lived not to mention throughout eternity that's why today [Music] i hope and pray that you're really willing to deny yourself pick up your cross and follow him that when jesus speaking to you lordship is lord not my will but yours be done let's bow down our heads father we thank you lord god because it's invitation to follow you is something lord god now hindi naming deserving in fact what we deserve lord god is not to follow you what we deserve lord is to fear you because we're seen full and yet look at your extending this grace to have a relationship with us lord god not possible because you did it for us you deny yourself being god and yet became man you humble yourself even to the point of death so that we may live get lord i pray today [Music] the thinking christianity is all about a comfortable life that christianity is all about a saturday 4 to 5 30 thing long the christianity is just about i gave my tithe so that's it and then indiana he called lord for the rest of the week lord i pray that you will recalibrate their thinking not thinking that there's so many things that we can do for your glory and there are many things we don't want to do that so lord may you not be not just our savior but our lord capability just pray for these christians give them the grace to be reminded daily pick up your cross daily give us the grace lord in jesus name amen amen amen you
Channel: Victory Fort
Views: 47,904
Rating: 4.80339 out of 5
Keywords: victory, victory fort, honor god, make disciples
Id: lNJxCd2qhuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 51sec (3051 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 24 2019
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