"Self-Control" Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr. (Pass The Fruit - Part 8)

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praise the Lord this is the day that the Lord is made and we're rejoicing and glad in it I'm glad about it I'm giving God praise for another glorious day he's blessed us to see and I'm excited that you've joined us wherever you are in this world thank you for tuning in and I'm praying that God's gonna take this word today that I'm going to be ministering from Galatians 5 I'm finally finishing the series I've been doing for the past eight weeks on Galatians chapter 5 verses 22 and 23 and today we're gonna finish with the last fruit of the Spirit it's called self-control you know anything about that fella have you ever met him we're going to talk about self-control today and I believe it's going to help strengthen you and give you insights on how God empowers you to have self-control god bless you thanks for joining us [Music] bless your name Lord father we honor your name and we worship your name we give you the glory and the honor and the praise your marvelous God and how excellent is your name in your ways we come before you today Heavenly Father just to give you praise and adoration and to pause this morning and to collectively worship you together to tell you how grateful we offer every door you've opened every prayer you've already asked and every every every person you've delivered in every way that you've made out of no way we give you the praise we come praying for the persons whose hand we hope we call their name out before your altar and ask you to work a miracle on their behalf give them a breakthrough give them deliverance Almighty God break chains have your way in the name of Jesus rebuked the hand of the enemy bind that devil on every side and ilish the power the Holy Ghost in our lives is our prayer Father we pray not only for each other but we pray for our brothers and sisters around the world who join us around the world through the internet or some other technology God speak to them allow your truth to prevail let us be your mouthpiece in your instrument these next few moments and we pray Heavenly Father that you touch live save somebody reclaim restore plant and encourage build a hedge around this place father rebuke the devil we bind every demonic and destructive spirit and have your way this day let what you were deign before the foundations of the world we accomplished this day in Jesus name amen [Applause] all right open your Bibles with me to Galatians chapter 5 this is part 8000 of this series I've been doing on passing the fruit if your guests with us today we're preaching from Galatians 5 we're doing this series on passing the fruit Galatians 5:22 and 23 says but the fruit of the Spirit is love joy peace long-suffering kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness self-control if you have a King James Version it was a temperance it gets such there is no law today we finish up this series finally we're self-control you get receiving [Applause] we've been we've been we've been walking through this too versus looking at each one of these non-fruit that the Apostle mentions that our fruit of the Spirit this is how you know when the Spirit of God is flowing and operating in your life there will be the evidence of the sign of these nine fruit and we're going to finish up on this one called self-control y'all notice the last several weeks we've been coming out with these this what do they call it you know but it's a it's a I know it's a fruit stand but it's a prop prop it's a prop somebody say prop it's a prop we've been bringing these fruit out every week and they look good these fruity food they look clean they look good they look and they're real it's not use a real bananas real apples real lemons and peaches and plums and oranges and grapefruit I'm getting a hungry just going through looking at there there there they look good some I said they look good I've been trying to do better with my health I've been trying to exercise more I've been trying to eat better eating more vegetables Yucko and fruit and trying to do better with this eating healthier and I've been told that fruit and vegetables will help me live longer and help me be healthier yeah but if I have the fruit sitting on the stand but I never eat it [Applause] [Music] you want some dungeons [Applause] [Music] [Applause] when I get through preaching you can go up didn't get anything you want from us you will note that this fruit is it's not rotten it's it's it's good not decayed it's not right but I can only tell that by taking a bite into it and we can only tell how good your fruit is by taking a bite into you we don't know how good your fruity is sitting up here in church we don't know how it is why are you sitting at home watching television but we can tell how good your fruit is out on the parking lot when you leave [Applause] somebody rubs you the wrong way say something to you that you don't like when you're on your job and your boss treats you in a certain way or cut a co-worker or subordinates treat you in a way that you don't appreciate that's when what your fruit looks like what your fruit will reveal what it looks like when when you get treated in a way that you don't want to be treated when what your what your response is what your attitude is what your mouth is what how how often and how your neck roller here roll around on your neck I can't do it but y'all know how they either don't know how to shift your head around and all of that that gets that debt when you get pressed that's when we find out what your fruit looks like some of y'all look good in church just like those fruit up they look good they look great y'all look good sitting up here that's what y'all look like up there but that somebody rub you the wrong way and they somebody treat you in a bad way then your attitude comes up comes up to the forefront yeah it gets manifested it gets shown up and I wanted to talk and and close this series and I thank God that it closes on self-control because we live in a culture where people are out of control somebody on euro is out of control maybe not in here but when they make ya'll know we've been talking about this for a few weeks people out of control the lady jumped out the car and start beating on the Metro bus the other day y'all see that now I said that Sunday elder I said you know people always correct me all that you know every day I get corrected on something I don't know why they do it either but I said that I said that Sunday I hope she ain't a member here you know somebody had the correct pastor why would you say she might be a member here yeah but I don't want to see my members beating up on buses now you know it's trouble something for you to belong to a church and been exposed to the teaching of the church and been under the Ministry of the church and still cut the food and that food now they come now I want them to come I want people to who jacked up messed up bad attitudes of rotting fruit I want them to come and let us work with them but I don't want you to be I don't want you to be a member of this church ten years five years five weeks and walk out of here and treat people in a bad way and God knows I want us to treat each other with a level of honor and respect I don't want our members fighting over the same parking space I don't want us treating the community not letting them get into the cuz y'all know we got to have you know y'all won't let y'all won't let the community come out y'all y'all be leavin y'all got y'all in such a rush y'all won't let the people in the community get out of their neighborhood on to the Main Street so we have to put police officers there and then women the police tell you how to stop and let the people in the community come out some of y'all ignore the police officers you only got to like me I'm gonna talk about a female y'all came to 12 because I want me to take my time and we've had people in this church run over the police officers ignore the police officers hit police officers if they won't listen if you will run over a police office if you would ignore a man with a gun and a badge and the authority to arrest you what will you do with somebody who don't have a badge or please please when y'all act like that please we're late to pull you over them when they arrest you say this is my first time at your church I'm Jessica [Applause] don't tell them you remember the First Baptist Church's going on out here acting like that we believe that our people should be better more controlled by the Spirit of God and be respectful and honorable to all the people we should be killing these we should be breaking unnecessary no you take the parking space no you take the park to say no I would never dare cut in here and cut through all the traffic and come and steal the parking space from you and you was here first you take the proximate would you ought to be saying I was here first but because I'm so Holy Ghost field you take the parking space for you notice how the clefts is getting lower and lower with everything that I'm saying but we have people who are out of control in this verse this passage we're closing out this series on self control we need people with self control God wants you to have self control but we live in a culture where people don't have self control now when you read this verse right here normally people relate it to self control as it pertains to sex but there's more than sex that you need to have under control it does refer to sex but it also refers to some other things some of y'all ain't got no self control in some other areas all of us got some area that we have a trouble we have a challenge of being uncontrollable everybody here got something that captures your attention attracts you make you weak in the knees makes you look in that direction y'all got to saying that just look straight adhere nobody know I'm talking about everybody got something that captures their attention everybody somebody look at you they would see everybody young y'all know I got problems with Twinkies go ahead pass the Twinkies when I walk in the 7-eleven the Twinkies call my name in harmony they get in a choir they start singing they die saying come over here I'm here for you the Twinkies call my name and you know what they say to me they say to me what the same thing that your thing say to you they say look around and make sure there's nobody from the church in here [Applause] and you know what I do I look around this p-51 ain't nobody from the church there they said go ahead by me that's what they some time being honest with y'all yeah they say that's what they say they say they say by me but only eat one of me they say one Twinkie ain't gonna hurt you here's what else they say this will be the last time [Applause] [Music] - yah here means to you today they call my name y'all y'all don't testify see Church P but they don't testify about stuff that they don't have problems with they testify about stuff they don't bother them there you know I couldn't it's no I can't boast today that I'm not tempted by cigarettes I've never smoked never even taken a whiff of a cigarette of any kind in my life I can't brag on that I can't brag that I'm gonna drink liquor ain't never had a hit or a sweet what's the call [Applause] she calling out Hennessy and what I tango right don't turn nobody's I ain't never done that and he never had a drop of liquor he never had a drop of beer in my life he never I'm not tempted by that my temptation comes in some other areas ain't none of your business what it is look at George Scott Samuel Linda [Applause] he gonna tell us what his thing is yeah Twinkies everybody got something that you have to exercise control over allowing it to grab you now let me tell you what the definition put the definition of self-control up here real quick put the definition up on the screen there D is self-control to control your own desires curbing fleshly impulses this is what this word right here means self-control it means to control your or curbing your fleshly impulses some of you are in trouble because you let your impulses drive your life you let your impulses rule what you do your impulses you feel the urge to do something you do it you can't walk past certain thing you can't some of y'all can walk past a liquor store you can't walk past something you you are that urge comes and you do it some of y'all can't walk past a sale [Applause] when you go to rock in there when you go to rock and they hit the dog the dog barks the dog that it hits bark where did that come from where was that yeah there it is right there so my wife went in the store the other day for one thing and she came out with 20 bags talk about she's saving me some money I told her I don't save me no more money I don't like the way you save money I don't like that we can't be everything Christ wants us to be if you don't learn to get your impulses under control your impulses can't drive your life you cannot let your impulses govern and rule your life and that's that's the will of God and that's why this this rule is important you got to learn to let the spirit a guy guide you and not your flesh some of y'all let your flesh and you tell me of your attitude you out of control you're out of control men are out of control and women let me tell you the amens are getting lower and lower and lower the women some women are more aggressive than men today [Applause] the women are going up to men saying I won't you that used to be unheard of the women are sliding their numbers to the men y'all can handle the truth Kenya the minute the Dominical being dogs but we got some female dogs too don't write me no letters don't send me no email it's true and I'm talking to those who are Christians who want to be everything God wants you to be and telling you the will of God is for you to get your impulses under control you got to learn to walk on by some things you got elected you got learned and that let those Appeals just pass over and not let it govern and rule you you got to learn we have to learn and some of you keep going through the same thing over and over again and you want to know why you keep going through the same thing over and over again why do you keep getting hooked into the same kind of relationships over and over again why do you keep having the same kind of challenges over and over again and the reason is God's trying to teach you something you can't go to the second grade till you complete the first grade successful and ultimately God is trying to take you to a place God's trying to take you somewhere he's trying to get you to your destiny but there's something let me tell you something there's some things God's not going to allow you to take into your destiny that you have with you he's not gonna let you go to the 12th grade with some things that you didn't learn the lessons in the first grade you got to learn and that's what all the life is that's where all your challenges your problems your issues the things that are causing you drama that's why they are there they are there that you have those experiences and no challenges because God's trying to teach you something he's trying to get a lesson inside of you he's trying to get you to a place of maturity he's trying to squeeze some stuff out of you so that when you get woo God won't let you fail in the dark so when you get in the light you won't be an embarrassment to this thing and this is one of those things he wants you to be he wants you to have your flesh under control and for you to not be driven by impulse and somebody say Amen Christ amen we got to get it under control now what I want to do is give you two passages of Scripture and then I'll be finished I know it's late it's already 1:30 almost thank all five of y'all for that rousing the information Genesis 39 I'm gonna give you these two passages that I would be finished here's the first one Genesis 39 that's in the Old Testament it's the first book in the Bible you made me nervous when I say Genesis you go to the back of your Bible it's it's in the front of your Bible Genesis chapter 20 39 and I'm going to start at verse 1 Genesis 39 starting at verse 1 say I got it when you get there this is time to story about Joseph Joseph had been sold into slavery let me tell you that verse 1 now Joseph had been taken down to Egypt and Potiphar an officer of Pharaoh captain of the guard an Egyptian bought him from this issue Ishmaelites who had taken him down there so he's a slave Joseph the slave the Lord was with Joseph and he was a successful man and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian and his master saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord made all he did to prosper in his hands he was a slave in part of his house and part of a saw that everything that Joseph did made him success he was a good at it he was successful and he prospered at it verse 4 so Joseph found favor in his sight and served him then he made him overseer of his house in all that he had he put under his authority so it was from the time that he had made him overseer of his house and all that he had that the Lord blessed the Egyptians house for Joseph's sake and the blessing of the Lord was on all that he had in the house and in the field y'all got that thus he left all that he had in Joseph's hand and he did not know what he had except for the bread which he ate now you get this this man put everything in Joseph's hands to control and matter of fact the scripture said he didn't even know what he had other than the food that Joseph gave him to eat and then the in the Bible says something very interesting Joseph was handsome in form and appearance he was a good-looking man somebody said just like you pass it go ahead say it why are y'all laughing y'all supposed to say he was a handsome dude and he came to pass for her seven look at this after these things that his master's wife cast longing eyes on Joseph and she said lie with me but he refused and said to his master's wife look my master does not know what is with me in the house and he has committed all that he has to my hand there is no greater in this house than I know has he kept back anything from me but you because you are his wife how then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God this man exhibited self-control his demands wife his boss's wife came on to him y'all know most men would have hit that and there's nobody with huh did I say something wrong [Applause] why y'all making noise what did I say did I say something is it true but here's what kept him he said I don't want to sin against God this man had a he is what helped him have self-control he recognized that God saw what he was gonna be doing what would happen and matter of fact in verse 10 so it was as he spoke to Joseph has she spoke to Joseph day by day that he did not heed her to lie with her or to be with her every day she didn't just try to hit all in one time she tried to she did it every day she was aggressive how many other women today can be aggressive [Applause] don't write me don't send me no email please don't I know I'm touching on some delicate territory here but it's truth [Applause] verse 11 I'm almost finished but it happened about this time when Joseph went into the house to do his work and none of the men of the house was inside there was nobody in the house with just the Torah till then she caught him by his garment saying lie with me but he left his garment in her hand and fled and ran outside you got to learn when you got self-control sometimes you got to run you got a run he ran he ran he ran when I was a teenager I had his girlfriend and she said to me you know we've been going together for a whole month we've done nothing a whole but I ran up out of there I got a fire somebody a pastor what's wrong with you that's why I'm standing here you sitting right there because God will elevate you when you make the right choices will you learn and the chick god what some of y'all have never got Cain elevates you because you haven't exhibited self-control you can't get yourself on the control now here's the other thing that you got to learn to do the text say he left he left he ran out of there he fled and ran outside and I don't have time to talk about the rest of the story but I do want to zoom in on he left his garment sometimes when you get in the situation you got to leave some stuff on you got to be willing to take a hit I know some of y'all we got a lotta some of y'all are shacking up and living together and you don't know what to do because y'all financially obligated sometimes you just got to run and take the financial hit of losing money until cuz you want God's favor you want God's in on you you can't get righteousness by starting off unrighteous you can't get holding this bus parting off unholy go ahead and preach pastor y'all don't like this kind of preacher but I'm trying to kill a demon running after your impulses I'm trying to help you get in the right with a holy God I don't care what society says I don't care what the culture says you can keep living about what the culture says or you can do what God says and experience God's faith Joseph exhibited self-control and what blesses me at a time when there was nobody in the house but him and her he exhibited character because character is what you do when ain't nobody looking character is what you is revealed when you make a choice when when you could hit it and nobody will know what happened y'all got quiet on that point some of you need to have your character developed the God wants to develop your care that's why you going through these cycles over and over again because God wants to develop your character you say why I keep getting the same kind of man why I keep getting in these broken and bruised relationships because you keep getting attracted to the same kind of wrong guys because you're acting by your impulses y'all better start learning to be attracted to people's character and not their cash stop being attracted to beauty and see if they got some brains I know that button breasts might be big [Applause] but that don't make character some of the most prettiest people in the world are the most nastiest people y'all keep getting attracted to people about what they look on the outside and the car they drive and and the clothes they wear y'all oh oh oh oh I meant to tell y'all when it comes to this shopping impulse thing cuz y'all keep buying stuff how could I forget to tell y'all the job keep shopping for something buying all these clothes and you got a pair of shoes every dress you got an eye hat and a purse you can't wear but one pair of shoes at a time you can't wear but one hat at a time when you can't wear but one you can't carry the one person at a time but y'all keep buying and getting in debt and charging your card and wonder why God ain't trusting you with more y'all he got to say nothin to me you want to know why God can't trust a little more cuz you've been wasteful with what He has given to you you'll need to have all these different shoes closet full of shoes black shoes match everything [Applause] is that true yes it is black magic every day [Applause] you ain't even got your shoes on Oh black matches everything doughnut setup that's why y'all not gonna get nowhere cuz y'all buying all this stuff all these closet full of clothes ain't nobody ever looked at your resume and so they got some pink shoes let me hire them ain't nobody ever hired you for that no let me say this cuz I got it you know I got when I'm when you pastor a Negro people you got to make everything playin it's nothing wrong with you having blue shoes and red shoes and pink shoes and brown shoes if you can't afford it [Applause] how much you pay for those shoes where the camera get up you get a look at this shoe hey char you like them how much you pay for 120 120 dollars for pair shoes tennis shoes do you have a savings account no you ain't got no savings account got no savings account you got your own house no you got your own house you only 18 ain't got no time oh oh [Applause] I quit I'm just leaving [Applause] he got rich shoes ain't got no job [Applause] paid $120 for his shoes who bought inform your parents you bought oh you had a summer job but you ain't got no savings yeah but you got some shoes what school you go to Eleanor Roosevelt alright make sure you take when you when you go back to class make sure you take the don't buy tennis shoes class until you have a savings account I'm playing but I'm serious I'm using you as an example but I appreciate you letting me beat up on you like that alright are you a member here yes praise the Lord I'm glad y'all y'all of driving around in fancy cars paying five or six hundred dollars pulling up to the apartment in your copy of your to your apartment complex in your fancy cars your rims are spinning you pull up to the parking space you get out the car go in the house the rims are still spinning why are you in the apartment when that $4,000 you pay for those rims could have gone in a bank account that helped you save up enough money to put a down payment on a house stop scuse me for a second I'm gonna try to hurry up and finish I'm trying to get this point across about impulse buying that's what I'm trying to drive home this whole acting and responding to impulses that's what I'm trying to you know you see something you like it and you want it and you will spend all costs to get it it's great if you can afford it but mostly most people most of us can't afford to waste our money like that y'all buying all these purses you shopping every week getting a dress half the dresses you bought and you can't fit no more come on holla at me for just a second tell the truth you know charge up your car you're still making payments on it now you can't even fit it no more you got a closet full of clothes and nobody ever hired you for your closet full of clothes ever nobody never done and I'm praying that God helps you have self-control Joseph exhibited self-control he was in an environment in a moment in a situation oh all y'all telling me not all y'all but many of y'all telling me the black don't match everything let's see you lose everything you have and you need to go so let's see if you gonna put on some black now let me close I know I'm going I'm running I'm running on let me close with this let's go to first Corinthians chapter 10 I'm trying she Sam teaches something today I try to preach and teach every week but just Saints don't like this kind of preaching first corinthians chapter 10 says this first Corinthians 10 verse 13 listen to this no temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man here's what that means there's nothing that you're facing that's unique to that you being tempted by everybody got something they're tempted by and you're not special it's common to everybody no temptation has overtaken you except that which is common to me everybody gotta get it's gonna be tempted by something everybody got something that caused their name everybody but then it says this but God is faithful I want to shout like that I want to hang my hat on that that we serve a God who's facing its faithful for what look at this God is faithful to do two things here's number one God is faithful to do number one he will not allow you to be tempted to beyond what you are able he will not allow you to be tempted about beyond what you're able here's what that means is that when temptation comes to the door if it comes to the door it isn't God already knows if he if he permitted it to come in the door come in the vicinity he already knows that he has prepared you to be able to deal with it if you can't handle it it wouldn't come in your in your arena if you couldn't handle it it would not happen that's what he promises that's what God is faithful and it says right here but he will with the temptation also make a way of escape when when the temptation comes to the door there's another fella that comes to the door at the same time his name is a way out and it's up to you her so who you let come in the house he's faithful to always give you a way out you have to make the choice and what I'm trying to tell you to do to stop letting the impulses of your flesh govern and dictate your life that would kiss you that's what got you have so much trouble this is letting the impulses of what you like manipulate control your coming your life instead let the way out come in because God is faithful won't let you be tempted to beyond what you're able and he will with the temptation always provide a way out that's why I love being a Christian he needs it away father in the name of Jesus I thank you for this opportunity I'm grateful I'm humbled at what you promise to do for us in the name of Jesus I'm grateful father that you will make a way out for us help us to identify impulses help us to see what it is that our flesh our fleshly impulses are drawn to and give us father the wisdom the fortitude the mind set by your spirit just say no in Jesus name give us that spirit light Joseph that even though we may never be caught that we want to make the right choice now father draw somebody today who needs Jesus somebody who needs forgiveness of their sins somebody who needs to rededicate somebody who wants to join his church somebody who's unsure father's beating their hearts right now I pray and draw them in Jesus name Amen all right give the Lord a shout of praise [Applause] look at your neighbor say are you right with God are you back slidden do you need to rededicate are you unsure just get up and come down here that's you right now don't be ashamed or embarrassed just get up and come we're gonna shout and give God the praise I'd say back something unsure save the DOE church home come on right this moment [Music] [Music] [Music] so fun stuff like this I'm here to break thank you bro thank you anybody else just come don't let the enemy hold you back Jesus is calling Jesus is calling come right now come this moment this instant the day you hear the voice of God talking to you come right that moment right that instant and say yes to him don't let the devil out of you don't let the devil [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is a time if you are nice if you're if you are saved in you but you need a church this is the time to come to you already walking with God and you have a relationship with him right now is the time to come as well this is a day don't put it off don't you know what when you hear a message like this that devil will try to tell you every reason why not to come and today I reviewed that devil in the name of Jesus we bind that spirit and we welcome the power to Holy Ghost who I know is knocking on your heart telling you to come right this moment come right this day don't be embarrassed but come and say yes to the Lord Jesus right now is the moment and the time to say yes to Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's right come [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh you need to do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm so proud of this young lady her name is Kinesis I said why you come back she says because I want to serve Jesus she's six years old if fix your openes can have the curvature come down here you gotta have the courage to come on and say I'm gonna get right with God I'm not gonna put it on I might have to lose some garments but I'm gonna say yes to the Lord anybody else I'm waiting on one more person for you and where is your um where is she presence of God is calling in this seat [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] all right you'll be give the Lord a shout for these sofa [Applause] all right the person behind you is a counselor they're going to take you in the back sit down they're gonna talk with you they're gonna find out why you came they only give you instructions on what to do some of your coming to get safe you only save today something you coming to rededicate they're gonna help you get me dedicated to the Lord some of your not sure they'll help you get it sure and some of you already say you want to be remember this church they gonna give you the direction of what you need to do let me pray for your father I thank you for every man woman boy and girl that has come right now I know it's not an accident but that father you have draw them today I pray Heavenly Father that they would that you would meet their need right where they are and accomplishing that what you were deigned in Jesus name filling with the power of your presence and be glorified in their life in Jesus name I pray amen [Applause] you [Music] [Music]
Channel: Inside FBCG
Views: 92,095
Rating: 4.8066463 out of 5
Keywords: Pass The Fruit, Self-Control, first baptist church of glenarden, FBCG, Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr., John K. Jenkins Sr., Pastor, Glenarden, YouTube Pastor, The Truth, Truth
Id: 4Lgj5dNmz14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 2sec (3122 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 09 2018
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