Selene Anatomy Explored - Is She The Oldest Female Mutant? Why Is She Called Mother of All Telepaths

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or I'll drein every last oun after so many years of fighting for their rights and safety the mutants finally have their very own Nation yes I'm talking about ccoa Keen X-Men fans would know that in ccoa there are particular protocols that allow their residents to be resurrected or reborn basically making them Immortal but not all mutants need that especially not the vampire who has been around for 17 Millennia this vampire had sunk her teeth into the Marvel Universe and trapped every reader's heart since her introduction in July 1983 you must have guessed who we are talking about today but in case you haven't I'm talking about Seline Standing Tall at a height of 510 with electric blue eyes and jet black hair Seline Gallo is a creature to behold her powers have allowed her to stick around for so long and as fans we do not see her going away anytime soon but how does she manage to do that what is the secret behind her long life in today's video we will be talking about that and hopefully by the end of the video we might just be lucky enough to know how to survive a fight against her before we go into our explanation we have a very small request if you like our content please support us by Subs subscribing to our Channel this is a small click for you but for us it means a lot thank you let's begin control M who is Seline why is she the oldest mutant alive while she may not look like it Seline was born 177,000 years ago before the Aras became the most prevalent race in the world and after the ocean swallowed up Atlantis SEL was born somewhere in Central Europe she was born in a tribe where having a young mother was normal but as we know when the mother is quite young there can be complications during childbirth and a lot of times it becomes difficult to save both the child and the mother her mother managed to survive the childbirth but she passed away before Seline was old enough to speak her first words that was obviously because of seline's powers this was noticed by the tribal leaders so to keep the Child Alive the elders told her mother's people to sacrifice themselves to Seline this remained a trend until no one was left from that side of the family except Seline all the lives that were willingly given to her gave Seline the sustenance that kept her going since she was around that era Seline had a runin with another villain of the Marvel Universe who had been dominating Our Heroes for a while I will give you you a hint he is an impostor and he has a cannibalistic power much like seline's which allows him to get his abilities if you're thinking about kulon goth then you are right the impostor kulon goth and Seline started going logger heads from the hiban age so their Feud has been running for a while she had tried a lot more than that to stay around for longer though when the Roman Empire was flourishing and had grown into one of the strongest EMP empires in the world Seline became a part of it there she met a fallen Senator called olus she seduced the broken man with Promises of love and immortality as long as he helped her make countless sacrifices olfus at first was okay with this plan and he willingly gave his blood to her ponds to make the sacrificial symbol on the walls of the city however deep down elus was a kind man he had saved a slave girl from starvation and not wanting her to suffer a horrible fate he warned her about the event that would take place the younger girl informed her father who informed the authorities the authorities decided to burn both elus and Seline at the stake for their plan of mass murder Seline found out about the whole thing and felt betrayed by elice so she turned him into a vampire creature and left him alone for the rest of his life after taking his life force she has tried time and time again again to make more sacrifices to drain the life forces and sometimes she definitely succeeds but the sacrifice that her tribe made for her is the biggest reason why she managed to stay alive for so long how does seline's touch absorb Life Energy I know I have been mentioning her deadly touch for a while but how does this touch of hers actually work allow me to explain overall her power is Supernatural in nature there is no scientific way I can explain her touch but it is made clear through the use of her power that Seline can control exactly how much she exerts her power when she touches someone she forms a psychic connection with her victims this allows her to psionically drain the life force of her victim and take it into her body while taking the life force of her victim the cells in her body rejuvenate and become younger on the other hand her victim's body dries up and eventually crumbles if she drains the entire life energy from them the life force that she drained from the victim is the key secret behind her youthful appearance but this is the same energy that she uses when she is attacking using her other abilities so if the life force is drained from her significantly we see Seline look older in an instant she ages rapidly owing to the depletion of the power and to return to her youthful State she has to Simply drain another person as long as she can maintain a particular spoken amount of Life Force Seline does not age as we do not know how much life force she needs we cannot say how frequently she needs to feed on the life force can she transform someone into a psychic vampire sucking out someone's life force has to come with some sort of pros and cons there's no way this type of life-threatening act can come without its own price whenever Seline sucks out someone's life force she ends up taking their memories with the life force as well obviously if she is getting access to the memories of a person she is getting into a person's head now this ability of hers allows her to control people to a certain degree feeding on a victim's life force in a significant amount but not draining them result in that victim turning into a psychic vampire under seline's control but the exact mechanics of this type of control that she exerts on her victims is entirely unknown and hard to guess how does Seline use absorbed Life Energy to boost her superhuman abilities one of the major pros of having this power is how it affects seline's body upon sucking out someone's life force as I have mentioned before Seline grows younger clearly the cells of her body become younger effectively changing her body age to a far younger one than her actual age so understandably Seline is definitely strong for her age but that is not all the life force that she absorbs in a way enhances her her already present physical strengths she becomes a far stronger opponent once she gets a considerable amount of Life Force other than glowing blue with red eyes which can be quite intimidating Seline gets superhuman strength which allows her to lift up to two tons of weight her speed increases manifold allowing her to move at a superhuman speed of around 175 m per hour however this is not a continuous speed that she can maintain it happens in in short bursts of high speed this is because whenever she uses her super speed there is a significant depletion of her life force energy leading to her rapid aging but she makes up for it with her superhuman stamina and unexpectedly sensitive Reaction Time Seline has quite the formidable durability which makes it extremely difficult to defeat her she can withstand a bullet to her heart a knife Stab Wound is nothing more than a mere scratch to her in fact she can even survive being thrown into lava how does seline's body produce and manipulate intense heat and flames you might be curious about how Seline managed to survive when she was thrown into lava I have the answer to it Seline manages to survive this through her pyrokinetic ability she can psychically create Flames around her talk about a hot body once she has created those Flames up to a certain radius Seline can easily control and manipulate the Flames that are present she can easily direct the flames in whichever way she pleases this ability of hers also helps her control Flames from other sources so if she were to face off against someone who has clear pyrokinetic abilities chances are Seline would simply snuff out their Flames now there is something that is extremely cool about seline's pyrokinetic abilities that I have to talk about when it comes to other pyrokinetic users that we have seen whether it is Zuko from Avatar or the Phoenix force of Marvel universe itself whenever they use their ability the thing that they are focusing on is actually on fire there's no doubt about the fact that the thing that they focused on is going to be burnt to dust there will be no remains no blood no bone no Ash but when it comes to Seline the Flames that she produces can be illusionary in nature as in they might seem like Flames that will burn you but actually there aren't any Flames at all whenever it comes to her body however Seline protects herself using a psionic shield her body is not necessarily fireproof instead her psychic powers work over time to create this fire repellent layer that covers her entire body to make sure she does not get burnt is she the mother of all telepaths the title mother of telepaths is not a title that is given to anyone so certainly when it is given to Seline there has to be a reason Seline who has been around for a while while is an external she is a part of this Loosely connected subset of mutants who are not only Immortal but have some sort of connection to one another she obviously ended up within this subset because she has been around for a while so if she is the first telepath to have ever existed since 177,000 years ago then in a way that does make her the mother of all telepaths she is a high order telepath owing to the sheer intensity of her powers talking to someone psychically or reading people's minds is something she can do without using even the most minuscule amount of her powers so you can only imagine how strong she is it has been shown that she can easily do all these things over a huge distance with ease so Seline definitely would not have required cerebro to reach out to every other mutant had she wanted to do that other than these basic telepathic Feats Seline is also able to Shield herself from psionic intrusion this makes her an extremely unpredictable villain for obvious reasons she can also project psychic blasts which can hurt people without exerting any physical strain on her body these bolts are so strong that they can easily make her victims pass out or experience severe amounts of pain depending on the intensity of the psychic bolt she used this psychic bolt to subdue Hulk himself when they faced off against one another and I don't need to tell you that it is extremely difficult to take down the Hulk so there is a lot of credibility to her psionic vaults if you can put your victim in a hypnotic trance are you truly a telepath well Seline can thanks to her telepathic prowess putting people into a hypnotic trance for a moment is something she can do in the blink of an eye remember how I mentioned that she can have momentary bursts of superhuman speed yeah well whenever she uses that speed Seline also puts her victims in a hypnotic trans for a moment this makes them think she is teleporting when actually she's not her telepathic abilities are so strong that she can easily project herself astrally which helps her survive some brutal blows and she can survive for quite some time in her astral form which even popular telepaths struggle to do this is probably why she is considered to be the mother of all telepaths can she transform herself into a shadow Selena is the black queen of the super Elite hellfire club and rightfully so while in the previous iterations of this character one might think that she got the position because of her dark sorceress Powers I personally think the current iteration of her character is much more suited for that position in recent years Seline is depicted in the comics as the substantial mass of Darkness that lives and breathes amongst us she can easily appear and disappear and not only that but she is able to control the darkness at her will she can use the darkness to even imprison her victims in some of the panels where we see this happen I find Seline reminding me of the horror icon Tomy by junjiito the same pupiless eyes pale skin and jet black hair when Seline used this power of hers her entire body became tendrils of Darkness except her face those tendrils wrap around her victims imprisoning and engulfing them while her pale face floats around them scar isn't it does she have more magical abilities than Doctor Strange Seline has been around for a while not just because of her life force draining power which no doubt has come quite in handy whenever the topic of immortality was in question but I think the greatest thing that helped her survived for so long was her sheer wit and cunning Seline had a knack for magic dark magic to be more specific her curiosity pushed her to gain more and more mystical knowledge and as she has been around for a while her know know is practically endless she is such a strong sorceress that at one point the eye of aoto the magical Talisman that stays with the sorcerer Supreme chose her as a candidate who is the current sorcerer Supreme in Earth 616 Doctor Strange so clearly without any doubt we can say that her magical abilities are comparable to that of the doctor her magical prowess is so huge that all the things that she can do are yet to be cataloged but so far we have seen her cast and counteract spells with ease she can bring forth monsters from other dimensions without much trouble and she can also project magical energy bolts to hurt her victims is she Immortal this is a very good question is she Immortal well if we look at her character we have to say that yes Seline is Immortal it is no secret that seline's main power is not immortality but it comes with immortality as long as Seline is siphoning the life force from unsuspecting victims she can remain alive and there are plenty of people who would love to die at the hands of Seline so yeah she can definitely survive long enough to be considered Immortal as she is an external she can rapidly heal her wounds having someone's life force definitely speeds up the healing significantly other than that Seline who can survive in her astral form for long enough can easily resurrect herself from Death this too seals in her ident as an immortal character does she have any weakness throughout the video I have detailed everything regarding seline's power anyone can see that she is not someone you can defeat easily you have to defeat her by exploiting her weakness and not by simply besting her in a fight but what are these weaknesses that you can exploit well for one you can always drain out her life force if you make her use her superhuman speed for a long period of time theor ically speaking you would be able to drain out her powers quickly enough and make her die from old age another way you can kill her off is by ripping her heart out and eating it this has to be done by another external and not just anyone now as I have mentioned externals are a group of immortal mutants who are connected to one another if One external rips out her heart and eats it then they have to do the same for every other external if they fail to do so then Seline will come back well that would be quite the gritty end of this character let's be honest do you see anyone taking down Seline because I don't no matter who attacks her she would be able to survive it owing to her astral projection power so like a toxic ex Seline will come back no matter how much you try to get rid of her you see Emma can't be trusted and if it were up to me it isn't marvelous verdict as most fans of the X-Men series know sine has left ccoa from the limitations that the nation put on her Seline has been freely feasting on the life forces of several people she obviously has a Sinister plan and that involves Reviving externals who died creating the external gate after claiming it for herself Seline joined hands with orchus who have made it abundantly clear that they have no good intentions so we can only imagine what type of new drama this new alliance will bring our way over the years Seline has made her place as a formidable opponent in the Marvel universe so it won't be surprising if we end up finding that she has joined hands with more than just orchus also before I end this video let me quickly mention one thing that I am super curious about Spider-Man fans have reasons to believe that Madame Webb has joined hands with Seline because Madame Webb's looks change like seline's does after her powers are drained if Madame Webb ends up becoming one of seline's psychic vampires then that would be quite an interesting Dynamic to follow and if you liked our content don't forget to leave a like And subscribe to us if you haven't already have a good one and be safe thanks [Music] everyone
Channel: Marvelous Videos
Views: 30,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FQjs3k7Rsj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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