12 Hidden Powers Of Emma Frost That Even Terrifies The Likes Of Magneto From Here - Explored

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to on sight the White Queen of the hellfire club has stun the fans of the X-Men series ever since she was introduced back in October of 1979 the super villain who turned out to be one of the greatest allies of the X-Men and eventually became a renowned teacher is known for her wit sense of fashion and Beauty if not her telepathic abilities but there's more to her than that and in this video we'll explore all of her amazing Powers so let's dive in before we go into our explanation we have a very small request if you like our content please support us by subscribing to our Channel this is a small click for you but for us it means a lot so thank you let's [Music] begin she has organic transmutation abilities we all know that she's an Omega Level telepath this is the mutation that we know her for the best she can go toe-to-toe with jean for this and can achieve a lot more things which we'll discuss soon but you will be surprised to know that this is not the only type of mutation that she has Emma Frost is one of the very few mutants who has a second mutation writer Grant Morrison and artist Frank quietly introduced this mutation in the 114th issue of the new X-Men while the primary mutation does not change the way she looks the second mutation changes her look completely yes we're talking about her organic Diamond form but how did she manage to get it Emma gained her secondary mutation when josha was being destroyed however a flashback explains the origin of this mutation a little bit more in this flashback we learn that Cassandra know NOA Charles Xavier's evil twin sister catalyzed this mutation so that Emma could survive the harsh environment of josha but is it really the truth we don't know but what we do know is that this mutation makes Emma extremely strong every cell of her body crystallizes to make her a sensient mobile Diamond form she can tackle anything that you can throw at her in this form she can easily survive terrible temperatures her speed increases many times over and her strength increases giving her the capacity to deliver and take forces up to 2 tons she has Limitless stamina because all of her cells halt their production of toxins the cells are seemingly Frozen in their Peak condition which leads to her becoming this Unstoppable Force however there's one small con to this mutation Emma is unable to use her telepathic form you would think that means Emma becomes open to any sort of telepathic attack yes well that's partially the case because once in her Diamond form while it is true she cannot use her telepathic abilities the diamond form grants her protection from pretty much all types of telepaths except for a handful so this one small con can otherwise be ignored Emma can stay in this form as long as she wants and she can change into this form in a fraction of a second so overall this secondary mutation is a huge boost that Emma can use to defeat anyone whenever she wants to she can survive without breathing one of the most incredible things about her organic Diamond form is how it changes her cell functions as I said in this form her cells crystallize and seemingly stop at their Peak Performance this allows her cells to work overtime without releasing the metabolic waste products that deplete her stamina this also means that her metabolic functions are stopped to a degree as a result of this halting Emma Frost does not need to breathe when she's in this form this allows her to survive dire conditions which is why she's the best Ally and the worst enemy you could have Emma cannot be stopped She has the Phoenix Force we know Emma Frost had a few run-ins with the Phoenix Force I personally remember the Phoenix 5 Arc the most where the Phoenix force was shattered into five pieces and it attached itself to the five nearest people making them its hosts Emma happened to be one of them but that was not the only time at after she joined the X-Men again and became part of the faculty Phoenix Force decided to return to life unexpectedly it came to Earth and used Scott's powers to replenish itself the X-Men knew that this situation was quickly going to take a turn for the worse if they didn't stop it while they didn't trust Emma much the X-Men had no other choice but to ask her for help the times were dire and the plan that they came up with was quite desperate Emma asked the Phoenix Force to possess her to which the Phoenix obliged but not everyone can handle the Phoenix Force so soon after Jean Gray was resurrected who took the Phoenix Force out of Emma this incident right before the House of M in the Phoenix 5 showed Emma as the host of The Phoenix Force but what is our cunning White Queen like when she's paired with one of the strongest forces in the Xmen Universe well I have to say that she's pretty Unstoppable when she has the Phoenix Force she gets a few added powers on top of the old ones her telepathic Powers become stranger she can easily set her enemies on fire and project energy blasts her strength gets boosted to the point that she can be easily put in class 100 plus the best example I can refer to is when she was fighting Thor in that fight the Thunder God Was Defeated with these see Emma was in her Diamond form and almost baited Thor into shattering her in her Diamond form you would think that would be the death of her but nope thanks to the Phoenix Force she was able to control individual shards of her Diamond form after she was shattered she reigned the diamond shards onto Thor and then reformed herself this strategy definitely helped her defeat the Thunder God with much ease Sentinels can't detect her Emma Frost is one of the strongest telepath in the Marvel Universe and there are no two doubts about it she's a force to be reckoned with and that's for good reason too she literally defeat de Charles in a telepathic battle because it turns out that she's a level 10 telepath she has displayed her telepathic standards several times she can broadcast her thoughts and change perceptions and memories with ease causing mental pain to anyone is not an issue for her because her ability to manipulate psionic energy blast is literally that good as the saying goes if you can dish it out you should be able to lick it up for Emma she has that on lock just as good as she is when it comes to dishing out psionic attacks she has pionic shields in place to protect herself from other telepaths trying to intrude she can easily erect a shield to defend herself and others if she wants this Shield makes herself and her colleagues highly resistant to any form of mental intrusion from psychic powers to Illusions and hypnosis she can also easily take the psionic shields down if she wants to as most fans know Wolverine has a level 9 psionic Shield that protects him from any type of mental intrusions thanks to Charles Xavier however as Emma is at level 10 she can easily take those S Shields down this ability allows her to easily bypass the scanners of Sentinels the mega robots designed specifically to hunt mutants she can even go through through the shields present in the Sentinels and attack the operator present taking down Sentinels with ease running hiding we'd find you Henry there's not a for Emma Frost's invisible Mastery delving into her psychic cloaking abilities when you're an Omega Level mutant whose main mutation is telepathy surely there's a lot you can do and Emma definitely shows off her prowess whenever she can she uses her abilities in more ways than one and if you look at the way she uses her powers I would say she uses her telepathic Powers as a defense more often as if being able to breach through the psionic shields were not enough she's also able to cloak herself she uses her telepathy to cloak her mind and presence from not only the Sentinel scanners but from other telepaths as well this allows her to remain right under the noses of people but still go undetected she's the Espionage Queen and honestly that role suits her well now this technique of cloaking is not a common practice and it is certainly not super easy to do so of course there are flaws if a powerful telepath is specifically looking for the cloak then sure they will find it and that usually exposes Emma but for the most part there are not a lot of people who can overpower her and even if there are they're not actively looking for the cloak but I hear you scream what about cerebro well that's a valid point my friends what about cerebro this machine was actively designed to go through the mutants mindes and when Charles operates it his already vast Powers get Amplified sure Emma cannot run away from these Powers but this is Emma the business tycoon who's quite cunning she's figured out a way to bypass that as well she can rearrange her mental ingrams with ease this rearrangement wipes away her distinctive mutant thought patterns and hence whatever device or telepath is after her Emma can easily bamboozle them and be safe Al decliner Eric lens he's here to kill you mental siphoning exploring her ability to absorb knowledge Emma Frost was from a wealthy mertile family that came and settled in the US in the 1600s from England she was the second of the three sisters in the frost family and had an older brother unbeknownst to most of the family all three Frost sisters were mutants her father Winston Frost did not really care much about Emma because she never excelled in school when her powers emerged she and her father were approached by Xavier who had detected her powers the father daughter Duo were uninterested Emma stayed with her parents and used her powers to excel in every part of her life she ended up crushing on her teacher Ian kindall and decided she would become a teacher herself much to the Chagrin of her father when her father caught her kissing Kindle in front of the frost estate he got Kindle fired and basically crushed Emma's dream of teaching so when her father elected her as an heir to the estate Emma also gave up on that and left to lead her own life her father cut her off and started Living her days working as a minimum wage employee she used her powers to make her day easier like trying to pay for food with a newspaper instead of money she was soon caught and she was forced to wash dishes at the hotel where she was staying this is where she met Troy Kil Kelly they got into a relationship and moved in together but here's the thing Troy was no knight in shining armor in fact he owed a lot of money to a lone shark Emma used her powers in a casino to erase their financial issues but the lone shark claimed that Troy owed them more money because of Interest this led Troy and Emma to recording a video of Emma's kidnapping and using it to extort money from Winston but Winston refused to acknowledge Him as his daughter claiming she was already dead to him due to the lack of money Troy was killed by the lone shark that's when in her rage Emma decided to use her powers to absorb all the lone shark's knowledge about business Adrien Emma's older sister thought the video was legitimate and that Emma was in grave danger so she took the video to the news which forced Winston to pay up Emma took this money and started a new life in New York she dyed her hair the signature blonde that we associate her with and enrolled in the Empire State University here two main things happened one she met another mutant known as astred Bloom and two she met Ian kindall again who was a lecturer there Bloom was a far more experienced telepath than Frost and she started training the ladder on the other hand when Emma learned that Mr Kindle was dating her roommate Christine McDermot she confessed her love for him they got into a relationship but Christine was not too happy about it she threatened to expose Kendall's illicit relationship with students so as decided to influence Kindle into choking Christine but when Frost learned about this she fought with asid mentally and she was defeated this is where Emma absorbed all the knowledge that astred had about telepathy that she needed to know sure these events led her to realize she can absorb Knowledge from people Emma also learned that people did not look at mutants in a bright light when kindall dumped her over her powers even though the same power saved his ass Emma's ability to absorb knowledge by entering someone's mind is one of the first Feats that she did with her powers and we see her use this time and time again if Emma has seen a particular skill set in work that she needs she can simply enter the brain of the unsuspecting person and take it all for herself similarly she can also transfer knowledge if there's any need for it [Music] pathetic exploring her body alteration abilities you can almost consider body alteration to be a skill that goes hand inhand with Emma's Powers other than transforming her body into a diamond there are two ways Emma is seen altering her body she can always transpose her mind into someone else's head spooky isn't it she can easily corrupt and manipulate a person's mind without anyone knowing in the 152nd issue of Uncanny X-Men we see Emma use this ability of hers to destroy the X-Men from the inside she took over Storm's mind and tortured storm while in there while Storm's actual Consciousness was being squeezed dry by Emma Emma was using Storm's body to attack the X-Men rendering them helpless to her attacks because any retaliation would hurt their teammate eventually auror managed to break free from this mental bind but you can understand just how scary Emma is if you've watched the X-Men first Class movie you'll surely remember Emma there in one particular scene she tries to seduce a military officer and while the officer thinks he's making out with Emma the real Emma is sitting on the couch snacking on a cracker her ability to make others see someone who's not there is quite terrifying man and wife you may kiss Bri mystery of her memory manipulation and mental healing abilities with her expertise in the telepathic field surely there are certain things that she can do that will help others accessing any memory whether it's on the surface or buried deep within is a piece of cake for Emma she can use the memory to hurt her Target by making them experience the excruciating emotional pain of going through a traumatic memory over and over again but Emma can also take that traumatic memory and erase it completely healing the person from trauma this is something known as psychic surgery this whole process is done using a power that stimulates or dulls out the pain and pleasure Center of someone's brain once she sedates you with her mind your mind will be Emma's playing field no wonder she's a super villain she can talk to animals over the years one can say that Emma has radically changed in terms of her powers she started off as a novice telepath path and quickly climb the ranks to become an Omega Level Mentalist add her Diamond form to it and you'll have a Powerhouse that you cannot defeat now sure with all the added-on flares Emma is a dangerous person but her weapon of choice has always been her telepathy in the third issue of Devil's Reign X-Men this Baseline power of Emma gets explored and oh boy do we have news for you in this comic book William Fisk becomes the mayor and using his Newfound power he drives out or imprisons the superheroes of New York City Emma who was an ambassador of kcoa used her status to prevent the X-Men from suffering the same fate but this was not seen in a good light so soon enough Emma was taken into custody under false charges to escape from captivity Emma used her telepathy to convince the German Shepherds of the police to attack them instead she even took a moment to thank the dogs before they fled the scene it is true that there are a lot of telepaths who may be stronger than Emma in terms of their powers but this new edge of being able to talk to animals telepathically gives Emma a whole new realm that she can use for good or evil which gives us hope for more terrifying and exciting story lines power nullification unraveling her ability to suppress others abilities a telepath can do a lot of things to you if they want and there's nothing that you can do to stop them from having their way with you especially when the telepath that you're dealing with is as strong as Emma in the mutant world most of the mutants have to believe in themselves for their powers to work well Emma can simply walk into their mind and shut the power off mental or physical Powers Emma can locate the power off switch in the brain with ease but this is not mind control because the mutants have their free will they just cannot seem to use their powers to protect themselves in the ones they love we've seen Emma suppress Scott's Powers which is terrifying given that his powers are uncontrollable and hard to control without proper tech support oh exploring her ability to reform after Diamond shattering Emma is practically invulnerable when she's in her Diamond form however for plot purposes we have seen it shatter quite a few times like that one time she was shot with a diamond bullet in those instances Emma was brought back with the help of plot armor the coolest moment of her reforming even after being shattered was when she was a part of the Phoenix 5 in the fight she goes against Thor and owing to the Phoenix force her control over the individual shards she breaks into is Amplified and she's able to reform herself in a few seconds she survived the blow from the molier ripped through Thor and proceeded to beat the God of Thunder into a pulp with ease she's truly an indestructible Force she can overpower Hulk's blows if you were to think about the strongest character in the Marvel Universe Hulk has to be on the list Hulk has gone up against Thanos Colossus and even black panthers vibranium Panther habit all of these were considered to be impossible but Hulk made them look easy so in the mutant World Hulk is seen as an Omega threat and rightfully so in the world war Hulk X-Men Charles Xavier banished Hulk into space and Hulk obviously had no intention of going so when Hulk finally returned he wanted to have a strongly worded conversation with Charles and by that I mean he was going to beat up the Professor Xavier willingly surrendered himself but the X-Men were not going to let him go without a fight Emma wanted nothing to do with it but as she witnessed the Rampage caused by Hulk she decided to turn herself into diamond for and get into the fight she ated her friends and while she landed some punches and kicks she also got a few blows herself getting hit by the Hulk is not an easy thing to take but Emma not only took the hits but remained standing proving to us one more time how strong she truly is you've never manifested these Powers before no marvelous verdict Emma Frost may have been a terrifying opponent back in her villain days but over the years she's shown that she's willing to change she's proven herself to be a valuable Alli to the X-Men whether it's by being a double agent or just by being the PowerHouse fighter she's confident and Unapologetic and there's no doubt about her loyalty once she makes it clear Emma Frost is never backed down as a person she's always in control and she's not intimidated by anyone if you want to look up to a strong female character who's cunning and witty she's your girl and if you like our content don't forget to leave a like And subscribe to us if you haven't already have a good one and be safe thanks everyone a
Channel: Marvelous Videos
Views: 28,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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