Jubilee Anatomy Explored - Is She An Omega Level Mutant? Can She Destroy Entire Earth By Her Fingers

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standing at 5'5 there are a lot of things that are wondrous about Jubilee even though it may not look like that at first other than her determination and sheer Power of Will that urged her to push forward after going through so many hardships Jubilee has some cool powers in her Arsenal that make her stand out as she is a mutant who was a vampire at one point and then returned to being mutant today we will look into how her vampire powers and mutant Powers joined their hands together and made Jubilee the absolute unit that she is so strap in and let's see what exactly Jubilee brings to the table other than her fiery personality before we go into our explanation we have a very small request if you like our content please support us by subscribing to our Channel this is a small click for you but for us it means a lot thank you and let's begin who is Jubilee how does she get her mutant power Jubilation Lee better known as Jubilee is one of the longest running X-Men in the team and eventually she became one of the the teachers of xavia Institute to teach young mutants like herself about what she had learned but her life was not sailing so smoothly Jubilee was the first generation immigrant in her family her parents had moved from Hong Kong for that American Life they were quite well off because Jubilee was born in Beverly Hills now as we know the biggest fear of Asian parents is when their kid is a failure so they were decently strict with jubily when she showed a passion for gymnastics her parents pushed her forward and soon that led to her being a really popular gymnast in her Elite Beverly Hills School however despite what seemed to be on the surface Jubilee was not so innocent after all well sure on the surface she was the pride of her family with her gymnastics ability when she wanted to de-stress she did so by hanging out at the local mall with her best friend to make their Hangouts a bit more exciting the two best friends would often commit Petty robberies and Escape using their rollerblades one such fateful hangout went quite wrong as Jubilee was almost caught by the mall security they had chased her into this blind alley having nowhere left to run Jubilee was quite trapped in her panic she ended up activating her powers she remitted a large ball of energy in that blind alley and that completely disoriented the people who were chasing her using this opportunity Jubilee got away from the mall security Jubilee did not hide her mutant abilities from her parents she informed her parents about it and soon enough she was able to control her powers quite well things were going rather well for her but it all changed when one night her parents were killed in a car accident we later learn that this car accident was not an accident at all it was a planned murder done by Hunter Brawn who hired criminals Reno and Miki to carry out this plan but Jubilee had not known yet about it as she lost her parents Jubilee did not have anyone to turn to anymore she was sent to an orphanage but that did not help her at all she missed her home and with nobody waiting for her over there she decided to go go to the next best place which happened to be the shopping mall Jubilee hid in the Hollywood shopping mall for the time being and refused to go back in order to sustain herself she committed Petty thefts used her powers to do little light shows and earned herself some spare change now her light shows were not appreciated by the mall security so to get rid of her the mall security hired mutant Hunters known as the M Squad the M Squad attacked her with tractor beams and despite its strong nature Jubilee was able to hold her own for quite a while but eventually she was caught the fight she put up was not a secret and caught the eyes of several Shoppers including psylock storm Rogue and dazla the X-Men rescued Jubilee from the M Squad and took them with her setting the rebellious young girl on the right path how does she generate fireworks through her hands when we see Jubilee in action it really does seem like she's shooting fireworks out of her hands however that is not quite the case although they may look like fireworks what Ju actually shoots out of her hands are pyrokinetic or lumy kinetic energy blasts the blasts are completely controlled by her own mental and emotional state which can be quite difficult for a young girl as the name suggests there are actually balls of energy that follow her will she can easily direct them towards someone and control the intensity of the same this type of fine control over such ability comes in extremely handy for Jubilee now notice that we call it pyrokinetic and Lumi kinetic so that implies that the explosive nature of these energy blasts is under her control along with the brightness of these energy blasts controlling these two aspects of the power that she has jubile can accomplish several different things she can easily disorient people with the blinding light of her energy blasts or she can completely blast an object that is in front of her turning it into dust if she really focuses on what she wants to do Jubilee can also Channel her energy blasts and make it blow up inside someone's brain effectively acting as a stroke for the person while Jubilee calls the energy blasts her fireworks it is very clear that these fireworks of hers can be extremely deadly is Jubilee's mind a telepathic Fortress as Jubilee is the youngest member of the X-Men team it is very easy to underestimate her she was a chaotic rebellious young girl when she joined the team but there were things that she could do that even her seniors could not do when you look at the X-Men Universe more often than not there is some crazy telepath who Rises to power and tries to turn everyone into their mindless zombie or there's some villainous mutant who wants to get their grimy little hands on cereo and use it to affect all mutants or they are humans who want to telepathically torture mutants and so on and so forth there is a lot of telepathic torture done on the mutants and when it comes to Jubilee she won't fall victim to those owing to her psychic Shields Jubilee is able to mask her mind completely from any telepath unless the telepath knows exactly what what they have to look for if they do not then every time they try to grab onto Jubilee's mind it would slip out is she a vampire now if you are someone who has been wondering whether or not Jubilee is a vampire or mutant well you do not have to venture any further because we have the answer right here Scarlet which said no more mutants and 90% of the mutants lost their powers then and there Jubilee was one such depowered mutant now obviously the change took its toll on her she had to go about in to her new life and that was quite the event during the curse of the mutant Ark Jubilee and her friend pixie are having lunch together right after Jubilee leaves the new Warriors while they were out eating together they got attacked and Jubilee got infected with vampiric blood now when you turn into a vampire the person who turned you into the vampire has control over you as Jubilee was turning into the vampire she heard the call of osiah the vampire who turned her who is now her new master despite not wanting to go she had to follow her sire's orders and soon enough Jubilee escaped from the ex-men and ended up going to zerus the son of Dracula who was the new leader of the vampires at the time under the instruction of zerus Jubilee ended up becoming violent towards her own teammate and even bit Wolverine luckily Wolverine's healing ability kicked in and stopped the infection and X-Men was soon able to defeat zerus and went back with Jubilee with them while Jubilee was a vampire and looking for her kill she got back her mutant to abilities which made her this cool vampire mutant hybrid now roughly about a decade later she was turned she finally found a cure and she transformed back to normal is Jubilee's Atomic blast capable of reshaping reality look at Jubilee's powers it is not a secret that if Jubilee puts her mind to it she can easily create a huge energy blast but how big exactly can she go well one mutant had an answer to that and of course it was Emma Frost herself Emma has a very busy business-like mentality so when she says something chances are she has thought about it quite a bit Emma Frost was the first one to point out that if she wanted Jubilee could detonate any matter at any subatomic level now that means that in a way Jubilee could easily create an atomic bomb according to her will if this was detonated on Earth Jubilee would eventually end up completely reshaping the reality as we know it while this power sounds amazing in theory when we see it in action it is so much cooler we see Jubilee using this power while she is on the collector's ship in space given that the space gave her a big enough Arena Jubilee was willing to try out her new cool Power without even having anything holding her back the use of this power turned her translucent immediately except for a skeleton of course the whole image of a skeleton surrounded by glowing light is inherently a scary visual once she detonated the atomic blast The Flash that it caused was so bright that it was seen all the way from Earth after using using this move Jubilee had to be rescued by Magic the explosion had understandably exhausted her and for some reason wiped out all of her hair and clothes does she have any disability Jubilee is very good at changing reality with her very own Atomic blasts not only that she can also create her very own personal fireworks but there's one thing that Jubilee can't do and that is math while I know that for a lot of us math was probably a subject that we weren't the best at we were still able to do basic calculations however for Jubilee the math is never mathing this is because she has a condition known as disc calcul it is a learning disability that makes it very hard for her to do arithmetic calculations can she fly now when I say that jubily can fly you would imagine her using her pyrokinetic abilities to fly I mean it would not be farfetched to imagine that she could maybe focus on energy blasts right under her feet and use that to fly around wherever she wants but sadly that is not something we ever get to see in Jubilee's fair share of Adventures however that does not mean that Jubilee cannot fly in fact she can fly quite well she can reach up to Great speeds like 100 mph without having any issues with her breathing and it is assumed that she can even reach higher speeds because the limitations when it comes to her flying are unknown When She Flies this is not because of her having flight related Powers though this is mostly because of her costume her suit has some anti-gravity texts that were built by wizard these additions play a crucial role when it comes to Jubilee flying and we are hopeful that eventually she will get a few more upgrades that will help her incorporate her own powers while flying as well does she have healing ability in the Marvel Universe if you are part of the X-Men crew one of the main things that you have to have is regenerative healing after all in the type of situations X-Men often find themselves in that ability comes in handy pretty much all the the time however the young Jubilee did not have regenerative healing abilities as a mutant even though she was a part of the X-Men team she was putting herself in grave danger without any ability to act as a buffer now as we know eventually Jubilee turned into a vampire thanks to zerus and his vampire blood this led to Jubilee gaining some of the few cool powers that vampires usually have one of those Powers is the regenerative healing now once she was taken into the care of X-Men the doctors work day and night to find a cure for her vampirism Jubilee had to drink Wolverine's blood with its healing factors to keep her vampiric urges at Bay while they worked on that cure drinking his blood made it easy for Jubilee to control the urge to attack someone now drinking so many bottles of Wolverine's Blood also helped her inherit the healing abilities to a degree and helped Jubilee recover from injuries at a far faster rate than any else in her position how does she lose her power when the mday event happened a lot of new mutants lost their powers and understandably it was like a huge part of them that was always there with them since childhood was suddenly no longer there this change was extremely hard on a lot of mutants and Jubilee was one of them she had a really hard time coping with the loss of her mutant Powers but at the end of the day she was still very much invested in the Affairs of her mutant Brethren and she used her page use your voice.org to talk about mutant Affairs and be known as a PR mutant activist this led to her being invited to an interview with a reporter called Sally Floyd where she talked about her loss of powers as a mutant soon after this interview Jubilee was seen working at a house where deep powered mutants were residing now one of her housemates was Maverick the mutant soldier who was now depowered just like the rest of them when Wolverine came searching for Maverick it was very surprising for him to find his longtime sidekick there before Jubilee and Wolverine could catch up on their lives Omega Red a mutant with superhuman strength sh showed up and wanted to attack the depowered mutants Wolverine tried his best to keep Omega Red busy while Jubilee and Maverick worked together to get others away from there however Omega Red overpowered Wolverine and knocked him out for a while by the time Wolverine woke up Maverick was injured and Jubilee was nowhere to be seen when Wolverine found her it was too late the building where Omega Red was holding Jubilee captive was blown to bits thanks to the interference of Shield agents when Logan found juile she was impaled through her chest buy a fallen support beam she was dying and there was nothing that Logan could do except ask shield for help so to save her Wolverine surrendered to the shield agents making sure Jubilee got saved losing her powers definitely made it difficult for jubile to go about her day-to-day life because there were so many people after her and she did not have any means to protect herself can she truly transform into mist Jubilee has quite a few cool powers and one such cool Power is ability to form a Mist now what is this Mist form well as the name suggests Jubilee is able to break away from her human form and turn into this Misty Apparition of herself think of the petronis forms from the Harry Potter series by using this form Jubilee is easily able to avoid getting hit by any sort of weapon sneak around without getting caught and travel through vast distances without any issues at first she did not have control over this but once she did it was a good power to have in her Arsenal now there is no particular reason why she has this power like Emma Frost said Jubilee's Mist form could be due to many reasons it could be because of her vampire powers could be one of her mutant powers that took a while to come through could be because she drank so many bottles of Wolverine's blood or could be because she is simply that special if you ask for my opinion I would say it's because she is that special can she control animals when it comes to Jubilee and her control over animals there's not much of a definitive answer at one point when we see her go on a camping trip with Wolverine and her adopted son shogo we see Jubilee basically adopt a bunch of feral wolves specifically becoming the alha member of the group other than that they really have not been a lot of moments where we have seen her control animals can Logan end her existence the X-Men end showcases a whole different ending to the X-Men Jubilee is a movie producer and she is no longer a hero she has re re tired from her life of heroic and was focused on making Nightcrawler the hero of his own movie titled dying is forever now one day when she was with Wolverine at the Xavier's Institute it was seemingly attacked a bunch of villains had shown up trying to take down Wolverine and Wolverine fought tooth and nail to survive Jubilee died in front of his eyes and Logan could do nothing but helplessly watch as he was stuck in battle he painfully sliced through all the villains he had and the last person he faced off again against was Bullseye the fight was brutal but eventually Wolverine claimed the victory as Bullseye Lay Dying in his arms he asked Wolverine why he did this to his friend and that is when Wolverine realized the truth all of this was just an illusion that was created by Mysterio and the bullseye he had killed was none other than Jubilee herself this was the incident that led to Wolverine taking on the isolated life that we see him lead As Old Man Logan marvelous verdict despite being the youngest Jubilee was one of the more daunting members of the X-Men and her fan following has only grown over time the way we follow her character from her young teen years to her matured adulthood where she is settled with shogo is truly heartwarming a lot of fans have sort of grown with Jubilee over the years and with that much love and attachment for the character we are excited to see Jubilee have her own movie someday in the future over the years we have gotten quite a few of her cameos and we must say we are hungry for more and if you liked our content don't forget to leave and like And subscribe to us if you haven't already have a good one and be safe thanks [Music] everyone
Channel: Marvelous Videos
Views: 175,655
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Id: u5EtMtwnqTM
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Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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