Sekiro: Monk Run (Pt. 1)

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all right monk run so we're gonna rush we're gonna rush sinpo arts as quickly as possible killing as little as possible until we have them though I will need some skill points we're gonna skip the first cutscene but we're gonna watch the next cutscene just to see what happens there we go we're starting gets me I missed your septum 20 years after eating school wait can I skip this in a clan was on the brink of collapse welcome to the Wolfpack B it's all GCS one no no be known as wolf had lost everything I think we have to keep watching everyone to see you sworn to protect preflight pigeon thank you for yourself as well this might be pre-rendered I don't it doesn't seem like it though [Music] shinobi [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] like am i think you got the wrong guy oh [Music] so good that's so good all right cool beans let's go monkey let's go oh I forgot I still have the smell of your salad I think I'm good to disable Adam this is a monk key run [Music] please don't kill me I'm not a shinobi I'm a monkey you did well to come here it's been too long this isn't it for you well then raise your head kusabi Maru your sword those ass cheeks my shinobi what are we looking at Angela [Music] thank you for the resub angel in beaucoup monkey run hide okay cool all right that's enough cutscene business I am a loyal wolf man ain't got [ __ ] for you son let's go please don't give 10 punky assort gotta go I can't use this sword I gotta use wait actually is there a way to glitch get out of here without the sword that would interest me that would very much interest me thank can I go denim denim denim denim venom monkey dough won't do what a [ __ ] is his model he's a monkey huh he's a monkey yeah we get to look at these sweet-ass sheets the whole time gotta watch a little bit of this one show the arm cutscene oh yeah his arms up in the air is it last we stood together was your uncle's whew Lord Ganesha Oh i oh yeah that and that arm is definitely disappear thank you leave this to me oh what a dexterous thumb monkeys man [Applause] [Music] sorry anyways okay so we got to get past as much as we can without using the sword basically or anything really we'll see how this goes should be okay change the full cast of monkeys I'm sure you can it's just a much larger mod effort oh oh we're gonna have to do something about the ogre we're gonna do about the ogre [Music] we might have to kill the yogurt I'm not gonna I'm not gonna head suck the ogre dead I think we're just gonna kill the ogre normally I apologize 30 FPS skip look I don't even know you can get that just by modifying the PCs there's an ogre skip that's console on console and we believe it's because 30 FPS but it's all over now I think the ogre is the only thing we're gonna have to kill though that and either Roberto or monkeys and that's yeah be for charleen it I like fresh starts fresh starts are the best but my death was aren't the only done was sort yes but the last week teased the game shows to yogurt cheese hold on there is an ogre cheese just get out of here I'm not gonna mod in the arts that I need look if I can avoid modding he says while playing as a monkey I'm going to like I like to mechanically approach the game in the way that is given to me wait really oh really when Dex was my life thank you for something I think it's not gonna really make a huge deal we're get we can fight oh girl aid later no problem you don't step on anything all right Oh what are you talking about our monkeys that obvious okay all done hmm this is kind of cheesy oh I can't I'm stuck get-get get off this how did this work here we go all right and then you just no wait no No he got up more you got farther up last time what's alright have you got the proper ogre cheese with the ogre jumping off I don't know that she is actually somebody showed me a cheese where I don't know how consistent it is but I'll try it real quick [Music] really Wow you blind boy Oh shush it oh wait I need to get his attention actually you do a deathblow in a particular spot [Music] now you can't shim I mean unless you can find it out of bounds to skip past it but come on [Music] okay so what he did was a deathblow right here in between this wall so I want to get him down ready to death blow [Applause] okay come here kind of like this and then he went and jumped on this here no I didn't [ __ ] him up oh wait maybe no he was stuck here and he was just able to smash him in the head over and over I guess you can get him stuck here maybe hmm oh [ __ ] going between this you don't oh oh oh [ __ ] you grab spam and it can it be leashed well the thing is he doesn't he doesn't block or get stunned so I don't think it works the same alright anyways we just did this rope we just did this cheese run so we don't need to choose him again Thank You bears riding tanks humble purchase thank you very much now you can reach the bridge from that side of the lock door at the demon belt reach the bridge from that side of the locked door at the demon Bell the what bridge like I'm talking about you can't go back that way until you've opened the door where the where the Wolverine dude is let's die [Music] now they have a [ __ ] ton of in biz walls there yep it's a monk move set run but we don't have monk moveset yeah soon soon telling as little as as little as possible before we get those monk sets the monk skill tree the thing is we will need some we're gonna need a way to farm XP without killing things like things that kill themselves maybe [Music] good good oh I'm a monkey me boob village what about me boo village oh do things kill themselves there I mean that's pretty far though they kill themselves a lot right about now rifle oh you mean gun for it wait oh wow you just make that jump I didn't know that mixed delirium thank you for subscribing welcome to the Wolfpack my advice is don't fight them Soul me legit snacks get up there the first monk punched with the XP from what you need to kill to get there well we've already killed I'll do it no we do need to so we either need to kill I think wait yeah I think we just need to kill monkeys which is fine because that's gonna be the least impressive with the sinpo arts anyways right so we'll do monkeys and then we can backtrack and get our know and then we can just be there for the simple art skill tree all right I just gotta get this last try pretty much [ __ ] wait wait you can get them stuck over here don't did you break it you [ __ ] why did you break it this is the one part that I would never change the Doug Timmy Hyuga you can get him stuck just running in circles the problem with that is then his AI is not as AI won't fix itself until you so you get close again I think I need to you can actually need to warp here because saving and quitting doesn't fix the bridge it was placed there on purpose raccoon but not for that purpose that's for sure - this beer you fight with only one in its name a relative of Gil boo only wah in Japanese the the first name becomes last right like the first name in their name is actually their their family name right or yeah oh wait yes so only wah would be like Jim or Jeff okay I'm just gonna save and quit after each fail because otherwise he'll break it and then we have to see Amy with American accent sent more UK style like in earlier games I don't know I like it they we've we've had plenty of games where they were doing the English accent just do the jump perfectly we're gonna get to hear this a lot apparently no manner of practice has helped me get this one it's a mod horrifying and how they record his lines they scream like 20 feet from Mike I don't know man it sounds like he's close my name counter go I don't understand this jump was that for mixed delirium I don't I don't remember I thank you thank you for stopping though mixed delirium mixed illyrian it's them kind of monkey legs yeah baby monkey jumps oh wait we don't actually need him to kill himself so I could get him stuck running in circles thought never mind we got it all right so we should be able to hopefully like save here and he won't kill himself please don't kill yourself kill boo if I see his and we also need to Bull skip because we don't want to kill the bull right now which isn't a big deal like I were still in combat with Gil but thanks to first try there we go at least that one's first rate oh no his health bar disappeared hopefully he didn't die okay we're gonna come out with another one but yeah his health would actually deplete yeah I mean I've D I've unloaded the area nope see it's here it's only because I think the bowl is overriding that combat state because I've gotten all the way across a map and still been in combat for with the exam for example owl - no I don't think it was mock as models probably D loaded this AI is probably inactive but the game stay is still that we're in combat [Music] I think even if we see wait did we arrest yet the game should just crash blink well I don't see Gil boo anymore I'm gonna grab all this eco sugar [Music] now that's my face do you shot with a bullet but my name good man where did he put that to dream my god monke Ren is using the monk skill arts and being a monkey because there was no monk costume although I'm sure we could go find it probably if we have the unpacked files and we can figure out the structure shut up here get some immersive play monkey sound effects I did make some monkey sound effects before monkey that's right I'm an e monk just it's different alright so as far as I know we have to either kill Roberto and maybe centipede or skip and kill the monkeys so I think we're gonna kill the monkeys because they're the less interesting fight I think with monk arts plus that's only 1 fight compared to the other 2 fights my kill code thank you for five months welcome back and I mean you guys need to remind me not to pick up the mortal blade otherwise we will softlock the game covert scorpion three months enjoy your Easter or face the [ __ ] record shows yes ma'am don't pick up the mortal blade thank you alright so now we're gonna skip to monkeys [Music] and this should be the last thing that we have to fight with a sword I don't know I haven't planned on it but should be come on don't time out like that dark Kip thanks for 13 months seems okay yo you the [ __ ] oh oh we got to get out of here [Music] Wow whoa yeah boy monkeys don't belong here help help oh no I'm falling I'm gonna I'm gonna time out it's gonna time me out I got stuck [ __ ] can I can I grapple in somewhere not volume monkeying with style no one falling stupid monkey yeah I couldn't grapple anywhere that's okay unseen aid thank you once he made it's very important the XP to keep actually killing the monkey should give us enough XP to get at the kick for sure can't see it min come on baby do the thing I got XP from something yeah that's what we're trying to do here get up there what monkeying around all right surprise surprise surprise I don't have firecrackers here so this could be tricky except that I couldn't close the thing if it doesn't work on this one we'll just ah fine I'll just open this door solve the puzzle what's this fight like the first time you did it you go watch on YouTube I don't I just remember running around and figuring it out not that it was cool I liked it a lot you in this way and now where is he back up there where did his little colored feets go you can swim here I believe already go well there is blind I want you to go that way please go to your home go to your whole new stupid purple monkey there we go all right we should be groovy what don't get the mortal blade don't talk to the divine child becomes the mortal the blade portable hello death by PPT are you doing because I'm a monk miss nut my Bethesda don't ever you sit here no no mortal blade let me put in that tech power yes look at all those skill points we're gonna be monk tastic real quick immortal blade will suck laughs the game lock soft lock in the game if you get it before killing give me zero you need to actually talk to ition about where the mortal blade is before you get the mortal blade hello look at these tiny buttocks can we go this way but just at you my favorite I guess we have to go around doors open good oh hey xxx mic xxxx thanks for the two months welcome back and thank you guys for using my humble link enjoy the games the games is good [Music] okay this I can imagine the late game really sucking in this run but we'll see pippers McGee 11 months welcome back I did play about a hundred hours of Monster Hunter world I liked it a lot what is happening believe there's a sugar if we go over yonder ah [ __ ] there's something you have to grapple to first I think my mug sweeps are great there you go [ __ ] crazy monkey there we go alright okay now let's go to dilapidated temple I got a pee and then we'll begin the run welcome to the wolf pack well it's like it you know do they dip you gonna get some Indian food today [Music] sorry oh you just tuned in well welcome now we're just about to get started pretty much we had to run through the game and get the sinpo monk skill tree but we have acquired it now and hopefully this is good hopefully this is good let's put those skills in boom praying strikes we already got exorcism that's a follow up to it excellent mods I'm a monkey because mods there's no secret ending where he plays a monkey or anything or secret beginning I guess yes it's a good scene he's so surprised is that just it alright so eat so the beginning of this actually should be a slightly easier that's what we got now ape form like ds2 ape wise mouth always open I I don't know because the game's not intended to run with this character model I presume default state this is a monk abilities only run that's right mod to make the sort invisible that's all good I would IM interested in finding a glitch that allows you to skip it though so deathblows are allowed because you have to oh you stupid [ __ ] get rekt without a sword would you be able to deathblow I don't know it's not intended so I don't I don't know how they gave it handle it yes you do appear in cutscenes like this I don't see why I can't deflect because no wait why didn't they get my gourds [Music] [ __ ] missing that one coming didn't do did I did I spend my attack power what's up it's the worst yes I did yeah all right I don't think I don't think his abilities gonna be very good hi monk will be nice for sweeps once we get it oh we're gonna to toggle in the middle of in the middle of fights to do hi monk I think we could do it though should be alright should totally be using the sugars well I have limited amounts of them anyways so I'm only gonna use them on things that are gonna be particularly tough alright bye hi bye bye now the ogre is dead we had to kill the ogre to get past there is a jump or something but I think it's console only they go clean up the other general headless well I had less you just do it deflect you can just do it deflects so I know how monkey that would be a good one coffee snake I don't know it's a bit monkey sinpo monk monks do to flex they just don't have a weapon to deflect with get your quit your block oh now he stops blocking with umbrella does he have two hats probably winter confetti attacks effect the monkey art hmm I mean monk art that's possible hi guys didn't see me yet don't look at me true somehow Steve's [Music] Yasim I said whatever not nothing to deal with this guy first there you go what all the deaths closer with the sword what are we talking about quit it oh my god the generals coming dude men flap 17 months being a monkey that's illegal are we here to discuss the illegality of being a monkey or are we we here to see that guy flop onto the ground who we got here now what can he hit me like that oh he's attacking yeah there you go sneaky monkey you'll be a mod where you can be a floating head that Auto deflects everything damn a bo p man all right it's great here we go hey Co sugar [Music] [ __ ] man you cannot cancel out of that for [ __ ] see I can't I can't interrupt that if it's cued yuck yes fine hyperaware eyes of course oh god I forgot about that Oh No well we're at heels pellet what aw he missed so I didn't get that deflect ah ha ha get screwed over dude pop another pellet taught some poop at him yeah sure [Music] there's don't you dare don't you dare stop being there sooo I don't have anything for that no yes all right saved by hitboxes yep guy in five months so on a scale of one to [ __ ] how hard was the cheese run uh hard I mean there wasn't we didn't know what was possible so mmm it wasn't there wasn't really difficulty there was just persistence or endurance now punch the snake I don't think we the hardest boss for cheese well we haven't gotten the cheese for everything so any of the ones that we didn't find cheese for I guess would be the hardest oh yeah go boo still alive right mmm-hmm there's a mod that changes your sword of the Guardian name said I imagined you could swap anything in and it would it wouldn't look good but it would quote-unquote function all right here we go my name well we don't get his health down that all man that's good at least holy Oh [Music] yeah uh-huh take that horse now Oh God eat boy okay not so bad Oh beautiful please [Music] yes it's not gonna be a lot of variety in this run huh ouch suck nice there's one more monk art that's it and we have to pause to change there we go which art we're using up kill me no we did not doing it you mangy run I mean it's very good that would be like a Black Knight halberd run in dark souls Sugar's allowed absolutely the monks are all about sugars it's a it's a mod unrealistic an we get it what do we need devotion increase the amount enough time a Buddhist candy is effective that's cool that's good we'll get that yeah leaping kicks in the high monk there's basically two abilities they just chained into each other I would add sword slashes neat so we need ten points I'm not using prosthetic stuff for now um [Music] sure let's go do let's go do bolt bull can get me a full prayer bead necklace mm-hmm hi monk is super good I don't know how it'll work as not a counter though like I don't know if that will become our basic attack what about mid air combat art oh yeah there is one above issue and you're right I'm just default skipping welcome winds abyss ik thank you for the Saab welcome to the Wolfpack no no mercury only sinpo arts kill this [ __ ] oh my god kill this [ __ ] please Oh God without getting its health down Oh No [ __ ] that's gonna suck dick chill Berto 64 thank you for subbing I might want to come back and then I can use sugar but I think sugar is based off the dam as you already do so it's a man [Music] okay not to noted how do you play as a monk there's a monk skill tree it's not a unless you're talking about monkey in that case you have to mod the game let's go to uh-oh rod essence let's go to Harada also we can grab the let's grab that that prayer beat over there real quick this help does go down but the thing is my deflects have chip damage so it's probably sustainable but as long as I don't make any take any damage outside of that chip and it'll be a long fight yeah for now we're not using prosthetics deck blood Oh [Music] oh yeah I don't need to worry about you although I think you have to do is quest to make them appear later don't you a lie yeah you do all right fine fine ting goo you win this round yeah the thing about these monk arts is their hi there they're decent posture damage but they're not good health damage like at all I don't have to do this quest but you have to talk to them oh oh [ __ ] oh my bad look little bit [Music] why isn't the screen filled filled with what [Music] you should question marks yeah I was wondering why isn't this 1980 neon colors because it's 2019 good now I would like to do a run like that or just have that as a a coloration I mean we can toggle that on right now right didn't they change the button oh god yeah it's physical attributes we haven't we haven't tweaked those colors fully that was that was the beginning of tweaking anyways did we get I don't think we got the Bell yeah there's no black bars on the there are in the loading screens but not during gameplay to be 150% speed for character animation video can only use art I feel like it's the biggest problem in the arts is they are really slow well if they weren't they would be opie right I think that's why they're slow oh yeah I can I can make it black and white easily [Music] [Applause] a noir run hello grams what [Music] [Music] Oh coming our just do no damage hmm auntie Maudie's pretty good he longs it's pretty good her at a time hold on did I get another I did get another gourd seed I could have bought another one from the other dude - thank you one mind from Shura in ending yeah I haven't done really any runs with that one or the one that you get from mission hello Adam Rock how are you doing shooty one you get a shootie one for mission even one mine only in college or on alright [Music] what is this I would love to see some juicy DLC for this game yeah oh there's a scale right here it yeah thanks Adam happy Sunday Jumanji must deal 30% of enemy damage let's go there was an enemy damage but have you missed its you died from currently ah [ __ ] DLC players owl hmm I want to see Tomoya [Music] this way DSL DSL DLC players give me zero ain't nobody want to do that underwater sections well the only thing that we would have to fight underwater is if we were doing headless right yeah I think they didn't use lightning enough [Music] hello I have to fight this guy without Meharry all Oh but punch him to death Oh God Oh God chickens [ __ ] no okay oh my god they're everybody's here what do you want doing here yeah fate you may beat your meat to make it tender what I was weird I tried to do a punch but then it went into a death love so I want a different Idol by what I hear someone ah Bassam Sakura 2 or the DLC would hint at yharnam because of the going west ending I don't think this needs to be tied to blood-borne at all I want to see China SEC util I think that would be cool Oh different 3d Sam in 30 months welcome back run hello Zeke ADA welcome I want to see more dragons always with dragons but you know these kinds of dragons not-not-not european dragon that's my point oh yeah an african dragon maybe I know you don't arts dragon temple Oh food is just about here glad I ran away let me tread water here for a moment as a monkey I like how I'm completely immune to the the forces of the current because why not but the write-back food is pulling up now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right got it sorry had to plate it in everything for myself and bloody who by the way is trying to take down Asian sword st. our first time it is chicken tikka masala and boy is it slapping it is lop buri No maybe don't mind me get this it disappear for a moment how did I just get partially noticed Legion is us thank you for subbing welcome to the Wolfpack [Music] all right it's pretty tasty mmm I forgot no suppress presence or suppress sound I really need to get the backstab on this guy this guy not so much he's not yeah oh oh really oh really that's the worst game you've ever played are you least favorite Dragon's Lair on the NES I'm just gonna punch him from behind I want to see how this goes down Oh No here we go now stop yeah no yes no Todd that's [ __ ] stupid flaming granny thank you for 19 months lamal monkey boats not I guess sucks didn't even hit me ah good okay unbind Arwen it shouldn't happen a lot I just hold l1 the entire time except when I'm trying to deflect to did it it did it all right Yee what is this ass yes uh wait what about spicy sinpo arts only that's right whoa not my monkey well you see years of evolution and genes being passed from oh boy the tikka is it spicy enough there actually wasn't an option for spiciness it's not too spicy it's not very spicy at all actually the stick up his ass is a tail mm-hmm Tinka should be spicy Sturm it's a curry hello this guy has no clue yo get up [Music] get him boys through it oh my god alright let's go [Music] nice [Music] Wow correct no materia required that's a sweet bow what come here come here now no no no no no [ __ ] oh this is where it gets bad or not I mean what no I mean or not to my [ __ ] deflecting I almost hit r1 in midair which would have [ __ ] sorta tacton yes get rekt excellent Cooper [Music] now move where are you going it's up to you combining I don't know I do believe that attack power affects your combat art attack but it's not gonna get ya a whole lot better I would say yep [Music] yeah Hmong cards about posture damage what do you if only I could get the [ __ ] the carp skills from the Hasina tree Dobie that would be fantastic unfortunately [Music] No No I am hidden you do not know where this monkey is the backs of his thighs are red because he bleeds blood the blood of his enemies No look if your [ __ ] is where your tailbone is then something's wrong you may want to consult the doctor just saying bye eat what that isn't that why didn't it deathblow there's no reason that it should not have death load death blown [Music] hmm nah that would be exclamation point RPG Luke shadow writer hello friend now let's go [Music] good I think I can keep holding left bumper anyways yeah alright that's next to solve that issue relatively well well Taos sucker thank you for subbing welcome to the Wolfpack right there's nothing why my stealth Inc excuse me [Music] now please let me do the punch art thanks oh my god that's a pile of men come on men let me forget to get into the game came to the get-together what's this oh my god are you kidding you guys get off me Jews Oh Oh fine come here somebody come here more man wait what what what are you doing kid oh my fart how it joke Jews OHS not alright am now there it goes wait did it oh I thought this guy died sup man I'm coming I didn't jump off his head that Oh what's up [ __ ] you come from this poison [ __ ] out of here where is old man oh my god old man where did he go what how did that crap this is not correct where is that man that's young guys looking up in the fire what the [ __ ] has happened I don't know man and now I I Agron a bow guy where are you going what is he doing over here he angered somebody over here but he's stuck now what are you doing this [Music] this isn't a cheese friendly NPCs run there you go attaboy cut [Music] I'll help them except this guy is not gonna get up okay here we go uh nap well well oh my god are we really gonna fight this entire pile of other men nice nice Moorman Oh My Jesus Crypt can you where are you looking this is an escort quest now oh my god what view did you do something at least please play cheesy off I need everything this is not the difficulty I signed up for [Music] okay I'll kill all the men come on men [Music] that's what she said come on man oh don't read chat apparently while you're dealing with men Hey look at everything that's outgrowing yay he's it Magus shade thank you for subbing Magus shade welcome to the Wolfpack who said sekito has no meme runs secular is full of memes come on I'm gonna hide here how do you see okay you can see that happen a bow boy though hey axe boy the attack I'm spamming is a monk something exorcism flying strikes or something like that I think the second and third hits have more Odin than the first of course here we go all right okay monkey look at that chest such protrusion all right nothing that that old man can agro great I certainly hope so [Music] no I can deflect monks can deflect that's bulk [Music] well we're farming a lot of money I guess her early-game kind of not that we need it for anything Oh God what stop kicking dirt in my dick oh go away no no no bet him dead him denim denim denim denim hyeju's oh where did this guy come from oh [ __ ] men men look at what a promo okay surprise [ __ ] no way now wait split them up [Music] yes nope get him yeah get the dog my god I can't MIT our block right now good key divide and monk er all right let's do another one of these I choose up I'm a monkey I'm not a dog this guy over here this is the guy stuff he's looking and check around did I just reactivate that alert all right let's go let's go it's monkey time hey pal Hey yeah let's fight together go [Music] yes what [Music] the [ __ ] hitbox was that [ __ ] get out go guy you got to get his health down cuz I got nothing you got to get his help down nice no oh my god you missed no [ __ ] uh-huh don't let that hit mocs grab you this is terrible I'm gonna have to come back later when I have more attack power some [ __ ] here we go echo hey cool hey deflect dude that's the name of the game deflection oh [ __ ] don't jump into fire thank you I'm out of like an ass him just smash on here just to keep them busy [ __ ] no I'm stuck on this tree [Music] no ash him No I miss him entirely don't kill him that's right spoof okay whoa whoa yes keep him alive no no no no no no he's dead mother trucker this is only one this is one I'm gonna have to there's one yeah I should have snuck him for the first not but let's try not to be too cheesy okay this might take a while hold on check it nugget nugget get that then it get it what else do I have um okay nope nope Nick Nick dear suck no my god yep I got a jump on [Music] whoa No yes [ __ ] get asked who Oh [Music] that sugar time though at oh god he got standard hit block alright we're good we're going good ash ash yes yes New Guinea nougat okay deflect doing work thank you now I tried to deflect get up do you Lube lumps no Segar I'm gonna - and you can charge it you can charge the wool you can charge the punch the first punch oh oh but it doesn't combo oh it doesn't come get a better stream server what I haven't dropped any frames well that was intense man mmm-hmm what oh my how is he a wolf um cool more sin and item drops almost got leaping kicks Cobain's costume hack I see yes indeed that Can I grab this through the wall no oh god yeah get out hahahaha I am a monk I'm gonna vowed call Heimlich broken it's very good for sweeps but now it's Iman G you have to press r1 to do combat arts [Music] hmm um thinking about other gourd seeds and para bees I can go get real quick mango kill like we go to Robert Roberts mostly a deflect fight anyways also I think I have a gourd seed to turn then mmm let's go Roberto Roberto how's it gonna be divine dragon yeah yeah kill up goodbye nope didn't buy the Gordon seat at the castle gate mm or that prayer bead that's everyone you're referring to hello man timing no no no me kiri sucks for that no divine dragon doesn't stop challenge runs okay okay okay all right the recovery time from the punch is bad I mean as with any combat art but [Music] define dragons always fun suck there we go yikes [Music] punch oh all right yeah finish some with punches baby to be very slow attacks makes things harder in my opinion alright ok some xp for that oh ah we can go do that centipede no problem now facecam while I'm eating food oh yeah always the ceramic shards debate ceramic shark debate but whoops whoops what that's round 20 rap over there [Music] Hayabusa all right this is the character's face the boss design on that is incredible it teaches you I mean it's it's very it's it's like crucial that's that was the boss that taught me how to play secure oh man this chicken tikka masala had no chicken in it that's a shame oh yeah let's see well before the before the the tough bosses of the game like San Pete is there for you you know what I should [ __ ] it miss Noble is the greatest boss of all time hello butterfly kudos on the vo I just wanna see a monkey take him into his arms conquerors 32 thanks for 13 months oh he's using a losing technique oh my god no my god I do what must be done yes Oh son of monkey I'm a sign of a monkey now this is epic don't of this is gonna blow blow balls by the way we gotta keep honor it's not dealing any damage what the [ __ ] oh it is dealing name it there's butterfly cheese with prosthetics but it's also very tough to pull off I think we're gonna have to come back later and we have more attack because otherwise otherwise we have to get good no yes wait Oh now what [Music] now yes one all right oh yeah I don't know if I'll get her this time but maybe next time I need did Charlie ever come here mommy boys Wow that mega deflect there come here all right what a waste what a waste the thing is we have to get her posture up before she and with all this downtime like get good luck good luck I knew snap seeds but snap seeds aren't very helpful [Music] business yeah the shoulder though Oh God let's come on oh this bed this is a bad idea you know [ __ ] you don't get a while to tell it that tickles the tickles are gonna dick me oh wait I've gotta rent [Music] [ __ ] no [Music] get out you gotta jump you gotta jump dude yeah this face sucks Oh Oh No [Music] [Music] don't miss I know all of those but if you don't start it correctly than you [ __ ] whoa she went under that [Music] okay you have to be close for the snap seeds to to do thing actually hold on very bad since we can and we'll be losing money if we die anyways I mean we can also just come back with a little bit more a little bit more attack and that should be no problem we've got Guinea cheer oh we can go to we've got snake lady to - snake ladies whoops where we going oh yeah we didn't we skipped bold for now but that's uh that's not a tack is a thing and they've neither arse neck ladies but how much is a thousand a thousand one of these and one of these dude said there's also the purchasable prayer bead and that is fourteen hundred uh which I need a little more money for the monkey you have a prosthetic arm no no he's just regular regular monkey he doesn't a prosthetic tail though you see there's also like the mini bosses in the castle would be pretty easy by ash it was helpful on juzo to be helpful and other things prosthetic tail to maintain balance all right CEO ger is not there it's the it's the dual escena that guy is just deflect the flex pay him anyways so we could do him also there is a prayer meet in the wall I'm sure you are too dude we could also rescue the merchant guy here and that would unlock the ability to buy another gourd seed [Music] is there a monkey deflect you can take advantage of uh while monks can deflect so we can deflect oh there's a gourd seed right here good it's monk that's monk arts correct and it's not too bad but it's a little rough there's not a lot of health damage so anything that has fast posture recovery gets a little messy hey boy that ACO sugar al is gonna suck for this you're not wrong you're not wrong [Music] upgrade materiai could sell all the upgrade materials I get oh that's like after you nevermind corrupted monk yeah yeah we'll make it work first run was the team on G double only won my first playthrough get launched music man Dan 94 thank you for seven months welcome back hello tell Eric's we're using the monk skill tree abilities and that is all corrupted is a posture fight yeah but you're at least like the purple one has a pretty quick posture region yes this is gonna be well what punch punch punch oh boy yes three out of four pallet scrap magnet et ille for selling I don't know there is the general downstairs man GTD wait man Oh magnet it e magnet a magnet it e is e all over the most useless useless item the only time I tried to use that one as it was when I was skipping swimming straight to the carps cave and you're gonna get hit by lightning so I used it and it didn't do anything so I don't know of that specifically welcome to the Wolfpack no [ __ ] model too tight thank you for subscribing when I'm fighting you get'em you
Channel: LobosJr
Views: 148,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Id: 1Fin0nEVFs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 54sec (7014 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2019
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