Seinfeld: Apartment Tour [CG Tour]

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ever wish you could walk around inside of your favorite TV and movie homes well on this channel you can today we'll be exploring every nook and cranny of Jerry's apartment from Seinfeld with ceilings in all four walls so it feels like a real home recently the internet posed this question could Jerry's hallway actually exist in real life well I've got the answers for you and there's more to it than just an impossible hway a lot more and to prove the point I brought the [Music] receipts hi I'm marinaa coats I have a degree in architecture and an obsession with set design welcome to behind the scenes where we get up close and personal with all your favorite TV and movie homes today we're explor floring every square inch of Jerry's apartment with ceilings in all four walls even the actors themselves never got to see it like this let's get started we'll begin with an overhead view to help us get our bearings this is the entrance the dining area was here the Nook with Jerry's Computer was over here this is where the kitchen was located this is the living room area and here's What's called the fourth wall That's the wall that we never get to see because it's where they place the cameras and where the audience is but you'll get to see it today back here was the bathroom and Jerry's bedroom was over here the kitchen we'll start with the kitchen and by the way since the set changed over the course of the series I had to pick a season and then stick with it I show season 4 this is the angle we usually see of the kitchen the fridge was here the sink here the stove top here with a couple stools sitting in front of the island in a few scenes we catch just a glimpse of the wall as it extends to the right of the kitchen you'll get to see all of it in the upcoming full tour I discovered something interesting Jerry didn't have an oven there are only two possible places that could be hidden either under this cooktop or over here we can see all the rest of the cupboards however in this episode we see Kramer opening a door to a cabinet here looking for a blender so there could be no oven there and in this episode Jerry opens a cupboard door underneath the cooktop and pulls out a bottle of Hans so no oven there either we never even see a toaster oven here's another interesting thing I discovered I thought this corner was at a 90° angle but as I drew up the kitchen I couldn't get it to lay out right that is until I found this overhead view and realize that this wall angles out once I made that change it all came together just as it was on the set but it does leave this corner with an odd-shaped wedge of a countertop we just never really get to see that on the show scenes that took place in the kitchen Kramer proudly demonstrating how thin he can slice his deli meat Jerry's questionable kitchen remodel that significantly limits interaction with others and everyone but especially Kramer helping themselves to all of Jerry's food let's tour just the kitchen now I won't show you the fourth wall yet but don't worry you'll get to see it later on when we do the fold [Music] tour the Nook I love when TV homes have a Nook in the background it adds a little Intrigue it always draws me in makes me want to go over there and examine it Jerry's apartment is no exception it was one of the first things I wanted to explore Jerry's Nook had a desk with a computer here and a bookshelf here though it moved around a lot his artwork on this wall changed over time as it also did on the other walls just like it would in a real apartment I'll have a link below to a page of some of the artwork and other items in the apartment that I identified scenes that took place in the nook George frantically yelling down to the people below as he fails miserably at moving cars Jerry discovering to his embarrassment and dismay that his new but defective phone allows the parties on both lines to hear everything he's saying and Kramer's poorly installed discount air conditioner falling out the window with Kramer nearly falling out after it we didn't get to see much of this space so it's fun to finally get a good look [Music] around [Music] the living room Jerry's living room had a comfy denim sofa here with a matching armchair on this side and a coffee table here directly behind the sofa was the dining table and a large bookcase that also housed his stereo system there was a TV in this corner which backs up against the fourth wall and in this shot we catch a glimpse of the wall behind the armchair scenes that took place in the living room George and Jerry working on the script for their pilot but exhibiting a severe lack of motivation George's date hearing Elaine laugh and recognizing it's the same laugh that had ear earlier interrupted her piano recital and Poppy leaving a suspicious stain on Jerry's sofa we'll tour the main living area now later we'll take a tour of the entire [Music] apartment [Music] [Music] he [Music] the bathroom we didn't get to see much of this space but but in season 5 we get a closeup when Newman goes into Jerry's bathroom to find evidence that he's seeing a new Barber early on in the series the bathtub was right under the window but shortly afterwards the tub was moved to the side and a pedestal sink was placed here the placement of the bathroom window would put it here we see another building across from the window when we look out but this doesn't make sense from what was shown on the exterior the exterior shot shows buildings right up against Jerry's building on either side one possible scenario is that there could be an inner Courtyard hidden from the street we'll just have to assume this to make it work in our brains we know that there had to be a toilet over here we also know that Jerry had a bathroom scale on that side we learned that in the episode the non-fat yogurt when Elaine and Jerry run in to check their weight after realizing the yogurt they'd been consuming was not non-fat as advertised they both run this way to get to the scale we'll take a tour of just the bathroom [Music] now [Music] the bedroom here's another room that we don't get to see very much of in seasons four and five Jerry's bedroom furniture looked like this later on by season 7 it had changed completely we learned from this shot that there must be a window window with blinds across from the bed so I put one on this wall since they had a window in the bathroom on this same wall I figured why not in actuality there would be a solid wall there but we'll just pretend that the in congruity works and give them a view here as well Jerry's bedroom is another room that can't actually exist the way it is shown here's an overhead shot to illustrate exactly what I mean if it was here as it's shown to us on TV it would jet way out past the window in the nook it wouldn't be flat as it's shown on the exterior and it would be seen from the Nook window which it isn't this is very common for TV homes most can't exist as they are shown in fact of the 30 TV and movie homes I've done so far not one of them has matched the exterior some are more comically off than others you can find some books and sites online where people draw up these homes in a way that they could actually be built with 90° angles but on TV sets they often splay out the walls so it's easier for filming on this channel I draw them up the way they were shown to us on TV so that as we walk through them they'll look exactly how we remember them we'll tour Jerry's bedroom now and then we'll examine the hallway outside of his front door after that we'll take a tour of the entire apartment in one single walk through this is just one possible scenario for the layout of Jerry's bedroom we aren't shown enough of it to really pin down where everything would be let me know your ideas in the comments below of how you might lay out this [Music] room [Music] e the hallway I'm guessing most of you have seen articles about that wonky hallway how the angle of the hallway doesn't really make sense with the interior in fact it would slice right through the kitchen well truth be told there's even more to it than that look at these screen grabs from season 3 in the episode entitled the coma we see Jerry exit his apartment here then we see his next door neighbor exit here which means Jerry's apartment would end here which means the entire length of his kitchen plus the bit of wall that we can see after that would all have to end by this point at this angle and knowing that his door is 3 ft wide the very most this could be is 8 ft long and that's really pushing it but when we check on the inside the length from here to the end of his apartment is over 20 ft long so not very likely we'll tour the entire apartment now and this time we'll come in right through the front door just like one of the gang by the way as we go through it look carefully for the Easter eggs that I've planted around the apartment Easter eggs are iconic items from specific episodes that big fans of the show will likely recognize I'll reveal them at the end along with the total square feet of the apartment and the cost in today's dollars what exactly was the magic of this show why did it become a classic well it was very well written and the casting and acting were both superb although that alone should carry a show it often doesn't audiences are fickle and networks don't always know a good thing when they see it so what was it why did this work why this particular show we could point to the iconic lines that have made their way into our daily lexicon regifting double dipping yada yada yada we could attribute it to the novel format remember they build it as a show about nothing and there were definitely memorable characters the close talker The Psychotic Opera clown manh hands but none of those things really get to the heart of the matter and if we're being honest the main characters were actually pretty flawed human beings undoubtedly funny but frequently self-centered finicky and a bit neurotic and yet somehow also endearing that's a hard task for writers and actors to accomplish to make people that are so obviously flawed likable so why did it work well here's one Theory it's like when Michael Scott from the TV series The Office once somewhat pathetically said I love inside jokes I'd love to be part of one someday that's what Seinfeld did for us each week we became in on the inside joke they invited us into their world of implausible situations over-the-top characters and Endless Running gags we became part of their world flawed as it was and we wanted a group of friends like that Jerry George Elaine and Kramer felt safe together they could say what they were really thinking and feeling out in the real world they often had to pretend to be something they were not but here here they were safe and we got to feel a part of that we wanted that kind of friendship free from how we sometimes feel pressur to present ourselves to the world as something other than we are each week we got to step away from that as we entered their world and we could often relate to their thoughts and feelings and when we couldn't we could say well at least I'm not as bad as them in one episode Elaine invites Susan George's fiance to join her to go see an exhibit at the Met when Kramer finds out he says that's going to be trouble because George's social worlds would be colliding Kramer put it this way this world here is George's sanctuary if Susan comes into contact with this world his Worlds Collide and you know what happens then and he imitated an explosion it was a closely guarded world that those four had an exclusive Club in fact Jerry Seinfeld said to the cast at the finale for the rest of our lives when someone thinks of one of us they'll think of all four of us and isn't that true those four their world their sanctuary and ours too we were part of the gang now for the Easter egg reveal a box of juji fruits like the ones Elaine took the time to buy from the concession stand after hearing her boyfriend had been in an accident and before heading to the hospital to see him a bag of pretzels as in these pretzels are making me thirsty the Time Magazine cover with the fugitive on the front who George taunted at the airport and paid for later a box of Junior Mints like the ones Kramer was holding when one fell into the patient's abdomen on the operating table and Kramer's coffee table book on the coffee table naturally now take a guess at the square feet of the apartment and the cost in today's dollars I happen to find the exact address of the apartment building that we're told Jerry lives at on the show and what an apartment there this size currently rents for and now the big reveal how close did you get let me know what TV or movie homes you would like to see next but as for today that's a wrap see you next time on behind the [Music] scenes
Channel: Marina Coates - Mockingbird Lane
Views: 20,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: seinfeld bloopers, seinfeld without people, seinfeld, jerry seinfeld, seinfeld (tv program), larry david, sinefeld, sienfeld, Seinfeld Show
Id: oDx9g-Svznk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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