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[Music] why do christians die why why do we have terrorists coming to a church or meeting and bombing why what is the contemplation what is the answer there are so many things that happen in our world that creates a lot of question no wonder we have people who were once christians and then as a result of these unanswered questions they become atheists or they turn and begin to mock god and do all kinds of things so job was that man in one day brothers and sisters the bible tells us that job lost his sons he lost his daughters he lost his houses he was into real estate he was into agriculture he lost his business he lost everything the only thing that job had was himself his health and his wife within a span of a few hours men kept coming to bring reports i was standing and there were hail stones and this and that happened all your children are dead i'm the only one who is alive to come and testify and while he was trying to manage the psychology that comes the shock another news comes this and that was happening and your capital and everything and at the end of job's life uh after that news job gave glory to god and that was the end of it and then you would think that that would be the end of it another meeting was held again and this time around satan comes and god is making boasts with job and satan says well a man can give anything but his health his life permit me to touch his body and see what happens and the lord said fine now that in itself is a big subject of controversy why the lord would permit the devil to go and buffet a man hallelujah and then all of a sudden joe began to have soil boils all over his body and within a short time that great celebrity that great man was reduced to ashes he sat upon ashes and the bible says dogs would come and leak his souls he became a subject of embarrassment everybody in the city carried their opinion about him and then the bible tells us that three men came really far and they came and sat together when they saw joke's predicament they were shocked and for seven days they not talk after seven days they began to analyze they stretch their intellect from border to border searching what principles of life might have been violated to be responsible for this man's predicament are you following me now and at the end of it they said job all we can find is that you're a sinner and job said be careful don't bring your course upon yourself and there was a little boy who sat and he said i wanted to speak but i was afraid because i was little he said this matter is not just the issue of experience there is a spirit in mind we need the holy ghost to help us to be able to analyze what would have been the situation and after all of those conversations job's wife looked at him and said mr man you know i've been there we had all these children with you have been a faithful wife your situation is pathetic i pity you so here's the solution my recommendation to this situation is that you curse god and die and job said why do you speak like one of these foolish women hallelujah and then a lot of things transpired at a point job's humanity this is the part that that i wanted to get job because you see job was a human being and remember i did a teaching one time on the four living creatures now that there are four faces of creatures the throne the first is the face of a lion hallelujah and it depicts the believer as a king as royalty because we're a reflection of god so that is the dimension of god that we must permit to be at work in our lives mighty king you rule and you reign and then the face of a calf and it symbolizes the servanthood of god expressed in the person of jesus which should be a template for our own lives how that is not enough just to be a boss and a king but we must also be servants hallelujah and then the third face is the face of a man which represents our humanity and that means no matter how mighty we are times will come in our lives when our humanities will speak are you getting what i'm saying the bible tells us that jesus was hungry and he went to the farm to go and get something in fact at a point he came to see a fig tree and then he didn't find food we see the humanity of jesus he wept at funerals [Music] he was grieved when he saw men doing a lot of things perverting the temple there was nothing embarrassing about his humanity and at times in our lives sometimes we tend to choke ourselves by refusing to allow our humanities to speak let me just stop by to say it's okay to cry there are times that even great men cry it's not a symbol of weakness are you understanding what i'm saying and so job's humanity he was trying to hold it he said no nobody should accuse god god is faithful though he slay me i will praise him god is faithful don't accuse him but as the situation became prolonged the bible says hope the father can make the heart wary job began to ask questions lord i have defended you in the midst of my pain is this how you are going to allow me i would have gotten married if i but lord i'm getting to 35 what is happening every time people wanted to speak against you i defended you even when i did not understand why my situation was happening when my elder brother died i defended you a few months later my younger brother died i still defended you and now someone is sick in my family i may die where are you times can come in our lives listen to me when our humanities will probe god and will demand explanations the power of hope are you getting blessed so job was alone and he began to summon god in fact he was angry and he said lord i'm a righteous man you know paraphrasing i have walked blameless before you what is all this thing why is i demand you at a point in time his aggression began to get stronger and he said lord calm down i i said duly meeting with you if you are faithful and you are just if your mercies are new every morning except i have been lied to all my life please show up i need answers there are times when people have locked themselves not to pray for power not to pray for grace but to say lord can you tell me why this happened why was my father sat i know that my father has never been part of those manipulating a lot of things why do i see ungodly people prospering yet for every time i serve you i seem to pay a price for it hallelujah and job said this he said what is my strength this was a communication of a man's frustration the humanity of job was speaking the bible says he shared god that means it was not intentional there are times brothers and sisters that life can push you and you will make some statements sometimes that you will have to go back and say lord i'm sorry you will make statements someone sent me a text i think he lost his mom and um he sent me the text two days before that time he said please pray something is wrong pray i think a guy or a lady i don't know exactly who and then one morning i was on my way to travel and then i got the text he said she's dead he said i will never trust god again god is not to be trusted now you would easily say no don't say that sometimes the best way to help people is to keep quiet if god is not angry at that statement you should not be the bible says he knows that we are dust hallelujah and so job was frustrated and he spoke he said where is my strength that i should hope and what is my end that i should prolong my life in other words is it not better for me to die what good is it now i'm alive i can't do anything i can't make money again my reputation has been dashed to the ground everything i have lived for i've spent my entire life for it's gone and all i have is untold pain i'm lying in the dust and dogs dogs who would not even come into my compound have now become my companions and they come to lick my souls i have become a parable in my own city and so job was communicating his frustration something happened in chapter 14 of the same job verse 7 and 9 please chapter 14 verse 7 and 9 blessed be the name of the lord chapter 14 oh hallelujah i love the bible job 14 but seven [Music] okay let me just stand here [Music] job 14 you can just done so that save time [Music] hallelujah okay i like us to read verse seven everyone was the same job speaking listen listen let me tell you something powerful about about look at me do you know there is a technology that god has put in man every time this is how it works at first we are always afraid there are things we are afraid of are you getting my point there is a way you interact with your fears such that you no longer fear again so what would have made you cry yesterday you would sit in the midst of it and after challenging god and yelling at heaven right at that point a song of hope will arise sometimes the best way for god to bring us to a place of strength and victory is to expose us to our fears so that there is nothing else to fear hallelujah have you seen a man who has had accident and survive when you shout and say a number of is coming you will still be moving lord you are so good you are worthy of all my praise while everybody is panicking he just says man i've seen too much if he's dead i would have died are you getting my point there are men what she taught the devil with their testimonies they've gone through too much when the ministry started there are certain things that would have to be careful about but right now ah there are things you go through in life you no longer get afraid remember when some of you were afraid of carry over in the name of jesus i bind it will never happen and you went to the board you saw it once you saw it twice the third time you just said lord you are faithful now you just come and check all the cgpa 2.87 i give you all the lovers and you are comforting somebody who said it dropped from 3.5 to 3.4 and you're saying may god bless you take it easy say can you imagine god why did you do this and you're watching a time comes when you've gone through too much pain your pain suddenly becomes a weakon it no longer becomes a thing of embarrassment you look down and it becomes your weapon of victory and job in chapter 6 made a statement he said i'm dying what is all this heaven was silent he went through the pain after insulting god i'm sure he told himself i'm sorry told his wife i'm sorry and said look and then he said this hallelujah he said for there is hope for a tree who is god speaking to tonight there is hope for a tree if it be cut down that's the part i like if they say if it be rooted out he said if it be cut down because the root is still there the miracle is not in what you have lost is in what you have left he said there is hope for a tree god is speaking a powerful message to someone tonight no matter what you have lost god is the reason why you did not lose everything um [Music] you lost your first class tattoos but you are still a student you lost your family members but you are still alive they amputated one leg but you are still breathing he said there is hope for a tree if it be cut down that it will what it will sprout again the bible says rejoice not over me my enemies he said for when i fall when you are about to sit together make a funeral you will see me arise again he said rejoice not over me they that have laughed at my family they that have looked at them and said at 31 nobody has gone to school he said rejoice not there is hope for a tree that there are expectations that you have and now is november the admission list came out and your name was not there yet in a dream you kept seeing that you got the admission he said there is hope for a tree the tragedy is that the tree can be cut down but not rooted out he said and that the tender branch thereof will not cease everybody say there is hope what is hope let's define hope very quickly you make all things new yes you make all things new and i will follow you forward that's what the lord is doing in someone's life on someone's family tonight you make all things new yes you make all things new and i will follow one more time let's sing it as a prophecy for our lives and destinies come on now [Music] [Music] definition number one hope is a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen first definition let's hurry up hope is a feeling of expectation and desire for a thing to happen in other words is that feeling that expectancy you have that there's something i expect to happen in my life and so you keep that fire you keep that expectation it's called hope hope is a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen number two hope is a firm assurance a firm assurance and a belief that things and circumstances will be better in the future i'll take it again hope is a firm assurance and a that things and circumstances will be better in the future powerful definition the assurance firm assurance so in the first definition we see that hope is expectation the second definition faith is fame assurance the certainty that you know that it will not end like this although for now things may be unclear although for now things may be unknown but you have an assurance i don't know how it will happen i don't know when it will happen but i know it will happen the fam assurance number three i'll give you three definitions number three hope is an optimistic attitude [Music] optimistic attitude of mind and optimistic attitude of mind based on an expectation keep writing is an optimistic attitude of mind based on an expectation of positive outcomes [Music] based on an expectation of positive outcomes related to events and circumstances in one's life or the world at large an optimistic attitude of mind based on an expectation of positive outcomes related to events and circumstances in one's life now there are some key words that i want us to look at when you talk about hope the first thing you talk about is expectation say expectation so i expect that certain things will happen i may not know how they will happen i may not know when they will happen i don't even know where they will happen but i know that they will happen number two fam assurance that certainty [Music] that i know that i know that i know [Music] that although it's been seven years and we've not been able to have a child we know that we are going to die as parents i know against all odds against all medical reports [Music] that i know that i know that i know that i may be ss now but one thing i know is that when i'll be going to be with the lord that genotype must change i may not know which miraculous service will bring the miracle but i have a fam assurance and then number three is an aptitude of optimism i keep my spirit high because i know that things will change i may not see it it may not look like it as at now the job has not come i've been a graduate for 10 years no job i've been a man of god for 20 years and there are just 20 members and i love god sincerely the ministry is not growing finance is not coming influence is not increasing nothing is happening hallelujah i'm a lady i've kept myself and i love the lord i told god i wanted to marry at 23 i'm 33 is 10 years of waiting nothing has happened he said it's an attitude of optimism keeping your spirit high knowing you are not wasting your time [Music] very important why do we need hope very quickly why do we need hope why do we need to talk about the subject of hope why do we really need hope is it so important a subject to be talked about number one i wrote here that in a world full of uncertainties failures and darkness hope gives us the strength to continue in a world full of uncertainties failures and darkness hope gives us the strength to continue so the first reason why we need hope is because it supplies for us the strength it gives us the same power the impetus to keep going even when there is no human reason to keep moving hallelujah why should i keep serving the lord when there are all kinds of things happening why should i keep hoping on god when believers seem to be dying around like chickens in our nation why should i keep being optimistic when it's been years and decades there's not been any graduates in our family [Music] in a world that is full of uncertainties hallelujah uncertainties for instance the doc the death of dr miles munro raised a lot of questions around people you know because people knew how very confident he was about the principles of the kingdom hallelujah one of our brothers in the technical department called me this evening to tell me he lost his brother he just got a report that he lost his brother our sister in the media last week selena lost her mom and the mom was coming from the church she finished service on her way to go home and the bike carried her she had an accident had sustained some internal injuries and um by the next day she gave up and while she died they were praying i've seen a lot of people who minutes before people died they were praying in tongues in fact some who died died speaking in tongues or praying uncertainties there are times when no matter how theologically sound you are you will be faced with realities that you may not be able to answer people why is this happening hallelujah imagine that that celebrity called jesus imagine a man who conquered death would you ever think that he would die after bringing dead people back to life you would think even if they wanted to kill him it was based on that that peter took a knife to cut malcolm's ear because he said you don't know who you are trying and jesus now gave himself and he said jesus i don't understand what is going on here somebody tell me i'm dreaming what is jesus doing wake up are you sleeping you are handing yourself donating yourself to be killed and jesus said exactly that and peter said come on now so you fooled us all this wire where is the jazz you've been using so you are not really mighty ah i knew it something in my spirit told me there was more to this man and he ran away but he did not know that there is hope for a tree the bible likens man to trees he said he shall be like a tree so he said there is hope for a tree jesus died but he died for only 72 hours when men were busy discussing his death he was already alive don't talk about my death when i'm already alive we love talking about death two men in emmaus were discussing the death whereas the expiry time was only 72 hours did you know that this phase of your life that is full of stories is only a comma in the long span of the picture that is characterized by unending victory it's been five years but god has given you 80 years to prove to the devil he's alive there is hope for a tree a time came peter was locked in prison now he understood i'm sure in prison peter will be saying yes so this is what happened to jesus after doing great and mighty things terrible things in righteousness they watched the holy spirit come upon the church to begin a new dispensation and now they locked him james was in the prison they said don't worry we know james james is a powerful man and later they just heard james has been beheaded they said you mean the knife entered he died he said james is dead all of a sudden there was panic they said my goodness we thought the anointing was going to speak for james uncertainties and now they caught peter i'm sure peter concluded because the bible does not record that when they came they met him praying he was sleeping peter said well for me to leave his christ die again whatever happens i want me jesus christ but he did not know see let me tell you something brothers and sisters if it is not your time you remain immortal are you hearing what i'm saying an angel came and the bible says the chains just fell by themselves and he let peter out same thing with paul paul was used to dying he testified he will die immediately they leave his spirit to just enter his body and you get up and find somewhere and rest and the job continues strange man they will take reports that he is there that they hear that is in another city paul very strange man to an extent that some men vowed that they would not eat have you read that in your bible they say we eat until this man dies to our supervision we must make sure he's dead i don't know what they did with their lives because paul lived very long when he went to that island called melitta paul rested there there was peace and tranquility for some time [Music] in a world full of uncertainty in a world full of failure in a world full of darkness hope gives us the strength to continue it gives us the energy to keep on moving still the same point in life in ministry in business in your marriage in your academics in other words hope is the anchor that keeps us standing fast through the storms of life just like the anchor keeps the sheep so that the waves will not take you too far hope is that ankle hope is that uncle that holds your life when the voice terror storms of uncertainties in life come and profit you like the house that is built upon the rock sometimes it may be shaken but hope will keep you alive [Music] number two why do we need hope hope is one of the pillars upon which faith is built hebrews 11 1 hope is one of the pillars upon which faith is built without the revelation of hope they cannot be faith the bible says now faith is hebrews 11 verse one now faith is the what [Music] the confident assurance of the things hoped for so we must first walk for them speaking about abraham they said who against all hope believed in hope against all hope romans chapter 4 against all who believed in hope [Music] so hope is the pillar one of the pillars upon which faith stands and very quickly i'm rushing so that we'll get to where i'm going to dwell for tonight [Music] there are two dimensions of hope as taught in the bible two dimensions of hope as taught in the bible number one is what the bible calls the blessed hope the blessed hope titus chapter 2 verse 13 please titus chapter 2 verse 13 the blessed hope it talks about hope that is beyond this earthly life that's the first and the ultimate oh please listen to me tonight hope that is beyond this earthly life hope that is beyond the grave the first dimension of hope that the bible speaks to us about is what it calls the blessed hope titus chapter 2 verse 13 he said looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great god and of our savior jesus christ so the first hope that must keep us going in life that must keep us optimistic in life that must keep us assaulted in life is what the bible calls the blessed hope that assurance that no matter what happens even if this body is destroyed there is a blessed hope are you getting what i'm saying confident assurance that the grave is not the end of life that in spite of all of the poverty and the terrorism and whatever it is there is an assurance the bible causes the blessed hope and listen every other manifestation of hope you have in your life is useless until this is in place because this is hope beyond the earthly realm let me tell you something there is life beyond this place we were talking very passionately with the school of ministry students yesterday and we were really considering the subject of life we're actually examining the biblical view of success and fulfillment and i was sharing with them a few things if your hope does not transcend beyond this earthly realm listen to me then of all men you are most miserable the bible says i saw that grave give up the dead now all this did not happen in the earth [Music] life was over for them a time where those who had the blessed hope will rejoice the sea gave up the dead the grave gave up the dead all of the people and he said i saw the dead stand before god and he said great and those who were great and small i saw standing before god senators and i saw carpenters i saw vice chancellors and professors and i saw villagers i saw people who could not get food to eat and i saw those who their dogs could eat the food of royalty he said they all stood before god and the moment of truth okay books were opened are you hearing what i'm saying books were open and another book was open he said every man was judged according to the writings of that book and he said whosoever's name ah i like the bible no bribery no political party whosoever's name was not found you will carry your flag carry your your your senatorial district carry whatever it is to the lake of fire carry your prestige and your accolades listen to me when you stand from the realm of the spirit and you look at the earth realm it looks like a vapor that's how it looks like anyone who has had a true visionary encounter you have been given the privilege to look at earth you know how you look at the cloud the earth is truly like a mirage compared to spiritual realities therefore we must have that blessed hope that i know that as i'm going about my business i know that as i'm doing whatever i'm doing thank god for breakthrough thank god for whatever but i am a sword that if i get out in the morning and for any reason under the sun i do not return don't doubt where i am i've gone to a place of rest are you telling what i'm saying you must convince yourself some of you are already afraid there's no need being afraid of what must happen come to terms with it and win the war every time you begin the greatest enemy of mankind as we know they ask the wisest man you know societally speaking he's considered to be the wisest man in the earth they asked him what is the greatest problem of mankind he said he's shocked that the government have not started talking about it he said the fact that everybody will die he said it's a very serious issue we should forget about the issue of politics and oil and tackle this issue that men will die you see that he is truly wise right he said look at we we get up and we do the things that we do and there is one common denominator then millionaires have died in this country their money could not save them is that true men of god have died in this country herbalists have died in this country children have died in this country people have lost babies in the hospital people have died 100 years plus it makes no difference hear me there is a blessed hope there is a blessed hope everybody is a blessed hope this is the greatest consolation any man can have goodbye world i'm staying no longer with you goodbye pleasures of sin i'm staying no longer with you i've made up my mind to go god away the rest of my life made off my mind to go god's way [Music] a day will come let me tell you every arrogant man in this earth must come to his knees oh yes absolutely there are men who live like they are gods of themselves but my bible says the earth is the lord he said once have i spoken and twice have we had all power does not belong to any political party it does not belong to any terrorist group there is a god that sits upon the circles of the earth he may look powerless now but a day will come you will show his might like the brightness of the sun and only those who have this blessed hope get five points without this blessed hope you are nothing are you saying what i'm saying marry the finest woman in the world the most handsome and the wealthiest man in the world without this blessed hope you are nothing listen do charity have a big ministry be on air organize crusades if you wish if you do not have this blessed hope in five minutes when your life evaporates like a vapor you have wasted your life are you here what i'm saying we consider everything else in our life but we do not pay attention to this blessed hope many of us is a shame that for many pastors this is not even a theme of our messages again i'm going to talk about other aspects and we're going to pray and speak over ourselves but first and foremost i owe a responsibility and i told god our primary assignment as a ministry we have four mandates from god number one is massive salvation of souls i'd rather leave somebody listen listen look at what jesus said to somebody who was lying down he said your sins be forgiven and the people say what are you saying for many of us that is inferior to miracles hallelujah but he said your sins be forgiven in other words what you need is a blessed hope you need something higher than this the thief on the cross the other one says you know he began to harass jesus and talk and he was unrepentant even on the cross and the other one said shut your mouth we are getting a recompense for what we have done we are armed robbers they caught us they are hanging us on the cross because we stole but this man is innocent and jesus looked at him and said this day my goodness my all his life of misery became useful by one pronunciation to release him can you imagine that [Music] barabbas stood near the king of kings the one who could give him blessed hope yet he did not have it judas is carrying was the treasurer of the custodian of this blessed hope yet he did not receive it he committed suicide and went to hell have you heard what i'm saying he went and bought a shield with the money and killed himself [Music] the blessed hope many times i think about my life and i'm telling you i live a very happy life one of the reasons why i don't worry in my life is because i know that every other thing on earth will only happen if i'm alive is that true the subject of cgpa is over when you go to be with the lord if the trumpet sounds now okay let me not talk about that since you're afraid of that the trumpet will still sound the bible talks about his appearing the trumpet sounds now i guarantee you i'm out of this place you just see this mic on the floor you can come and carry it if you think that what we're saying is joke because there are people here who are hearing this and we just laugh i remember writing a letter to some of my friends and classmates yes they go secondary school classmates and one of my friends he studied theater art he said he saw my rapture entertainment paper rapture entertainment newsletter he said he saw it it got to him i said don't worry it will be a newsletter indeed by the time we check out of this place brothers and sisters there is an event called rapture are you hearing what i'm saying it is not a prophetic event it is a real event it will happen where human beings will exit this earth the greatest shock of humanity will happen then [Music] so i live my life with eternity in view yes i want to be blessed financially yes i want ministry to expand yet i want this and that to happen but brothers and sisters beyond that that only becomes a worthy pursuit when you know that your eternal security is there let me tell you the truth satan's ultimate goal is not to make you poor if that's all his goal then he has insulted himself and you get what i'm saying satan's ultimate goal is not to put courses and spells and witches and wizard no that's not satan's ultimate goal his ultimate goal is to make sure that number one contaminates the possibility of the blessed hope in your life when he finds out that there is no room you are already lost then he will try to deal with you from the earth realm so you can fraternize with him to secure the fact that you will not make it hallelujah imagine the nightmare satan lives with knowing he has been doomed forever there is no opportunity for salvation so every morning i wake up satan is afraid because the more we advance the kingdom the more his time of doom comes near he said have you come to destroy us before our time there is a time that is their own is for them it has been air marked it's not a secret they know it that a dispensation will come where death hell and the grave will be casted into the lake of fire the bible calls it the second death that is when officially the meter of eternity will start reading satan is aware satan is aware that's why the moment you declare the name of the lord and you commit your life to bringing people into the saving knowledge of the lord jesus christ you have declared war on the gates of hell [Music] there are people right here listen i will never make assumptions there are people here you are looking at me you know right now that if the trumpet sounds the sincere truth is that you do not have this blessed hope there is no guessing it brothers and sisters i can't remember exactly when i got born again i think i just know that i love god look at me come madam are you married yes when cry when exactly how was i married i just knew that somehow somehow this man used to stroll around and now we have many children are you married and sami are you married people celebrate their wedding anniversaries with joy true or false we are 20 years in marriage and they smile they say for these 20 years god has been faithful let me tell you something there are many believers deceiving themselves they do not have one what the bible calls the assurance of salvation and number two they are not taking it seriously we think about money and every other thing aside from the blessed hope but tonight the lord wants to make all things new i'm going to take another call i just feel i should stop here and let's take a powerful altar call right now to the shame of the devil hallelujah listen there is no playing games brothers and sisters whether you are poor or rich right now in the church they say don't threaten people don't teach about anything rapture just give them a good reason whether you feel threatened or not let me tell you the truth it will happen jesus is coming soon everything that needs to happen for him to come has happened the final sign the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom is what we are doing right now and at every moment his majesty can come if you are afraid of the coming of jesus christ it's because you are going to hell it should be a thing we should rejoice about and say lord finally an end comes to this life of misery hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord everyone rides on your feet we're going to take this altar call right now please let this be a solemn moment i am i am i am dead serious with what is happening right now hallelujah there are people here who are said man of god i love the lord i have served the lord some of you may even be preachers but you are saying sincerely i am not sure that that blessed hope there is a condition for it to happen the bible says if thou shalt confess with thy mouth that jesus is lord and you believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved it's not anything that you have to do on your part you just receive the free gift of salvation the bible says for all have seen all have seen there's nothing embarrassing about realizing that you probably have not received the gift of salvation he said all i've seen and fallen short of the glory of god what the bible says for god so loved the world he gave his one and only begotten son he said whosoever no selection shall believe in him beliefs in him will not perish but have eternal life there are people here some of you you have been around church you you do a lot of spiritual things and you have believed that that is a justification we will stand in the golden city in the new jerusalem and i'll open all our pains will be no [Music] we will worship and adore you forevermore oh this is the destiny of the church we will stand in the golden city and we will stand with the host of heaven and cry [Music] right now as we sing this song wherever you are inside and outside you need to come and surrender to jesus i like you to personally like a man running away from fire find your way to the front right now [Music] find your way to the front right now find your way to the front right now the moment we raise this song i like you to come need business with him we will stand in the golden city in the new jerusalem all our pain and all our tears will be no more the sit back deceiving yourself we will stand foreign [Music] city [Music] for the last time now [Music] we will stand in the golden city in the future we will stand with the hopes of heaven and cry holy [Music] forevermore [Music] at his feet by the blood of the lamb standing receiving all kinds of crowns of glory standing at his majesty where you will tell us well done thou good and faithful entity to the joy of the lord i will stand in the golden city in the new jerusalem all our pain and all our fears will be no more i know this that i will stand with the hopes of heaven listen even if you live to 120 years hear me you're not going to die young don't be afraid this is not a funeral service we have a covenant of life and prosperity are you hearing what i'm saying but i'm telling you even if you live 200 years one of the interesting things in the bible is that they will mention a very long age of a man and then they will say and he died he died some of you are standing and you are crying i tell you the truth there is nothing to be ashamed of tonight can be that night i don't care what you have done i don't care what there are some of us who need to rededicate our lives i just sense that there are still one or two people that need to join them and say for me i'm rededicating it i'm saying lord i surrender everything i've been stopped towards the will and the purposes of god you are part of that inside and outside join them quickly as i pray for you thank you for giving to the lord i am a light that was changed thank you forgiven to the lord i am so hallelujah those of us in front here in one minute i'd like you to talk to the lover of your soul talk to him he died for you the bible says while we were yet serious as you pray i want you to think about your life in one minute and tell yourself it's over enough of playing games and for all of us who are standing don't think because you are standing it means you should not reflect please in one minute i like everybody to reflect on your life am i living my life in a way that if i see it being replayed i will be glad i live that way am i living my life in a way that if i am to watch myself in heaven i will say thank you jesus i spent my life on the purposes of the kingdom lift your voice and pray this is serious business tonight this is why jesus shed his blood please don't you think we are playing games tonight this is a very serious issue if you're under the sound of my voice you should be thinking about your life very deeply and seriously no man will stand for you on that day there is no advocate no pastor no prophet no apostle he said books were opened i saw the dead both small and great let what you are hearing tonight not stand against you in the day of judgment pray those of you in front pray jesus you died for me jesus you died for me i return to you now [Applause] i return to you jesus i believe in you i believe in you that's what you should be saying those of you needing now before jesus i just the voices i like you to hush it from the depths of your heart he said whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have life everlasting whosoever believes in him hallelujah those of you in front i'd like you to stay after me from the depths of your heart and never forget this day some of you are rededicating yourself some of you are truly surrendering all say after me lord jesus i surrender every aspect of my life completely to you i make you lord of my life [Music] i have run away from you for too long but tonight like a prodigal child i return home to you the lover of my soul [Music] i return to you wash me with your blood cleanse me make me new give me a new beginning write my name in the lamb's book of life that when this life is over i will have that blessed hope i declare today that i willingly consciously make jesus lord of my life i'm willing to live by your word in the name of jesus father [Music] what a privilege or a privilege i ask you in the name of your son jesus christ that the grace for a new beginning give them in the name of jesus for many of them they have been running like a deer that pans for the water and tonight they have found salvation i ask that this will be a genuine desire that on that day when we all stand we will see them i bless you i declare your sins forgiving i declare that your name is in the lamb's book of life and i declare that jesus is lord of your life from tonight grace to walk in righteousness i cut you away from any lifestyle that is not consistent with the character of the kingdom in the name of the lord jesus christ a big congratulations to you in the name of the lord jesus christ hallelujah please i'd like you to follow the ushers in one minute they'll just have your details and you'll return back to your seat hallelujah hallelujah for those of us standing before we continue there's one more aspect that i must touch and then we'll pray in one minute i'd like you to pray and say lord you have found me keep me keep me go ahead and pray keep me keep me pray lord you have found me keep me oh yes now unto him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless now unto him who is able to keep you from falling in the midst of the pressures and the challenges of life keep me keep me from falling he says and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom thine is the power and thine is the glory keep me from falling that i will serve you all my life [Music] that i will serve you all my life hallelujah hallelujah god bless you please sit down let's finish up [Music] so there are two dimensions of hope the first is the blessed hope and according to titus chapter 2 verse 13 the blessed hope talks about the return of our lord jesus christ and the fact that we'll be spending eternity with him in a place of absolute rest [Music] i wrote a song maybe 10 13 years ago the coming of the lord is near and i can hear the drown of the trumpet so loud when the dead in christ shall rise again and we who are alive will be caught up in glory to a place of rest called heaven called paradise and there we will rejoice forever remember writing that song was my communication i've taken god serious all my life and i want to encourage us staying with god stay with god a time will come where we will be in a place of absolute rest and peace and love forever where there will be no wars no terrorism no hunger no issue of jam and wyak no issue of corruption and death and sickness and that is our blessed hope hallelujah absolutely the second aspect of hope will deal with that now when your eternity is secured you can deal with the quality of your life here on earth and that's what we want to deal with very quickly [Music] the fact that our ultimate hope is beyond this life it's not a guarantee that we should allow the devil to perfect our lives here in the earth right the bible says having the promise of this life having the promise uh how did he put it now we're going to get to that scripture first timothy i think we'll get there we'll get there let me just skip it the second dimension of hope is what the bible calls hope in this life hope in this life so our hope is not just in heaven alone we have hope even in this life hallelujah first timothy chapter 4 verse 8 first timothy media if you can help us everyone say hope in this life yes [Music] if you are supposed to live 90 years old and you are 25 years now or 30 years how many more years do you have at least 60 or 65 years you don't want it to be 65 years of hopelessness and misery hallelujah so we must have hope even in this life testimony chapter four verse eight he said but bodily exercise profited little for body exercise prophesied me too but godliness is profitable to all things he said having the promise an expectation of the life that now is and then that which is to come so there is a promise of the quality of life that now is jesus speaking to the to the disciples said no man who has left father or mother or land houses for my sake and for the kingdoms he said but he will receive in this life this and that and that and then in the life to come life everlasting there are issues in our life today that were discouraged about and we must sustain the grace to deal with it praise the lord we need hope in this life to be able to achieve our goals to be able to push through the walls of limitations to be able to overcome challenges and obstacles and to triumph over circumstances i'll take it again we need hope in this life so that we can achieve our goals we can push through the walls of limitations we can overcome challenges and obstacles and finally triumph over circumstances these are the two dimensions of hope one is the blessed hope at the return of our lord jesus christ and the other is the hope we have that assures us of victory here and now praise the lord now very quickly what is the basis for hope what is the biblical basis for hope let's start with our blessed hope that means what is the foundation what is the assurance what is the condition what is the basis on which we have our hope the blessed hope what gives us assurance that what we call blessed hope is not a lie what gives us that assurance that we will partake of it number one is the sacrificial and the substitutionary work of jesus christ the first basis for our blessed hope beyond this life is the sacrificial and the substitutionary work of the lord jesus christ that has given us access to eternal life and peace with god romans chapter 6 from verse 23 [Music] so the basis for my spending eternity with god the basis for that hope that i have is the fact that jesus died the sacrificial and the substitutionary work of the lord jesus christ that today has granted me access to eternal life and peace with god through the blood of jesus romans chapter 6 from verse 23 hallelujah [Music] it says for the wages of sin is death but the gift of god is eternal life and that eternal life comes through the person of our lord jesus christ so based on the substitutionary work of jesus christ it gives me a basis for having that blessed hope that truly on account of what christ has done i will be able to stand blameless before the throne hallelujah number two what gives us the basis for the blessed hope is the words and the prophecies in the bible which we consider to be true revelations 21 verse 1 to 5. let's rush please two major reasons why we have assurance that this blessed hope is true number one is that jesus died [Music] and he has given us access number two is that the concept of this blessed hope has been written in the bible and we believe it to be true i saw a new heaven revelation 21 this was the revelation that was given to john the apostle in the isle of patmos i saw a new heaven and a new earth so john tells us based on the prophecy in the book that there was truly a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away and there was no mercy versus two and i john saw it are you saying that now john saw it so he's not telling us what an angel told him john saw it so it gives us the basis of assurance i saw the new jerusalem coming down from god out of heaven prepared as a bright abdomen for our husband that's three and i had a great voice out of heaven saying behold the tabernacle of god is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people and god himself shall be with them and be their god verse 4 but reading to 5 and god shall wipe away their tears you see where we got the song that we're singing he shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and there shall be no more death neither sorrow nor crying neither shall there be any more pain for the former things are passed away and god himself tells us in verse 5 he said and he that sat on the throne not a delegate he said behold i make all things new and he said right for these words are true and faithful so we can believe it god himself endorsed it that the concept of this blessed hope against all scientific odds is true write it he said document it so that those who will read this prophecy will know that there is truly a blessed hope are you blessed so the substitutionary work of jesus christ gives us the basis for our blessed hope hallelujah and then the prophecies of the bible given and endorsed by god himself father gives us an assurance so that is the the basis for our blessed hope what is the basis for our hope in this life then the second dimension what gives us assurance that the cancer will die what gives us assurance that you will build the house what gives us assurance that in spite of all of the delays and the frustration in your life you will imagine champion what gives you assurance that the ministry that looks small today will be of global impact i call them the attributes of god there are three attributes of god that gives us confidence and gives us hope in this life the first attribute of god that gives us hope in this life is his creative ability the first attribute of god that becomes the basis for our hope in this life is his creative ability his ability to make something out of nothing gives us hope so no matter how hopeless my life is when i look at that attribute of god that it is still within his power to make something with no raw material i know that there is work for me so when god says he can change my story i can believe in and i'm hold on to that is attribute i preached the message uh i think it was last year faith in the faithfulness of god you can have faith in the attributes of god i can have faith in the creative ability of god and the bible is full of this in genesis chapter one verse one two three just write it we may not project it the bible says verse two the earth was dark and void and formless that was a hopeless situation but then we see the creative power of god he said an elohim said light be all of a sudden he began to recreate the earth out of nothing if god can recreate the earth out of nothing it means he can recreate my life no matter what is missing so that revelation gives me hope to hold on to him the attribute of god his creative attributes in john chapter six from verse one to fourteen john chapter six from verse one to fourteen specifically from verse nine to twelve the entire text of five loaves and two fish we see the creative ability of god at work five thousand men aside women and children they were hungry and andrew saw a young lad having five loaves and two fish and they brought it to jesus and jesus said no problem it's not a hopeless situation when i am there it is within my power to create the bible says he lifted it and he gave thanks all of a sudden we saw creation at work again hallelujah everyone say god has creative power because you see for many of us it is difficult to see how god will step in and change your situation because the raw material you know to produce that change has been lost are you getting my point how can i have hope that i will give back to a child when the womb that should to keep the child has been removed are you getting my point maybe because of fibroid or something the womb was it was removed i saw it i know it's gone can i still have hope the creator the creator hallelujah he said all i need is your corporation the creator the one who can make nothing is still a raw material for him everyone say god has creative ability so there is hope for my life i think it was here we had a testimony about someone who jumped came out remember that jump and there was one hundred and something hallelujah one hundred and something and i think after one of the miracle services or so the person went back to check the jump confirmed yeah two hundred and something the creator see let me tell you the attributes of god represent the possibilities in him and the one you believe is the one that can work for you [Music] all of the multifaceted attributes of god represent the possibilities in him i believe every part of him i believe everything that he can do so the attributes of god the first is his creative ability it gives us the basis to have hope in this life number two is god's restorative ability ability to restore what does it mean to restore to bring back to life that which is dead to make perfect that which is imperfect and to bring back lost opportunities god is able to do that god is able to do that there is an attribute of god that can restore things [Music] so it gives us hope that even when our situations look hopeless when god steps in he can restore in ezekiel 37 from verse one to seven just write it just write it for time's sake ezekiel 37 from verse one to seven ezekiel said that he took me the spirit of the lord to a a valley full of dry bones hallelujah the prophet of god was taken to a valley the bible says there were very many and the books were very dry meaning they had been there in long time and he said son of man can these bones leave again and the prophet said only down lowest and said prophesy speak to these voice hear ye the word of the lord and all of a sudden the bible says at the prophet's word bones began to be joined to bones i like you to say god can restore say god can restore god can bring back to life that which is dead in my life god can make perfect that which is imperfect in my life and god can restore lost opportunities in my life oh yes everything that was lost shall be returned unto you everything that was stolen shall be restored unto you arise everything that was lost can be restored i'd like you to say hallelujah in john chapter 11 the entire text is from verse 1 to 44 but the part that concerns us is 17 to 27 and 39-44 don't project it because of time it talks about the story of a man called lazarus in a place called bethany the bible tells us that lazarus one who was greatly beloved of jesus christ jesus loved him so much a report got to jesus and they said lazarus whom you love is sick and jesus said don't worry the sickness is not unto death meaning the situation will not be worse than it already is and when the master speaks you believe but then they returned and jesus told them let's go to our brother lazarus for his sleeping and they said if his sleeper is good for him and then he came directly he said our brother lazarus is dead four days [Music] and the restorer he was on his way coming and when mary saw him she was angry she was grieved and they said master if you had been here lazarus would not have died he said but now i know that it's not late and jesus said lazarus your brother will arise there will be restoration i say i know lazarus i know you have already been speaking about the blessed hope i know and jesus said do you not know that i am the resurrection that means it's not an event it's a personality it can happen now for you i am the resurrection and i am the life and he looked at the stone men are concluded and he said really with the stone let's review that case for 10 years your father's promotion has been delayed but he said roll away the stone you take a step of faith show me that you have hope by going to roll it with the stone i will roll it for you roll it if you want me to visit that case roll it with this [Music] and they rolled away the store and jesus stood and in chapter 35 the bible says and jesus wept he had so much compassion and he said father i thank you because you hear me always and i don't say this because i'm doubting you paraphrasing but so that these people will know and he echoed the voice the resurrection and the life he sent a signal that rattled hedges the place of death the dead people and he said lazarus you know why he mentioned lazarus name if he just said comfort every dead person would have come to life and so he mentioned the one he wanted to come he sent a word and that word came passed through the astral realm and went on the word like a meter and he saw the spirit of lazarus and he said the master calleth that's how rapture will happen the blast of the trumpet will rattle through the gates of the spirit and the doors of life will open he said lazarus come forth and all of a sudden they saw a man coming out and he said take off those great clothes oh god can restore who asks you to close those chapters in your life am i speaking to you who asks you to close the chapters there are people who do not even confront certain issues again because they have close eight but tonight the lord is saying open it up i want to visit it i want to visit it i want to visit it i give you a prophetic word but it is november right now can that word still come to pass is there anything too hard for me to do i am that i am is there anything too hard for me to do i am that i am listen i have learned from experience and i've learned in my life that all we need to do listen the manifestation of your miracle does not take time it is the process of preparation that takes time for about 12 years joseph was being trained but in one night he slept a prisoner and woke up a prime minister are you hearing what i'm saying in one night hadassah esther for one year she kept preparing listen the fact that you are going through a period of pruning a period of waiting does not mean god is not moving if you think he's too slow you want to move faster than him and you will complicate your journey wait in one night god changed the story of a nation the prophet said by this time tomorrow even if he said by this time next year it will be fair enough but he said tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow someone is sitting here tonight by tomorrow night you will sit down with your hand on your head and you'll be saying my lord i didn't know i was this close [Music] i was right at the edge of a breakthrough but couldn't see it that's the testimony of many people now listen you are you have come so close you've been enduring for years but now that you are about to break open the gates of destiny many of us want to turn back i want you to know that the restoration ability of god is stealing force are you hearing what i'm saying i own care ago [Music] i was right at the edge of a breakthrough i couldn't see oh listen let me tell you something i trust the lord [Music] something happened to us a very interesting story i won't give you all the details happen to us at the airport when we're traveling some things came up there were lots of complications and it was going to affect our tickets and all of that and you know we're a bit concerned because i think there was issue of overbooking and so on and so forth and we had to make sure that we arrived on time and all of that and humanly speaking humanly speaking at the point in fact about 30 minutes 30 minutes to the time that we eventually secured the tickets there was all hope was lost they told us there's no room again this and that and that has happened so did there were there had to be changes and there was no human way i called the guys and i said guys this is the situation we are in now if things get bad this and that and that this is worse let's just prepare for the worst but god is faithful let me tell you something it did not take more than 10 minutes before they wrote all of the tickets is that true we're the last one to get into the flight hallelujah they were standing i'm not sure they were even aware you see that and they just they think everything was in less than 10 minutes god when god is ready to stand up on your kc when you see god keep quiet papa devil you preach the message when god is silent when god is silent that's when you should stop talking praise him give him whom give him space through your peace your praise and say lord i don't know what you are doing but i know you are doing something take the time to prepare the table because it's going to be a large table there are people who should come take the time [Music] when god arises he will scatter let me tell you something when it is your season of breakthrough i don't care whether they say courses or yokes or xyz god will stamp everything and open the door and say let me see the man who will stop him [Music] for someone if you will just wait a little longer this is the word of the lord the miracle will happen before you celebrate christmas just wait a little longer the mighty god is still alive he told you and he's still faithful oh we judge him faithful it will still happen it will still happen who is god speaking to you it will still happen it will still happen one of our brothers here both him and him and his wife the ladies and ushers and all of that i remember when that brother met me they are married now they married early this year i think around april i remember when that brother met me and the brother was you know he was sharing with me a bit up about his marriage life and all of that and i told him i said god will bless you and god will do a quick walk brothers and sisters within a short time i was shocked and if you see the pretty and godly lady a combination of everything within and without come on ushers [Music] hallelujah whereas someone has been searching without the help of god for decades searched all over couldn't find nobody i looked high and low still couldn't find nobody nobody great nobody greater than you let's think one more time i searched all over come on still couldn't find nobody nobody his ability to restore god can restore the job of your father are you hearing what i'm saying god can restore it he can restore it he makes me to lie down in green pastures he leads me beside the quiet waters he restores my soul he restores my soul god can restore every aspect of your life hallelujah praise the lord he said i will restore to you the years that kangkawam has stolen the palmer woman the caterpillar i will restore it is within my power to restore the second attribute of god in second kings chapter six second kings chapter six let's project it very quickly second kings chapter six i want us to hurry up because we'll pray we must rush from now take up wings we're going to rush hallelujah 6 1 and the sons of the prophets came to elijah behold now the place where we dwell with these two straight for us verse 2 let us go we pray the unto jordan and take dance every man a beam and let us make a place there where we may dwell and he answered he said go in other words let's increase peace verse 3 and and once said be content i pray thee to go with thy servants and so elijah goes with them verse 4. so they went with them he said and as they came to jordan they were cutting down wood to make the place for their meeting fight but as one was failing the beam what happened the axe head fell into the water and he cried and said alas master it was bored i'm in trouble i'm in trouble i need help i collected this to do the work of god but it has landed me in trouble [Music] and the man of god said calm down he said where did it fall there is a god that can restore who is god speaking to and he showed him the place and he used an insignificant thing sorry a stick that has no relevance and he threw it upon and the bible says the iron from under started swimming until it came to the top but seven therefore he said take it up to him and he took his hand i prophesied to someone in the name that is above all names in a way and a manner you never expected to happen my god will show up for you before the end of this month in the name that is above all names i'm speaking to you there are things that you have lost and only god can give you i stand in under my office and in the name that is above all names i prophesy to you no matter where that act is it is still in the river it didn't disappear it only left you in the name that is above all names we command that as head to float please sit down listen look at me the fact that you don't see a thing does not mean it has stopped existing it is there but it is not within your reach it is within the power of the master to call it from wherever it is i hope you understand how many of us can state um i think that's the first law of thermodynamics right what does it say ah energy can neither be what nor destroyed is that true that means the concept of disappearance is a mirage it only leaves your side but it's somewhere there the bones were scattered but when the master spoke they found themselves you would have thought it's over hear me let me tell you something armed robbers came to your house and they stole you do not see what they've carried but there are many kinds of it in the earth and when the master steps up as a restorer you will see things in dramatic ways coming to your life and when god restores it does not give you what you lost it gives you what you lost and what you would have gained if you still had it that's what restoration is if god just gives you what you lost is called progress not restoration until god gives you plus the balance on top [Music] he said who has believed our report [Music] the third attribute of god very quickly that gives us the basis for hope in this life is god's ability to bring acceleration god's ability his attribute as a god that can suspend time he can move beyond time move beyond protocols he can expedite the process of certain things [Music] his ability to bring acceleration in first kings chapter 18 from verse 41-46 first kings chapter 18 from verse 41-46 the bible speaks to us about the prophet hallelujah a great prophet of god and elijah said unto i have get the up and drink for i hear the sound of the abundance of red next verse we read down to 46 and i have went to eat and drink and elijah went to the top of camel watch this i have eaten drink and he started running he had started going but elijah seemed to be delayed he was here sitting let's watch what happens and he cast himself down upon the earth and prayed 43 and all of that he told his servant go and check until 7 times 44 all the time while those seven times were happening ab was already running he was already moving ahead the bible says it came to pass that behold there arise at a little cloud like a man's hand and he said go up and say to uh okay right here sorry i got it wrong this is the point where he told us prepare your chariot get deep down at that the rain stopped you know so now he started running verse 45 [Music] the bible said and it came to pass in the meanwhile that the heaven was black with clouds and wind and there was a great rain and i have road and went to jezreel so we see that i have gone very far but the man of god was there no help 46 [Music] and the hand of the lord came upon elijah and he gathered up his loins and ran on barefoot come on say speed a man on barefoot started running he said he ran before ahab and he caught up with him down to jezreel [Music] so it gives us hope that no matter what the delay is god can god can give speed to your feet and you will run and in one month you will do what has taken men 10 years 10 years brothers and sisters believe me it is possible when god quickened he said he will make your feet like the einsteins [Music] his ability to bring acceleration the bible tells us how that when jesus told the disciples to go to the other side they entered the boat and they started going ahead of him is that true and the bible says he stayed to pray they were six hours ahead of jesus six hours ahead but when he got up he started walking and within a short time he caught up with them and he was about to overtake them they thought he was a ghost and he walked on water it doesn't have to be the normal process when god steps in he can break protocols are you hearing what i'm saying [Music] in john chapter 2 from verse 1 to 10 but our verse of emphasis is from verse 6 to 10 project verse 6 to 10 for us john chapter 2 from verse 6 to 10 the bible tells us about a wedding in cana and the bible tells us they took out time to prepare that wedding it probably took them days to make wine but that one finished they needed a miracle and something happened it says and they were there six water pots of stone after the manner of the purifying of the jews containing two or three this and that and then verse seven and jesus said feel the water pots it does not have to undergo the process of fermentation there is a spiritual fermentation process that can happen come on now ah yes you don't need to wait until it produces all of those things are you getting what i'm saying no enzymes no nothing no eater no no nothing no no hydrocarbon no nothing a technology in the spirit fill the water pot with water and they filled them up to the brim verse 8 and he said draw it out and take you to the governor chemical reaction finished use hundred percent and you get to my point hundred percent no waste nothing to throw away [Music] no releasing of any co2 or anything no chemical process finished expedited time at once and he said draw it out and take it verse nine and when the ruler of the feast tasted the wine so on the way it became one at once and he knew not once it was he said the governor of the feast called the bridegroom past ten and he said every man at the beginning don't set forth good wine and when men are well drawn then that which is worse comes in other words people give their best at the first time but he said why have you kept the good wine until now there is someone here within a short time what you will do men will think you took 10 years to do it but that it happened within days one of our brothers muktar i think he did his whole his whole project within a short time because they let her counsel the whole thing and what he did within two days was greater than what he did in months [Music] everybody shall speed shout it again oh god will accelerate your life hallelujah finally before we pray how do we activate hope it must be activated it doesn't just happen tricky son will rise up to pray [Music] activating hope principle number one total surrender to the lordship of jesus christ you want to activate hope in your life both blessed opened up in this life it starts with surrendering to jesus christ total surrender gives you an eternal consolation that in the end of all things you will be with jesus forever i call it the master hope the master hope when you surrender to the lordship of jesus christ you have ultimately activated hope scriptural references romans 5 verse 2 don't project romans 5 verse 2 and then first john 5 verse 13 talks about us knowing that we have eternal life so total surrender to the lordship of jesus number two how do we activate hope the power of testimonies the power of testimonies the power of testimonies psalm 66 verse 16 the power of testimonies psalm 66 verse 16 declaring your testimony activates an assurance in the listeners the bible is full of testimonies that many have held onto and seen it reproduce in their lives testimonies can reproduce themselves in the lives of the listeners so every time i testify of what god has done in my life it activates hope so someone who is about giving up just yes that god did this and he said if god did it then i would still hold on hallelujah psalm 66 verse 16 says come and hear all you that fear the lord and i will declare what you have done for my soul i will declare it i would declare it in luke chapter 8 from verse 26 to 39 just give us verse 39 luke chapter 8 from verse 39 but the whole context is 26-39 the bible speaks to us about the madman in gadara hallelujah the madman in gadara after she was healed he was blessed he wanted to go with jesus and jesus said no go and the bible says return to your house jesus was telling him go and testify return to your house and show how great things god has done on today and the bible says and he went his way and published throughout the whole city how great things jesus had done unto him so he published testimonies are very powerful let me give you two more scriptures psalm 22 verse 22 and psalms 40 verse 9 psalms 22 22 and psalms 40 verse 9 all these scriptures point to the fact that it is important for us to testify in fact the bible says this way it says and they overcame them by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony your testimony is very important there are many people here god has done too many things for you but nobody knows nobody knows about it hallelujah when they say submit your your names and come and tell us what god has done there are many of us here that have striking testimonies many of us come for counseling and god does remarkable things and we keep quiet i tell you we don't share one over 20 of the remarkable testimonies that happen in this house and through this ministry in fact there are more people who share testimonies outside of koinonia than those who share testimonies here when you share your testimony you you activate hope in the life of people hallelujah praise the lord i'll never forget steve strings i remember one time um he gave a testimony it was a miracle how he got admission in abu he got admission on the third list the first list came out his name was not there the second list came out and his name was not there but he had the testimony of someone who were living faith that sunday and the testimony of somebody and the person testified that he went around saying it seven times angry and saying lord this is jericho it must fall and when admission list came out his name was yesterday string said that's it steve strings went around seven times that list came out his name was there because of testimonies listen many of you have taken the same steps some people took and you got the result but you have kept quiet hallelujah [Music] one of our school of ministry people he he came in i think he should be around here and he came he sent me a text a very humbling testimony in fact i told him to come over at the school of ministry tomorrow just to share with our current students to bless them what god has remarkably done in his life within a short time god has done too many things for us and if you will not give him the glory you would stop seeing his hand in your life he said if you will not glorify me i will raise up stones meaning i will only raise up what will glorify me hallelujah so the power of testimonies number three and this is where we wrap up tonight the ministry of prophets of god how do you activate hope the ministry of true prophets of god not just prophets in office but men and women of god who stand in prophetic dimensions listen to me this is this is very important i want you to listen because we're about to pray all through scripture two prophets of god have been dispensers of hope and agents of change men have always been god's weapons that you will use to bring hope alive and to create changes in people hallelujah joseph was the prophet of god that was sent to egypt to preserve them elijah was sent to a widow in serapha [Music] to preserve her and restore to her what the famine had taken elijah was also sent and elisha was sent to the woman in second kings chapter four the bible talks about the wife of the sons of the prophet they were about to take her children and do trade by battle with them and the woman ran to the prophet and the prophet said what do you have in your house do this and that and that and the woman came out of the situation hallelujah in second kings chapter five the story of naman the bible says naman was the captain of the of the syrian army he was a great man but he was leprous hallelujah and when they sent him with a letter the prophet gave an instruction go and wash yourself seven times in jordan and that was it the scripture we just said in ii chapter 6 the restoration of the heart head by the instruction of a prophet of god listen to me when a people lack a prophetic voice when a people or a ministry or a terrorist a territory lack through apostolic and prophetic voices then hopelessness despair and doom will become your experience i'm saying this please get it i'll repeat myself when a people when a ministry when a territory lacks true apostolic and prophetic voices then hopelessness despair and doom becomes their experience again and again and again i'm trying to look for a scripture that just came to my spirit ezekiel 22 verse 30 let's look at something that the prophet said ezekiel 22 verse 30 were rounding up right now while they project that i'd like you to write ezekiel 37 from verse one to seven we've read the scripture the value of dry bones it happened to the prophet of god the prophet of god gave an instruction every time you are in need of hope you are in need of change among other principles you engage in is find a true prophet of god he said and i sought for a man among them that should make up the hedge and stand in the gap before me for the land that i should not destroy it but i found none so i destroyed the land because there was no man the bible says they are taken for a pray a non-said restaurant there must be a voice let me tell you something in every territory and every every society there are prophetic agents that god plans strategically they represent dispensers of hope men who god stamps their voice stamp their words [Music] hallelujah 12 and verse 13 the last verse for chapter 12 the prophet told us something that has become an instruction in the body of christ hosea chapter 12 verse 13 he said i'm by a prophet the lord brought israel out of egypt by what a prophet now hold on it is true that god delivered the people but their hopes were shattered until a man showed up they never it is true that there was a prophecy that there would be deliverance for them but nothing happened until a man moses showed up the moment that prophet of god appeared hope was brought back to life when they saw him he gathered them and said people begin to prepare you are days away from this captivity and you'll be out and he went and challenged that that that that gun called pharaoh bishop politico said prophets are territorial commanders this exact word now it may sound arrogant but it is not it's an election of grace when god calls a man and truly puts a true apostolic and prophetic mantle god makes it a point of duty to back you when you speak in the name of the lord he said i prophesied but i did it as i was commanded and he said here ye the word of the lord spoken to an envoy he said believe the lord and by a prophet sorry the lord brought israel out of egypt and by a prophet he still preserved them the ministry of true apostles and prophets of god in the earth has not ended contrary to the popular theology that people speak it has not ended there are still men and women but you doubt their ministry to your detriment the bible says believe the lord and you shall be established he said believe in his prophet and you shall prosper doubt the lord and refuse to be established doubt his prophet and suffer for the rest of your life it's not idol worship i know there is an imbalance where men have made themselves gods but i can tell you it is part of the program of god to use men to speak in the purposes and the counsel of god when the prophet simeone held on to jesus christ he began to prophesy to him there was a prophetess 84 years she had been in the temple waiting for the consolation of israel she carried jesus christ and spoke and she was ready to die and jesus walked and nothing could kill him until he gave his life by a prophet he came isaiah prophesied unto us a child is born by a prophet he came by a prophet he was preserved if jesus christ needed to subscribe to the true ministry of the prophetic then you cannot do without it hallelujah we're going to pray we'll pray these three prayer points and i'll be prophesying from the depths of my heart let's hope our eyes rise up on your feet three prayer points prayer point number one lord you are a creator i need a creative miracle in my life lift your voice and pray can i have some prayer people behind the mic please [Music] we have five minutes to pray lord i need a creative miracle foreign oh mention every area where the devil has taken anything and said lord tonight let there be a restoration let there be a respiration yes i oh prayer point number three lord grant feet speech to my feet listen listen lord before december let me accomplish what i have not done from january to now mr voicemail foreign foreign i believe oh [Music] was he going to pray that prayer point i'd like you to mention three things that you want to see done before miracle service this month if you believe listen if you don't have faith it's okay you can stand aside just be praying in tongues as we pray but if i am releasing my faith with you that three things you are telling god lord i hold on to hope that between now and miracle self is weak do it for me if you believe god lift your voice and praise god again you will do it again thank you hallelujah i want to speak over your life i told you the third key is the true apostolic and prophetic ministry brothers and sisters i don't know what your expectations are but i know that for god you have brought this message there are people who need a miracle desperately and it will take a prophetic word in the name of the lord jesus christ in the name that is above all means if you take me as a servant of god in the name that is above all names i speak over the situation that has challenged your life if i be a man of god between now and the end of this month it must answer to the name of jesus amen answer to the name of jesus amen it must answer to the name of jesus it must answer to them i come tonight in the name of the lord the captain of our salvation i come in the name of the one who is the multi-breasted one who said is there anything too hard and i invoke the powers of the heavens i declare and declare in the name that is above all names lord i prophesy led miracles erupt in the lives of your people let miracles erupt in the lives of your people receive financial miracles in one month someone here will get a financial harvest has not given you i prophesied in the name of jesus [Music] in one month someone will give you a gift before miraculous service that no man has given you your entire life for someone here you will share testimony from home that you have never had all your life amen [Music] hallelujah there are some of us who have been trusting god for specific things and as it is humanly speaking it doesn't look like you have what it takes to get you but in the name of jesus may the hand of the lord come upon you tonight amen prophesy i prophesy in the name of jesus and every power and every force that frustrates the rising of hope in your life in the name of jesus i come under the anointing of the spirit i challenge those powers and i command them to let you go now amen the bible says by a prophet they were preserved i command that you are preserved amen you're going out and coming in is blessed we will not hear any report of death but we speak to you anywhere you see one of these ones we command you to stay clear in the name of the lord jesus and every share of death every share of failure that is in you that makes you think you will not see the end of the year the bible says by a prophet they were preserved i command that you are preserved in the name of the lord jesus christ thou shalt not be afraid of the arrows that fly by day not annoy some pestilence all these that wasted in new day i command that you are preserved the seal of the blood is upon you every altar that invokes your name will invoke fire upon them in the name of the lord jesus every coven every altar that invokes your name or that of your family member what will show up is the fire of the holy ghost be blessed in the name of jesus everything these hands that are lifted said to do i pray in the name of jesus may they prosper those of you who are walking i prophesy that these two months will be the best time you have had walking this year in the name of the lord jesus thank you jesus those who are trusting god's students for where the school fees of next session will come from before miraculous service you have your spoofings in your account in the name of the lord jesus we provoke the ministry of destiny help us before miraculous service you return with your testimonies hallelujah lord jesus we give you praise [Music] habakkuk chapter 3 please give it to us habakkuk chapter 3 we will read from verse 2 and 3. habakkuk are we there verse 3 let me see three there's a scripture i'm looking for that just came to my spirit it says god came from tehman and the holy one from mount para his glory covered the heavens and the earth was full of praise read verse 4 if you're a christian and his brightness was as the light and he had horns coming out of his hands and there was the hiding place of his power amplified says in that light that came out from his hand is the hiding place god's power has a location it is hidden in light that when light comes illumination is the hiding place of his power so when light is dispensed not it is not just the word of god that blesses no satan is not afraid of the word of god the bible says the soul was sowed and it was satan that came to pick the world he made the word personified himself and did not run away it is the effect the illumination that the world brings upon a man that is a threat to the devil number three every time we gather like this it is important for us to give the holy spirit an opportunity to make manifest the glory of god of his people in miracles in signs wonders miracles are proof of the love of god they are also proof of the might of god [Music] the experience of the kingdom is such that you are not just supposed to believe alone you can taste and see that the lord is good there is an experience please listen carefully there is an experience in the dealings of god hallelujah the fourth thing that expect in atmospheres like this is impartation impartation is not just anointing with oil impartation is not just falling down and standing up impartation is a transference of spiritual possibilities that means that dimensions that have not yet been captured in your experience when you sit in an atmosphere like this because you see the results that your life commands is a report card it tells us the kind and the level of grace that is upon you so when god wants to change your life heaven supplied you the truth he will grant you access to the empowerment the grace of god an opportunity to produce results that only god can produce hallelujah the grace of god works like money just because you have it does not mean you can buy everything you can only buy what is at the level of that amount [Music] are we together listen if you have a thousand run a thousand run can buy you a good meal but it may not buy you a car so if your need is a good meal then you have enough if your need is a car you will need more of the same thing so the bible says grace and peace can be multiplied hallelujah and then number four the bible says how good and pleasant it is when brethren dwell together in unity and then it begins to paint a picture he says that dwelling together is in the similitude of something that happens in the priesthood of aaron like the oil that comes from his head to his bed to his cat and then the bible says there not in that location in that state god has commanded the blessing so are you ready to pray one more time lord give me an encounter tonight lift your voice house of treasures lift your voice south africa let's call upon the god of all flesh [Music] for truly you will never be the same [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] praise the lord thank you please be seated let's get to the world and let's see what we can do please i'd like you to be sensitive while i teach spiritual communications are not a lecture a lecture stops at the realm of your mind the word of god is able to transit beyond your mind and create an impact in your spirit ezekiel chapter two and verse one he said unto me stand up on your feet but he didn't have the energizing to stand and then verse 2 says and the spirit entered into me and set me upon my feet hallelujah praise the lord there's so much to talk about wherever we stop tonight we share the grace and continue amen third john let's start with the epistle of john now john theologically speaking was a very interesting apostle of the lamb because john had a very unique understanding about the ways of god you would notice that every time john began his discourse in his knowledge of god and of the kingdom he would always trace it back to the beginning john 1 verse 1 in the beginning all other apostles approached it from a historic standpoint are we together or from a human standpoint they would usually start with stories of the birth the virgin birth the trouble that came but it was john who sustained an intelligence that was beyond the human realm when he started the book of john he said in the beginning he went back to the beginning and when he started his epistle also he said this is the record this is the message we have heard from the beginning so john was a very interesting apostle he was the one who opened us in detail to the ministry of the holy spirit his synoptic version of the walk of the christ upon the earth captured very richly all other gospels matthew mark and luke didn't do justice in opening us up to the ministry of the holy spirit but it was john who dedicated chapters 14 15 16 to open the body of christ for instance to the ministry of the holy spirit so john is speaking here third john 1 will start from verse 2. let's read together please one to read beloved i wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as thy soul prosper it one more time please beloved i wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health even as thy soul help us holy spirit now the latter part is my concern tonight and that is the title of my teaching tonight even as thy soul prospereth hallelujah when jesus walked the earth he began to challenge the government of the day he introduced to them a dimension of spiritual reality that challenged the status quo of that day hallelujah praise the lord until then the council were religious people who were concerned about the rituals as given to them as they had kept and here comes this young man in fact it is very interesting because at age 12 we see jesus submitting himself to mentorship learning under the scribes the pharisees and then theologically speaking for 18 years we do not hear about jesus again we do not know where he went to and then there are all kinds of suggestions but the next time we see this young man that the bible calls the word of god he is age 30 and he's on his way to the jordan are we still together and then john is baptizing and john looks at him and says behold the lamb of god that takes away the sins of the world john looks at him prophetically this was the guy that i've been waiting for i hope you know that baptism was a formula to help him identify the christ that's why he stopped the moment he found jesus there was no record of him baptizing again so it was a spiritual formula that was given to him so he would baptize and look up the heavens would not open he says you can go he would baptize look up and then he sees this strange man and then prophetically he said i am not even worthy to untie the latchet of your shoe and jesus said permit it to be so you see that this i can stay there and teach all night because even the ward walked under a close heaven for 30 years the logos of god personified his heavens did not open because he was the word he took a man to cause his heavens to be opened this already is a message for a man of god it may be the reason you can be anointed as you are 30 years the word filled with the i mean i mean the the scripture and the logos of god and yet his heavens remain closed and god is watching until he comes to this strange man called elijah elijah is hidden in a body we named john the body was only a continuation of an agenda now listen very carefully elijah is not a person elijah is a mystery system that is ordained to judge babylon you have to follow me we're coming we're dealing with something serious this night the first manifestation of the spirit of elijah was in noah not even the press in elijah it is the spirit that for runs revival that every time the day of the lord is about to come elijah must be sent it's a spiritual protocol and it was only prophet malachi that saw this are we blessed so the bible tells us that this man elijah shows up every time there is an anti-christ system because babylon like jezebel is an anti-christ system they are not the names of people don't let the bodies deceive you the bodies can come and go but the systems continue are we together you have to understand my discourse so jezebel is a system that always seeks government when babylon and jezebel that she goddess every time she shows up in a region and a territory she's not concerned about any other thing but power because it is until she sits in the seat of governors so jezebel comes and insists that she's the wife of ahab and suddenly the bible says an elijah the tishbite a strange man shows up from nowhere and the entire battle is between two people not two nations elijah and jezebel elijah stops rain [Music] destroys the prophets of bell and only one person takes it personal jezebel and she insists that i will take off the head of elijah elijah goes to heaven jezebel dies scene 2 jesus is on earth and suddenly elijah resurfaces in a strange man eating locust and wild honey we gave him the name john the bible says he came in the spirit and the power he came as a continuation of the mission of elijah suddenly jezebel faces in a lady called herodias and the discourse continues are we together when john is done baptizing he finds himself in prison and on a an anniversary like this a girl dances before the king and they say what do you want she now consults with her mother and says that head that i promised i would take off i want an end to this ministry i want an end to this system because when there is no john there is no open heavens when there is no elijah even the ward walks under close heaven i don't even know how i got here that's that's really not what i'm talking about but now listen south africa please hear me [Music] so jesus began to introduce his his teachings were strange the people followed him and now he gathered and started his conference and they paid attention to the content of his discussion he now began to teach them about another kingdom he was now sharing with them the models of randy of another kingdom and it was strange his examples the context of his communication in luke chapter 4 when you read from verse 15 down the bible says he came to the temple to read as his custom was then it was given to him the scroll of jesus the prophet he holds it and then he begins to read the messianic prophecy the spirit of the lord is upon me he says for he has anointed me to preach glad tidings to the mick he had sent me to bind up the brokenhearted to set at liberty the captives are we together now then he closes the book and says this day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears he looks at a woman with a withered hand and says stretch what your hand that means i have come as a manifestation of another kingdom now listen please so the bible clearly tells us that there is a contention between two kingdoms you have to understand this there are seven dimensions of the gospel that the bible teaches i'll only give you two of them one the first is called the gospel of salvation please listen this is a believers conference and god is maturing us the gospel of salvation is a revelation of the substitutionary sacrifice in fact is the revelation of the father's love when you teach the gospel of salvation god is father the mediator is the son who is savior and substitute the object the recipient of that love is man are we together now yes so the gospel of salvation is an attempt to reveal the father's love personified in the sacrifice of a man to the end that if we believe that report and receive the son it was apostle john who said this is the record that god has given us away eternal life and then he says listen carefully he says that [Music] that life was so constructed such that you cannot receive it without the sun it is whoever had the son that also had that life but that is not the only dimension of the gospel listen very carefully the assignment of the gospel of salvation is to initiate you into the kingdom experience it is not supposed to stop the journey i will give you the first and the seventh the seventh is called the gospel of the kingdom now when you teach the gospel of the kingdom god is no longer father alone he is king the saints are no longer weak recipients of love they are ambassadors they are witnesses now mandated the gospel of salvation is the demonstration of god's love to you the gospel of the kingdom is your response back to him so now you become an ambassador mandated to advance the frontiers of the kingdom are we together now if this understanding is boring in the believer nothing else in your kingdom experience will make sense it is purpose that gives value to any experience before we begin to discuss the subject of wealth and abundance and prosperity and increase and all of these things it is important for us to understand the motivation behind the heart of god otherwise every other thing will be valueless [Music] are we blessed so jesus begins to introduce in a mentorship session that we call the beatitudes it was an attempt to begin to introduce the people to kingdom living say kingdom hallelujah now jesus begins to teach and then he now comes to introduce a concept of prayer and he says after this manner he said pray abba father what in heaven hallowed be your name then he uses a very strange expression your kingdom come by your will being done in earth not on earth the first piece of earth that needs the kingdom is you this effing vessel not just territory both you and the territory are old earth so your kingdom come in earth your will be done that's how the kingdom comes when his will has been done are we together now and with many other exhortations he started introducing them to kingdom living by the time jesus is on his way to heaven they had understood the concept of kingdom that they were not people just loitering around the earth without an agenda that it was a contention of two kingdoms number one the kingdom that promotes the interest of the christ number two the kingdom that is antichrist in context this is the beginning of my teaching proper you have to understand this brothers and sisters south africa africa the entire globe is a is there are not many things happening on earth there are many activities but there are only two agendas the exaltation and the revelation of the christ and the contention of that agenda every other thing is enriched between these your landlord issue your education they are only subsets of a bigger problem you have to understand this the mandate of the church and the believers is to be able to reveal and exhaust the christ to establish his purposes first in the hearts of men then across every strata of human activities this is our corporate agenda and that we belong to a kingdom the bible says that when a believer encounters the christ there is a translation do you believe that a literal translation from the kingdom of darkness the bible says into the kingdom so there is a translation of kingdoms just because you are translated does not mean the other kingdom is not unvoided it is still there with an agenda are we blessed so jesus is talking to them about the church now in matthew 26 and he says who do men say that i the son of man is and they began to debate about who they thought he was and he says now you've walked with me what is your verdict and peter speaking by the spirit he said i know who thou art thou art christ the son of the living god and he said flesh and blood hath not revealed this to you is that true but the spirit of my father and this i say unto you thou art peter and upon this strategy i will build my church the rock is not peter the rock is not most of these things we talk about the rock is a strategy i will build my church upon a strategy there is a formation and if allowed to be built us the bible says the gates of hell so jesus acknowledges that there is an arsenal that looms around the horizon attempting to sabotage the program of god please follow me let's make sense of our christian experience [Music] apostle why did i find myself suddenly burying you are in the middle of a story you are in the middle of an agenda that predates even your arrival here it's a contention of two kingdoms apostle why should i prosper why does the devil attempt to fight me why do i need to be committed to kingdom advance listen anything that we do in the kingdom does not really capture the level of value and impact until it is tithed to kingdom come kingdom come is what gives value to every strategy it gives value to your prosperity it gives value to your receiving the anointing it gives value to your evangelism everything that you are doing on its own is only a means to an end what is life and value is that whatever you are doing is a contribution towards that agenda called thy kingdom come are we together so we're establishing the fact that we are in the midst of two kingdoms they are real kingdoms just because they are spiritual does not mean they do not exist because everything spiritual must express itself in the physical realm that's the technology of creation hebrews 11 verse 3 the bible says through faith we understand that the walls were framed they had their formation from a realm and a dimension that is outside of this realm so physical things are only a reflection of what is happening in the realm of the spirit are we together now job the story of job teaches us that things must be finished in the realm of the spirit before they begin here [Music] this is true [Music] so we have two kingdoms every one of you looking at me those following online from whatever nation we are in a contention between two kingdoms the kingdom of light the kingdom of darkness the system that seeks to absorb the christ and babylon an antichrist system a system so designed by the intelligence of satan to see to it that the purposes of god are thwarted [Music] hallelujah praise the lord are we blessed now let's go back to our initial scripture the bible says 3rd john beloved now john is telling us that god desires us to prosper but he's giving us a secret that will study tonight as we pray may god open our eyes to see in the name of jesus he's saying that in an attempt to do well in life there is a side effect that i want to give you a precaution immediately that there is something satan seeks he does not seek money he does not seek your healing or your health he does not seek your business that what satan is after is the souls of man and he's saying that every time you press to prosper there is a side effect so he's given a precaution that as you rise make sure you continually check that your soul is also prospering [Applause] [Music] are we together [Music] matthew mark chapter 8 from verse 36 and 37 mark chapter 8 the bible says what shall he profit hello business people we're discussing profits here but the commodity is the world and the soul not pure um what they call it now um we have in nigeria we have what we call pure water and then we have um clothes we have all kinds of things when you say you are in business usually you will bring a product my clothes my water my this and the bible is saying that the real commodity for exchange is the world and your soul look up jesus is talking profits here so if you're a businessman you should pay attention because he's discussing profit what shall he profit a man so men can profit but he says if you gain the world and lose your soul this is this is not this is not a salvation message this is a business message that in doing business you can gain certain things and lose certain things and he said you have not profited if your soul is what you are losing [Applause] [Music] are we blessed so the soul can be traded please listen church of the lord jesus christ you can only buy what can be sold and jesus is saying here that the world can be sold and a man's soul can also be sold are we together and he's saying what shall he profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul he reveals here the technology of prosperity when you are dealing with the antichrist system that there is a strategy satan knows that men must prosper satan knows that they are desperate that our world is controlled by economic power and so he does not listen the strategy is that he's waiting somewhere in your life and he's only interested in your soul not your product that sooner or later you will be introduced to the negotiation table and he will give you an offer that i can give you the world and all i want oh god you were my god and i will ever praise you oh god you are my god and i will ever praise you [Music] i will seek you in the morning i have learnt to walk in your ways for step by step you lead me and i will follow you all of my days matthew chapter 4 please look up there were three temptations that satan brought to jesus which is a revelation of how satan beats men you let me tell you you will never access kingdom wealth if you do not understand what i'm teaching you this is how to make men prosper it's more than a business seminar it's a revelation of an agenda that is bigger than buying and selling are we best you see what you get in church you don't get this in a bank i was glad when they said unto me [Music] now satan verse 1 matthew chapter 4 then jesus was led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil now satan wants to tempt jesus two interesting characters and we must study them carefully because the bible says looking up to jesus that means understudy him are we together now isn't it amazing that while jesus was fasting satan was waiting patiently so sometimes your fault attracts the devil it doesn't [Music] jesus is fasting and praying just understand what i'm teaching you afterwards she was hungry verse 3 we're reading 2 verse 11 the moment he's done fasting ladies and gentlemen the first person he meets is not the holy ghost it's not an angel satan left earth and was waiting for that fast and he engages in a conversation if thou be the son of god that means that the point of satan's temptation is what god said if god has not spoken he has no business coming he wants to know what god said because his power follows his word we studied it that the word the light of god is the hiding place of his power walk with me i'm trying to walk a lot of things and just put them together are we together now the bible says the tempter came to him and said if thou be the son of god command that these stones be made bread next verse and jesus said it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeded from the mouth of god man of god i'm sure during the pastor's conference and business conference tomorrow will teach on this there are three temptations that represent challenges that everybody must overcome the first level is your belly your personal needs he came to him and he said you are hungry remember leave ministry your stomach is making a lot of noise you can turn this stone to bread and jesus said my obsession about that agenda is bigger than my need that's how he overcame that first temptation now second the bible says he takes him up you see when you read read intelligently how do you take a man up by holding him satan is holding the word and he's not shaking he's not falling he's safe with me and the word is following him [Music] now watch this satan taketh him up into the holy city how they entered there and that location is strange because in that location where physical people will come around in all of these locations they were the only two people and setted him on a pinnacle of the temple what was the temptation if thou be the son of god cast yourself down so the temptation of great people is to fall down after all you will be held when you rise high the temptation is carelessness you can fall there will be a way to hold you his he said it is written he shall give his angels church concerning thee and in their hand satan is quoting the scripture [Music] next temptation that is my concern for tonight it is written thou shalt not tell the lord your god uh and then verse eight again now south africa let's talk the devil taken him up into an exceeding high mountain the mountain zechariah talked about the mountain here guy talked about he said go up the mountain bring wood build me a house you don't find wood on the mountain you find wood in the forest so that kind of wood is not the wood you are thinking there is a kind of wood that is only found on the mountain and we use that wood to build god a house that he may be glorified and the bible says he took him to a mountain mountains talk about spheres of influence you know that and then the bible says he showed him the kingdoms where is that location that you can stand and suddenly see the kingdoms of this world and the glory of them satan takes jesus to a location where only two of them can go and he stands from there and sees the entire glory of the cosmos and then he says verse 9 all these things what things the kingdoms of this world are we together and the glories of them i will give you this is a businessman look how satan is marketing a product he said see it first let me show you the glories of the cosmos and then he said now that you have seen it the greatest way listen [Music] i will give you and all i want in return is fall down and worship so this is how you sell your soul watch this i hope are you am i is it making sense what i'm teaching you we're finding out how men sell their souls and satan is teaching us that he's a businessman it's interesting that he calls selling giving he didn't say i will sell you the world he says i will give you but all i want in return is fall down and worship me why because the christ came as the express image of god remember his assignment was to run a parallel government i hope you still remember and now one comes who is christ the manifestation of the father's glory and he says bow so that i can look at the father and say what i failed to do that i was judged from heaven now that i have your son who is the express image of the father to bow down does not just mean to bend down to bow down is to acknowledge lordship [Music] allow me in experience be lord the word lord means absolute owner absolute manipulator of your life and i will give you the glories do you understand what john is teaching now that beloved i wish above all things that you prosper however because your prosperity is around the cosmos one day a stranger is going to come and give you an invitation and the context of that invitation is he will show you the glories of the cosmos and he will give you an offer the offer is bow down and i will give you the glories daniel chapter 3 [Music] babylon the antichrist government is about to show us and buttress on this system and how it operates when you understand this and you stand and say lord i truly give you everything you will now know what you are saying nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of an image of not an image of mortar the image was made with gold the height of it was 90 feet and he set it up in the plain of dura in the province of babylon please follow me patiently next verse nebuchadnezzar now watch this he sets up his image notice do you know that in the dealings of god with men you never glorify yourself the dominion system is a shared system watch this you receive glory by investing your glory in another outside of you so the father does not glorify himself he gets his glory from the son the son does not glorify himself he gets his glory from the church in partnership with the holy spirit the church cannot glorify herself she gets her glory from her dominion over the cosmos so this is how the father the son the church is glorified but the antichrist spirit always seeks to promote self so we see that here nebuchadnezzar builds 90 feet using gold take note of that word gold are we working this thing out together and then the bible says look at the people he gathered look at the caliber don't notice that some people here were not invited look at the kind of people who were gathered to come and witness the statue of gold what shall it profit a man [Music] he gathered together through the influence of that gold the influence of that gold image compel the attention of princes governors captains judges treasurers the councilors sheriffs all the rulers of the provinces come to the dedication of that image that means that gold has a voice it can call certain people it can call certain systems he builds an image and made a clarion call and these nobles began to come next first [Music] i hope you know that all these people control different sectors and systems instead of calling everybody in the system you only call the gatekeepers because when you capture the gatekeepers in a system everyone must follow through the devil is not going to go around the oil and gas or going around the mining looking for everyone one by one that that's too laborious all he needs is to find out who are the gatekeepers and he will call them for a meeting nebuchadnezzar is not just calling the citizens in babylon he's calling certain noble people to come and honor an image [Music] and they stood before the image that nebuchadnezzar had set up let's read please it says then and herald cry aloud to you it is commanded all people nations and languages uh-huh that at what time you hear the sound do you see the role that worship and the music ministry plays in as giving a sign that it is when the music ministry fronts this all nations bow wow [Music] when you hear the sound of the cornets the flutes the ham and all of these things together ye fall down you now see what satan was trying to get jesus to do fall down and bow before the image that nebuchadnezzar had set up next verse it says who so for let not and worshipped not the same alpha will be cast into the midst of a burning fiery furnace what do they call financial catastrophe they call it a meltdown it is fire that melts things down that your failure to bow down to a system can have an effect fire you will be exposed to fire several so when everybody heard let me run through this they now fell down verse eight at that time certain chaldeans came here and accused the jews nine they speak unto the king they said live forever ten don't mind me i'm just summarizing it that when all this happened go to verse 11 the bible says you said this and that and that would happen verse 12 be patient the whole chapter is what is important it says there were certain south africans [Music] yes sir yes sir no don't generalize there are still seven thousand who have not bound to bear he says there are certain south africans you have sent them over the affairs of the province of babylon shadrach meshach abednego he says this man please go back verse 12 this man all king have not regarded thee they serve not thy gods nor worship the golden image yet they are rulers in the province so what technology did they use they are rising not by bowie able to can you pray in the spirit for just one minute [Music] foreign [Music] certain south africans that said we will not power yet we will rise we are a people men and women we were not just money-mongers we are not just businessmen we're not just men of god we understand that there is a government that we pledge our allegiance to just because we live and work in the cosmos don't confuse it please sit down bastardy [Music] we're discussing something very serious please take it down for me again the bible says nebuchadnezzar the god of that system was angry who are this man you are doing ministry without compromise [Music] who are this man i hear you don't bribe as you do business hold on who are this man i hear you preach whether things are favorable or not the bible says listen their refusal to bow created a reaction nepotedness in his rage and fury commanded he said bring them they were brought before the king [Music] there are two kinds of invitations you can come before pharaoh to be lifted or you can come before nebuchadnezzar to be judged the bible says but the people that do know the first requirement for business is not value is encountered it says i hear you do not serve my god nor worship the golden image i have set of 15. [Music] now if you are ready i will give you another chance join the system don't fight it he's saying [Music] i'm giving you it i don't want you to feel frustrated because my anger is harsh do not call upon the name of the lord while you preach do not let any worship song play around your house do not let people hear the name jesus around your business vicinity next verse shadrach meshach and abednego answered and said to the king o king when it comes to this matter we have respected you what you have touched enough we are about to show you we are not just workers in your kingdom we are only using the system to serve another government there's an army crisis someone please play for me come on someone should be able to play that for me there's an army rising up [Music] there's an army rising now there's an army rising up [Music] they will break every chain break every chain break every chain break every chain bliss it out please sit down please sit down my god i sense a stronger launching here please give me a little volume my friend now listen is that all king when it comes to our civil duties we will honor you but when you touch our loyalty to this government we are not we are not just workers i may be a clock but i'm not just a clock i am one in fraternity with a government higher than the government of any state mine is a change hallelujah please sit down let's deal with this thing please sit down [Music] it says we are this determined to see his glory revealed that our god is able to deliver us from the effect that the system will bring on our serving him [Music] he says and we know he will deliver us next first but if not [Music] be known unto thee that this fraternity is not for things that i'm not just serving him for promotion the context of my is i listen this right here is faith faith is not only the power to receive faith is also the power to lay down time will fail me the bible says to talk of gideon and jephthah and barack men who to faith subdued kingdoms wrought righteousness shot them out of lions the bible says women who receive their death to life and he says others died without receiving the promise he still calls all of them elders that obtain the good reports listen south africa if the context of your christianity is until lifting comes until promotion comes you must get to a point where you said though he slay me yet will i trust him i have made up my mind is a commitment that my children will serve my god that my business will serve my god that my there will be a generation in south africa that preserves the heritage of revival and power is good to make money is good to rise it's good to increase but our children must call upon the god of the fathers [Music] listen up sit down i sense a strong anointing in this place let's sit down please sit down the bible says there is a consequence when you make up your mind that i will not do this kind of business we are not talking about oil and gas now watch this please when you read on please go to verse 20 let's hurry up that is the last verse he commanded as a result bind these people through them into a system that's uncomfortable throw them into it he said bind them bind their productivity guide their hands time their capacity to go forward and throw them was it not the hands of something that was tight every time the devil wants to ravage a people he ties your hands listen now [Music] tie your hands tie their feet throw them into fire that was made seven times hotter increase the rent and she would change her mind increase the bills he will renegotiate his passion for god [Music] two years ago you felt that i would serve him and now he increases the and you begin to negotiate i i know that i came to you and you said i must sleep with you for the job i said god forbid but now is that door still open because the pressure on me he said tied their hands tied their feet through them into fire [Music] 21 the patients were almost there these men were bound in their courts their hearts their garments they were cast into the midst of the fire 22 shilla parus cadaver that this fire was so hot the flames killed those who put them inside next fast they were all within 24 then the king was astonished and he rose up and spoke and said did we not cast three men bound into this system they answered yes or king it is true however 25 i see four men [Music] and the form of the fourth is like the son of god keep the scripture but isaiah 43 and verse 1 and 2 says fear not i have redeemed you it says i have called you by name you are mine it says when you walk through the waters it will not destroy you through the river it will not drown you it says when you walk through fire i will be with you 26 who are ready to tatyan were done nebuchadnezzar came to the mouth of the furnace and speak [Music] and this is what he said pastor felix mama felix house of treasures his servant of the most high come forth come here and they came out in the midst of the fire 27 this miracle happened in the presence of the princes the governors and everybody he says watch this i want to show you something it says being gathered together he saw this man whose bodies the fire had no power he saw man whose business the fire had no power he saw ministries whose bodies the fire had no power [Music] verse 28 bless said be the name of the lord it says and nebuchadnezzar spoke and said bless be the god of shadrach meshach and abednego who had sent his angel and delivered his servants that trusted in him and have changed the king's word and yielded their bodies that they might not serve or worship any god except your own god as a result this is all god is looking for not your money not your business i make a decree that every people nation language will speak anything against the god of shadrach meshach and abednego shall be caught in pieces their houses etc etc 30 then the king [Music] then babylon then south africa promoted [Music] beloved i wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and being helped even as thy soul sit down please look up [Music] please listen to me we're going to pray [Music] there are many people on earth [Music] who have transacted this kind of business the business is always transacted in a lonely place where you are given the world and you sell your soul i can know even though i was not there because when i see you rising i don't look at what is empowering you i look at your soul listen it is impossible under this system to prosper even as thy soul prospers no no i know you are prospering the antichrist way when you suddenly get a promotion and there's no longer time for prayer watch this sit down let me show you how it works suddenly branches have been opened your name is everywhere it is not that an occultic person has to come directly it's a system it strangles your spiritual life and allows other things grow that's how you know you are fraternizing with babylon and you say when i had five members i could pray i could fast but now god i don't have time i need to catch a flight i need to travel around the world there is a demand on my ministry and heaven watches you are prospering at the expense of your soul [Music] lord i loved you until that relationship came i i'm too committed to this guy i can't give you 30 minutes one hour lord you you know how relationship is in our generation i i am desperate for marriage i'm desperate for growth please can your presence wait for me when i need an emergency i will come to you so under this system god becomes a ladder that we use to get money a ladder we use to get fame a ladder we use to get anointing it is fraternality with babylon are we together i pledge allegiance to the land with all my heart with all i am i will seek to honor east commands i pledge allegiance to the love if it's not in your presence if it's not by your hands if it's not by your spirit don't let me have it for everything i need is in you if it's not in your presence i'm not that desperate if it's not by your hands if it's not by your spirit don't let me have it for everything i need is in you [Music] what shall it profit emma if your ministry is spreading around the world dear man of god and you are making a name and making the headlines but i check your soul and the last time you prayed was two months because you are busy preaching ministry can be an idol anointing can be an idol [Music] hear me this is how we prosper lord bless me and see what i will do god says i don't need to bless you i see already you know people people disrespect money people say money cannot if you are joking money has real power it can change man money can relocate you from the will of god into somewhere you have no business being money can introduce relationships into your life that help to sit on your soul while it dies hallelujah see let me tell you when you are walking with god and god starts to deal with you whether you understand what he's saying or not believing you can be walking on god increase me and god looks at you and says there is lost in your heart you say me god forbid god you are talking like that because you don't have a guy yet of course who will come to you in that state and so god is saying before you disappoint yourself trust my all-seeing eye [Music] i hope you like what i'm sharing tonight listen to me i show you there are people who may not be featured in the move of god in the days that come and i don't mean this in a sarcastic way yes john 2 the old wine has finished we went the feast and the wine finished yet the business still looks like it is growing yet ministry is still expanding but the wine is finished but there were a group of people in that they said something is wrong with this formation where is the lord of the feast he has been thrown somewhere in the congregation while we receive the praises and they came to jesus and said we know something is wrong with this formation the wine has finished [Music] let me show you something this is prophetic and then we'll pray revelations chapter 18. [Music] hallelujah praise the lord i'm about to pray i just saw a wind there are two people the power of god is coming on them with a loud shout please bring them out i just saw a wind just blowing this way it's a very strong invitation it's coming on two of them let's bring them don't let me have it revelation 18 everything i need is in you [Music] verse 2 please look up we're about to pray your pastor told you your life would not be the same and he cried mightily with a strong voice saying babylon the great is falling this is a prophetic word to the body of christ is a prophetic word to the church it's not a word of condemnation it is the announcing of the new season because the jealousy of the bridegroom is drawing him closer orlando salah watch this babylon the great is falling is falling and it's become the habitations of devils and the hold of every foul spirit and a cage of every unclean bird next first for the nations watch this have drawn the wine of a fornication watch this it says the kings of the earth have done what committed fornication with her who is her babylon and the martians the rich men of the earth they were reached through the abundance of our delicacy that this is the source of the mysterious risings in spite of the fact that they disobey the loss of the kingdom there is a fraternity in the realm of the spirit that is greater than buying and selling next verse i heard another voice from heaven saying south africa come out of here come out come out my people that you be not partakers of our sins and that you receive not her plagues five for her sins have reached the heavens and god had remembered her iniquities verse six let's go to verse eight therefore shall have plagues coming one day death and mourning and fair mind and she shall be utterly born with fire for strong is the lord who judges her nine verse 9 now the kings of the earth who have committed fornication and live deliciously with her shall bewail her and lament for her when they shall see the smoke of her burning first time seeing a pharaoh for the fear of atonement saying alas alas that great city that mighty city how soon will it fall in one hour shadows in one hour next verse there's something i want to show you the merchants of the earth shall whip and mourn over her for no man buy yet of her merchandise anymore a day will come the spirit of revival will stop men who say no this can't be it god is so much bigger than [Music] bus 12 now let's look up this is what this business woman called babylon sells while examining all her products look at what she sells ready she sells gold that's where nebuchadnezzar got it from she sells silver she sells precious stones she sells prayer of fine lining purple silk all manner of most precious wood brass iron marble tati cinnamon ordos she self anointing she sells frankincense she sells wine she sells oil she sells flour read with me now and weed and beat south africa and sheep and horses what does she sell again and chariots and slaves and she sells even souls so if i want influence i can come to her and say give me fame and she will give you the souls of men and men will flock after you [Music] i come with a voice of prophecy the bible says blow the trumpet in zion sound if you did not hear it is because you are not in zion please listen to me [Music] there is a system that is eating into our children it fits into structures satan's agenda is that one day there will rise a generation that can no longer call upon the name of the lord the bible says and adam knew his wife and she both said and men began again to call upon the name of the lord listen the heritage of africa was built upon the blood of many who serve god alive they were just educated they were not as enlightened they did not even have depth of revelation like we do but one thing they had their allegiance on bending in life and in death africa wake up we are about losing a heritage it may not be in our lifetime but so that we don't transceive this realm with pain where is the god of our father that your child one day will say who is jesus why do i need him i'm already blessed because you taught him that everything about jesus is just to give you money and now that i have money without him why i need him [Music] please listen to me [Music] i show you a key that will make you lay gold as dust is it not a law in this kingdom that we keep things by releasing them [Music] hear me i believe in this place tonight the hand of god is coming on someone here i just saw the angel of the lord just move here please bring them out right now [Music] step into a new season please bring them up [Music] have wonderful don't worry hallelujah bring them up you are the reason you see that imagine [Music] you are the reason hear me please listen to me brothers and sisters tonight's teaching is not a call to tear down people tonight's teaching is not for you to start pointing your hands no no that's not how the spirit of the christ works tonight's teaching is not a tell them teaching tonight's teaching is a call to come out of her a call to see the excellency of the prosperity of your soul listen i can know who prospered you by checking the health of your soul when i find out that the higher you rise the more your knee which is the crowd i know you have met his majesty when i see that the more an appointment comes the more your hunger the more your desperation madam i don't know who this woman is we're not praying tonight but in the name of jesus i'm seeing oil being poured on your head and the lord is saying i should tell you he's shifting you to a new level in the spirit i release that grace upon you step into a new level now in the name of jesus christ [Music] listen listen please let me announce to you not everyone has bout to bear there are people who dear hunger and their passion has driven them to realms of power realms of grace authentic dimensions of power [Music] i'm lost that's the end without of a generation [Music] listen south africa house of treasures your pastor discerning by the spirit put forth this meeting as a clarion call to wake the army of the lord jesus to let them know that there is a fraternity that is going on in the earth babylon please take it hard for me and let him my dear friend from u.s somewhere in this meeting you are going to blow this shuffle for us it's going to come by the spirit we will shake this building as a sound that was sending to south africa that there is a rising of the new there is a rising of man mighty and strong in the spirit another kind of man [Music] listen i vowed and i told the lord even before he began to lift me lord whatever will take my attention from you i don't care what it is let it go fast and as i'm standing here god sees my heart that i'm telling him what is fame listen we have to be very careful some of these mundane things can distract us to a point where we will lose authentic power the grace of our territories not just churches not your cities well done thou good and faithful servant you'll become a ruler over territories [Music] an anointing is coming on you this dear lady in the name of jesus the lord is shifting you i don't know who you are but you are stepping into a new dimension in the realm of the spirit listen your life will never believe me when i tell you you will encounter a grace that will so shift you to dimensions in the spirits [Music] listen my message tonight is very simple we are going to discuss other aspects of the kingdom this is not all but tonight in addition to the graces and the teachings it is a call to return it is a call leave the issue of business now leave the issue of i want speed it will come tonight is you you are the commodity yourself man of god forget about ministry and focus on his presence that's the key to growth the key to running is paying [Music] apostle i want power i want growth i want to prophesy i know you are sincere but that drive will only lead you to petition [Music] in the beginning god in the beginning god in the beginning of your business god not money in the beginning of ministry god in the beginning of marriage god he is called alpha omega listen that any relationship in my life that is strangling the health of my soul is too expensive it's not worth it there's no such thing as we're born together no sir you don't have to condemn people and insult people and cause trouble but it's time it says when elijah called all of them he called the prophet shall believe says if god be god let him be god if there will be god let him be god and then he says choose you this day somewhere in scripture whom you will serve man of god choose you this day businessman choose you this day my dear precious sister my dear precious brother choose you this day [Music] as for me i've made my choice that we live for his majesty i love him more than preaching believe me when i tell you i love you more than anointing more than power i will throw this ministry a thousand times to honor his presence if he tells me this is my last salmon as a preacher i stand before the god of heaven as i close this bible i will never open it to preach again that's how much i love him simon patrona loves tell me more than this [Music] we're about to cry in this place listen [Music] tonight is not a night of i am an apostle i am a prophet tonight is a night where we will come and say lord i'm tired of lying such my heart it's not a call to condemnation it's a call to intentional reflection for if it is listen the glory of god comes to confirm that his patterns have been followed when his patterns are violated like cain the sacrifice [Music] so we're going to pray i may not have the time my friend lift your hands step into a new level in the spirit a grace is coming upon you you're a young man but in the name of jesus the lord will use you mightily even in this nation [Music] he's calling us deeper deeper deeper deeper is calling us deeper deeper [Music] in the next five minutes please forget about who is sitting by your left and right you are going to cry before his majesty and say lord search my heart i'm not here to lie i'm not here to pretend in all sincerity i come before you the god of my salvation i come with my heart broken and contrite that if there be any way and any pattern that negates your workings in my life i can't be asked for a poaching and a cleansing that brings power south africa lift your voice and let's cry to the heavens [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] grace i'm hearing the name grace who is that grace grace you're wearing like a green hair tie something green you didn't tie your hair completely who is that is that someone like that what's your name my dear grace where are you coming from you are from please give a mic what what do you have to do with um congo drc that's where i'm from where are you from congo i want to pray for you because you are stepping into a new anointing i stretch my hands i bring you a grace that shifts you to a new level may your life never be the same never be the same never be the same you can know that you met you hallelujah praise the lord now please hear me i know that we don't have all the time tonight but listen tomorrow and friday i want you to come with all your families even if it's for you to sit on the roof please find a way i may not have the time tonight to minister to the sick and all of that but the lord sent me here to come and join hands with the mighty men and women of god in this city and this nation to lift up the banner of the name and the grace of the christ to see to me that the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our god and office christ hallelujah [Music] is there a place called is it pumalanga something like that is is that a name i'm sorry if i don't pronounce it correctly pumalanga was that a nation instead who is from there hold on please that person there are two of them the power of god will come on them now bring them from that region that greater bring them [Music] please bring them around you know from listen this is a ministry of signs and wonders god it is not i'm a man look at me please look at me i am a man we are only men who have been helped by god and the lord uses us like this not to show that we are super human in ourselves our divinity and the extraordinary manifestation is a testament of the ministry of the holy spirit it should cause men to see him more than seeing us this is how it works and i the bible says if i be lifted from the earth i will draw all men to myself i will draw all men to myself i will draw all men to myself [Music] hallelujah one of these ladies wearing hearts in front the power of god is coming on one of them please let me have this ladies in front i just saw wind [Music] listen if you're a pastor here believe me you are going to contact a grace in this conference that will so shift your ministry to a dimension of grace and power it is by the spirit of god listen listen please look at me my teaching tonight may be a bit hard but this is the chest singing of the spirit it prunes us to bring us to a place of order the apostolic see the apostolic anointing is not even a preaching anointing is a governmental grace it governs the coordinates of the truth of scripture it ensures that a territory generation works within the jurisdiction of balance the assignment of the apostolic and the prophetic is that through the sacrifice of alignment we access the speakings of god as a portion for a generation and ensure that it's dispensing is done with accuracy and as intended by the father [Music] hallelujah press the name of the lord now please hear me [Music] that when you go back home tonight let it be a cry in your heart and say lord i join the midwives that will birth the new in south africa but hear me south africa i bring you a prophetic word before you believe a man find out about him don't just believe jealously listen i was sleeping after we were done having breakfast and i saw a vision i saw a vision of a woman about to give birth and that woman is south africa hear me there is and this will start from the month of august this year there is a strange shift that is coming to the body of christ within this territory please hear what i'm telling you it's a double-edged sword it will come both to lift to bring down it is not the desire of god that anything goes wrong listen don't celebrate when things go wrong with the body of christ it's the goal please the christ lifted so you must understand what i'm teaching you are we together now it is true that we are at different levels it is true that our levels of sacrifices and alignment is true that here and there flesh may be prevalent in people but hear me christ is still in the midst of south africa and let me speak to you more than pointing fingers we must now begin to point our attention to his majesty because as we behold him that's where we are changed hallelujah can we pray two prayer points and we're done for tonight prayer point number one lord a vessel in me a vessel is true that god is prospering us but tonight's teaching is even as your soul prospers father i repentance is not a language for sinners listen the word repent is not necessarily a sinner's language it is the system by which we become more like christ paul prayed and said my little children of travail on ice before the formation of the christ have a mystery called peace thank you god pray say lord search my heart and help me i desire to walk genuinely with you lift your voice and pray genuinely genuinely yes sir now please just let me find minutes and we're done my dear friend from the us is just going to play something just play this song and as he's playing i'd like you to pray and while we pray i'm just going to speak over your life and we're done for tonight yes sir lift your voice and make sure you pray lord in this move of your spirit that is coming to south africa this financial renaissance this apostolic and prophetic move of the spirit i open up my heart and i declare that i am available and i am usable [Music] let there be a restoration of the prayer fire upon our altars let there be a restoration of hunger and passion for god upon our others let there be a restoration of a determination to leave for him a determination to be reflective of his glory and power and grace we will not bow here comes the generation that will not bow to bell here comes the generation that is uncompromising here comes the generation that will stay to the end here comes the generation that will last to the end hallelujah now please hear me i know that our time is gone but i must pray one prayer [Music] the lord is opening my eyes and i'm singing the realm of the spirit and i'm seeing several chains chains on people this is what i see just one prayer i want to pray because it will be unfair for you to return back to that chain no what then is the excellency of his presence now the lord is that spirit the bible says you are about to taste and see that the lord is good not only to believe i want to pray a prayer for you now listen please as i pray this prayer the power of the holy ghost please help that lady the power of the holy ghost will come upon some of you and it is to break chains this is not impartation this is to break chains so that you are free hallelujah help them please i want to pray listen you will never be the same never at the count of three i want you to shout that name jesus and as you shout that name many of you each long captivity that has seen every challenge is at the mercy of the grace that confronts it please listen to me right now in the name of jesus i come to you south africa by the road of a higher priesthood and i stand in the name of jesus in partnership with all the graces in this place i declare the count of three that every force that is not of the christ and every manipulation of darkness tying down the destinies of men it's time that you go now at the count of three you shall jesus one two three be free now be free now please help them south africa be released by the power of the holy ghost i bring you the ministry of the holy ghost be free in the name of jesus [Applause] father let close doors tonight i speak to doors that have been closed on account of your determination to risk to remain for christ i speak to those doors be open [Music] foreign
Channel: SBiC Connect
Views: 9,599
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Keywords: Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak's Videos, Koinonia Videos, SBiC Connect, AJS, Apostle Joshua Selman, Apostle Joshua Selman 2020, About Apostle Joshua Selman, Apostle Joshua Selman 2021, Apostle Joshua Selman's New Sermons, Apostle Joshua Selman Powerful Sermon 2021, Koinonia Global, Koinonia Abuja, Koinonia Zaria, Commanding Results, Joshua Selman, Selman, Nimmak, Apostle, joshua, Selman's Videos, Online Sermons
Id: uTt5XMBnk0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 227min 45sec (13665 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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