LIFE-CHANGING MOMENT with Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak

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for real for real you know first time when i spoke to his peer and i said to him i need apostle this year he says look just take off weekend because apostle is doing nothing for anyone to come on a sunday he has assignments to do and i called him he said to me for you i would do anything you know those words those words have have are rooted in my heart so i have deep love for him and i just want to thank you apostle for the love you have for our nation that that's the not just for me but for our nation you know last year there is a t-shirt he wore ordinary man held by god that statement has not left me i said i need to be an ordinary man held held by god amen you know apostle before i introduce you one day i finished speaking to you and i came to lead prayer i was telling them in prayer i said when i finished speaking to apostle i started repenting i said father felix is proud you all remember as if felix is proud have felix because i saw something in him that i love apostle we love you as a nation south africa loves you that's the truth now house of treasures ministries south africa and the rest of the world please help me celebrate as we welcome apostle joshua salman all the way from kohinoor abuja nigeria [Music] hallelujah [Music] praise the lord i love you south africa god bless you god bless you [Applause] amen you know um it remains it remains a joy it remains a joy in my heart every time i have the opportunity the honor just helped us under the anointing and the privilege i'm sure maybe one of these days i will share with you my encounter that makes these things happen they there is a reason why you see these kinds of manifestations but i want you to know that every opportunity that i have to bring the word of the lord to a people and to nations even this nation i do not take it for granted and um it's one thing to be anointed is one thing to be graced no matter how great but then it's another thing to be received by a people thank you thank you thank you hallelujah apostle felix thank you for your love and your friendship brotherhood i sincerely love you and your wife and i appreciate you thank you amen hallelujah before we sit i just want to encourage us to pay attention and follow the sequence please help someone who will start running out now under the anointing literally just hold the person just bring her out and keep her button i'm seeing at least three of them literally the power of god coming upon them hallelujah now please listen please listen please listen we'll be seated shortly but [Music] when when god begins to walk in a people you have to be malleable you have to be opened to allow the dealings of the spirit are we together now because what is happening to you now when god is done with you at the end of this conference it will be like the eagle hallelujah [Applause] it would be like the eagle my dear this lady looking at me this one shout jesus as loud as you can just do what i'm asking you to do look at me just look at me in the name of jesus every oppression over your life and your body i stretch my hands right now let it come to an end now in the name of jesus i minister that life and that power by the holy spirit you are free forever in the name of jesus christ hallelujah is it matilda i'm hearing a name matilda is there someone with such a name matilda you're wearing red like ox blood matilda is there someone like that please verify that is that her name look at me the lord is saying whip not you have come to the end of the season of pain and a season of shame with not he says for the lion of the tribe of judah even the root of david has prevailed the bible says he is worthy to open the book and even unlock the scrolls please look at me ma'am i pray for you i stretch my hands may the power of the holy spirit come upon you and that you step in a new season right now in the name of jesus christ [Applause] the name of jesus christ tonight is a miracle service i don't want to go ahead of myself but there is the lord is showing me someone here businessman you are into real estate this is what i'm seeing in my vision you are a businessman you're into real estate but this year it's like things have been um a bit rough for you i don't know if it's as an individual or as a company but the lord wants to bring that restoration i don't know who that person is i presume that there might be a number of people but there is someone particularly you are into real estate is there someone like that i just want to pray this is a male i know there are many people but you're a man you're a man please follow the description is there someone like that probably in the overflow i want to pray for the person wherever you are and if for any reason you can come out wherever you are i'm speaking to you right now real estate please be sure that that it fits this description don't just come out at random [Applause] you're into real estate how long how many years huh you too how many years i can't hear you please come can i pray for you do you believe in the power of the holy spirit you see without the holy spirit we're just wasting our time there is absolutely nothing we can do the holy spirit is the advantage that advantage that comes upon our lives i want to pray for you even as revealed by god my friend you believe in miracles write this down the month of november god is going to do something in your life that will completely turn your life around [Music] can i pray for you that lady wearing a black nose mask looking at me the power of god is coming upon you in the name of jesus christ i decree and declare you the lady just lift your hands let that oppression come to an end finally in the name of jesus christ i pray for you sir some trust in horses others trust in chariots but we the bible says we'll trust in the name of our lord i release you in the name of jesus go and prosper go and excel and my friend i want to pray for you god is taking away sickness first before we even talk of real estate i stretch my hands now out go i command that spirit it leaves you never to return in the name of jesus christ are we ready for tonight father grant us grace grant us understanding can you open your mouth in one minute and just ask the lord to give you a visitation an encounter the bible says encounter someone is praying [Music] there will be such a baptism of fire as the word comes it's not only an information you will be hearing that grace that takes you to a new level just helped us under the anointing we are praying and i will praise the lamb of god who seeks upon the throne i will worship him and give the praise to him alone [Music] he who wasn't this and is to come i will sing before his throne forever [Music] all the angels sing they praise you now and they cry hopefully [Music] [Music] we are sons and daughters we praise you now and we cry hopefully yes we cry hopefully i will praise the lamb of god who seeks upon the throne i will worship him and give the praise to him [Music] forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're [Music] your faithful [Music] we wanna see you here we wanna see you now we want to see you face to face oh god surrounded by your glory feasting at your table we want to see you face to face just sing it one time we want to see you now we want to see you face to face oh god surrounded by a glory feasting at your table hallelujah please be seated and i like you to be very sensitive this morning's teaching is an exposition but with it also an impartation yesterday we began to discuss about the state the current state of the church as revealed in the vision of ezekiel sir the power of god is coming on you you wearing white i'm seeing you climb the ladder in the spirit and the lord is saying he's shifting you to a new season that man please stand up sir yes you no yes lift your hands may that grace come upon you now take the fire the name of jesus christ you will never be the same in the name of jesus christ so we began to discuss yesterday about the current state of the church as revealed in the vision of ezekiel dinner now let's call it these things [Music] [Music] come on let's call him [Music] hallelujah [Music] to you oh god we give glory to you [Music] and cause you need the reign of his glory [Music] [Music] in abundance [Music] let's lift it up everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] we call on your name one more time everybody lift it up lift it up [Music] [Music] [Music] just begin to bless him bless blessing blessing blessing blessing blessing blessing blessing blessing blessing blessing blessing blessing blessing blessing bless him let all the other names fade away let all the other names fade away till there's only you let [Music] [Music] jesus take your pledge come on everybody [Music] lift up your hands everybody come on [Music] wide as we cry is [Music] come on [Music] come on [Music] we give you glory [Music] come on everybody sickness [Music] [Music] except lifted up [Music] take your place [Music] [Music] come on church our god we leave we give you glory [Music] come on [Music] we give you glory [Music] oh [Music] and evil please go back to verse 12. watch this do you know what it means it says at this time you ought to be teachers you know what a teacher is a teacher is one who has obtained the the right by reason of his results to now mentor and build others he's saying at this point if you have contended for growth you would have commanded enough results to be able to turn and begin to help other people if you do not grow you will stop the advancement of the purposes of the kingdom because those who are connected to your grace to rise will remain small as a reflection of your refusal to grow for every one of us here i want you to know that there are destinies connected to you is that true and does the health of those destinies depend on your personal spiritual growth as a man of god your church will always be a reflection of your spiritual growth and maturity so if you refuse to grow as a man of god you will leave hungry and tasty and desperate people having to make do with the crumbs that come from you being a babe yesterday we examined the fact that it is a tragedy for any nation any organization any system whose king is a child we need to grow so that we can become teachers so that we can become models so that we can become references skillful in the word of righteousness this is very important the pathway to maturity and stature blessed be the name of the lord now very quickly i want to show you four biblical indices that can show whether an individual is growing or not immediately this is like a spiritual litmus test all of us will be subject to it right now and you can tell with precision whether you are growing or not i have to touch on this quickly before we move to the next aspect of what we have to deal with this morning the lord taught me this and i have taught the body of christ this extensively as much as he's granted me grace there are four biblical indices that measure a believer's growth how do i know i am growing how do i know i am making progress number one are you ready the first biblical index that measures your growth spiritually is your degree of conformity to the image and the character of the christ in experience write it down please your degree of conformity to the image and the character of jesus in experience this is the first biblical index to measure growth no matter how long you have been in church no matter what kind of spiritual activity you have been involved with if we look at your life and we do not find an experiential manifestation of the image and the character of the christ you are not growing it's as simple and as honest as that colossians chapter 3 when you read from verse 1 to 15 for sake of time we may not have all the time to exhaust it but the bible says if you be reason with christ if it is true if it's a fact that you have been risen with christ then it says your passions your appetite you should seek the things that are above is that true where christ seated at the right hand of god prove to me that you are risen with christ not just by your confession but by your passion i should see where your passion is the next verse when we read to verse 15 let's touch one or two of the verses we can verse two the whole text is to verse 15 colossians chapter three it says set your affection on things above and not on things in the earth he's not saying to ignore the things in the earth but he's saying in order of priority i should be able to see a level of passion for the things of god for you are dead and your life is healed with christ in god then the next verse he now begins to tell you to put off certain things is that true put off and then put on that you you remove it like an old garment now you don't hear a lot of this being discussed in church is the reason why we raise the kinds of people we are raising can i be honest with you in this kingdom character is a principal measure of spiritual growth modern anointing more than miracles character character i can know that the lord is walking in you because what i saw in you yesterday i said limitation should not be found again tomorrow if i i agree that you come to him as you are but you don't stay as you are please hear me you come as you are but you cannot remain as you when we allow anybody to come as they are provided they are willing to be made when you come and follow me i will not leave you that way i will make you now i south africa you cook you cook well and you cook a lot and i know that some of you are chefs you know how it is to make food if you want to prepare food sometimes you have to strip some of the ingredients from their original state they have to bend that is the price it would take for them to participate in that meal they come as they are but if they must be in that pot you have to cut some of them you have to shred some of them you have to blend some of them if you must find your way from the farm to that pot you must be willing to pass through that making most believers want to be featured in god's program god's end time program but they want to be featured the way they are with the backlog of pride and jealousy and flesh and lust no sir you come as you are but then you allow the rabbi to now begin to walk on you can i tell you the truth when god is pruning you is proof that you are important in his program when a pastor is pruning you is proof that he has discerned that there is great grace on your life how do i know i am growing spiritually the degree of conformity regardless region regardless tribe when you come to christ i should know you are a christian not by your praying in tongues there should be such a level of dexterity in your character it is not when you begin to sing christian songs that i should know you are a christian if you have to tell me your name and pray in tongues you are not a christian so the backlog of anger jealousy and all these things that came with our backgrounds come as you are but you cannot remain as you are second peter chapter one is god helping us this morning second peter chapter one from verse five to seven remember the theme of the conference the next move of god we're dealing with all of the factors that are responsible for making this happen first peter please very quickly second peter i meant to say ii peter chapter one from verse five let's read together i like it when we read together ready we're reading to verse seven and beside this it says uh-huh giving all diligence add to your faith virtue and to virtue knowledge next verse and to knowledge temperance or self-control and to temperance patience and to patience godliness by seven and to godliness brotherly kindness and to brotherly kindness love don't tell me you have faith what have you added to it since you got born again the bible tells us add add remember our meal again you are preparing this the chef will give you a manual after five minutes add this to this add this portion to this add this portion to this you do not add equal portions of everything there are some things you just need a pinch of like salt but there are some things you need a lot of we have measured on the miners and mine on the majors there are some things that must be lavishly at work in your life imagine with me that just because salt is needed in your meal you put a handful of salt imagine that you want to cook rice and rice becomes the smallest ingredient you add you pick rice and then salt what did you make salt is needed but not as much as rice can i be honest with you there are many things we need in our life as believers but we need to examine the emphasis this is this is this is it man of god remember we are spiritual chefs according to jeremiah chapter 3 and verse 15 every time we meet with god's people we feed them the meal is wisdom and knowledge we together and as we prepare those meals we have to be careful there are things we have emphasized in the body of christ now above jesus now above character you see that's the reason why the meal that we're producing the things are not bad in themselves for instance prosperity for instance greatness for instance these things are not wrong but there is a proportion we jesus must be the center if i taste that meal even if it's a pinch of it i should test jesus more than prosperity more than healing more than miracles by the time the meal is made of miracles you have damaged the whole i will give you shepherd or pastors after my heart as spiritual chefs and they will feed you with knowledge and they will feed you with understanding you can know a healthy church imagine you know in many parts of africa we we have seen people who have been impoverished malnourished and you can see their state the children don't have to tell you i am sick and you can see very healthy well-fed children they don't have to tell you i am healthy you can look at a christian and know that something is wrong we need to go to that pot and check what you've been eating are we blessed your degree of conforming to the t to the image and the character of the christ galatians chapter five popular scripture many of you have forgotten it you've not read it in a long time let's go to the bible galatians 5 22 galatians 5 22 are we still together but the fruit of the spirit can i tell you this there is a difference between gifts and fruit fruit is proof that the tree is matured it you can give a gift to anything an animal can demo can manifest the gift of the spirit but not the fruit of the spirit a fruit means that the tree has grown there is no tree that has fruits as a baby tree it has to be a full grown tree so when the bible says the fruit of the spirit you have to understand this the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace can i tell you these are the conditions that the whole world is looking for everywhere across all the whole world they are looking for the fruit of the spirit long-suffering gentleness goodness faith 23 meekness temperance it says against such there is no law against such there is no law there are many many believers who do not have the fruit of the spirit at work in them and we continue to justify this anger is a family thing what then is the excellency of your meeting jesus we are jealous that's how we are just living when i'm angry even my mother knows i've been like that then change this is why you came to church are we together now there are many preachers who can kill when they are angry they are anointed but you have to be careful it was lack of this that made moses even though he met god face to face he could not get your degree of conformity when i found this i made up my mind as a man of god i said i will have to train myself by the spirit so that my life becomes an expression of the character of the christ in reality can i be honest with you character is not an impartation you work it out you work it out you build character by submitting to the word of god as final authority over your life in all matters that means regardless how i feel what does the word of god says to be done in this situation your feeling and your pain you enter a non-emotional covenant of compliance if the word of god says to be instant in season and out of season then that becomes my template if the word of god says love that is it your degree of conformity to the image and the character of the christ are we learning something this is very very important number two let's hurry up for time the second biblical index that measures spiritual growth and maturity is your depth of comprehension of the principles and the mysteries of the kingdom i'll take it again when the school of the spirit so don't worry about my long sentence i will repeat it until you write it down ready your depth of comprehension or understanding of the principles and the mysteries of the kingdom first corinthians chapter 14 and verse 20 your depth of comprehension of the principles and the mysteries of the kingdom first corinthians 14 20 how do i know that i am growing how do i know that i am increasing how do i know that a church is growing brethren be no children in understanding i'll be eating malice be your children but in understanding be man can i be honest with you you can know that you are growing spiritually to the degree to which you begin to understand the ways of the kingdom the principles of the kingdom should not be new it shouldn't be strange to you you shouldn't be in church for one year two years and you know nothing about the principles of prayer you know nothing about seed sowing imagine someone once been in church for three four years you have to explain to them the principles so no you should know these things by now there are principles listen to me this kingdom the bible says in psalm 82 from verse 5 to 7 psalm 82 from verse 5 to 7 let me quote it first because of time it says they know not neither will they understand so this is a problem of ignorance it says they walk on in darkness and all the foundations of the earth are out of course next verse verse 6 says i have said ye are gods and all of you how many are children of the most high the tragedies in the next verse it says but you shall die like man man and fall like one of the princes knowledge and understanding is what gives you stature and stability it's important that you are not just a christian because of your participating in spiritual activities you must be sure you are growing what have you learned this year that you did not know last year what have you learned this month that you did not know last month have you added to your knowledge bank spiritually applicable spiritual knowledge not just random knowledge that is useless as far as your destiny is concerned knowledge colossians chapter 1 and verse 9 paul was praying over the church in colossae and he prayed that they be built across three dimensions of knowledge colossians chapter one and verse nine he says praying to the father of our lord jesus christ that they be filled with number one the knowledge of his will number two they be filled with all wisdom and number three they be filled with all with spiritual understanding are we together please let me have two gentlemen very quickly just two of you thank you sir please stand here please stand here you would notice that i like to teach giving illustrations because people seem to understand it more now watch this this man is a child of god this man is a child of god i always will give this example now say they got born again the same day are we together and this one happens to be under a pastor who understands doctrine and is now being mentored methodically and raised in a way that you can see the man growing and this one sadly let's assume that he just found himself somewhere around the spiritual atmosphere whose growth is scattered and not methodical now after two years they come together and you ask him what do you know about prayer he prays and you tell him lead us in a prayer session and you see him praying and miss because he does nothing he's not being taught do you know that you are taught to pray you don't just pray you are taught to pray that's the only way to not pray or miss the disciples said teach us to pray they did not have a problem with prayerlessness it was effective prayer the issue was not prayerlessness it was inefficiency in prayer and jesus taught them to pray this man is in a situation right now he does not understand the dominion systems in the kingdom he does not know that there is a mystery that can exempt man from evil he does not know how to defend himself over the wiles of darkness his his life even though he is born again but you see his experience as though he does not know jesus here comes this gentleman now he's been taught spiritual warfare he's been taught the economic system of the kingdom he's been taught knowledge he's been taught character who do you think will excel in their christian work are we together yes you can be this man or this man the choice is yours your depth of comprehension in luke chapter 19 from verse 41 and 42 luke chapter 19 from verse 41 and 42 the bible records that jesus wept twice in the bible first was at the grave of lazarus luke chapter 19 from verse 41 and 42 the first time jesus would weep was at the grave of lazarus and they said oh how he loved him the second time jesus was about to whip was over jerusalem he said he came to eat and he beheld the city and wept over it why did he weep verse 2 please read with me ready one to read saying if thou has known even thou at least in this thy day the things which belong unto thy peace but now they are hid from your eyes jesus wept because of the ignorance of the people you know you are growing to the degree to which you comprehend the truth of the kingdom now i if i call believers at random now i'm not just speaking to house of treasures i'm speaking to africa i'm speaking to the globe are we together imagine with me like i said yesterday call a believer at random let's have a few believers for instance to stand here and let's now begin to interview them along the lines of the principles of the kingdom and you will see respectfully speaking the poor job that we men of god have done when the average believer is in trouble they do not understand the weapons of victory they bring the blood of jesus the fire of the holy ghost the word of god scripture touching on a green seed they mix everything and hope that one will walk and truly one will walk the challenge is you can never gain mastery because you do not know which what are we together so the average believer is superstitious in his spiritual approach i know there is blood in that equation i know there is name i know there is scripture i know there is a seed i know there is a prophetic covering i just know that these things are there please produce miracles for me the bible says he that strives for mastery is not crowned except he strives lawfully we must rise to a higher level of mastery where you know which spiritual operation is responsible for what outcome with precision watch a consultant as he talks with a patient oh so how are you and the patient is ranting i have headache i have this in fact body weakness and the man is laughing he's beyond the words the frail words of the patient he's looking for specific things because he has been trained to identify patterns that lead to outcomes and with digital precision sometimes he may not even need the aid of any machine he will say you have malaria you have typhoid and he laughs and says don't worry in three days you'll be fine and the man he said you don't even know what is happening says it's true i may not understand but you don't worry trust my prescription i was trained i didn't just become a consultant by luck [Applause] take this take that take this take fruits you through this go and rest and even when you call him the next day and say this thing has not changed just keep doing what i asked you to do after four days you are running playing football and he looks at you and says it worked and every time you have malaria he will give you the same thing are you learning something this morning let me tell you this if you're a man of god here let this be a word of deliverance the pressure to make sure you teach something new every sunday be delivered from it in this kingdom our focus is not newness but freshness because the body of truth allocated for your growth is finite you can exhaust it and start again and exhaust it and start again and exhaust it and start again this was the strategy that great men like papa hagin they would teach across subjects for the rest of their life so if you went to their congregations you will see them solid teaching a truth once does not mean members have received it you must repeat it again with freshness greater revelation greater fire don't teach giving once don't teach righteousness once don't teach salvation once teach it again and again that is the curriculum there is no other thing again listen down our generation has such an obsession for newness and and there's nothing wrong with that this is the reason why when you check your notes as a man of god oh dear i've taught on faith i've taught on character i've taught on leadership what is left and then we go online and you just browse enter and you see anything new without verification we ship it to our altars and give people something to consume we later find out it is poison can i tell you this please hear me man of god and women of god the way you preach in a conference is not the way you should preach to your people when you are preaching in a conference you are constrained by time and you are teaching across two or three days the highest conference will be maybe just like a week or so and with several speakers but when you are mentoring your people be methodical be intentional stay there they are there with you for life teach them groom them build them let your message be serious take it step by step don't wrap up the whole message of faith in two hours they will need more than that to be strong hallelujah are we learning please hear me we must be very intentional about training and building our people so you learn oh you got it in the university remember i don't know how it works in south africa here but let's say for instance you're studying mathematics there is something called match 101 then you do match 201 same subject a higher perspective of it so there is faith 101 the basics you just get it and later on you meet a stumbling block you cannot understand you go back the next phase series will answer that question listen it is when it has to do with knowing god that we can never exhaust him but when it has to do with the weapons of victory given to the saints the body of knowledge given is finite the same way a student can graduate from a university doesn't mean learning stops but as far as the body of knowledge allocated is concerned you have exhausted it are we together that means you are in this place you should be able to tell me the role of the blood in a believer's life at what point in my christian experience should i apply the blood at what point should i use the name at what point should i use the word what should i do with a spirit that seems to be stubborn do i know what to do with it when i'm constrained financially why is that so and what should i do this is knowledge if i'm in a situation where defeat is imminent what is the spiritual strategy to engage at that point if my life has been delayed by reason of whatever how can i accelerate my journey with using these weapons of victory because the bible shows me that speed is a possibility so what is the key to activating it in my life if people do not like me how can i change that spiritual narrative by a mystery called favor how does it work are you learning [Applause] how can i rise from nothing to a position of influence is influence necessary if yes what are the keys that control influence how can i remain on fire and pray in season and out of season because in my experience i found out that prayer is not prayer is not as cheap as many people make it look how can i remain consistent studying the word how can i be so great and anointed yet humble what are the keys i need to learn what are the consequences of pride how do i last and remain do you know the keys that govern all these things i have said if not then we have a lot of work to do are we together when you send your children to school they do not teach them just one subject they have a variety of subjects intended to build them in a certain way i can tell you many believers are stunted in their growth we are aware of many possibilities in the kingdom but we do not have the keys that activate those possibilities so if i ask you does god lift yes does god bless yes can i know him more yes is the prophetic realm real yes can god restore can god favor can god turn negative situations around can you show me how you see ask a businessman who is a multi-millionaire justifiably he will defend his wealth by giving you an accurate road map he will tell you bring someone as naive as whatever let him just be opened in one year i can transform that person we must have that level of methodical approach in the body of christ otherwise i tell you the spiritual products that will stick will keep coming from the church it will be a situation of casualties everybody say knowledge please shout it knowledge let me give you an assignment if you care i'd like you to write honestly thank god your note is just for you just write every dimension of the kingdom that you are truly yet to handle in terms of experiential knowledge let that become your personal project what do i honestly not know do i understand this finance thing don't lie and say i know what do you know about finances i can give that's not the only key this auditorium has several doors if you have only one key you may be in trouble imagine with me a big house you may have heard me give this instance imagine a very large house with 10 to 12 rooms if you have only the key to the kitchen and you need to use the restroom you are in trouble because the key to the kitchen will not open the restroom you are in the house but you are not at peace if the only key you have is the key to the restroom you are in the house but when the restroom will not give you food i will give you the keys of the kingdom not a key the keys of the kingdom the key that controls your spiritual fire the key that controls your economic empowerment the key that controls your excelling in your career the key that controls your longevity the key that controls you walking in peace the key that controls victory over demons and the cohorts of darkness you hold those keys and you move with every door that stands before you if it's a demonic door you search what jesus you open that door and you move if you stand and it's an economic door you check what did my pastor teach me believers please hear me our territories are in trouble until we truly have the keys of the kingdom not just as men of god but that the average believer will become so fortified and sound am i wasting your time this morning please give us luke chapter one let me show you something very powerful luke chapter one we're reading the first four verses and i'll plead that you read with me this is my prayer for house of treasures and this is my prayer for south africa africa and the globe are you ready first four verses one to read for as much as many have taken in hand to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among god stop there just stop there first there are things that should be most surely believed in every congregation that reflect the grace if you are oral robots the healing ministry should be one of the areas that are most surely believed among your congregation if you are benign you should your members should not be doubting the reality of the existence of jesus they may doubt other things but not that one that is the foundational pillar of that ministry there are things that should be most surely believed i can doubt others i'm yet to get it but this one no i've held it i have my footing solid there verse two even as they delivered them unto us which from the beginning were eyewitnesses and ministers of the world number three it seemed good to me also having part perfect understanding of all things stop [Laughter] i love the bible so a man can have perfect understanding look at it now he is defending his understanding he's saying look it's not pride i've had perfect understanding on these things haven't had perfect understanding of all things from the very first to write on today in order most excellent theory of laws why am i writing read verse 4 if you're a christian one to read that thou my test know the certainty of those things wearing thou has been instructed i want to bring you to a point of persuasion he says so that you no longer doubt those things so that they don't just become your pastor's revelation they now become your revelation [Applause] the woman at the well ran and called the people and said come see a man who has told me all that i have done they didn't come because they loved jesus they didn't come because they cared about him they came because of the impact of our testimony but when they came the bible says they sat with jesus and hurt themselves and later on they would turn to the woman and say now we believe not only because of what you have said we have seen this for ourselves spiritual growth and maturity is when you get to a point in the spirit where your persuasions are now your own you have become one with them whether you are asked to give or not it's a revelation you already have there's no waiting for any special program whether you are asked to pray or not anything that is told you is a mere encouragement but intrinsically it has become a revelation to you if you are with me say amen gentlemen thank you may god bless you thank you sir are we learning this morning so your depth of comprehension of the mysteries of the kingdom in ii peter last scripture for these very points ii peter chapter one from verse two to four popular scripture second peter chapter one from verse two to four it says grace and peace be multiplied how through knowledge grace and peace is multiplied through knowledge not through desire through knowledge through knowledge every dimension of grace you seek there is a knowledge component if you do not carve the requisite level of knowledge you cannot walk in that level of grace grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of god and of our lord jesus christ grace and peace is multiplied through knowledge number three let's hurry up we're listing four indices to measure spiritual growth number one we said is the degree of your degree of conformity to the image and the character of jesus inexperience number two your depth of comprehension of the principles and the mysteries of the kingdom spiritual illumination high level spiritual illumination your encounter with light number three the out walkings of the power and the ability of god in and through your life the out walkings the third way we know you are growing spiritually is through the outworkings of the power and the ability of god in and through your life my goodness the out outworkings of the power and the ability of god in and through your life please look up this kingdom is a kingdom of power this is a kingdom of results and there should come a point in your life where as you press towards the things of god the ability of the spirit should begin to manifest through you it has nothing to do with being in the fivefold ministry it is proof of spiritual health now biology teaches us that when a child grows and becomes a teenager certain changes begin to happen in your body that prove that you are now transiting is that true from childhood into adulthood that is the same way spiritually you see a gentleman who is looking very lean looking almost as if he's a skeleton walking but that gentleman gets to teen age and all of a sudden he begins to build and now he becomes a tall tall tall dark and handsome are we together now what changed growth there are now manifestations ask a baby to lift this ask a baby to lift this they may not be able to lift it ask a baby to lift even a bottle but now you find people who lift crates they lift all kinds of things and they just lift it as though they are lifting a piece of rag that ability came with growth can i be honest with you there are certain mountains that confronted you five years ago and you did not have the anointing to do anything about them by now you should even walk as though they don't exist because of the excellency of power that is at work in you [Applause] if yesterday's challenge still seems to have dominion over you something might be wrong are we blessed the outworkings of the power of the holy spirit ephesians chapter 3 and verse 20 it says now unto him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that works where in us there is an ability of the spirit that walks in me this is not just a pentecostal talk you have to believe this as you are growing spiritually a day comes you look at your child he returns with something a result that you don't like you know that you have grown spiritually son come you can lay your hands and in the name of jesus i impart upon you that grace for wisdom go and exhale maturity you are in the marketplace you are in a boss and someone is just crying and saying my life how will these things continue and you look at him and say well i'm a child of god so what so i'm about to show you the implication can you hold my hand and let me agree with you we have just five minutes and the boss comes to a standstill father let my life reveal the excellency of your power over this person's situation and you'll drop from the boss and after two years you find someone looking for you and running and saying i remember you you held my hand and prayed two minutes prayer and every closed door opened i want to follow your god there is something about the excellency of power listen to me when it has to do with power it is not for men of god it is for believers jesus said in my name they not some all that believe shall cast out devils have you registered your impact in the realm of the spirit through the outworking of power in your life can the demon say jesus i know paul i know joshua salman i know have you registered your name can i be honest with you most believers think and respectfully speaking i admit that we men of god have made a mistake because we have given people an impression that if it does not come through us they cannot access genuine power no we are here as an added advantage but intrinsically the basis of your confidence and your power in this kingdom is the reality of the of the holy spirit living in you and the power that comes through your relationship with him he says be strong in the lord everyone say i'm strong in the lord prophesy i say i am not weak look at me stretch your hands before me and declare say this hands you are anointed from today for signs for wonders for miracles one more time stretch those hands say in the name of jesus these hands produce results in the name of jesus these are miracle hands these are miracle hands these are miracle hands these are miracle hands turn it into prayer in one minute i'm not ordinary the divine life is not working me in the name of jesus the son of the living god there is an implication to my spiritual growth i may not be a man of god standing in the pulpit but i'm the son of the living god i decree and declare the power of the holy ghost is at work in my life to heal and to deliver to change and to transform my words are not empty words i carry within me the power of the holy ghost is someone praying believe what you are saying believe what you are saying i have the grace to change situations and circumstances by the power of the world [Music] barack the anointing of the holy ghost is at work in me now listen to me everyone please pay attention i am no longer a slave to fear i am do you know what it means to be the child of god many of you have wealthy people in south africa when you say you are the son of such a swans to a person the systems must respond hear me there is an ability of the holy ghost that you must tear within your inside this is not for preachers south africa you are not weak as a believer you can fail alone but you and the holy ghost cannot fail you can fail alone for you and the holy ghost cannot fail hollander scatterplot oh let the weak say i am strong one with god a champion indeed one with god a champion in ministry parakatoska one with god a champion that is fire flows through you his life flows through you you are a winner in the name of jesus christ [Music] man of god hear me you are not a weak preacher struggling on stage to have members no be strong in the lord the anointing of the holy ghost is at work in you [Music] jesus said carry in jerusalem tarry and on the day of pentecost when the holy ghost came upon the believers oh please believe this our father showed us in scripture god's generals men like r.w schambach t.l osborn they have joined the cloud of witnesses they shook kingdoms by the power of the holy ghost [Music] you are not weak there is no distance you cannot get to there is no height you cannot get to please listen to me hear me believe us every time you sit in short you are not just hearing a salmon there is an ability of the holy spirit this is my mentality believe me i do not believe that i can meet anybody and that person goes back the same no sincerely sincerely this is not arrogance it's true i do not believe that i can actually shake hands with you and greet you and you go back and your life is unchanged i will go for a retreat man of god stop acting weak you are strong in the lord hear me i didn't ask you to act proud pride is what we've been fighting but there is a confidence i may fail alone but not with jesus south africa believe us when you are going to your office don't go alone you will fail when you go alone when you are writing the business proposal don't write it alone ah there's a song we sing in nigeria when you hold my hands everything becomes possible when you hold my hands impossible becomes possible when you hold my hand [Music] new season new season new season new season by the power of the holy ghost impossible listen listen i want you to walk out of this conference with a mentality that if i am in christ and i have been grounded in righteousness i am not ordinary the devil will fool you into believing that just because someone is not falling down under the anointing in front of you that you are powerless reject that lie you are full of the power of the holy ghost divinity lives in you believe it believe it believe it [Music] savior he can move a mountain my god is mighty to save he is mighty to save forever the author of salvation he rose and conquered the great jesus conquered the great savior he can move a mountain my god is mighty to say he is mighty to save forever the author of salvation heroes and conquered the great here's the part i want you to repeat it again listen heroes and conquer the great jesus conquered the great heroes and conquered the great jesus conquered the great heroes and conquered the great that is the basis for my victory that is the basis for the power of the holy ghost all of these manifestations you see it is not from joshua salman when he rose the hymn writer says up from the grave he arose with the mighty triumph all his fault he arose the victor from the dark domain and he lives forever with his saints to reign i'm not weak no i am strong i am strong in the name of jesus i am strong in ministry i am strong in business shake away the weakness that came from your background shake away the weakness that came from your background check away the weakness all south africa shake away the weakness [Music] i reject every devil i reject every weakness i am strong i am bold i am strong i am bold i am strong i am bold i am strong [Music] [Music] there is no height i cannot [Music] listen listen next time you walk out of this place god in a man is walking that's right yes hear me the noblest title that you can have is not apostle it's not prophet it's not reverend it's not ceo the noblest title you can have is child of god don't replace it for apostles don't replace it for prophet they may call you all these names [Music] take down for me we're rounding up this is what i believe that these hands when my mother gave birth to me she gave birth to a tiny hand of a baby but when i met jesus these hands became an extension of heaven [Music] before i got born again my voice just made an ordinary sound but now that i am in christ these words minister life do you believe this south africa do you believe this can i tell you why i know that your nation will never go down he told abraham if i can find one righteous man so for my sake [Music] i came this morning to challenge you enough of being a baby enough of running around pray for me pray for me lock yourself in your room and say that devil i'm standing with you now i've been touched the word cabarrus qatar what mountain thou mountain that stands before me i have the ability of the holy ghost can i tell you this please listen tonight is a miracle service what i want to charge you you cannot bring revival across a territory if you do not believe in what god has made out of you businessman you carry this mentality you will pick up the map of south africa and look at it as though you are looking at a toy [Music] as far as your eyes can see help our helper hold on hold on [Music] take his hard work have to pray no shadow you wouldn't light a mountain you won't climb up coming after me know all you won't kick down lie you until now coming after me this is what i believe about myself there's no shadow you won't light up mountain you won't climb coming after me no war you won't kick down lie you won't tear down yeah me those of you who are music ministers in this nation tell yourself you are taking the sounds of worship from south africa to the ends of the end don't let nobody talk you down don't let nobody speak nonsense the holy ghost i can fail alone i agree but not with the holy ghost it's a winning combination that does not fail man of god the day you believe this that is the day you will begin to watch demons casted out of people destinies change for as long as you believe you are a weakling no it is true that there are systems in the body that make for transference and impartation but none will replace the place of the holy ghost the greatest basis of your confidence in this kingdom is not just a man of god it's not just an oil or no the holy spirit [Music] can i tell you this when the lord was teaching me this i was in one room and from that one room he said if you will believe this i will take you before kings he will stand before nations i was stupid enough to believe him africa what's yes now who told you you were weak who told you you are not strong believers who told you you cannot take a territory for jesus [Music] businessman who told you that just because of the pandemic you must remain down where did you land that when adam and eve had another voice god told them who told you who told you i didn't come from me who told you you have given your attention to another voice oh that woman who told you that after eight years without a child you cannot have one who told you oh they said that's how it happens in our place whose report will you believe can i be honest with you there are things i believe about my life and i believe about myself one of it is that until my assignment is done on earth no power under heaven sustains the ability to take me out of this realm before my time it's not bragging it's the truth number two i believe that there are over 7.6 billion people on earth it is impossible for me to be on earth serving the purposes of god and die of hunger one person has to be obedient enough to be sent by god to sit with that i do not cry this is what i believe i do not believe that i am a nuisance to any territory and anybody i believe i am a blessing is a mentality that i have when i come to people i don't look for what to get i look for what to give i am a blessing this this this is the kind of mentality that you must have don't move around looking at people and the next thing what do i get what do i get no is someone learning that when you go back to your shop you go back to your mall you go back to your business lock the door and lay your hands on the walls and say in the name of jesus here comes an ambassador i declare let the spiritual gate over my business a father be open and you watch what happens by the power of the holy spirit your church is not growing don't sit down hating on those who are receiving results no lock yourself and walk the length and the breath of your auditorium where is the grace that brought the animals from the wilderness into the ark of noah you think noah had the power to gather those animals wouldn't they tear him but there was a grace that came on him and the ark that is the same grace that can fish those given to you from anywhere to where they need to be apostle the challenge with my business is that there are no customers i want to give in the house of god but no one is coming now i've told you the secret people don't just come there is a grace that calls come on yes sir yes sir apostle i'm a politician and god has told me that someday even at a national level i'll have a lot to do in government but from my lowly estate can i rise ask esther can i rise ask david can i rise ask jesus i tell you why a lot of believers are weak we shift the pain of our background i came from a background with no advantage we say and then we believe that just because we have come into the faith life the faith life just caters for our spiritual life and leaves us to be miserable reject that jesus said i am come that he may have life apostle but i don't know how these great miracles will happen just as you do not know the way of the wind or how bones are formed in the womb of heart that is with child so also you do not know the weight of god leave that one to his intelligence are you trying to say by the end of october my life would have changed i'm trying to say by the end of today come on yes [Applause] did the prophet not say by this time tomorrow and a foolish man asked a question and said even if god opened the windows of heaven even if a man opens his bank account your life will change not to talk of the windows of heaven i'm shaking unbelief shaking my time is off but listen to this the last index that measures your spiritual growth in addition to your conforming to the image and the character of the christ in experience in addition to your comprehending the mysteries and the ways of god the principles of the kingdom in addition listen carefully to manifesting the reality of the power of the holy spirit the last and the highest biblical index for measuring spiritual growth is love more than power more than knowledge more than miracles love for god and love for men if you love god alone you are a hypocrite the bible says if you love men alone you are still a hypocrite love for god and passionate love for men you can only make up your mind to be a blessing corruption is proof that the love of god is not in the hearts of men this is why the monies that is supposed to be a blessing to everybody can be pocketed by one individual and you don't care it's not just a demonic issue it's the absence of love by this shall all men know that you are my disciples not when you pray in tongues not when you walk signs and wonders when you have love south africa can i be honest with you we must obtain grace from god to not only love him but we must restore not think like [Music] the love of jesus this love factor is a very important one because can i tell you this the reason why many people do not want to be christians is because there is something about christians they watch our lives and they see us pray in tongues shout in tongues roll under the anointing and as soon as we get up from the door we start slapping one from the door not outside when we stab one another with joy with joy oh i love you but at the back of it you are saying no may you i mean you die can you be sincere and genuine that when you say i love you you truly mean i love you that when you hug one another and say god bless you you truly mean it that when you say god bless south africa you really mean god bless south africa at the end of my life my greatest joy should not be that i went around the world preaching the gospel healing the sick blessing people influencing a generation my greatest desire is to be that i love the lord with all my heart i loved everyone he sent me to with all my heart and i gave my best to serve his purposes [Applause] are we learning something this morning let me wrap up can you spare me two minutes now listen please please pay attention i have taught this and a few of you have heard it in my teachings but i will wrap up with it the greatest need of an unbeliever is salvation please listen carefully any time you see an unsaved person the greatest need is not a house to stay the greatest need is not school feasts the greatest need is not food the greatest need of a non-believer is the need to meet jesus that means no matter what you do to a non-believer or for an unbeliever if jesus is not part of your gift to him you really did not help him that's right that's right please let me repeat this again any time you see an individual who is not saved your greatest need in addition to the money the welfare in addition to the brotherly kindness every unbeliever needs jesus this is not an evangelist sermon this is truth the greatest need of an unbeliever is salvation please do not forget this so every time you see an unbeliever as a mature christian if they ask you what is his need don't look at the obvious salvation is the greatest need the greatest need of a believer who is saved is transformation listen to me if people just get born again and you drop them at the door of the kingdom that harvest will rot that's right because it takes discipleship to transit them to be transformed so that they can be useful to themselves and to the body believers that are not transformed are the ones who cause trouble in churches if they are not mentored they are not discipled the devil will use them they are one leg in and one leg out anytime you see a believer who just got born again the next pot of call is discipleship a methodical spiritual approach to their growth so that they now become stable through knowledge stable through training stable by learning doctrine please pay attention the greatest need of a transformed believer is empowerment when a believer is now transformed he needs the grace and the power component to now be able to defend and validate the truth you know because if you claim knowledge without the grace to validate it it is false again the greatest need of a non-believer help me salvation the greatest need of a new believer transformation the greatest need of a transformed believer is empowerment the greatest need of an empowered believer is character and humility [Applause] every time you see an unbeliever in the streets of south africa your greatest prayer need for them is salvation every time you see one who claims to be born again and yet has not changed the greatest need is transformation when you see one who is zealous and transformed with no results the greatest need is empowerment when you see one who is empowered like us who god is helping your prayer for us now becomes character and humility because on the strength of the exploits you are making pride can get into you and the tendency for all kinds of compromises i'm teaching you this so you know how to intercede for different levels of people when you are praying for an unbeliever don't pray for empowerment he needs jesus when you are praying for a believer don't pray for anointing pray for the discipline to gain knowledge the ability to endure sound doctrine when you are now praying for an empowered believer the ratio of teaching to empowerment is three and a half years to one encounter so says jesus he spent three and a half years mentoring people for one night's encounter but we have reversed it every week is empowerment with little knowledge so the oil keeps wasting because the vessel is small it takes a large vessel and oil to equal profit if you have the vessel alone with no oil there is no profit if you have oil with a small vessel there is still no profit you need a large vessel and oil that's what equals profit so if you are to pray for me and pray for your man of god because by the privilege of god's grace we've met jesus we've been transformed and we are still getting transformed we've been empowered to a measure by his spirit your prayer for us now becomes god keep them humility character if you are to buy me a book now you will know what to buy if you are to pray for me are you seeing that now that's right pastors break your congregation into four there are those who always come who are not in the kingdom you must there must be a menu to serve those people the menu is jesus no matter what you teach remember there are those who come to church who are yet to figure out their way through life they have accepted jesus the menu for them is that god's the truth of the kingdom the mysteries of the kingdom you are equipping them with the weapons of victory that help them to be sound then for those who have advanced maybe some of your leaders that god has helped you must create a platform to empower them so that they are not frustrated it is frustrating to know so much and have so little results you need the empowerment of the spirit and then for those who are empowered and are doing so much you need to have a platform to call them and re-emphasize character and can i tell you this when you get to the end of that circle you go back again you start again with jesus transformation empowerment character go back again jesus you have to learn this before we pray lend this next time you see an unsaved person you know what he needs can you buy me ice cream yes but more than the ice cream you need jesus when you see someone who is transformed and says look i want to start ministry you tell him please settle down you will do ministry but for now there is bankruptcy of knowledge going to do ministry will destroy you and everybody who sincerely follows you because what you need now is not ordination what you need is transformation when you learn this we are not just going to arbitrarily ordain people and keep producing children who keep destroying people transformation this is the discipleship manual of the kingdom from jesus it is transformation from transformation it is empowerment from empowerment and when you get there there is no arrival you still meet jesus there again another dimension of jesus then another dimension of transformation then another dimension of empowerment then exploit and while you are around the world and people are calling you apostle joshua salman one night you say let's go for a retreat again come on pride is already growing lust it's already growing you're a man of god and everybody call you king of kings but let's go back to the drawing room and you come back again to jesus and from jesus he tells you something against transformation then he gives you another level of the anointing then another level of exploit and then he comes to check again and says now you are already talking with kings nations are calling you but there is something you need to learn the fathers of faith when they got here they could not cross the line so they missed it there's something i must teach you let's go back to the drawing room [Applause] rise up on your feet we have to end please if you forget anything that i've taught you do not forget this give every man of god you love and you know these teachings to listen to and tell them i have a gift for you i hope i'm not rude doing this but i think this will bless you imagine what every sunday and every weekday looks like in south africa that at the end of that service those who need jesus find jesus those who need the principles of the kingdom which is also jesus the way find jesus those who need spiritual empowerment because they are frustrated at various levels of their lives they come and they find an oasis of power and those who are in exploits right now and the devil is destroying them and they are plunging down they mismanage the anointings that god gave them and it looks like ministry is about to end when they come you still have what you tell them you don't discuss power you tell them go for a retreat there is a need do you know the higher you rise in this kingdom the stricter god is with you that's true there are things that god will permit in others but because of the delicate nature of where you are standing and the souls that are tied to you you will see god pruning you as if you are as if you are a backslider he is doing it because he knows your destruction is equal to the fall of millions and god will say no no i have to guard you so the moment you see god protecting you how do you do with vips in south africa the more the higher they are the more you protect them because the destruction of that one person the devil would rather attack one solid man of god than to attack two million south africans who rather attack one solid man of god than to attack two million south africans so the higher you rise god can now be giving you strict rules rules that sometimes may not make sense until you get to that level there is no point teaching people lower than you you would destroy them it is a dealing made for your realm god can tell you if you want me to continue with you from this level you must enter a covenant with me that every week you must set one day for me and you say lord but for the past 20 years it's not been like that he said because you have not gotten to this realm the kind of anointing i'm giving you if you are angry and you speak with it you can kill a human being i have to supervise you i can't just give you that anointing without walking on your heart this is why we must be careful with random impartations you transfer graces to immature people they use that grace and the grace will first destroy them because they do not know how to handle it it's like giving a lena a truck a giant truck can i tell you all it takes to preaching is not this mic there is a skill to standing here [Applause] we have to pray tonight we're going to trust god for an open heavens in this place and apostle felix has graciously allowed that we bring in our prayer requests please even for those who are not able to come here submit your prayer request those online i'm sure there should be a way of communicating your prayer requests tonight the lord is going to be stepping in as a mighty mighty god hear me there are some of you who are going to be bringing people who need jesus tonight they will find him there are some of you who have been attending this conference most of us all of us in fact and god has been equipping us with strategic knowledge and challenging us is called transformation but there are many of you who sincerely without pride you have worked with god you have been diligent to listen you have learned but this lack of results we must end it now you need empowerment you need empowerment listen you see the thing about the anointing is that if it is not there it's not there that's right you can't fake it hope it wish it if it is not there it's as simple as that there are many men of god who are people of character and love jesus but the the limitation to their next level they can't do much for the kingdom i want you to come this night with your heart open there are business people who they have vowed to god and say lord as you bless me your house i've already covenanted with you that your house will not suffer but the empowerment to shift them to that realm come tonight with your heart opened father thank you you have shown us your mercy you have shown us your grace they may never understand why we lift our hands and worship you they may never understand why we say thank you and we roll from left to right but we are a people who are grateful thank you oh god for apostle felix thank you for this conference only god can tell how many people are being transformed right now by the power of this conference many of you all the pockets of impartations that have happened that are happening to you in one moment god is changing your life please hear me believe me when i tell you this truth you have heard will move by the angel of his presence across the length and the breath of south africa i am telling you this not not not for pride there are many ministers who will take this message and go for a retreat and by the time they come out the version of them you used to know full of flesh childishness god will wash them with the word and they will come be prepared to see brand new vessels hear me south africa let me prophesy to you before we round up you are already in a season where god has been doing a lot of prunings and pudgings in the house of the lord i'm speaking by the spirit there has been a lot of prunings and he's not done yet but as this season has come before you the next season that is opening up listen to me is a season of personalized dealings and it's going to start with men of god you will see many people shut down for weeks because they are tired of pretending tired of faking it you write this thing and you see i'm saying it as a prophecy over the church in south africa many people will increasingly become dissatisfied and say i can't do ministry this way my conscience keeps telling me there's something i'm doing that is wrong i can't manipulate and go to hell and you will see people be careful don't conclude on people because while you are talking about jesus who has died he may have come back to life and you do not know [Applause] do not conclude on people you will see people who were ones with all kinds of character defaults all kinds of destructive habits ill mentored but they will go and cry before the lord with all their hearts and the god of heaven who is ever merciful will come to them and say because you are broken i will help you let's start again i'm saying this as a prophetic word you will see business people who have gone down who have become instruments of shame go back to god and meet men of god in genuine repentance hear me now is not the season to write off people and point fingers you may point an accusing finger that you will spend the rest of your life in shame when you see god elevating the supposed nobodies anything you do not understand about the move of god in south africa here is my counsel just pray pray and leave it there don't go around making assumptions you will make mistakes that you may pay the price for but can i tell you in those moments of prunings preserve this prophetic word in those moments of prunings many will find jesus in those process of pruning many people will not only find jesus they will enter a renewed covenant covenant of holiness covenants of sincerity and can i tell you this south africa from the ashes of what you now see there is a new church that is rising glory glory to jesus yes i thought i would give this prophecy at our last session but i just sense it in my spirit there are men of god who will be used in this nation they are not yet a ministry they are still in the cave of adullam going through the trainings they are not on tv they don't even know how far god will use them in fastings in praying some of them would have been released years before to their destruction but god kept them some of them thought they were it was delay that delay was not demonic god was preserving you so that after the pudging you will be part of the purified bride that will now arise i'm saying this by the spirit hear me south africa from the north to the south the east and the west of your region suddenly a season will come when a spiritual shuffle will sound over the city and you will see men and women of god a balance of character a balance of doctrine a balance of anointing a balance of honor to authority a balance of submission to jesus this is the breed that god is raising that once again our pulpits will become a place of genuine fire [Music] genuine grace genuine impact genuine salvation in the name of jesus christ [Music] i believe that this conference is a trigger to the god amen [Music] hear what i'm telling you hear what i'm telling you i'm speaking by the spirit of god help them we're wrapping up i apologize but i want you that's why i said get this teaching to any man of god the last thing i would tell you south africa you will never win when you fight yourself you will only win in love man of god i know that there are people who have fallen i know that there are people who are being wounded let us show the world what it means to be in the kingdom do not rejoice over the destruction of anyone called of god if you do not understand the dealings of the spirit pray because help that man for many of you you have already made mistakes rejoicing over the pain of others not knowing that the refinance fire is also coming to you that's it can i tell you this in this refining no one will be spared no one he does not refine you because you are corrupted he refines you because he wants you to do more [Applause] he that has an ear hear what the spirit said to the churches practice love write a list of the names of the men of god in your nation and your region intercede for them pray for them they may not know you they may not be your man of god just pray for them lord i don't know what you are doing in the body but continue do not stop but pray for them and then let me speak finally to the younger ministers don't laugh at the fathers you may not know what it takes to carry this mantle can i tell you the truth uneasy lies the head that wears the crown you if you are elijah jezebel will come after you if you are something delilah will come after you there are attacks that don't follow men they follow mantles so before you covet mantles make sure you have the stamina we'll leave the rest for tonight please lift your hands we have to wrap up my god lord we thank you for this conference we mean business with you this is south africa this is africa even so come yeshua come even so come and take your bride away how my soul longs to see your face my king even so even so [Music] south africa is praying even so come yeshua come the spirit of revival even so come and take your bride away how am i so longs to see your face my lord even so even so come yeshua come [Music] [Music] if you want to celebrate jesus let's give jesus a clap offering somebody give him praise give him praise in this place [Music] my god [Music] this has been another kind of conference now i know why the lord insisted man of god we were the church has been locked down to 50 people since the past three months the lord told me put this conference together everybody every man of god i know have been calling me what are you going to do with this conference 50 people i told them i don't know i heard god don't stop the conference we've had series of leadership meeting our leadership meeting is called the kitchen where we dispute we argue i give my leaders authority to rebuke me in that meeting if i go wrong because we want excellence they've some of them have said daddy what do we do dave everybody is trying to tear me this side hear me that side and say let us stop this conference or let us continue i said come hell or high waters this conference will hold now i'm listening to our apostles speaking and reminiscing back to all the guest speakers and i'm saying to myself what if this was postponed did you hear what apostle said he said this conference is the trigger am i communicating church we are in our kairos moment we are in our set time for thou will arise that will what arise for the set time to favor zion has come and the set time is when i'm glad you made it to this conference you have heard from the man of god he's a prophet when he says to you come prepared please come prepared i always love something he says he says before you begin to debate with a man of god find out the grace on around and on his life amen somebody please i want you to come here with great expectation come here with great expectation god has heard our cry he said to moses i've seen the affliction of my people and i've had their cry by rising of the tax masters and i am compound god has come down in this conference with all the men of god that have ministered from the first night a person nikki van de vestis to the second night myself the morning session by my dear friend our pastor reverend eric to dr mouse and now apostle joshua salman church listen after all this you will never never be the same again and this nation will never be the same again we are going to release you go and refresh yourself some of you you may need to sleep you know some of you you may need to whatever you need to go do but please come early we want to start doing all the covid protocol early because of the the amount of people some of you saw what happened last night and you better not let that happen amen somebody come early enough so we can screen you for kobe then all that and make sure that we get you in here on time and we will believe god for the rest please one more time let us celebrate apostle joshua selma [Applause] tell him you love him by celebrating him [Applause] amen as we close remember bring all your prayer requests write them down on a paper we are going to get the ushers to collect them i'm sure i will get the ushers we'll find out which formula to i think before you enter the hall put them in a basket because we're going to spread them on this altar let the god of signs and wonders let him read them [Applause] and you will see your life totally changed and transformed did you receive something today lift up your hands heavenly father we are grateful we are so thankful for what you've done this morning for this teaching and this impartation of grace father we thank you and honor you for sending us all these your servants that have come here to be a blessing to us thank you father and lord we believe you for more tonight we believe you for open heavens we believe you for the outpouring of your spirit we believe you for mantles to be released we believe you for impartations we believe you father lord for life transforming anointings that will be expressed and manifest in this place lord then we declare by the power of your world that signs and wonders will be mighty in this place you will confirm your word with signs following that the oppressed will be set free the captive will be released the sick shall be healed my god we will see great signs and wonders the lonely shall be lifted thank you father for tonight and we are coming with great expectation let faith be released in this house we thank you for open heavens in jesus name we pray amen now for those of you who are watching us online and those of you who are here this quick announcement please follow us on our social media pages apostle felix oko house of treasures ministries both on instagram facebook and twitter and also on youtube go and subscribe to house of treasures ministries may the lord bless you as you go in jesus name amen you
Channel: SBiC Connect
Views: 5,369
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak's Videos, Koinonia Videos, SBiC Connect, AJS, Apostle Joshua Selman, Apostle Joshua Selman 2020, About Apostle Joshua Selman, Apostle Joshua Selman 2021, Apostle Joshua Selman's New Sermons, Apostle Joshua Selman Powerful Sermon 2021, Koinonia Global, Koinonia Abuja, Koinonia Zaria, Commanding Results, Joshua Selman, Selman, Nimmak, Apostle, joshua, Selman's Videos, Online Sermons
Id: GamopW3ZpCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 42sec (8322 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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