Seek Silence

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I woke up with these words on Friday morning... People are so afraid of silence. Televisions in every room, radios always on, cellphones. There's a life locked up in words. Become aware of what you say. We can't see the words we speak. But words have energy. And energy goes on and on and on. Don't fear the spaces and the times of silence between words. Those are the times that you can consult with wisdom what to do or to say next. You don't always have to answer with words. You can answer with an understanding nod. You can answer with a hug. You can answer with a quiet smile. You can answer with a softness in your eyes. You can answer with forgiveness. You can answer with acceptance. Sometimes silence can be the best answer possible. People fear silence because they've never learnt to befriend themselves. They've never learnt to like themselves. I've not always liked myself. I still don't like myself sometimes. If you can learn to accept yourself for who you are, you will find that moments of silence will not scare you. This accepting myself and loving myself did not come overnight. Being quiet was really the start of my journey. It has taught me to let go of things. It has taught me to really make friends with myself, not to be so hard on myself. It has taught me to forgive myself. Bitterness, anger, resentment... let it go. We weren't meant to carry those emotions. In letting go you will also give yourself permission to start living. Sometimes the day just runs away. It happens so easily, we are so busy. When I don't make time for myself and when I don't draw aside, it feels as if I spin out of control. It feels as if I get out of balance. You know how your house looks after a chaotic visit? That's how my heart feels. Everything is skew and everything is where it's not supposed to be. So I need to seek some silence just to dust the furniture in my heart a bit, polish a bit here, polish a bit there. I definitely come back a better person. You don't have to be in nature to enjoy silence. You can do that wherever you live. It's more a state of being. If you take care to draw aside once a day, just somewhere where you can be with yourself, where you can notice things other than just your usual routine. Create a little space where your heart can breathe, where your soul can smile. The rush and the busyness of life will fall away for a while. And you will be able to soak up peace. Then you will hear the words that silence whispers to your heart. I think beauty is like a master key... It reaches and unlocks all the hidden away places... those places that are trampled and that are shattered... those places that are in need of healing. Beauty refreshes. Beauty nurtures. Beauty comforts and beauty heals. It definitely shapes the landscape of your heart. Throughout your day, look around... you will find it. Go and greet the sun. Talk to the moon. Tell the little flower how beautiful it is. And then give it back to the world. Isn't that what life is all about? I'm grateful for this life... this one life we have here on earth. It's beyond precious... I'm grateful for that. To all of you who have contributed, for those of you who have shared our films, for those of you who have written out comments, this journey is just beginning. And we've put a Patreon link below our films so if you'd like to continue to support us, we'd love for you to donate below. Thanks so much.
Channel: Green Renaissance
Views: 106,483
Rating: 4.9860029 out of 5
Keywords: green renaissance, humanity, human, silence, quiet, meditate, still, nature, alone, solitude, awareness, love, poem, poetry, south africa, art, painting, animals, pets, dogs, peace and quiet, reflect, love yourself, self love, self respect, caring, horses, heart, nature art
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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