No Somewhere Else

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that old notion of tearing down paradise to put up a parking lot to quote Canton crows [Music] what do you need to live comfortably and happening you need a small roof over your head you need to catch some rainwater you need a toilet system that works these are very simple things five years ago Emma and I were living in England and had decided to change our lives to try and do something different that we felt wasn't so much part of the problem and rather work towards living in a way that was part of the solution people come in and they see trees right in the center of your living space they come in and they see seedlings they see a wood-burning stove they don't see any fridges often is what people don't see that seems to appeal to them where's your fridge where's your TV where your appliances we actively chose not to have those things because in having those things you continue the cycle of consumption that is a real problem for life on this planet we are learning more and more that there is no somewhere else somewhere else is the neighbours somewhere else is the settlement down the road [Music] there is no somewhere else in nature everything comes back into the system so it's quite frustrating when you see people who flush their fertility away it's black gold human beings are glorified producing machines that's what we're good at we make a lot of mess let's use that mess and make it something productive put it back into the system mindset is everything if you believe that you should be allowed to consume as much as you like whenever you like it if you believe that instant gratification is the norm those are all mindsets there are not facts they are values and this is the biggest thing that generally I think people need to overcome you can change how you live even if it's changing only the small things that's what makes me most happy to see that we've created a way of living that's more in accordance with the harmony and melody of nature rather than something that treats nature like a standing reserve of resources [Music] nature's not just resources nature is a place that it's really good for the mind just being in nature is good for you there's no doubt about that and if you don't know that one should get out into nature and try it [Music] hi everyone thank you so much for watching this week's film we really appreciate all your wonderful comments we would love to share one from Ariana at the States with you guys it's so amazing so inspiring I love being a part of this I'm so glad I found your channel and movement Thanks Ariana really helps to motivate us wanting to make these films even better for you guys if you would consider donating towards us and helping support us just click on the link below
Channel: Green Renaissance
Views: 73,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Offgrid, Offgird home, Homestead, Homesteading, Green Renaissance, Sustainable, South Africa, Green living, Organic, Permaculture, Mindfull, Mindfullness, Compost, DIY, Off grid, Off the grid
Id: OZ4enZTWznc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 50sec (230 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 13 2017
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