Slowing Down

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Patience... it's a small word with a big meaning. The best way I could describe it... plant a plant. Give it love, water it, give it some energy. It might take ten years, twenty years, but every time that tree grows up you'll learn the appreciation of it. It's giving it time to become something and enjoying the process in it. The problem that people have is that they want it all to be tomorrow... they're not willing to wait. That's what I call the hamster wheel really. The more people see, the more people want... bigger house, bigger car, all this kind of thing. Rushing off to work, and then zipping back to the house. There's no outlet, no calming side to it. You're just caught up in it all the time. And they're forgetting to feed the person inside. And when you do that, you're just creating an empty shell. I believe you create life. Know what you want and have the patience for it to happen. You've already taken that stone and thrown it in the river and it's starting to ripple. And just by making that decision life will start forming its way to make that possible for you. You don't have to fight life. There's a natural way to it. I don't need to understand everything. I just need to be present and in the moment, And everything makes sense with that. You go down there and listen to the water coming up onto the beach. And it does have an almost hypnotic effect. You feel the weight coming off your shoulders, your mind does destress. It doesn't sound like much but it's given you peace in here and peace in there, that's quite a biggie. There's nothing complicated about it. I'm just happy to be there and feel the wind blow, look at the stars. It helps me to be more present in life. And to me that's enough. To all of you who have contributed, for those of you who have shared our films, for those of you who have written out comments, this journey is just beginning. And we've put a Patreon link below our films so if you'd like to continue to support us we'd love for you to donate below. Thanks so much.
Channel: Green Renaissance
Views: 157,753
Rating: 4.9791579 out of 5
Keywords: green renaissance, sharing ideas, inspiring change, inspire, inspiration, time, slow down, patience, fast paced, tech, modern world, mindful, mindfulness, meditation, nature, circle of life, south africa, eigg island, scotland, appreciation, patreon, artlist, visual tone, multi tasking, busy life, taking time, stress, fast and furious, calm, serene, landscape, vanwyksdorp, karoo, desert, swellendam, ocean, beach, waves, hypnotic
Id: 0b037VM2G2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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