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a good day to you once again we welcome you to our YouTube channel amongst in business marketing agency I hope you're well staying safe keeping yourselves away from profit washing your hands sanitizing because we still need each other I thank our sponsors serena hotels we can't do this without you we thank you for having faith in us and keeping us going who also thank our subscribers our viewers we thank you for the responses we've had from the last episodes and we are grateful that you're with us and we know that we are doing something and making an impact well today's have been different we are not talking from offices but where where things are happening to add a fun visit in the second a place called cocoa on my pizza and his wife Peterson cook and his wife and it's a beautiful place it's nice to know that people are here making serious money and we're going to hear from pizza he's going to customer his Jonny Jonny how we started what are the profits the challenges and how he is making it through tell us about your fam and I saw right from the entrance it's not like just entering anywhere else so please tell us about your farm and how you've managed to make it Petersen who knows my name the farm is called premise farms we started this from the family business just to keep us going but in this period has turned out to be something that we can rely on as a family because of whatever is happening in the country myself am an animal scientist I studied animal nutrition so I knew about farming from school and even from home we survived a lot of chicken it's animal nutrition ammonia trician is the science of feeding animals so we'll back from home ours and chicken farming my mother used a red chicken to pay our school fees and she could involve us even before I studied chicken farming so I'm not cheating for quite a long time even when I was in campus I was one of the students was keeping chicken in Cabin or two to get pocket money I made my first money from chicken back from i from farming I also engage in business of feeding chicken I do we have another family company called neutrino VII between over basic ideals with nutrition health and profitability so we help farmers make money out of chicken farming and other animals by feeding them right believe when you feed chicken right you keep them healthy they can't reduce profit-making yeah so we do that business and we also bring a lot of nutritional technologies for the farmers to still benefit out of their their chicken and other livestock so chicken farming in Uganda has taken a long way and I'm glad to have been part of the genuine some of some of the farmers and now I'm making a journey for myself and my family here in básico we are strictly keeping layer buds and if you broilers for home consumption you'll see something in the small cage we currently we do table eggs table eggs eggs that are produced for in moons the other eggs produced for Hajj our journey started long time ago in ecology we haven't we had another family renting we started with the business of breeding chicken I mean maybe three years three four years ago used to brood chicken and sell the brooded buds at eight weeks so from there we thought that we could raise the bed for business as a family and produce eggs for sale so in ecology we all started our first egg batch egg producing but around 1200 but right now we our our plants by end of this year is to have it total around 45,000 buds that's our plan but currently in production we have 8,500 buds and we have growers which will be in production within two months around 15,000 buds which we are waiting for to go into production for those who are viewing in Manzi and be watching this video out so that the future is in in agriculture there's no doubt about that and for a country like Uganda the population is growing growing very fast people still it's even a Mideast orbit people at home eating yes there is challenges here and there just like another business but the the bigger part of the the business is situation there's money you keep touching money every day at least stays money you can make every day but keep laying eggs a bean boat but I won't say that they are no challenges the challenges there are losses and I want to tell the viewers that it's not about only the good days chicken farming has difficult days when you lose bad to diseases you buy medication buds die some people have told me before that they started a farm and all the chicken died like it happened as part of the business just like when you buy a can't gets an accident just like you you start a business and maybe something up like a catastrophic error happens and you lose it in chicken it's there but we always have to lift ourselves back and move in a nutshell that's what I have to introduce myself to you but we are doing our best to ensure that we help other farmers the farmers were out there through our different companies premise from we try to train farmers not on the farm we don't do trainings on the farm because of biosecurity we have outlets where we can train farmers though it's now very difficult because of kovat we try to use the determines digital meetings to train farmers of a zoom on the West but outside kovat we we are in different trainings that we try to market maybe a month we also passed more than this yes so to ensure that the farmers do the right things chicken is about doing the right thing because they don't talk they don't just like they are not like human beings that you would serve them bad food and they were rejected chicken will eat but they won't produce so if you're dealing with something that doesn't talk you have to do the right things so you have to be with the right company that knows what to do and advises on how to beat so PETA I think I need we need to cuz I've been a victim of a person was lost buds to to I stride poultry I lost buds and I kind of give it a break and I want to do it again because I unlocked the knowledge I really lack the knowledge and which is not a business you just don't you don't just rush it to these little buds are very sensitive so I how can you break it down for us like okay I want to start poetry what is the recommended number that you think someone should have especially if you have your little money like your little capital but you want to maintain your budge let's say layers and you don't want to struggle in between until they are laying their first eggs what do you advise a beginner how many buds do start with your beginning you don't you've never done this before you don't want I don't think you should start with eight thousand five thousand what do advise us and how do you advise us to carry on this business a beginner with your low cost I think what is key is to understand your abilities yeah where you can see like chicken is just like any other investment but if you invest you should invest to a level where you have a turn back like if things don't go well I can still resume again so you don't give it the whole of yourself give it a short if does well and your mastered the game you give it more so in my view from 500 buds and above it's fair to start a deal is an ideal to start with and then you keep learning how big should the structure be in the 500 buds that's very important because when you are dealing with chicken there are certain important things that we have to look at the genetics of the pad is very important the management of the bud is very important and the nutrition is also very important another key aspect so the environment involves the space where the badso yeah the the elevation the orientation of the structure the space the bud should be in like in layers with do seven Bud's per square meter so you need to build a structure which can give you that capacity we have if we do a simple calculation let me see if there are seven buds per square meter those who have maybe calculators can checked so if I have five hundred buds what will be the size of my house how many square meters you need to have that space okay because we have to allocate space for the feeders the drinkers and then the laying nests as you'll see now I want some of our structures if you're doing cages it is quite different so you just have to get space that can take up the cage ERJ we call them deep litter on the ground yeah so those youth-serving beta square meter then four cages which will depend on how many buds you want to declare 500 each cage takes 120 buds like those that we say that nutrient ova so you'll need like three you need for cages we are 500 and we can give you the measurements and you know what kind of structure you need so when you start saying what do you advise you advise the deep litter or the no they cages is the next level you need to start in on the ground later so your land as you land you can improve keep improving I believe in improvement continuous improvement at every level so after you have like you have set up your structure you how much land you need like for the whole to have a comfortable business like it still depends the bigger they land the better because there are the things you have to do around the land and that's a very good question Sandra because you need to plan your farm yeah like here if like people in town it might be a little difficult yeah if I have like one a guy doesn't mean I'll put sparkles wherever I want we need to sit down and plan that I'll put my get here the interest will be here my stole be here my farmhouse will be here my structures will be here my workers will still sleep here so you need to draft a plan so that you can cause this a permanent structure you are not going to Qing them tomorrow okay so planning is key for whatever land you have it's an acre two acres two records you need to plan it right and what because we've looked at the capacity of the beds we looked at the structure by the cost of this structure what what do you think because I've seen people have upset some people with structures that like homes like it can be yours and others have simple structures and yet can still do the same visit because you see when someone is touching they have their budgets yeah and they are looking at what how can I get through these six months until they lay yeah so what how much do you think that someone should spend on a structure that we take the five hundred bucks now structures are very they keep evolving yeah if you're studying I'll advise that you do a list cost structure first of all the things you need to look at is that the structure should be about to the bus should be able to fit there seven seven but a square meter they should be able to get enough yeah ventilation should be good that is key and water should not be able to enter inside there they should be famine proof protect them from rats so with that in mind you can say I'm going to do an open structure I won't do bricks make sure they then rodents cannot easily enter rats can or snakes cannot easily enter the litter doesn't go out so the cost will depend like if you you'll see my structures they little improved but they are not I'm not saying that someone should start with that sometimes we always tell farmers that don't do something too expensive because we are looking at having chicken not having beautiful structure to our east to our estate we want the chicken to be comfortable so you can do something that the least cost provided it meets those requirements the bugs are comfortable rodents are not entering water is not entering the Sun is not entering so that allows you to start you want the buds to come in no you don't spend the money on the Gucci's want to spend on the chicken and now we have talked about the buds and the structure that is perfect because I'm sure many of us think that oh - such a structure you need all this money so you find values people keep getting out of like on the way sorry so what other institutions must be on the father this issues first of all we must have a store where we keep the field should it be ventilated should it be right it can be the ventilation is important yes there should be some airflow because we want the temperatures to be not so high because we store their feeds on our feet to kick the the flow should be cemented for the store because of rats so they are the important thing our farm houses working it's very key facing of the family is very important for security purposes because we'd want to invest on in someone comes one dan takes an interest in this so that is the important and also for biosecurity what is this what biosecurity will always have to ring now he has throughout this business because it's very critical biosecurity is preventing enter of decision a family saw in you ken yeah I don't know if you recorded activity where I've done to you next time when you come we are going to be planning to put changing human beings are the biggest carriers of disease in the family so we plan to have Bob improvement in our biosecurity so you change your clothes to change your attire maybe take a shower then you come inside so my Institute the facing is the stat then the rest follows if you don't have a face everyone can access your farm animals can access your form and those are the carriers of disease and what do you talk about water water is also just when I am training from mother is telling that the most the biggest amount of substance that enters the farm and not even people is not feed but it's water it is the biggest compound we use at the as level because if our but it's one gram of food it will check two grams of water it has total clean fresh water is very important and I emphasize it has to be clean and fresh if it's not one of the two it becomes very difficult because just like you see it enters the family in big volumes it can also bring diseases in big volumes so you have to be very careful so you treat the water from this sauce where necessary we'll treat the water depends on how you get it here at promise family we we don't treat but we are CDFI acidifying is putting organic food grade acids in the in the water to lower the pH so that no microorganism can survive because we cannot test every day so we safeguard it's like insurance we continuously safeguard our we use AG received it's an organic acid from Belgium so that is also right or that the pH you can use another molecule I don't this is a tigress it is you can use other acids but it's important that there's something you're doing to the water how you pay attention okay now that's a lesson that you don't just give it water no no no you need to understand which water just like I said if I go to buy what I will ensure I buy a certain brand or ensure I boil it at home so I give attention I'll just drink any what I find yeah so now the structures are done the five hundred buds have come in everything is in place now let's go to Fitz mmm when they are no let's go to brooding first yeah brother yeah okay we are coming to the family six-day-old how do we prepare good I'll give you some some photos of brothers that we prepared that farmers can look at when the buds are young we can go up to to 10 to 12 watts per square meter there are more we put them together the essence of brooding technically is to ensure that what the buds cannot get from their mother just like mothers take care of their children they rub them they give them warm and feed them we try to to mimic and reproduce that in the brooder so ensure that we reduce the space give them weddings like little to insulate them from heat loss we provide them light day and night so that they can eat as much as possible to grow out from that stage put on feathers and give themselves warmth we provide heat because they don't have enough feathers to insulate heat loss so we the essence of creating a broad eyes to reproduce what them because the mother of these chicks is not there so we had now the parents so we try to give them the services clean what some vitamins added in the water then to boost them to grow the feed to mix data feed or what they call chicken duck it's more concentrated more protein moved amines and minerals and we give it at free will in nutrition recall it ad libitum every every time the feed is there for them it as much as possible so what's the expected amount of food that you spend on the Brigham we depends depends on the breed that you have and those we can give the farmers guidelines for every breed there is a guideline we give you that this chick like for the first two weeks about will it 120 grams each chick it's check yeah usually it's a brown so 120 grams is enough for them for two weeks for two weeks then afterwards they keep increasing usually they can be in the brother for if there are layers they can be there for maybe five to seven five weeks is enough and get out of the boot up gradually for broilers you can do two weeks brew days getting it up because they put on feathers very fast such the position is faster for heat insulation yeah okay now the brooder what else is in the buddha what do used to provide the heat there are different heat sources that we we can make i encourage farmers to innovate you can buy gas banners you can use choco boats you can do pots you can do metallic surgeries here what we use we've invented the use of currency bricks you construct them in make like beauty yeah the choco they're the kind of conserve the heat much how do you know that the chicks are having we have - that's a good question we we have to install thermometers and we we guide the farmers when we give them chicks that at this week the temperature should be this then you keep producing and also depending on the ambient temperature ambient like within the area if it's raining ya might have to increase the temperature causes a lot of loss because it's cold outside if it's hot outside you might not have to put the temperature so high because there's a lot of heat coming from the Sun yeah so it depends and then the lights how do you go about plates because I saw most of ours have plate light is in being a special in that stage light is important but the the a lot of improvements in lighting we have now chicken Lighting's cause the the capacity of the bulb the strength of the light is critical you don't want to stimulate if you use ordinary bugs without taking care of all the size of the bulb you might stimulate the bugs early enough which can cause problems so so they become chewy but you do want to stimulate them hard enough you want the reproductive system to grow gradually and light is is one of the stimulants of this reproductive system and even in laying face you'll see we have light because naturally here we have light for close to 10 hours a day the buds if they're laying they need around tiller 13 hours of light what's the most I would imagine this should be a cost-effective lighting process not like on the farm women still the cheapest solar works but the good salah is expensive to install so as i saved for us in the beginning it's a large angle memy music me if it's not the other standby generator they have some solar light so but to me for us about this this solar lights I've seen some solar panels with solar lights like you don't have to deal can install it's just it's not enough yeah it can work but you see Salah is also as limitations like now it's cloudy yeah you might not have enough charge yeah so you have a backup you have like you need to love like two backups one might fill and chicks will die in nambas in brooder fit light goes off instantly together [Music] okay our chicks are now okay with the structures okay with the feeding now I just wanted us to go through after the 7 to 7 weeks what happens after that 7 weeks ok we might not go to 7 weeks we might stop at 5 weeks in the broader so we keep expanding the brooder as we manage the temperature so we're going to another phase called the grower phase slightly simpler phase where we look at parameters like wage would we measure growth in layers by the weight we change the feet to grow our feet which is less in protein less in vitamins and it's a longer period for the growing stage up to four month maybe three and a half then we start another phase called the prelim phase where we expect the first egg so this is less active other the brother maybe you're sleeping there there's a lot of heat being this is a much simpler stage then from the growth stage you go to the pre layer and then the laning phase waves that meeting some money now in growers what is the expected amount of field in the growth and how do you make how do you in in the value to spend so much on the fields how do you look out for the of course for the fields because I know in wars they are getting so active with food yes the only way the only way to serve on feed is to reduce wastage and if you can't to buy materials in time like maize went is in season maize brand but nutritive Li and cost wise I don't want people to look a lot on saving on the feed because what happens in my time of spent in the industry that farmers try to compromise and the quality and the quantity because the one to save money this is not attempted to save money feed to give the right the right nutrients to the buds that's where they grow yeah they give you back so when we are talking about feed and cost we say cost cost efficient feed the feed that has the right nutrient but it's at not cheap but at lower cost affordable should be affordable for you it depends on the season like now grow a feed that is very well balanced could be around 1850 in that range at the current cost of maize and maize brand if you want to burn if you want to mix it locally what are the nutrients because I've seen some people use this is the fish let's more fish Buchanan okay name what constitutes now for us we we use intrical concentrates that we have come from Belgium or they come from so if they come here with mixed in maize made brand affordable they are affordable alternative is that for the starter wheels yeah there are more see you can plan with them because the challenge is that there are materials like McKenna so yeah the quality on the market is not good it keeps changing which beats you so yes if used McKenna you maybe have feed at 700 but again what you're giving the buds you're giving a lot of sand a lot of diseases a lot of bacteria is coming with it so most of the farmers have had the relief from this to you because it's already tested and tried and it's they are now using concentrates yeah and they have done well you can plan because you can know that our received concert with at this price the quality won't change my buds won't fall sick I can't have it good question the most of the the concentrates come with the protein the vitamins amino acids all balanced together are they organic or organic what you mean by organic yeah I don't know I really don't know but what I know they made that they meet the nutritional requirement of the buds and we we can get right to see a healthy they are healthy because they have made farming much better than before and they are trusted yes they are more trusted we've been with them for the last two years now would be like Oh remains bran I know this is nice that is fish let me mix by myself you so you find it by its very comfortable knowing that this is a healthy bad it's not pumped there are no chemicals pumped into yeah the concentrates are very healthy because they're most of the cause of them the good ones come from Europe and these are very regulated markets so they can't they can do something where they come with health certificate approved in the past we used to mix with fish soya but the Challenger Ugandan traders today they will give you signed it while they give you another thing they cheat you so the farmers paying a big price who are enriching the the dealers of makinia and the rest and yet we are get running out of business very critical to put attention there so now we're going to prevail we are still with our 500 months what expectations when is that when you are pre laying because they are you warming up to you seeing money somewhere now yeah the pre less you start getting some eggs at least a few eggs what is the normal for for that period for 500 eggs number one they no more production rate production in percentages so let me I want it cultured for 500 buds if they start laying to reach peak production it can take maybe three to four weeks then they reach the peak egg production closing in cycles we start them that the cuffs that's going up then it reaches maximum Jamie doesn't drop sharply then if that cover start dropping so 500 but if we can have them laying at the number here we pick at 94% so we have 500 buds if you picked at 94% that's around 15 trades per day and we can make around in the good in like now currently we can make around 1700 patrol eggs in a day yep so if you have 15 trays that they intend is 1700 profit that's mine is that twenty five thousand five hundred per day this is after taking off cost of feed water you have one thousand seven hundred trees no yes 815 trades 15 trades but it and you make one thousand seven hundred shillings patrol eggs that's a pro 5000 I'm in a month answer on 765,000 1000 and we as the number grows the profit increases because the economies of scale the the if it's one person feeding 500 but the same person can feed 2,500 one house one person up to around 2500 one person can manage how many workers do you think like 500 chickens 500 one person one person is enough is enough yeah because I mean this a mistakes that we make because at the end of that day you are in business you are not chaining you're not doing something for entertainment or for passion you're in business so you need also to look at that that one worker 500 chickens yes so if you have like 2,000 you need but when you start a racial even if it's a business something unique about chickens we must get the passion if you're starting because if you put money first yeah everything some decisions won't be taken you want to be taken so the passion must be there should love chicken I should love animals and I think they should also be consistent monitoring yes you have to be on the job because like it's not a the sundial do with my babies at home but among the farm because a job you need to be around you cannot do it on the phone telephone farming is what has caused problems for most of the working class my advice would be that when you're still working when you think the things are progressing quit your job and going to known and we we have we're facing problems of when you realize that you're non-essential you start seeing yourself like I need to find a way out we are lucky that poultry liver be essential yeah for anything to do with food has you know food and this little supplies and retailers and all those who have been working yeah they are the most essential yeah and yet when people see you coming to your fun pizza they don't know that for you you know where the gold is yes we are sitting in offices wearing suits and holding which passes but what's the future so now we have come through our growers what happens when you feel nothing now we are starting to get eggs we can get eggs up to one and half years back by the sim buds so you can have this button your phone for one year nine month so in this one and a half are they still going up for their super 800 good question they can't go up we said within within three weeks they all can go up to the peak they can still at peak for maybe a month depends on the management feed being everything then even if they start dropping there they are dropping profitably it will depend on the season of the year and the market like right now even if you have but that 70% you okay they can make a can buy feed and also save something for you but in the bad days should be 80 for you to make money but now as I took because the season is very good even it was bad before now seeing you guys crying with your buddy yeah every business like that in our business they always those bad days sometimes you can get miss going so expensive and then many people go out of the business then when maizes because they see the sake of layers is four months to start production but we've never had a challenge which goes beyond four months if it is maze it cannot be so expensive for more than four months if it is the eggs becoming too much of a supply it cannot be four months of oversupply so we get two months of challenges then people quit the industry and then those who stay they rip because now like as I talk perseverance is everything did you have common people eggs we are not going across the border I didn't have money we had to look at the savings and sustain the business no it's why dealing with your eggs us too we're hooking them take them to propose household help but now they're back to you Oh am i did it Experion coffee it happens yeah so now they are laying and what's when do you know that they are delaying well when do when do you know that the 500 buds in layers in that period are doing well they're making money 15:15 yeah so they can talk to maybe 12 that's still okay so as I say blue measured in percentages if they are doing anything above right now anything above 70 is okay 70 percent yeah but you need to manage food wastage you need to manage biosecurity if one of the biggest challenges with the farmers now is that the birds will perform at 80 percent but your cost your input cost is very high because you don't prevent diseases we are spending a lot of money on antibiotics you have a lot of thieves on the farm they are stealing your feet they are still in your egg so the birds are doing their job but you are not doing your job yeah that success bug that you need to be present yeah you need to be present you need to be in touch you know what's going on at every point you need to be in control of your feed your market like here I'm the only one who sells eggs and the only one who purchases the feed so I mean touch I know whatever is up anywhere you are it yourself yes it out then you you're just risking so now what happens when after the one and a half years he awfully mm-hmm that's bonus money just bonus money waiting for you at right now there are no flee as a as a fourteen thousand so you can maybe buy build a new house without bonus money is that something new bring new flocks when you bring in the new floors well when is it I'm flexible because you don't want to reach after they want to yards and you live off and a new city good question because it wants your farmers yeah to come and ask for eggs when you don't tell you don't have your clients are run away so when the buds left for more than six months it's better use that a new flow so if you have laid for six months and you bring it you bring a new flock after four months the old flock will be one year these runs will start production as these ones are still giving you some money to feed this one's an even hopefully the other one these are the ones from the trees come to feed these exactly so at the end of the day you're not pulling resources yes there are times ways where you had to go to the banks to borrow money for there's a lot of money for farmers in the banks we'd definitely like when we had to have by maze-like here we can buy around 200 to 500 tons of maize when it's in season so we got the bank gettin some overdraft top assault so what now I know feeding it there's something I left behind the ratio of depositors to the maze and yeah that's what I was a nutritionist yeah yeah the farmers come to us we advise them this stage you do this at this stage you do this if you do that so it makes us the more we advise them on the Russians to use actually I think it's very necessary to keep consulting even as we consult consult you cannot know everything yeah because you end up spending so much and yet it's not necessary you could have done it a bit away and still get your profits but yes yes so now we have you laid them now we are making money money money is coming in now we are going back to the challenges I've had you talk about biosafety biosecurity security biosecurity security the diseases water let's talk about from the Buddha's the stages what diseases are they need to fight throughout the stages now after a fling you clean the house disinfect it prepare it for the new flow so before when you start you have to disinfect yes you have to clean and disinfect cleaning and disinfection go hand in hand you can't disinfect that that's what we do we talk about hygiene you have to like you you have to soak your cloth then wash it then rinse it so yes like when I'm cleaning a house remove the litter the buds out remove the litter sweep it clean it let it dry when it's cleaned and disinfected plane let it dry then ideal the ideal for disinfection each day and into more a week a week before putting in the buds so the diseases that these buds keep pitching and the vaccinations how do you make sure that these buds are vaccinated right on time by the right people you must have a team you need to have a team that is in charge of vaccinations they do their program and you share with them when put reminder that this day we have two last names know where they get the vaccine how much it costs and vaccination needs to be banner so you must have a team that is working on the vaccination and disease prevention the common disease is now in poultries Newcastle which is a vast native disease so once you vaccinate draped in right on time and on time then you need to keep away any other disease causing agents which will impact the immunity and may be caused but to get sick because if there's a lot of exposure of these buds to bad bacteria then the immunity is compromised and if any infection comes like Newcastle can easily hit them now kosis which is also a very big challenge especially for budget poem unity they get hit with the cosmesis a lot the other common ones for layers is equal and Salmonella which is sometimes through the water if you don't drink the water if you don't flip to the feed we also treat the feet because whereas by Mays brand by Mays for service handling in Uganda is the poorest there's a lot of exposure I find people putting the maize on the ground to dry it then animals put their droppings in in there good you treat the maize as well is it better to buy your own medicine the vaccinations it's better by your vaccine you go to the importance of vaccines they are known importance by yourself but allow the doctor to buy it's better maybe if a doctor is in house like here have an in-house of it I know I can read but I am better off giving the response with some and then I just follow them up I have another job I do I think so what other challenge the biggest challenges in in poultry is being naive not having the knowledge of what to do is the biggest challenge if you know what to do there are no challenges in poultry the diseases you can avoid you can treat if if you get an outbreak they feed if you mix the right feed the Buzzle perform work but if you don't know then you're joking me I call it the biggest challenge not knowing what to do but even I think for farmers get away from as those who do funny not from home but from I defend that within a distance you talked about the farmers it's very important to have a place where you can especially during the brooding period from experience I realized that you need to be there and you can swing out of town coming back driving out of town so when you have a small structure where you can just put a mattress or a bed and you can need a farmhouse besides all the fuel you're using up and down and the costs you'd rather be on the farm yeah what does do you want to tell our viewers about poetry the benefits what have we done with the benefits we investment good one we we what I want to tell farmers first of all all the people that are watching this recording is that with farming you can't go wrong but recently the president said he didn't know that there is even if a rich man who doesn't have animals and I I agree with him I don't know how you can't be rich when you can't feed people one of the most essential things is feeding people they need food and grief invest in family she can cause the can't go wrong there always be need for food and the population is growing they may be a while I don't know how many billions but after maybe five years you've been ten billions and above if you are not already there so yeah what we've done with the benefits we are still investing in the family because you've not attained our targets so there is actually you are still putting in money but we are proud and sure that we are making you taught you just say that you've put up a distraction yes and we plan to have a capacity of 45,000 by end of this year and then that's when you starts no we have another target for next year yes so what is your what is your target like you know we're all around a hundred thousand but Wow thank you so much for this enlightenment I think we've learnt a lot from this from this episode from this interview because we've always had we've always had this perception that things are so tough you can't do it you can't do it but it's very good to hear that someone just started humbly and they are here and the aware with you because I've known you for a while and I've seen I've seen your life changed so much and it's also important to carry family with you yeah I mean you don't want to be alone and then you start helping others behind you should be with them when you're growing up thank you so much we've learned so so much and I'm going back to father educator you know I've been telling you about that that I need i I mean I I fell once it was so hard but now I realize that I made mistakes I really really made mistakes and this time I'm with hydrat right yeah the new injury there's another friend of mine she does she can she spoke militia that inspired you and I saw so he transformed her life but I think I wasn't ready but now I'm ready and I I know many people out there also being really inspired those who also still have to use a nail for pizza we are going to find our way in which we can communicate and details are available through a massive available now against from the fans [Music] so for now it's what determines all there comes from you if you put four there it's comfortable compromises welfare so we had 120 until the 18 pages 18 was something yeah so 18 times 120 that's how much is in this wall so put another another depending on how big this just this cage alone takes 120 decide on that side okay so you just measure how do you measure the feet how do yeah [Applause] one thing to grow everybody eats 115 grams so if they're 100 that is one point one point one five kilos but they will be scratched or damaged our production be it a specific amount of it's it's mandatory Halloween scale mandatory too much and the edge this exact often depicts the eggs repeat the water a drink from this nipple ways that we're fine also this is a pipe all this is a five that the catch come with this yes it's amazing how they know where to get the water yes the color of the oh and so the new point has to be read and what about our cleaning the biggest challenges litter in cages you have to and that's a flaw it came and produced and so me oh my god so um that's what I was about to say what's the sauce the important is it cheaper to import on the equality and the buds where'd you get the birds from from where from Belgium so if someone once but today so they take after 21 days but so as previous farms what is your involvement in my farm from the what I want from them what I want to do poetry we can get involved that most of the avenues maybe not in the marketing inputs in the farm we you give me the bad thing I've another entity or can you know will give you the buds defeat the medication then you have the marketing and you can you can monitor my father fun department what does it station how often do you visit my farm depends we don't have to visit all the time if there is a challenge we visit but today's butchering we can design a timetable but maybe once in a week we check on watches are pending in the farm those extra costs or they come with that it depends the figures in our services we don't tell you that it's a package that's good to know so you give me the buds and if you make sure it is nutrition health profitability you want to manage for you we do note for you but we do make sure that you make perfect fantastic what's that natural then it is to shield light if there's too much light can we have a look at that's Nate can you so we put this night to show a lot of light fishing net is a construction construction next yeah yeah yeah yeah so it whole it reduces the amount of light that can I discussed until you there yes because there was a problem with this structure should have the orientation should have been different indirectly [Music] from that because of the much okay there yeah because of the agitation perfectly and what's that's you know it's a flytrap done by nutria Nova for reducing the amount of flies if you didn't have this you see so many flies around so fly management technique that we use so how do you manage the record-keeping no we have a manager okay you bring all details once in our because it's the before of the books oh thank you very much Peter [Music] we're done with that or as you can see I still have the babies in the background peter has taken us around he has such a huge farm he's minting money and we know we can do it it's not so hard it's just extra wheel and it takes the couple the budget we need to plan of course we need to budget thank you for viewing hours out of China today thank you for subscribing thank you for following us we thank our sponsors Arena hotels thank you for having faith in us we can't forget you we're grateful for that keep safe take care of yourselves and please those who still need Peter let us know Emma's will take care of that we can have more sessions more training sessions any Q&A for Peter Emma's will take care of that otherwise god bless you and take care bye [Music]
Channel: Emmanzi Business Marketing
Views: 32,763
Rating: 4.8773584 out of 5
Id: -ycI7X1TSsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 37sec (3517 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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