See What Happens When Homeless Girl Asked For Food

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[Music] [Music] thank you sooner thank you god bless you [Music] thank you god bless [Music] we are they thank you [Music] yeah right thank you God thank you you took [Music] Perrin what have you been doing for nothing nothing alright guys this was a very emotional video I can't believe all the good people just gave me money and and since I don't need the money we're just gonna go give it to the homeless and hopefully they have a good day here we go I hope this makes you live it have a good day yeah I hope this makes your day better [Music] I hope this makes your day better [Music] have a good day here [Music] guys we have many con hi do you have any coin hi do you have any penny do you have any cunning thank you so much certainly many [Music] I said do you have any point for food mom do you have any point so I can buy some food excuse me we have any point [Music] excuse me do you have any going so I can buy something excuse me sir do you have some money so I can buy some food excuse me they have some crimes I got myself in for thank you yup [Music] they're doing guys having a good say can you guys help me out trying to go ahead and invest in the Lamborghini please can you help me out I'd spend my dream car since your kid all right number please hello like your app development can you help me with this please okay well thank you thanks a lot thanks a lot appreciate it girls help me out I'm trying to raise money it's been my dream car yeah anything at all that'll do I appreciate that your girls are quite nice Wow it's really nice of you I promise I promise when I get it I'll take girls out in the Lambo but just once all the boyfriend here get jealous oh thank you sir all right oh wow they're two girls gave and the kid gave Wow what do you want no I'm trying to get a Lambo Alonso yeah oh wow Sam thanks brother see oh my god man that's really nice of you did well he gave me a five hey guys any any change that you guys got from the pizza it would be greatly appreciated so so this anything will help them Wow thanks a lot thank you thank you I really appreciate you can you please help me some money today just anything could be fifty cents a dollar well thanks a lot appreciated you have a great day thank you very much you want one too alright then help me out and I'll take you for a ride when I got it and it's crazy at the amount of money I've got [Music] hello ma'am how you doing yeah we wanted to give back today we were to raise this money okay doing a video out here we just wanted to go ahead and give you something to you know get some food or anything particular is that okay is that a child you have there oh yeah Wow okay here you go what could you have anywhere to put it alright thank you I appreciate that thank you god bless all right [Music] [Music] have you seen some money I dropped No [Music] excuse me I drop some money if you guys need some money around like our on this area you haven't seen any money around all right you guys need some money that I'd drop any chance I had some in my pocket I think I'm gonna drop it no yes I see any money you ever seen any money that drew I drop some money [Music] oh thanks man fish save me they're a few hundred dollars what's your name Rob Barney what is it gotten bar then the bar you Eddie it's nice to meet you and how you guys doing over here oh you are and I gotta tell you something we're actually doing a social experiment cause I wanted to see if I would drop money who would give it back to me and I've been doing it for a couple hours I say today and everybody would actually take it and then go ahead and when I would even approach them and ask them if they'd seen some money that I dropped they wouldn't negate it they would they would say they haven't seen it so I got my camera guard there actually see that's good there's number on that phone sake concert last night I don't know what happened to her but well how come here in the state right now what do you say so eat like the situation he was already homeless at the time he was home I'll get off the street good job yeah I came down like okay yeah check that moveth got four I'm sorry to hear that so if there's something for Christmas that you would want like a Christmas gift that I can help you guys out with what would it be because I would want to do that for you guys hmm a cell phone all right okay so you got my mom on this shirt we're gonna make the playoffs next year all right we'll be right back right we'll do that and see in a bit [Music] Yeah right here whether you want to perfect for each you guys have a good day [Music] here we got you a couple we got it and then a couple plants that get it started so I'm gonna go ahead and activate it for you guys hello Marie I'm trying to activate two Trac phones along with two service plans for each one service plan for you phone the ears is activated yours is activated make sure you guys get my numbers we can stay contact all right my number seven eight six five four three and now you guys got phone I mean you got web now to entertain you I really hope you enjoy your phone and thanks for everything you know that Merry Christmas man all right there [Music] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: ComedyNation
Views: 308,708
Rating: 4.8255143 out of 5
Keywords: GOLD DIGGER, Money Hungry, TOP 10, Exposed, GOLD DIGGER Exposed, Pranks, Prank, 2019, gold digger prank, funny, gold, digger, gold diggers, comedy, hoomantv, joke, udy, prank video, funny videos, ferrari, exposing, lamborghini, diggers, expose, golddigger, best, supercars, supercar, hilarious, money, pranked, laugh, rich, epic, new, best gold digger prank, prank videos, riskryrob, golded, bmw, homeless, food, help, hooman
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2019
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