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[Applause] no I'm sorry I don't yeah I'm not I'm not drinking I'm just this is this here no yeah I just I just do this here how's that there nobody no one can see it now good well no a duck sorry no one can see it right it's fine so you can't even have it out like this it's not even loud are you sure you serious both of you let's just do that huh how's that okay awesome no problem I'm sorry I just get out here that's okay [Music] [Music] oh hey man Oh delivery I'm like the site I wasn't drinking no no I just no no how wasn't recommend seriously check it out I wasn't ringing it's empty no no no it's it's empty I wasn't drinking no here I'll show you watch watch you're watching very carefully see back together see there's like one watching watch watch right back together I see that look it's not I hadn't even open it hey man I don't see it no it's a please make it right there's a cop car to the left here but it's like go down two streets it's just by Dell Seles yeah I don't know where you are I don't know dude I told you just it's not far how do you not get it right huh yeah I'm fine just might um you know my own business yeah I'm just my friends lost I just pissed right off sir it's okay we got it thank you man what do we know I told you to make it I'm jaywalking what do you mean I'm jaywalk I'm just going across straight hang on a minute yeah but what I just got crossed you all the time no I just walked route why can't I just I can't walk cross yeah you could ask me Freddie for real yeah I just what hey man I'll cry right back hey you can go be kidding me well because I live right here my friends I'm staying with is his place yeah and I just come across thank you is it Murray whoa okay I'm gonna write you a Marais you a citation today for uh for not using the crosswalk okay are you serious no way legs right there well that's the law okay are you kidding me I'm not kidding you all right I know your friends officer yeah yeah just for a couple days and I'm going back to Vegas you're from biggest you see it on there the address all right well I'm gonna give you a citation okay all right all right that's it yep how to use thank you try to use the crosswalk next summer my seriously how much this is gonna cost me all right you can read everything on the back there okay you're serious there's no way I got I can't you really give me a ticket I can't seriously what do I don't want to take having a lot to think of it you're gonna litter now well yeah why should I just run I might I live right there I'm gonna you're gonna litter in front of your house you can pick that up I'm gonna get okay fine you know I mean I got it I got it okay all right I'll pay Oh seriously I got it Thanks [Music] hey how you doing hey you don't have a key to get in the building I'm waiting for a buddy of mine hey serious there's no way man supposed to be here in a few minutes but alright I you know random questions I know you're working or maybe you're off I'm working on a new trick I'm a magician and we're gonna new trick for like Halloween and I got to practice this do you want to see the trick to see if it works you have time I know I can't go in so I appreciate that um yeah here come here for psych so it's a Halloween trick so I have a pumpkin as you can see right regular pumpkin and here we'll leave that there and then I got some cards and so here's what we're gonna do I'm gonna have you select the car okay so they're all different you can see them yeah all different yeah and as my buddy Seth he's gonna he's gonna shoot Vilnius is just for to practice they get it right I'm gonna write for the deck you say stop whenever you want easy enough yeah all right stop good take the card memorize it have a look at it and then also show step so the camera can see to see if it cool and then do me a favor take this and then sign your name on the face of the card alright just scribbled on there so we know it's yours so we can't switch it cool thank you and then say stop whenever you want good put the card down great now you know what the card is yes and the card isn't an instruction card or a joke or nothing like that yes sure right I would just shuffle the cards make something really good yeah big mix not whatever your way you wish makes mixed shuffle shuffle that's good all right all right now here's what I'm gonna do all right I'm gonna make a mess so I'll clean it up in a minute but here hold the pumpkin like that hold it out and I'm gonna fill the cards at the pumpkin and one of the cards should stick to the top of the pumpkin okay and hopefully it's yours so here we are ready 1 2 3 and damn have been amazing though I'm trying to work on this trick so it sticks to the top and I'm glad I practice on you cuz on TV it wouldn't work but I suppose just your car is supposed to stick what was your card the two of spades here let's try this here put your put the pumpkin down and then can you cut into the pumpkin don't cut yourself but cut a big circle around as if you like your yeah just don't hurt yourself it's just a regular pumpkin right great things and then do me a know what was your card you chose again it's 2 of Spades can you pop the top right off look inside you can pick it up late your cards pretty cool huh thanks for being a part of me it worked right all right I think I'll use it so company in the building oh really damn it all right happy Halloween have a good day all right [Music] I have this bowl it's basically a fish water bowl of water right okay they got the spatula so I'm trying to do this outside because I use some sand from the park here so I have white sand and I have brown sand and I have like pinks and it's all like aquarium sand and so if I cover the bowl up right there's nothing in the bowl you can see that right struggling Bowl yeah yeah pretty cool yeah and I'll just stir that around so you can see it so I'm gonna cover the bowl so you can't see into the bowl neither can i all right got that okay okay now let me do is I'm gonna take the Pink's and put this in just like so okay in there cool I'll take the brown sand we'll put that inside there as well just like that cool I'll take the white sand and we'll place that right in there as well just like so cool okay so now we have the brown the white and the pink sand mixed in the actual bowl all right so take these put them away over here now if we do this watch I'm gonna mix the sands together okay just like so now I want you to tell me which sand for me to reach in and pull up so I'm gonna reach in pull out one sand and that only color of sand okay so when I reach in you tell me which one I should reach in and pull out and I'm gonna attempt to pull it only that sand all right which one would you like me to pull up I say the white the white okay all right watch carefully look at my hands you can see this right here right here check this out gonna go in white sand only right yeah white sand only watch this watch this white sand only check this out check it out check it out and check out this one two three only white just like that pretty cool right and that gray so you want to learn how to do the trick yeah so here's how the trick works I'm actually using sands so the the brown is real set on the playground and the pink is aquarium sand and the white sand believer not check this out the white sand is actually chassis it's for man care down there basically man powder and when you use it it's just a dry powder and the cool thing is it's totally like magic because powder actually just stays dry like here's a full bowl of water you can see and I'm reaching in and look at that there's the water dry so it's super cool is like magic powder you know I call it a nut dust there's a magic trick for you and your man parts cool huh yeah there you go man well thanks for hanging out and I appreciate it hey guys magic Murray here on YouTube as you know but follow me on Instagram we got an Instagram account magic Murray follow me now we're giving away Amazon gift cards playing cards signed autographs on postcards head chakra choosing winner every single week so do it now magic Murray [Music]
Channel: Magic Murray
Views: 4,588,482
Rating: 4.6472077 out of 5
Keywords: magic, magician, magic murray, murray sawchuck, how to, how to magic, cop pranks, security guard pranks, officer pranks, security prank, magic cop, magician fools cop, magician prank, best magic tricks, top magic, ultimate compilation, ultimate cop pranks, ultimate magic, best magic pranks, top pranks, ultimate pranks, never do this, never do this cop, never do this prank, compilation 2018, compilation prank, compilation magic, brand safe, family friendly
Id: KbeU0_nWISI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 02 2018
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