See Thru Engine on New Turbo Got Boost? (Nitro & Dyno)

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I'm already on episode 6 with this thing and that is pretty unbelievable check out the series playlist if you haven't seen the previous episodes I'm going to be picking up where I left off in episode 5 because this thing was just starting to make boost I think the only thing that we were missing to make more boost is more fuel This is running nitromethane not gasoline Which behaves a little bit differently in a turbocharged application So yeah let's see if we can make some boost One thing I want to change this time around is the way it's mounted We're just going to take a dolly some two-by-fours A base screw that all together Drill holes into the concrete floor And I think that is going to work so I'm going to be using gravity as my fuel pump here Overcome any boost pressure that we make during this run This is going to be my regulation orifice And it's also going to be a good indicator of how much boost pressure we are making Because as the boost pressure increases the fuel flow in that little eye dropper There it is right there is going to slow down So we're all set we have our nitro coming from our fuel tank like before We have our extra nitro using it kind of like nitrous with this valve I'm going to start it up on nitro through the carburetor give it full throttle And then open this valve right here just like that And then we'll see the nitro start flowing it's already pouring out of the carburetor Okay start opening the valve a little Whoa too much too much too much Let it get some pressure hold on It's running yeah it's running I don't know how much power it made but it ran I didn't hear the turbo spool though That run was very uneventful not really impressive It made 4.5 horsepower on turbo and nitromethane About the same as the previous episode So I'm going to try one more time See if we can get some more power out of it on this setup but more importantly I want to see if we can get some boost out of this turbo All right I heard it start spooling and probably making boost the one thing I forgot to do is install a boost gauge How are we going to see if it's making boost if there is no boost gauge Let's run it again and see what happens That last run went pretty good And the engine started making some type of knocking sound And while that may not be good In my opinion change is always good At least we made some type of progress here And it made about 4.4 horsepower not really impressive And the boost gauge was bouncing around just a little bit Now for this next run I'm going to remove the exhaust manifold completely Because that is kind of a restriction And my idea behind making this exhaust manifold in the first place Was I thought it would create kind of like a flow in there and I don't know increase the performance but it may have actually hurt the performance Let's run it without the exhaust manifold and see what happens one thing I want to do before this next run is check the oil real fast One thing I'm curious about whoa What's that that doesn't look good I wonder what that is It doesn't really smell like nitromethane it just smells like oil I wonder if maybe the piston rings are broken or something I don't know I'm going to change the oil and run it again anyway yeah that's what I'm going to do Look at all that metal Alright oil is full I heard the turbo spool for sure that time Let's look at the high speed camera and see if it made boost I'm tired of this set up already I think the real restriction now is going to be the carburetor Like everybody said previously in the Comments I'm going to remove this carburetor completely the whole thing And that is the inside of our turbo It's going to be full throttle all the time And I'm just going to spray the nitromethane into the turbo And just kind of listen to it and tune it as we go I mean theoretically it should work Yeah let's see if it actually works All right ready to go oh just one more thing my kill switch in case I need to shut this engine off In an emergency or it runs away or something happens I'm going to get this ball and stick it right into the intake of the turbo cut the air to the engine and yeah it should work right I have it all in place ready to go My Killswitch My mechanical fuel injection system And yeah we're ready let's see what happens I'm going to call this mechanical fuel injection wide open throttle The sky is the limit let's see what happens It looks like that was the longest run in history of this engine I've never seen this engine run that long And it looks like it's overheating like heck Now we know why they use mechanical fuel injection on the top fuel dragsters Because it's definitely reliable for sure that was really interesting that it ran on my mechanical fuel injection sprayer system What I want to do now is Mount is exhaust manifold back on Quiet this down so we can hear the turbo spooling I love that sound I'm going to give it one more shot the way it is right now And then do something completely different All right that was a pretty good run Yeah I think that's all we got Whatever boost we got out of it right now I heard the turbo spooling That's the most horsepower its going to make If it made boost it made boost and looking at the high-speed footage I see it made about 2 pounds of boost Which isn't much but it did make boost can you imagine with that little turbo what this thing is going to do I'm going to go with a different set up all together But this was fun Let's do the math real quick Once I started applying more load it started eating up more nitromethane And I just went with it so if we do the math That's going to be 7.2 horsepower that's what I'm talking about Okay I just refilled this bottle right now and on that last run It used 45 oz of nitromethane and it was a 2-minute run 45 Oz I thought that was a pretty impressive number For this next set up I'm going to be using this turbo right here Which is far as I know is the smallest turbo that they make To give you an example of size difference this turbo right here is 22 mm And this one is 27 mm now that you saw which turbo I'm going to use time for me to build it I'm all done with the new set up the turbo is mounted The intake pipe is mounted And I'm just going to leave it without the carburetor for now And do a quick test run with the stock head and do what I did before Spraying the nitromethane right into the turbocharger and see what it does First things first before you starting any new engine or turbocharger Make sure you add some oil all right that was a test run with the turbo properly set up and the stock head I think it did pretty well looking at the high-speed footage we can see it made a couple of pounds of boost And again it's freewheeling there is no load I didn't apply the dyno brake Did you see that RPM I had to cut it short and put the ball in there I didn't want it to run away But yeah I'm going to do this run one more time This time with the see-through head and let's see what happens All right that was a pretty good run I think we might have lost compression or something happened Because it just died out but yeah that looked pretty good Wow it cleaned that head up alright let's see what happened there why it shut off That's what happened look at that Looks like our little screw the retaining nut for my electrode Must-have vibrated loose I don't know if it's the nitromethane or the RPM or the heat or what I've never seen this before but if you look at the see-through It's actually like polished wow that's pretty cool If that electrode didn't break off if that didn't happen I bet you we could have burned through this whole thing This time I'm going to run it one more time with the new see-through head And I'm just going to go for gold I'm just going to try to blow this thing up And I have a wider shot on the high speed camera Hopefully we'll see some Carnage and something blow I'm not sure but that's the goal to make it blow That run was probably my favorite run of all of them This thing hit 7400 RPM I didn't see what the boost was Because I was so excited that this thing hit 7400 RPM With the see-through head with boost So I'm going to do another run This time with the stock head on And my goals have changed just a little This time my goal is going to be to make as much boost And as much horsepower as possible with the stock head I'm going to put as much nitromethane to keep the mixture Right where I can hear it should be And get as much resistance on the dyno and see what happens I think this is going to be awesome I don't know I have a bunch of stuff coming out of the intake of the turbo I just don't think this turbo is as good but Yeah I don't no I wasn't really impressed Let's look at the footage and see what it looked like That run was just okay Not really what I expected I wanted to see more RPM Like the previous run with the see-through head I can't figure that out I would have thought with this stock head We would have more efficiency and just better flow and we would have got more RPM but that didn't happen I also think that this turbocharger design Is not as good as the Mercedes turbocharger The impeller design is probably a little different Because with the larger turbo I can hear it's spooling more But it was making less boost pressure And once it did start making some boost pressure it didn't perform like I thought it was going to So I'm going to do one more run even though I don't want to I want to end this video here but I am determined to make some boost pressure with this turbo I know it has to make some boost pressure What I'm going to do next is I'm going to drill a hole Into the intake tube And use that same sprayer that I was using Run a hose from the intake tube to the sprayer to create a sort of mechanical fuel injection system That way we are injecting fuel after the turbo charger not before my gut feeling is that when I'm spraying the fuel into the turbocharger Right when it's starting to spool up The stream of fuel is hitting that compressor wheel slowing it down And then interfering with that spool up So I'm going to try it one more time with this mechanical fuel injection system And let's see what happens I have a feeling that it's going to work oh yeah Wow that sounded good That was good we did about 3 pounds of boost 7.5 foot pounds of torque At about 4200 RPM and if I do the math real quick That is about 6 horsepower So it's not the most horsepower it's made But yeah it did pretty good It did what I wanted it to do we can move on I have AMP EFI engine management system That I am going to hook up to this engine for the next episode I'm going to try to do a full out fuel injection system With all of the sensors And that way we can control the boost The mixture the timing the whole nine yards That's it see you in the next episode Which is going to be this engine and hopefully it's the last I know I said that like three times hopefully this is the last See you guys next time Let me know what you think in the comments below Don't forget to subscribe That's it see ya adios
Channel: Warped Perception
Views: 3,182,899
Rating: 4.5438981 out of 5
Keywords: see through, engine, briggs and stratton, glass head, slow motion, 4k, slomo, slow mo, combustion in slow mo, warped perception, slow motion 4k, see through engine, see thru, nitro, nitromethane, nitromethane combustion, dyno, dynamometer, small engine turbo, nitro and turbo, turbo nitro engine, see thru engine, turbo, turbocharged
Id: jQWZDcswcMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 09 2019
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