Dyno Testing a $2,500 ELECTRIC TURBO! 48 Volts of BOOST!!

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These things are gonna be huge once China gets their hands on em and starts pumping em out at 1/4 the price. I'd love to see it on a 3cyl Metro or a samurai or something.

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

Damn thing is actually kind of impressive, would rip if they actually were to put it on coopers buggy.

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/CharlatanNewsNetwork 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

That was one of their funniest videos.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Jockel76 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

Tesla with turbo spool?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/VirchGarage 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2019 🗫︎ replies
we thought like going for a second yeah they're like a roll here you're on the please be from YouTube channel welcome back to our favorite science segment of this here channel today we have some awesome stuff going on came all the way from across the water alright guys good angle grinders listen up folks we asked for it in a couple videos ago we asked for it on a last electric turbo video someone sent us a legit electric turbo well guess what a company reached out a Dutch company and they sent us what is called a torque amp and it is in this box and it apparently works and we are going to put it to the test they freaking got this thing locked down the boys are gonna pop it open right now we are going to see what is inside this whoa-ohh lot of wiring while I don't worry you got an empty wiring here we go tour camp test /a demonstration kit Wow these poles dude those are serious there's a there's the electric turbo hold on let's get to the goods here dang thing seems a little bit more serious than our last unit Wow that's like a real turbo like a Volkswagen yeah but an electric motor humming Wow oh yeah well you can really feel the the electric motor in there look how it's a dual fin setup this is the real deal so we got the torque amp and then I believe this box has batteries and all right so and instead of the electric turbo only running off the cars 12-volt system it charges up batteries in this and will discharge on 48 volts of fury so guys we're talking some serious voltage here compared to our last oh yeah this is some serious stuff pretty sure it's brushless let's see if we can find any more information here ok so it's an on/off button actually lighter than the other oh yeah we got instructions to put everything in together alright my power box is only charged when the car's battery alternator output is higher than thirteen seven oh gosh I hope our vehicle can charge that high the system is intended for short boost periods with a max boost up to four minutes without charging nice sense oh wow we can turn up the boost guys Leah we got a freaking boost controller on this thing this is like what this is way more suit we're gonna find out so before we get started guys I want to say that we are not doing this as a sponsored thing for tour camp we are literally giving this an unbiased test if it works we're gonna tell you it works if it doesn't work we're gonna tell you it doesn't work today we're gonna give you the honest truth about this electric supercharger and there's that's what we're talking about right there that's our boost controller all right so we definitely have some a few more things we got to figure out but let's get this box out I want to show this thing I'm gonna had a good thing let's pull this thing out of there grab that darker spray off but the heaviest part probably yeah that's not bad not knowing what's in it it's got some weight to it but if you had some batteries in it for sure all the plugs nice that's all enclosed like that thingy in there so you just plug it in and let hurry up what do you think what's your what's your thoughts they definitely take some time to build this fancy box so far guys we like what we're seeing this unit but we cannot tell them about our new vehicle we have oh can you pull her in for us dr. spray them all so guys last time we did an electric turbo video there was a little bit of controversy about the fact that we used a v8 4.6 liter v8 and then we used a very small electric turbo well with the displacement of the engine being so large it's kind of hard for such a small turbo with such a small motor on the back to make enough air for that engine to even you know notice it right so ever put a turbo this size on a v8 exactly so really it was just a restriction now the torque amp this thing definitely makes more than that other turbo and I plan on testing that but we went ahead you got a smaller displacement engine so now we can really see how this tour camp is gonna perform and not make it a restriction you know right off the kick so doctor spray um I'll wrap this thing up they can already hear how good it is guys we got a good old four-cylinder GM this has a fatherhood we got a 2.2 liter Chevrolet Cobalt here she is bad to the bone give her a rev [Music] [Applause] you know and we do fully plan on tuning this thing so I makes maximum power na and then we're gonna tune it for the torque camp as well so we got a year that we know is compatible with HP tuners we're gonna put this thing on the dyno and do it right this time guys got it for 1,300 bucks not bad yep it's got one taillight out but hey we don't need that where we're going seems like some pretty simple wiring and we'll get back with you in a minute when we got it installed yep then obviously we'll put it on the dyno make some baseline hits see what it makes without the torque amp then we'll freakin smash that button and make some boost all right dr. spray them all how the install go boys tour camp is in look at that got the install wires going into the car load idols little rough alright guys tour campus safety strapped in that thing's not going anywhere all right so I don't know if switches on its on so it's been charging yeah well what do you do are you gonna are you gonna turn the knob all the way up for the first run all the way up yeah I'm ready [Laughter] oh stop it's gonna blow away or something's gonna fly in it yeah oh my god alright okay that's that's a little bit different story than what we were working with the hood go back up we got see if it'll increase the I don't like it oh it's probably gonna stall it I think we need to get it on the dyno and start doing our baselines before we blow this eye opening all the way down this is turned down a little bit oh dude that is alright so I think we're on something boys I think this one's gonna make a little bit more steam in the old eBay one god dang this might be the real deal all right well let's pull it in and get it on the dyno start doing some testing all righty folks as you can see we are on the dyno with the cobalt and the torque amp mounted up there looking good front wheel drive kind of weird right what the heck man we got Nate here Nate's gonna be tuned in the cobalt today it's one of dr. spray amaz buddies this is Dr tuna mall he's gonna be doing some tune in getting the Cobalt running right so that we're not just slapping the torque amp on and hoping the tune is close enough he's gonna make it right so we can see exactly how much power this thing is worth let's freakin do this I mean we're ready to spend this dying on the wrong way something's wrong right that's true we had to get the ship roulette alright so we're gonna fire up the dyno oh wait we got to say dime we gotta say dynamometer because it's a science video we gotta fire up the dynamometer we're gonna take the torque amp off guys do our first rib baseline note or camp then we're gonna hook the torque amp up freakin let this thing rip do we want to do a pull with it on through that see what kind of restriction it is - well they're not running it's good yeah so we'll do note or camp at all tour camp hooked up and off and then we'll do tour game hooked up in on full rip that'll show like normal cruising yeah if you're losing performance in normal cruising yeah we gotta do a full test also guys the retail on one of these is $2,500 so keep that in mind I will say the installation was extremely easy as pretty much two wires and then just kind of routing the wiring around two wires and some couplers and you can have this thing installed 10 out of 10 on the easy scale but we'll see how it does on the performance side of things Oh sad tour camp sitting here unhooked we're bogging just wide open here guys we're gonna see what kind of power this thing makes we're pretty much ready to rock and roll you ready to make a rip what gear are you gonna do third you can lock the converter oh dang he's gonna lock the converter take all variables out of this run I'm excited to see this accordion freakin shootout you know when it gets a boost in it you get a little bigger dr. spaghetti here has a boost gauge we're gonna try and hook this up to so when we have the tour can't run and we can see for actually making positive boost yeah that's the goal here like that that's a good idea before we do this we need to guess how much power we're gonna make what are you thinking they're horsepower I'm gonna say 89 if you know I would say 95 oh I'm going eighty one horsepower all right we'll go ahead and make a rip here [Music] Oh what we got what do we got oh man 123 horsepower 123 torque dude DOMA damn well we got a factory freak on our hands they got some power twelve point eight to one on the air fuel that's right where you wanted it family I do the Goldman some power is that more than the Mustang that's almost as much as the Mustang it probably is faster than our grades Jeffrey's ever hands oh yeah what's our duty cycle on our injector we do you have twenty to thirty two percent oh we're good yeah we can probably around twenty pounds of it forty-five get the bottle dude we're spraying this thing say no all right so should we hope your torque damp out our restricted tour camp off full okay gotta say I'm pretty stoked with those results so far boys it's a Chevrolet guys come on alright P Mustang Bros everywhere six Mustang just so you know a stock cobalt makes more I think you made a little bit less power but being at this is probably maybe lighter than a Mustang Auto three hot oh dude there's a beat a stick shift four six Mustang GT alright guys pull number two here is gonna be with the torque camp off the air will just be pulling through the electric turbo-electric turbo will not be spinning it might spend with the air pulling through it but it'll be off completely we're not gonna be turning it on hey rev it up I want to see if it'll spin it wants to at once - all right how much power we're gonna lose guys what are you thinking Dean 15 horsepower so we're gonna be right at a hundred horsepower how much power you think till is twenty three point four bet you lose like ten horsepower I'm guessing right under a hundred on this on you to stick on the ride over ready to go it finally started spinning as we lost 13 horsepower I was pretty close at 15 I lost 13 here in 1010 foot-pounds of torque that's really not that bad of a lot a lunchable looks like a gigantic loss because we're dealing with such small numbers yeah I guess percentage-wise I mean that's almost a roughly eight percent something like that somewhere in that ballpark give or take ten okay to work damn time okay I like that idea we're gonna hook up the mechanical boost gauge to so we can see what kind of boost from it all right guys the torque cameras ready to go we got our mechanical boost gauge hooked up so James is gonna hold the torque camp during the pole I'm gonna give you guys a shot of this so we can see what kind of power we're making or boost we're making okay so we got a PSI this way vacuum to the left go ahead and fire up [Music] man we got the vacuum on this thing all right so it makes more than ten pounds it's gonna be a record all right here we go befo Goss [Music] 1:46 on the horsepower 150 foot-pounds of torque [Music] holy cow dude but look at it look at the graph how it starts so much earlier for that pole haha 146 horsepower nay you nailed it on the fuel can you give her a degree time it or is it the spark now and wait five pounds of boost picked up 23 horsepower I didn't like it what'd you see it seven degrees enough Wow so maybe we should get some some octane booster or something 18% increase in horsepower now for the torque damn dude 21% increase in torque that's pretty freakin good that's serious but we're talking tiny numbers too you know so it's K you gotta take that with that grain of salt the other issue we're having now is that we've got some crappy gas in this thing and when it's naturally aspirated it's not really sparks knocking right it's not pulling timing out because of the knock but now that we're making more steam we have actual boost going through this thing the computer is pulling timing out of it because the fuel Atena can't handle it probably is 7n that's been sitting for couple years you know or couple months we know they have no idea so we're gonna put some 93 in it Nate you think we can run some e85 Nate says we have plenty of injectors so different plugs you might put some you might need some plugs to we're gonna put some e85 in it and see if we can actually gain some more power out of this thing Nate how did it feel in here smack in the button on the torch and like a small shot of nitrous really it really did you think it's gonna pick up at the track a little bit I mean you're gonna pick up something I think we have to take you to the track we gotta test it out all right guys so we're putting a gallon of methanol on this thing above the octane and I should get her done I should hopefully let us run a little bit more time Oh jelena methanol gallon of the fun is then one methanol guys if you don't know methanol is it's a super powerful race fuel I guess would be the best way to say alcohol with an alcohol race fuel and it's got a very high octane rating so we're hoping to boost this tank full eighty seven up a little bit with some ethanol you gonna do just one little poll here and see if you're fueling is close obviously changes up the fuel trims quite a bit guys so Nate's gonna guess as close as he can we'll see how the old colbalt holds up dude I can't wait to round this thing of the track what do you guys think it's gonna run and do we bring the gray Mustang to match it up fourteen six nine I was thinking like a sixteen sixteen like a sixteen to doctor spray them all has a solid grip on the tour camp yeah hold on rutila on the torque [Music] Oh baby hundred and fifty seven horsepower modern 53 torque that's more than a great must say I have to be I drop of the runner right here made nice job dude just need a little bit of methanol we're good 27% increase in horsepower Nate can you believe these numbers 27% take to the shake it is bed percent over stock it's unprecedented I can't wait to run it at the track let's go drive it yeah you want to do another pull me man daily drive this thing would be a blast you need to pass somebody news hate your button dial we need to put this on Cooper side-by-side push to pass thousand CC talent the thing is gonna make some power I might die if I hit a puddle I mean you're 48 bullets of to a barbecue Pringles chip he hit a small batch of standing water all right guys even though we're gonna do another poll I'm gonna go ahead and say it we have found ourselves a functioning electric turbo so shout out to guys at torque camp and by the way this is not a paid advertisement at all the impasse anything they just sent it to us to try it this is our unbiased opinion of it it actually works again this is a 2.2 liter so it is a small engine but it did exactly what we wanted it to do and that's at the end of the day that's what we were asking for and these guys delivered so they get the freakin wonderful advertising that comes with it and we're soaked but we're gonna do one more rip see phonate can speak a little bit more power out of this thing then we're going for ride obviously it's a weird video who's gonna sit on top of a target we usually fail this feels weird this is the first successful science yeah we've written it doesn't feel right as things I'll go play just people are gonna ask the math is not plugged in we're not using it though it's just resting on there if you saw it fly off no we do normal all right we got Oh they picked up point-to-point two horsepower good job Nate hey lost one Turk about all right I think we should drive it go to the cobalt with a laptop you at least it's a race car lightweight down a race with no safety box hey a nerd science did you guys rev it on demand it's like a ricer special hit to your ball pal to go off you just hit a button in this red on the flats and straight up that's electric Lubow flutters with the springs oh man this thing is let me just do this hole this is not-- our camp James the radio takes voltage ready don't know tore down we need a dragon your slowest car we have I think the money thing yeah it just glides through gears okay this is tore down ready three then we hit limp mode yeah [Music] yeah you just drive this thing [Music] when you let off the brake compressor surge like going and blows entire cobalt ever NFL 2k roll races here we come we got to put this on your demo on what you owe the envoy is pretty beefy hold on we gotta get George hey George come for a ride real quick wait you're gonna you get the throttle this is all build-up to shock George this whole thing for the amount of time you put into this we're gonna do a poll no no I was wide open I don't see you got that how do you feel about your machine here okay guys I wanna I'm proud to say that this is the first ever successful crawlin science channel shell we've ever had although they've all been epic this is the first one that we've actually done something of value we have made something work and proving it that it is awesome so can you believe it we've took in an awesome machine and made it awesome wow that's a that's a bad thank back so we are gonna run this thing at the drag strip we'll post another video shortly but we're pretty freakin stoked about how this went put some guesses yeah poster guesses that's all we ought to say for now thanks to tor camp for doing this is pretty awesome and they reach down sent us one of their products that's all we got for today thanks for watching do it for the El freaking see you later [Music]
Channel: Cleetus McFarland
Views: 4,173,002
Rating: 4.8720188 out of 5
Keywords: leroy, 1320video, drag racing, boosted, cleetus McFarland, cleetus, McFarland, Leroy, bald eagles, bald eagle machine, procharger, 1320, modified, boost, turbo, twin turbo, precision turbo, precision turbo and engine, Texas speed, resleeved 427, Texas speed and performance, Fasterproms, tuning, tuned, burnout, stick shift, six speed, corvette, Leroy Vette, c5 corvette, Chevrolet, unicorn, c5, supercharging Leroy, turbocharging Leroy, torqamp, mcfarland science
Id: 7a_J2X88fSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 6sec (1506 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2019
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