SEDC Youth Convention - Bishop Lambert W. Gates

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while we're standing let's join hands and Bauer Gibbs father we thank you right now for your blessings so grateful Lord that you and your holy angels have watched over us brought us from both near and far Lord to share in this celebration of you on tonight we're thankful Lord form for this conference and for this youth auxilary for this great church and for the leadership but mova Lord were just thankful for you thank you for being our Savior for being our Redeemer [Music] hallelujah Lord tonight that you acquired reminded us to thank you for every mountain [Music] and every Valley hallelujah thank you for your covering for your having preserved us we thank you for this worship service and it'll always Lord we free that you've been pleased with our worship we feel your presence in the house and we desire that your presence would remain you have this fell preacher to preach give all of us in our frailty to hear and may we leave this place better than when we came above all Lord we need you to get to glory tonight while our hands are linked together may there be an impartation fix every situation right now give somebody grace and strength give somebody healing Lord somebody Lord is is standing in the stead of a loved one or a friend and so send your power where that loved one a friend is and work it out right now for your glory save the unsaved and we'll thank you in Jesus name everybody said amen let's bless God put another hand clap other thank you Jesus he's worthy he's worthy he's worthy you may be seated in the presence of the Lord tonight and in whistle honor tonight to be here in the house of God and and to be a mid and amongst the people of God and I certainly remain of the mindset that there are no people like God's people God's people are the greatest people on the face of the whole wide world and I'm happy tonight that we're saved we've been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb and he has enabled us to sit in heavenly places in Christ Jesus we thank God for this great gathering tonight and we certainly want to give honor to your very fine council chairman who is also the pastor of this wonderful church our little Bishop Robert in Fortson senior let's clap our hands and salute government again tonight the the is my friend and my brother and I don't think I have to tell you much about that you know we have a history and it's a good history goes back a long ways in excess of 40 years and we were friends then we remain friends now and we've learned that even that that to be friends some people don't know that it doesn't mean that you have to agree on everything a man but love conquers all and I appreciate him appreciate his mind he has a keen mind he's so talented in so many ways he's a man who loves Jesus he loves God's people he's a businessman he's a great golfer y'all ain't saying nothing hey man he's just a multi-faceted man I love him extra today because he took me to a real nice dinner and I ate good tonight and what made it so special he paid for a man but we salute him and thank God for him and while I'm in that area of saluting this wonderful man of God let me just pause and salute a wonderful woman of God his lovely wife whoever C is there she is thank God for her a man to me I think they are dynamic dual a man Batman and Robin don't have anything on men but we appreciate them tonight and love and respect and honor them and then of course to your council Bishop in his absence who is now I I was supposed among the ranks of our Apostolic fathers in the Pentecostal churches of the Apostolic Faith Bishop Winston singleton we salute ium even though he's not in in Jackson and to your illustrious Bishop over the state of Mississippi that's his diocese and if you don't work it quite right he'll remind you that it's his diocese and that there's only one sheriff in town but let's thank God for Bishop Jenny Sara love him and appreciate him another man I highly respect he's the diocese in over western Tennessee and served as the council chairman for many years here in this great Council and he's a affable man a great man in his own right he's from Jackson to y'all I said man but let's salute Bishop Rogers tonight we appreciate you Bishop JW more my friend from way back god bless you sir bishop vo god bless you bishop williams god bless you less than God for the whole quorum of ministers and pastors let's thank God for the youth leaders tonight elder Fortson junior I was glad to see our international director of worship and sacred arts the one and only professor we'll have melted a man he's down here he's down here handling his job and I'm here handling mine and we appreciate him how many know he's a great great man that God uses a man y'all mean clapping your hands come on come on appreciate him and thank God for all of you we honor you certainly glad to see evangelist Davis that's a home connection goes back to Detroit and I tease Bishop fortune I remind him I knew her before he knew her a man but we appreciate her in jesus name and then we have another great child of God who is on loan to Bishop fortune a man I noticed that dinner he didn't know I knew he was throwing shade he brought up at dinner and but I just kind of ignored it because I wanted to pay for the meal so I didn't say anything but he was telling me oh you know that that past the solemn you see something else he just went on and on amen but she picked him some of that I'd like to think from Indianapolis where she served so faithfully in our church for 17 years and we were very sorry to see her go but in earnestness we're glad to see her part of a great ministry in Jackson Mississippi and so we love her we salute her to thank God for her and for his favor upon her life god bless every one of you everybody tells somebody for me is my custom just look at your neighbor and tell him you is somebody - and excuse my Ebonics that I like to use that I know that's improper English but I'd like to use my Banach sometime tell them one more time you is somebody - and I honor you tonight now clap your hands for your brothers and sisters I am here I'm our council in Indiana began tonight in church I pastor is the host jerks and but I'm here tonight because I had no choice between your pastor and his son your pastor made me bundles God Father offers and said let me make you offer you can't refuse and so since I didn't want to be swimming with the fishes tonight I'm here in Jackson Mississippi and I'm honored to be here some time I was just thinking again just before we go into the world lord I think I've been preaching now for this youth conference the first time I preached for it was close to 40 years ago and Here I am at 39 doing it we'd mint some things impossible but with God all things are possible but I was thinking lately when I'm invited to er you've convinced my wife just didn't know this time that I just thought I was going to the council but when lately when I've gone out - you've convinces my wife asked me do those young people know how old you are a man but we're honored to be here I want to share with you tonight will you pray for me I know the hour is late you have some great preachers who are coming after me and we're going to just say a little bit and get out of their way but first samuel chapter 17 and verse number 1 is where you'll find us tonight and we hope we'll see you in Orlando Florida just a few weeks in our international convocation now the Philistines gathered together their armies to battle and will gather together at Saco or Saco I will say which belongeth to Judah and pitch between Saco and ezekiah in F fairs DeMille and may the Lord had a blessing to the reading of his word but we are the heroes of my faith the doers on tonight you may be seated in the presence of the Lord and I want you to just again read these this versal out with me and unison and let's just put it in atmosphere together and what does it say fearless lines did what gather together their armies to where and will gather together uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh I don't know what y'all said on that last word a man you notice notice how we do retail off we don't want to commit ourselves I understand but let's meet it one more time let's turn the volume box up just a bit so your neighbor can hear you say it and what does it say again Philistines our symbol there uh-huh gathered together their armies to battle and were gathered uh-huh long after Judah pitched between Chacal and a Zika in pheasant amendment and that's good enough some of these Bible names are pretty hard I'm reminded leave Bishop Reese price he was ministering one night and he was reading in one of these obscure passages where the names got real difficult and he and the congregation's stumbled through the names and then he let everybody off the hook he said don't worry don't worry about pronouncing those names he said we ain't gonna talk about them know how so tonight we're not gonna talk about all of them there may be one that we'll focus on but tonight I I want to talk about being in the right position not gonna be here long I just want to sort of put that in the atmosphere I just threw those words out there but to be honest I don't think I I really have a subject tonight we're acclimated to subjects I really want to just talk about this verse and talk about this passage but for right now because most of us are acclimated to modern-day homiletics we'll just let those words be something for you to rest on about being in the wrong position and hopefully we want to get to the right position the Apostles didn't really take subjects when they preach go back in the Bible in the book of Acts and you watch apostolic preaching they just went in the scripture and of course the New Testament wasn't written when they spoke about Scripture they were dealing with the Old Testament and they went in the Old Testament and they mind the Old Testament for Jesus and they preached Jesus the truth be told again even our modern-day Apostolic fathers and some of us kind of go back in the day I know the church I came from our pastor never took a subject he got up and he read scriptures he exhorted he called for some more scriptures and he exhorted and that was the essence of the message and so I hope tonight that you'll just sort of give attention to this text and to this chapter because I think it's very important that we give attention to it I realized tonight that this is really not an unfamiliar chapter I suspect I read from a verse those of you who are knowledgeable of Scripture I read from a verse you probably didn't expect me to read from but I suspect that because your church people you know about first seven or seventeen and you have some sense of the historical events that took place in this text and the events that took place here about certainly some of the more prominent ones in terms of being known that can be found in the Holy Writ I'm sure tonight when I called first 1717 those of you again who know the scripture names came to your mind and there was something perhaps that clicked in your spirit out ha I know what the preacher who the preacher is gonna talk about tonight David's gonna be somewhere in there Saul is going to be somewhere in there perhaps there's a Philistine giant by the name of Goliath and I suspect his name will be brought up tonight and I submit to you that you're not far off because they are a part of this text part of this story this historical occurrence they're part of it tonight but I'm not just concerned about this text I'm more concerned about how we arrived at this text circumstances and situations that that brought this all about and I would submit to you that though we preach from it as a joyous text the foundation of it is is not joyous what lies underneath is is really not celebratory it ought to be something that causes us to grin it ought to be something that creates heaviness of heart it certainly should be something to the modern date jerks even if it had that effect on Israel it should be something to the modern day Church that gives us pause and makes us look back and reflect we should reflect because God told us to reflect whenever it came to Israel Israel is a source of reflection for the people of God especially the church Paul spoke on this wise and he said concerning Old Testament that these things were written for our learning and for our admonition I submit to you that it's important for us to learn I don't want to be in that category of believers that the Prophet spoke of that said their ever learning but never coming to the knowledge of the truth I'm tired of going to church and not progressing I'm tired of being a student of Scripture but the scripture not yet helping me they're too many folk who are saved that talk about Jesus but don't live Jesus not reflected in their life their religiosity doesn't reflect in their life serving God doesn't seem to help them in the trajectory of their life and I want to submit to you tonight maybe something a little controversial it's not enough for God's people to just be saved God wants to do more for us and God wants to do more through us then provide us with fire insurance can I get a witness in here there's more to serving God did not go in the head I don't plan to go to hell and I don't believe you plan to go to hell that was that's part of what it means to be saved that God has translated us from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of his dear son but I want to remind us tonight that that in addition to being saved there's some things that God wants to do for us in this life there's some stuff that he wants to give us and that stuff is more than material things there's a level he wants us to walk in there's a place that he wants us to be part of it is in the Lord's Prayer he told us to pray thy kingdom come may I suggest to the Saints tonight that that we're not just to wait to the other side to get to the kingdom but the elements of Kingdom that God wants us to live in right now can I get a witness somewhere in the high saved to go higher saved to live a fuller life save to live a meaningful life save to fulfill the words of Jesus when he said I am come that you might have life and that what more abundantly who wants more abundance do you want it tonight who wants more of God and so that means that there has to be growth there has to be a trajectory there's to be some progression and and part of that is just learning part of that is is is not being stuck in a place israel's life is for our learning Israel's journey and that the process and masa nations of their existence in earth is for our learning and we're supposed to go back and look from Genesis to Malachi and take out something for our learning you know you know it's a sad thing when when one generation repeats the mistakes of another generation I tell my sons that as I was raising them up there they're young men now and every now and then I still say it to them I tell them son if you're gonna make a mistake make a new mistake hello somebody you know they don't need making the same learn from my mistake I know we say oftentimes that all addicts that experience is is the best teacher that may be true and then it may not be true sometimes it's good to get experienced but sometimes it's good to miss an experience because because some experiences are catastrophic and sometime to result from some experiences that cannot be reversed they cannot be turned around and so it's better to learn from somebody else and then then if one generation repeats the mistakes of another generation then after a while we get to that place where we're stuck on stupid can I get a witness in here they don't even being stupid hello somebody it's better it's better to go forward it's better to learn from somebody else we need to learn from Israel I don't have time to tell you everything we all pray for me tonight I'm open not up here more than another 20 minutes but we need to learn from Israel there there things that we need to learn from them and and part of that is the fact that there's a background of this text there's a background the first Samuel 17 this just didn't happen this just didn't come about and sometimes because if we're not careful we will read the scripture in a vacuum and we just read an isolated passage and we just ride on that passage sometime we'll miss some things and one of the wonders of the Bible is that the Bible is threaded together it's a beautiful tapestry everything in the Bible is connected can I get a witness in here now I believe that there are no mistakes in God's infallible Word and I'm not saying that that I have to ascribe didn't miss something here there it gets possible but but the Holy Spirit is so strong until God retains the integrity of his world can I get a witness in here you haven't bothered your neighbor tonight would just drop this on him for free and tell him his word is still real it still is still right hello somebody and God holds it together God's or pieced it together and everything in it works together everything is in it is imparted this verse is important even the obscure name y'all they said none it doesn't mean it shouldn't be there because we can't say it y'all they're gonna talk to me tonight it don't mean that it doesn't have meaning because we don't understand it can I get a witness in here Jesus went but valued God's Word so much until he said he went to talk about the jot in the tittle can I get a witness in here the smallest Xing that described in me if it's in the Bible it's important they are obscure miss things in Chronicles and don't act like you like reading every book some of those books are hard to read go through some of those crowning out chronologies and you get tired of reading them and so and so begat so and so and so and so y'all it's saying that you get tired sometimes when you read Leviticus and some parts of Exodus when they put together the tabernacle and you and they talk about the different stones and the different woods and all of the things that the artificers and them did after a while you know you said I'm gonna read the whole Bible but after a while your eyes glaze over and you don't want to be disrespectful but you're almost want to say I get it God I got it but all of that is imparted can I get a witness and it's important because God put it in his world the history of Israel is important and I don't have time to tell you the whole history we're not here to rehearse at all but I hope your mind will just revive that around Israel's history there's a reason that they're here there's a reason that that we read this first verse and it's embedded in the history you know they were called they were called out by God way back yonder in the loins of Abraham I don't have to take him back to Genesis 11 I don't have to take you to Genesis 12 God called them out in Abraham and whenever our reference they're called I have to remind you that that when God called them and I asked this question last night on night before last Tuesday night in Indianapolis and Bible study I asked them why did God choose Abraham and some tried to come up with answers and you heard different things go around the room but finally I had to tell them there is no reason can I get a witness in here but while we think about that I want to remind you there is no reason he chose us nothing beyond his love you can't explain it can I get a witness in here and I took that little search for that answer because some of us haven't figured it out and that's why we're not effective as we ought to be in our service to God and that's why when we come to church we don't praise Him like we ought to praise Him because we figure that I had something to do with my salvation but I want you to know you didn't have nothing to do with it it was grace and grace alone can I get a witness in here this is second time I want you to bother your neighbor and tell your neighbor you're saved because of grace and grace alone you ain't saved you ain't say because of what you wouldn't do what you wouldn't do was because God didn't let you do it not because of your pedigree hello somebody I don't like to hear Saints testify not what I wouldn't do when I wasn't save you didn't do it cuz God blocked it God stopped it hello somebody have you ever thought what you could have been if God hadn't got in your way ain't you glad he messed up your plans somebody somebody clap your hand and give God your neighbour I'm playing I'm praising God right now for everything he messed up in my life I'm praising him for everything he stopped everything he got in the way from I give Him glory and honor for every time he let me get frustrated I was angry somebody cup your hand praise him right now grace grace rice grace grace it was God's grace and I've got a run on in a hurry with God's grace but but that's not even what I want to talk about and just want to remind you keep that in front of you it was God's grace and I think part of it I wish I was a psychologist I probably could explain it that's why we're in this condition in first sample 17 something was in the ether of Israel something was in their culture and I think part of it was trying to come to terms with being chosen by God and and it was something in them if you watch them as they develop from Genesis 12 Amen that history is sort of a sordid history it's a history of ups and downs and ins and outs and orange in off you know you ever noticed that when you read about Israel they good one day and bad the next day y'all they said none up one day down the next day that all the sounds for me I know you want to act like you want to act like it don't sound familiar but let me see the hands you can hold it low of somebody they that ain't always been in the place they used tonight who in this room has taken a journey with God who in this room is has been on in in process with God and who's not ashamed to say he still working on me still get me together and pulling me together because that's part of the human dilemma and even when God said we in sin David said did my mother conceive me in iniquity he said that was i sleeping and and even though God has saved us we we're still in sinful bodies and some of y'all think your body's saved your bodies not saying hello somebody and if you think your body's saved look at your neighbor and tell them slapped me real hard right now oh your body's not saved hello somebody hey man you'll be a mess if you didn't have the Holy Ghost if God can I get a witness in here if God wasn't keeping you you'd be all out of Arlen this orderly so we have to look at Israel but we must look at Israel in terms of ourselves Israel is a reflection of ourselves and Israel can I have about 12 minutes Israel struggle with themselves I think they struggled with the call in Abraham they never could come to terms with it and and so they wrestled with it and they struggled with it all of their days soon as Abraham thank God gets the call and God makes him the promise when you read his life even Abraham struggle don't don't get this bit too twisted he staggered not at the promise of God honey it took years for him not to stack oh I wish I was in the right shirt that did like wasn't him right away I don't have time to tell you what Abraham did I don't have time to tell you about his lives y'all ain't saying nothing and all of those his faith had to be built his faith had to grow faith had to develop it and not just him you see it thank God in this offspring on and off his children were Rascals y'all they said nothing little rascals you didn't have to go back in and look for Spanky and and and y'all ain't saying nothing and alfalfa you can you can find Little Rascals and Genesis yeah they were cutting up can I get a wet nap sons did horrible things and betrayed their brothers Genesis and and then you got Exodus and and you remember Genesis transfers them to Egypt and and in God there was my arrangement of God through their treachery but by divine arrangement God God is so sovereign until he uses our wickedness to bless us he he's so sovereign oh I know y'all don't believe that be he's so sovereign can I get a witness cuz he knows the end from the beginning some of y'all you can't get that but God loves you so much until he calculated your mistakes and to his plan I wish I was in the right Church I need somebody lay your hand on your chest and say God loves me so much he wouldn't even let me mess my own life up a lot [Applause] the right church how many know you tried to do it sorry I did it in ignorance Sam you did it intentionally but God said I love you so much I will not even let you and the devil abort the plan that I've spoken over your life [Applause] I'm gonna let you do it won't let you do it I mean about you it's about my namesake I mean about you is I already told the devil that he can't have you it ain't about ya doing it for my glory doing it for my namesake and Israel went through all of those those things and God fixed it allowed them through the treachery end up in Egypt been God you know what he was doing sent him there to develop as a nation I ain't got time send him there to learn culture hello somebody send him there to learn they were just tribal people drifting around nomadic going from place to place and and God sent him thank God to Egypt I believe it so they they could learn how to be a nation learn how to be a country he didn't send him to Egypt to get their guards but he sent him to Egypt to get their skills can I get a witness in heck send him to Egypt so they could develop let him stay there for hundred years it was not the place of promise it was the place of development tell your neighbor you might be in a place of development that like that for somebody tonight it this is not the end but but this is the place I'm gonna make you for the end this is the place that also might I'm gonna get you together so you can come into the fullness in and so and so the story lets us know 400 years 400 plus years and then they you know what happens god works it out and and and and he has to make things uncomfortable so they can come back out and then who watch them they come out he raises up Moses the log if I was at time tonight raises up Moses the law given and Moses is you know the story he leads them out of Egypt and Moses has this connection with God that everybody else doesn't have with God he meets God that that burning bush and and it was God that got in that Bush can I get a witness a man God showed up in the bush and when you hear the angel of the Lord that means it's God job God was in that bush and and told Moses I am that then Anna gave him that to go tell Pharaoh let my people go and the rest is history signs and wonders that come out of Egypt the plagues wreck Egypt and and Moses leads them out takes them thank God through the Red Sea I'll remember that next is rod like I wish I had time yeah somebody tell me take my time foot man takes his rod stretches it out over the Red Sea though I told in my mind my imagination the water congeals and for me it becomes like jello and and then God takes his word and splits the sea in half pushes the jungle back on either side dries out the bed of the sea that gives you a walkthrough on dragline kind of get a witness and they look around Pharaoh and his army come behind it water turns back to liquid killing you can't tell me that God won't make away God knows I thank God to make a way to get to the other side and Miriam leads them in a testimony service they get to timbrels out and give God glory and honor and all that is a part of Israel and God is there in the wilderness but in the wilderness you know what happens even before they cross the sea on and off on and off spasmodic schizoid y'all they said nothing schizoid look at your neighbor and make sure they're no schizoid zon your role right now look at your neighbor they've been smiling and frowning at y'all oh my god y'all ain't saying nothing sketch our sketch toy on and off with god inconsistent with god that was the history thank God of Israel it shouldn't have been that way they should have been faithful but one day they believed God next day they're murmuring and complaining murmuring complain Moses you recall a Mendham work with them but they murmured and complain God was looking out for them God made a way for them while they were in the wilderness they should have celebrated God sometime you can get so caught up in the challenge that you miss out on seeing the provision sometimes you get so caught up help me hold a goat so caught up in what you're going through that the devil makes you forget that God is keeping you while you're going through when you can't praise him for being delivered you can praise him for being your keeper I wish I was in the right I need somebody to look at your neighbor but God is providing God gave them water from the rock one day the water was bitter and God made us bitter water sweet another day you remember that God God set up a bakery in the wilderness and y'all they said nothing hey man sent manna falling from on high can I get a witness amen let them gathered in the morning and eat all day long and and then amen let it go out at night because he wanted to give up a fresh provision the next day I don't want you to keep it overnight because I want you to know I can bless your day by day I wish I I wish I was in the right church it can I get a witness in here y'all got to help me please tell your neighbor God's been keeping me day by day y'all got to sit down but they act like you a preacher raise your eyes say one more time as a matter of fact it's just another day that the Lord take your seat for a moment take a seat for me take you see take you see they they kept me yesterday daily kept me on last night daily woke me up this morning spotting me on the way but running in the feet clapping my praises on my lips [Applause] about seven minutes should have been thankful bless God sort of glorified god bless them in the wilderness but look at Israel on and off on and off up and down Merman and complaining Merman until they killed Moses mermen y'all is saying nothing Moses died because he got frustrated because of the people missed out on one over into the Promised Land in comes Joshua cut up with Joshua couldn't got the Promised Land still couldn't get satisfied from Joshua when we get to judges judges is the book before Samuel and judges is a book in which Samuel is rooted the roots of Samuel come out of judges and we know about the age of the judges they were there and God had a unique relationship and I don't have time to talk about that I would go down another trackin and talk to you about the uniqueness of God's people's relationship with him and that was part of the the problem with Israel that was their psychological breakdown they couldn't accept being sovereignly chosen by God and I think that's why they recoiled and and they rebelled they they didn't know how to embrace being special they didn't know how to embrace being God's elect they didn't know how to embrace being holy unto God and that's part of what's going on today that's part of what's happening with our generation oh I wish I had time to tell you about they don't value what they had we got young people and I'm not putting it all on you but we got young people they don't value what they had we got Millennials they're running from what they have amen they don't know how to embrace it but it's not all their fault or with some their fault but but some of it is us older folks for because we didn't put it in them like we should have put it in we didn't tell them what we should have told them can I get a witness in here we we didn't do like the Jews that celebrate their heritage celebrate their background take their children to their bow Mitzvah remind them of what the Passover is all about tell them about the Paschal Lamb we didn't do that we we didn't do what but Jehovah Witnesses do y'all they go like me train their children can I get a witness we haven't done thank god what what the Mormons do we criticize them but one thing they know how to do they train their young people they put it in one generation and pass it to the next generation I wish I could talk it we should have given our children Jesus we gave them video games bought them cell phones when we should have told them I ain't gonna get no hat but it's alright we didn't tell them what we should have told them that's what happened in Israel there arose a generation that knew not God but it wasn't all their fault it was our fault cause some of us we got sophisticated and and we were gonna be better in our parenting we felt like our parents deprived us of life made us go to church seven days a week and I know about that cuz I came up in that kind of church Monday young folk mean I wish somebody tell me take my time Tuesday missionary meeting Wednesday Bible class Thursday young ministers meeting Friday Saints meeting put out some folk Saturday Dorcas workers Sunday morning sunday school at 9:45 morning worship at 11 o'clock the only said nothing help dinner at 2 o'clock with a missionary meeting at 4 o'clock came back for evening service at 7:30 down at the cross all over again we said too much pressure but guess what guess what what you complained about it kept you saying what you complained about nobody want to talk to me you're still at the church seven days a week I get it we didn't have balance and I submit to you there were some folks that says by our fathers but but what we did when we corrected we over corrected and one of the things they teach you when you drive I wish I could take my time they teach you a man y'all don't have it too much down here but I got caught a couple of years ago here a man we have ice storms and and up north we got trained vendors Davis know what I'm talking about they taught us how to drive on the ice before you had anti-lock brakes y'all they said nothing they told you number one to pump your brake and then they told you why you're driving the steering wheel make sure you don't Oh correct cuz it is send you into a spin the church is in a spin because we over correct it and we didn't teach our children about Jesus we didn't teach our children the value of being saved and we got a generation that don't even want to be called Apostolic don't even want to be called your icon like me Pentecostal but I came tonight to announce to Jackson Mississippi in the southeastern district Township that we're gonna take this thing back I wish I had me we're gonna be can I use my Ebonics again look at your neighbor and say as of tonight we gonna make a recommitment to be who he is we're gonna be who we are embrace who we are walking who we are y'all know somebody we ain't got to be somebody else and I want to talk with I'm sick and tired of us mimicking everybody else I'm sick and tired of Hitler coastal folk and I'm not trying to go back to 1901 I believe we can get rid of the bed and keep the best I believe you don't have to throw the baby out with the bathwater change the water but keep the baby change the water but keep the truth change the water but keep the principles we gotta be careful week we've trying to mimic everybody else and it's muted us in our impact it's new to us in our effectiveness and we wonder what's wrong with us it's because we're trying to be like everybody else we sift it in our worship I don't like it when I come to our service and I never hear our sound I don't like it when I come you can get mad if you want to get mad I don't like it I don't like it it it does something to me I thank God for modernizing I'm I'm one of those that have modernized I submit to you I've changed and and we need to change some things but not everything I hope we've changed for the better but we got to know how to hold to good tradition everything everything wasn't bad we push all the testimonies out to church but they overcome by the word of their customer I can't get no help look at your neighbor and say every now and then I need to know what God did in your life - and then need to know God's saying some things shifted some things around for you look at your neighbor and say neighbor I remember they said this back in the day say neighbor say I just rose to tell you what the good Lord done for me I just rose to tell you how the good Lord set me free surrendered too much we changed but we changed too much we didn't know how to change just enough we change too much we took the praise team and I don't have nothing against the praise team I have praise teams and both my churches praise team in both my councils but I've been challenging them to do something else I told the praise team we don't need to wise [Applause] with our name to quash you're gonna be a praise team lead us in praise stop singing all that stuff that's too hard for us to say I didn't come to hear you I come to praise God with you o magnify the Lord with me listen to pretty singers sing ugly praise he brought me over my reclaim I wish I was in the right Church like your neighbors hand take your seat but shake your neighbors hand right quick and tell them yes I showed up tonight with my ugly freezer tell him tell him yes I did tell them I got a ugly praise cuz cuz God brought me from ugly please God Rodney got drunk that's why I holla I know you don't want me to have in your sophisticated church but when I look back and see where brought me from [Applause] hallelujah tell your neighbor a quad say got the holler sometime they don't like it tell your neighbor I'm not trying to mess with your personality but tell them the quiet is same got the holler some time for the Lord say [Applause] you maybe see them up close take your seat if you will tell your neighbor four more minutes from I wanna praise back I said I want my praise back church needs its praise back I'm tired of hearing those other folks song I still want to hear some of my song have you tried Jesus he's alright I'm a soldier in the army of the law that's that wonderful name now your neighbor some of the old songs I am the church surrounds it I am the Savior's bride oh sweet wonder oh sweet wonder darling come like me tonight like me tonight tell your neighbor they'll get this for free please see them all run on but but tell your neighbor tell your neighbor I may have been the collagen and I may have an education y'all ain't gonna say it tell your neighbor that say I may have been the college and I may have an education say but I still got some country in me too I like to fluff stuff but after a while I just want a good shot I want y'all to be quiet and let me dance before the love wanna praise I don't know what you come to do but I come to praise them tonight come to tell him fired from the blesses name gotta get ready to go to my seat my the time is gone tonight o'clock thank goddess take away if I had time I'd walk here through the book of Judges but I don't have time to tell you about the judges it was another spasmodic season another spasmodic time Israel like us many of us was living in denial trying to be who they were not and part of Justices in spirit of syncretism trying to mingle in trying to help God and other gods but God said you can't have another one thank God besides me if there is another God he said I don't know him I'm God all by myself somebody lift your hand and shout glory shout glory another time if I had time I'd run you through the end of judges run you to the beginning of first samuel tell you how israel got so messed up they have the best of the best they had God as their king but they was looking at the church down the street they was looking y'all inking like me because the preacher got a new and the preacher stand on the floor and have a tablet in his hand they left where they are Norton was and went down the street y'all thinking like me but i'ma say it anyhow left left left their first love walked away from their foundation went to Samuel thank God who was prophet and judge and made him the last judge and said we don't want you to be of us anymore we want to be like all the other nations we don't even want God to be our king give us a king and Samuel got bummed out about what they said and went to God frustrated and God kept it straight and Samuel out and say Sammy I don't know why you so down this ain't about you it's all about me because they have not rejected you they have rejected me reach out and shake your neighbors hand and say hey whatever you do don't be guilty of rejecting God they push God away in and God gave them the first king and gave them a man named Saul and Saul thank God looked like everybody else so look like all the other Kings he had my outer trappings of a king can I get a witness came from the tribe of Benjamin that proud arrogant tribe and they took Saul and anointed him king over Israel and God would have blessed Saul if he had have done what's right but that pride peaked out in his spirit and you know he messed things up in Israel when and consulted with the Witch of Endor when he should have obeyed he sacrificed them and one long before God said I'm tired of soul and and told Sam I have rejected Saul I'm gonna find me another man can I get a witness in here went down in front in the house of Jesse and found the young shepherd of the sheep boy by the name of David huh I wish I had time to tell you about David we sure had time to tell you about a boy that his daddy didn't even believe in him when the man of God said the king is in this house his father brought everybody but David before the man of God but Samuel said I know God sent me here but none of them seemed to be the right one and he said I know you must have another son Jesse said I do have another boy his name thank God is David and David means beloved he said but he's just a little ruddy fella he's read behind his ears up he don't really know how to fight but Samuel said bring David before me huh and they brought David before the man of God and Samuel said this is the one man looks on the heart with appearance but God looks the heart reach oven-safe your neighbors hand and say don't judge me about how to look on outside I got a great big God on the inside and when I can't handle it God handles it for me somebody shout glory shall glory another time and that's where we are in this texif we have a rejected king and we have an anointed king that is not yet took his place your neighbor get it on the way home but shake their hand another time and say I'm anointed huh but I'm not quite in my place yet y'all ain't gonna help me preacher I'll give you another chance to say it open up your mouth and say neighbor I am anointed huh but I just haven't taken my full place yet but hang around and after a while God's gonna do it huh cuz he told me if I humble myself in due time it will exalt me I wish I could preach tonight somebody need to give a neighbor hi father and say I feel a change coming on I getting ready to take place in my life I feel God getting ready to turn some stuff around I'm trying to prophesy to somebody out I'm trying to tell somebody in the house that's getting ready to be a change in your life that's getting ready to be a shift in your life look at your neighbor and say we knew that they needed God if you're not too proud to say help me finish this message but I need God look back at him and say how much do you need snatch your head and say well I need him every day so I can pray so I can walk right so I can talk right [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] they were in solitude we're in saco of Judah Judah mean your neighbor cuz they look like they don't know they're your neighbor we got to close this message say but before I close I got to tell you what to to me [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] last an hour right the darkness up right [Music] [Applause] [Applause] they able to space [Music] is able to stand if you can't understand [Music] forgive me I've taken too long but I'm here on assignment tonight I've come to Jackson to read the Clare war on the devil and I've come to let the devil know that with my praise these are set up on this rock I'll build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it I want you to capture the hands of whoever will pray with you wait a minute don't grab them I want you to see who's around you I want little circles but don't grab nobody yet and I'm being what I'm saying if they haven't praise God at all then I don't touch them [Music] you don't need no non praises in your atmosphere cuz with this phrase we're gonna reclaim the territory that Satan took from us gonna get a witness in here find those anointed hands make a circle but don't start praying yet those hands make a circle through some threesomes foursomes six and whatever works let make a circle if you can't get nobody to pray with you wrap your hands around yourself mm-hmm and tell your neighbor say neighbor for the next 90 seconds we are going to pray a prayer of recovery of genuine and old time praise and worship in the Church of Jesus Christ I want you to pray right now pray like you've never prayed we like it and fingers on the line pray with no music pray with authority ask God for recovery ask God for restoration asking first for spiritual recovery spiritual restoration get it back in your church Lord get it back in us Lord get it back in our families Lord did it in our husbands get it in our wives get it in our mothers and fathers get it our children get it in our sons get it in our daughters we want more of you we want all of you come on pray saints another thirty Seconds pray pray pray for this church pray for our churches play for our pastors play for our councils pray for organizations pray for our bishops pray for our district elders pray for African bishops brag brag brag reclaim reclaim it we you claim it here in most seconds the yoke is being broken walls are falling down chains are coming off [Applause] in the name of Jesus it is so now praise God like you believe it with no music give him a naked praise give him a naked grace with no music with no music stand at his presence worship him live on him adore him [Applause] why they were recovering restoration rags yapper your strength for your healing prayer their prized flower [Applause] we'll get back in the right place become a Baba Sunday I want you to practice how you gonna praise him tomorrow breakfast how you gonna praise him when you get home we're gonna hear from the band again but you won't have a band tonight you got to know how to make your own noise you don't have a band when you get on that job tomorrow but your praise will work for you [Applause] I want it back I'm gonna let it go but but would you just take 15 more seconds and hold your hands up and worship the sovereign god of glory to stand in his presence let it make letting me Sunday Oh we give you all the glory we get all the glory [Music] we worship you your word that should be praised [Music] with no one leading you would you lift those hands to heaven and tell God we give you [Music] we were shook you I want you to sing like the old Saint saying open your mouth and said let your neighbor hear you said we kept you [Applause] I worship you [Music] just one more time go down in your belly pull it from your soul let it flow out and say we give you [Applause] [Music] one last time one last time [Applause] [Music] this is the last time [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] somebody hold those hands up this worship it one more time [Music] all the glory all the glory [Music] we worship we worship you we worship you're be worth [Music] we worship you we worship you we [Music] that's right he deserves our Handclap [Music] with no altar workers I know you're on your post but after all the workers if I may you stay where you are if there's somebody that wants to be saved the doors of the church open you can come if you want to be saved altar call is our invention to this is your invitation to come to Jesus I believe this message was for the church tonight I believe it was for the church I believe it was for the church you may be seated I'm headed to my seat the two things I must do before I go to my seat I want you to tell your neighbor as a result say this to your neighbor if they'll hear you say as a result of your worship tonight there will be a recovery that will take place in your life [Music] [Applause] [Music] sometimes you gotta you gotta quit talking about it and just give God thanks about [Applause] ow there's a story behind what I'm gonna ask you to say to your neighbor my last act there's a story behind it I don't have time to tell the story tonight but tell your neighbor the Lord said just get glad about [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh look at your neighbor and say idea to get glad about it adaiah drew conceals the devil [Music] tell everybody on your news yes [Music] [Applause] you maybe see that I'm sorry [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] your name look at your neighbor [Music] [Music] my mouth [Music] second put don't head together put those hands together [Music] Wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] we must stop you may be seated come on bless you you know I just had a thought Bishop I just had a farm and I said I'm gonna praise God just cause the devil don't want me to pray [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] my soul of Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] somebody say real quick la Jesus I need some shake the bad for my so they said with me one day look at your name and tell them what your solo my so sad that your mama used to say no blast hit me [Applause] go down if your man [Applause] around it [Music] yes it does see go bring your head back fake laughs his name [Applause] we gotta leave alone but look at the neighbors we're not to the staff and say these are Wanda in [Music] Oh [Music] these are Wonder the Wonder yet Thank You Josh for noise we don't leave it after this Johanna the Wonder [Music] he's a wonder in my shop god bless you repeat clap your hands for the Lord one more time here's what I want to ask us to do somebody say restoration come on say restoration I'm gonna ask every bishop that will ever suffer can bishop that will I want you to slow up a hundred dollar restoration seat tonight it's not paying for the restoration it's thanking God for the restoration oh my as every other pastor I know you gave 50 I want to challenge you to give 50 again they have the machine somebody get my car somebody just shout restoration it ain't gonna be hard we made it too hard there's some stuff the seminar can fix seminars have their place sometimes it is just a good phrase to seek the devil out your system I used to wonder why folk y'all they said nothin to me I believe in all that stuff I believe I believe I gotta go I believe that there is an anatomy of praise where body soul and spirit sometimes you got to take your body and drag your soul in spirit where they need to be can I get a witness in here and so we have to do something sometime outside of the ordinary I want everyone else in this room every preacher if you can I want you to bring a gift of $30 every preacher if you can and I'm gonna ask every general parishioner right now sow a seed of $20 if you can a recovery seed if you don't have that 20 down the seed get your best scene and so it tonight I feel God in this room anybody feel the Lord in this room if he's here shout hallelujah he's in this room I want you to bring that see don't tarry don't delay we're not gonna rush er you I challenge you if it's within your ability get up and bring that see $20 all your best preachers $30 pastors $50 Bishop suffering in Bishop's $100 let's bring it in so it tonight in Jesus name would somebody give him my card who's gonna bring that seat would you bring it right we don't even want baskets bring it a lid on the altar if you got your credit card walk about altar and wave your hand then go over to the credit card machine bless you sir I love you more bring it in later on this falter there's a supernatural move of God
Channel: I'm Just A Church Boy
Views: 10,958
Rating: 4.754601 out of 5
Id: buyL19BJHHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 45sec (5865 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2019
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