Elder David Hollis - How Did You Get Out?

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for the name of Jesus we bless it for his goodness and his faithfulness we magnify him because he is God alone somebody blessed the name of Jesus it is so sweet to trust in Jesus just to take him at his word just to rest upon his promise just to know thus saith the law I am very thankful to God for the opportunity to stand behind the sacred desk I stand before you knowing that without me God would still be gone but without God I would be nothing somebody praise Him because he is everything Genesis chapter number 38 while you're standing with your Bibles in hand I want to salute and give God thanks for the angel of this house he is also the angel of the greater apostolic faith in Detroit he is also the presiding prelate of the Pentecostal churches of the Apostolic Faith I want to thank God that I call him my big brother let's salute leadership tonight the Lord and the peace of God be upon you - the elect lady let's give God praise for Lady Nancy gates we salute her in the name of the Lord and to all of you that serve at the delegation of the bishop I salute you all and to this outstanding choir in music ministry the grace of our God be with you all I'm reading out of what is known as the authorized version we also call it the King James chapter 38 it is the first book of our judeo-christian Bible it is called Genesis verse number one and it came to pass at that time that Judah went down from his brethren and turned into a certain Adam abide whose name was IRA and Judah saw their a daughter of a certain Canaanite whose name was Shula and he took her and went in unto her and she conceived and bare a son and he called his name her and she conceived again and bare a son and she called his name Onan and she yet again conceived and bare a son and called his name Sheila he was that to Zeb where he when he bare him verse number 27 and it came to pass in the time of her travail that behold twins were in her womb and it came to pass when she travailed but the one put out his head the Midwife tooken bound upon his hand a scarlet thread saying this came out first and it came to pass as he drew back his hand that behold his brother came out she said how yes now broken forth this breech be upon thee therefore his name was called for is and afterward came out his brother that had the scarlet thread upon his hand and his name was called Zara and it came to pass at the time of her travail that behold twins were in her womb and it came to pass when she travailed that the one put out his hand the Midwife took it bound upon his hand a scarlet thread saying this came out first and it came to pass as he drew back his hair that behold his brother came out she said broken for this breech be upon thee therefore his name was called forever father I thank you for the reading of the Word of God and I pray that it would be left to our feet and a light to our path thank you God that we just read the text now give us understanding of what we read father I pray that I would rightly divide the word of truth and not be guilty of misapplication misinterpretation generalization of the text father I pray in the name of Jesus that when we walk off of these grounds let us be able to testify it was good for us to be here tonight anoint me afresh save somebody edify your people God speak a word tonight that will bless somebody for the rest of this month speak a word tonight that will bless somebody for the rest of this week I trust you to do it in Jesus name Amen I'm gonna do something that they tell us really not to do a lot but I'm gonna do it anyway the subject tonight is in the form of a question that question is how did you get out find somebody that knows some of your business if you got a look across the room make eye contact with somebody that knows some of y'all looking at me I don't know your business there's a few yard y'all so secretive you gotta talk to yourself whoever you talkin to just ask them that one question how did you get out you may be seated in the presence of the Lord [Music] the book of Genesis is a book that gives us our policy and procedure it is a book that houses many firsts you will find first literature first culture you'll see first marriage you'll see in it first humanity you'll see in it first Redemption the book is called in the Hebrew the bearish if it means in the beginning it is a book that if you read it from chapter 1 to chapter 50 you will cover the space about two thousand three hundred and 69 years it is a book that has within it are four major technically it's five but we take the first two and we put them together there are four major events in the book of Genesis there is creation and recreation we count them as one creation recreation and then you have the fall of man the fall of Adam Adam Adam Adam Adam it means of the earth it actually means of the red earth it means of the red clay you have the fall of mankind didn't you have the flood the flood which is a baptism of the earth after the stench of sin comes up in God's nostrils and then you have what is known as the nation's or the disbursement of nations you see in this book that there are several people whose names will become repetitive to out the entire 66 books of the judeo-christian Bible you'll see the names I see the names Noah uh you keep looking and you'll start seeing names names that become very repetitive you start seeing Abraham Isaac and Jacob throughout the 66 books and then there's a guy named Jacob he's got a son named Joseph Joseph according to the scripture he's the beloved of his father the Bible teaches us that it is this guy Joseph Joseph according to the scripture gets sold down into Egypt when you look at Joseph's life and you're reading the narrative uh Joseph takes many downward spirals the Bible says they put him down in a pit they lift him up they only lift him up to sell him down into Egypt it goes down into Egypt and then he ends up down in part of his house well when you read Joseph the Bible says that his brothers his brothers set him up his brothers his brother saw him coming and they said Here Come this dreamer his brothers planted thank God for a Reuben Reuben said don't kill him he said let's just put him in the pit but they took his garment and they dipped it in blood they ripped it up and says that a wild beast got what fascinates me is that his father Jacob Jacob was his daddy Jacob wrestled with the angel of the law Shekar stood in certain places the Bible says Jacob would make a statement and said I stood at the gateway to heaven he said not even know where I was Jacob gets visions angel of ladders being lifted up and angels ascending and descending Jacob is the guy God he gets the opportunity to ask God he says God oh I know I got to go from this place but if you get me back he says I know it's called Russ now but I'm gonna change the name he says the name shall be called that's hell he says but God if you get me back he says I won't just call it Beth Beth means house ao means God would he says this place is no longer bail it is no longer the house of God he says but based on my experience I not only respect the house of God but I've come to know the God of the house of God so he renames l2l it is this guy that when they tell him that his son is dead the scripture says he almost goes down to his grave he's grieving so hard that's fascinating to me this fascinates me that a man who Caressa with an angel delight you and God doesn't reveal to him it's a lie here is a man that stood at the gateway to heaven makes covenant with God and when his own children lie to him he can't see through the lie and God doesn't say different God doesn't whisper they lion that is Sun Goes Down and when you're reading the narrative of Joseph you stop reading and get all of a sudden while you're reading about Joseph chapter 38 chapter 38 makes no sense in the narrative of Joseph because while you're reading about Joseph and Joseph and visions and dreams he leaves his brother the scripture says and his name is again [Music] [Music] we would call him and the Lord for her his daddy Judah had set him up to be married Bible says he was married to a woman by the name of tomorrow but Tamar and I were married but when her died earth and now that Earth is dead the law says that if your brother dies and he leaves no see that which passes on his inheritance you are to marry his widow that the next brother in line was to marry the widow and he was to go in unto her and she was supposed to conceive but the baby would never be list in genealogy as his son the baby in genealogy would be listed as his dead brother's son so that the G able to pass inheritance from one generation to the next your brother's dead but you got to marry your sister-in-law and give her your brother what's this God was displeased because Onan wanted pleasure but he did I know some own ins in my neighborhood because if you don't put that name in the program if you don't call their name over the pulpit if you don't stand and give them acting lays they say the next time y'all gonna do it by yourself I'm gonna see how far you get Oh the pleasure hot but Onan didn't walk the responsibility in the accountability when he spilled his seed on the ground the Bible says handle or description Onan is day shooters got one more song name Bible says that Judah comes to tomorrow I see this trend and I noticed that whoever you marry God kills he said now I only got one more boy why don't you just go back home go back to your father's house and just let my baby boy live is it I tell you what when Sheila gets old enough for you and I will let you marry him and then you can have a baby she had promises she comes home she goes home the scripture says and after she goes home sure who is sure sure is the Canaanite that chuda chuda now has lost his firstborn he lost his second born oh and now he loses his wife sure the scripture says and he when she died the Bible says that there shoot the shooter now is her trying to comfort himself he says he goes up into the mountains up in your frame of reference instead of calling it a frame of reference we're gonna call it they say you know you know your husband says and tomorrow's amazing that in the Bible even the whole put on some clothes the Bible says she put on the clothes of a harlot a the Bible says she even put a veil on her face this was not a chiffon they were like the bride no no she put on [Music] [Music] through it through it enough just so he could see Trudeau oh boy grieving oh boy hello in spirit oh boy God is down oh he's so low he can't hear nobody pray Caesar why she's standing out there with him and the Bible says he walks up to her and Judah looks at her not knowing that it is Tamar his daughter-in-law he walks up to and says I'm grieving can you comfort me I'm kind of low can you lift me can you help me he said can I come in to you Judah starts feeling it I'm bringing the cash with me tomorrow the Bible says shooter rich and his self and says I got a ring he says I got a bracelet and I got a stack the range spoke of cutest Authority his bracelet I didn't define him and gave him his identity his family's names were all carved on the it was his legacy and his lineage he took off of his authority he was willing to risk his Authority for a better son son he took off his bracelet he was willing to risk his identity but love there are some some some he was even able later [Music] [Music] she said you got the gift of discernment she said let's see if the gift is working in the person can you can you design whose bracelet this is she said oh yeah by the way she reached onto the Pooh and grabbed the staff and she said who is this Judah she said if you can discern who these belong to then you know who the daddy is shoot us design the kicked in you look at the judge and say you know what had a change of heart [Applause] [Music] the Bible says goes into labor it's twins are so close and they tell her girl and when she pushes they see the crowning of the head but what the baby comes out first and there is no she said but you are going the tears in your eyes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] put your face in somebody else's face say you're looking at somebody then people set up you're looking at somebody [Music] to look at my demise but you're looking at somebody sad it was over [Music] got me out I Oh impaired [Applause] [Music] so when you see me dancing class just about my present I'm dancing cause he delivered me in my closet [Music] [Applause] if he had let my enemy mess me up in 95 I never would have got to 2017 but he delivered me from some stuff back then cuz he knew he would be using me right now [Music] tell your neighbor and if he looked out for me yes ago he's looking out for me [Applause] [Music] Saints amazed some dumb choices I put my authority at risk I made some dumb choices I put my legacy a triplet Okutama Celia I made some dumb choices and I put my identity at risk but he got me out he got me out you look at some of us running screaming and dancing and it looks like we're uncouth looks like we're not intelligent but let me tell you we had agreed with several degrees we are entrepreneurs we are skilled labor we work in factories but we're all that we got we ain't crazy enough to walk into this room cross our ankles and fold our arms like we got here by ourself [Music] [Applause] then what I was in only get me I was going through I thought it was just for the moment but I had no idea he was looking out for my future I'm not warning you I don't have to apologize to you anyway Jesus Jesus [Applause] [Music] I don't care what you face this week do me a favor I asked him to do it earlier on the count of three shout out your first name one two three [Applause] try it again on the count of three shout out your first name one two three grab somebody next to you and tell them say you know me only ass now shout out your first name you can call me all right [Music] whatever you're up against whatever you're dealing with tell that situation my name is furious I don't even have to be on the valid I don't have to be on the ballot and I'll still get all the votes my name is fur ass look over me if you wanna God knows where I am play the stupid games and send it to the wrong address the wrong address will be my mama's address and I still get it father thank you for the word that we've heard tonight calls us to see that even in the scripture you'll interrupt the narrative of Joseph just to tell us about a boy named for rias God you'll interrupt what appears to be a good storyline to what seems like to be a tangent only to reconnect it in the book of Matthew and father we want to thank you because we've learned from the Old Testament that the things that were written of all they were written for our learning that through patience and comfort of the scripture we would have hope Lord forgive us for misjudging you forgive us for asking you did you see that God forgive us for thinking that you liked everybody else but you didn't like us see forgive us God as what we learned through Judah Tamar 4 ears and sorrow and even when it seems like others have used trickery others have used popularity others has tried to set themselves up you'll let it be said and it came to past and so tonight we thank you Lord we repent for not believing that our hope is in you lord thank you for giving us this word in March is gonna bless us all the way to December [Music] we give you great praise everybody that heard the scripture speak to them give God the best hand [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] everybody that heard the scripture speak to you tonight look toward heaven and tell heaven I heard you I heard you I heard you and tonight if you're not saved it's time to get your life right with God say yes to the will of God for your life even when you were not saved God was looking out for you while we were without strength Christ died for the ungodly while you're his enemy he was taking care of you and if he takes care of you and you're his enemy much more and you become his child get out that pew and walk down that aisle get to this altar say yes to the will of God for your life I want you to praise God like that's your daughter praise Him like that's your niece praise Him like that's your sister somebody's still walking give God praise every time somebody walked down that aisle come on for ears get about that seat and get to this altar god bless you for coming come on come on for some people is a struggle to walk down that long aisle I need y'all to encourage them every time they walk my name is Faris my name is Fred's they wrote me off before I got here got me out people will look at you and say how'd you get out of that you have to testify had it not been for the Lord who is Oh myself come on don't walk out of here and say I almost went up there don't leave here and said I should have got up today is the day get up come on you can be saved that's just not a cheat on that's a lie [Music] come on garnish [Music] [Music] tonight I want to thank you for being an outstanding congregation and your patience and thank you for allowing me to share what I believe is the word of the Lord I pray that you are not just simply a hero oh my god if the report is correct somebody's about to be baptized in water three people and say he got me out he got me out he got me out he got me he got me out he got me out he got me out do me one more favor lead over tell somebody say there's some stuff he got me out of I can't even tell you what it is but you might not be my friend no more but when you see me dancing we're shy he tricked me off soon sorry ancient [Applause] yes turn [Applause] [Applause] but take this [Music] get out [Applause] let's get regular G yes everybody getting all leaned over tell your neighbor say play something get something leaned over tell somebody your name is not owning tell somebody my name is not owning I don't spell what he told me to deposit you better bless him that's the cry of Flores let God get you out let God get you out let God get you out go all the way back as at night everybody gets something and put it on all right now everybody know sit in your seat get come on teenager No right to find what you got me either you couldn't pay for your deliverance [Music] [Music] you got me out me they wrote me off but he got me out [Music] because somebody might have just had a little something but you do to embarrass don't be embarrassed with what you're giving the dog that there you say I don't take it out there be encouraged Saints put a smile on your face recognize didn't just do it for your friends he did it for your future he didn't just forgive you for today he forgave you so tomorrow could be blessed he could have let you die in your sin he could have given up on you but somebody wrote a song and said he didn't give up he tried me once again Oh somebody holla hold it goes on it goes on it goes somebody holler hold it goes hold it goes the Lord bless you the Lord keep you the market [Music] well what a word what a word what a word let's give God praise for the word tonight what uh what a message we're going to stand how many had a time tonight what a word it was just so I say what the doctor ordered we're glad to have daughter this house passed - Latoya Wilson from Washington DC let's give God a praise she's here in the house Oh Mount Zion axe he's out he's doing the work for the Lord so glad to see you in God's house tonight my daughter this young man come down let us pray young brother brewer come on mother and father you didn't know I was gonna do it this way but one can change the thousand true can do what flight how many believe in the power a man there's the Lord yet a healer tell somebody he's a healer a man tell somebody his blood still works apply it tonight anointing is heavy in this house right now I believe God can do anything we don't need to know all the details Jesus already got that but Jesus wants you and I to do is supply the faith we give him the faith he would do the work tonight so tonight we're gonna ask God for just a total touching of this young man's body I told him the other day that everything was gonna be all right I told him tonight we would come together and affirm in prayer what God has already done and you know since the Lord is gonna touch and heal tonight you need to grab somebody's hand we may as well get everybody healed today hallelujah my mama sang me [Music] somebody may say well I'm not seeing tonight somebody may say I'm not sick tonight but guess what this may be the prayer that keeps sickness away so what I want us to do the next 60 seconds this will be our closing Fran's well I want you to plead the blood of Jesus for yearly lift one hand in this direction send it to the altar the other hand claps your neighbors hand let's plead the blood come on come on plead the blood increase his faith in preschool frame B are here tonight BR Great Physician go in the doctor Kate go we thank you for the doctor but do what the doctor Kate do give us a testimony give us a praise [Music] hallelujah I find every demonic attack [Music] every demon of sickness every demon of ailment write down in the name of Jesus somebody open your mouth I feel led tonight and say Satan the blood is against you authority total healing total healing testimony for your glory manifestation of your power clayman covers now at your blood as we leave this place until we meet again blessing of the harvest for his impartation may your word rest in our spirit resonate in our soul and may we talk walk in the victory that we sing about tonight and in the name of Jesus it is so a man and a man somebody thank God for it for you walk out of this [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] god bless his name there's his name thank you for coming we're seeing Bible study don't forget their Bishop Titus - it would be hard they Peck suddenly don't miss him you got a Rhema word for this house you gonna preach like this man preach tonight don't don't miss it god bless you see a Bible study [Music] [Music]
Channel: I'm Just A Church Boy
Views: 7,665
Rating: 4.8041959 out of 5
Id: LE23cdr-ttI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 28sec (4468 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2019
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