SEDC Youth Convention - Bishop C. Shawn Tyson

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as pastor of this church I'm taking the lid off you hallelujah you had Liberty in the Holy Ghost hallelujah however God desire to use you in the name of Jesus let's receive him as he come in Jesus name hallelujah [Applause] like to say praise the Lord to everyone as a week praise the Lord for a great god I said freeze the Lord everybody [Music] will you help me first celebrate our Bishop on tonight and thank God for you our honorable Bishop the owners a true well shall be counted worthy of double honor we give you double honor tonight Bishop and to all of this great hosts of pastors to our outstanding president of this great esidisi young people we greet you tonight in the only name the only name that I know that can bring salvation and that is the name of Jesus we're so happy to be with you tonight grateful that God has brought us safely over the Airways to be here I'm not one that much cares for flying so every time I go up and come down I'm praising God when I get off the plane I'm always amazed that I'm always amazed that people get on the airplane like they're getting on a tricycle they don't pray they don't acknowledge Jesus I'm praying the whole time from the time we go up to the time we come down I'm saying Jesus all the way so tonight we're just grateful to be here in Jackson Mississippi and help me praise God for the choir tonight ye did an awesome job and I want to say let's praise the Lord for our musicians as well I'm just glad to see a choir singing we have thank God for the praise team but in many of our churches the choir has almost been eliminated completely but there is strength in unity one can chase a thousand two can put ten thousand to flight Bishop with your permission I'd like to have the choir come sit down on the floor tonight if that's all right that the choir comes sit down on the floor but make sure the praise team stays close praise team might want to stay up here because I'm subject to sing at any minute let them come don't go to the back choir you cannot lead from the rear send you two first let the choir come down sit down in front while you're standing on your feet if you will take your Bibles in your hand and after Bishop gates has been here there's probably not a whole lot of preaching left to do I said whatever the bishop said a man to it but we're not going to hold you a long time tonight just a few minutes from the eleventh chapter of the Gospel of st. John John chapter 11 I'm so glad to see so many young people in church on a Friday night John chapter 11 verse 21 we shall read down to verse 25 John 11 presume assignee John 11 verse number 21 if you have it can you say man Thank You Saints we're reading from the King James Version will Reed allow 21 through 25 we shall read the scripture together aloud with authority and with reverence let us read Saints then said Martha unto Jesus Lord if thou hax been here verse 22 verse 23 and finally 24 and 25 Martha said unto him 25 jesus said unto her put your Bible down and join hands everywhere even come across the aisle ways and let there be no space between us in this prayer shut all of my Kundalini our Father look upon us in this hour of worship know our thoughts from afar off father I thank you that you have already heard our cry you have seen our tears and Lord you know what it is that your children have need of tonight we praise you for being the God that provides every need according to your riches in glory now father may the Holy Spirit overtake your servant may the power of God flow from heart to heart and from breast to breast sin the anointing that destroys yokes that breaks chains that delivers from evil heal the body heal the spirit and heal the mind feel this place and fill us with your glory in Jesus name have your way tonight at Tanana my Yarbrough have your way and we will give you praise for there's no God like you in Jesus name clap those hands and shout glory three times [Applause] [Music] have your seats if you will I'd like to talk this evening just a few minutes if you'll allow me from the subject I don't know why but I do know who I don't know why but I do know who may I submit to the church that while the reading the hearing and the believing of the Holy Scripture is essential to developing an authentic relationship with God there are times when God steps outside of the pages of the scriptures and introduces himself to you in the various circumstances of your life to prove to you that the Bible is not just a book but that it is literally the road map that leads you to a real Jesus who wants to reveal himself as Lord over every circumstance in your life when we desire to get to know a person we usually employ several different methods to become acquainted with them they might ask him to go out for a cup of coffee and asked him if they'd like to go to dinner we might take one to a mutually share please have enjoyment of concert a ballgame because of technology we now have a lot of people that are hooking up online sharing profiles pictures Instagram inbox text messages the objective being to get to know the person but may I suggest this evening that getting to know God is different than getting to know a human being first of all we must understand that God does not think like we think and by that I mean that God thinks from the end back to the beginning where we tend to have a first things first approach to our thinking we think from beginning to end Jeremiah the 29th chapter the Lord said I know the thoughts that I think towards you they are thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you an expected end this is where sometimes we become perplexed by the way that God does things we can become perplexed why God allows certain things to happen they just don't seem to add up they don't seem to be in alignment with what God said concerning our future to those perplexing times and moments and events that some of you are dealing with in your life now that leave us scratching our head wondering what is going on where is God in the midst of all of this that appears to be confusion the first thing that I like to say about this condition is that anyone who claims to know the why of everything that God does is a liar l.i a are anyone that claims to know why God does everything that he does is lying ly I ng Pirie I don't care how much they pray how many scriptures they quote how spiritual they may seem to be no one knows all the whys of God's decisions and no one can explain the ways of all of God's methods the 55th chapter of the prophecy of Isaiah the Lord said my thoughts are not your thoughts neither my ways your ways saith the LORD why as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts you will recall Paul's words to the church at Rome in the 11th chapter of the book of Romans old the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God how unsearchable are his judgments and his ways past finding out secondly I am NOT of the school of thought that says a believer should never ask God why it was commonly taught among us that in deference to the sovereignty of God that a saint should never question God and while I certainly appreciate the intended nobility of such a mindset I do not find that to be biblical or helpful and I use Jesus as my perfect example and my template in the our look jesus greatest agony on the cross he asked the father my God my God why hast thou forsaken me something occurred in that moment that the scripture does not explain in detail where the humanity of Jesus was perplexed by the divinity of God something happened in that moment in the soul and in the mind of Jesus that he could not put his finger on in the out working of the redemptive process it was something that his flesh had never experienced before and it caused him to feel forsaken by God in that moment Jesus knows what it you's like to feel forsaken by God Jesus knows what it feels like to be isolated from God Jesus knows what it feels like to cry out and the heavens go silent in the fourth chapter of the book of Hebrews the word of the Lord said seeing then that we have a great high priest that is passed into the heavens Jesus the Son of God let us hold fast to our profession but we have not an High Priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities but was in all points tempted as we are yet without sin let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that we might obtain mercy and find grace to help in the time of me I do not believe that God takes issue with us asking him why concerning the things that happened that we did not expect or we do not understand I believe the challenge comes in relationship to the motives and the attitude behind which we ask why taking why one step further when we ask God why we need to be prepared to accept God's answer when God reveals his divine will it is this thought that brings me to the consideration of this young man Lazarus Lazarus a young man one in the prime of his life one of whom the scripture said that Jesus loved along with his sisters Mary and Martha in the observation of Jesus interaction with Lazarus Mary and Martha it appeared to be one of the few places on earth where Jesus could go and just be a normal guy their home seemed to be a place where Jesus could find refuge from the eyes and the expectation of the masses of people many who gathered only to see Jesus worked some miracle yet in spite of the love the scripture said Jesus had for Lazarus and his sisters Lazarus became heel and as a result of that illness he died Martha more so I believe out of grief then unbelief said to Jesus if you had been here my brother Lazarus would not have died I want to share something that I have learned perhaps in just the last year or year and a half I've been preaching now for 37 years but I've learned something in just the last year or so and I want to say to you this evening that Jesus is still there even when you don't think he's there I want to say to you that Jesus was there before you got there I would like for you to understand that Jesus is there even when you cannot see him he is there when you cannot feel him he's there when you cannot touch him he's there when you cannot trace him he's there when you pray and you can't hear him he's there when you can't feel equipment he's there when you don't have a tongue he's there when your shout runs out the Bible said in Hebrews chapter 13 let your conversation be without covetousness and be content with such things as you have for he said I will never leave you and I will never forsake you I'd like for you to understand this evening that the reason you're still going is because God is there the reason you have not gone absolutely nuts and lost your mind is because God is there sometimes I look at Saints act like they're struggling to find some reason to give God praise and I wonder why it takes two and a half hours for them to think of something that they feel is worse giving God praise for but I'll go cause right here at this intersection in this message to tell you if you are here and still in your right mind you've got something to praise God for and I'm not talking about praise him later I'm talking about praising for it now [Applause] hallelujah you're Donna Coleman tell your neighbor the only reason take that whisp out your voice and tell them the only reason I have not gone postal is because the Lord was keeping my mind the only reason I have not blown my brains out or somebody else is out is because God was keeping my mind the reason I woke up this morning with a desire to give God praise is because God is keeping my mind and I want you to know the night Saints he's going to be there for you and never think that son never think because God is testing you that God is finished blessing you the word of the Lord said that in the fifth chapter of the book of Joel he maketh sword and he bind it up he wounded and his hands make hole he shall deliver thee he said there behind he shall deliver thee you got to know what God has said in a word down your roll st. he shall deliver thee I don't think I necessarily need to go any further than that till that gets it in your spirit I want you to send the word up and down your role he shall deliver thee you said well past the Tyson you must not know what I mean you must not know the struggle on in you must not know the fix that I'm in you must not know the condition of my marriage you must not know what the doctor just told me you must not know what the MRI said you must not know what the x-ray said you must not know what my blood County is you must not know what my bank account is I don't need to know I came from me and did not listen me out of tonight to tell you he shall he shall look around there and your section to tell three people you're coming out of it yes you are and the word of the Lord said in seven there shall no evil up touch thee listen in famine he will redeem you from death and the word of the Lord said handy in war he will deliver you from the power of the sword thou shalt be here from the scourge of the time you know the words it doesn't matter what lie they say it doesn't matter what rumor they spread it doesn't matter what they post on Facebook it doesn't matter what picture they put on Instagram to try to embarrass you to try to help you to try to shame you there's nothing you can put on social media about me that God and I haven't already talked about the word of the Lord said night shall you be afraid of the destruction women come in and thou shalt know that not tabatha Cola shall be in peace and I will visit your habitation and shall not sin Lord I think you're here now every now and then the Holy Ghost will stop my and interrupt my sermon with an instant message and I just got an interruption in my spirit from the Holy Ghost God said for the one hundred worshipers that will get on their feet up give me at spontaneous praise I will meet them with a mighty deliverance by midnight key night [Applause] make you who shut that up I will go by myself shakes up Ali's hand if you don't mind shake their hand and look at them and tell them I'm so glad you're sitting next to me so that I may announce to you the momentum is about to shift from negative to positive in every area of your life with your next prey [Applause] hallelujah on your way to your scene just tell three people it's shifting in your favor on your way to your cedar I'm going to my seat in just a minute but let me say this to you have your seats if you will I'll be done in about seven minutes or so Jesus gently but definitely he gently but definitely a short Martha has it they say daughter I'm more than a genie in a bottle I'm not here just to respond to your wishes and your commands up because death Martha is no barrier to my power I am the resurrection and the life that lord I praise you that because over here in this section that the Lord just healed a young lady from sickle-cell anemia and if I could take this side of the church to give God praise for that side of the church he's gonna heal you of rheumatoid arthritis to move on here in just a second and a higher praise your name whoo come on that ever hotshot mix your hand and say God is able there are two expressions that when you go back to the doctor daughter make sure you tell the pastor God did it during the esidisi convention now tell them the doctor gonna say we don't know what happened now we looked at your last test and we looked at this tense up and what we thought we saw we no longer see yeah and you tell the doctor you saw it but God healed it I'm gonna move on here cuz I feel my help come in now there are two expressions app there are two expressions of the power of God two expressions of the power of God there is number one the expression of the power of God that prevents a crucial tool and AR that prevents things from happening now that is the first expression of the power of God and we've all experienced that at one time or another where God prevented that something from happening now that we know what should have healed us up but some kind of way of God blocked it out we've all been in a place of where we should have been destroyed that but God delivered us out I need a witness in here we've all been in a place now where we should have been consumed up but God sheltered us Zack we've all been in a place now where we were guilty as charged that but God said mercy captain on him and mercy on her oh yeah now there is that dimension of prevention and I want to say something that to the young people tonight before I hurry to my seat I'm all that in favor of innovative ideas that I'm all in favor of creativity and new models and new methods I'm in favor that I'm in favor of using technology for the advancement of the kingdom but I want to say to you that in our attempts and in our efforts apt to be moderate to be relevant Zef to be on the cutting edge Jeff there are some fundamental foundational principles that that go away to the origin of the church that will work in the 21st century just like they worked in the first century yeah and you might say well pastor Tyson what Zach what might well one of those things be well one of those things here's what we call them in the sanctified Church for my college students tonight the pleading of the blood of Jesus out now that might be unusual that if you have not grown up in a sanctified Church environment why did they talk about blood so much yeah isn't that glory in that strange app those people are weird I they said they were cold out that's why I don't have nothing to do with them sanctified folk yeah well the first thing that I want to say to you is in order to get a full comprehension of the scripture in context you have to read the Old Testament and the new lap they must be harmonized that line upon line and precept upon precept yeah so if your Bible reading begins a give the New Testament at the book of Matthew you do not have the concept that God instituted in in Israel when the death angel flew through the land that Passover naysha have the word from the Lord was take the blood of the Lamb and put it on the doorpost of your house and on the mantel that and when the Death Angel flies to Egypt when I see the Blood I will pass over you how wish you just touch her neighbor and tell them don't get it twisted honey the blood steel workshop I thought I was in a PC AF Church yeah look like I stumbled upon the AME Church tonight I said reach over and touch your neighbor ha ha it still works half y'all don't believe that nah you said that that's just an incantation that's just a chance that that's just a few words about seven months ago bishop ha it was in January yeah not understanding why I just knew God told me to do it yeah he said tell the Saints every Monday morning take their oil lap and anoint the doorpost of their house and plead the blood over their house tell them anoint their feet and plead the blood over their footsteps we started doing that every Monday yeah in January yeah well three weeks ago it looked like that directive that had been for naught no particularly outstanding event had happened that would justify anointing the doors and anointing their feet until aha three weeks ago ha a gang of young men in Indianapolis were driving down the street yeah we're a family that attends my church shop lived on that street and they were coming down that street shop for a gang retaliation here Chuck but they picked the wrong house shot they thought the gang was in the house we're the saints leader well the gang was in the next house with all of their ammunition and all of their money they were in the house next to the same sack but when they drove my yeah for those young men pulled out their automatic weapons app and shot that house up from the top to the bottom the entire family was in the house when the shooting occurred young lady said yeah she said pastor started fire we said who's shooting firecrackers Zack this is July 4th she said we thought it was firecrackers huh until the bullets started flying overhead she said she told her husband the three kids if you ever get in trouble and I'm not there with you huh say these words we plead the blood of Jesus [Applause] she said her and a husband and the kids they filmed the floor and the kids Jesus I the eight-year-old the blood of Jesus the ten-year-old the blood of Jesus at the five year old took a lot of Jesus I they said when the shooting starts and the police arrived at the scene they came in the house looking for dead bodies everything in the house had been destroyed the furniture was destroyed the appliances were destroyed the staircase was destroyed the 55-inch screen TV was destroyed but all five of those safe walked out without a scratch on their body I need you to grab somebody by the hand and tell them one drop of the blood of Jesus can handle 65 Pulitzer Prize [Applause] [Music] see here's the thing that you missed about that testimony was that you should have went gone in I'm talking about all the way in get real workin every panel every drum every guitar get Rihan and every foot I'm the reason why everything in the house Sheila went forth giving God praise it's because when I stepped into the pulpit tonight that same covering that covered their house just got on your house and you better praise God the club in your back [Music] [Music] [Applause] to the key of e-flat grab you leave about the head I said well your neighbor Bala hey the key of e-flat everywhere for the next 60 seconds we don't give God some praise but what could have happened but God didn't let it happen stop right there and give God some glory that's the first dimension of the power of God the first of Mitch is the vintage of God where God had the power God had the power to block God had the power to stop God had the power to delay but there are some things that God lets happen to let you know it doesn't matter what's going on around I'm still in control the Bible says when Lazarus died that Jesus disciples wonder why didn't Jesus rush immediately to his bedside if he knew that Lazarus was gravely but sensing their sense of perplexity Jesus got to the scene and said Mary and Martha this sickness glory of God shall be revealed shake your neighbours hands like to go shake it off and say neighbor you may not be able to explain why this is happening come out of it but say hey neighbor I've got a word for the law there will be glory after this [Music] [Applause] well you say what what is God knowing the answer is in Romans five will we glory in tribulation also knowing that tribulation worketh patience and patience experience and experience hope and hope maketh not ashamed but I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed inside of you shake a neighbor's hand for the last times because I'm finished and I'm going to the seat until a neighbor God saw your pain God saw your tears God heard your cries God smelt your anguish God saw your agony God felt your tragedy God heard your plea and say neighbor god pastor Tyson to tell you don't know why but know who I know who is gonna bring you through I know who is gonna fight your battle I know who is going where your body I know who Lula is gonna make away I know who you are just gonna lift your burden I know who it's for the defeat your adversary I know who don't cover your babbling I don't keep your mind [Music] is Jesus Jesus my doctor Jesus my deliverer Jesus my Savior Jesus macula crazy [Music] [Applause] [Music] god bless you tonight and heaven stumble upon the Lord bless you tonight and the grace of God the apartment may the Lord turn his face to shine on you I'm on my way to my seat but I want to tell you something that if you believe it is gonna require you to come outside of your comfort zone we gave God a praise about a minute ago that was confined to the space between those pews it was confined to the space between the pews you lifted your hands right where you're standing you clap your hands right where you were standing you might have walked in place right where you were standing but when I landed in Jackson today the Lord said don't sit down until you give the Saints an opportunity to praise me in a manner that will break the spirit of containment off of every area of their life let me try over here the Lord said don't sit down until you give the Saints opportunity to give me a praise that will break the spirit of containment if I were you that would mean that I would have to step out of that growth and everywhere of your feet you can play your family you can claim your business you can claim your miracle but you've got to open your mouth put a decoration with your feet and use your hands as weapons of law [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] right where you are grab somebody by the hand and tell them there are several methods by which we can praise the Lord but tonight open your mouth and tell them tonight deliverance and destiny are in your feet when I count to three we can ready to go here when I count to three whether it's leap whether it's run whether it's dance whether it's jump or whether it's walk I want you to use your feet to unlock another dimension in the spirit one two three let's go [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now let me share something with you in my church back home we don't dance way back there I taught the young people in my church to run to the front of the church and praise God at the altar because you're praised is telling God I'm giving you my mind I'm giving you to my soul I'm giving you my body I'm giving you my desires I'm giving you my passion and for the first 200 of you that will hit this all to dance and you can look for your family to be saved by the end of the year [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're the bravest team everybody clap your hands here [Music] lock your hands in the sight to it [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes you will yes he will yes he will yes here we are save your family yes he will heal your body yes he will take away out of Noah began it yes he will yeah you may return to your seat [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] right where you're standing tell five people there was purpose for your pain I said tell them there was purpose for your pain there is purpose for your pain oh I don't know why control I don't he'll bring you through it I know he'll keep your mind I know he'll fight your back I know he'll show himself strong on your behalf if there's anybody here tonight that needs the Holy Ghost just run down the front right now if there's anybody here this evening that needs to be baptized in water in Jesus name just run to the front right now if there's anybody that needs to come home to the law if you're in a backslidden condition and need to get in alignment with God just come on right now if you're here tonight if you need the Holy Ghost just come right now if you're here tonight if you want to be baptized here's the name of Jesus I was eight years old the whole day goes anyone else that needs the power of God I'm not talking about church now I'm not talking about religion or tradition but they also workers come and work with these young men anybody else that needs the Holy Ghost come right now if you haven't been water baptized in Jesus name that's the only name where your sins can be forgiven it's the name of Jesus he will deliver you he will set you free give me one else feed the whole they go come on come on come on if you need to be baptized in water in Jesus name just come just power just mom just come pastor I have strayed away from the home I need to get back in alignment I need God to restore my soul will you come will you come mobile she'll opinion editor behind in Jesus they may have your seeds everywhere you praise God's name lift your hands all over the sanctuary I know what it is to feel like you're gonna lose your mind I've been there then in a darkroom with all the window shades pulled down not taking no phone calls not preaching no we're not teaching no Bible class not counseling anybody and the adversary told me I'm gonna take your mind your ministry and your life but the devil is a liar stretch your hands to heaven as high as you can son let's go back with a quiet had us Oh Lord how excellent is that name there's going to come a renewal from the spirit elder Fortson called it recharge there's coming a renewal of your spirit of your soul and your mind it's gonna come in this worship for they that wait upon the Lord I want all the sisters to say Oh Lord all the sisters [Music] how excellent all the sisters how excellent outils in soprano [Music] this time let all the brothers say just all the brothers [Music] [Music] all the brothers so [Music] everybody hola [Music] how excellent [Music] [Music] you don't even have to get up out of your seat just hold the hand on both side of you these signs shall follow them that believe they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover I need everybody in this sanctuary that believes that God cannot lie come on church I said I need everybody that believes that God cannot lie tell the person who's had your holding you shall recover [Applause] don't let them go don't let them go yet keep holding their hand I want you to hold their hand till you pick them up in the spirit take your beaucoup to them I hold their hand till you pick up their burden till you pick up their heaviness till you pick up their struggle till you pick up their weight we're gonna do it again because in the power in the tongue is the power of life and death look at them again and open up your spirit and your voice and tell them you shall recover [Applause] [Applause] don't let them go yet I see in the spirit seventeen illnesses that God is about to heal and for just this moment I need you to push out of your mind every negative report that the doctor has given you because God is about to heal cancer in this room God is about to regulate blood pressure the Lord is about to dissolve tumors he's about to open clogged arteries and the Spirit of God says hardened arteries those of you that have been having trouble with mobility in your lower extremities from the knee down I see a man here tonight with a shredded ACL another with a torn MCL in just about two minutes God's going to heal you blurred vision and the Lord said Bishop God's going to heal vertical tonight there's someone here death in your left ear over 90% loss of hearing in your left ear but God's about to open your ear now Saints the power of God is in your mouth and in your hands are you holding their hand no music now I want you to now just the hand that you're holding and when we get to this end of end of this declaration I want you to jump up out of your seat everywhere praising God for your healing tell them now in the name of the Lord Jesus more authority in the name of the Lord Jesus I come man every cell every system every organ every tissue every molecule in your body to be healed and made whole this hour in the name of Jesus Christ be healed keep our Tory here [Applause] I said fake him forward thank him for it fake him for it [Applause] I tell em I push ahead he's still in the healing pole he's still in the healing business before you take your seat throw your arms around three people and tell them I command you to leave you so I'd play for me you are my strength strength like no other you may have your seats in the presence I'm about to take my seat in a minute thank you I felt it I felt it way over here yes not name [Music] lift your right hand Saints and say it is the law that gives me power to get wealth and give wealth play that real soft or you may have your seats we have any oil I want to say something to you before I invite you to be a blessing and I say that because we are blessed to be a blessing one thing that I've been praying for my young people in Indianapolis and Youngstown is that they be given wealth to give wealth when teaching a series called gift givers and he led captivity captive and gave gifts to men I see tonight in this service 21 young people that God is about to just shout down with the blessings of the Lord and when he does it it is not for you to be walking around like a peacock strutting around with your hand up in the air feeling like you're better than somebody God's gonna do this for you so that you can be a wealth creator so that you can employ of a young people so that you can create businesses and create opportunities true power is empowering others to become the best version of themselves they can become he led captivity captive and he gave gifts unto me thank you Jesus [Music] I want 200 worshipers that will sew into the future some will say with me the future is now you went back to whisper it the future is now say that again this is the young people's convention esidisi young people i want 200 sayings that were so into the future $20 $20 we're gonna give in a minute but right now those of you that are going to do it I just want you to come and shake my hand because I won't tell you something when you come up here you can come those of you that are going to [Music] lest they cannot be not the tail cannot be cursed blessed cannot be cursed head and not the tail he had it not the tail above only above only above only above only the head and not the tail shot da ba ba siete de mañana there's a prayer mantle on you in the name of Jesus head and not the tail above and not beneath first blast blast just shake my hand and take this blessing back to your seat blessed less Peter on my shadow knows greater works Hilda radar works great or worse greater works greater words greater works less yourself less double portion double portion shadow Marcus Eddie I bless you sing that for me children you are my strength unless you sir you'll get the Holy Ghost less less less less yousa above and not beneath that's letting up my shuttle oho said yeah you are my dawn said I will do it [Music] you young people that want to go to school possible I think [Music] [Music] lessons of the Lord make you rich and oh sorry no sorrow no no sorrow [Music] no sorrow no so let's say I'd steal that jacket but I'm saying [Music] no soft breezes help me say you are my strength no sir [Music] reaches to me in the food in the spirit [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are my strength you are nice everybody sing it again [Music]
Channel: I'm Just A Church Boy
Views: 3,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wB01gQ8oCHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 37sec (4597 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2019
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