SECRETS To Becoming a COP!!

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I had to get out and stretch my legs [ __ ] there's a long video oh gosh [Music] good morning everyone ever since my last video you guys have flooded my YouTube with different links and resources on how to install emergency equipment on my car and it really goes to show like how awesome this little community is and you guys you guys really pay attention what I'm saying in these videos and guys I am trying my best I am really trying my best to keep up with all the comments that you guys are leaving it seems like every time I respond to one comment like there's three more that have come in so it's been like this never-ending cycle of trying to keep up with you guys and trying to respond to your comments and your messages and your your Instagram messages YouTube messages messages everywhere I read every single one of them I'm sorry if I don't get back to you and some of the comments that you guys are leaving are absolutely awesome like you guys are the reason why I stay motivated this guy seems chill as [ __ ] more cops should be like you man they need to make all cops have a youtube and subscribe to you wow this guy's cool as [ __ ] you earned a sub you guys are always so helpful and so supportive of what I'm doing and I'm still like my mind has just blown that you guys still want to hear me hack as I Drive down the road I don't know what it's been lately but there has been a huge increase in subscribers and there's so many of you that are leaving comments like holy [ __ ] man I visited you and I watch a couple videos and then like you have 700 more subscribers and if there's a couple of you that have actually been telling me where a lot of this traffic is coming from and I've kind of pinpointed it down to reddit and first 30 minutes and I don't really use Reddit a lot but I did check out first 30 minutes first 30 minutes is actually like a really cool channel man it's this guy that he plays a modified version of Grand Theft Auto and the modification is that you get to play as a cop so you get to make like traffic stops you respond to calls like you respond to shootings there's like active shooters and stuff like that and the guy that does these videos is so calm the entire time like there's an active shooter in the middle of the road here's how you kill him the next time I make an arrest I'm going to narrate it like first 30 minutes all right sir well it's time to take you to jail just turn around and we're just gonna put these little handcuffs on so yeah if you guys want to check out first 30 minutes I'll put a link to his channel in the in the description below that's another thing that you guys have been asking a lot about is when I'm gonna do a livestream video I really thought about it and see I'm really bad at gaming like I'm not a good gamer I got really obsessive about Battlefield 4 when it came out in October I think it was 2013 so yeah give me some time to figure that out and I'll see how I can set up the the livestream and yeah I'll be down man okay so in the last couple videos I asked you guys what do you want me to do a video on the most I got flooded with requests for how to become a cop not necessarily just how to become a cop but like what's the process what do I need to prepare for what's the polygraph going to consist of stuff like that picture this as a digital checklist of what you need to do and I could easily make this into a two or three-hour video and there's a couple of you that have told me to make longer videos but the reason why I try to keep them so short is because people's attention span mine included are very short so if I try to keep this like below 10 minutes then I can usually maintain everybody's attention for that amount of time if I go above 10 minutes like people don't give a [ __ ] the number one piece of advice I can give to anybody that wants to get into law enforcement is do not rush getting into law enforcement the bad guys are always going to be there whether it's 2016 or it's thirty ninety two the bad guys will always be in existence always focus on your education first and I know I sound like an old dad when I say that but it's really true do you need a college degree to become a cop no in a lot of places you don't in most places you don't however having a college degree is going to open more doors for you later down the road even if you think that you want to be a street cop for the rest of your life I'm willing to bet 90% of you are going to change your mind after doing it five to ten years you need to have a back-up plan you need to have some other routes so you don't get stuck where you're at that's the biggest problem with cops is they get complacent that gets stuck before you know what you're 38 years old you're too old to go into the federal government and now you're stuck as a street cop now you're bitter right so you you hate your job now you can't go anywhere else you don't have any other skills and you're stuck in the job that you're at the second piece of advice I would give is to join the military veterans always get preference in the federal government another thing to remember about any government job is the application process is always going to be pretty lengthy when I first applied for the city the application was 34 pages it took me almost a week to gather all the paperwork and documents that I needed and everything else to be able to turn this application in when it comes to filling out your application I will say this be completely honest and may ten copies as far as making 10 copies the reason why I say that is a lot of departments will lose your application because they want to see how dedicated you are to filling another one out so when the time comes where you're calling them trying to check on your application and they're like oh I don't know we lost it you can be like here [ __ ] here's another one I'm just kidding don't say that unless you don't want to work for the police department you can say that the next question I get asked a lot about is prior drug usage guys let me explain something to you it is 2016 and every department understands the fact that almost everybody has tried weed most departments are not going to automatically disqualify you just because you smoke the blunt in high school now if you were doing lines of cocaine off a hookers ass with a Mexican cartel that might be different the biggest thing I feel like I need to reiterate is the fact that you guys have to be honest in your applications and I will explain why police departments are a lot less likely to actually believe you if you tell them that you have never smoked marijuana because so many people have okay I can see you guys in a job interview right now applicant so-and-so have you ever smoked marijuana marijuana I don't know what that is sir [ __ ] [ __ ] your eyes are still bloodshot and you guys need to keep one thing in mind whenever you're applying for these jobs with law enforcement whenever you're asked questions or interviewed or anything else nine times out of ten the people that are interviewing you our former detectives they are trained to look and see if you're full of [ __ ] these guys are not new to the game they know when you're full of [ __ ] or not that's why it's always best to be honest from the beginning these guys are trained for interviews and interrogations the biggest thing for you guys getting into law enforcement is to remember from the day you start until the day you retire integrity is everything if you lose your integrity and you are caught up in a lie that's it it's gone it's not coming back if you don't have integrity you have absolutely nothing in this job as far as the physical requirements of the Academy go like once you get accepted and you pass your interview and they send you to the Academy get your ass in shape before you even go keep them on the first day you start the Academy you're going to be running several miles the instructors do this all year long and they expect you to keep up with them starting from the first day but don't make the mistake so many people make and go to the Academy hoping that they are going to get you into shape every Academy has different requirements so I can't give you guys like a specific or times that you're supposed to beat or whatever I'm just giving you a general overall idea be ready to run be ready to be yelled at and be ready to do a lot of push-ups if you have those three things down you're good now moving on to interview boards once you guys get accepted once you guys start the process and you're going through the hiring process and you've come to the point where you have a panel interview the panel interview is usually going to be comprised of like lieutenants and captains maybe a couple sergeants whatever but it's usually going to be high-ranking people anybody in law enforcement that's watching my video right now and they've been on an interview panel before are going to laugh at this for god sakes when you go into your interview room do not say that you want to help your community every applicant says they want to help their community don't give generic answers that everybody else before you has given try to think of something unique try to think of what separates you from the other applicants what makes you special oh you want to help the community so did the last ten sumbitches some of the questions they'll ask you are like why do you want to be a police officer why do you want to work for this department what separates you from other applicants and they're also going to give you a lot of scenario questions they'll put a scenario out there and they want to see how you're going to handle it and then they're going to try to throw you off they want to make sure that you're going to stick with the answer that you originally picked but you need to be able to articulate why you picked that and all that does is it translates to them how is this officer going to act on the street he's going to have to make a split-second decision when he doesn't know what's coming and then when it comes time for court or writing his report they want to make sure that you're able to articulate that answer and it's not because we're trying to be sneaky it's because we want intelligent people in this line of work so for God's sakes whatever you do whatever decision you make stick with it and be able to articulate it even if you know the [ __ ] is totally wrong stick with it applicant so and so what would you do if a house was on fire well sir I'd let it burn I mean [ __ ] you'd let it burn up yeah I wouldn't even call the fire department man [ __ ] that house okay that was a really bad example but you guys get what I'm saying guys that is all for today this is already going to be an extremely long video I worked last night and our work tonight but I want to get a video out if you guys have any other questions leave them in the comments section you know I'll get to them eventually it's been real I appreciate all my new subscribers that have come in the best place to get a hold of me going to be on the forum if you guys want direct one-on-one contact with me the forum is the best place to do it I checked that [ __ ] religiously I go to sleep thinking about it and I wake up thinking about the same [ __ ] anyway you guys are awesome I appreciate the support and I will see you guys soon I don't know what my next videos can be about yet but I will definitely let you know [Music]
Channel: officer401
Views: 555,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: police, cop, interview, panel, interview panel, police interview, police panel, police job, cop job, application, law enforcement, law, enforcement, first, thirty, minutes, first thirty minutes, gta5, gta, gta V, officer, police officer, officer401, 401
Id: qzKTZUd408w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 28 2016
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