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- oh God the cause of and solution to all of life's problems [Music] hey guys what is going on I hope everybody had a great weekend I still am sort of in disbelief that I actually did a face reveal video but I am relieved I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders and a lot of you most of you have voted that you wanted to keep the car videos and do other stuff so here is a car video we are back at it today talking about duis let me start the video with my usual disclaimer that I am NOT a lawyer I'm not trying to give legal advice and what I'm talking about refers to Georgia law I have a lot to cover today and now the disclaimer stuff is over with let's get into it so the legal limit for your blood alcohol content level or BAC level in Georgia is point zero eight and it actually I think it used to be 0.1 and they changed it several years ago so let's start with the first thing can someone under 21 legally drive with alcohol in their system unfortunately the answer is yes if you are under 21 the legal limit for you is point zero two for commercial drivers it is point zero four so let's get to the good stuff the stuff I know you guys want to learn the first question people ask me when it comes to duis is what kind of specialized training do officers get when it comes to DUI enforcement I'm not sure if they have changed things in the curriculum since I have been in the Academy almost ten years ago but when I went through originally we had no formal training whatsoever when it came to the US and once you were on FTO when you were riding the streets with your trainer basically if you stop somebody and they smelled like alcohol and they were doing something stupid they went to jail for DUI that was it but after being to so many schools and classes about it there is so much to it there's a whole science when it comes to intoxication and driving mixed together so they created a course for officers that is available once they are done with their formal training and FTO and stuff you can attend classes I've explained all this to you guys before you can attend advanced classes after that and the class that they created was called s FS T and s FS D stands for standardized field sobriety testing in Georgia the class can be taught anywhere it can be taught at a police department at a jail wherever as long as the instructor is certified to teach s FST and basically s FST teaches the officer the legal aspect of the UI everything from like courtroom testimony to administering roadside tests and how to do it properly how to write your all the way down to the science behind what being intoxicated actually means and thinking back on it I think my first DUI report that I wrote when I was a new officer I think my first DUI report was about a paragraph maybe half a page if I were to do a DUI related report now it would be at least two or three pages long the difference between a new officer and a veteran officer when it comes to DUI enforcement is a lot of times the veteran officers you'll never see them pull out a breath test on the side of the road but I'll explain what all that means as we go along but the SFSP class is actually pretty cool I mean it's really informative it teaches officers like the different ways the alcohol is expelled from the body through like your breath through urine stuff like that and at the end of the course they actually have volunteers come in and drink for the officers they'll sit in another room and they'll drink they'll have two or three different volunteers and they'll have them drink different amounts so for your final exam when you have to actually try it out on somebody you should be able to accurately tell the instructors about where they're at and since I have gone to this class I have been trying to find a way to sign up as a volunteer I'll just volunteer my house every night so what do officers do once they graduate from SF st because surely there's a lot more to it right the next class in line of DUI schools is called a ride and a ride stands for advanced roadside impairment driving enforcement a ride basically takes everything that you learned in SFSP about alcohol and you start incorporating drugs into it and a ride is considered a pretty advanced class so I would not recommend it for a new officer I would recommend take an SF St and then putting it to use for good I would say a year at least a year and make a few DUI RS do some testifying in court getting feel for what it's like to handle a DUI case which is a ton of paperwork but once you have a pretty good grasp on it then you should attend a ride the first thing they do when you get to a ride is they give you a piece of paper with a chart it's like a huge table and it's called the drug matrix and they have different categories I think there's seven categories of drugs and the way they break it down is that you can basically by the end of a ride you should be able to look at somebody and see what type of drug they might be on a ride is helpful because let's say I stop somebody and I run some tests and I'm guessing that they're going to be over the limit right they they told me they've been doing they smell like alcohol but I put them on the box and they blow a point Oh - obviously they're over the limit but why are they blowing under well maybe they took some prescription medicine xanax a lot of times we'll show signs of alcohol on the side of the road a ride teaches you how to differentiate between the two and what you need to do next basically so you're not standing there scratching your head on the side of the road confused wondering if your machine is broken now let's talk about some of the testing that we use when it comes to DUIs let's say I stop somebody they're obviously drunk okay so I get them out of the car there's a few like precautionary steps that I take first before I start any testing and the first thing I check for is equal pupil size let's say there's been an accident and one of the drivers involved it's at fault smells like alcohol you get them out of the car the first thing I check is for equal pupil size and the reason why I say that is because if you have one pupil that's huge and like blown out and the other one is really constricted that's a sign of head trauma and you have to stop all your testing right then the next thing I check for is equal tracking so if I hold the stimulus which I usually use a pin or a little flashlight on it I need to make sure that their eyes are tracking it equally the next thing I do is I ask them if they are on any prescription medication if they wear contacts or have corrective lenses then we can begin our testing and just to answer the question I'm sure somebody's going to ask in the comments section no wearing glasses should not affect your testing so the first test that is given is called Hg in and it stands for horizontal gaze nystagmus nystagmus is a fancy word for the involuntary twitching of the eye you see officers doing the pin test and they're looking for that twitching in the eye that's called nystagmus and some people actually have a medical condition of that's called resting nystagmus and when they're looking straight ahead you'll see their eyes twitching and don't try to fake this on the side of the road guys if you were trying to fake nystagmus a cop can pick that up instantly and he's probably going to put you in handcuffs you can tell who has a medical issue and somebody that's trying to fool you but I actually use a little trick and remember when I told you guys earlier that veteran officers a lot of times will not even use the out cassettes or on the side of the road I have not used an alkyl sensor on the side of the road for at least eight years the number one thing they will teach you in s FST is that the eyes do not lie the eyes will tell you everything that you want to know there's actually a series of six different tests but they're broken up by each eye but there's actually six clues that you're looking for when you're giving the horizontal gaze nystagmus test the first one is you're checking for smooth pursuit it's called smooth pursuit and basically what that means is that as you are moving that stimulus or their eyes smoothly following it or are they jerking trying to catch up to it here we see an alcohol-free subject being tested for horizontal gaze nystagmus or HGN the eyes are following the moving object smoothly now look at the differences in those same eyes after the subject has consumed enough alcohol to be impaired so that's two tests right there one in the left eye one the right eye the next one is called distinct and sustained nystagmus at maximum deviation say that you five times and basically what that means is I'm going to hold the stimulus all the way I'm going to slowly move it all the way out to the outer edge of where your eye is what you can tell and a lot of people have been drinking is their I will follow it and then once it gets to a certain point it'll stop you know I'll stop the stimulus and you'll see their eyes start to drift back and then he'll jerk to it and they'll drift back and it will jerk to it and the last one that's required to check is called onset of nystagmus prior to 45 degrees basically what that means is I'm going to put the stimulus directly in front of you slightly above eye level right because you want to open their eyes and as I move it slowly at what angle does their eyes start to twitch here is the genius scientific method that was taught to me on set a nystagmus prior to 45 degrees will tell you everything and here's the reason why I don't use the Box anymore I use onset of nystagmus to determine what you're going to blow before I ever put you on a machine now here's the mathematical formula I know it's a little confusing it was a little confusing for me at first the way the guy explained it I'll try to put it in very simple terms whatever angle that you see their eyes begin to twitch okay so let's say I get out to like 40 degrees and your eyes start to twitch whatever number I come up with you subtract that from 50 right so let's say it's 40 degrees you subtract 40 from 50 you have 10 right all you have to do is move the decimal point from the right side of the zero over to the left twice so it's going to go in between the one and the zero and then one more time you're going to blow about 0.1 so if your eyes start showing that twitching it let's say 30 degrees right we'll subtract that from 15 that's 20 move the decimal point twice you're going to blow about a point two now here's the thing I can't use those exact numbers in court I would never bring that up in court but it gives me a good idea of kind of where you're at on an intoxication level the last part of HGN is you're checking vertical nystagmus it is something I'll bring up in court and all vertical nystagmus does I'll turn the stimulus sideways and I'll go up and basically what that tells me is that you are not used to drinking however much you have in your system normally so if you almost never get wasted and all of a sudden like you're drunk like you're going to blow a point to you will show signs of vertical nystagmus because your body's not used to drinking that much so see guys like I'm telling you you could tell so much from the eyes it's incredible I have a lot to get through and I think I only have like 10 more minutes on my camera so let me get to that the next two tests we use are called the one leg stand not one legged I hate when people say one legged and a lawyer will eat you up for saying legged in court one leg stand and then the walk in turn I'll be honest guys out of all the sobriety tests that I have seen given on the side of the road the walking turn to me is the least fair I know I'm going to get [ __ ] for saying that but if somebody is nervous by getting stopped by the police like there's a good chance a sober person would probably mess this test up because it's so exact you have to start on a white line with your right foot in front of your left one and you have to take nine heel-to-toe steps down so that you'll finish on your left foot because it's an odd number of steps and then after that last step you have to keep your left foot on the ground and use the right one to take short choppy steps to turn around and then do nine heel-to-toe steps back the next test we're going to do is call the walking turn you see this black line here yes like you to do is put your left foot on that black line put your right foot directly in front of your left foot touching heel to toe keep your arms out your side and do not start the test until I tell you and yes when I tell you to I'm gonna have you walk nine steps heel to toe down this line turn in a prescribed manner and walk nine steps heel the toe back up the line it's going to look something like this and so forth up tonight simulating this is your ninth step keep your front foot on line take several small steps to your face in the other direction I walk nine steps back up the line what the hell and there are different clues that law enforcement will look for while you're doing this test are you stepping off balance are you using your arms to sway are you starting the test before the instructors done giving it to you these are all clues that are brought up in court in a DUI case the last test is called the one leg stand and the one leg stand I'll have somebody put their arms by their side pick whichever foot you want to use lift it up six inches off the ground point your toe parallel with the ground look at the tip of your toe and count out loud 1,001 1,002 and so forth until I tell you to stop usually I have people go to thirty seconds if someone's drunk they usually can't get past two or three seconds and it always baffles me because drunk people never think they're drunk they'll put their foot down real quick and they think you didn't see it but the more experience you get doing DUI enforcement I'm not going to say the less you're going to use the other two tests the one leg stay in the walk-in turn but there have been times where I'll get somebody other car and I'll do HGN on them and I'll just let them go right there because I already know they're not drunk and there's also other times where people have been so drunk that just based off of HCN I will not have them do the other two tests because there's a risk they might fall so it's really just determined on your experience and the situation there's no there's no manual for this so like I said a ride basically combines drugs and alcohol together and you should be able to look at this drug matrix and be able to figure out a general idea of what somebody might be on the very last class that's DUI related for officers in Georgia is called D re and it stands for drug recognition expert supposedly this is the hardest class for law enforcement in Georgia and it actually used to take almost six months until you were able to graduate this class now it's two weeks and it includes a final exam like a practical and they actually fly you out to Maricopa in Arizona to do your practical exam the very first day in class you have to sit down and write out the entire drug matrix word-for-word and if you misspell one thing on there you fail the class you go straight back home and then I think it takes like a year before you can reapply so yeah this class is no joke out of like 200 people that take it there might be like 18 that pass this is a very hard course so being a d-r-e is awesome because at that point you can now testify in court as an expert there was one time there was a VRE working I had a drunk I stopped them and I called the d-r-e over so I give him the case and about five minutes later he comes over to me and I'm like so how drunk is he he's like well he took he took probably good shot or two a couple hours ago but he definitely took a xanax an hour ago how do you know he took a xanax he started going into all the scientific [ __ ] I was like never mind dude but before you guys get all excited most departments are not going to send you to D re school unless first of all you passed the first two prerequisites to D re which is that's the best DNA ride most departments are not going to spend the money on you to become a d re without at least first being in the Traffic Division or some specialized Traffic Division like heat in Georgia heat basically all they do is write tickets and do DUI enforcement that is it and it's actually funded through the state and even once you're in one of those specialized divisions a lot of departments require you to be there for a certain amount of time you might have to be in traffic division for two years before they even consider you for D re schools so yeah I got mad respect for 4 D are you I've been through s FST I've been through a ride but I have no interest in becoming d re and before I forget guys I'm actually going to put a link to a full a ride manual so you guys can study it if you want to learn a little bit more about this stuff it's going to be a little bit more advanced than s FST but if you want to take a look at it it's in PDF format I'll put a link in the description below and this is what is given to cops on the first day of a ride school so I know you guys love this especially those of you wanting to become cops so this is my first time like actually giving you guys a manual of what we study what we do and if you guys know this and if you learn it you'll pass a ride with no problem so let's get into the next part of duis and that is the breath test so there are actually two different kinds of breath tests that can be administered you have the one on the roadside which is the small little box that's called the Alka sensor okay and then back at the station is a huge box and that's called the Intoxilyzer and it might be called something else it depends on the department I guess but most departments in Georgia use a model called the Intoxilyzer either 5000 which is the older model or the 9000 which is a newer model here's another little secret that most people don't know the numbers that the officer sees on the side of the road using the little Alka sensor those numbers are not admissible in court the only thing you can testify to is that the person tested positive for alcohol on the side of the road that is it the numbers are only there to give the officer a roundabout guess of how intoxicated you might be but there are so many guidelines and like there's so many hoops that departments have to jump through to make sure that their machines are calibrated those the machines at the station have to be calibrated on a regular basis and another little secret at least in Georgia whenever an officer is giving you the Intoxilyzer test which is the big machine we actually have to run two separate tests usually you're going to get two separate numbers of what somebody's going to blow by law we have to give you the lower of the two numbers so if you blow a point oh eight first and then you blow a point oh seven we have to give you the point oh seven all right guys I'm really running short on time I'm going to hit these last couple of points really quickly I'm sorry I'm trying to wrap it all up I know this is already going to be a really long video let's cover a couple of common myths can I go to jail for DUI if I refuse all testing from the officer let's say I stop somebody I get them out and I ask them to perform some tests for meetings like nope go [ __ ] yourself the answer is yes in Georgia it's called VI less safe whether or not you decide to cooperate with an officer or not I'm not going to tell you either way again I'm not trying to give legal advice I'm just trying to give you information educational information yes you can still go to jail for DUI even if you try to be a smartass and refuse all testing last thing I want to hit on is some common myths about DUI there is nothing and when I say nothing I mean absolutely nothing you can do to fool an Intoxilyzer putting a penny in your mouth does not work and for God's sakes guys whatever you do do not use mouthwash before you are stopped by the police think about it you're putting a substance that has alcohol into your mouth so when you blow into the machine it's going to register above where you might actually be it alcohol is expelled in a multitude ways but the way officers test for it is the way it's expelled through your lungs it's actually in the moisture in your lungs that comes out every time you breathe and there is no way to stop that it's just part of the process of how alcohol is metabolized in the body and my last thing before I in the video what is the highest blood alcohol content you have seen while you're working the highest alcohol content I have seen I have seen somebody driving at point 4 1 4 if the legal limit is point zero eight and somebody blows a point four one most people would be in the hospital getting their stomachs pumped by this point because point five is usually death have there been people that have gone past point five yes and they are seriously bad alcoholics but the average Joe that drinks once or twice a month point five is going to kill you so yeah it's kind of scary knowing that people are driving on the road at point 401 and what sucks is you know these people that are drunk on the road a lot of times when they get into an accident they're not the ones that are hurt they they don't even know it just happened there was a guy here that was driving a Chevy Tahoe and he hit a cyclist that was riding his bicycle down the road and when I got there the half the guy's head was gone and for some reason I still felt the need to do CPR so I still did CPR in this dead dude and the driver of the Chevy Tahoe didn't even realize what had happened it's really just it was sad all the way around and the state trooper that showed up he called for another trooper because he knew the guy and it would have been in conflict of interest so another trooper showed up and they arrested him I can't remember if it was vehicular homicide but yeah that guy's life is over with so just think about that guys think about it before you get on the road you might feel fine everybody thinks they feel fine when they drink that's just that everybody feel I'm good I can I can drive I'm just I've just had a little bit just food for thought guys think about that before before you have some drinks and get on the road with other people let's say guys I'm going to go ahead and wrap it up now I appreciate everybody support thank you guys so much for everything you guys have been extremely supportive of the of the face reveal and like I said I feel relieved now and I can start putting out more content I'm still going to keep doing car vlogs like this but they might be spaced out a little bit more I don't know I'm not really sure where I want to go with this channel but the doors are open now so I can walk through which everyone I feel is necessary at the time so thank you guys so much again for tuning in I appreciate it if you have any questions about DUI leave them section below and I will try to get to them as soon as I can hopefully I answered a lot of the myths and the questions out there but that's that's kind of behind the scenes of what law enforcement does when it comes to duis at least in Georgia thank you guys so much and I hope everyone has a great rest of your week [Music]
Channel: officer401
Views: 620,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: officer, 401, officer401, police, driving under the influence, driving while under the influence, dwi, dui, intoxicated, sfst, aride, dre, law enforcement, training, cops, cop, field sobriety, drug, recognition, expert, roadside, impairment, enforcement, detection, advanced, standardized, field, sobriety, testing
Id: WibnP1pWqBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2017
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