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at some point in your career as a cop there's going to come a day where you have a split-second decision on whether or not you're going to take somebody's life no pressure what's up guys don't get me wrong I really love doing vlogs I really do but I am super super super excited about this one there's a ton of stuff that's been going on behind the scenes that I'm really excited to share with you guys today my first announcement is finally after months and months of you guys asking me I'm finally selling merchandise so if you guys want to grab a shirt or mug or stickers or whatever I'll put the link in the description below I will go ahead and warn you the shirts are a little bit pricey and the reason for that is I didn't want my shirts falling apart after like three times in the washer so they're really good quality materials it's by American appeal and but they're going to hold up for a long time so if you guys want to buy some [ __ ] and support me check it out announcement number two I am so excited about this announcement and I am such a nerd that I'm literally shaking like Michael J Fox pet that was [ __ ] up so my second announcement is I am finally releasing my website now it's not so much the regular website that I'm excited about attached to the website I've started a web forum so I've been sending out messages to a lot of my like regular subscribers a lot of you are you comment on every one of my videos and it's awesome so there's a few of you that already have had early access to this so I wanted to come up with a way where all my subscribers could chat with me one on one and with each other I wanted to create like a community for everybody that's subscribed on this page and I'm not sure please don't quote me on this I'm probably totally wrong but as far as I know I'm the only youtuber that has an official forum where their subscribers can talk to each other and what's cool about the forum is that I actually am assigning army ranks to users who have they have to meet a certain post count so you start as like a recruit with no insignia whatsoever and then once you reach a certain amount of posts I think it's 10 or 15 then you make private than private first class and your insignia is actually displayed next to your name it's kind of just like an incentive to keep people active and stuff I'm literally trying to build an army of subscribers and I've also included other ranks on the forum that are kind of specialized you can't reach them by post count and the two main ones other than the moderators we have like moderator super moderator and administrator they all have little badges but the two other specialized badges I have one for my patreon subscribers their names are displayed in yellow they have a little trophy that's under their name and then I decided to add verified law enforcement so if you are a cop and you sign up on this forum then there's going to be a long process but you'll get a badge and your name will be changed to white and these special ranks are kind of designed to set you apart from everybody else and for the law enforcement and my patreon subscribers there's actually a hidden forum for both of those ranks where only people with those ranks can even see them so I'm not going to go on a big long like advertisement about this I'm just I'm super excited about this I'm so excited about talking with all of you on a regular basis and I wanted to set this up for you guys I kind of hit on this in another one of my videos I want to be the one youtuber that is notorious for interacting with the subscribers I want to try to maintain contact with my community as much as possible and that was sort of the reason for creating this forum so we can all talk together we can all chat we can all have a good time and a little incentive for you guys is the the ranks the ranking system in the in the forum so I encourage you guys please if you want to get more involved in the community I'll put a link in the description below to the forum and just a quick register you got verify through email and you're good you're done the best part about the forum is that it's all completely free I'm not making any money off of this in fact I'm actually paying to have it up but I really want to do this for you guys so hopefully a lot of you will sign up and we'll see you there so any of you that are thinking about a career in law enforcement there's going to come a point at some time during your career that you're going to have a split second to make a life-changing decision there might be a day where you have to take somebody's life and it's nothing any of us look forward to unfortunately it is an inevitable fact that you have to you have to take that into account before you get into this line of work I've been in a lot of dangerous situations but there are two in particular that stick out more than anything else so Oh before I got into law enforcement I used to do a lot of ride-alongs I would ride with different local departments and just kind of get a feel for them and see which one I wanted to work at the most and which one appealed to me the most so after I decided who I wanted to go with I went to the Academy I graduated I started with my department and I continued doing ride-alongs after that I really wanted to expand my knowledge I wanted to learn more about the job and I wanted to kind of model what I did off of other officers take their best traits and kind of form it into one and I want it to be that so a buddy of mine used to have me ride with him all the time this guy was a he was a staff sergeant in a city that was north of where I'm at so I used to ride with him all the time before and after the Academy I probably did 30 ride lawns with this guy so I remember one night we were on this long stretch of highway and there was a semi-truck and we were about to run the d-o-t numbers on it just to check make sure they're in compliance well as we're running that d-o-t number dispatch alerts us that there's a chase coming in from the county south of us so immediately like we're whipping u-turn in the grass in the middle of the highway we race into town and like right as we get to the stop sign on the main stretch of road we see the red and blue lights like two miles down the road coming our way and we knew the county south of us was chasing a silver Chrysler 300 so immediately my buddy I'm sitting in the passenger seat and I was still a new officer at the time I had only been doing it for maybe I don't know maybe a year so he jumps into the road and we start going and we're trying to box this guy in he's behind us so you know obviously we want to try to keep it as safe as possible so you know we're not gonna like slam on our brakes and have them hit us and all that that's just that shit's in the movies so this guy ends up getting around us and we become the lead vehicle in the chase and we got up to 130 miles an hour on this two-lane road well after like 10 miles going north this guy decided he wanted to take a left-hand turn 90 degrees at like 50 miles an hour so he ends up going off the road and he comes back up and by this time like our adrenaline is pumped we are ready to [ __ ] something up so when he goes off into the grass he comes back up onto the road and without any hesitation my buddy just slams into the back of his car just Rams the hell out of him trying to I'm out so now his car has spun and now he's facing all the officers that were chasing them so we end up parking behind the guy oh god special people so we end up parking behind the guy and of course we get out like guns drawn like screaming at him and [ __ ] like that and I'll never forget this moment because I remember my finger was on the trigger I was facing the driver's side of the car like the front of his car was facing left the rear of his car was facing right and I remember I had the side of his head in my sights and I was squeezing the trigger now no you're not normally going to try to kill somebody just because they run from you however a little preface to this is the fact that he had tried running over officers right before this chase started so it was already a deadly force situation well this guy he had like the white knuckle death grip on the steering wheel I'll never forget a look like a deer in headlights so ends up putting his car in reverse and he floors it and I'm kind of glad I didn't shoot now and I'll explain that in a second so my buddy jumps out of the way and by jumping out of the way he jumps into my way so right away like I point my gun down obviously I don't want to shoot him and this guy in the Chrysler rams into our car and then puts it in Drive and takes off back towards the officers that were chasing them as soon as his car was in Drive all I heard was pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow and like glasses flying everywhere and this dudes like weaving in between patrol cars the funny part about this chase was when we ran back to the car I got into my buddy's car on the passenger side I put on my seat belt like I closed my door I had my like my hands up on the dash like I was ready and I look over and his skinny ass is like yanking on the door because he left his door open so when the guy rammed into his car it pushed the door like all the way to the front wheel so I look over and he's just yanking on this door trying to get it to close and he is cussing this thing for everything it's worth and I was cracking up so anyway long story short the guy ends up it turns out my buddy the one I was riding with he ended up shooting him twice he got him I thinking the leg and then the second round went through his arm into his lung and the guy made it like half a mile down the road and he gave up they had to call a helicopter to come in and get him ended up living of course [ __ ] always end up living I don't wish death on anybody but you did try to run over some officers so the reason why I'm glad I didn't shoot is my department found out that I had done this ride-along and that I had been involved because I had to get interviewed by GBI it's like the state's FBI so the sheriff himself took me and my buddy to the police department and we both had to get interrogated by GBI they took our guns they took everything thank God I didn't shoot because number one I got my gun back number two the police department I worked for found out that I was doing a ride-along with their weapon stupid stupid stupid mistake on my part I was young I was dumb I was gung-ho the only thing that saved my ass and for those of you that are going to go to the Academy or you want to be cops later in life whatever if you don't take anything else from what I've told you in my videos don't ever lie do not ever ever lie when internal affairs brings you into their office nine times out of ten they already know the answer they're trying to test you and your integrity to see if you're telling the truth or not I guarantee you they already know the answer to whatever they're about to ask you and then they might ask you some questions that they don't know the answer to they're not going to tell you which ones they do and don't know they're using some as a control to figure out whether you're lying or not the only thing that saved my ass from getting fired is I was completely honest about the entire situation yes I was using your gun yes I had your ammo it won't happen again because I owned up to it I got a write-up and like a slap on the hand and that was it the captain was like okay well don't do that [ __ ] again thanks for being honest so in all the years I've been doing this and all the dangerous encounters I've had there is one time that sticks out above anything else and I almost killed somebody we get a call I was on regular Patrol and dispatch put out a bolo be on the lookout for a red Ford Ranger driven by a white male wearing a red hat who just committed an armed robbery in this town that was like right next to us about 10 minutes later like I'm just cruising down a main road and what do I see pop out it's like 3 o'clock in the morning - mind you I see a little red Ford Ranger pulling out going in the same direction I was I about [ __ ] a brick another stupid mistake I made was stopping the guy by myself all I did was tell everybody where I was at and then I went ahead and stopped them and that was a stupid mistake on my part anyway long story short I ended up stopping the guy and he matched the description this was him and he had a red hat on white guy red Ford Ranger not many of those out at 3 o'clock in the morning so I walk up to the vehicle I get him out and I have him sit on the black push bumper on the front of my car and I'm in the car running his information this was the moment I realized where I had been trained really well because this is where muscle memory took over and muscle memory basically means you do inaction and you don't even think about it it's just the way you were trained and you've done it so repetitively that it just comes to you well this was the moment that muscle memory kicked in this guy had his legs crossed leaned up against the front of my car facing away out of nowhere this guy Sprint's for his truck like straight up Olympic style sprint wear muscle memory took over was all I remember is being inside the car I remember having the microphone I was calling in his information next thing I remember is I am standing outside the car my gun is pointed at the back of his head and I'm squeezing the trigger I've seen so many videos of people running back to their car and grabbing guns and everything else they show you a lot of those videos and they kind of train you for those scenarios so when he ran back to his car I just triggered something in me to pull out my weapon and get ready to fire his saving grace the thing that kept this man alive on this night was when he got close to his truck he grabbed the outside frame of it and he stuck his left foot inside and hit the parking brake his truck was rolling backwards and he didn't want it to hit my patrol car it wasn't the guy this guy had just gotten off from work and as soon as I realized what happened I got my finger I don't think I've ever let go of a trigger that fast in my life and I was literally shaking I was scared to death because I almost killed someone that was completely innocent for no reason and here's where being a cop kind of sucks I would have been perfectly justified in taking this guy's life when it would have come to like legal in court and stuff like that I would have been perfectly justified however I would have had to live with the fact that I just killed an innocent man for the rest of my life and that's not something I want to live with and what's funny about the whole situation is this guy never knew I was even outside of my car I had blinded him with so much light that as soon as he grabbed on to his truck and he put his part break on he started walking back on the phone and of course like my gun goes right back in the holster and I'm standing there like holy [ __ ] oh my god are you serious right now and to this day the guy never even knew that my gun was out of the holster and almost took the back of his head off so I'm not trying to discourage those of you that want to be in law enforcement but there are going to be moments where you like I said you have to make a split-second decision and everybody else in the world judges lawyers internet warriors are going to have months two years to pick apart that decision they're gonna find any little thing wrong with it just something to keep in mind before you get into this guy's I'm looking at my recorder I'm already going on 25 minutes of video I'm going to edit so I'm sure this is probably going to be a pretty lengthy video anyway I wanted to take a second to thank you guys so much for your support like I said I've got that website up so we can all communicate and so we can all chat and everything else so take advantage sign up it's free and hopefully that form community will will grow as my subscriber count goes up I just hit 2500 subscribers so hopefully that number will go up and hopefully we'll have more activity on the forum if you guys want to ask me any questions or you want to post funny videos or pictures or whatever I put all those sections up there and I'll probably know adding more I hope you guys have a great day and I will get another vlog out soon
Channel: officer401
Views: 1,030,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: forum, message board, message boards, police, cop, police shoot, shots fired, cop shoots, firearm, cop story, cop stories, police swtory, police stories, red, ford, ranger, red ford ranger, white male, red hat, close call, close, call, dispatch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 07 2016
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