Secret German Army WW2 HIDEOUT found

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We might have just found something interesting here. This video is sponsored by Warpath, Whether it's famous tank or niche guns, Warpath has ultra-precision, realistic models for display, making the troops no longer a number. Re-experience every classic battle as a commander in PVE mode. Game maps are designed based on the real terrain with familiar battlefields and cities. Each unit can be assigned individually while tactics can be realized through fine operation. Warpath has a very detailed combat description and complete combat process performance. Compared to traditional battlefield report gameplay, Warpath combat with instant feedback will give you a better experience. Through operation and independent body collision design, you can process in depth strategies such as surrounding, interspersing and blocking position restriction. Warpath focuses on strategy. By using strategy, players who don't pay, could even defeat those who pay. There are many parts for troops that you can optimize. Download the game quickly and play with my unique gift code, so that you can get a headstart with 200 gold, 100,000 military expenditure and more. Good morning. Welcome back to the second part of our Germany adventure. We're continuing our search for WW2 relics deep in the heart of Germany where the Germans fought very hard to protect their empire. We actually set up our bags inside a dug out and right next to it, there's also a big position here on this hillside. And there's more on top. So we're gonna detect this area and let's hope we gonna find some history. Oh my God guys. I just found a German dog tag And I was actually filming this as a live dig. I'm really happy that I did right now. You could bear with me right there. You can see half of dog tag, German dog tag. I'm gonna give you guys a close up. Guys first, first really, first signal of the day, I just walked 10 meters. I got a high signal of an 80, quite a small signal. And look at this guys. It's a German dog tag, a half one. I'm going to give it a brush. I think the condition is quite well from what I see so far. Yeah, I'm wondering if the other half is still there but usually if a soldier, if something happened to a soldier, they would break it down into parts. And the one, one half will be taken for registration of a, of a fallen soldier and the other one would stay on the, on the soldier himself so they could identify him when they find the soldier. Okay, let's see. This looks like, whoa! It's very clearly readable still. They are made from zinc and usually the condition is not too great, but this one is definitely good. It says blood type B. This is a soldier ID, 5271. I'm not sure what A E A means but we'll probably find out, maybe something artillery related but that's a really, really cool find. Great start of the day. I am very happy to announce that our very own website, is now officially live. Go to and check it out. You can get your hands on exclusive merchandise which includes clothing and relic packages. Place your order and support the channel. There's the whole word something it's only abbreviations. Exactly, and there were like a hundred types of EKM's Yeah, just pay careful attention for the smaller high-pitched signals like this was. What did it ring in? Like an 80 and it was a very small target, so... good luck. Nice man So my friend, Mathias just pointed out that it could mean artillery ersatz abteilung. I again found something ration related, German ration. It's a tube, German fat tube. They put this on bread, I think. And it actually says 1944 fat, right here. So it's clearly marked still. We might've just found something interesting here. It's a big tube. It could be Panzerfaust tube. So yeah, bear with us and see if that's the case because it is loose. Yes, it's a Panzerfaust. It's Panzerfaust 60 tube. Look at that guys. And I think it's fired, it's hollow. Oh man, I wasn't expecting that here. Panzerfaust 60, had a firing range of up to 60 meters. You still got to have some balls of steel to take out anti-tank at 60 meters. And then to think that there were also Panzerfausts that had a firing range of 30 meters. But yeah, this one is a later war model. So they got fine-tuned a little bit so that the range was enlarged to 60 meters. Yeah it's quite rusty. This is the aiming mechanism right here. Yeah. Really happy with that. Really cool authentic WW2 find it's a German infantry assault weapon the Panzerfaust 60. Again, we've got proof of the fighting that went on here the German occupation of this territory. The German Panzerfaust was an extremely effective anti-tank weapon used by infantry soldiers. The effective range varied from 30 to 100 meters based on the type. Millions were produced from 1943 to 1945. It fired a single recoilless shot using a high explosive anti-tank warhead. The Panzerfaust played an important role in the development and design of Russian RPG which was designed post-war. Mathias just pointed out this neat little surface find. It's a jerrycan and it has quite some writing still on it. It says, kraftstoff 20 liters, feuergefährlich, it says 1942 here. And look at this guys It fricking says, wehrmacht. I mean it doesn't really get more authentic than that. As you can see it's quite beat up, but these markings are really great. Do you see something very shiny over there? I think that's actually a mirror from the looks of it. Wow! This is the, this is the mirror side. And maybe there are some markings on here but we found some cosmetic stuff here too toothpaste stuff like that. So maybe the soldiers used this for shaving, for cleanup. Yeah. Nice, find. I never found that before, a mirror. We moved to a new location, beautiful woods here, as you can see. And I just set on my detector. It's not even on yet. And my friend Ray is shouting I think he found a German gas mask canister, let's make our way towards him and find out. Yeah, that clearly is a German gas mask canister, The top is laying down there. Nothing in it? No, it's empty. This is a Wehrmacht pip. It is a square with a dot in the middle, it's not in the best condition but if you give it a brush, it will become more recognizable. This would also have been placed on the shoulder boards but it would have been worn by a Wehrmacht soldier, a Heer soldier. It's for an MG. You gave me goosebumps man. Goosebumps right here. Jerry sometimes just comes walking by with some relic in his hands, asking me what it is. And we all go crazy here. And we just did that again because we, Jerry just found an MG tripod or what's left of it. These two legs have been broken off. This still seems to work. You can see the original gray army color, feldgrau and you could draw a sling through this, I think. It would have been placed somewhat like this and the MG would be placed on the top. So that's a really cool, special find. Very rare. This specific tripod is actually known for its anti-aircraft purpose and could fit a variety of German MG machine guns. Jerry just pointed out that the tripod was almost on the surface. This is where he found it. You could still see the markings. And actually he said one part was sticking out, only one part right here. So really crazy, only a thin layer of moss over it, really an incredible find. Ray, just found some massive shell casings probably from a flak flak gun Maybe flak 88. I'm not an expert at these shell casings but, man, they are massive. We found two of them. That's nice. We found out that these are actually 7.5 centimeter Pak 40 casings. Development of the Pak 40 started when the German army found out that the Pak 38 was not strong enough to pierce new Soviet tank designs. Production started in 1941, and by 1943, it was the primary German anti-tank gun until the end of the war. The Pak 40 fires, a longer 7.5 centimeter cartridge. and has significantly more firepower than its predecessor. It is able to penetrate armor of hundred 60 millimeters at 1,000 meters distance. All right, guys. The adrenaline is going, 10 meters, 10 20 meters besides where we just found the MG tripod. I've found something which looks a bit like a badge. I've already noticed a Soviet star, You can see it right here. Here I can vaguely make out the contours of a star. So let's see what it is exactly. Is it a star though? Yeah, I think it is. I see a shield and a star. It's definitely a Soviet find, It could still be an insignia either that or a button. My friends Ray comes walking by with a Soviet pin. Look at that guys, is that Lenin's head? Yes, Lenin, yeah. And there is some Russian writing there as well Yeah some sort of spin for sure. I'm wondering if it's second world war or post-war but that is one neat pin, congrats. It turns out that this is a post-war Soviet communist youth batch. Right now I'm just following my buddy Ray. He came running over and told me that he found some sort of dump pit so let's see where we are headed. Oh man, that's a German bakelite decontamination tablet box. It's a very typical German find. What's that? That's a gas mask eye, I think. Yeah, I think so. Is it leather? It was probably from a wallet or something, you think? or from a holster for a pistol, maybe. So Ray's digging in this foxhole over here quite a deep signal, actually it wasn't even a too good of a signal, but yeah, you can see again why it's always worth to check those leads out because he just found this German bakelite decontamination tablet box. There's actually still some the original seal is still on here. You can see that over here. And I think, what does it say? What year? There it says, 1936, I believe. And a German gas mask eyes as well there. This is also something really cool. Let me just get around it. This is a German K98k ammunition pouch, the remains of it. And there is actually a manufacturer stamp over here. Should also be a year there. I think I can see that already. Ray, did you notice a year already? No no. Come check this out. It says 1942. Oh nice. Yeah. That's that's really neat, man. I see some more gas mask eyes. There, Innenseite, inside, innerside, 1944. And he thinks he has something nice there. Looks a bit roundish Is that glass or... This is... bakelite. Yeah. You know what I think it is. I think it belongs to this piece bakelite container which held, like I said, gunpowder bags or fuses but I guess we're going to see in a minute. Well, my prediction was right. It's indeed a bakelite container that he found there. And forgive me the exact name, but it held gunpowder bags and he actually pulled out the whole thing and there's actually a spring in there I think, right? It's a gas mask spring. So it's all packed together in his hole. It's actually on the inside. Yeah, it's over there. There, it says 1944 guys. That's history right there. It doesn't get more authentic then this. We've gathered up all of the relics and Ray is now filling up the hole back again making it nice and level as every digger should. As you can see, we're packing up, our time is done. I really had a lot of fun, again with the dutch relic diggers and WW2RevivalDenmark. Go and check out their channels. Thank you all for the support, especially my patrons. You helped to keep the channel going. Yeah. See you next time.
Channel: Metal Detecting WWII Battlegrounds
Views: 105,921
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Keywords: metal detecting, metal detector, metaldetecting, metaaldetector, sondeln, ww2, wk2, wwii, world war 2, digging, relics, battlefield, call of duty, cod, game, gaming, time capsule, germans, allied, axis, nazi, time travel, urban exploring, urbex, finds, treasure, history, travel, outdoor, soldiers, army, findings, forest, oorlog, mp40, weapon, shooting, firing, gun, reenacting, gold, archeology, band of brothers, abandoned, lost, discovery, exploration, veterans, secret, rockets, anti-tank, panzerschreck, magnet fishing, american
Id: 6pgKAunZYOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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