Hidden HATCH discovered in WW2 FOREST!

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My buddy Rob, told me that he found a hatch and it looks quite old, there's all this moss on it. I'm not sure, we can see if we can open it. First off, we're gonna pick up a friend. Today I'm with my buddy, Rob, from WW2Unknown. We actually found some very authentic cool places that we think are really worth to check out these are places behind the German front lines and yeah, a lot of German soldiers would gather up here and yeah let's hope there's still enough history to be shared. There's a deer somewhere over there in the back, can you see it? We haven't even started up and it's really, it's really cool to see. That's nature out there, guys. It is still there. Yep, there she goes. There is even more of them, see that? Wow. So I guess that's my first decent signal of the day. Let's see what it is, somewhere over there. We seemed to have found something American. It's a Browning 50 caliber shell casing. I wasn't really expecting that here, '44, it says on the bottom, 1944. I'm not sure how well you can see, but I just stumbled upon a major trench. You can very clearly make out a zig-zag shape, goes like that, like that all the way through here and also there in the back, very cool, a running trench. Well, we just started off detecting and you'll never believe it, but my buddy Rob over there, who's already working on his second signal. His first signal was actually a Nazi coin and I think he's actually brushing it off right now. Geeze, do we already know what type of coin it is? I'm not sure. I can see a swastika in the middle with. It's very shiny. - Yeah it's- - We like finding those. Yep, well at least the swastika is very clear. I think it's a Deutsche Reichspfennig from probably 1935, somewhere in that range and it's a ten pfennig. Have you ever dreamt of setting out on quests to discover lost treasures, then this Metal Detecting Course is for you. I am going to walk you through all important aspects of this exciting hobby so you don't make all the beginners mistakes. My name's Chris, I am a Dectorist and YouTuber. 10 years ago I decided to share my passion with the world by creating documentaries about how I use my metal detector to find forgotten treasures and my attempts to find the history behind each relic. I've partnered up with International Open Academy to create this Metal Detecting Course which will give you a complete overview of the hobby and goes far beyond reading simple manual. You'll gain valuable knowledge that would take years to learn by doing it yourself. So don't look any further because this course will teach you everything you need to know about metal detecting. Simply click on the link and enroll. Here's actually one of my first signals in this forest over here, and it's an American find. It's quite a good sign I think. I dug it out already. It's in a, it's an M1 Carbine casing, and they're quite easy to recognize. They look a bit like a nine millimeter, but they are a bit longer. So yeah, American find, M1 carbine live round unfortunately so we cannot take this with us. In June, 1940, the U.S. Army came up with specifications for a light rifle that could replace the 45 pistol and the submachine gun. In September, 1941, it became clear that the M1 carbine would take this role and it was put into action in 1942. The M1 carbine saw action in World War II, the Korea War, and even the Vietnam War. We decided to leave the forest behind us and detect this beautiful field. We got permission from the farmer and we did some research and found out that there were quite some American tents on this field so we're gonna set up and to see you at the first find. Let's carry on. All right then let's see what this is. I think there's something there and it looks quite shiny. (chuckling) Look at that guys. That's definitely a German Erkennungsmarke, a dog tag. Let me just get my other camera for a close up. Look at this, I'm really happy with this. It's a part of a German, dog tag. The writing is very clearly readable. It's a half one and it's bent. Land Schutz Ersatz Bataillon 6, I think it says, that's a cool one, personal find, I mean a German soldier has carried this for years around his neck so it doesn't get much more personal than that I would say. Look at this guys I had a signal right there and no digging needed here. Can you see it? it's right on the surface and it's an American uniform button I think, I'm quite sure, it's the American Eagle, it's a small one, there's also bigger ones. I haven't found those yet, but my buddy Rob has so I can show you a photo, or image of those, in a little bit, or I'm just gonna have to find them myself and I probably will. I'll get back to you in a couple of minutes hopefully. Like I said I only needed a couple of minutes. Look at this, I think we got our first American uniform button right here, see how big that is, that's, that's huge. This clay soil preserves the finds here quite well. Let's see if you can clean this up a little bit. I'm just gonna give that a quick brush and I'll get back to you. And there you go. That's the American symbol, it's an American overcoat button, definitely a very neat button. Well, I was about to pack up my stuff, just found the American uniform button here, but I got a signal right next to it and there is actually a coin on the surface right there. Let me just pick it up, not sure if you can see what type of coin it is, oh, I think there's a German Eagle on it, with a swastika. There we go, that's a very nice coin, but right now I gotta get to my friend, John, because he was shouting and I think that he got something nice so we're gonna see. Let's see what he got. John just found a golden Kriegsmarine button, he told me. Yeah, I did. That's amazing, it actually says, Kriegsmarine. - Yeah. - Kriegsmarine. There's a little stamp on the, on the bottom side. And the other side, there you go, a very special button, happy with that. And a couple of meters besides it he finds a Winterhilfswerk badge and he's cleaning it right now. It's a little shield and I think there should be a little stone in the middle. Yeah, I think there's an Eagle, as well, and that's the pattern here, an Eagle inside. I think you're right. He couldn't wait to show me the following. It's a sports badge. A German Sports Badge, there's also a swastika on the right. Yeah, yeah, it's a little bit folded- - Yeah. - And bent. - Yeah, Jesus man, that's quite nice condition. I already cleaned it, so. Yeah, yeah, I can see some red color from copper oxidation. The pin is broken off as you can see. Well, that's another medal, I'd call this a good day. I just found out that the guys from WW2Unknown found even more badges, some badges that I haven't even filmed yet so here we go. This is an officer's cap emblem and this is an Assault Badge Yep, a General Assault Badge. A general one, so we read about it and so they were handed out to soldiers who were not in the infantry, but have taken part in some, some assault, so it's quite an interesting badge. Well Rob said he definitely had something that he wanted to show me. - Look at this- - Jesus. - A golden ring. - A golden ring. Yeah, it's inscripted with 17, nine, '29, so probably this, this guy was married in '29. Geez man, no corrosion at all, that's pure gold. Wow, that's a great find man. We had a closer look at it there's an E and an H in it and the date says 17, nine, 29. Yeah, so the soldier got married in September of 1929. That is a long time ago I can tell you that. While I was explaining to John, which row I already walked, he had quite a high signal when he was walking on my row, and he said, 'You probably don't wanna dig up this insignia do you?' (laughing) So I laughed at him and yeah. Who's laughing now? Look who's laughing now, he actually found an insignia, he joked about it, but it's true. It's a German officer's cap badge. You can see the, the cockade here, around it is the wreath. This part is bent over, you can still see the pin on the back, that's a very nice insignia man. There's a part missing here. - Yeah. What did the detector gave off, what sort of signal? - 90, 91. - 91. Yeah, it's pretty high, pretty nice signal. Very cool insignia, man. Let's see if we can clean it up a little. Is it made from aluminum? Yeah, I think so. I think there's almost no oxidation. There's a lot of detail on that. Yeah, you can see the oak leaves. Oak leaves, yeah, yeah, yeah. This is actually a Luftwaffe officer's cap badge as these badges have both wings and oak leaves. Well, we've been at it for a couple of hours now. I had to put down my stuff for a minute, it's time for a lunch break and I'm gonna put some finds here in a minute and show you what we found so far. Here's the close up that I was talking about. This is what me and John found in the last hours. Rob also found some really great stuff maybe I can show you some of that later, but first off let me just walk you through these finds so far. A great variety of buttons, some American uniform buttons, also German Wehrmacht buttons, with the clear pattern of dots on it. And then these are some I think American ration bags, coffee, lemonade, that sort of stuff. A bunch load of coins here. This very nice German officer's cap emblem that John found and also found this wing, it's probably from the same badge actually. So this one would go somewhere over here and yeah and maybe these are bits from German dog tags, I found one complete one here, it's very, very clearly readable. Land Schütz Ersatz Bataillon 6. But yeah, a great haul so far, let's see what we can dig up more. Clearly there is enough to be found on this field. We actually did find much more there, but you'll find out more about that in the next video. Can't wait to see more become a patron and get access to an exclusive video with bonus scenes. For now, we decided to head back in the neighboring forest to get a better feel for the area. Quite a funny moment here just now. I think I just picked up one shovel and threw some dirt to the side, had a very clear signal right here, and I noticed something interesting so I call over my buddy, Rob, to come check it out so we can do this discovery together. You can see something over here. It looks like a, it's from a deer or something, a symbol, I'm not sure if this is WW2, but it looks a bit like a badge. Sort of a Jäger badge maybe? Yeah, maybe. It looks really neat, man. It is a badge. - You think so? - Yeah, yeah. A German badge? I think so, yeah. Wow, if it is, if it is one, it's definitely gonna be a special one. Wow, it looks really nice. It turns out that this is a post-war German Hunters Association Badge. Well, it seems that more and more signals are starting to pop up and I actually found something interesting right here. As you can see there's glass everywhere I might have encountered a small dump pit, but I saw something blue sticking out of the soil and I just pulled it out and it's a, it's a Nivea Creme box. I found this before in the past, this is something that soldiers used to keep their skin in good condition, basically, and yeah, they're very iconic. They still have the same design and you can buy it today still, yeah, a very nice one, Nivea Creme box. We might've stumbled upon something interesting here. My buddy, Rob told me that he found a hatch and it looks quite old, there's all this moss on it. I'm not sure, we can see if you can open it. What's inside? Do you think it's a shelter from the second World War? It's filled with rocks. I'm not quite sure what the idea is of this thing, but maybe it was a shelter for civilians that they could take cover, or even for the German soldiers themselves, who knows? I see another hatch right there, by the way, I'm not sure if we can open that one as well, Well very intriguing. So are you, are you going inside? I don't think I'm gonna go inside, but thank you. All right, don't get your fingers in-between. Well, that's that I guess. I'm gonna continue this adventure next time. I can already promise you that there's gonna be some incredible discoveries that you don't wanna miss out on. Don't forget to check out the merchandise on our website. Big thank you to my patrons as always, see you soon. Cheers.
Channel: Metal Detecting WWII Battlegrounds
Views: 630,945
Rating: 4.8171721 out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting, metal detector, metaldetecting, metaaldetector, sondeln, ww2, wk2, wwii, world war 2, digging, relics, battlefield, call of duty, cod, game, gaming, time capsule, germans, allied, axis, nazi, time travel, urban exploring, urbex, finds, treasure, history, travel, outdoor, soldiers, army, findings, forest, oorlog, mp40, weapon, shooting, firing, gun, reenacting, gold, archeology, band of brothers, abandoned, lost, discovery, exploration, veterans, secret, american, rockets, hatch, medals, treasures, exploring, opening
Id: lD7VjqmsIMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 18 2020
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