Secret AutoCad Commands Every Beginner Must Know

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how's it going nicely in here and welcome to another architectural video so for today's video we are going to do autocad shortcuts I wish I knew when I was starting with AutoCAD so basically this are the commands that your teacher won't necessarily teach you guys but are very crucial for you to master AutoCAD also these are the commands I wish someone taught me sooner so that I would have saved more time in AutoCAD then spent more time you know trying trying to grow two inches taller because I'm sure anyways let's move on to our first AutoCAD shortcut so the first shortcut or command that you need to know as a beginner is the trim command so trim command is one of my favorite commands out of all the AutoCAD functions since it is a multi-function command so the first function of Krim command is pretty self-explanatory it allows you to trim things so for example we have an intersection right here what you would normally do is press trim select the object which you want to be the slicing plane and then press spacebar again and then slice the other side of the line but there is a super easier way so let's say I want to trim a bunch of things what you do is press the R and then press spacebar twice what it does is basically it allows you to slice any line that intersects with another line press T or press spacebar twice and just you know go to town with all the slicing bomb can even slice those slice those slice those and there we go infinite amount of trimmings another function of the trim command is extending lines so let's say we want to extend this line right here up to here so let's just draw a perpendicular line right there then what you have to do is press the R and then press spacebar twice again now all you got to do is while pressing shift select on the edge of the line which you want to be extended so for this example we'll extend this line to here so let's press shift and boom it extends there so just click on the line and it will extend now this only works if there's a perpendicular object in front of the line which you want to extend so for example I want to extend this line up to here it won't work if there is nothing there see so for that you could use the stretch command just stretch it by pressing s or you could use the trim command just create a line in front of that press TR and then press spacebar twice and boom you can extend that line over there so basically with the TR double spaced command you can slice objects and then you could extend objects it's the Swiss Army knife of AutoCAD commands if if the Swiss Army knife only had like two things if it had a knife and like a spoon or something anyways moving on to the second command so the second AutoCAD command that we are going to learn today is what I call the copy command so you guys might be asking yeah you could do that type of copy command but the copy command I'm about to show you guys is a very special super-secret technique not really but rather this is an alternative way how to do the copy command so normally what you would do when you will copy something is select the object you are going to copy press Co and then press ENTER and then select your reference point then bring that to the area which want it to be copied upon but there's an even faster and better way to do the copy command so to do this special copy command all you got to do is select the object you want to copy and then press shift ctrl and then C all you got to do after that is select a reference point after that you could press control V and then paste the object that you have copied so the good thing about this copy command is you could select an object right there and then press control shift C and now you could also do a bunch of random commands like create the rectangle and then create the circle and then after doing all those random commands you could still press control V to paste the object that you have copied a while ago so this copy command is super useful if you want to copy an object from one project to another project so for example I want to copy this table from this project to this other project so if you use the normal copy command which is Co then enter and then select the reference point once you go to the other project your whole copy command is just going to be but that is not the case when you use the ctrl shift C copy command let me just demonstrate guys select the objects you want to copy press ctrl shift C select the reference point go to your other project and then press control V and voila you can copy seamlessly from one project to another with a reference point and that is it the special kappa command patent-pending by leon austria not really I think a bunch of people out there know this you guys probably even know this but it totally blew my mind when I first discovered it so I wanted to share it to you guys anyways let's move on to our third command ok secret AutoCAD command or a shortcut or tip number three so this next thing I'm about to show you is more of a guideline or like like a tutorial how to use the selection tool properly first let's discuss how to use the selection tool so in order to activate the selection tool command all you got to do is click on your workspace and then drag either going to the left or going to the right but while doing so you guys will notice that if I drag towards the left the selection tool turns green and then the border of the box is a dotted line but if I drag the selection tool to the right the border of the box turns into a solid line and the fill of the box is called a blue so let's just call this left drag selection the green selection tool and let's call this right drag selection the blue selection tool so AutoCAD did not make this selection tool colored different just to mess with people out there with OCD and there's a purpose for this so the green selection tool and the blue selection tool are two different types of selection marquees so basically what the green selection tool is is it's a selection tool that's unbiased by unbiased I mean anything that the green selection tool hits becomes selected this kind of like Midas of AutoCAD selection basically anything it hits get selected that's a weird analogy but okay so the difference with the green selection tool and the blue selection tool is is that if you use the blue selection tool it does not select anything that it touches basically what the blue selection tool only selects is the objects that fit within the border or the boundaries of the selection marquee that of me okay guys so if it's still not clear to you guys let me just demonstrate the difference between the blue selection tool and the green selection tool so the green selection tool anything it touches get selected so let's say I want to select this circle right here you could do it with the green selection tool and anything that gets touched gets selected but I do not want these other circles to get selected so what do you do you use the blue selection tool drag it from the left towards the right turns into blue selection tool and basically the only things that can fit inside the blue marquee is the only objects that will be selected so let's do that boom you only selected the circle okay guys so now that we are familiar with the blue selection - in the green selection tool let us move on to the secret AutoCAD command number four okay guys so the secret AutoCAD command number four is what I would like to call the lasso selection tool in AutoCAD so you know that lasso tool in Photoshop it kind of works like that but in AutoCAD so yeah okay so in order to activate your lasso selection tool all you got to do is left-click on your workspace and do not let go of that left click so right here and magic I can select randomly shaped objects like amiibo or stuff like that so the principles behind the green selection tool and blue selection - also applies with this lasso command so basically if you drag towards the right it turns into a blue lasso selection so let's drag towards the right there you go blue lasso selection foo drag towards the left it turns into a green lasso selection so this lasso selection tool is super useful if you want to select like a weirdly shaped object let's say this angle bar right here so let's just go around like so and boom you have safely selected the angle bar without selecting any other random objects around it alright guys so with tips number three and number four you guys are going to be the selection masters sounds like a corny Sunday morning cartoon anyways if your classmates do not know this show this to them and become like a real popular guy because you know AutoCAD and weird obscure commands that did not work for me when I was in college so the fifth secret AutoCAD command I'm about to teach you is called the save all and close all command so basically what this does is it saves every project that you have open in your AutoCAD program so this commands are super useful when you're like in a super rush like you have to poop or like your dog is going to the emergency room and you have no more time to save I don't know why I chose that analogy but anyways my point is you really have to rush and you do not have time to save all of those projects one by one so what you do is just type save all press ENTER and basically all of your project tabs within your AutoCAD program become saved so after doing that save or c'mon let's say you want to close all of your tabs open so just type close all and what that does is it asks you if you want to save changes to the things open and just press Yes and boom all of your project tabs within the AutoCAD program is immediately closed so the sixth command is called the overkill command what the overkill command does is it basically gets rid of overlapping lines and then combines lines that are abutting each other so what I mean is combines lines that are like this they're touching but they're not really together kind of like you and the girl that friends of you anyways to execute this command all you got to do is type in overkill press spacebar and then select the objects which you want to purge of any unnecessary linear geometry so to demonstrate this command I have three lines of this yellow line which is underneath this red line and then I have this blue line which is connected to this red line to activate the command S type overkill press ENTER and then select those three lines that you want to rid of any unnecessary linear geometry thingamabob is okay now let's press ENTER again then this whole delete duplicate objects tab will come up so for tolerance I select point zero zero zero zero one the more zeros you put in the tighter the tolerance will be anyways once all of those are checked press ok and boom the line that used to be three callers is now combined into one caller just like magic so I use this when my AutoCAD project is lagging and it's taking a bunch of time it means that there are probably a lot of unnecessary linear geometry within my project so I just select the whole project and then activate overkill and boom it just gets rid of all the unnecessary things in my project and the project is squeaky clean so yeah that's one upside for that anyways let's move on to our next command okay so the seventh command in our secret AutoCAD list is called oops pretty self-explanatory the oops command is for you guys out there who are super clumsy just like me to say oops a lot in real life so if you're that type of person remember this command guys so basically what the ops command does is it restores anything that you have accidentally deleted kind of like that one time spongebob accidentally deleted this memory of his name in order to memorize fine dining cuisine you guys might say but I could always use control-v yeah you could always do that but the opes command is super special let's say I accidentally deleted this whole table boom it's gone oh no the table's gone but due to my clumsiness and brilliance I did not notice that they have deleted this thing and did a bunch of random other commands that is very hard to duplicate so let's say I did this whole abstract piece right here I did another thing like right there and then after doing that I noticed that the table is missing and I'm like oh no man what happened to the table so you guys could use ctrl Z to restore the table but what ctrl Z did is it also erased all the progress you made with that other object you did on the left side of the project panel now it's super hard to repeat because it was an abstract expression of your inner self that cannot be repeated ever so this is where the Oaks command comes in handy so let's do that again let me just accidentally delete this what's that and then you did not notice that you accidentally hit the keyboard with your elbow some some weird situation like that and now you're just working on some abstract maze of some sort after doing a whole art project on the side you notice that you have accidentally deleted the table so what you do is type in oops press ENTER and boom it restores the thing that you accidentally deleted all right guys we are now down to our last AutoCAD secret command thingy so AutoCAD secret command thingy number eight is what I call the mouse scroll wheel click basically it's just a scroll wheel of your mouse right here and just click it down so for me I have rerouted the mouse scroll wheel clicking to this other button on the side of my mouse right here because I have used the scroll wheel command so many times that the scroll wheel clicky button thing inside my mouse actually broke so basically if you click the mouse scroll wheel what it does is it activates the pan command within your AutoCAD project so let's click that and boom so instead of pressing P and then enter and then clicking you could just click the mouse scroll wheel and instant pan command also one super-good function of the mouse scroll wheel click is if you click it twice it's going to zoom out into your entire project so let's say you accidentally zoom super in and you're like oh no where am I just click the mouse scroll wheel twice and it's going to zoom out into the entirety of your project so this is super useful if you accidentally like went off into the distance like super foreign oh no I can't find my project just click the mouse scroll wheel twice and boom you are instantly teleported within the premises of your project ok guys so those are the top eight secret AutoCAD commands that every beginner must know so if you guys know any other secret commands that I may have in this whole video just leave it in a comment down below so that I could share those information on the part 2 of this video so yeah if you guys like this video please like comment and subscribe down below for more videos like this from me a boy lien I hope you guys found this whole video interesting happy new year and flying peace [Music]
Channel: Llyan Austria
Views: 200,541
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Keywords: Secret AutoCad Commands Every Beginner Must Know, autocad tutorial, autocad commands, how to use autocad, autocad (software), autocad beginner, autocad training, autocad 2018, autocad tricks, basic tutorial, llyan, llyan austria, how to architect, autocad shortcuts, autocad training for beginners, autocad hacks, autocad tips and tricks, must know autocad commands
Id: sGlsU-m-6QU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 04 2019
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