Best Commands & Tricks of AutoCAD for Productivity

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[Music] welcomed I stood in this video I am going to show you the best commands of Watergate which definitely helps you to be more productive and also save you lots of time okay so let's get started the very first command is to fill it multiple times so you can see I have a rectangle type self and I want to fill it the all the corner so I'm using here the Filat and and then fill at the corner okay each time for each corner I have to you know enter the fill it command but here is the option for multiple times also okay so you just have to turn on the fill it command and here you can sue it bottom the multiple option would you can type just m and enter I am using M and enter and now you can use Phillip fill it for multiple times now you don't have to you know turn on the command for each time each corner so this is very a productive way to do such a type of work okay now now the next one the next one is for the dimension okay for example if you want to if you want to send any dimension in specific layer okay whenever you draws for example if you have a let me show you here you can see the I have a dimension layer and now if I want to send that the old dimension in the specific dimension layer so how I can do so okay here the haze away whenever I draw dimension it automatically you know are assigned to the a dimension layer okay here or let me show you first of all uses how to type a dimension and then draw a dimension here and here you can see the currently the dimension is actually assigning in the specific dimension layer how do you do that okay user how to turn on the dimension layer and Hilton said bottom the layer option just click on layer and type a specific layer name or you can select object in which you want to send the dimension for example the line you can see the line this line is actually in the zero layer if I select the zero then the dimension is automatically draws on zero layer but here you can see I you can also type a name of the layer also so this is very productive way to send each dimension in a specific layer okay now the next one is using f8 okay now you know I fade the ortho mode okay whenever you have to draw a line which is a straight even can see I I I personally use ortho on mode but I will whenever I have to draw a line which is not perpendicular or parallel to someone or what I have to do I just have to press the shift and I can draw a line like that okay you don't have to turn on and off or f8 often okay so this is not right waiting so that this is very useful to using the shift button okay for a deviate the line this is I think a best way now the next one is the ops command okay how you can use the ops command okay for example if I delete this one and and then I make some work here for example if I drew a rectangle here and then something line here okay and now what if I want to get this deleted object again back okay so what you have to do if you use undo tool then your all work you know all work gone also focus of what you can do uses how to use ops command okay or PS and then press ENTER and you can get back this deleted object okay now the next one is a switch between drawings here even see I absolutely three drawings open what I have to you know switch between runs the best way to switch is the control tab you can use control tab for forward and control sift there for backward this is best way I think to switch between drawings and whenever you have to work with different drawings this is I think best way okay now the next one is to use break command here you can see let me show you the break command by using break command you can break a line in a two segments or okay so what you have to do is I have to type a break command and then you just select first point and then another and you can see you can break the line by that way this is I think very useful or sometimes now the next one is to use a quick selection tool okay let me first of all select all the object and then type Q s E and here you can see the quick select window is open and here you can select object by it's a property by its color or by various types here you can see first of all on which area you want to apply you want to apply entire drawing or current selection you can also use this tool to select object let me use this one also okay and now you can select object which type of object you want to select if you want to select line all in line dimension M F circle okay if you want to choose multiple on a specific layer you can use this one let me first of all select the line or let me select this possible source circle okay a circle which is which is on which which is one specific layer you can use the layer also you can see here okay so you can use by line type also you can use line scale and there are number of properties which which you can use for a specific object here you can see this object is actually a circle okay so let me select by color and let me select by green because I have here a green circle okay so I just include you can if you want to include this object so you have to do select this one M if you want to exclude this object you can select this one okay I want to include so I'm gonna choose this one and okay and now you can see the only circle is get selected okay whenever you have a multiple tab time types of circle for example 200 times 300 times then this is the best way to select a specific object okay you can use various properties okay this this is the best way to select a specific object okay now the next one is we use the right-click okay okay whenever you press and hold as a sip button and press right click you can see the number of other option also available where you can select meat between two points or specific endpoint midpoint intersects and apparent intersect and there are number of other option also you can also turn off the snap tool for while okay so you can use this all too okay this is also a very productive way okay - you know drafting now the next command is a boundary and enjoy the both command looks quite similar but there is a little difference between them you can see the these are the old line okay and if I want to convert this all line segments into into one single polyline I can use a boundary and the joint command also the boundary is what you just have to enter boundary and you just have to hook so we pick a point inside the object and then press Enter and here you can see now the another new pole line is drawn okay so this is a fold line and this other line segment is and if you use a joint command you just have to select the all the line segment and then at J or the shortcut joint and you can see the object is actually joined so there's a little difference between boundary and join now the next one is the list command so if you want to find out area or parameter or something another data for object then what you have to do for example if I want to find out the area of this end of all's it okay I can use this tool okay but this is quite you know annoying also okay but rather I can use the list command also okay and this is the area of this object and I can use a list command as I have to select and then press li4 the shortcut list and then press Enter here you can see the area the parameter and the coordinates of the point also so this is I think better way to find out area of some sometimes this random type of same now the next command is a mirroring of text okay let me show you how it works let me first of all mirror this text here okay here you can see by using this command the text is actually get mirrored and now can't readable okay so how you can use the middle command but text is as well where where it is in the source object okay so here is a command let me first of all delete this one and the command is actually M I our r-tx teams is a mirror text and here you have to just enter the zero value instead of one okay and then press ENTER and then our select page text and then using mirror you can see the text is actually not get mirrored it just copy here okay this is very helpful sometimes whenever you have to put text on an on another side also okay the next one is ID command which which is very useful for finding coordinate subsets of a specific object for example here I have this line and I want to find out the coordinate okay of specific point okay so the ID and then press ENTER and a select a point for example this end point you can see in the bottom command line you can see the x y&z are the three coordinates of specific point this is sometimes helpful maybe okay now another is a break line whenever you have to draw a break line you you don't have to draw manually here is option for a break line let me show you the break line in then press enter and then select end point and another end point and then Center you can see the break line is here you can use break line for a number of types work okay now another is a control queue if you want to quit this drawing okay you can use ctrl Q okay this is actually works whenever you click on this one okay so this is I think very sometimes useful another is allies editor here in you can here you can use a light sedative also an express tool you can use to and then come on allies editor and here you can add allies to a specific AutoCAD command okay you can see I am using this basic three which is a dimension align another is ops and another you can see here the past space this is very useful if you use a sometimes a command more often okay you can use specific alized here you can see I using dimension more open so I asked so I signed one for the dimension you can how to assign okay so you doesn't have to add yeah and then type allies for example one and then you have to type a command here for example if you want to I think line quick selection so you could ask us a quick select okay so you can if press ok then it automatically assigned to one but I have actually assigned one so I don't want to assign this one because this is the best way to use allies and you can use you definitely become more productive by using this type of allies okay let me close you and let me show you for example whenever you I press one you can see the time instant Alliance I have to press and then press again and this is the best way okay to to assign a dimension okay now the next one is a lair walk which is definitely helps you okay to see a lair let me type layer walk okay here you can see are the dimension in which layer the specific types in in which layer the objects actually are you can see the objects in zero layers you can see the object in dimension layer you can see the object in texture this is sometimes may be useful okay now the next and last one is to use a cell all on the drawing and close all the you can use a save all okay and now you're all drawings are automatically get saved and you can close all also okay let see all drains automatically flows this is the best way to use I think okay guys thanks posting this video and subscribe my cell to watch more videos thank you thank you very much you
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Keywords: Autocad 2019, Autocad 2020, Autocad tips and Trics, Autocad Tricks and tips 2019, Autocad Shortcuts, Productivity command AUtocad, How to work fast in Autocad, Autocad 2020 New features, Autocad Shortcut keys, Autocad Shortcut Commands, Autocad Command List, Autocad Tricks, Autocad Basic Commands, Autocad, Autocad Advance Tricks, Autocad Important Commands, Autocad Useful Commands, Autocad New Commands, Autocad Tutorials, Autocad Most Useful commands, Autocad Expert
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2019
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