Sketchup Hacks Everyone Must Know

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how's it going guys happy holidays I hope you guys had a fantastic Christmas I'm sure I did hello darkness my friend anyways today I'm going to be talking about some secrets ketchup hacks that everyone must know some of you might know this hacks already but for those of you who do not know I'm going to impart this very useful knowledge upon you guys to help make your sketch up in life a little bit easier so the first hack I'm going to teach you is not really a hack it's more of a tip or like like a guideline you know when you're saving and sketchup and then it takes like a thousand years for it to completely save and then your laptop runs out of battery and your sketchup hasn't been saved yet so all your progress for the last three hours just evaporated into thin air this is for the guys out there who has this problem I got your family okay guys so in order to greatly reduce the saving time of our sketchup program we are going to save into a blank screen so when i say blank screen your model window should be blank like so instead of being like this where it's all cluttered and stuff because there's something about having too much model assets in your program window that makes sketchup save for a thousand years so instead of saving it here we are going to save it in a blank area like so you could point your camera to the sky and save it right there so to prove that this hack works I am going to time how long it takes for Sketchup to save when you are in this window state where there's a lot of things happening and then after that I'm going to time how long Sketchup would take if I save it in a blank window like so if the camera is pointing at the sky right there so for that I'm going to create another scene where no asset face or line of the model could be seen so a completely blank window right so and let's just add a scene right there create scene okay so we have our scene number one which is full of model thingies and lines and assets and faces and then we have seen two which is a completely blank screen so scene 1 let's bring up our timer timer starts now [Music] stop okay so it looks Sketch up 19 seconds to save our whole model when all the assets and lines and all that other stuff going on in the window is up so we are going to do that with a blank window move to scene number 2 and file save as test save number 2 and go time ok guys so it took Sketchup 15 seconds to save our whole model when you are in a blank window so the results prove it it is faster to save with a blank screen then having it save in a screen where there's a lot of things going on so 4 seconds might not seem like a lot but that is basically around 25% so 25% is a huge time reduction imagine if you have to save a whole model that is 300 megabytes and it saves for like 10 minutes so 25% reduction it will just save for seven and a half minutes so you have two and a half minutes to like watch some of my YouTube videos anyways enough of the self-promotion let's move on to our next hack ok guys so the second hack is what I call multiple sections hacks so basically it's pretty self-explanatory you use this hack to like section something multiple times actually not multiple times just a maximum of two times so for this particular hack I'm going to make a modern cave and by modern cave I'm going to just make like a cube with with a hole in the middle and boom a modern cave so in order to section our modern cave twice we are going to make it into a group so click that right click it and make group now all you got to do is bring down the tools panel select section plane and section it outside of the group now after that go inside the group and then section it again and boom there you go multiple sections I should have just called this hack in section because you know inception it's it's a section within a section so it's like Inception but at a place ception in section anyway moving on to our third hack okay so the third hack is what I call smooth circle hack so you know when making a circle and you can see those jagged edges this is not really a circle because it has many sides and when you render this this is gonna look like some sort of weird 3d model thing so in order to avoid this what I do is I just click the circle and then right click it and then click entity info and then this whole pop-up box is gonna come out so as you guys can see it's a twenty four segment circle not really a circle a shape with 24 sides is and I CAHSEE Tetragon is that right yep I caused it that Oh God the more you know anyways we're going off topic so in order to make this I Casas Tetragon look more circular we are going to add the segments of this so to do that we are going to go to our entity info tab and then just double the segment so let's say 48 enter and boom now our I caused it that Gurgaon is now looking more like a circle so when you extrude that that looks more like a cylinder than it was a while ago so you could also do the reverse of this so instead of doing that we are just going to turn this I casa Tetragon into a hexagon so just change the segments into 6 press ENTER and boom we have a hexagon make it 12 dodecahedron make it 5 we have a Pentagon basically works both ways if you want the small circular object just add the segments if you want a more rudimentary shape just reduce the segments and there you go an easy hack or an easy way how to make any shape with any number of sides I should have called this the any shape any number of sides hack okay moving on to hack number four so have you guys ever experienced when you are rendering the shot is just not too wide or like the cameras field of view is a little bit narrow and you want it to be a little bit wider so that you could include more of the interior space so this next hack is what I call Sketchup wider field of view render camera hat probably won't remember that later right here we have this scene I did like a few years ago maybe five years ago when I was still in college so let's say you just want the field of view to be a little bit more wider so in order to do that we are going to restore down our Sketchup window we're just going to click this toggle buttons on the side of your clothes button make sure not to click the close button you're gonna have a bad time okay so click that and your Sketchup window should just turn into this like semi minimize not really minimized but a little bit minimize window and then what you do is just drag that to the edges of your window and then drag this bottom part off and as you're doing that you guys could see that that both sides of our frame is going to be expanded thus a wider field of view now you could just render that I won't render it right now because my computer might over hit and explode I don't want that happening right now because I still have to edit this video but just take my word for it guys in order to have a wider field of view just drag this up like so expanding your whole window left and right thus achieving that wide angle effect alright guys so we are now on hack number five so this is one of the things I wish I knew when I started using Sketchup though back when I was in school I didn't know this commands I really feel like a super dumbass right now for not knowing this for a very long time I just recently discovered this hack but that is why I'm showing you guys this hack so you don't feel the way that I feel right now anyways I call this hack the era hack so most of you guys may know this good for you guys but this is for you guys out there who do not know this hack so back when I did not know this hack I used to re like I just click this object right here and then move it press ctrl and move it outward like so and then just repeat that process for us many times as I needed it to be and then I discovered this whole hack that I'm about to show you guys so in order to array this object all we got to do is click it and then press M for move and then drag it out into the direction you want your array to be like so now that we have that all you got to do is type on your keyboard the number of times you want this object to be copied so let's say I want this object to be replicated five times press five and press X for five times and then press Enter and boom there you go we now have five copies of that object so let's say you want this object arrayed around a polar point or around the circle so let's create our circle let's do a center point right there then make a circle now click this object and then click on the rotate tool now let's click on the center of the object and then while pressing control drag the object outward into a certain angle you want it to be irate the point so let's say 30 degrees and then let's just replicate the object five times so press 5x enter you could change whatever number you want by pressing the number and adding X to the end of it again so let's say I didn't want five objects I wanted seven so press seven enter I don't want seven objects I want four objects press 4x boom I don't want four objects and one 8 8 X boom if your classmates do not know this guy's show it to them and blow their minds again alright guys we are now at the end of our video this is the sixth and last hack and I call this hack the arrow keys to lock your direction Hank let's say I have an object right here and I wanted to move it along the green axis we could just do it manually by pressing m and just moving it like so so that it locks into the green axis but you know sometimes you just mess up and you know it doesn't doesn't want to go to the green axis so in order to do that just press left arrow key and boom it is now locked into the green axis so whatever I do with the mouse it's just going to stay on the green axis I can even like go berserk with the mouse and everything and it's just gonna lock into our green axis so let's say you wanted to move on the red axis all you got to do is press the right arrow button and boom it is locked on the red axis so let's say you want this thing to move on the blue axis and so I can't get it to snap onto the blue axis all you gotta do is press the up arrow button and it is now locked into the blue axis amazingly Leah and that catchphrase never gonna catch on anyways that is the end of our Sketch up tutorial hack T what what was the title of this video again totally forgot what I said a while ago anyways I hope you guys learned something very useful from this hacks if not still subscribe and like and comment this video so that makes me happy inside and you know it's Christmas and everything anyways I made this video for you guys out there who are struggling with Sketchup or you know who did not know this hack so that it's going to make your Sketchup workflow a little bit faster and going to generally make your life a little bit happier just like you did when you click that subscribe button anyways thank you guys for watching I will see you guys on my next video flying please [Music]
Channel: Llyan Austria
Views: 1,079,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sketchup hacks everyone must know, sketchup tutorial, sketchup (software), sketchup tips and tricks, sketchup tips for architects, sketchup tutorial for beginners, sketchup 2018, sketchup tutorials, llyan, llyan austria, fastest way to use sketchup, sketchup array, sketchup smooth circle, sketchup faster save hack, sketchup multiple sections, sketchup pro, sketchup basics
Id: W0iCRwJB4sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 28 2018
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