Secret Agent Clank (PSP, PS2) Cutscenes HD

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greetings agent Clank were you able to protect the eye of infinity no not only that I saw something quite disturbing hold on I'm receiving a news feed from your location I'll patch it through good evening galactic police are reporting the eye of infinity the largest pristine gem in the universe has been stolen from the bull tear Museum in a surprising twist galactic hero ratchet was caught at the scene of the crime crime doesn't pay huh well I can tell you from experience that being a hero really doesn't pay I'm still living in a tiny room with some two-bit bag of bolts but that's gonna change soon the AI has been taken where no one will ever find it ma'am but there hasn't been a prison built to go home this is a sad turn of events for one of the galaxy's foremost heroes Darla grach channel 64 news well I'm sorry agent I know you and ratchet are friends there is no way that was my friend run a complete retinal comparison on the news image the ID is positive that was ratchet agent there's no time to waste I need you to re-enter the museum and find out where the AI has been taken inside the museum you'll find robot security guards tank BOTS and guard dogs there are also several invisible laser traps and alarm systems the I was kept in this case make your way to the case and search for anything that might give you an idea of the eye's whereabouts I know this has become personal for you but we believe this theft is part of a larger plan it's imperative that you remain objective and complete the mission I understand I will report back with my findings remember agent I've got my eye on you you ancient proverb mind your own beeswax made by use your noodle cookie company a she Anika I believe I have found a clue to the location of the I of course there's a thriving black market there they must be trying to unload it I do not recognize these coordinates 4 8 15 16 23 and 42 yes silly those are lucky numbers I'll upload the coordinates for you thank you ah where am i oh did we wake your hero you're in Galactic ultra high security lockdown cell number j7 be to be exact I'm your friend in warden how did I get here the last thing I remember was brushing my teeth and and then yeah everyone in here is innocent this may be a bit of a shock to the system but if you want to survive in here for more than today you better have a little fight in yet huh it seems that a lot of these folks were put in here by you and they got a skull on the set aren't you supposed to protect me normally I would but I didn't think a big hero like yourself it protected besides I'm giving them cash on the side to make sure your time in here is less than hospitable y'all take care now looks like it's somebody's birthday don't get any big ideas about me sing it this is Asia Anika a lawless city run by the evil number woo and his robot Ninja army crime is rampant in this neon jungle and every street could be awaiting death trap since everything runs through his robotic fingers we believe that number Woon owes the whereabouts of the I track him down and get the information ah agent Cley you seem to have an electric personality once my needles power of this laser it will destroy you permanently prepare to die Bravo Hector serpentine go go go the turkey is in the dishwasher I will be sure to send your regards to number wool you seem to be tied up at the moment I can come back later wait I can't let my minions see me like this well if you tell me the whereabouts of the eye perhaps I can be persuaded to let you go fine I was told to send it to countess I've run a lot about Sun boule Sierra I see thank you for the information I thought you were going to let me go and I thought you would try to kill me if I did so I am good not to taste my laser agent Frank ah I love the smell of destruction so this is where the battle took place yes someday your grandchildren will read of my exploits here wait do robots have grandchildren or even children no matter soon the entire galaxy will know of my greatness thanks to the biography you're writing yeah whatever your name is I am biography analysis robot neo a CLO so Bernie it is it all started when I received a distress call from the Asian NICU Knights saying that they needed a hero to combat the mechanical monster that had taken over their city the winged Menace was fifty feet high he was an inch luckily I noticed a nearby grill pad I made a few quick modifications using a magnitude quantification on the vertex of an ellipse wait that doesn't make any sense were you there nerd oh no sir I didn't think so as I was saying I adjusted some jus hickeys and stepped onto the platform and immediately grew to gigantic size I was now ready to battle the monstrosity I still Stella the way so that's what you want me to write that's my story and I'm sticking to it where to next Oh next destination excitement oh brother you've arrived at the palatial Chalet of Countess Ivana Lada bolts a woman of privilege she inherited a huge fortune from her father who brought civilization to this once barren ice comet she may want to add the eye of infinity to her diamond collection she's also a champion ballroom dancer and has a deep love of music a good evening sir the countess is expecting me the rumors are true and that though that the most ravishing creature in all the galaxy inhabits this palace well and do the little flatterer agent clink I see you have heard rumors of your own like this I have I understand you are looking for the eye of infinity that is on my agenda perhaps i vill gives you the information if you prove yourself worthy in a dance I have been told I am light on my feet good because of you or not you will die ha that was incredible you have swept me off my feet away no other robot has it is your beauty that stirs the rhythm of my soul speaking of beauty you said you had information on the eye of infinity the I was just taken by my associate to the king pin on the planets of real noses I see perhaps we could do this again sometime doubtful go God seize him agent Clank we've received reports from our inside operative that ratchet may be in serious trouble well son looks like you survived so far I think a friend of yours wants to say hello hi is knucklehead you remember me no ah sure last time we met you shooting down my helicopter you know what it feels like they hit the pavement from 800 feet well you're about to find out we're well along with this cake maybe I can have someone give you a big old birthday spanking our operatives were unable to dig up much on the kingpin which considering our connections is pretty odd he's risen to power very quickly and controls a vast empire with dozens of thugs at his disposal he's under extreme protection at all times and his main henchman is this robot the jack-of-all-trades please be careful agent I want you back in one piece bingo just a moment please my shoe is untied hmm property of lopaka Dean Patricia ah yes I know that casino well you are not the only one with an ace up their sleeve jack of all trade excuse me this is where the magic happened my friend magic my epic battle with jack of all trades oh yes that isn't ace not a jack you're really starting to cramp my style Barney um as I was saying Jack and I were locked in battle money we mano with my blaster jammed thinking quickly I grabbed the suck back 3000 from a nearby janitor's closet jack of all trained hey excuse me this is where the magic happened my friend magic my epic battle with that jack-of-all-trades oh yes that is in case not a jack you're really starting to cramp my style burning hmm as I was saying Jack and I were locked in battle money we mano with my blaster jammed thinking quickly I grabbed the suck back 3000 from a nearby janitor's closet so what'd you do in there pal uh uh and miss inning Lee first after these stories back to the publisher oh I just love the book biz let me know what they think of my amazing adventures I will accept any well using the information you gave us we were able to track the I to this crate while it's important to retrieve the I it's more important to find out who's behind it's theft once it's taken into the casino it may lead right to our target stay out of sight and keep your pretty green eyes on that crate good evening sir could you sign for this please what is it it is the display case for that Hey kind of small don't you think I cannot help the way I was constructed sir it has been a burden the length of my existence oh oh sorry fella I am mean nothing by it have a good one Bechet over here over here in the can swim Cognito what are you doing here seriously after all the black market merchandise I've sold you what do you think I'm doing good point what do you want ratchet I'm working to get you out of prison I knew slim was there and this is the only way I could get you a message I need a passcode to get into the high stakes room at LaFave adidas ratio casino please find someone there with the code and transmit it back to me through slim good luck ratchet and hang in there they're used to playing that game every week I got that code you need I don't have any vaults to pay you there were a lot of criminal types in here who would like to see me expire for selling them shoddy merchandise protect me from them and the code is yours careful eating this much cake you need to stay in shape if you're gonna protect you password monkey pickle pants well howdy partner it's nice to have a new face at the table and a handsome face at that I thank you kindly miss so how do you all play your little game here seems a mite simple for my taste but I will give her a go what are the stakes what do you got here is a deed to my ranching planet I will put her up against whatever you all have in that crate you certainly seem to know what you want I like that number but we've got a deal hmm looks like I will have that crate and mosey along ah I'm afraid the prize Ukraine is no longer here well it's that not a kick in the pants it has been taken to ven Antonio where it will be reunited with its rightful owner you should not lose what you do not have correction you cannot lose what you do not have perhaps you'd like to stay and we can continue to exchange quips maybe another time I believe my hand here has already been played this city is home to a mutant race of amoeboid creatures they appear to be the only things that can survive in the acid filled canals our reconnaissance has shown that there may be a secret lab in the need the opera house that was once the crown jewel of the city speaking of jewels the eye may be inside the lab check there first and find out oh and be careful around the acid I don't want that preface to get scarred I am at the research facility now do you have any reconnaissance on this door the locking mechanisms for this door are the latest in high-tech security unfortunately as much as we tried we were unable to infiltrate its complex system of interconnected switches and auxilary dead latches I will see what I can do with it Clank out I hear that you're running a bit behind schedule on the laser perhaps I can persuade you to pick up the page ah I'd say I'm doing everything possible to complete this laser on time if you do not complete the laser whatever will I do with this ah the rat has taken the cheese I suppose he's expecting a chase so hey who are you what you want I am agent Clank and I'm rescuing you from the kingpin you would be surprised how often scientists are kidnapped actually this is my third time I'm starting to get used to it do you know what the kingpin wanted he said he would kill me unless I created a laser to help him break into the bone found Lee the old foundry why is it always about money by surveys the lasers ready to go I was just strolling because I thought he would kill me then I finished once I put the kibosh on his plans at the foundry he will not be hurting anyone signs for the last you have a nice ride you know var name sometimes it's good to do things just for the sake of being nice really well maybe for some people but not for me I need fame and fortune like the fortune the people of this city gave me to save their little burg save it from what sorry I can't tell you you can't tell me nope but I can sing it to you let me tell you how it all went down I was hired to see this little town they were needing someone of great Buy so for a fee - a puppy fight here's the first verse how I saved everyone from being food for the Klan dudes hey we're trying to sync the city I jumped in to save the day I swam right under rich and plug the leak with just my left butt cheek I turned the tables on the giant clams cracking the heads with crystal and away we're no match for my rugged brawn boy we're - are vestee and now the tussle go icers tastes nice with just only comes nice long long ago some sea lemurs had being flushed down the loo along with crew they made sewers of the town their home blotting revenge on the city they felt the time was right to stage their coup but I knew what to do using my weights I thought of a great plan get demo jobs like you're rich loves Hey we're not too keen on my idea so they hold on it's on me I am a giant gun and will then go home that's how I save the town next thing you know some aliens attack little green guys filling the skies citizens got scared and ran away but I told them not to fee I'll use my laser eyes to shoot them down and save your little town it wasn't long until they all were dead alien meat lifter this reach actually it was quite a mess in hurts everywhere you I guess in retrospect I probably should refund half my fee perhaps you heard of the chaos theory but turf lightnings lamping their wings cause a typhoon halfway around the world that just makes no sense to me I squash that butterfly and nothing changed do you think that is strange unless you count giant momma butterfly showed up annoyed let's to destroy it was really not that hard to kill I just ripped apart its wings so this time it should think before it acts that's not theory it's fact up from the depths there came an ocean guard horrific beasts wanting a feast it wanted a virgin sacrifice but I just could not oblige I am NOT one to boast but lets you say I kissed a girl one day so I decided to turn on the charm and flirt with the God flexing my quad as a gaming clothes for a case it closed all it of his/her eyes I saw smudger and soared into its head and now that God is dead when it was time for my hero parade on nasty brutes wearing a suit who was representing those acts Lane served us sills you to me he said I have to pay attorneys fees for all their families happy no recourse but to rectifying the legal case and save some face I decided there was just one way I could save myself some breathe as I pretended to sign up a chain I snapped his scrawny neck when it was done the town was not too thrilled with the big mess and mahjongg it bill listen I shall stay above the floor but I pulled them my contractor yeah an mTOR ah feels good ear out the old pipes again promote me to tell you about the time I inflated a hot air balloon with my lungs and out that I can believe who is king pan he is the publisher yeah my Marvin King ban oh of course good old Marv tell him I said hey this is Fort sprocket the foundry where most of the galaxy's bolts are held as you can imagine security here is extremely tight although our surveillance shows that the usual guards have been replaced by the kingpins men this is the head goon he's the one you knocked out at the science lab remember he's been seen in the area of the main vault if you can stop him you may be able to shut down the entire operation hey this is paid that is not possible what am i doing echo tango Orion go go go the porcupine has eaten the Snowman thanks boys I owe you one it was a setup somehow they made it look like I robbed the boat really are you okay yes I am fine but if I am unable to locate the true culprits I'm going to be in hot water with the Galactic police well we've tracked the kingpin to a spaceship graveyard at the edge of the galaxy if you hurry he may still be there I am on it birthday again if Lomax birthdays happen this often you gotta be close to hundred years oh well be a junkies your muffler yeah what are you doing here honestly I have no idea how about you no I'm gonna call these showers you're out of freezing cold water I just came to fix it yeah the showers have been unusually warm lately here's the problem so Mead you turn this off give me a hand with this will ya that was the last time I do that looks like my work here is done good luck since the Cuban arrived at this location there's been unusual activity in this area a decommissioned satellite has been moved to a launch pad here we're not sure what the kingpins plans are but with unlimited funds powerful laser and a huge gym at his disposal we're guessing it's not gonna be good investigate the situation and report back excellent if you can't tell the difference I doubt anyone else can clunk what are you doing here I wouldn't worry about that you have much more pressing issues to deal with unhand me I was slightly worried that this cumbersome shell would slow me down enough for you to catch me but as usual I overestimated you by the way I do hope your ship is an automatic I never learned to drive a stick don't kill him too quickly boys great my ship is nowhere to be found I appear to be stranded why is it that you don't need a breathing apparatus in the vacuum of space you know that's the exact question the space nuns asked me after I saved them and the ship full of orphans from the space pirates in the giant kudzu space nuns and orphans it was own routine patrol in the Delta sector when I heard the faint cry of a child you're missing some great stuff here no me about any of the juicy details you know I haven't really shown you what this baby can do and I open her up check this out hopefully it is still operational if I follow the signal of my ship I should find Club if I weren't searching trust in Fowler I might be suspicious all these types T Jack Lee we lost contact with you what happened I finally know who is behind all of this it is clunk he stole my ship and brought it here you mean the robot once created by dr. nefarious to replace you yes do you have any additional information on him here's his file since you last saw him clunks been working as a factory assembly line robot making high-tech toilet seats he abruptly quit on the same day that you and ratchet celebrated your victory over auto-destruct by visiting with the Galactic president we have no information on him after that day well if he's there you should time has come from my wrath to be felt across the galaxy while the establishment has me imprisoned my associates have continued to put my plan in place in short time I will destroy every planet in this galaxy at once unless I am set free and given my own planet to rule the device is already in motion wait I can stop it are you still sure about clunk it looks like ratchet might be in control I am Telling You that is not ratchet I will find clunk and prove it to you what are you doing son huh huh that message you just sent you got the entire prison riled up there's a prison break in progress and unless you can stop it I'm holding you responsible well hope you like pancake this isn't wise about thirty pounds Clank great to see you old friend the one let me have one call since I helped stop the prison break ratchet is that really you no it's me all right big floppy ears big green eyes big hands big watch it be what I am working to get you out of there I just picked up a lead hang in there ratchet and I will see you soon hey buddy I'm just doing my job where is clunk he's got an underwater headquarters all these planning there's nowhere to get there unless you got a submarine Oh coughing I'm working for the wrong side it was quite a prickly situation that last but me here what do you mean I was asked by the local fish men to save their water the ravenous cactus beasts were poking holes in the jam and stealing it and I was the only one who can stop them fishermen Oh No fishermen ah that's quite a drop even for a big hero like you this cakes an odd shape wait a minute it looks like a bunny rabbit hey thank you I believe I have found clogs headquarters however the door appears to be impenetrable it's a high-security door but your gadget BOTS can unlock it unfortunately if they cannot repeal in underwater step back use a case book on clunks hideout agent this old munitions depot is the perfect spot for a secret lair not only is it extremely cool because it's underwater but it also makes it very difficult to penetrate what you do make it inside you must find the command center clunks probably controlling the entire operation from there thank you no problem cutie yes yes flag out you know you could offer a piece to someone else once in a while you seem to be slowing down in your old age I am still spry enough to deal with traitorous scum like you ah still the righteous do-gooder have you learned nothing at all I have learned there is a difference between right and wrong that's true but it's not as black and white as you seem to think you can do the wrong things for the right reasons for example let's start by the way you kowtow to that furry whatever it is he is dumber and weaker than you and yet you ride around on his back like some kid on a carousel ratchet has proven his worth as a hero and a friend I am privileged to help him with his missions ah what a load of self-deluding garbage if he is such a hero why was it so easy to swap his helmet for my mind-control device and have him steal the eye of infinity for me I knew it ratchet would never act that way on his own yes but it's amazing how easily those other squishies believed that he could you are better than that I am better than that we are designed to be superior and we should act like it what are you suggesting it's quite simple really I'm going to become a hero and make all the squishies in the galaxy vow to my every whim they will never believe you are a hero no but they will believe you are they just won't know that I am you maybe what as clever as I thought let me keep this simple for you and laser using the eye of infinity as a refractor is poised right now the edge of the galaxy ready to blow up every planet with one shot everyone believes ratchet is responsible for it I will quickly destroy you which shouldn't be too hard since you fight like a little girl I will then broadcast my dismantling of the satellite disguised as you everyone will think I am a hero and ratchet will stay in jail forever that was the simple version hmm I may have underestimated you however no plan is complete without a back-up plan now what I have just activated the countdown timer for the satellite and I'm the only one who knows how to disarm it if by some miracle you manage to defeat me this entire galaxy will be blown to smithereens so either way I will be victorious I look at it as a sort of a win-win situation I have 40 seconds to stop the satellite from destroying the galaxy trump has plucked the teleporter with a passcode try easy I try clanks a big fat Duty head hey it worked lucky guess oh hello there captain quark this satellite is about to blow up the galaxy I need your help huh you don't say well I'm just gonna take this teleporter back to the surface good luck for them quark you are now inside the satellite urn where there is no time to explain you must remove the eye of infinity or we are all dead dude what's it the big shiny thing take it out of the laser now where was the I walk thank you I will see that this is returned to its rightful place good evening mr. president I have the final report on agent clanks activities after Clank and quark destroyed the satellite Clank left to return the eye of infinity to the museum he also sent me information on the mind control helmet that clunk had been using to control ratchet as you can see by these images of test subjects the helmet is quite powerful the agency recommends that ratchet receive a full pardon we also discovered captain quarks role in all of this he had received a huge sum from an anonymous source to write his autobiography he then decided that in order to have incredible stories to tell he would use a tracking device to follow agent Clank and steal his glory unbeknownst to quark the biographer assigned to him was working for the source who turned out to be clunk clunk needing a way to keep tabs on Clank knew that quark would do exactly what he did after clunk was destroyed Barney told a very confused quark the entire plan when quark angrily tried to destroy Barney things got interesting hey back on mummy hmm that was an explosive situation Barney had been programmed to kill quark if anything happened to cluck fortunately Clank heard the commotion and returned just in time to save him once again Clank has proven himself an invaluable agent and a sexy one at that oh sorry mr. president that concludes this report sorry it took me so long to get you released from prison no problem it was nice seeing some of my old friends even if they were trying to kill me so how was it coming that not a doer give it a try I was glad the president released Clark into our custody looks like it sucks to be him
Channel: GiantClunk
Views: 372,341
Rating: 4.8483791 out of 5
Keywords: Secret Agent Clank (PSP, PS2) Cutscenes HD
Id: 99Uw955f-tY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 19sec (2599 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 15 2013
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