Second Best Way To Cut Watermelon. Simple!!

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uh build you yeah would you like some watermelon watermelon yeah what's fun about this something Trish no Dexter yeah we keep the trash handy because it's so much easier that way [Music] there's so much to do with a watermelon that is much easier to just cut the peel off first so do you use a special dye for that no same same special in as much as you need a sharp knife but but other than sharp that's as special as it gets okay so this is the boring part because it's kind of repetitive there's a lot of a lot of Peel to come off now I don't do this but some people will take this peel and pickle it oh yeah yeah that's true and so uh that could I mean it's very crunchy so it could make a great pickle so this is something I'll have to try because you can pickle just but if it grows out of the ground you can pickle it I want to get all the white stuff off it's not as tasty it's not sweet that's a good start just cut it in half my knife is not big as big as this watermelon so we have to go two directions then spin this around flip it down and just leave this one over here there's a little bit more white stuff that I didn't get off so we'll just get that on it's like a shaving it's like shaving that's right this morning I shaved with this knife oh beautiful let me take our trash and move it another Bowl handy ready to go now I like big chunks that again this is going to get boring because there's a lot of watermelon yeah [Music] and then we test it and see let me taste okay thank you oh that one volunteered okay thank you hmm it's not bad was this nice for the first watermelon of the year great so this is a seedless watermelon so you don't see that seed never saw it foreign so the same thing happens let's be more efficient let's just get the whole pile okay and sometimes you have an odd shape piece we don't want that in the bowl just so you ate the same repeating okay okay I think this is I got it how to do it I think you do thank you yeah yeah we're most welcome I'll just keep cutting here foreign
Channel: Bill Sherer
Views: 164,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: E9-84Ab6Aws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 40sec (280 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2023
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