The BEST & EASIEST way to Cut a Watermelon - It's the Only Way

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I have scoured the internet for the best way to cut a watermelon and it all boils down to this method right now that I'm going to show you for a small you need a watermelon this is a monster this is probably 35 to 40 pounds this thing and you're gonna wash it first of all and you're gonna need sharp knife as big as possible this is the biggest one I have right now I'm not in my own kitchen and you're gonna need a large bowl this might not even be big enough for this watermelon but we're gonna give it a try so here it goes [Music] first thing you're gonna do is you're gonna cut the ends off so take your knife slice down try not to take too much of the meat out that's quite a bit actually there's this is a very thin skinned watermelon we're gonna do the other side not as much as time all right that's a little bit better it could have went a little bit deeper and now we're gonna cut it in half now with a knife that's not big enough not as big as a watermelon we are just going to go down and work it around we got a split there this is a monster I'm telling you let's just rotate it around this thing is exploding essentially this watermelon it's bursting at the seams ready to be cut and eaten there we go we have our watermelon now you get seeded a seedless I thought this was a seedless oh wow anyways next we're gonna choose a half of it we're gonna flip it over onto the large side this is even a small cutting board and we're gonna trim the skin off right there we're gonna get rid of the skin and don't worry if there's still some white showing we can trim that up later so you want to do your best to not take too much of the meat off [Music] just kind of go along the curvature of the melon we're almost there all right now if there's any white spots you can go you can see here you can just easily just trim that off and there's a little bit more if there's some leftover it's not a big deal this is that there's not a lot of flavor in the whites now we're gonna section it off and what I mean by that is we're going to make about let's say three-quarter inch slices you want to go all the way down cut it all the way through as even as you can get it I wish I had a longer knife but I forgot it we are on a little bit of a staycation by the way in a cottage up here so all right now what we're gonna do is we're gonna rotate it 90 degrees and we're going to do the same and we're going to cut down be careful try to keep it all together if you can and it might be hard because you have this smaller smaller knife but I'll do my best okay all right now we got to take our ball all right I had a few pieces here that crumbled off is a very ripe watermelon no eat those now you gonna take your ball and put it upside down over the watermelon that you just cut like so and now we're gonna flip it over this might get a little messy here you should do this over the sink but I want to show you how it's done one two three and flip flip there you go they're all sectioned off now as you can see well there you go I think this is the best and most simple way to cut and eat a watermelon there's no house so there's a minimal mess and it's easy to eat for everybody so give it a shot if you haven't tried it leave a comment below let me know what you think thanks for watching but they have to cut the other half now because I'm gonna eat this whole thing [Music]
Channel: Everyday Reviews
Views: 163,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the best way, watermelon, cutting watermelon, slicing watermelon, everyday reviews, foodie friday, cooking, foodie, simple, easy, cut, slice, canada, mexico, usa, kelowna, food hack, hacks, brian chow, chowtime, the best way to cut a watermelon, 4k
Id: A5UbRw5TiX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 44sec (344 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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