Season of Discovery Phase 2 Best Investments! Last Chance!

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yo what's up season Discovery players it's blinkers here and I just want to go over some early preparations Investments and moneymaking ideas that I have for early Phase 2 season of Discovery the main item that I've been investing a ton of money into recently is the Black Pearl currently it's trading for about one to two gold on my server and I plan for it to sell anywhere from 10 gold 15 gold 20 gold at the beginning of phase two it's going to be a really good flip the reason for that is all enchanters are going to need it in order to make their Rune truce over rod at level 200 enchanting as well as do bis enchants at level 225 so a ton of people are going to need this another good investment that I'm looking at making here recently for the same reason of enchanting is soul dust Soul dust is going to be in high demand early phase two is every enchanter is going to need about 80 of these to level from 155 to 185 enchanting currently they're selling for about three silver to five silver on my server at any any given point in time and they they will easily flip for 10 to 15 silver early Phase 2 when they're in high demand also speaking of enchanting early Phase 2 this is a super pro tip enchant cloak lesser agility is going to be the best in slot enchant for cloak this thing is going to be worth a ton of money it'll easily be worth a 100 gold 50 gold 75 gold early in phase two when people are going for it the recipe has a high chance to drop off the waste wander assassin or Scofflaw located in Tanis or the Syndicate assassin located in the alter alterac mountains I would suggest getting it super early another recipe worth paying attention to is enchant bracer greater spirit so this is going to be a pretty good enchant that you can get it's farmable off of elite mobs in STV Emon maradon desus Etc but I think the best place that you're going to be able to farm this from is probably off of the Scarlet Champions located in Scarlet Monastery Cathedral should be pretty a pretty good money maker probably will sell for anywhere from 30 to 50 gold all right let's move away from enchanting and into some quick hit list items that I'm purchasing ahead of time for phase two flips let's start with the large Fang I've usually been purchasing purchasing these items for about five Silver Six silver a piece four silver at a good time and I plan on flipping them for anywhere from 10 silver to 15 silver come Phase 2 they'll be really good for leveling up Alchemy as well as blacksmithing and some leather working recipes but the main reason I'm purchasing for is the rage potion which a ton of people are going to be using to pump and nomer and I see this item being a really good flip at the beginning of phase two another item I've been investing a ton of money into going into phase two is the life RP currently it's selling for about three silver four silver on my server and it'll easily be selling for 10 silver to 15 silver at the beginning of phase two life root is going to be very useful for pumping up some alchemy levels as well as useful for shadow protection potion and greater healing potion which will be useful for leveling in phase two strangle kelp is going to be another huge investment going into phase two currently it's selling for about five silver on my server but it's going to be super super useful going in going into phase 2 Season Discovery as everybody knows it's useful for free action potion as well as nature protection potion which is potentially going to be youu huge in phase two with uh unknown discoveries coming up um it'll be useful for leveling up your Alchemy currently it's selling for about five silver I bet it'll easily sell for 10 silver to 15 silver early in Phase 2 bolts of ma weave have been super cheap on my server for whatever reason I would definitely purchase these up if they're going for 15 to 20 silver and hold them for Phase 2 they'll be an easy easy flip one of the last Quick flip items I'll be purchasing before phase two is heavy leather currently it's super super cheap on my server I've been getting it as cheap as three silver per heavy leather and I'll be flipping it in phase two easily for 10 silver the reason it'll be easy to flip is because heavy leather is going to be super useful for those early leather working levels and a ton of people people are going to need it last but certainly not least if you've made it to the end of the video one of my final Pro tips is making a couple alts and going out to where the first aid book is at in the aroi highlands or dust wallow Marsh if you're hoard and putting them up on layers and getting them set up to purchase these books these books are going to be worth a ton ton of money at the beginning of phase two they're only a gold to purchase from the vendor and I bet they will easily be selling from anywhere to 50 to 100 gold at the beginning of phase two because they're going to be in such high demand and they're going to be super hard to get your hands on thanks guys for watching my video and if you like the content please give it a like and a subscribe and drop a comment and if you're looking for some leveling tips as a mage I got a video for you that you can watch right here give it a click and get that boost in going
Channel: Blinkurz
Views: 4,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aeyuYkIBywc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 0sec (300 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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