Insane Fishing Loot in Season of Discovery Classic WoW

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so I recently released a video where I opened 100 Ironbound Trunks and there's been a high demand for part two where I open up 100 me bound trunks so here we are today with 100 me bound Trunks and hopefully I'll get some great loot just like the previous video then I don't have enough back space to store all 100 trunks so I've decided to give some of these to another character and these I'll then trade once I have more back space I'm not going to autol loot as I know some of you are kind of interested in knowing what each individual create a Weller trunk contains so if you're in a hurry then you could either increase the speed of the video by twice as fast or you could just skip to the end of the video to see every single item I've got as I was farming all of these I noticed it was a lot more difficult to actually pick them up or well there was a higher chance of also failing when I was fishing compared to the Ironbound trunks so yeah it took a bit longer but then again all the materials to get in these trunks are also way better if you're preparing for phase too as most of the materials will help you get to max level in your profession but also because the healing and Mana potions you get will be the best possible potions in Phase 2 so you can use these to either level up quicker or save them for when you reach level 40 and you would like to start raiding now some of you might also be wondering where did you collect most of these and I found tenaris to actually be the best possible location for them I feel like there's not as much competition yeah there is a way higher chance of you also failing when you're fish but then again compared to the competition then it's way better to be in this Zone at least as of right now maybe when I post this video it's going to change another reason why I like tar so much was because a lot of the floating wreckage but also fishing schools wasn't protected by aggressive enemies so it was so easy to fish here at least if we compare to a Zone like strangle for where there's a lot of aggressive enemies either guarding the schools or maybe even patrolling close to them anyway so so far I've got quite a few green items a lot of potions B of Mage Reef cloth and even fig letter I've also got a bit of rock letter and also bol of w clo but as of right now we don't even know if we can get our professions to 300 in Phase 2 so these materials are not really what I'm looking for it's mainly going to be fig Le and bolt of mwee so I can get my proficience to 225 in the previous video a lot of you have also commented that it's next to impossible to farm fishing on your server mainly because of a lot of fishing Bots I guess this is not the same case on my server or well there's probably not as many people purchasing gold on my server compared to yours another reason could also be because I haven't seen any gold dkp runs being advertised yet maybe it could be on a Discord but in game there hasn't been anything yet now that I'm already covering this topic then also thanks to everyone who voted in this poll I'm glad to see it's only 8% but then again 8% is actually a lot of players purchasing gold gold and who knows it might even be higher however I still feel like I see less and less spots in game maybe they're farming in dungeons I don't really know but I feel like it's way lower compared to for example a week or two weeks ago so maybe there's a way too high amount of gold in game right now being sold compared to the demand or maybe it's just because it's so easy to make gold in season of The Discovery and there isn't many things we can purchase with the gold let me know your thoughts about this in a comment below the video until another topic 2023 has been an amazing year for my channel my original plan was to see if I could reach 30,000 subscribers and yeah I'm almost at 34,000 subscribers now so I'm so glad for everyone who's supporting the channel also just by being a viewer therefore you can also expect a lot more videos next year mainly focusing on season of Discovery as I enjoy this so much right now and I feel like I will continue to enjoy it as going to be introduced new rides open world events and new spells to each individual class in the upcoming phases another reason why I enjoy the season so much is because many things are unknown in the beginning we have to go discover what is going to be the best possible gear setup where we can Farm the most gold and many other things this is not unknown in Original Classic probably also won't be unknown in cataclysm when it's going to be released talking about cataclysm then I will also be working on different videos for that expansion but definitely not spend as much time as of done in season of Discovery the main reason for this is because a lot of the things that made me start playing classic to begin with was no rinder transm and there was a lot of world interaction because there was no flying Mounds this is definitely not the case in cataclysm and I feel like that expansion reminds me a lot of how retail is and the reason why I actually quit retail back then so season of Discovery seems to be my home in 2024 on this they actually end up doing some big changes to cataclysm classic for example class changes or maybe who knows what they're going to implement if they're going to do some changes so what will be your main focus next year cataclysm season of Discovery hardcore self-found mode or maybe even retail let me know your choice and the reason why you prefer these by posting this in a comment below the video so with all of these things cleared let's get back to the main topic of the video opening the 100 me full trunks there seems to be a high chance of getting consumables but also materials for tailoring and letter working if compare the loot I've got so far to for example what I got in the Ironbound trunk then I feel like it's way better to find Ironbound trunks compared to these the main reason for this is because all the consumables but also crafting materials and even green items can usually be sold in phase one where most of the items you get in the meel bound trunk is mainly for phase two so if you're looking for a way to make gold with fishing right now then I would definitely skip me full bound Trunks and instead focus on Ironbound trunks what we also got to remember remember is that right now we don't even know if we can get our professions to 300 in Phase 2 because maybe they might do a change so your character has to be level 41 in order to get a proficient to 300 and then all of the bolt of run clo and also Rock letter will be useless in phe two and for that specific reason I would much rather like to find the iron bound compared to the me bound trunk all right so what did we end up with by opening a 100 of these we got this pattern for tailoring the bright Club gloves that requires to be 275 in tailoring we also got a pattern for letter working and this I can use to level up my letter working in phase two on top of this an amazing schematic for engineering and this we can use in the next phase no matter what and I can even learn it as an engineer and sell them on your auction house and our plans for blacksmitting but a doubt we can sell this for a high amount as the item requires us to be 40 to something we can't even equip next I've also got a lot of superior healing potions and even greater Mana potions and these will be the best possible to get as you're getting to level 40 so it will increase our leveling speed or we can use them when we're going to raid the shield right here isn't that great sub plan should just window this this is also the exact same case with the weapon it's above the level we can get to in phase two so it's better just to render it instead of trying to post it on the auction house the wi price is also quite decent and this is the exact same with the weapon here however the neck has amazing stats and it's below level 40 so we will be able to use it I can probably sell this for a decent amount of gold to any M DPS in some cases it can also be better just to disenchant the items if the stats isn't great and we can sell it on the auction house and if the winter price isn't high so by disenchanting the item we might end up with enchanting materials that will sell for a higher amount there's a big downside to farming the meold trunks many of the green items you collect will also be above level 40 so you can't even even use these yourself or sell them on your auction house at least not for a high amount compared to for example the items you can get in the Ironbound trunks but then again in the meall trunks there's also a small chance that you will get items at level 40 and with the correct stats there will also sell for an insane amount of gold anytime soon and remember if we have the opportunity to level professions to 300 then all the Bold of run clo and rock letter will also help us return to reach max level and with the Bold of run clu you can then sell 14 slots BS for a high amount of gold so if you haven't already watched the first part where I open 100 Ironbound trunks then I would highly recommend you to check that out and I wish you all a Happy New Year and hopefully I will catch you in the next video in 2024 as always thank you so much for watching and have an amazing day peace
Channel: GuideMMO
Views: 19,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: season of discovery fishing, season of discovery fishing guide, season of discovery fishing gold farm, season of discovery gold guide, season of discovery gold making, season of discovery gold farm, wow classic season of discovery, classic season of discovery, classic wow, priest, warrior, mage, druid, rogue, warlock, hunter, shaman, paladin, wow classic, wow, wow season of discovery gameplay, wow classic sod, wow sod, world of warcraft, season of discovery phase 2 preparations, guidemmo
Id: sNgV0d2x8hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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