Searching for GIANT Bass in PADS! (Lake Fishing)

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[Music] so we're starting this video off in an interesting manner there's a random tree in the room so we're gonna decide to just fella I wonder how heavy it is oh yes whoa Hercules you ain't moving out I never know what you guys see every single episode I swear it just gets weirder mama dudes I'm gonna just lift the motor control the motor just pull it up on the bank and you can just kind of ease her off and jump on let me try to stop that with you good maybe there you go all right oh boy I'm getting off all right [Music] so we just got out on the lake today you guys have been asking for the boat videos I've been so excited to bring them to you guys and we're out here today on a new body of water I've never been to before as you guys know I don't really have many lakes around me here in Savannah Georgia we have the rivers and the rivers recently I've been so flooded and what happens that the fish get so far up in those trees and it's nearly impossible to really get on a good bite when it's flooded like that so today we're out on a new place there's a ton of pads out here super clear water it's got a heavy drop-off I was scanning it on my graph before we even started and I'm just super excited we're gonna get on the nasty frog bite in these pads and I'll also tie down like a little swim bait here I'll show you guys so I got my hot crush right here and this is what gonna be what my frog is on and then I got my mock two and then I just have like a little swim bait on there on a ewg hook this might be killer today we got a lot of wind and I was thinking something fast moving across those pads and all that vegetation you know might kill it you know I usually don't throw a frog much I'll used to always stick to like swim baits and you know like horny - it's all plastic frogs to move across that stuff I think this might be killer so that's gonna be something in our arsenal today and if we have to back off and fish some of the drop offs we'll throw it like a worm a crawl and I think we'll be good from there I got Devon behind the camera you guys are new to the channel please hit that subscribe button hit the notification bell also hit the like button if you guys have been enjoying the content we're gonna go ahead and hop into it trying to catch some fish I can't tell you how today is gonna be this is a very pressured place people fish this every single day so I'm curious we're gonna try it out hopefully put a big bag together so you guys better stay tuned hit that like button let's get started so if you guys know me well you already know what I'm gonna start off with we're gonna start off with this freaking frog I'm excited about that these pads look so soft guys so freaking sauce they're super thick I was almost thinking about punching them it's definitely thick enough but the problem is that you know with the clouds today I just don't know if they're gonna be stacking this stuff how they should be so that was my main thing I was like I'm gonna get froggen and punching today but with the Sun not really beating out a bunch of cloud cover you know these fish are probably gonna be ruined a lot more they're not gonna be tucked under that vegetation and that that's something to always think about it's the conditions when you come out so if it was a sunny day I feel like these fish would be more positioned in the pads but today being a little more windy overcast day clouds out that could possibly be roaming the edge of the pads a little bit more not saying the fish aren't gonna be in the pads because we're gonna catch some of these pads today I can tell you that that's primarily you know the only cover or vegetation whatever you want to call it in this lake yes there's some drop-offs we're in 15 foot of water right here on the bank which is awesome actually I did not think it's gonna be this deep in here so worst-case scenario fish that drop off or at least fish the edge of these pads and me and Delta are just talking about a swim jig might be fired too so we're gonna try to put a big bag together I can tell you with a place with a bunch of pads like this I can only think that there's some giant fish in here you know I've never fished here I've never even heard of any fish being caught out of here you know what we're gonna we're gonna try today we're gonna see what we can put together I know there's bass in here has to be I actually met a supporter of the channel I should have filmed it and he said he caught a little bass yesterday not a big one a little one but like I said that tells us there's fish in here let's get it started [Music] look at this guy's I got a jerk feet today clear water oh dang right a jerk bait dude you're one of them guys Delton there ain't there ain't no rules to fishing there ain't no rules to fishing there's fish suspended in seven foot of water below my boat on this edge they leave this jerk bait in this clear water - with this wind and cloud cover this jerk bait might get really you might really get munch today it's not supposed to be a boat ramp because I was that's supposed to be a boat that's funny I sausage oak it's not even connected to the water telling you know what you would put in on that boat grant like they ever blocked all screams no throw a punch [Music] absolutely calling my name by the way guys I'm uh I got these new $0.06 arcs flippin hooks I've never I never tried them before we gonna throw them today so on this punch Andrew you're comparing it up with a prawn this is in green pumpkin blue this Clearwater I think that's gonna work well don't really get right up on this gosh I'm excited of course the stuff gets more thin right when I tie this punch and they're going look at that it's like all thick stuff and then we get to this like a little Twinkie stuff every Twinkie stuff I don't think you twos really I've punched a lot man like in the past of tournaments and high school events College events I don't know if I've ever like filmed me punching oh yeah I have on the river have one my saying I'm just thinking if some of these fish are bedding up under this stuff - you came and get to him you drop this thing on its head I'll expect him to eat it kind of idea we're gonna switch up right here guys I punch a good bit of that ice don't know if that I was flipping in that thick the thick pads I just don't know if that breeds a little too much for this clear water we're gonna switch over to this bubblegum fluke which I think I get much we're gonna work the edge of these pads it's a bunch of little grass under those past two that's coming out so we'll see I think this would be good I think I'll eat that fluke there in there see whether it being cloudy today they probably pushed off of this stuff a lot more [Music] there is it's running at me I can't tell these big nope ate that fluke though tiny guy like out is from being in them pads tiny guy gosh he's running at me so hard right there right there made the quick adjustment put on that fluke like I said I didn't know if that braid is too much we got first fish today it's not a big one by any means but look at the colors on that bass for me being in that in this pads and in that vegetation it gets the dark from that that's a pretty little fish we're gonna keep going that's a that's a little star right there that's all we needed now we know there's bass in here and I we're gonna keep going or receiving fun some big ones get this baby back in the water there she goes alright so start Dilton yeah it's so flat right here man you went three foot of water to for the water mm-hmm my name come fishes drop oh now drops oh man gotta be some fish sin on the hill there they went from two-foot now we're at 14 that drop off further that was crazy two foot of 14 foot in two seconds we'll come back and look at that later it looks like almost a bed right there where my flukes at right there I got off the bank doesn't that look like a bed catch on that pitch on that this is just a good one - holy cow I didn't even see that he might have came off that bed holy cow it's a 2 pounder I flip him right in a dark fish there he munch the thing I was not paying attention I was like telling Delton what looks like a bed right there these fishes came out of nowhere and I wash them tank that fluke beautiful - number I think we're gonna put him in the box let me take a picture later yeah beautiful though and now we're getting somewhere that flukes get munched he just saw on a Texas roof like a Stricker crawl if they're not even that maybe a prawn I think that's gonna work on the edge of this stuff that might be a bit [Music] effectively getting somewhere just figure we're figuring something out that's all that matters he ate it way off the bank too so staying off this is good but I think if we tag-team this with that crawling this fluke I think we're gonna catch him dude I think we're gonna really put a hurting on I saw him coming to eat it I like wasn't paying attention it was just out of the blue it's like I got the fluke about five foot from the boat and you just launched it and it's gonna be hard with that he's got to make sure you're on the bottom sit drops also quick [Music] there is another one there eating that freakin fluke now dude I can't tell all things big tiny guy little tiny guy well he's eating the flute right on the edge of that grass another pretty pretty bass dark colors that's awesome same way you know right there on the edge of the grass that's beautiful he's not big enough throw him in I was talking to dumb we're gonna throw a few in today and take a picture at the end I think we should probably pack we're figuring them out now it's happening way quicker we're staying way off these pads as you guys can tell we're freakin 25 foot off these pads now more than that probably about 30 foot off these pads and we're really playing it I'm working the fluke out he was actually on the edge but I think Delton dragging that crawl on the drop-offs gonna get it done get her back in the water thank you baby all right let's get the work yeah surprisingly where the heck are the keys you got some chickens over there chickens burro are you talking about chickens man so let's talk about how I'm working this thing so I'm beaming it all the way up there in this pads right up on the edge if I land on the pads I reel it off a little bit there's a big fish on my graph big bass right there but throw right there on the edge of the pads and I just start working it out and I give it like three or four hard pops twitches I give it a pause now oh you have me right there pay attention that's what happens you give it some pops and a little pause and that last one he ate it on the pause I won before I was twitching I kind of watched him roll on it but these fish did you hear that yeah had to be a chicken but that you know throw any on the edge of these pads and pretty much letting it come off you know giving us some twitches pausing it that pause is so important right now especially in this water it drops off so quick because you're throwing up there's like five foot then you get off right at the edge of the pads it drops to 15 so you know Delton working that curl I kept telling I was like dude you're gonna get eaten I mean it's just gonna be a matter of time and I think it might be a better one that you'd set crawl bang I'm beaming that fluke up in there dude I've got on that perfect little cubby hole I'm I can watch the fluke there is that's a good one that's a good one yeah leave about pull the rod out my hands totin - that's the best fish today oh look at him do these fish fight hard oh yeah mm-hmm plays a lot bigger man I placed two and a half I mean that beautiful fish though that's not bad one feet about took the rod out of my hand man he's in Brad in that cubby hole he's about 15 foot out from that cubby hole and I just jerked down dude he pulled back that is awesome right there man we're finally catching me I like it that's what number four yeah number four pretty fish so guys I actually got a goodie box in the mail from sick since the other day I've been one to open it and I wanted to do it on film that was a fish dude in it hold on dude that was with hit top water right there watch this come on baby like a five pounder just came up and ate that frog don't try it one more cast we gonna go up under that bridge look look yep he's about to eat it watch oh my god he's below me watch this you literally blow my frog why did he not eat it Oh oh my god this is giant dude he was in this grass oh my god the cameras are off that's a big fish dude the battery's dead hold on hold on dude that is a giant freaking fish dude I don't know if it's a bass it's so big has to be bass all right oh dude dude that is a freaky giant and he just destroyed my frog right there watch this he's on this Bank that was in st. guess sauce ie Oh some work see we got oh my god come here come here these are something new that I haven't even got to try these are the little finesse jigs that they just came out with the packaging looks freaking hot to love that goes a little black and blue you got the silicone skirt to all that is awesome these are hand tied little ball head jigs Vanessa jigs five sixteenth ounce we also got some hybrid jigs in here just boil I've got to have the hybrids you guys know I've been killing them on that but the ball head jigs something new look at that one green pumpkin a little bit of blue on it let's see what else black and blue black and blue green pumpkin blue green pumpkin blue green pumpkin blue hybrid big this oh these are some little bags I can put them in that's dope let's do yeah I'm thinking thinking I'll put one of these on man what do you think I'm thinking I think I'm gonna try one of these finesse jigs I've been one to try one for a while when it comes to the black and blue I might try it I might try that green pumpkin blue [Music] might be better in this clear water like that I'll try that yeah let's look at this real quick I kinda wanna look in depth and by the way if you guys want to get 10% off you guys know I got my code I know I say it a lot but for the new people watching look at that that's a fire looking jig bro I like that a lot little ball head screws on the little trailer I think we put a little stroker curl on that let me flame it let's go ahead and tie them on and uh give him a shot man I wish we would have caught that fish on the Frog that would have been crazy just turn around five pounder and that was a big fish I promise you let's tie this thing on catch a big one I gotta cut off my fluke sadly Dalton but sometimes in life you know trade things up all right do you mind if I have that a pair of pliers fine thing this little ball head jig is perfect for this too look at this this is nirvana once yeah it's literally perfect cuz look let me show you guys this is gonna be dope it's actually perfect for this one so you got green pumpkin on one side just like the jig and now on the other side you have black and blue and look at that that literally matches up perfect heck yeah heck yeah I got the screw lock too so that thing is stay on though I see it bro that is it look at that green pumpkin on that side black and blue on that side yeah he's pretty good I need sick a little but sexy dude I think no get sexy dude I've been excited cuz I've been won through these look at that I love it I won't give you my honest review right here somebody good we thrown the hybrid jig we know the hybrid jig some juice but I have yet to throw I already got hit I just got I got hammered right there I am in playing my bait was my bait was a sinking I felt though man my rod era my just freaking out I don't know get her really big oh you know where this was right where I called that fluke fish dude that was like seemed like a big fish out your drag wasn't that was it that seemed like a big fish you knew it you know that's funny because there's beds on this Bank there's beds on this Bank you see him I can't believe that fish came off that seemed like a big fish yeah your rod never freaking mood bro you really go out the jáchym [Music] she gettin here get him yes oh you got him huh they're all good thing we can't that's not about one good job bro finally got the monkey off my back we've been out here for probably what three hours or so haven't had a single fish finally got one we got a jig we're pitching jigs back up around these lily pads doing one of these uh green pumpkin blue jigs got a minute I just art kind of hopping it off the bottom I let it go to the bottom give it a quick little hop hop then they just let it flutter down and then that's when he frickin slammed that thing jacked him outta there look how dark this fishes though and that was the same spot where you missed that fish I missed that one before but this is definitely the male there's a female out there though but we think their own bed out here we're not quite sure what we notice guys is right here when we got to about right here this 15-foot drop it comes up to the eight foot right here and it's a little more flatter right here and we think there's a bunch of fish on bags we saw another bed I caught a fluke fish here and then he lost that jig fish and then we came back and he caught this chick fish so I think there's more to be caught but that's some progress boys so I tied the green pumpkin blue one on I think I've had two bites on it but I'm gonna actually tie this black and blue one on see what see what we work and see if it uh changes my luck bites been pretty slow right now put one of these a Nirvana skirt patrols back on them well that looks a lot better to me right there I like how that one looks I'll give it a shot let's see if they want this one better [Music] about what I got on right now there he is yes dude this is like five cast of this black and blue literally five cast of this big about ten and a half I think oh you bad bad fish at all is so dark look at that right there on that new ball head jig by six since you got all of that right there that is a brand new one that's my first bass on the jig Delton got one it's a beautiful one it's about a pound pound and a half get her back in the water it's a pretty fish the colors on these bastards they're so dark you know that that's what happens when they're living up in that vegetation and then pads and all that grass that's what happens yes all right we'll start getting somewhere I just changed out like I said that was probably my fifth cast of that jig you know I was using that green pumpkin blue it just wasn't really getting the job done so we tried over at that time [Music] you get any bites until you yeah that's my first like legit bye I switched up I had like a green oh is that a big one really oh my gosh how's it going - what the heck [Music] [Music] we're right here that was a fraud that's a frog fish I can't see where it was right there yeah that was awesome on the Frog on the Frog he's not big that was so freakin cool that's what you call teamwork right there don't spotted that I didn't see it that's a good fish too not bad for what we've been catching just slam that freakin frog first frog fish first top water fish we've seen pads all day and you'd think you know if we'd be just chucking frogs but we have not had any luck on it until now just got a beautiful fish in that all that was awesome careful here I'll put the fish would've been a lot bigger that's still a beautiful one oh that is so much fun that's what we needed today caught fish on some flukes caught fish on some jigs now we got a top water going on beautiful bass get him back in awesome so much fun on a frog you cannot beat a frog bite especially when you see pads like this it was blowing our mind that we haven't caught one on a frog yet and that was a perfect opportunity he stuck a thing or I down let's go [Music]
Channel: KickinTheirBASSTV
Views: 439,338
Rating: 4.8942966 out of 5
Keywords: bass fishing, fishing, lake fishing, lake fishing for bass, lake bass, lake bass fishing, fishing lakes for bass, bass fishing lakes, fishing lily pads for bass, fishing lily pads, fishing pads, giant bass, giant bass fishing, fishing for bass, searching for giant bass, fishing videos, fishing videos bass, bass fishing videos, kickin their bass tv
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 47sec (1667 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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