Fishing BIG Worms for BIG Bass (River Fishing)

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[Music] [Music] what's poppin people welcome back to another episode of kickin their bass tv if you guys are new to the channel hit that subscribe button hit the notification bell also hit the like button if you guys have been enjoying the content today we're out here on the beautiful savannah river it's been about two weeks since we've been out here so we're like you know what we got to get out here and try to catch some big bass we're actually doing something different today that we've never done before there's one bait that i really haven't got to experiment with much on the river and this has to be throwing a big worm out here so what we're going to do is bring up some big worms on our rods throw around some of this a beautiful cover behind us and see if we can catch some big fish so that's the game plan today it's actually around 100 degrees but we got the cooler packed up with the ice in the waters and we're all prepared for today the weather the last few days has been insane i know you guys are probably experiencing it too it has been super hot and it has been brutal let me tell you it's been rough just being out here for like an eight hour day it's been pretty hard also let me know if you guys have been enjoying the river videos hit the like button on this video leave a comment down below and if you guys have anything that you want to see us do out here on the river let me know down below so we actually stopped by dicks this morning because we had to get a little bit of supplies boys and girls let me tell you the hardest thing to find recently within like the last year has to be bullet weights we actually found some these are like some eagle claw bullet weights but they're actually 1 8 ounce so it's not really what we wanted but this is all they had this has been the hardest thing to find i don't understand like you can find baits you can find whatever but when it comes to your simple lead weights you cannot find them anywhere i ended up buying a couple packs of flukes which will probably be thrown around a good bit today that might be like later in the day cody got him a little pack of lizards because we're gonna try those out that's in california 420. and then i got two different big worms that we're gonna be trying out today we got the old monster and plum and then we got just one of these like culprit 10 inch worms this one's in june bug i'll show you guys both of our options so that's the junebug one it's looking pretty saucy out here on the savannah river you guys know the water's a little bit more murkier but today it's actually pretty clear so uh i think it's gonna be good and then we also have the old monster and that's a plum worm that's crazy that sounded like a mudfish though so that's the plum worm and then the june bug right there they're both 10 inches i think i'm gonna probably start off with the june bug this darker color one see where this gets us if we don't have any bites on this i'll end up switching up to the plum worm right here so that's kind of the game plan and then we're gonna be putting this on a four out extra wide gap hook and then that 1 8 ounce bullet weight so if you guys are wondering about the combo i'm throwing too this is actually a lose custom pro on a mach 2 rod 17 pound fluorocarbon so let's go ahead and get this started i'm going to stop talking tie this bad girl up and see if we can catch a big one on this today this is the thing when you're fishing a big worm you can get a lot of bites you know small fish are going to bite it but i'd almost rather only have a few bites today that are really good you know some good big fish and i've never done this out here on the river so i really don't know what to expect you know a big worm might be the secret to catching some of those big savannah river bass so we're gonna find out today if you guys are wondering what nothing time it's a simple uni knot tie her on up wet our line boom cut our tag in pow one side of the worm is going to have like ribbed ribbed side the other side is going to be flat so what you want to do is take the point of your hook go through the head of the worm and you're going to want to break out of the flat side so where you break is you're going to want to slide this all the way in the worm and once the worm hits this corner that's exactly where you're going to want to break through just like that now we're going to push this worm all the way up to the front of the hook just like that and if you guys are wondering we're going to rig this weedless because the last thing you want to do is be hooking trees and a bunch of vegetation so you're going to lay the worm right here on the hook where the back of this hook is that's exactly where you're going to want to penetrate it boom just like that i'm going to bury the point of the hook boom look at that that's our big worm we're gonna go ahead and get started just fan cast around a good bit and try to see what we learned today put a bunch of information together in the first hour and then uh use that to our advantage and see if we can catch some big ones all right baby we ready to get it started here is our big old worm i'm excited about this i've never been so excited to be out here on the river and and just try something different than i haven't done before because you know we come out here a lot and and we enjoy just going and trying to find these big fish and throwing whatever we want but there's not many times where i just get a bait that i haven't thrown and come out here and give it a whip so we're gonna try it out today so we can get started with cody's throwing the big worm as well and uh if we don't end up getting them to eat this guys we're gonna have to adapt you know we're gonna adapt we're gonna change we're gonna try to catch these fish today so we're gonna go through the whole process and see what we can put together but i'm just hoping we can get some good fish on this worm because it's something i haven't done before i'm kind of excited about it or you can't tell me if this went past a five pounder's head right now you wouldn't eat it oh no way do you actually have one yeah i had one dude he broke you off you know what i just looked at my where was it i cast it at the base of the not that but over there i looked at my line and it was frayed after i did that and i was like you know what i should retie and i didn't oh that's like a good bite it did man cody i'm kind of sad that they're done the spring bites done like that's depressing yeah oh no dude you're lying bro i might need to put on that color dude they're smoking that thing are you serious yeah i just had a bunch of slack in my line so i couldn't set it right when it hit i might eat it again dude oh yeah no we didn't come home dang dude yeah you had them yeah did you get it oh my god all right guys cody's been having he's had three bites already on [Music] the plum one so that's what i'm about to try don't be copying me bro hey dude hey bro hey you bought them i can't believe you've had that many bites on this dang thing real quick i think this one's a little bit bigger than the one i was throwing to yeah i feel like a small one um yeah you've been moving it a lot too yeah i've been kind of dragging it maybe maybe you've been like triggering them to bite with how you're popping it at the base of this little things where you had that fish right there see if he's still there forgot your worm back oh gosh is it a big mug dude i thought you had a mega oh dude i was just waiting on it to jump because i thought it was the best yeah dude i'm about to say you got a freaking monster can you do that yeah i can get them you can hold it and i'll apply it honestly i'm going to hold her on let you play it because you got you got the pliers skills dude oh yeah guys i got my first [Laughter] that's a freaking big boy yeah dude when you hook set i was like he either has a tree or a monster i got one dude my whole rod just went like little tiny like i didn't realize your line was still in the water yeah i was like looking at my rod and all i saw was this oh my gosh what if that's what's been biting you the whole time a mud yeah one of them felt like a bath yeah one of them definitely was oh my dude holy cow that was that was a big fish it might have been a mud dude but yeah that was gonna happen all the way no he has his teeth marks on it too dude i like lift it up and it like pulled back on me dude just stopped it all all the way i got when hook said there's nothing there hey you got one yep another big mud i'm gonna see if i can double up with you see if this want to bite me again right as you bend your hook back out yeah those muds are freaking munching that thing oh that was a big one nice oh i got one oh that that was a freaking big bass dude oh i mean not like a freaking monster but that was like a solid three pounder yeah gosh yeah dude i stuck him he ain't gonna bite again unless there's another one over there he ate it right away though dang dude his teeth marks are up past the hook too he had it just uh he didn't stay pinned there might be another one though dang yeah that was a good one dude it was like a solid like high two pounder yeah like maybe a three might be another one that was my first like bite yeah i actually had it he felt freaking good too i was glad i saw him he didn't he never you did right there yeah should be one right there yeah dude i just threw it up there it was like instant he had it thump and he was running to the left i had my hand on the camera too getting ready oh you got him is that a bass oh it's a pike dude nice you know what's funny my first pike on the river came in this kite that's your first pike from the river ain't it yeah well with you yeah i've got some smaller ones i've never yeah nice i have no idea what that noise is in the background you know how to get them all i can't believe you just caught that on a big one we caught everything but a bass yeah nice so we're pulling up to our second spot now we threw that big worm a good bit cody had like probably five bites but we don't know if they were bass or mudfish we want to say at least like one or two of them were bass but uh he caught what'd you catch two mudfish yeah on that worm and um that's really all we've had so far but that first spot we stopped that we were just kind of playing around it was mainly for the intro and rigging up and then we cast it around a bit but we're pulling into the second spot i think we're gonna have a chance of catching a big one here so let's uh let's get to work i know we can get a big one on this one [Music] oh dude that was crazy dude that bite was wicked oh gosh what's wrong with this dog wow well that's our first fish of the first bass of the day and there's something on them it's crazy that you catch like a 10-inch bass i don't know what's going on with the side of them that's interesting but that's our first fish on the big worm today that's exciting i don't know if it was him or a different fish but there something slapped the mess out of it it could have been him there also could be more fish back there so let's keep on casting [Music] hey what on the giant worm i don't even know how that's possible like it's dang near coming out of his butt i would not have you know i thought we would have had some more mouth bites today but i would not have expected to catch one on that big worm and like actually get him hooked that's crazy i was talking to cody i don't know what's up with these fish i don't know if they just don't want what we're throwing but like everywhere we've been fishing today should be prime like good spots good areas that we're fishing and it's just not happening i don't know i'm just gonna have to keep on covering water it's gonna take a lot a lot of water covering today [Music] [Music] oh my gosh guys look at that got us our second bass today we finally found some fish on this bank found some warm mouth got bit by like a mud and then had this like short and stubby just fat dude eat it and uh the way that i caught him is i threw up in there he bit me the cast before threw up in there started reeling my worm it was hung on a tree and i saw a boil underneath so i just let it sit and he ate it that is a fat dude he was hungry he wanted him an old double cheeseburger get that baby back in the water there he goes well this cicada is that sound yeah yeah i believe so what was that that wasn't you no that was you pulling your bait back they're down this thing yeah i got them what is it another small bag dude i don't know what's up with the small guys it's like we put on a massive bait you know to catch these big fish today and then uh we're just catching some small ones but i was just talking to cody we're like you know i can't believe uh we haven't been catching a ton of fish and this todd you know the water was full pool i'd say about two hours ago this water's finally starting to come out and when we fished this place you know if we would have fished it two hours ago we would have fished in the back you can tell that these fish are starting to pull out and now we just finally caught where they're at and now it's been bite after bite finally getting some momentum here and i think we're gonna have a big one coming up soon we just gotta keep on casting we're seeing a lot of activity i think we're heading in the right direction oh my god what dude i could not tell you how hard that sucker hit it fish is like five inches no bigger than that worm i've never seen small bass like hit something so hard like my whole rod just went boom did not expect it to be that small look where i just flipped next to that gator uh right there it's all good i'm gonna catch one right here real quick you know the moment i went over that tree he was taking off with it i had to itch my nose dude he was taking off right when i went over that [Music] oh he's got it that's a better one that's what we're talking about a little bit better [Music] that's a fat guy dude look at that one this was on the junebug worm now we're finally getting somewhere i'm so excited man finally just see some fish bite feels good it's not a big fish by any means but that is a thick and fat dude you gotta love it thank you buddy for biting you're not big but you're a nice little fish see you later grab that net grab that net right here right here right here yo that's wicked that's wicked we got you that time buddy we've been seeing all these gar just like roaming around guys and i like flipped my worm in front of them and they'll like follow it in like they're about to eat it and that one actually kind of grabbed onto my worm and me and cody have been talking about i was like dude when we see one let's follow him up to the boat and then scoop him with the net that's exactly what we did oh that's funny dude yeah yep about to say oh my god i'll knock them out dude what what is up with this bro like this is probably the weirdest day i've had on the river this is definitely a record day i'm just going to be honest with you i'm not even kidding this is a record day on the river for smallest fish i've never caught this many small fish in one day on the river never it's a gar literally i caught a car [Applause] i'd rather take him off at the boat but look at that i actually hooked him perfectly look at that couldn't could it have been better i was reeling it he came off i was reeling the thing dude and he just hammered it yeah the moment i hook said he was just going ape you notice like every time we want to film a video like this where it's like over a specific bait they're like doing something totally different that we could like smoke them if we were throwing something like if we were throwing yeah happens every time you get him up here it's a dang two pounder in it yep oh dude he's fat is crap oh yeah cody bob on deck oh yeah that's what i'm talking about yep fat one dude look at that belly oh yeah good little belly on her yeah it's a like one pounder body but like a two that's a two pounder nice yup better one that's what we've been looking for let's get it back in see you but this little tree right here when it's when all the water goes out how it is now i've caught i've got a few good ones on this i got one oh yeah it's a good one [Music] dude he's got he's got the same thing wrong with him as the other one look at all this stuff on him dude that is weird man it's kind of gross looks like some parasites or something eating away at them there's another spot on that side decent little fish right here on the main river that was my first cat cody cody you're right here rod i don't know if you got a fish or not oh this is definitely a record day of river fishing let me tell you but it's a record for the smallest fish i've ever caught this is crazy like i've never gone out on the river and caught so many fish and they're all like really small like yeah we'll have those occasional pound and a halfers that we catch all the time but i caught a lot of half pound fish i don't know what's going on today and it's funny because we came out we're like yo we're gonna throw some big worms to try to catch some big ones and uh it just hasn't happened [Music] you
Channel: KickinTheirBASSTV
Views: 359,746
Rating: 4.8558016 out of 5
Keywords: bass fishing, fishing, worm fishing, worm fishing for bass, worm bass fishing, worm bass fishing tips, fishing worms, fishing worms for bass, bass fishing with worms, fishing with big worms, bass fishing with big worms, fishing big worms for big bass, big bass, big bass fishing, river fishing, river bass fishing, river fishing for bass, fishing rivers for bass, fishing for bass, fishing videos, fishing videos bass, bass fishing videos, kickin their bass tv
Id: lagE9vpY8ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 56sec (1436 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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