Search and rescue mission fail. We had to be rescued instead

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well good evening we have a little bit more serious of a call tonight i was contacted by the brother of a man who went out into the national forest to go do some snow wheeling and never made it back so apparently at one point he got stuck then he got himself unstuck and after all that he ended up running out of fuel out there and then he hiked up to somewhere he could get service made some phone calls to a bunch of different people uh asking for help and everybody said they could help and somewhere in all that miscommunication he told everybody that somebody else was coming to help him so nobody did and then now we are night and dark and cold as you can see and no one's heard from him for hours so last anyone heard he was gonna hike back down to his rig because he was wet and cold and gonna get his cold clothes off and curl up under a blanket until help got there but like i said due to a whole bunch of miscommunication help never showed up so we are heading out to go meet up with the brother and uh another guy who's going with us and we're going to go out and do a little search and rescue mission best case scenario uh we get out there and he's not there someone actually did get to him and help him and they're back at home sitting by the fire slightly not as good case scenario we find him he's under a blanket he's warm enough he's a little cold we get him loaded up and out of there so that is what we're hoping for we're gonna go stop at uh the fuel station and fill up some diesel to bring out so that if we find him there out of fuel we can fuel them up and get his vehicle out too but other than that we're gonna see what we find as we go so we're loaded up with the track jeep heading out to go meet up with the rest of the search crew and get rolling all right we're getting into some powder now so we're about uh 20 miles into the trip we got another 15 to go to the pin drop we got oh yeah this is the brother this is this is a search party we're headed out i said with 35 miles in the jeep from where we're unloaded we're a little over halfway there and we're getting some powder so we got some warm clothes not to give them when we get there and some water and beef jerky yes a bunch of stuff to warm them up so we're just gonna and fuel for his rig so we're just gonna keep on trucking through the powder and like another 15 miles would you say this is uh to the probably a couple feet of snow but it's packed about the first foot so we're driving through about a foot deep you see it's throwing it up pretty good off the sides all right we're out here 20 20 something miles deep and uh we're following tracks and the pin drop we got from gps to where he should be but if you see right there uh the tracks end so whoever went there went right to the end of my headlights and stopped and then backed out of here there's a fork in the road up here and there's a way way longer way through the woods to get to our pin drop which is way out there and i guess that's the way it must have went and uh i guess that's where we're gonna have to go uh we could go this way but i don't this is the shorter way to get there i don't want to go the way he didn't go even though it gets to the same point quicker because if he decided to leave his vehicle and try to hike out which i hope he didn't he's going to hike back the tracks he drove out on which is going to be the other way so i said hope he didn't but if he did we would run into him going that way we would totally miss him going this way and that could be very bad as far as how the jeep's doing uh you can see the tire tracks down here and how deep those are and you can see it's sinking in oh four or five inches or so is all so it's staying on top really nice so now we gotta back out of here and find another road looks like he backed up right here a little bit yeah he had to take a couple runs at it the absolutely yeah he does he's if he's pounding this stuff i'm curious to see where exactly he got stuck jesus he was fighting hard here look how far back and forth he is slapping side to side a hole right there oh yeah did he try to turn around what's there is that a gate so with that detour we're about 40 miles into this jeez it's like we're approaching this destination i think that's him i hope that's him i really hope that's something else yeah that's turned around yeah because i think he got stuck oh couldn't make it out this way yeah those are headlights hello hello all right get out get them warmed up i'll crank up the heater in this and get it as warm as i can tarp it looks like well there he is he's awake [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] all right so we found him he was in just his jacket and his underwear curled up in a blanket in the backseat because all his clothes got wet when he hiked up the mountain to try to make the phone call so they're getting fuel on his rig now we got some dry clothes on him i gave him my jacket because my jacket is a heated jacket so i cranked that thing on high and put it on him and then i also have my heated gloves we put on him too to try to warm his core up and then like i said they brought him the rest of his dry clothes pants and stuff some boots to put on so now they're getting some fuel in his rig we got him in my jeep with the heater cranked on full we got the hood up we're getting everything good checking over so we just did 40 miles this is its longest and definitely most important test it's ever had so giving everything really good checking over get that rig fired up and then we've got 40 miles to get back out of here so it's a long night but glad to find him alive cold but alive so very good news for other good news he's got some really good pull points on the front we have to pull him out of here got him fueled up oh yeah a little warmer now yeah all right did you run it till it died died yeah so it might be trouble starting yeah okay come on you can do it there we go okay that just made the night a lot easier all right [Music] yeah dude [Music] yeah that's about all the steering i got [Laughter] so what i learned on this super long trip is my steering still gets too hot after that much time and boils the fluid so my fluids boiled full of air and i don't have much steering at all that was kind of fight to turn it around right there so power steering cooler is a definite must like asap because now i got to drive 40 miles back with no power steering okay so he's in good shape rig's running and we're gonna start our way back out of here you just said how hairy that was now we got to get both of them back out exactly harry i think harry is just starting literally halfway there man yeah another 40 miles well the tracks are lower ground pressure than either of us are yeah so decisions had to be made uh we only got five gallons of fuel in that and we got a long long way to go and it's not making it back up this hill that we have to go up so i'm a little over half a tank left so i'm scared and not having enough fuel to pull him behind me and make it back so we're closer to civilization that way out the other side than we are back to where we started so we're gonna leave this here we're all gonna hop in the jeep and get out of here and get home and tomorrow we'll come back from the other side with more fuel for that plenty full tank in this and then i'll have plenty to drag that all the way out of here so for now at like almost 11 o'clock at night and probably very near zero we just need to get out of here so we got the person which is the important part we'll come back for the rig later it looks like quite a few places you had to do a few tries at like right there big time jeez yeah your part is chugging through fuel yeah exactly yeah if we had showed up and you had been there having a good time it would not have ended well for oh say conditions are deteriorating several miles yeah i don't want to hear that yeah are we really so we ran out of fuel and we're not back at the truck five five miles there's one mile bar there so it would be at least five oh yeah we're away [Music] do we have any service here yep we do so we can call so update we're 5.3 miles from the truck which is hikable but not ideal so called austin he's on his way the gas can luckily we're past all the bad snow stuff so we're eating lunchables and yeah we have phone service here so yeah luckily we have service we can see the lights of town way over there that's why you carry survival supplies with you because we now know how far the track jeep can go for everybody who was asking about mileage 2.3 miles per gallon did the math gross that's the mileage it gets on track so we're gonna eat some lunchables and wait for austin we see headlights finally that's austin bringing gas we're ready for it i think we're all fairly cold hour and twenty is what we clocked yeah it's 1 30 in the morning now i mean he's comfortable as could be he's yeah he's had a longer day than we have so yeah he's almost here and then we can turn the heater back on we say it was nine degrees real feel yeah nine it's nine it's nine yeah nine is cold yeah [Music] well this video got a lot more interesting than i thought it was gonna be that's a fact no i wanted it to get interesting but you got interesting there's ice on the inside of the window yeah as soon as you hear gas start the engine okay it's not that i've never been happy to see you before i'm just much more happy to see you right now than i ever have been is um a little bit of decent what the crap you have to push the green thing down dumbest thing ever right how far up did you go from my truck back there i don't even see your truck okay so from here another 35 miles really you know 40 miles from the truck made it 35 back you need to rack with like this is why i hate the government so stupid life or death situation fighting stupid-ass gas cans what kind of contraption is that it's the best of the stupid gas cans good start it up your until it dies he actually started sputtering like half a mile back this is as far as we made it i was trying to save every footstep i could if i had to walk not any good places to walk to out here my truck oh yeah 5.3 miles it's all downhill too huh a lot of sketchy shot here yeah i know we've got a lot of time to think about that i'm going to start selling good ones and making themselves like moonlight gas cans i'm so over the government i'm going to start with gas cases that's how i'm going to change the world i'm going to tie that down right now cascade heavy fail all right let's get out of here is it warm yet oh it's perfect it's cold out there it's like a nice there it is i've never been so happy to see that stupid truck [Music] oh thank god heat lots of heat climate all the heat just give me all of it hi yeah okay heater steering wheel let's float up okay there goes austin customers already gone home i got the jeep loaded it's just me out here now so i'm gonna hop the truck and i'm gonna go home and i'm gonna sleep in tomorrow because it's two in the morning losing my voice i don't know if it's just from being in the cold so long or getting sick too but i need to go home so there's a lot of lessons to learn here we're definitely have to recap this video later especially since we still had to go back out and get the rig um at some point in daylight so that is gonna be it for this video i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Casey LaDelle
Views: 342,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tow truck, towing, wrecker, recovery, rescue, off road, stuck, jeep, kinetic rope, heavy rescue, winch, 4x4, 4wheeling, overland, overlanding, search and rescue, survival, wilderness, backcountry
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 03 2022
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