Sean Lowe Interview | AfterBuzz TV's Reality Reunion

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I finally know how they know all the girls names during the early rose ceremonies! Worth it for that nugget alone!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Figgywithit ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 02 2015 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

the part that starts at 16:30 is really interesting. i had no idea but it makes a lot of sense

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/gosports123 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 02 2015 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
afterbuzz TV over 20 million weekly downloads in over 150 countries and your number one source for after-show entertainment TV the destination for TV superfans producing after shows for over 300 of your favorite TV shows interviewing celebrities and showrunners and bringing you behind the scenes exclusives all thanks to e entertainment Maria Menounos producer Keven Undergaro and Internet leader ah c'mon now let the buzz begin what's up everybody welcome to the very first reality reunion where we sit down with TV personalities who made their mark on the reality television landscape joining me in studio today is America's favorite bachelor but bachelor no more and now America and now New York Times bestselling author mr. Sean Lowe yeah thank you so much being here today Sean go ahead to be here I'm your host Geoff therm you can find me on social media at under staff underscore therm don't forget to subscribe to afterbuzz check us out on iTunes Sean working they find you on social media Twitter Sean Lowe zero nine and Instagram Sean Lowe KSU great and got the book out where can they find the book anywhere anywhere books are sold Barnes & Noble Amazon Target Walmart you name it you can find amazing if you are a bachelor fan you've got to get this book if you are sean fan you've got to get this book if you want to fall in love you got to get this book Sean goes in-depth into his time on reality TV and there's some really cool behind-the-scenes stuff that all bachelor fans have always wondered so gotta check it out Greg Reed thank you now you've had an incredible career before the book before love before fame there was a simple Southern gentleman who was Sean Lowe before last what a deep philosophical question I it was just a normal dude that's all I like to describe myself I really and I still consider myself to be a normal dude but I was just a guy who was living life had a you know a good life good friends good family down in Dallas and never imagined it would evolve into what it is today and what kind of relationships were you in before being on Bachelorette just like any any other guy in his 20s you know I dated around and did some stuff like that but nothing serious or long-term I never I never dreamt of getting married in my 20s I'll put it down away until I'm a Katherine obviously and it was your sister that got you on the show that applied you yeah I never had any intention of doing reality TV and my sister signed me up without telling me and so I got a call one day from the casting director of The Bachelor and she said you know we're interested in speaking with you and I was just dumbfounded and what do you mean what do you mean we received your application and didn't take me very long to figure out that my sister had submitted it and I told her I said you know thanks for calling but I have no desire to yes you know cheesy rather show like The Bachelor no way but at the time I was selling insurance which is kind of the family business and my family and I just did not like it and so I go to work the next day and and I thought you know this might be a chance for me to travel the world and take a free vacation so I'm gonna call her back and do it and and that's what I did and do you have your sister to thank today right yeah let it be known that she was actually paying me back because I introduced my sister to her husband they've been married for 10 years now he played football with me in college and so she kind of owed me one okay I don't think she knew she would repay me in this way but it all worked up Wow so I mean I'm sure at first you're a little like come on what are you doing sign me up for a TV oh you know I think most guys most guys won't admit to watching The Bachelor although a lot of guys do right but they will say like yeah I would never do a show like that it's just as so cheesy and so corny and like I wouldn't do it and that's that's exactly what I thought and like I said I just wanted the free vacation and never meet my wife on a like that so what was your experience like you're you're selected for the Bachelorette and you go through this crazy casting process I'm sure you're brought down and all of a sudden you're just in this yeah it's a really crazy world one of my most vivid memories because I had no experience with TV I really didn't know what I was getting myself into and so the first night the night of the you know the opening show where all the limos pull up and the guys get out I just remembered there were helicopters swarming around and then do you know what a ghillie suit is there's guys in ghillie suits and those are the hunting so yeah blending that with the terrain and there's there's guys in ghillie suits walking the perimeter of this mansion in North Carolina looking for paparazzi oh my god I was just thinking to myself like what did I get myself into the whole thing seems so surreal and in your book you talk about the producers went through a very important process as to who's gonna be first and last of the limo yeah well so at the time I really don't know anything and I just totally naive going into this thing and so the night before they have us three days before that opening night they have a heavy in a hotel and they're just kind of prepping for that first episode and so basically you're confined to your room well the night before the first episode the producers all came in and they one by one and they were just introduced themselves and make themselves known and then one of them told me said hey we're gonna have you first out of the limo and you know traditionally we think that the first guys is a guy that could go really far out of sight and I didn't know much but I was certainly what's word I'm looking for I was only honored right and as a bachelor fan I mean that's Minoo the show has to be produced a little bit or somewhat but like those are the little things I think readers especially will really enjoy getting those little like tricks knowing the more to the limo actually is kind of thought about yeah yeah I mean this show it's been on for how many years like 13 years and they've got it down to a fine science they've mastered their formula over the years and so they're on top of their game into the show's credit it's not a scripted reality show and like so many are they never told me what to say or how to feel whoo - keep who to send home but they do little tricks like that to make the show entertaining and and there's all types of production tricks you know they might fast me they might tell the guys you know so often you'll see the guys with the girls sitting on a couch and they're talking about someone specifically and well you know as that's the guys real feelings when they're saying this stuff but the producers might say they might lead them with the question you know what do you think you know so on someone's all right so we're doing on their date today and they just gets the guys talking about that so it's produced a little bit yeah I mean it needs to be yeah so you go through the show you fall in love with Emily and then you're eliminated yeah yeah well here's the thing I think the fallen in love part is it's really tricky right because Bachelor creates such an environment where you're disconnected from the world you don't have to worry about work you don't have to worry about personal responsibilities family friends all that stuff it's just you in this environment and you have all these guys that are focused on one girl so the natural competition I think you know it's kind of tricky because you can almost fool yourself into believing like I feel this way towards somebody it's really hard to explain yeah because the feelings that I had towards her in the feelings that I had towards Catherine were totally different like Catherine I just knew like this is she's got to pay my way and I think it was more on The Bachelorette like hopeful like I I want this to be because I guess I had reached a point in my life where I was like okay I get to see myself settling down and I think she has the things that I'm looking for when in fact I don't know if they were actually all there and you're put into scenarios that kind of like curate love I mean being on vacation which and everything I mean how can you not fall you're doing things that no one ever gets to do I mean you're taking helicopter rides and you're you're visiting the most beautiful countries in the world and like us you're disconnected for your everyday life and you don't have real-world problems so yeah it absolutely is just it's a place that that creates Roman yes so at the time what seemed like love looking back wasn't so much yeah I think it was it was a hopeful feeling like I wanted it to be there and and thank God it didn't work out because if it did I know it would have been I'm just a mess right right and I mean I'm I I know with certainty I was supposed to be The Bachelor so I could meet Katherine right and and I strongly believe that so at what point were you then asked you know you're eliminated from Michele at what point are you then asked to become The Bachelor it was I think it was about six weeks afterwards which is really weird because you come off this experience that didn't end up so great and you just have a bad taste in your mouth and then the producers call you up so hey what do you think about being The Bachelor and so I told him I said and I don't know yeah it was it was fun at parts but that took a toll on me and so they said well you know we want you to be the bachelor so think about it and call us back at the end of the week and so I did night actually I called my parents because my parents are good people and they can kind of speak wisdom into my life and I thought my parents would say nah you mean you gave it a try but it's probably best you skip this one and they actually said the opposite both of them said you know what we feel like God open this door for you might as well walk through it and then it that just resonated with me as like yeah this is this is a chance that be a fool to pass up let's give it a try and so going into it what were some of your biggest fears biggest fear probably was that I would just waste my time or that I'd get raked over the coals like so many bachelors you know so many bachelors on The Bachelorette their fan favorites because they only get limited screen time and so people really latch on to them and they're like oh I love like farmer Chris for example like I loved farmer Chris you know he's got it all he's so humble he's this is that but then when you're The Bachelor people start to pick out your flaws because you're on the screen so much and people start to get annoyed with you or you might say something put your foot in your mouth I think I used christenings as an example I think he's done pretty well for himself but like I know Ben Flajnik and Brad and especially Jake Pavelka they went into the Bachelor being really well-liked and then after The Bachelor not so much people are pretty excited about Juan Pablo had the Latin flavor and he was I guess girls would describe him as sexy and all this and yeah they don't roll up on Bob's so I mean this your good guy image was was very important to you your integrity was very important to you why was that I mean you just you just want to get the wrong leave but just well I just Know Who I am as a man and I did going into that and so I didn't want to do anything that would maybe dishonor my family or make people view me in a different way because I'm very proud of of the reputation I have yeah and I don't want to harm that you know and I I also have a life outside the show whether it's in business dealings or whatever like I want people to look at me and still have a certain amount of respect for me and so you know the show can put you in some pretty precarious situations too I mean obviously right it's all about romance and so they're throwing hot tubs and you know in past seasons they've gotten skinny-dipping it's done like yeah like I just didn't want to cross those boundaries where it would make me look kind of sleazy and I think some of that I mean and then your faith obviously you got kind of deemed the virgin bachelor yeah yeah that all came after the show so it was never discussed on the show which is weird because so often like this season Christmas season when a girl was bachelor that's all they want to talk about right but I never I never wanted to make a point to talk about it though it's just a decision I made in my life which I was proud of but after the show I think somewhere along the line a reporter must have asked me like how's our sex life and I just answered it honestly it's like we're gonna wait until marriage and you know that's all a part of my faith of course and that's that's something that like I said I'm not gonna back down from I'm proud of it but from that moment on media went crazy oh my gosh that's all anybody can talk about and still two years later people want to talk about it so not only tabloids and talk shows but even the more respectable outlets like Good Morning America that's all people want to talk about so going back to you being The Bachelor it's your first night there and everyone's arriving the limos your where Emily was standing what's going through your head oh man it's such a bizarre feeling yeah it's really exciting because you don't know what's coming out of the limo I mean you don't know who you're gonna meet her alakay you said what's coming out of a limo because I think that's fair there's a lot of girls pulling a lot of stuff to try to get your attention so you don't know what's coming up but it's just a really weird feeling you're standing there and for the first time it's like you're the shot-caller right you're gonna kind of direct the ship and it's it was also weird because you hear the limos pull up and you see them pull up and you hear the girls kind of squealing inside like sound like an animal in there like what is coming out of that limo and then one by one of course some girls are normal and some girls are pulling out all the stops that's some great ones we had Robyn she tried to do it back flip and landed on her head girl but like what way to break dice that's an icebreaker there was the girl in the wedding dress Lindsey in that moment as a viewer I'm saying this girl's going home tonight there's an in my head that's kind of what there's no way a crazy girl comes in in a wedding dress and is gonna make it tonight you know she was really kind of comparable to who's the girl on Christmas season that started with the dirty joke Kaitlyn yeah it's kind of comparable to that like it's so bold you almost respected but some of them are kind of just cheesy and stupid but it's so bold like okay I'll give you points for for your boldness there and I mean at no point did I ever think that the girl walking out in the wedding dress was gonna make it far let alone to the very end yeah weird crazy but that just goes to show you can't really base everything off first impressions which we learned with the first impression rose that's true although sometimes you can you know first impression rose yeah tiara yeah a lot of crazy yeah well you're you're only seeing what you're seeing well sure and everybody's gonna put their best face on that first right well not everybody because there was also the girl Ashley who was just fall down drunk so she didn't hurt her best face on but for the most part everyone wants to make a great first impression and so it's really hard it takes weeks and weeks to kind of figure out some of these girls Tiaras a prime example yeah the funny thing is when the show was airing on TV everyone would come up to me you're so what are you doing but she wasn't crazy around me she's all that crazy around the women I'm not privy to what goes on with them so I was in the dark it just took me a lot longer to catch on and then it's always a hard part because there's the girls want to tell you what's happening but then no one wants to be you know the tattletale and that's always weird position yeah yeah exactly because no no girl wants to be that girl who's tunnel telling because it never works out well for exactly so it does put them in a weird position yeah but they have to be honest with you yeah you know thinking back I can also remember even the producers they they don't let you in on anything obviously they know about the drama but they're not gonna put me in and then they would say things like yeah I don't know I don't know why the girls don't like her she seems really nice and this is the producer who knows how crazy she is so that's another example the producers just kind of lead you into saying that stuff so you have 26 girls in front of you very first night there's no way you remember every single person's name not a chance no I know I'm terrible with names to begin with so the way it works this is absolute secret everybody wants them yeah so The Bachelor there's a lot of producers that work on the show a lot but there's one that's designated to be with The Bachelor at all times and so they all have earpieces and they can hear the conversations that are taking place because everybody the girls and me are all miked and so the producer that's with me her goal or her job is to take notes and so if I'm sitting down with Katherine Katherine's telling me a story about whatever her work back home in Seattle this producers taking notes and saying no Katherine's you know telling you about her job in Seattle so the next time I go to meet with Katherine maybe later that evening the producer would say hey you're about to go talk to Katherine so she'd give me her name they'd say remember she told you about her job in Seattle so it's really awesome it's like a really great wingman it's just like there to make sure you don't slip up and say the wrong name that's amazing yeah but so when it comes time for the actual elimination I said let's go back to when you're actually talking to all the women at at the cocktail party every episode it looks like a constant catfight to get your attention or the bachelors attention constantly you know people pulling everyone away how is that working in production wise a lot of that is really genuine okay because the girls are so desperate to get just a few minutes so they are kind of cat fighting amongst each other and and trying to swoop in and get some time and there are also times and maybe they handle the girls a little bit different than the guys I remember on The Bachelorette the guys are much more laid-back like dude you want to talk to her go ahead you know and there wasn't so much of that so on my season I remember on The Bachelorette the producers be like all right Sean you ready to go talk so some they'll just kind of push you into it and I don't think I ever fought anybody but I know for a fact the girls did it's just always so it seems to walk word I mean they walk up okay do you mind if I cut in and you can't say no yeah it's really awkward especially if you're in the middle of like a serious conversation and then you get some drunk chuckles yes it's not good for anybody and speaking of the drunk chicks or whatever it's hard for us to know how long an evening really is taking place with Christmas season we even saw one of the eliminations take place light and daylight yeah a girl's eliminated in the dark and then her interview day time I've never seen that but it doesn't surprise me at all because obviously those Rose ceremonies and cocktail parties the more girls you have the longer it takes so the first couple are the longest and I remember we wrapped up right around 6:00 a.m. so right as the sun's coming up is when I was heading back to my hotel the girls were going to sleep and so I guess Chris lasted a little bit longer but you know it takes so long because you have 26 girls you have to have conversations with all of them and then you have you do have conversations with all of them yeah I think I don't think I missed a single cut role to my knowledge and then on between that you have to do your what they call I TMS which are when you know they cut to the cut to a shot of you and you're saying you're talking about a specific girl kind of like yeah I really national yeah I really enjoyed my time with Kathryn I think there might be something there so that takes a big chunk of the time and then the rose ceremony on TV it doesn't last very long and bachelors calling the name you know Rachel Jennifer Ashley just boom boom boom but in reality it takes a long time because there's about three or four minutes between each rose that's given out Wow the cameras have to reposition get ready for the next girl and man it just takes a really long time so I remember those those first few cocktail parties just warming up and you're standing there and you go Catherine and then yours like which ones go through I remembered Catherine whether there were some other girls so now you're gonna say Lindsay and the girls gonna walk so that's the other thing people always ask me like how do you remember the order so the trick behind that is I would say three names and then I would leave the room and that producer gave me the next three and then of course they give you the order because the girl that's always on the verge of is she staying is she going she's always the last one to be called so the producers create the order that's I mean that's not shocking but it's nice to know that you do actually have full say over who's staying yeah yeah they never tell you who to cut who to keep the only example of maybe where some of that takes place is like in the beginning weeks I know they're maybe eight or ten girls and they're just it's not matching up you know they're not gonna work out long term but you can only cut for this evening and so the producers might say well you know you might as well keep her until next week because she's fun to be around and then cut her next week but that's that's it so you're going through this experience and you know you obviously have the one-on-ones and the group dates and how are each of those selected are you picking each one on one good question they they are suggested a lot of the times so the producers might say what do you think about going on a one-on-one with so-and-so for whatever reason they have a plan right you know we want to feature her in this first episode and so usually I just went along with that now if I didn't want to I could always say no I'd rather not and I'd rather you know take her on the one in one but I was just more I'll go with the flow so they did suggest most of them yeah because as a viewer it's it's interesting to watch we obviously have to believe that you're following falling in love with as many women as possible so it's interesting to watch over a whole season how you you know Kathryn wasn't until week six yeah and it's it's bizarre to see you fall in love with or fall in love with all these people well that's the thing so I fall in love might be a strong term but I definitely you know you develop certain feelings right because hey I like I like this girl for this reason she's a nice girl and she has these qualities and I like this girl because she's a nice girl she has these qualities so You certainly have feelings for multiple people but that's because in my case I went into it I said okay I'm gonna compartmentalize each relationship and so when I'm with Katherine I'm gonna give Katherine my undivided attention I'm only gonna focus on her and so I start developing feelings for Katherine and then go to the next date and I do the same thing so then once you get towards the end you're like oh you know there's a handful of girls here and I think they're all good girls for different reasons but now I'm in a tight spot I don't know where my my heart is leading me so it took me a little while to figure out there I'm sure and then the hometown visits come and what was what were you looking for in each of their hometown visits oh that's a good question I I think I was just looking to see if I would match up well with her fans yeah which is funny because by all appearances I would not match up well with Katherine's family you know she just comes from a very different family she comes from a family of all women they live in the northwest just very different blown up I'm used to you know I've got this big family down in Dallas and and and actually Katherine's mom if you guys can remember she did she wouldn't even give me her blessing because I mean I think I posed it like you know if if I figure out that I want to spend the rest of my life with your daughter could I have your blessing and proposing and she didn't give me a straight answer I think her answer was something like well I don't know that's a question for Katherine I suppose I think her mom was just super skeptical about the whole thing so I think I went into it asking myself can I mash up with this family and then I probably chose the family that I matched up with the least obviously I've grown to absolutely love her family and in there they're incredible and not to overuse the word dramatic as Chris Harrison by to explain each episode but one of your hometown visits was pretty dramatic yeah Dez's Dez's that was really bizarre yeah here's the thing about des I'm gonna tell you guys this and it's it's really really weird it kind of freaks me out so her brother everyone remembers her brother is just being this jerk who accused me of being a playboy and I had heard earlier in the season and this didn't make air she said my brother has spiritual gifts which is restricts me it's really weird I've never met anybody with spiritual gifts and I'm not gonna doubt they exist some people do but what does that mean exactly so I walk in to the Desi's house and it's just me and desert for a while then her family comes in and I remember thinking in my head the feelings just weren't there for DES and I could tell that she liked me a lot more than I liked her and I think maybe she was trying to hold my hand or put her arm around me and I just wasn't reciprocating any of that affection and I remember consciously thinking about that okay and so I go out and I had the first conversation with her brother and of course the producers kind of set it up like hey you want you guys go talk right backyard everything was great I thought I'd knocked it out of the park with him and I thought all right the brothers on my side you know he thinks I'm a good guy I'm a respectful guy all that stuff and then he comes out later and the producers did not tell him to do this and he said you know I just went inside and I reflected on a few things and I realized my sister was showing you a lot more affection than you were showing her in it done on it that led into the whole playboy thing so I don't know if that was a spiritual gift but I thought it was extremely weird because I had not between the first conversation we had in the second I had not spent any time with him or been around des in front of him and so for him to go out collect on it and it's not that freaks me up and then that led to the dramatic confrontation yeah yeah well that he got me so heated I mean yeah of course he got me a Playboy so that you're really questioning my integrity they're like hey I'll admit the feelings I had towards your sister not as strong as the feeling she has for me but I'm not a playboy by any means so I'm not I'm not gonna let him make me question that now do you think that that confrontation led to des being chosen to be the best threat no I know I think I think she was the best candidate that they had because as a viewer when that was happening I was like this is such a good lock in we've now feel bad for her she's hard-working because of her family and it was it was a very dramatic exit and I know a lot of people really latched on to DES and and people felt really bad for which they should have because she poured her heart out but I think she was the best candidate to be the Bachelorette she was she was kind of the only choice the only logical choice so moving on we get to Thailand and it's you know the biggest day of your life you've narrowed it down to two and you're still a little bit unsure as to who you're gonna pick well so I knew on the flight over to Thailand I knew like Katherine was the only one that was always on my mind and and like I said I did I had feelings for both because that's just kind of the nature of the beast you create those feelings are both along the way but then once I got to Thailand is like alright I got to really sit down and figure out my headspace yeah you know I'm coming up on what could be the biggest decision of my life and once I really sat down and started thinking about it praying about it like I knew Katherine was the only one that I was constantly thinking about and the thing I always say is that these dates are so long you know they're only 15 20 minutes on TV a lot of times you're waking up at 6:00 in the morning and they last until midnight you know you're just shooting these dates all day and it's exhausting so at the end of the day the one thing I want to do is I just want to get back to my hotel room or some rest but with Katherine it was the opposite like I didn't want to leave her I never knew no matter how exhausted I was I didn't want to leave her and so as I started to kind of sift my way through my my own thoughts it became pretty clear that Katherine everyone for me she was the one that I mean was the most fun I mean you guys always yeah giggled and it was so funny because at first I don't think we saw that side of you I mean your goofy side your silly side wasn't necessarily I think a main character trait of yours but Katherine really brought it out yeah well that's what attracted to Mira to let me start that that's what attracted me to her from the very beginning if she was just so fun and she had such a great energy of that laughs and so it took a while for the romantic feelings to come in but from the very first night I was like this girl's fun to be around her you know and I didn't even know if if there was gonna be romance but I knew like I want to be friends with ya because I just I find myself constantly smiling with him with her and going back to your very first one your one-on-one I mean not everything was going right the blizzard yeah yeah we had on your bright pink face first one-on-one date in Canada and we spent it on a giant glacier in Glacier National Park and a big snow storm blew in which was unexpected and I was just getting pelted face of the face you know me I'm fair-skinned so my face turned like cherry red and like the conditions were awful but she was still having fun and we still just had the best time and so that said a lot about her to me is that you know this girl she doesn't need these fancy romantic day that we're having a blast messing around and a snow storm is that was the first indicator that there's something special there and in the book you talk about some other some other moments that you guys had that weren't necessarily on camera which were hard to get the producers to agree to yeah so towards the very end before I was gonna propose I just I still had some lingering questions and I say that because I knew in my heart I was in love with her I didn't know one question that and my mind was telling me like are you crazy this is a reality show you're gonna propose on a show to a girl you've spent limited time with I mean you're you're nuts and you know I had certain things that I called non-negotiables you know I needed someone who was gonna be someone who would challenge me spiritually in my life and I just had a whole long list of things that I needed in a wife and so I told the producers the night before I'm kind of freaking I was like I gotta talk to Catherine and of course they don't want any interaction off-camera doesn't happen off damn or doesn't happen and so I'm pleading with the executive producer and he's always behind the scenes so I rarely been interacted with him but he came to my hotel room was like I need just give me ten minutes and he's like no I can't do that and I just pleaded with him was like yeah please I need ten minutes I just I gotta get some of these questions answered and so reluctantly he finally agreed to let me have ten minutes with her but he said you have to promise me that you will not give her an inclination one way or the other if you're gonna propose to her or not I was like I promise and so I go into her hotel room catch her totally off-guard she's just gotten out of shower no makeup on she's in a towel and it she's just kind of stunned and she has this deer-in-the-headlights look and and I have this whole list of things it's like all right I think it's important you know this is what I need out of a wife ABCD this is what I wanted to do you know this is how I want her to challenge me as a man to make me a better husband I list all these things and she's just like just totally stunned the so bizarre you are about to propose the next day I know and less than 24 hours before don't you have that a real conversation it doesn't make any sense at all but you know what she agreed to everything she said I want to be that woman for you and she has been all of that and so much more so she held up her end of the bargain and that moment where you got down on one knee and Catherine I mean was shaking and said yes and was breath I mean I every want I rewind that like millions of times like it was such a real moment and it was real and the thing that I'll always remember of course they have the beautiful backdrop and the flowers in this little pond and it's in Thailand and you have the Sun setting in the background all these amazing things but she is shaking and like quiz when I get down on one knee I've just she's so excited and it's beautiful and I remember she of course throws her arms around me and I tell her I love her after asking her to marry me and and she doesn't even realize the ring on her finger and it's like a couple minutes later she's crying and everything and I asked her I was like did you even see the ring yeah but that's who she is she doesn't care about this really expensive million ring she's honestly head over heels in love with me and that's just a testament to who she is but that was awesome in a sidenote that's really funny the producers told me later in the earpiece they were saying medic standby because we think she might pass out she was shaking her quivering so much they really thought she was gonna hit the my gosh and now that was the first time you had ever said that you loved her yeah but it wasn't the first time she said she loved you it was no it wasn't but it was the first time I heard it so the story behind that is after our last date in Thailand apparently she'd whispered it in my ear I didn't pick up on it so I didn't even acknowledge it because I didn't hear it and so she's really upset after I don't say anything she just tells me she loves me so I think I may have made her distraught but it wasn't my fault she just say it loud enough and I mean this is the kind of stuff guys that is in the book that you've got to read and check out just so cool to get these behind the scenes stuff but only one person heard it right only like one sound engineer one sound guy and those microphones pick up everything so the sound text you could whisper as just as quietly as possible sound guys gonna pick it up so he heard but I didn't hear it even though she had whispered it right in my ear oh that's so painful so you are taking off on an elephant ride you just proposed yeah everything is perfect yeah that's that's what I've been saying lately I've done a lot of public speaking and I always say you know we got engaged when we rode off into the sunset in Thailand on the back of an elephant so 12 you guys out there I dare you to top that yeah you know cuz you can't top it so that's just a fairytale way to get proposed or to get engaged and then the real world starts and then you come back off the elephant and then there's like all right it's a wrap get your mics yeah so that and that's really weird you you've been tied up for three months and then they finally say all right take your mics off like what if you cut off the elf in there what was the first thing I would producers balance do you remember well we get off the elephant and we did probably your ITN we literally did one item together what you never do them together it's like whoa we get to do this together and then they say take off your mics and I'm blowing away is like are you seriously we're done it's done yeah we were done it's are we allowed to still be in love we were allowed to stay we had this beautiful house in Thailand in which we were filming at and they allowed us to stay there for three additional days us and a couple of the producers who were actually married so the four of us were in this house and we got to just enjoy being together for three days and then after that it's really sad because she has to fly home to Seattle and I have to fly home to Dallas and we can't let anybody know that we're actually together and you have to pretend like nothing happened yeah but the producers did let you guys kind of a little bonnie-and-clyde action going on yeah yeah so that that was our what do you call those code names Bonnie and Goliath yeah our alias so anytime they would email us or was always Bonnie and Clyde and so every two weeks they would take Bonnie and Clyde out to LA they put us up in a house where you know they told us listen you can't you can't leave the house we'll have someone come and bring you food anything you want but you can't leave the house because keeping the secret to them has become such a chore you know spoilers out there too I think so they really tried their hardest to keep us a secret and when you're engaged all you want to do is be together and tell everybody I'm in love you know we're gonna get married and it's really hard to be separated and only get to see your your fiancee every two weeks but are you in between that you know are you you're communicating yeah we're facetiming texting and calling constantly but I mean when you when you've just fallen in love with someone you need to see them you need to be with them in person and so then eventually the season starts to air and Kathryn is watching you on dates with other women yeah yeah to Catherine's credit she handled it all extremely well I think she has a good understanding of kind of everything that I went through led me to her and she understood that very well she never had any hard time about anything and you know what that said she watched it in Seattle I watched it in Dallas and we we talked about it but we didn't really get in depth about it and I think I think that's probably the best way to get out of it and then you guys decide to do the televised wedding yeah which first of all thank you for sharing that home with us I mean as fans of both of you guys our screen we were really happy to for multiple reasons I think first and foremost the one thing that's really special about The Bachelor is people feel invested in your relationship they feel like they know you and they've been there from day one and so we have so many supporters who every day stop us still today and just say you know we we were rooting for you guys and we're here for you and we we love you guys so it was really cool to be able to to share our most special moment with everyone who's been with us from the beginning so that's kind of the the soft gooshie part of it ice from a guy's perspective you get an awesome five star wedding for free isn't bad either you know her whole family yeah that's in my family as well and this it kind of worked out really well because first of all there's no prettier place in Santa Barbara yeah but you know her family being from Seattle mine in Dallas that's a pretty good meeting point for the two families and to be able to fly all the family and friends out and go to one for free it was really just a special time but the media still had there there's one thing the media was waiting for they had the honeymoon suite and just when you think they're on your side they go something like it all about that but we you know it was it was honestly fine with us we have a sense of humor about it like it is it is funny right some aspects of it are funny I just wanted to make sure the camera was out of that suite but yeah of course after that everyone wanted to know how about the wedding night right just more more sex question for us and it's been just over a year yeah are we celebrated our one-year anniversary January 26th congratulations thank you and we went back to the same hotel where we got married in Santa Barbara and we said we just spent four days just the two of us resting relaxing riding bikes on the beach having an amazing time so it was a really a special way to bring in the first anniversary and I do have to ask are there plans to expand the family anytime soon yeah the million-dollar question ah that's a relative term right right now we're really happy to be a newlywed right we travel a bunch and we're just enjoying life as it stands now but we will have a family not not this year maybe maybe next year well who knows so in the very beginning of the interview I asked you who was Sean Lowe before the bachelor who is Sean Lowe after the bachelor the same guy same guys I'd like to think I'm the same guy I honestly I know here's the thing I can't I can't really have a big head or anything because I'm just the bachelor you know it's not like I have a special talent or skill and I'm not a singer or an actor I I'm just a dude that got really lucky and got on a TV show and fell in love and and I'm that same dude yeah and and I know I get to experience a lot of wonderful things I get to travel and and I have all these great opportunities but I'm still the same guy right and I've luckily for me I've got great friends and family that keep me grounded and let me know that I'm still the same guy so yeah same guy same morals same character and now I just have a smokin hot wife to go along with and a book on the New York Times bestsellers list yeah not me you know just a couple years ago I'm selling insurance yeah really enjoying life right now I'm traveling the country and I have a New York Times best selling book it's it's really amazing we touched upon some of the things that you talked about in the book but what else do your fans have to look forward in reading us well you know it's not just bachelor content of course for the bachelor fans I wanted to put a ton of behind the scenes stuff and I want to answer all the questions I get on a daily basis and I think there's some really good cool tidbits in there but it's also my story I think so often people just glanced at our Instagram or see us on TV and they think like these guys are perfect I mean there's nothing wrong with them they have the perfect relationship and I want people to know that's not the case like I've had a lot of trials and tribulations in my life and I've overcome a lot of difficulty when I've had a lot of hardships and I've stayed true to what I know is right throughout the whole process and I think honestly that's why I've had success as being the bachelors because I went into it kind of confident in who I was as a man and I think I came out that same man and nice and like I said I came out with a smokin hot wife yeah and and you kept your integrity and I tried my best to keep my integrity I tell the story of all that in there and so far I've just been blown away by the response we've got yeah I'm here adulation I was really hoping when I said when I wrote it I wanted it to answer the Batchelor questions but I also wanted people to be left feeling inspired and that's exactly what what I've heard which is which is amazing and I'm glad so many people are are kind of connecting and relating to my story that's huge well again thank you so much for sharing your story with the world from the Bachelorette to The Bachelor can't forget Dancing with the Stars and now the book real quick this season who do we think the frontrunners are oh so we're down to three on three and I have the blonde who's the blonde Whitney Whitney sorry I'm terrible with names I think she's my frontrunner yeah and I say that because for some reason she seems like the only one that could actually live life on a farm yeah Iowa that's a tall task yeah we were talking off-camera that you know you have 25 women but how many of those women are really capable of moving to a rural area in Iowa Whitney kind of gives me those vibes that maybe she could handle it still not too my vote is Whitney and she seems sweet she seems down-to-earth I think Chris enjoyed himself in the beginning you know he made a lot of them and he was having fun and that's of course that's his prerogative but I think she seems like a girl that he could really get serious with and settle down with so my votes for Whitney so she'll know predicting Whitney Whitney for the win yeah and as the next Bachelorette I'm going with the Canadian Kaitlyn think Kaitlyn that's my guess Catherine off camera telling me the name Caitlyn here's the thing Caitlyn I hate to say it this way she seems like the only choice I agree I think she's funny you know I think she has a great personality she's outspoken she's outspoken she's gotta be entertaining yeah I don't think she has like the wholesome good girl nature to her but I think that's okay I think people will will tune in to watch her say something outlandish ridiculous thing I agree all right well you guys heard of here first Sean Lowe predicting we need a win Kailyn to be the next Bachelorette again don't forget to get his book in stores now for the right reasons thank you guys all for tuning in don't forget again hit me up on social media at Jeff underscore therm Shum Oh Sean Lowe oh nine on Twitter all right thanks guys this has been reality reunion thank you so much for tuning in from executive producers Maria Menounos Keven Undergaro fills me Tech and the entire afterbuzz TV staff we would like to thank you for listening to the afterbuzz TV network to watch or listen to other after shows and post comments or questions be sure to visit afterbuzz TV comm I'm Sir Richard Wentworth and this has been a presentation of afterbuzz TV see you later the views expressed herein are those of the host only you do not necessarily reflect the views of afterbuzz TV or its owners or principals
Channel: AfterBuzz TV
Views: 58,394
Rating: 4.8421054 out of 5
Keywords: afterbuzz, tv, maria, menounos, afterbuzztv, podcast, webcast, aftershow, after, show, recap, live, streaming, stream, studio, thestreamtv, Sean Lowe, The Bachelor, Reality Television, Television, TV Review, Reviews, Review, Show Review, Reaction, React, Discussion, Reality Reunion, Reality, Special Guest, Interview
Id: TITUUel6gJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 42sec (2742 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 23 2015
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