Catherine Lowe Talks Motherhood

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[Music] hey guys it's Christina and I'm here with badger nations Catherine Lowe how are you how are you so good you look so adorable sweet we were just commenting how great your boots are I thought about your dress I know they do I like it so how's everything going great I'm teamed up with FedEx I got to deliver joy and I am all about joy and making sure that everyone feels really connected during the holiday season actually FedEx did a survey and 76% of people feel more connected when they're sent a gift or they're being sent a gift so it's that's what we're supposed to do it is so true and I don't live near my family you know my family's super spread out so I want to make sure that my kids get to be part of that experience with my family and my mom gets a gift for my kids and my dad gets a gift and that's what FedEx is great about it's making sure that everybody feels special during season that's great have you done all of your holiday shopping yet I've done a lot of it have you I have feeding trying to get a little sleep there's a lot of online shopping to be sent here but there but you know obviously FedEx makes it super easy and tomorrow if you're in New York people they're gonna be is having the intention of sending out gifts quickly because we want to make sure that people have their gifts early right so they can have them under the tree and you know make sure that the holiday season is just exactly right exactly you don't want to like wait the last minute yes you don't want to be that person right now how's your holiday season treating you so far it's been really good so just started pretty much but you know you know setting up this our house to make it all cozy and Samuel is just now understanding Santa and all the Christmas stuff that we're doing so he's very present in it and he's having a blast that's sure that's gonna be so exciting about him what's he asking Santa for a puzzle he's a very simple boy okay I can be an impossible man to do what are you asking for now it's very cheap I don't know if that is asked I love that what is the best and worst gift that shawn has ever given you Oh God blaster the worst he's heard this so it's not a surprise unscented lotion know what not even said to he knows that was back what was that you were just a random I was like thank you I didn't know how to say this is horrible but he turned out he took me to Paris Oh blow up right there from one end what are some holiday traditions that you have in your home so again we're we're just starting we obviously the tree and all that stuff but when I'm really really excited for that I think Samuel get into is us baking cookies for Santa and then I'll take the bite out of and see his face we can see that Santa was at our house now on I'm super super so do you do Elf on the Shelf we don't do that he doesn't so no yeah he's a little young for that but everything else is he's just enjoying candle smelling candle then just seeing the bows everywhere and and all the references to Santa how's he doing being a big brother obsessed obsessed it's great it's so cute he we like walk around and all he wants to do is introduce people to his brother is adorable is he helping changing diapers and things like that already definitely hangs around while I'm doing that so we're like we're always together which I love I love that about our family and we're always met timing each other laugh but there's a lot of kissing there's a lot of kissing your and around so that's pretty much our house is kissing and laughing but a perfect household I love that how was Isaiah feeling he's much better okay what what happened he was in the ICU for a little yeah so he had something called bronchiolitis which is pretty common with kids especially during this kind of sick season bronchial is an RSV which is a respiratory problem but I knew that the doctors knew what they were doing so he's fine and we're so excited about this Christmas season cuz it's Isaiah its first yeah and so we're making sure that we do all the Christmas stuff together again we're you know we teamed up with FedEx so that he can be part of all the activity of sending out gifts I want to do little handprints on notes and because he can't really know he's gonna be part of everything is that very very important for you to make personal gifts for people I think that the you know I have a stationary company and so really my passion is to make these personal messages come to life and regardless of if you get a gift or not like a specific gift I think at least if you send somebody something with a handwritten note yeah I think that does it makes such a difference yeah Michele is saying you have the cutest family please send in your queen in your comments well I'm so glad that Isaiah is feeling better was that definitely a scary time for your family or you knew that everything was gonna go well I nobody was to be okay four nights and I see use a long time scary yeah and you know I think the best thing about it which was really weird was that Samuel we had to make sure that we were okay for Samuel you know I could have been the person that was on the bedside of in the hospital like never sleeping never taking care of myself but I had another child to think of so it kind of balanced us where we had to make sure that we were doing right by ourselves so that we could take care of both of our children yeah it's having two children much easier much harder or exactly what you can debate Oh different yeah because you know the baby part is so much easier because you're like I've already done this I know that all these things that happen are normal but it's how to get toddler you could chase and you have to like be alive for even more alive and I don't drink coffee so I'm screwing myself yeah so it's been it's been a challenge it's been a challenge but it's so sweet because the joy comes from seeing them together yeah I love that it's so cute I love that you give them kisses all the time so cute how has it changed your marriage at all well I just think it's just amplified how much we love and how much we want to make each other laugh yeah that's all we do is and the best thing about Sean Lowe having another kid is that I get to see that he's helping me even more you know obviously the mom has a lot of responsibility yeah well he stepped up and made sure that he fills in all the gaps that I you know don't have time for don't have the energy for if we're just making make a really good team yeah solid do you guys disagree on how you parent or you guys pretty much in sync we're very very similar we I'm a disciplinarian okay more so than he is but we all we want to do is be loving and teaching each other things and be curious so Samuel is really really smart and I think it's because we're present with him we encourage him we can we set him up for success and I and that's what both of us want is a is a family that is centered around each other and love and learning do you have any disagreements about parenting are you like I said you guys are pretty much I think probably if there was anything I'd be like just the traditions that were used to okay you know my family and his family could not be more different but I mean cuz I come from Wacka news and he was like square City over here so we just when we come together it's always fun yeah but again it's just any relationship it's kind of like figuring out well I did this as a kid and you do this as a kid how do we make it ours sure not just like one way so back in June Sean told us that you might try for a girl do you want a girl I want to get and I never thought I'd say that cuz I'm such a boy mom which I love yeah I seem more like a boy mom see what you look like I mean maybe good just see what you look like and I don't make show me cute so you're definitely gonna try again I think so I think so yeah three that do you guys have a plan of how many you want or is well I originally said five okay but that was including two adopted so we're definitely gonna adopt but we I mean flama planning right now it's really weird because we have a six month Shore of course but I think we just have so much to give and I think I am happy with more because I grew up with more and more but less so it's again creating that's probably the only challenge between us as parents how many kids right it was funny when we were watching the countdown coming back your engagement was playing and it's been what six years since you guys got engaged six years crazy has it just gone by like that I mean it's just it seems like an alternate reality it really does um you know our lives now are very family centered we're super normal we're not exciting people at all very boring and we love it but that seems like just the craziest time I mean we met in the most non-conventional river you know emily is Thanks time for another Oh looking back at that moment what is like the one thing that really stood out to you no it was really fun and I think that the best the thing that I remember is and this is just harping on my husband being a great man I just remember him being really respectful of everybody that we worked with and that attracted me so much I love good guys yes such I mean I was never in a bad boys and I just remember seeing him respect everybody and that was like oh my gosh you're off camera are like the best man yeah and I knew that I just was gonna fall in all of them but you found the right one can you tell me what you told us beforehand that there was a medic I looked like a crazy person and they were like and I didn't know this time on their mics they were like please have a medical on standby because she may pass out I was very surprised but it was like how could you be surprised you know you're getting engaged they're like either way she so you know post bachelor life is always a little bit difficult was there a difficult moment for you guys I mean always just because we came from completely different backgrounds and understandings of you know I came from working at Amazon and being a graphic designer and from Seattle completely different he came from you know Texas and only things and so I think just melding lives together it's already a big challenge when you don't really know each other that well of course but yeah I mean I think normal things happen and as long as you stay committed to each other and you want to be together what we wanted to do you can you know brave any sport or was there ever a time there were you guys like we're like I don't know if we can do this anymore because I'm we supposed to Jo know a few weeks ago and she said that there was a time where her and Jordan were like I don't know yeah breaking point yeah worse yeah I mean it's it's really a tough thing especially being in the limelight when you're being tested but I think it also keeps you together at some level cuz you're like I don't want to be another statistic sure so you just keep fighting in your way but also you don't want it I I knew that when Sean and I community to each other that was it like we didn't want to be with anybody else for the rest of our lives and that's just something that you have to remember if you remember in those really hard times you don't want to say goodbye to this person and also you don't want to disrespect them so like certain things that you say or certain things that you do you're kind of like why am i treating the person that I love like this but obviously there's gonna be hardships and you can't control I mean I'm one of those emotional people evidence of great evening I've got some like blood would you say that that's maybe the secret to your marriage that it's like always just putting in the work and oh yeah first yeah and making sure again that at the end of the day you look at each other and you're like I love you and this is you know you're my person yeah definitely were you surprised that Sean and Caitlin but yeah I was yeah I was and that's a sad thing and again relationships are hard no matter what what factor what chapter you're in there's always gonna be hardships and I mean that was a really sad that was a sad one for definitely what are your thoughts on Colton I mean I I think that he seemed to be a really really good guy I don't know him personally but um you know his season with him obviously he seemed really cool edge very charitable you're a nice guy Family Guy and I really really hope he finds his person because he just seems like a really good guy he doesn't seem like a really good K just seemed like a good catch I know a big part of his season is you know the talk about his virginity know that you guys kind of dumped with that on like a similar level but post show I mean any advice for him going into that I mean justjust know what you know is right yeah I mean there's gonna be a lot of heightened things about his personality and I really hope that it ends soon because you know that part is just one part of his life that seems like such a good guy is a good-looking charitable family man we should start focusing on those totally has Sean talked to him at all because they know I don't sex oh yeah I don't think so I really don't but there are a lot of people are comparing them ya know how do you feel about that okay yeah totally what advice do you have for him and his future fiance if he's engaged afterwards don't listen to everybody it's really really hard and as long as you kind of remain together and it all because there's a lot that's gonna come at you in this situation I think as long as you just hold each other's hand through it because it's gonna be hard yeah but if you brave it you're you're set you're sad you have you have a long future ahead if you can bring just this little bit totally I love that okay so quickly I want to get some of your mom tips okay yeah I think you know a thing or two something you know something okay so here's the mom tips what are some diaper bag essentials absolutely diapers I love water wipes snacks occupiers um I like the sprouts organic broccoli one mm-hmm we love at our house but like savory and sweet okay water or milk or bottles whatever an extra shirt for you if there's if that baby is very Spiti clogs I mean I could I like that what should every mom register for oh gosh I love a docket ah I love burp cloths we're just poncho how do you handle two kids crying at night just loving on him mm-hmm it's really hard as a parent cuz you're like I want to teach you to go to sleep but I want to love on you and I want you to know that everything's okay it actually happened recently where they were both crying and it was just kind of just running and that's your duty as a parent to obviously figure out amongst yourself what do you want what do you want on this what is your goal for the night do you want them to sleep it out or whatever but mine is just comforting them yes do you split up one takes one no I've pretty much the sucker tips to get your baby to stop crying the Shh what every mom should know and no one tells them the first month after birth you're not getting any sleep no and you're gonna be a monster and everyone's just gonna have to deal with it especially her husband get over it were you a monster a hundred percent okay first baby yes the second maybe I should say it was the most monstrous thing you did oh my gosh just yelling about things just like looking at hideous and demanding things I could demand him though I deserved that we deserve it women best advice you ever received about motherhood oh gosh I just think just making sure that your present and and being there for them nice tips tips to getting through labour breathing breathing and knowing that in just a little bit you'll get to hold your baby mm-hmm I know some people like make playlists and things like that did you do anything I don't remember that no I don't remember that I had a crazy delivery with Samuel but um yeah I just think knowing that the end goal is beginning to hold your baby and he'll get through I think a couple more tips on preparing your kid for a sibling giving them a gift so we gave Isaiah gave Samuel a book we got Isaiah I we got a book for Samuel and he loves that and he's always called it the Isaiah book because he gave it to him so I think just exchanging gifts as if the baby is bringing you something I think that's important great and then hair and beauty tips for new moms I never wash my hair good under-eye concealer perfect and water there we go water of solves everything that Kathryn thank you so much I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday thank you thank you thanks everybody
Channel: Us Weekly
Views: 12,587
Rating: 4.9215684 out of 5
Keywords: usweekly, celebrity, celebrity news, news, celeb, us, produced, catherine lowe, the bachelor, the bachelorette, sean lowe, us weekly, us magazine
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 10 2018
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