SEAMetal HD - high definition double seam scope for food cans

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same inspection starts by first cutting the can the automatic saw prevents operators from getting different results due to their individual cutting styles once locked into position the can is cut by the operator automatically the can is then taken out and the section is pushed in using the supplied tool at this point the operator places the can into the optical unit in order for the software to inspected the main si metal window provides easy access to functions such as changing system parameters adding or modifying the existing standards calibrating the system reviewing reports or saved images or performing measurements in order to perform the measurement the operator must first place of the can into the optical unit and ensure that the same is in full view once in view the measurement button is pressed and all the values are automatically shown on the screen green values are within specifications while red values in this case thickness and percent overlap are outside specifications if the lines were placed incorrectly the operator can move them into their correct positions if a mistake was made the operator can go back the operator can save the image rescan the image print the image or continue on to the next measurement see meta is an effective and easy
Channel: Quality By Vision
Views: 24,295
Rating: 4.8554215 out of 5
Keywords: double seam, analysis, measure, seaming, quality, assurance
Id: deqeOvAWp_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 46sec (106 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 01 2009
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