Sea of Stars / Blasphemous 2 / Bomb Rush Cyberfunk - Noclip Podcast #143

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foreign [Music] [Music] Hello friends and welcome to episode 143 of the noclip podcast Danny here for those of you on the video version I'm in a different room look at my beautiful drop ceiling look at this beautiful set behind me uh moving stuff around here in the noclip studio because got a couple of projects in that I we needed to like do some extra types of filming so um giving it that TLC that you know a year after moving in I finally am uh settling in here and Jeremy Jane how are you doing how's your house how's your beautiful little Woodland Cottage doing it's doing great I uh I've I've been thinking about asking my landlord if he would sell me a little tiny crumb of the backwood because the woods just stretched for like a mile back and uh I don't think he's gonna say yes but I have to ask I have to ask would you be able to get a road back there that's the other problem is the only there's like a dirt road I'd have to probably dig with a shovel a huge trench to make the road work beautiful yeah we've all been Minecraft that doesn't seem like that exactly that's what I'm going to tell him when he asks if I'm capable of doing that get that terraforming gun from astroneer or something yeah it's easy do the job Frank Halley how are you doing how was your Den we had some comments on YouTube uh thing last week saying they just love your room your get up no posters thank you I feel like it's just piles of manga and uh video games and trash but I'm getting emotional about it there no I I don't talk to anyone when I wake up until like three hours and we do the podcast that was the first time I said anything out loud all day and I was like oh I didn't realize but uh no yeah I'm doing good uh what we'll get into it but Pax was rejuvenating and then yes I finally like Tuesday the day after like getting back and getting settled I just slept all day I was so tired so I finally made up for lost time so I feel pretty good cozy and reset yeah me too let's talk about packs for a second um we are going to talk about some games today actually a bunch of games bomb Rush cyber Funk Blasphemous two and sea of stars I've also played as some shotgun King which finally came out on consoles and we'll probably dip into Starfield a little bit as well um and we'll talk about Pax in a second but first of all if you would like to support our podcast follow our documentaries and get access to a Bunches of bonuses videos podcasts and loads more head over to noclip like our incredible battle pass holders Battle Royale games Arno Richard Masterson James Brown Jason Drury Mark Rojas Ryan Cobb Tucker Morgan Crimson cyclist svenhuster Karsten Carson sorry Carson Tim Robinson Forest Pruitt Andy vegan Darren Darren Birmingham Eric Hamilton Schneider Cameron Knight Alex sharp Alex gouche George sakotas Jacob godserve silventro James Andrew Adams tohir teliev and of course ryzen thank you all so much watch I met some of those people we both did Frank at Pax West uh this past weekend I flew in on Saturday in and out I flew in at like 6 a.m from Oakland and flew out at about 9 45 there was 14 people on my flight back to Oakland which was very strange they advised us not to change sides of the plane in case we uh tip it over or something on the way home um why did you make a Pax you were obviously there for three whole days you arrived Friday and got out of there kind of Sunday afternoon early afternoon um yeah what did you make of pax uh was this the first time you were back at West were you there last year no I was like yeah I was at Pax West last year uh the weirdest thing about this Pax was they added a new Convention Center to it so it was split across like three different buildings and then on top of that Nintendo had its own a separate convention floor that you needed a separate badge for and all this so it did the the convention didn't seem crowded because people were so spread out across so many different things so it was kind of hard to gauge the excitement the the what people were into the buildings were kind of like it's not even as if they were beside each other like the new Convention Center is like four blocks from the old one so you end up walking on city streets to get over to by the way shout out to Kevin for giving us the wristband for the Nintendo uh section as well I'm gonna get the I couldn't do it because I had to get out of town ASAP to get back to my 14-person plane but Frank we'll ask you about that in a second but sorry go on yeah it was kind of hard to gauge yeah yeah how many people were there and it's happened with you and me but this happened to other friends where I I got to packs I was like cool where are you I'm at the convention I'm on the Expo floor and like my friend Carlos who works at sega's like where are you I'm like I'm at the same building right and he's like no you're at the other building so it was constant like walking back and forth but by the second day I was acclimated um the weirdest thing at this Pax and I love it but maybe not other people do it there was so much Brands so many brands at this oh my god there was literally Battle of the brands yes was it called Battle of the brands doordash sponsored some like Esports stage where each competitor had a different fast food chain there was like Panda Express Arby's Taco Bell Del Taco McDonald's and each one each one had like a branded computer so a Taco Bell computer an Arby's computer which I am doing they're closed yeah as well their clothes were the the clothes were good the clothes were like that Burger King shirt looked all right yeah I was kind of sad like wow is there more freebies like there was there was a lovely lady Wing a Taco Bell shirt and I'm like where where do I get these Taco Bell shirts I'm all about it um the coolest thing they had free mashed potatoes uh oh my god there was a booth that had uh like they were not nice and microwave set up there was just like it was like a mashed potato dispenser you can go up get your cartridges whatever you wanted uh so I did go walk away with ranch mashed potatoes which uh you can pour water in a microwave and that was wait wait wait wait what were they serving these mashed potatoes so it was like an ice cream cone scenario it was in like a plastic bucket like it's like a you know you put this in the mic I just add water and then it's not just mashed potato it's like mashed potato and cheese and like flavoring questions what was it Frank they had like cheese and Ranch were the two flavors I think one was Ranch and the other was like thousand cheese mashed potatoes awful uh and then on the uh and the other expo hall so if you want to walk four blocks away Cheez-Its had its own booth but there was the Cheez-Its like pubg pup pubg Battlegrounds had like several different brands there was the trolley gummy worms which you could like scan a QR code to get free gummy worms their Cheez-Its Booth which you get free Cheez-Its at the end um no energy is weird yeah this is this is just like a list of like nabisco's allies and corporate sponsorship we did play games in between yeah yeah the various branded opportunities did you guys play the Cheez-It game or like what was the trolley bright crawlers game like what was the biggest sellout game that was there um I spent most of my time in the in the mega Booth part I mean I wasn't there all that long anyway but I got to play Pacific Drive finally which uh it was really cool takes place on the Olympic Peninsula so it reminded me of filming Dwarf Fortress and uh and JuJu Charles it's like a run-based driving game where you have this like card and it's like there's some sort of like extraterrestrial or sort of you know I don't know some sort of thresh maybe it's computers or robots I'm not quite sure but these like sort of floating beasts it's very but it's very like I don't know lynchian in some way like there was one part where I had to you have to go around and collect these um little orbs to basically like uh power up your car and uh when I was doing it at one stage I turned around and a bunch of mannequins or not mannequins but they were like sort of people frozen in space like as if like sort of like Vesuvius or something you know uh crystallized them or whatever or kept them there like Pompeii uh but then when I turned around one and I was like looking right at me it was so there's definitely some like it's you know it's Fantastical and technological and stuff but you're just driving around this car you're like trying to fix it when it when it when it busts up you're going off-road to try and like collect these things it's very atmospheric um I was into it yeah yeah is the is the vibe of that game kind of like a Pacific Northwest stalker is kind of what it looks like to me so there's no shooting in it and there's no like but just in terms of like it's kind of a uh like a grounded but mysterious it seems like a game where you're it's like the real world but things are kind of just like not necessarily I'd say it's more um it's it's way more Fantastical than I sort of expecting the only grounding element that was in the demo that I already saw was like the car and the uh the you know what a gas station you sort of like operate out of like at the end of the thing you basically the the objective I had and it took maybe 15 minutes and again this is maybe just for show floor maybe you know the the length of the map might be optimized just to get people to play the game they had a bunch of boots at like four boots um it was uh it was a you had you had got a certain amount of energy and basically there were these little sort of like almost like glowing orbs that you use to get the energy it felt kind of like Half-Life 2E Frank you made the point it was kind of like Half-Life 2 like the the way in which you were trying to you know drive from place to place more more Half-Life 2 episode 2 I would say you know like where you're driving that car and like putting stuff in it and that type of thing uh it reminded me of the gnome there's even like a bobble head in your car when you're driving around uh yeah which there's the little uh there's there's a little hula girl in episode two yeah but yeah like yeah like gnome Chomsky I guess it's you you but you're but basically like it's it's and it's kind of like you know you you have to look at the gear stick to put it into park and drive you have to look at your your you know it's kind of an 80s car so it's got one of those like you know right hand levers for the the headlights you have to put those off the headlights break they go out the doors can get busted up if you crash too much all that sort of stuff but once you get the you know all the energy required then this sort of big I don't know like lice Source like sort of like appears in a part of the map and then almost like a pub g style ring starts to close in and you have to get to the exit which is this sort of ethereal Light Beam thing um so it is more Fantastical at least in that thing than I was expecting uh but it's yeah it's not that's not a criticism it's just it's it's cool it looks fantastic on PC the console version I was playing and it looked pretty good too but the lighting and everything on the PCS there were looked really sick I think it was ue4 they're on um yeah so I don't know when that's coming out but it's uh and it's been developed up there too so it's pretty cool so you can no need for speed tree you just go out and take some photographs that's how Game Dev works right yeah you just take pictures and then put them in a computer uh Frank how was your uh experience did you play any what was it what was something interested to you on the floor yeah there was a lot of stuff you'd played before I know that uh yeah like there's like there's like a thing with Pax is like is this I was at paxis just six months ago so a lot of the same booths and devs are like animal well which is always looking great it was there uh Anton we had a fun chat about that I was because I was like you know I'm excited to see them and it's amazing that they're out all this sort of stuff and being like yeah sorry I was [ __ ] talking to your publisher he wasn't there uh donkey wasn't there himself at least I couldn't see him but like it was fun I like I was like you know I was kind of like prove me wrong in that video we put up on noclip crew and I think largely they've like done right by them like they're at every show and and he's obviously been promoting it a bit on his channel but not in a way that I felt because I was worried that he was going to use that this was going to be a way to basically just like use his channel to milk marketing for games that he has a financial stake in um but I think the way they've gone about it has actually been pretty you know pretty great I have no issue with it so it was but it was cool to see those guys because I hadn't seen them since the Jeff Keeley thing um back in last summer I think it was that was yeah but yeah sorry Frank yeah and then uh other games I'd seen before was Anton blast that uh insane WarioWare Crash Bandicoot game was there there was one new game uh that was it part of the steam I think Summer Games Fest or whatever called Captain Wayne vacation desperation which look looks like it's the first person Pirates yeah where this one's nuts because it kind of looks like a build engine shooter like like Duke Nukem but but the Sprites are all hand drawn it's it actually kind of looks like Duke Nukem like the tropical vacation DLC uh so yeah Captain Wayne vacation desperation is a really cool trippy first person shooter it feels good it's very zany cartoony and wacky uh so that's uh I think there's a demo on Steam you can download in terms of bigger platform stuff I didn't get to play Tekken 8 but Tekken 8 was on the show floor and that looks so good that comes out in January I was very excited to see the Sega Booth I gotta play like a dragon the man who erased his name the latest Yakuza game that'll be out in November and that's the one where kiru is now like a secret agent so he has all these spy gadgets he he has like Spider-Man abilities where he can like uh use razor wire to group people together so the combat's very big and over the top um I think there's other stuff there's I think even like Baldur's Gate three had a giant Booth but I still haven't played that game Bloodlines two it was a vampire vampire masquerade something like that yeah that's what it's called yeah vampire to Masquerade bloodlines too it's um Bloodlines 2 was was yeah available there I I think it was playable which is weird that's obviously gone through a lot of weirdness where the Chinese room is now working on us which seems a little bit outside of their wheelhouse like that's an interesting situation because they've made a lot of like you know I guess I'm not sure if the term walking simulators is something we say anymore but like that's obviously sort of their Forte and obviously um hard suit were taken off of the the project and Brian mitsoda who we interviewed about a years ago was also um wired for off that project so it's gone through a lot um vampire I'm trying yeah what else was there the game that Jeremy told us about I've never gonna be able to say this right thermotorch the thermometer oh yeah Polish Polish game which kind of it has like Persona elements that game looks awesome yes that was cool this is the Warsaw but with demons um in like the early or late 18th century or something like that it was or maybe a bit earlier than that it was during when when for that hundred years that Poland didn't exist this is the the time when the Russian uh Russia basically or Russia as it was then um was was you know Warsaw was part of the territory so it was it's a it's a it's a crpg kind of with like also turn-based fighting it looks really beautiful it's uh you are a a sort of a private investigator who's able to use demons but the demons are like tied to people's emotions so like I think I I'm editorializing a bit here but like you know if if one of the people in the world has like depression maybe they're being um they're being sort of uh yeah it felt witch-resque in a way and when that like there's something wrong with these people oh guess what it's a monster that's doing it for this reason you know what I mean like the sort of monster the week style thing but it's demons that are [ __ ] with people mentally and I think then you can like use those demons yourself in combash to like imbue certain things it looks really cool just a great like uh setting and we asked them if it was based on any like book or anything and they were like no this is all just like our our Vibe our thing so um yeah that looks interesting I I think the name is a bit of a nightmare but um hopefully that doesn't stop people from checking it out you told us about that didn't you Jeremy I it's kind of ringing a bell it's definitely not one that I championed but I might have I think what it was is we looked at the publisher when we were talking about some game and then that caught our eye I think oh you might have seen or something yeah yeah I think yeah I think that's a cool it's it's funny Persona Eastern Europe Eastern European Persona is kind of the perfect pitch for this because it's like it's just it's the witcher's vibe but persona's conceit or something yeah it looks good though yeah they so eleven bit put it together which have a sort of um a bit of history and that sort of using Central and Eastern European stuff like I think uh this war of mine and frostpunk would have been games from that they worked on yeah and they're I guess they're they're also publishing now I guess guessing is what's happening there I think but yeah 11 bit are based in Warsaw so I I might be wrong maybe are they actually developing this maybe I'm maybe I've just got my head wrong on the steam page it says developed by Fool's Theory but okay I'm published by 11 published by eleven okay yeah so I guess they're just like using their success to fund out the games as well which is pretty pretty dope um Fool's Theory worked on I'm not sure seven let's see if they actually worked on it though yeah I think they might have just helped or helped on it or something um cool seven the video game of the movie Seven yeah featuring uh Brad Pitt yeah yeah that looked dope um yeah trying to think there's anything else the panel of course then we did which was incredible um we filled the room they had to turn people away we had like I don't know how many people you fit in those rooms like 1200 1500 people something um maybe more I have no idea and we filled it up that's the first time that's ever happened that was pretty cool I was like for last time we did a panel it was four years ago and we had a bunch of people at that one we never managed to get that many folks so it was really cool uh we showed off some bits and Bobs if you're a patron we have uh harvested the live stream that was put out packs you can find links to pax's Arc they don't archive their panels but you can find links to them if you're on the noclip Discord it's in there and if you follow me on Twitter you might be able to see it in the replies um and if you're a patron I just topped and tailed it and put it up up on on patreon as well if you want to check that out it's the whole hour of us we announced some stuff we showed some tapes we showed off some Xena Warrior Princess outtakes we showed some of Frank's Burger King doc which got a great pop from the crowd did a q a took some suggestions uh Frank Wilbur some of the suggestions that you remember from or do you still have the sheet there oh Christ we frankly remember beforehand and just kind of went off to people and asked um for suggestions for documentaries and then we basically we kind of asked people we read them out live and got like a feedback from them one of them was cyberpunk that are there they are nice one one of them was cyberpunk which it just so happened that radic was in the crowd the global PR leads for uh CD project red so we asked him and he was like yeah let's do it so we've confirmed making connections on the Fly cyberpunk 2077 documentary I have to follow up with him on that I haven't done that yet but um that's cool that would be that would be cool I guess they're ready to talk about that game now there's Phantom Liberty is coming out uh what else do we have on there Frank uh yeah I'll go through a few of them there's the the history of the achievement system with the Xbox 360. uh Thumper which actually got a lot of that that like older which then I subsequently remembered we did oh yeah we did a the GDC Talks video yeah it's like a 20 minute Thumper doc up on the channel I mean it's not a doctor it's like an interview but like yeah uh I think it's the game that Jeremy had recommended or talked about but people recommended rain world oh yeah yeah I've only played a little bit of it but uh it's really cool I actually me and my friend literally just bought it the other day to start this week so I will record it back on rain world yeah too uh stardew about stardew Valley got a big pop um let me see facade someone had mentioned La facade I would too I think that was made in like a university yeah it was like a project uh yeah let me look it up yeah yeah you look it up there thanks uh this did come up a handful of times but yeah volition and even just the whole I mean that yeah the volition would just um yeah they closed down last week obviously so there's there's an angle there for the games they made and also one on just you know dive back into that Cesspool of companies being shut down although now it's part of the embracer methodology of just buy up a bunch of studios and then contract your business by two percent and end up firing 5 000 people or whatever and now it's Frank any other highlights there yeah I'm sure I think there's anything I mean control remedy people are always asking about uh Team Fortress 2 which is a fun suggestion yeah preach to the choir there uh anything yeah just keep to involved documentaries over and over again respawn and Apex Legends yeah I said Apex Legends and there was a little bit of love and then I said time fall too and the place went crazy oh really all right yeah yeah you can check all these out on the stream as well if you want uh over on patreon yeah what's the deal with facade do we know who made it so it's uh it's two dudes uh Michael Matias and Andrew Stern um it seems like they were both just kind of computer science and uh programmer designer people who just came together to do this uh yeah kind of like project yeah I don't know do we know where at all uh it says Matthias was a doctoral student at Carnegie Mellon the school of computer science and where's that East Coast somewhere I think so is that New York no Pittsburgh Pennsylvania uh and stern was a programmer and designer on the virtual pet video game pets with a z no way yeah should we do a doc on like those like dogs and cats yeah probably right if we do the facade documentary I feel like there's gonna be an intro a long intro about the history of pets with a z Oh my God I wonder how many people bought dogs and how many people bought pets and they're also yeah babies cats that's kind of [ __ ] up though because then that's just saying that like human children are ontologically the same as like dogs and cats yeah which I mean a lot of dog owners will tell you that yeah a lot of dog owners that don't have kids we'll tell you that sure and I'm sure some parents will also tell you that of small children that they're just like cats yeah they just pee everywhere you fill their bowl up and they were oh dude of course I was like I bet this is a Bay Area thing and it totally is the original pets games were developed by PF magic who are located in San Francisco California any relation to the Chinese food Mega chain PF Chang's you think yeah yeah they just had all this extra money uh lying around so uh yes they did they had babies was one of them balls [Music] I'm not sure what that is dogs and cats yeah yeah wow that's amazing they also produced a Max magic the world's first electronic magic kit okay there you go I love that I would we need to cover that because I I have a Natural Curiosity for whatever the [ __ ] that is that I need to know what it is through uh through a documentary holy [ __ ] there was a oh they made they did not make balls did they balls was the 3DO game remember that they did they made balls they just made games with [ __ ] Z's Etc oddballs did you make it oddballs looks like cats but they're aliens or something they're just like weird things [ __ ] we should figure this out PF magic see if they're on Moby games and the biggest one I think we gotta pop off though was uh was a certain rapper's video game oh yeah so I don't know how this came up but I think it was piggybacking off something else but yeah we somehow ended up talking about 50 Cent Blood on the sand and people did freak out over that uh which I would love and that is like playable in Xbox series X so it does look and run great and Xbox Live Co-op still works for that game I tested it like a year ago but yeah 50 Cent bulletproof and blood on the sand do you think 50 Cent would talk to us for uh video games documentary I was trying to think about that would he like like is he that inaccessible he did the Super Bowl a couple of years ago Dre and all them I wonder if like other members of G-Unit would be more accessible you know maybe yeah yeah I think yeah yeah is he in G-Unit I don't even know who's comprised oh no he was in um he was in the other one what was what was his what was D12 yeah you can say B12 but that's a vitamin G Unit and again what's funny about 50 Cent long on the sand is 50 Cents playable but if you do co-op you can play the other G Unit members so there's Tony Yayo and I know Lloyd Banks I think there's other people in the game I believe okay yeah I have hunted down Andrew Stern who worked on you said he was one of the facade guys did you I I believe so he and he worked on he was the development lead on pets it looks like as well yeah on LinkedIn Chris Pratt is a mutual connection so all right maybe people make games or working on the facade documents we gotta get that pet stock first yeah he's based up in uh is it Oregon it says Portland okay yeah yeah okay there we go that's [ __ ] let's find this [ __ ] talk about some weird ass games you made yeah where's facade too man you've been holding out exactly I want to see I want to see more husband or husbands and wives arguing about their terrible marriages I want to barge into more doors and kiss both of the people inside without saying a word forgot you could do that look at their comically large wedding picture on the wall it's like the size of a [ __ ] movie poster good stuff see you right this is the type of [ __ ] we need to be working on right thank you to everyone who came out to packs thank you to everyone who came to our panel who said hi to us on the show floor took pictures we did loads of selfies we did we gave a load of stickers and um uh lanyards and all that sort of stuff it was a blast it was good for the soul I think uh Frank will attest and uh yeah it was uh it was really cool with a lot of we actually got a lot of people I met blind IRL there who's a a really good Dwarf Fortress streamer who offered to help with getting gameplay for our Dwarf Fortress stock which is a absolute Lifesaver because that's kind of where we're at at the moment on that one and everything else is done uh yeah we met a bunch of people we had a couple of Doc opportunities as well have come from this as well so yeah it's exciting a lot of fun stuff um but anyway time to talk about the video games that we played let's let me start I guess only because I have the most ones and otherwise I'll just be talking shitloads at the end um Blasphemous too so I have to go to confession because I did not play the first Blasphemous and I'm pretty sure I never if I never heard of it I never registered it I never thought about it considered it and I don't know why it has it's so like Dave Oshi was telling me on Twitter at apparently it sold two million copies I think it has quite a lot of positive Steve reviews Steam Reviews so I went to into Blasphemous too completely vanilla no I don't know why it got my eye I think the art style perhaps is what dragged me in initially but uh I knew nothing about it so anything I say about this this could be very much what Blasphemous one is like I'm not quite sure um the game is a side-scrolling I guess metroidvania but the combat is a little bit less sort of arcadey and a bit more I don't want to say soulzi but I'm saying it it's a bit more high stakes shall we say um there's different combat moves and things like that um but the sort of the the vibe of the game and it made complete sense to me when I realized that this game was developed in Spain is this like very sort of Baroque Spanish like sensibility to the whole thing Jeremy you said you played the first one right I played a little bit of Blasphemous one yeah yeah what do you remember about how that played or what what you liked about it I remember um I remember it feeling like a little bit heavy I kind of bounced off it because I think I played it um I was replaying Hollow Knight for the first time in years and I was like I need more just like metroidvanias where I go around a big world Smash and ship and uh that's the biggest that's the most similar connection that's in my head as well yeah I found Blasphemous a lot more punishing than Hollow Knight and so I bounced off it a little bit um but uh I definitely have been meaning to go back to it I just haven't found uh the proper time but yeah the art is unbelievable it's just these guys he's like giant boss Sprites that are just I mean I we talked about this when we talked about um red candles game devotion uh because it was like a Buddhist horror game and I really like when people take sort of like their cultural background especially like religious background and it twisted on his head into sort of like a horror property so I love this like this this Spanish reverence for Christianity and Catholicism and these guys Grand Cathedrals and all of these like it's kind of scary paintings of saints bleeding and covered in thorns and it's supposed to be like it's supposed to be inspiration a little bit as a kid you're probably just like this is terrifying uh so I feel like it's taking that feeling of being in like a big gothic church as a kid and seeing all the paintings and being like this is actually really scary why is this supposed to be cool yet 100 it reminded me a lot of like um you know we have a big like um there's a big picture of the arrest of Christ the Francisco Goya painting in my old um High School um it's the one where Judas is like kissing him and the it's but it's it's like it's that Baroque Spanish uh like you know like a flight of witches and stuff like this you know these paintings that are just very like black is used a lot like there's a lot of Shadow happening um and I mean Goya is probably like the maybe the most famous of that uh ilk I'm not a huge R person I don't know a lot of that sort of stuff but like if you go like you'll know it when you see it it's that type of like very um naturalistic kind of features of people like human looking people but like lots of and you know cherubs and you know lots of blood and like skin being used you know like people being exposed um super dark and things like this obviously this game is like it's like pixel Baroque I guess it's kind of how I describe it and between that and the sort of like Spanish instrumentation that's happening in the background it it feels very much to me like the sort of European religiosity of like the 18th century which I grew up uh going to school in a lasallian school system so our our schools were De La Salle Brothers which is very much from that era so a lot of our like teachings and the sort of even not necessarily the style of the buildings that we were in but like definitely the imagery that would we would have been exposed to when it came to religion and when it came to history of our schools was very much this type of dark European um yeah like Baroque sensibility I guess so in a weird way I find this very comforting like even and the words that they use in the game I think I took a screenshot because I was you know the way like all these you know the way like I I think I think it doesn't play like a Souls game that's not fair to say it is very much a metroidvania it's just a hard Metroid fan it's not even that hard actually I don't think maybe this one's a bit more forgiving I'm not sure but it's like a somewhat challenging metroidvania right um but I do think it lends a lot to the sort of uh the solesy games in terms of like the soul games have just allowed everyone to be as weird as possible and to obfuscate things as much as possible so I picked up something and a little tool tip popped up on the screen and this is for the accumulation of guilt okay this is telling you about the mechanic the video game mechanic accumulation of guilt upon dying a guilt fragment remains anchored to the world the level of guilt Rises reducing the gain of fervor and your defi defense but increasing tears of atonement and martyrdom points gained collect guilt fragments to partially recover or find someone who can ease your burden and that's unbelievable that's a piece of information that is put on the screen to help you understand what's going on that's fantastic I love how it reads like a uh it just sounds like something you'd read in like a manual for a Super Nintendo game but incredibly esoteric like it's like a leader yeah yeah exactly exactly so yeah I mean the moment to moment of this game is like you start it up it tells you there's a couple of bosses that are in this part of your 2D map you know and it tells you where they are but you don't know the the rooms yeah so when you go into a room it gets added to your map there are abilities you know the ability to like climb or jump higher and those types of things that will allow you to get access to areas of the map you couldn't beforehand there is a uh somewhat deep weapon so there's three weapons you can pick from the start I just picked this huge [ __ ] morning star hammer style thing so it's pretty much like just one big swing and I can power it up or I can hit RB afterwards to make like a fire effect happen to us and the guilt thing how that works is kind of like I from what I understand is that every time you die you don't drop any of the currency when you die but it adds guilt to the world and that guilt basically reduces your sort of Mana bar it's for it's called one of those terms I don't know atonement or some [ __ ] I don't know no I'll know when I you know I only pay for like three or four hours um but uh it it reduces the amount of that so it makes and I think the enemies might get a little bit nastier as well I'm not quite sure maybe it's like you know what was it in bloodborne when you'd sanity or whatever maybe it's like that I'm not quite sure um I'll have to dip into more but you can go to a guy and basically pay to have your sins absolved he's straight up behind like a confessional Booth which is pretty funny and there's another guy who'll carve these little wooden blocks that are kind of like they remind me of like the small little saints that my grandmother would have you know like whittles and like go there same Francis and that's you know put that up on the windowsill and birds will come to the window or whatever right it reminds me of those things but um you base basically they're they're Buffs that you can you can pocket and you can there's a certain amount of sockets you have and you can upgrade those to add it so it's just doing that thing where it is more you know you're getting more powerful through those Buffs more so I don't think you level up or anything I don't think there's any you get more powerful through that as far as I know I think it's mostly just adding to the uh the skill set you have I guess and things like that but it's just fascinating to explore this world it's like my favorite thing about I think this is where the soulsy thing comes in but also I guess this is true of hollow Knight as well where like when you go into new biomes when you go into new areas because the art is so beautiful and the enemies are just mad like there's one enemy that's like hold you know it's got big like you know Wagon Wheel on their back that they use as a as a a weapon there's a bunch of these old Crohn's in this Woodland Park that have crows that they sort of throw at you and then when you kill the lady the old lady the crows devour her oh my God that just looks dope yeah the big bosses are really cool they're just like uh just incredible animation and yeah you just feel like you're in this like pixelated painting it's it's really something else so I'm enduring it I think it's a great um steam deck game as well works really well on that um yeah and I'm gobbling it up like it's it's it's probably going to be in my top 10 at the end of the year like it's very very very good and I will probably go back and play Blasphemous one once I'm done with this too I just looked at like a couple screenshots of it and the first two I came across were a flaming nun on a giant hand holding a giant scroll and like a a priest who was flayed in his like skin is falling off this is like so good it's so great I usually um I feel like pixel art people associate pixel art with kind of like a cutesy or aesthetic or kind of like a more Fantastical in like a you know in like a fantasy way like cute dragons and unicorns and stuff are like Heroes and knights and I feel like this is just uh it's it's leaning into like the fact that it's a little pixelated it lets your imagination kind of go wild with the details of these more grotesque things so like I remember like a few games playing as a kid that um that leaned into that where like someone would get shot and it would just be like a few red pixels would appear on their torso but because you can't really see what's going on you're like oh it's like the nastiest thing I've ever seen and yeah and probably because it's small maybe proportionally it looks larger than it should be so you're kind of like oh it's like super gross yeah there's a lot of that here and also then because they're like most of the characters are small ish you know the same size as your character is whenever you find one of the bigger things like big statues that are you know like there's one where it's like it very much looks like um I forget the the Michelangelo statue I think where it's Jesus is lying on Mary's lap I forget what that one's called where you know his body is Crosser and there's one that looks like that and where she's like weeping over a sun um it's funny when the game started it started with like a straight up like anime cutscene which was so well put together I hate when stories when games just start with story stuff especially when it's like weird [ __ ] that I have to like listen and pay attention to and I was like oh okay I guess I'll have to watch this by the second panel I was like oh no okay no this is great like I take it back you this is very cool Your World building is is cool your imagery is amazing um it just looks really cool yeah that's awesome to it yeah I uh I want to revisit the first one before I check this out um because I don't know if they're like sequential and story or anything but it says it's the same character okay like the whatever the name the I forget the name of the character it's like the anointed or the something um but it says that they have returned yeah so I'm gonna go play Blasphemous one and then I'm gonna give this a shot sick uh let's stay with you Jeremy sea of stars is out um there's a little documentary on it that yeah The Escapist the game you entry is that channel was kind of gotta I think Nick Calandra got the job as the editor at The Escapist and they moved all their stuff over to the escapists they put out a bit of a dock about the development of the game around the launch of us um uh this came out August 28th uh what is sea of SARS Jeremy and what do you make of it yeah so sea of stars is a throwback to kind of like 90s jrpgs I would say um kind of like Super Mario RPG and Chrono Trader I would probably say are the two biggest influences that it wears on its sleeves uh it's made by sabotage Studio who made the messenger a while back which was uh Ninja Gaiden kind of inspired side scroller that switched between 8-bit and 16-bit and had like a time travel thing which was kind of interesting um I liked the messenger I didn't love it but I thought it was very fun and fluid and kind of like mechanically competent so my fear going into sea of stars that it was good it was gonna be like good looking and good playing but I was worried that maybe the story wouldn't hit which was always kind of the big thing about like 90s RPGs is you know like Super Mario RPG is mechanically brilliant but the thing that makes me fond of it is the fact that all the characters are very like there's a lot of pathos like one of the there's one character who's always crying is kind of a crybaby and every time he cries you're like no I have to like I have to go get revenge for mallow like I need to get out there and fix this um but so I played the first couple hours of sea of stars and uh so far it seems really really promising on all fronts um mechanically it's really interesting and uh and so far the story is good it's definitely it's the thing that I will wait to like reserve judgment on basically is that it's um I it's clearly leaning into a lot of kind of like RPG tropes which is totally fine as long as it takes those pieces and uses them to kind of build a foundation for an interesting and original story uh it's kind of like it starts with kind of like a magic school like the the two main characters are kind of training to be they're called Solstice Warriors they're going to use like Elemental Magic and they're training to you know fight the evil of this world and so when when it started and that was the the kind of Trope they were leaning into I was like all right you know like I've seen this a bunch what are we gonna do with this and then the Headmaster was like oh we're gonna you have to like hunt down these giant evil beings that wander the Earth and if we don't hunt them down they'll get so powerful that they'll destroy the planet and I was like oh this is actually cool and I thought it was going to be sometimes those jrpgs lean into the like the Purity and innocence of those kind of stories and I was very glad when they were like oh there's a guy called the fleshmancer out there and he's making like world leaders okay cool like I needed I needed a little bit of grit or something you know like it can't just be all cutesy characters casting Sun magic because it looks like cutesy characters I mean this game looks beautiful man the pixel art is fantastic yeah uh yeah it has this kind of feel feel to it that um what's it reminded like witchbrook the game that's being oh yes yeah um it kind of reminds me of that a little bit uh very like readable colorful beautiful pixel art uh it it kind of the way I would describe the pixel art style is it looks like you remember 90s games not like 90s pixel art actually looked um but yeah it's it's fantastic the uh the combat system is also it does a lot of interesting things so uh one of my favorite things in Super Mario RPG is that um uh have you three guys played Super Mario RP never no I just know it from the Nirvana the band the song yeah all right fair enough uh so kind of the band the song for some reason that just like registered my brain as proper um in Super Mario RPG uh the it's obviously turn-based combat like a lot of classic RPGs but um in the combat system there's a lot of time to button presses so when your character does a standard attack uh there is a untelegraphed sort of moment where you need to press a again when the attack lands to do bonus damage oh cool and convert firstly when enemies attack you there's an untelegraphed point in their animation where you can defend against the hits and so Steve Stars leans pretty hard into that a lot of the Spells also are like time based so for example uh the female protagonist has a spell where she throws like a moon disc and it bounces off of the enemy and comes back at you and you have to hit a timed deflection to hit it again and so it does more damage every time you bounce it but it gets faster and faster so after you know 10 you're just like just like mashing axis oh I'm watching that now actually in their little trailer that's really cool yeah and you can point it at different enemies as well yeah it like redirects it so it does like an AOE effect um that's cool so yeah there's a lot of like taking I mean Super Mario RPG also had the time to button presses and stuff but uh it seems like they're leaning harder into those systems and actually adding a few interesting things like um enemies will have they'll Telegraph that they're about to do a big attack and if you can do it'll have like three icons ones like a sword one's a hammer and one's a sun and if you can do blunt damage blade damage and sun damage before they cast that big spell it'll cancel it oh that's cool um so is it is it turn based yeah but but the but then there's there's sort of like immediacy in the action with the defending and the attack stuff yeah exactly because the thing with I mean I love turn-based RPGs and I I think that the success of quite a few of them in the last five years or so shows that a lot of people still feel the same I mean Persona 5 was a massive Mega hit and it's turn-based right but the thing that Persona 5 does is similar to this where they take that and then elevate it because in Persona 5 it's about figuring out Elemental weaknesses of different enemy types and then using them to do stuns and Knockouts and crowd control and stuff um so yeah go ahead what do you make of the Super Mario RPG remake that they've announced because it's it's uh it looks like they've just 3dfied the arch which might which kind of looks like maybe worse I don't know as a result yeah I was I was hesitant to weigh in on it when people were excited about it like when it first got announced because uh I I obviously want I think it's one of the best RPGs ever made and I also think it's a really good entry point into that era of RPGs um I think there are things like Xeno gears that are a little bit more uh you know grandiose like some people don't have 85 hours to like drive around the world with their mechs um so Super Mario RPG is like the the writing is so good but everything is so simple that it's very easy like I feel like uh if you gave it to a child even modern day they would probably enjoy Super Mario RPG so I'm glad to see it getting a Resurgence um yeah the art style is kind of whatever it kind of has that like I'm not a huge fan of the Contemporary Nintendo aesthetic I guess I feel like everything is so like shiny and kind of looks like little plastic toys um and it just like yeah I don't know I I mean I'm also just like you know I'm 32 years old so impartial to like Sprite art from that era because I grew up with it but uh yeah I mean I don't know I feel like they could have just put Super Mario RPG on uh like I've done a port on Modern consoles and it would have been just as good but uh just fine yeah yeah I mean as long as it's they're adding like cut scenes and stuff too which I'm curious to see I don't know yeah well I'll reserve my judgment I don't want to be like the naysayer just because I'm like back in my day we didn't have 3D Mario um but uh but yeah so sea of stars is hitting a lot of those Super Mario RPG notes for me uh it's got some interesting characters too um I I've played a lot of RPGs where all of the characters are kind of just like he's like a knight and he's like a Mage and stuff and these characters actually have interesting aspects to them there's one guy who's really into cooking and he's like kind of a warrior so they call him a warrior cook and it's like kind of just like fun little cutesy twists of familiar tropes just tweaked far enough to be kind of interesting and novel um excellent so yeah I've only played like the first couple hours uh because I'm I'm in act three of Baldur's Gate three and I feel like I I can't I can't open myself up fully emotionally to a new cast of characters until I kind of close that chapter in my life you know I can only have one video game girlfriend at a time that's fair a sea of stars has a lot of girlfriends it was uh 25 000 our boyfriends or people friends 25 589 people backed it um for a total of looks like 1.6 million Canadian dollars and currently it is uh sitting pretty 88 on Metacritic and uh uh 100 almost 2 000 reviews very positive over on Steam so people seem to be really digging it sea of stars I'll be honest Jeremy I've not played these games these types of games at all I've stayed away from all these little you know 16-bit RPGs and uh this is the first one I've looked at where I'm like oh maybe I'll give it a go or maybe I've changed maybe I'm just a Blasphemous to see a Stars playing [ __ ] crpg has really opened you up man uh they did and that's actually we were we were talking about how it packs West there was just crpgs everywhere oh really it's just like yeah it's just like I mean it's it's a really good genre I mean it's it's a great vehicle for storytelling and like I don't know I I feel like the crpgs are due a Resurgence RTS too where's all the RTS come on in like 2025 I want to see RTS blowing up again yeah we had a couple of little ones we had like the uh you know the remaster RTS has kind of came back but not really uh not really that much more yeah but yeah this would be a good entry point if you wanted to try out this era of RPGs honestly like if if Steve stars is interesting to you give it a shot but I also fully recommend the original Super Mario RPG uh I uh I recommended it to someone who had never played it and they played it last year for the first time and it's now one of their favorite RPGs oh that's cool it's not just Nostalgia it is also like a very good video game that is kind of Timeless so but yeah CSR is great I I like I said I'm early in the game but I highly recommend it so far it has pleasantly I've gone in with very skeptical reserved expectations about it because this is a the fear with this type of game is always that it's going for the Aesthetics of nostalgia that it's just gonna be like oh this is just like that thing I liked um right and not that it's going to be a new thing that I also like so uh but so far it's it's I've been very pleasantly surprised I was uh I was surprised to feel myself getting like a little bit emotional and like kind of invested in the characters and that's when I knew that I had to put it aside until I have space in my life for it excellent out of interest because you said Baldur's Gate have you how's everyone doing with Starfield I've played a bunch more star Fields have you guys touched it at all or are you kind of setting setting it to one side for the moment I fell off hard I fly I tried to play a little bit more yeah I I uninstalled star field after oh my God I got to probably almost like 20 hours and I was like I don't know this isn't for me fair enough Frank I did play maybe a handful more hours uh I got a different ship and that freaks me out because like where the hell is my old ship it took me but what I like now and I feel confident is now I can Google it and all my all the answers are there so I was like all right you stuck to this person you change it out I still got to figure out the resource management when I was like driving around today I was like I'm just gonna sell my resources I don't care I don't need this crap and if I actually need I think I saw like a Reddit post that was like if you actually need resources just go to just go buy it off vendors because I'm just hoarding all this crap and I don't know why I can't I can't withhold do I dump all my big problem because it's like at least I feel like an oblivion and Fallout you kind of get an idea of what's what's worth holding on to or something or or like if you've only got one in covering so you've only got one encumbrance to worry about but because you have two encumbrances it's like it's almost like twice as much to worry about um yeah I played a chunk more this main story definitely got way better as I kept playing but uh yeah I did There's Something there's definitely a resistance there I think it's like so I ended up playing a bunch of Fallout New Vegas because I just installed it and went oh I'll just place in New Vegas instead because I wanted the feeling of just like going and getting lost and one of the things that actually really annoyed me which uh people were complaining about the local maps on planets which I definitely agree aren't aren't really there they don't even exist really but the thing that was really bugging me was I want like I can't figure maybe there's a way of doing this I can't figure out if there's a way of looking at where the missions are in relation to their [ __ ] locations like I want to have a star map that has the missions written on it so I can see where to go because there's something that's really like I really like playing those games and learning where everything is in the world and you have that in the cities for sure and that's really cool but like in the open in the rest of the universe like I have no like I for whatever reason I just want to do what's here what's in this system let me clear this system let me get to know these planets let me do that and I feel like there's no way of figuring that out um which is very discombobulating for me so yeah I'm um I'm feeling similar I feel like it's uh there's parts of it I'm really enjoying and there's parts of it that are just like get in the way of like the format of it just without that having that ability to find the empty space in between the cities which is one of my favorite things to do in those games and that's just how I play those games same with World of Warcraft I just enjoyed wandering and exploring and I don't get to wander and explore in this game much at all um so you know for me I was kind of like maybe maybe I'll just play Fallout 4 again or something you know and and dive into that stuff or like there's probably some expansion pack I haven't done for Fallout 3 or for New Vegas or something um but yeah I'm gonna keep playing it I'm going to keep playing because the main story weird enough is now the thing that's pulling me along which is getting getting pretty interesting um I like the antagonist a lot okay Frank Howley bomb Rush cyber Funk please explain this video game we talked a lot about Aesthetics on today's show already with sea of stars and was Blasphemous too farmer cyberpunk really going for that Jet Set Radio look right they nailed it yes uh this is straight up Jet Set Radio 3. it's remarkable uh I was I like I was hesitant because remember this game was announced years ago seeing the trailer they had the original composer uh Hideki uh and uh finally playing it I was nervous because I was waiting for the console release I heard some early Buzz uh finally I uh after Pax I got it on PlayStation and uh yeah it is straight up Jet Set Radio it is the premise is you're a a new crew and you're running around the city beating up other Rivals spray painting over their tags challenging them to trick battles to dance battles also while running away from police and also beating him up and spray painting them uh yeah aesthetically they nail it the graphics look like that Dreamcast that Jet Set Radio Future Xbox like cell shaded it's like you're walking around in an anime it's so gorgeous everything is funky and ridiculous like NPCs have robot heads every store has beautiful graphic design like whatever this they call the city New Amsterdam uh there's a rival crew called the old heads and they it's straight up like Beastie Boys Like Adidas track suits and boom boxes it is like it is everything is so it's just dripping with like I don't know Street coolness it's it's it's great um in terms of the actual like uh flow of the gameplay you go to a new like City Block City area and a crew introduces themselves and you have to run around this open world environment there's infinite time and just spray paint over their tags so it it's kind of like feels like playing Tony Hawk Underground or something where it's like instead of doing individual missions you're just looking at this huge area and the uh the the graffiti that you have to tag over is kind of highlighted so it's like oh my God how the hell am I gonna get all the way up there so then you start grinding and platforming which kind of makes it feel like Sonic Adventure uh the one of the best factors on this game is you don't have to collect spray paint cans and Jet grinds radio Set Radio Future you were you had a cap of like 20 spray paints or whatever and sometimes massive walls would eat up all your cans so you constantly had to do this annoying Resource Management with here it's very friendly it's okay if you get the tag you can do it uh and then once you tag enough your rep builds up and once you hit a certain rep then you challenge the Rival crew to like a two-minute Tony Hawk style trick attack and it's awesome and that's the gameplay flow and then throughout each like crew there's like a ridiculous anime story of just the Rival cruise going and it's it's very cool um and the soundtrack itself is amazing so I think Hideki only did like three to five songs on it but it's collected from a bunch of Independent Artists so already on like apple music someone has compiled the soundtrack and I I discovered one uh Japanese artist uh called cyber milk Chan and uh the song was called condensed milk and it's the most beautiful saccharin like choo choo choo choo choo so it's I am gushing over it I've probably played six hours or so on on PS5 but it's on everything uh I think on Steam it's 10 out of 10 overwhelmingly positive reviews so if you like jet grind radio Jetson radio if you like Tony uh underground they did it it's awesome nice yeah seems to be selling all right as well six thousand almost uh over there like you said it's out on absolutely everything that uh Hideki naganuma soundtrack making people super nostalgic um yeah there you go bomb Rush cyber Funk I'm gonna try and check that out as well uh what's the Dollar on it I think it's 40 but they I think it's worth it if you're a fan that this is straight up Jet Set three it's awesome excellent I see a Stars I think was 35.2 as well oh it is terrific Blasphemous 2 is uh I want to say 20 I want to say 30. nice let me just double check that yeah it is 29.99 and I would again say that it is so far has definitely been worth it and the only other game I played this week to mention is shotgun King which I've been meaning to play for a long time this is a um chess roguelike where you are a uh you were the black king all of the other pieces have gone to the white side you're the last black king and you have to uh basically shoot is all the incoming white pieces it is turn based they move like chess pieces but you have a shotgun that has like a sort of a physicsy style blast radius on it so like everything else is specific and everything but the weapon stuff can be a little bit you're not quite sure what you're gonna hit because it's a shotgun I believe there are other weapons as well um and then for each level you complete so like you'll basically start at the bottom of a chessboard six pieces will come in or more um initially that's kind of what it is and the first thing um and then you know might be a couple of Rooks might be a bishop might be a you know a queen might be a knight and then they move you move and you have to reload your shotgun and shoot them as they're coming towards you and they're trying to kill you they have no guns they just have like their abilities so you'll see the bishop get into place and they've got the angle and you have to make sure you you know get out of that beforehand and then when you kill them it kind of goes up a level and you pick a perk which then also adds it adds something to your end like maybe you can you've got more reloads per move or whatever but then on the other side it'll be like oh pawns now have like spikes that move two places in front of them so they're able to like get you from there and so it's like a nice mix of like roguelike like understanding the basic rules of Chess like you don't need to know stress Strat strategies this isn't a game of chess where it's two whole teams or anything but as long as you understand like the ways in which Knights and Bishops and everything rocks move you'll be fine every time you kill one of them then you get the ability to like use their soul to move like them for one mission for one move which is very funny um but I don't think you can use that to kill people but like for instance if I kill a knight and then I'm in a tricky spot and I'm like oh [ __ ] if I move in any direction they're gonna get me I can like use the knight's soul to move like a knight for one uh when I move because of course you're a king and a king can only move one piece at a time in any direction so um it's super cool it came out last year last May I think the reason I'm playing it is because I heard from the pr about I believe it just came out on consoles so that's I think that's why it's now called shotgun King the final Checkmate and I've been playing it on PC anyway um and I'm really enjoying it it's a it's a lot of fun it's cool I was gonna say this seems like a game that uh someone made for a game jam and then it was just like it was such a good intuitive idea they had to flesh it out and it says on the steam page that it was uh it won best overall for uh number 50. oh it did yeah oh that's great yeah I'm sure in what year uh Londonderry 50. I don't know what that was like a couple years ago uh or maybe one or two years ago um but yeah no it's like it's one of those ideas that's so uh intuitively simple or something that I feel like once you prototyped it you'd be like oh this is just like fun to play like weird shooting chess and I understand that it gets fairly layered like you end up getting big enemies and like things happen to the board and stuff like that um they play with it and have fun with us uh it's got a great look to it too it's like almost like EGA or like or net NES or like it's you know minimal color polish and it has a CRT filter on it you can turn it off you want but it actually really works with it um I'm gonna I haven't played it on Steam deck yet I'm gonna give that a go I bet it works really good on I assume it's out on switch let's see this seems like a game which would be uh pretty cool on that it's out on Xbox I think recently and trying to see if there's any other lists of what it's on here I can't see off the top of my head the uh the system requirements for this game on Steam are unbelievable uh it says uh Windows 7 is the only serious one and then the rest of them are processor yes you should have one Graphics you'll need a screen sound card if your computer can play sound you should be good wow I'm surprised they let them do that because having done the stunt Derby stuff me too it's mad um Frank we gotta get out of here in a little bit because I've got a I got a meeting unfortunately um well it's a fun one but I've got gotta go do that one um in a little bit here but we have some uh messages right from our community from the Discord and from YouTube comments yes uh we have a Discord message from Jamie Ogle uh saying they love the latest episode it makes them want to play it makes me want to play Oblivion again that that game does a fantastic job of breadcrumbing some interesting quests but then leaving others just hidden away to find I [ __ ] love finding the pirate Quest on my fourth playthrough uh that just comes from sleeping in the boat in because I needed to level up yeah the bread the bread coming bread crumbing of the quest is something that I feel like I did not get much of in early star field but then has turned up a bit more later as as I kind of mentioned in our big podcast uh you know you kind of do some quests and then they turn up later on kind of thing um but it's hard because sometimes it's like you don't remember people because you've met so many people and because it's not in the same town so you don't remember it was them you know what I mean yeah like spatial context for that stuff is very important because if you run into the same guy in the same tower out in the woods or if they can like reference those locations I guess they could do that in Starfield but it's kind of it is tough the the city name stuck with me but then like like oh I bet you had like Phobos 16 you'd be like I'm sorry I've been to a lot of Phobos lately like yeah totally yeah there was one guy on my ship who was talking about this Moon he was from and I was like it took me a while to realize oh I was there I met I know I think I met his mom like he didn't know but I'm pretty sure I actually talked to his mother and his siblings and stuff um but it took me longer than it I feel like it should have for me to grok that maybe and then uh we had a YouTube commenter uh from obsidian I walked all night in Daggerfall with a stapler on my space bar this is before this is before I found fast travel it was 1995 and a complete lack of user guides that's unbelievable I when I play Daggerfall a little bit uh earlier this year I tried to walk from like a city to a POI that was incredible it was like on the world map it was one or two pixels away uh and I just I took a coffee mug and put it on my keyboard or something like that I don't know I can't even remember how I weighed it down but I made like a Drew Goldberg device to press the forward key and uh and it still took like 20 minutes to get one or two tiles away and the world is like a hundred thousand tiles is so you can technically go to different planets in Starfield um I think it was Alana Pierce who put a noclip documentary and a lot of beers worked with you on the dream daddy one um who did a I think it was from Earth to Pluto and it took I think was seven and a half hours wait you can actually just fly if you just Nash for it yeah okay you can you can do it you can go there get it apparently yeah so it is possible just like Daggerfall uh all right that's a podcast this week thanks so much folks of course you can send in emails as well podcasted no clipped off video if you're interested we're working on a bunch of stuff at the moment E3 2010 is happening over on the noclip archive all this week we uploaded well by the time this goes live everything will be uploaded except for Konami which we are still searching for but we have Microsoft Sony Nintendo E3 and Ubisoft all in 1080 available for your reviewing or pleasure and we're working on plenty of other documentaries here the Burger King one uh a couple of ones we can't talk about Dwarf Fortress um the axis unseen as well and some others uh we're gonna you're gonna start seeing them we're gonna have a trailer for one that we haven't announced yet publicly I believe next week no maybe the week after I think it's the we're doing it on the anniversary of the game's release so um go find that out I guess Google that and figure out what game it is um uh and uh yeah that's it a bunch of other stuff going on the bracket there's a lot of secret stuff that's going on I wish we could talk to you about but we we can't but it's it's very very exciting it's got some great projects for later in the year um if you'd like to support us of course uh Frank what are you doing for the rest of your week um this is the first time uh this week where I don't worry about my car all August was every week my car was in the shop and it stressed me out uh so I think gonna try to relax I am almost done I've been reading this book called The Last Action Heroes which is all about 80s and 90s action Stars Canon films Juicy and Delicious they'll go into like their Fitness regimes the contracts Planet Hollywood all the drugs Terminator James Cameron so I have like 60 pages left I tore through this book in a week the last action heroes it is so good and as a result I've been watching uh Chuck Norris films for the first time and uh they are hilariously cheesy and great so yeah so reading and action movies terrific uh what about you Jeremy I've been reading Hunter S Thompson's Hell's Angels actually for the first time I've read some of other uh some other Hunter Thompson books but uh this is the first time reading this one and so he mentions Marlon Brando's the wild one a bunch which is kind of the 1950s movie about the Hollister Riot kind of the like pre-health Angels biker gangs who rolled into a town where they were doing like a a good wholesome American like motorcycle race and they like pulled up on their Hogs and like tore the town apart like three thousand bucks uh so there's like a Marlon Brando movie where he's just this like very cool aloof guy who like barely says anything but it's super cool uh so yeah I've been enjoying that and uh probably play some more csrs can I share with you guys a mental defect in my brain uh sure absolutely you know you know and like why we're here this is like a therapy session you know in old games like Resident Evil when you would go to the load screen and it would say Resident Evil and I would say Press Start and you'd Press Start and we'd go Resident Evil and say like the name in a weird voice every time I start sea of stars in out loud to myself in my home alone I say in Sean Connery's voice is that why you drew that picture on the end that is why I drew Jean car I tried to draw Sean Connery in three seconds and I figured the eyebrows oh my God so yeah you just it's just uh you just said it once in your brain and it felt good and it stayed there yeah I think they should add that to the game I mean Sean Connery is dead but I bet there's a good impersonator I bet there's a lot of good but that's a lot of bad in first news too like yeah you're talking to one of them [Laughter] yeah I can appreciate that me and my daughter have a lot of like little weird sayings we say to each other that don't make any sense you know what I mean like she has a she has a little Elmo M like Elmo poppish uh or just like little stuffy but we call them zelmo because there was like a cousin zelmo that was in some weird um Muppets like thing there's a whole bunch of them we talked about the Mexican uh Elmo's Mexican cousin I think he's Pedro there's loads of them there's like a whole pet we basically looked up the like Wiki for his Elmo And I was like zelmo like Zelma was the kind of like we have Elmo at home Elmo they didn't call Mexican Elmo Elmo like El Space Mo right yeah lost on the kids it just went for Pedro right that's fair easy I guess he was only in one episode there's a lot of there's a lot of one episodes Sesame Street characters uh but we we uh her almost called zelmo and he's crazy because he just like so that our joke at him our gag is it like he we put him somewhere because when he was when she was a kid it was easy to do this it would be like I'll put him in the Box okay he's in the Box he's in the box and then we'd go to sleep we'd pretend to go to sleep and I'd move Elmo to somewhere in the room kind of looking at her weird and going so that's what we call zelmano so I love that we don't we don't call Alamo Elmo ever he's always Elmo that's fantastic he's always weird he's always a bit of a creep but I'm a big fan of zelmo and his evil Deeds welcome welcome to the second Universe has expanded now that I've said it on the podcast we're all fans of Selma uh all right that's a podcast thanks everyone for listening thanks coming to the packs panel go check that out one out um we could actually extract the audio and stick it up as a podcast maybe I don't know maybe that would be I guess there's too much visual stuff happening in it a lot of Traders and referencing things so maybe it doesn't work go check it out though it's over on the patreon if you want to enjoy that um yeah we'll be back next week plenty of games talked about this week we'll have way more next week so make sure you're subscribed uh drop us a review if you're interested in that type of monarchy definitely helps us out and uh we'll see you next time on the local podcast bye all right [Music]
Channel: Noclip Podcast
Views: 3,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hzYBFM_ItAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 9sec (4089 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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