The Invincible / Like A Dragon Gaiden - Noclip Podcast #151

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[Music] [Music] he Hello friends and welcome to episode 151 of the noclip podcast Danny here delighted to be joined by a returning Jeremiah Jane Jeremy how you doing my friend I'm doing excellent I uh had a little time off hung out with my parents which was awesome I showed my parents Spirited Away uh which I thought I showed my daughter Spirited Away I know that's why I was thinking about it uh my parents and I usually watch like Hitchcock movies and stuff like Classics when we hang out and uh awesome I was like you guys want to like try something different and they loved it which I feel like is a real cultural victory for America cuz my parents are not ciles right and they were like this is my dad who's like 70 was like that was magical wow that's also like such a like it is a generational movie like I was showing it to my daughter because like you know it's very much about a girl coming of age like it's like it reminds me of a bit of uh you know what was it my summer vacation how do you say in Japanese again oh buo naami Boo nasas or whatever I I think I've heard him Tim Rogers say it so many times that you think it'll be burned into my head teach you how to say it after this tell thetive first perfect it's like that right where it's like you know how you like remember those Summers where you were a different person by the end of the summer like that's kind of what that movie reminds me of but it's the same thing if your parents are coming to visit you It's like not you know it's another it's a very parent child kind of movie you know even if you are you know in your 30s yeah no for for sure um yeah no it's it's a beautiful movie I was I haven't seen it in a long time too so it was like I even just in the first 15 minutes like the Joe husi score swells the music and I was like I was getting so emotional something about um I don't know Miaki movies mean a lot to me and to be able to like share them with my parents and have be receptive to it was uh was very meaningful yeah I feel like Spirit of the way is the one that you can probably get people who won't you know there's a lot of you know Kiki's Delivery Service is a little bit out there how's Moving Castle like a lot of them are you know more spiritual is oddly grounded or at least it's kind of like here's the real world and we're going into the weird world it's not just all weird world yeah that's a good point for it's like the framing device is bringing the audience into it whereas if you watch Princess mono it's like here we are ancient Japan also monsters are real it's like oh Jesus you really like front loaded this thing yeah my neighbor tooo is a bit intense where you're like wow why is this massive cute s wait is that boss is that a cat was it's a lot yeah that's um yeah so bokuno nasami is Boku no Boku is like a diminutive form of I like a kid would say like Boku no is possessive so Boku no is my Natsu is Summer and yasumi is like a like a break or a rest so it's Boko natu yasumi there you go H Frank H is also here listening to us talk uh wearing what is this leather is this a Max paint leather jacket or what what's going on I like no it looks like Claude speed actually I'll say no it's yeah no this jacket I had a friend go to Japan and he brought me back uh the coolest jacket ever which I've been wearing nonstop oh my god oh that rules oh my God it's just it's got a big anime girl on the back but like it's like it's like Frank is part of a biker gang of weebs you know just like otakus or I I I do wear it when I ride my bicycle and I feel very cool um it looks dope what's it saying on the bike uh say atur which is the the the Lum that like old 80s anime of the alien space girl it's about like a high school kid who like a alien drops to Earth and it's like now she's her her his girlfriend and it's just like cute weird stuff but the aesthetic is so beautiful yeah does the alien have tentacles no she's got like horns okay she oh the alien's the girl yeah yeah okay I got it okay nice Lum and it's I know it's very iconic it's very cool but yeah it's such a crazy striking jacket and I saw it I was like I want it I like I originally saw this jacket for sale at Anime Expo in the summer for like $180 and it was like a worn down I don't know if it was a bootleg or like an old like authentic one it was like it was like that's too much money for something that looks kind of cracked and worn but then when my friend was in Japan he found out that the they like rebooted the anime last year so they're doing popups and they're they reprinted this jacket and he got it for the equivalent of like $50 oh terrific so so yeah so uh sold it to you for $180 no no he $2 no he he he also also in Japan went to a stardom popup stardom is the Japanese women's wrestling thing that I'm obsessed with got and that's where the Starlight kid pin is from The Starlight t-shirt so like I got so much uh wrestling merchandise and Lum merchandise that uh I'm very happy I'm very happy and now in my head I'm I want to go to Japan next year so I can buy even more stuff and see wrestling but I'm very happy very happy nice you're living your best life I like it Japan yeah we need to we need to figure something out we need to get back there we need to go back like Jack from Lost GIF um maybe the maybe a game we'll talk about today on the podcast might be the doorway Let's uh let's check in on that later but first of all a massive thanks to all of our incredible battle pass holders Battle Royale games Arno Richard Matson James Brown Jason Drury mark roas Ryan Cobb Tucker Morgan Crimson cyclist Sven Hoster Tim Robinson farest BR Darren Birmingham Eric Hamilton Schneider Cameron lad Alex sharp Alex guche George cotus Tov and ryson thank you all so much for supporting this nonsense um supporting noclip uh but also in in some ways helping us get secret tape off the ground and it it depends when you listen to this podcast but the the big secret thing we were working on for the past couple of months which was not a noclip project but a secret tape thing this is our video production company white label you know we're making videos for other people it's a way to basically give noclip sort of uh a a commercial backbone which allows us even more freedom on the noclip side means that more patrion money goes to noclip stuff instead of you know extra sort of business costs and stuff and more than anything it's it was my sort of plan to you know looking at just how [ __ ] all journalism is when it comes to the business side that like all these websites and all these organizations are always reliant on eventually some sort of like uh you know higher entity to to fund them and then ultimately what always happens always happens a way of saying like what if we you know what if we could make the business ourselves and no clue could be underneath that right is is there way to do that and that's what sort of secret type was and we've done that a16z series as part of that but this project is kind of the the actual vision for what that thing is and so just check my Twitter or like just go to the front of or games it's probably there near the top maybe um and there'll be something that uh we've been working on for a couple of months that uh yeah will I I just I can't stop smiling I'm just going to I'm just going to leave it at that um I think we'll do like our own little director commentary of it or something at some stage in the next couple of I just I'm not counting any chickens I'm just like once it's up and on the internet then I'll start to like think about indulging in some of that sort of stuff but um if you're looking for a documentary while you're waiting for us to get our NHL 94 and return to Monkey Island stuff out in the next week or two um the internet should have you covered with a pretty good one I'll just I'll just leave it at that um I did have a bit of a shock today though boys everything's fine everything's okay but I was working on the dock and then I went for a shower and there was a power outage pg& yeah so I've been F finalizing this project which is now about five terabytes on my Mac Pro my MacBook Pro with an external hard drive which has all you know I have backups I'm not an idiot but like when it's five terabytes sometimes it takes a while to move [ __ ] you know what I mean so like really I just need this hard drive to be okay I you know I don't want to have to like all the extra gameplay you've been recording Frank all the lower thirds and stuff we've been producing it's all here on the and I want it to be okay and I came in after my shower after the power came back on about an hour later and the hard drive would not Mount and I was just like of course of course I I need to submit this in like 36 hours of course the hard drive won't [ __ ] manage disc repair nothing will work it's throwing back errors at me I'm like it's got the name and I'm pretty sure it's not that [ __ ] but I'm just like oh God so I'm going to like I'm packing everything up to go to the studio to to see if I can Rectify it there I'm like oh I'll hook it up to a PC or something I was like oh I have a PC here actually um but I didn't I couldn't find like USBC to USB cable for the thing and all then my wife eventually like she was calm and she like found a cable gave it to me and I was like okay I'll check it here went to turn on this PC I smelled smoke and I was like what the [ __ ] and then the the BIOS screen said like oh yeah this we got a power surge it's on a surge protector so I don't know what happened but said we got a power surge last time this machine was turned on um you know hit restart again see if it works that time uh thankfully the second time I did it it booted and I'm I'm literally podcasting on it right now so it seems like it's okay um and then I hooked up the external to that one and it got it but it wasn't happy with it and then I ran disc repair on Windows and it was it was okay and then I plugged it into the mac and it was like the longest 15 seconds of my life to see if it would Mount and it did so I'm like okay so right now it's unplugged I did some work on it earlier taking a break to podcast I like unconnected it unplugged this I want to like I need like an uninterruptable uninterruptible power supply or something here just to you know but it was just like I've never had a hard drive fail on me literally ever I'm like super super careful with that stuff and it was just like don't do this to me don't do this this to me 18 hours before I have to submit this thing it's it's the end of the edit like I feel like here's my theory about editing I think towards the end of any sufficiently large edit there is a proportional like novelty well that opens in the universe and strange [ __ ] start there's like a shamanic Madness that comes over you towards it's like it's a lot like taking LSD like things will happen to you that wouldn't happen otherwise I I was tripping in Boston one time and a dude walked up in a trench coat and said do you want to see my snake and I obviously thought he was like a sex criminal and then he opened his jacket and he had a giant snake around his neck wow and I feel like editing is the same thing where things will like just hor the power will go out a tree fell uh in my yard and like ripped down in the power lines when I like ripped them to the ground and exploded into Sparks when I was two days away from finishing an edit oh my God yeah it's not H yeah so well that's not making me feel any better so hopefully hopefully through the window yeah no one of my all-time favorite books is uh 1120 2 263 the Stephen King novel about the guy who gets sent back to time to prevent the JFK assassination but he gets sent like way too early so he has to live like four years in the 60s but it's like that like this Cosmic horror where like as it gets closer to like the deadline the date more and more insane [ __ ] happens like he's on a phone booth and a drunk driver crashes into the phone booth like trees will fall down like he'll lose his keys the engine won't start as it gets closer and closer it's like the universe does not want this thing to happen so like the fact they had a like like even I've been like anxious sleeping at night like okay I it's going to happen right like I'm so excited but uh I mean yeah the minute the minute this and it's hard to talk around this but the minute this project came through it was like well now like I'm not going to be settled until this thing is on the internet cuz like anything could happen like I was out yesterday doing a chore after work and I was like if a truck hit me now that this video would never come out and that's what I was worried about not like you know my child growing up fatherless or anything I've had that same thing I was um it was like towards the end of the first Dev vog I worked on and the first no clip doc I ever H hosted the death store one I remember uh I had to go get a backup drive from Best Buy and I went to my roommate and I was like just can you not leave the house for a minute he's like what are you talking about I was like yeah just like you know I have like backups but like they're here and I'm going to like bring one with me but like what if I like die and someone breaks into the house at the same time you just get so superstitious awful Isn't it I have that this project we have we've been working on for so long but it's so big so I have it I have it on backup hard drives but like a lot of them can't fit the whole thing because it's just like so many interviews so much gameplay there's just so much and it's so like this like got a 10 terabyte drive here and it's like over half full so yeah um I'm excited to get it out um if nothing else at this stage so that I know that the Universe can't stop it from coming out so if it didn't come out if you're we listen to this on Saturday maybe and there's nothing on my Twitter and there's nothing on our games that looks like anything that we might have worked on then assume the I got I got a final destination by forces unknown um but anyway we we're not here to talk around a project uh we're here to talk about actual Bonafide video games Frank's gonna talk about like a dragon giden the man with no name and Jeremy wants to talk about chance of SAR H and I've got a couple of ones here I want to chat about H let me go first if you guys don't mind just because I got I got two of them here although we did talk about jant last week Jesse did um I've just really enjoyed it a game I played while I was under embargo and then I forgot when the Embargo was up uh but it has been out for a little while now is the Invincible um you may have seen a trailer for this it was very uh I don't know it's it's visually very striking it's based on I don't know if it's a graphic novel it might be a graphic novel I think it is actually now I think about it because I think they show pages in the game itself um but it's h it's an uh who what's the publisher again it's what eight bit no 11 bit sorry 11 bit Studios H starward industry is the name of the developer it is a it is I don't want to say it's a walking simulator but it is 100% in the lane of walking simulators my thing I hate about it the only thing I hate about it actually is the fact that they don't let you run in certain which I guess maybe thematically makes sense but it's just a slow game um but it's developed by a Polish independent Dev Star Wars uh star word industri is not Star Wars I was about to say Star Wars Studios starward Industries um which I think is a bunch of EX set RCT and techland folks so the it's a science fiction novel that's right written by polish author Stanis Stanis Lem which I do find very interesting that we had this we obviously have sukowski is it with um The Witcher and then we have the Thermage coming out um in the next wall which is another polish uh sort of world that's been created but um sounds like that's an original thing that they've put together so this game the Invincible it takes place it is basically a sort of hard sci-fi story you are on a planet uh you have lost your memory for reasons that are actually like explained very early and make actually a lot of sense and you start to get a lot of it back it's like more of a story hook and essentially you are uh trying to you're on this uh distant planet very alien world and you were attempting to understand what happened to your mission you're talking with somebody who was on a you know a space station above you or a a spaceship above you um you were trying to recover data find the other people who are part of your um uh Mission I guess uh and it involves a lot of exploring a lot of seeing this world a lot of interacting with stuff it's super linear um you're using tools and stuff uh you know you're you're it's very narrative heavy it's l of a you get to choose dialogue options from time to time which uh I'm not sure how much that really impacts the gameplay but its strongest assets I think are the fact that um the World design is really incredible like it's a very interesting compelling grounded realistic uh Alien World um and I think the writing and the voice acting is Stellar I I I it was a game that I found the gameplay of to be quite laborious at times but the story and the way it was executed was so compelling that I couldn't help myself but keep playing so I think um it kind of gets away with it maybe a little bit uh but but it's very much you are walking walking do the thing there was a couple of times where I didn't do the thing exactly the way they wanted the thing to be done and I had to like backtrack to do the thing to sort of get get the story back on the rails so it could keep moving um but uh yeah just stylistically I've really enjoyed it I'm I'm almost at the end I'm I'm like I just haven't stuck The Landing finished the last part of it yet um but yeah it's a very believable sort of um thrilling it's it's all the stuff about that type of hard sci-fi that I really like we've talked a lot about like the books that I've enjoyed reading like the Imperial ratch Trilogy and uh you know Forever War and stuff like that it kind of it's that type of philosophical you know it's a very human grounded story but it's a it's sort of dealing with Concepts and stuff that are that are you know about death and life and existence and purpose and stuff like that that I I really like I bet it's a really good book and uh you can tell that they've done done really well to sort of capture a lot of that in the game uh what are the is it are there like like I assume when there's a game that's narratively driven and kind of linear like this it's sort of like puzzles are the like gameplay friction is that what's going on here yeah that's fair to say I would say discovering things almost as much like there are so you have a couple of tools you have like tools that are like one is kind of like a metal detector type thing another is a uh like a what would you call it like a like a what what's it a users a telescope one of those kind of things spy glass spy glass yeah um so for instance let me a good way of explaining a maybe is literally telling you about the sort of opening uh puzzle that they do which is you wake up and you have a sort of a map or it's like a Sketchbook there's a really well detailed the in infantry in UI I think is really well done um it's all first person I should have mentioned that sorry um and it's a you you have a you wake up and there's a Sketchbook that basically has like a m map drawn out of where you are and where you were going and on it there are like three sort of Cliff faces and you've your character prior to at the start of the game has written like wolf Crow and something else beside them and then if you look up at the mountains from that position you can kind of see which was ones that look like specific animals so you you know get out your spy glass look at them and then it gets marked on the map so it's very light touch stuff like that you're not going up to like a you know like a like a door that has a keypad that you have to like press the buttons in the right order or anything like that it's more the game puts like a sort of a soft barrier in front of you and then it's almost like narrative puzzles like you just kind of like do the thing that the game wants you to do to or like you know you find a camp and the objective in the top corner will be like um try and find this piece of equipment and so like you're just going through through the different tents or whatever it is and trying to like uh locate this thing and then when you do it might trigger a conversation with the person who's in your earpiece you might meet somebody there who triggers a conversation um you spend a lot of the game majority of it like with nobody else around you there's like an android robot that's in there for a while there's some others I'm intentionally trying to be as sort of Loosey Goosey with the details as possible because that's kind of the whole point um but uh yeah there's a lot of just like light touch exploration based puzzles I would say um more than more than like you know here's a Monkey Island style combine these three items or find this thing or use this or you know do this door puzzle or or stuff like that it's it's more you're just trying to push the story along I guess if that makes sense it's it it kind of plays more like a game like a walking dead or something you know where you're you're mostly just walking around talking to people it's kind of the yeah I was going to say firewatch it sounds kind of like a Sci-Fi firewatch a little bit game I feel like games like firewatch kind of open my eyes to how much um atmosphere is I mean this is like survival horror games too we talk about this with silent hill and stuff but uh I feel like the game you can get away with very very simplistic gameplay as long as the game is sufficiently absorbing me like if I'm if the thoughts going through my head idly are like oh wow this is really immersive or scary or cool or interesting or I want to explore this world then I I don't even have space in my head to be like I'm kind of just like walking around you know what I mean totally and that's and like firewatch like firewatch is a is a game there's a line in the in the return to Monkey Island documentary which I really like and it's Rex CR the um the artist the art director for the project and he was basically saying I forget how he said it but it was it was basically like adventure games are in adventure games we don't give you like you don't win anything at any stage you just win the chance to see a new room you know what I mean like you just win AR you win like you know here's this new place you didn't see before and that's kind of like what these games are like too where it's you know firewatch was a game where it was really cool when you like saw the you know they talked about the lake for a long time and then when you got to see the lake it was like oh yeah there's the lake you know what I mean like or you got to talk about the tower and you got to go up the tower it was like it so that was the reward and in the same way the world of this planet is very you know it's a sort of you know it's it's not a there's no you know it's not like full of big cities or it's it's a sort of a stark planet again I'm being vague um but the nature of stuff on that planet is very alien in a sort of uh in a sort of grounded in pseudo science if that makes sense like it's it's granded in a science but it's maybe not our science and so it's very just interesting to be in that world where you're not quite sure where the threat is you know like is there what's going on is there some radiation we don't know about is there some antagonistic Force here we don't know about you know where is there a life form we don't understand it's a lot of that and and it as the as it peels back the layers it actually gets more and more interesting um so again I haven't finished it I don't know if it sticks to Landing but I've just really enjoyed learning about this place and yeah trying to trying to sort of survive it I guess you know that type of thing yeah yeah it's fun just to like be thrust into I mean we're talking about Spirited Away and kind of having the the framing device of the movie be like okay you're in the normal world and now here's this weird place I like games are kind of just like I love being thrown into the weird place and just having to put together the rules um yeah chance of SAR which we'll talk about in a minute is a is a very similar experience uh should mention this game is 29 99 on Steam which feels fair to me I think if this was a full price game I would be less glowing about it because it is quite um you know it's very linear it's it can't when I played it it was pre-released so I believe they've passed it a bunch of times so I don't even want to say that I had a couple of little bugs here and there it looks really good I'm playing it on uh I forget what my code is on it's not on PC it might be on Playstation I think it might be PlayStation um uh I would suggest that people don't go look at trailers or like go to the steam page like go to the steam page and see the first picture and if if that looks you know digestible to you then you should be okay um but I wouldn't I wouldn't spend a lot of time looking at the trailers because there's there's not that many like big exciting moments necessarily in the game and the chances are that all of them are going to be in the uh in the trailer so just you know buy or beware on that end um yeah I and yeah to me it feels like it's not I'm not saying it's like the best game I've played this year I don't think I don't think it'll necessarily make my top 10 of the year but it would probably make my top like five for like story and atmosphere so I I think if you're in that mood you know what I mean if you're playing Allan Wake and you're like this is Hardcore I'm scaring scaring the [ __ ] out of me I'm having to like do a lot of combat you know I want to play something that's a little bit more uh smooth like this is a good like glass of whiskey ski game you know what I mean like just sit down for a couple hours and enjoy it um and I think for what the type of game they tried to make it feels like they did a really good job of making one of those um yeah rough edges aside i' I really am glad that I spent time playing the Invincible available on Windows PlayStation 5 and Xbox series XS um did you guys have any final questions about it or do we kind of sum it up what do you think Frank no it looks cool I I see that it's like steam deck verified I remember seeing a trailer for this like a year or two ago and it's like this looks cool um I'm afraid any questions I ask will lead to spoilers me too me too I know like I want to ask oh there skeletons in space but like no yeah I don't know uh I imagine there's like the story hook you more than like Starfield cuz like I I think like even looking at the vibe of this this is so colorful and like yes this looks this looks interesting that's a very good um Point arrays actually because Starfield feels so like I think one of the things that works with Skyrim is that Skyrim kind of feels a little bit like a theme park version of what it is and so does kind of Fallout like it they they feel like if if somebody told you that the whole thing was done in a theme park you'd be like oh yeah of course like none of these people none of this is like feel like the towns in Skyrim aren't big enough to support the economies in them you know what I mean like it's just ridiculous like like they've got these huge Cathedrals and like 60 people live here you know I like none of it makes any sense and I think it kind of works with games like in the other skull series and Fallout because it's they're so like what's that phrase where you have to like to believe something you sort of like you suspend your disbelief or whatever like you sort of do that right but the problem with Starfield I think is that like when you do sci-fi it really has to be grounded I think in a way that that feels like it is the future and Starfield again does the same thing where it feels like it's contemporary but it's just now we're in space in the same way that like Skyrim feels a bit like oh it's just people from here but in this weird fantasy world and fallout's kind of the same thing it's like oh it's just weird people but we're in this poster pocket it doesn't feel very real or anything and Starfield to me doesn't feel the way my favorite hard sci-fi does where it's like it's alien in ways that aren't just the plan it's aliens in the way Society is you know Starfield is a bit like you're going you travel like a thousand light years to a distant planet and the guys there are like you see the Packers game you're like come on man like I want like something a little different than this 100% And they they try and have their weirdnesses here and there you know but it does feel that you're right it does feel that way whereas this feels no this feels like you are this is a very you know you the cultural touchstones of the way things operate here are not the same as in the same way that The Witcher does you know The Witcher feels that way too and I think a large part of is because it's coming from a Polish perspective and in many ways this because this has a very interesting blend of sort of Cosmonaut astronaut uh communist technocrat sort of stuff going on which feels very polish you know wedged between those two worlds um so yeah it's funny though you're right I think this is a very chalk and cheese feel about sci-fi when you put it next to Starfield in particular um I definitely prefer this this type of weird it's not full no man Sky weird but it's like you know it's it's uh it's pretty weird um uh yeah uh let's jump into a game that is very much grounded in our society maybe not our society but on our planet uh like a drag G the man with no name they are just pumping these games out man what is going on like they're all like [ __ ] 7,000 hours like and and this one you can dat twitch streamers like what's going on so so even like with the whole series forever they were called the Yakuza games and then I think as the like director of that studio left they've kind of like passed the pass the franchise over and now they've rebranded the series to like a dragon um so so the man who erased his name is like a epilogue to kiru's story this takes place after Yakuza 6 before like a dragon the like where the new protagonist is and this is very much like a silly Side Story I think this was originally supposed to be uh like DLC are an expansion to like a dragon but they they buffed it up enough and released it as its own game so the nice thing about this like a dragon if you've never played a Yakuza game this isn't a bad place to jump in is this is apparently shorter game like a much shorter game I think you can beat this all in under 30 hours I've already had one friend the game just came out like a week ago who already 100% completed it like all a so um so I'm trying to think the context for number one question people ask because these games are so confusing and so deep now is this is back to the original beat him up style of Yakuza games Okay um there's like three Yakuza series now there's the Yakuza beat him up with kiru there is Judgment which is the like detective sleuthing one which I beat but I did not like those and then like a dragon which is the new jrpg ones the Hawaiian one that's going to be January so like a dragon like a dragon giden the man who erased his name it's a very silly game the premise is kiru is like no longer in the criminal underworld he's retired but he still funds uh he still funds an orphanage someone finds out kiru is still around so they kind of like blackmail him into becoming a secret agent Hitman for their organization they John Wick him they John and so in order to protect yes in order to protect these children he's got to do missions for this criminal underground but he still has to protect his secret identity because he doesn't want anyone finding him about his orphanage so instead of kiru it's joru so they it's joru uh and like I just did a mission where you're in a Coliseum and you have to like fight your way to prove your test and everyone's like who's this new jordu guy if you're tough you got to fight the most legendary Yakuza kiru and some guy walks out and it's like obviously not kir but it's like yeah I'm like someone took your identity and is like in this criminal underworld getting all these girls and stuff because he's pretending to be you and when you again these games are funny when you fight him it says like obviously fake kiru or something like that and you you beat him up so easily um so yeah this game is so silly the also because kiru is now a secret agent you have gadgets so you have like in the middle of battle you can throw a cigarette that explodes these are the old school so it's almost it almost reminds me of like the bir brawl from Matrix Reloaded or something where it's like it's him fighting just like 20 people and you're just yeah so they like boosted the engine like since like a dragon cuz like you've never had this many enemies on screen like it's it's like if yeah you're fighting like 20 people and one of your abilities is like spider spider webs and you can like throw out uh uh like I don't know whatever spider web whatever uh hook grappling hooks whatever and you can like rope up enemies and swing them around and the physics is great you throw them they knock over chairs stuff um there's a you can summon drones that just come down and sting people uh obviously like like it's a beat them up in the classic like Sega whale where it's like you pick up chairs baseball bats knives like and B bicycles on the street like it's so great and what I like about this one too is I feel like yeah I know a lot of the Yakuza games you get bogged down with lore there's so many of these games they try to like they really you know pay homage to all these characters this one feels so quick like all right here's the silly plot beat up people um and so yeah I I've only put maybe my save file says 5 hours but a lot of that's like idle time so I probably put like three to four hours um but it's uh it's great it is on Xbox game pass I got the PS5 version um now the number one thing I always look for in all of these games all these games do have like a nightclub or like dating Sim stuff this one it's the Cabaret club and what they've done this time this is great is yeah it's it is very like it's you know you're going to these escort clubs where you sit down you pick a lady and you talk to her and what they did is they have like full motion video of these actresses and a lot of them are like graor models one of them is a streamer kesan yeah she's like a big like a big Yakuza streamer right yeah yeah and so so I guess she she collabed with Sega to be in it and it's just like you talk to these girls and depending on your answers they like you or they don't like you and as you further level them up you unlock like a like a very sexy cute like video so Kon is like her working out and getting swey and it's just like the most gratuitous like and at the end it's like I'm so hot do you want to take a shower together uh and it doesn't show the shower but it's it's very ridiculous DC I think you gotta yeah yeah so now I've only I've only maxed out one girl I there's now five I can I can I can you know hang out with so at all five Frank howy yes yes and and what's what's funny too is like throughout your your your your the miname stuff as you're talking to these girls you can give them presents and every single time I just give them Mountain Dew because Mountain Dew is in the there's Mountain Dew there's Pepsi there's a lot of like Japanese snack products you go into the the 7-Elevens or the I forget what you call them the poos and you just give them like Tepanyaki or whatever and they they like you more but you get that bread that me and Jeremy saw that was what did it say bread making you the better feeling or something it was like bread for making the everyday that's what it was it was everyday happier yeah it was something so yeah loved it what's what's impressive of this too is like the textures are so detailed cuz it's running on the PS5 it's like I don't know if it's new it's the like a dragon engine but like in the convenience store you can see like the I don't know the textures are are very high quality um I'm watching the the the footage on on the steam page um and the frame rate looks amazing is that the case on PS5 as well yeah it's it's awesome like I I no you know what I'm trying to I feel like I can't remember if Le a dragon like the jrpg one I think it launched P I played it you know I played the PS4 version first so I can't remember it was capped at 30 so it's nice that like they eventually made a PS5 version of this and I think there is a PS4 version of this game but like it feels like you're you're finally playing a nextg version of Yakuza and lost judgment was that too but I just didn't like that game but so this this runs great again the physics the amount of characters the density the silliness of it is super good I'm excited to keep playing like it's like this also reminds me very much of Yakuza kaami uh which was the remakes of one and two which they were already small short games and they just filled with silly side content so like the there's an there's an a story there but doing all the side stuff there is um in the like a dragon jrpg there was the equivalent of like a Pokemon system where it's like you have to co collect all these enemies and beat them up and you get level you level up this one it's one of your friends in the Underworld basically just here's all the people in the city who need help go talk to them everything is on your map all the side quest and activities so it's like you're kind of not wasting time you can just pick whatever you want to do and you're constantly leveling up so there's beat them up things people need help uh uh you know uh uh getting food getting items you can use your Spider-Man abilities to like get a kid's ball stuck in a tree just just silly stupid stuff like that Stu important question Frank KY did you Pony up for the uh legendary fighter pack because you know DLC they they try and get you but you can get a maima skin in this pack oh I I don't know I think I got the deluxe edition so that might be included so I think it came with you can yeah the digital Deluxe G maima the Mad Dog of shimo H tiger Saima the Slayer of 18 and of course Daigo dojima the sixth chairman of the Tojo clan um you can uh enter the Coliseum and play as or alongside any of those gentlemen and we all love majima around these parts but is awesome uh pirate patch uh the funniest thing to me about this is this game came out what are we November something at the moment right came out last week um like a dragon infinite wealth which is also one of the funniest titles ever is that the end of January y like what like what if you beat this game it's on the menu you can play the demo for like a dragon infinite wealth wait only if you beat the game only if you beat the game that is brilliant yeah that is absolutely brilliant oh my God so no wonder your friend was like mainlining it yeah I think yeah and already I'm seeing screenshots I saw a screenshot on Twitter from the demo that like someone said like oh like a dragon infinite well is going to be like Earthbound because you're running around America with people like this and it was like it was like in a in like a McDonald's or something and he talked to a guy that was like fast food Enthusiast it was a big fat guy in a Hawaiian shirt and it said hamburgers are good for you haa oh my God that's the most toey dialogue I've ever heard unbelievable there's a screenshot that I saw a while back and I'm just finding it here in the steam page as well which is you riding a bicycle with like a door Dash style backpack on and and the game looks like Crazy Taxi like it's got big circles around people so that like does he get a does he end up in Hawaii and like have to get like a like a like a a job as a door Dasher or like an Uber driver something like yeah that that's what I heard is yeah so the new infinite wealth whatever they're going to have a crazy tax infinite wealth I yeah right is he coming to America is it is this is this a like American Dream game because that is so funny to me if and I and I think like cuz my friend works at se I think he got to meet the director of Crazy Taxi so I don't know if like they actually got the OG guy to come in and work on it but it's like that's what I love about these Sega games also the arcade stuff in SE in Yakuza in this current one like a dragon man with no name they have Daytona USA too which I don't think has ever been made available they they because of Licensing stuff they don't call it Daytona USA it's like Fast Car Racer too but once you start it's Daytona stuff fighting vipers 2 is in here like it's just like there's so much stuff these games are also just tributes to the history of Sega like there's so much cool stuff in here and a lot of the people who used to make all the incredible Sega arcade games now work on this stuff um like yeah it's just I don't know as a fan who loves sega's silliness their charm uh these games still have it and they they always make me smile they always make me laugh and uh the the game play this time compared to Lost judgment is like so fast and fun and immediate so I I very much like it stuff I've been watching my girlfriend play this game cuz I I like the the games in tone I I'm not super into beat him up games but um she is obsessed with this franchise so I've been watching her play them uh for a while and specifically this one this week and the thing that strikes me so much is um they do a lot of flashbacks to characters that I don't recognize because I haven't played the other games and I I feel like there is there's a lot of potential where they could have leaned into that more and just been like hey remember this guy hey remember this guy constantly but I feel like even not knowing who any of those people are the world itself is so uh or like the tone of the characters delivery is so internally consistent it's not like like I guess what I'm saying is they could have gone a very kind of like meta like marely thing where the characters are kind of speaking for the writers and like commenting on The Meta nature and the interconnection but I feel like all of the story lines are so like the most ridiculous [ __ ] is happening around these people and they're just speaking so plainly and matter ofly and grounded in the world and it just like I don't know there's something about the tones that's it's it's so sincere and like when they do silliness it's still like sincere like the characters are in this world being sincere even when things are you know even when there's like a Diaper Man that's wild that means it's going to be three Yakuza games that came out in one calend in one 12- month period right cuz was one earlier this year as well the beginning of the year was the REM the remaster of the Samurai one which like I forget what that like that one Yakuza I there's so many titles yeah which is the samurai one which like I like what I bounced off just because the setting is like you're in a you're in a Japanese Farm Town like there's just I like videos Frank was and and I delivered a c i delivered increasingly large vegetables for this lady oh my forgot about that yeah yeah oh God no I I I liked it but there's something about I like the thrill of walking around like the equivalent of Tokyo the equivalent of Sak and it's very Japanese City whereas like the rural stuff in the in the samurai one kind of lost me a bit they're still good but this was the one I was waiting for no Sega arcade machines for for h that is like a dragon giden the man who erased his name sorry got the name wrong at the start H Jeremy let's bance over to you chance of senar this one I have seen it on Steam is it available anywhere else did you play it anywhere else uh I played it on Steam so I'm not 100% sure I'll check first there's a demo available on Steam as well just heads up to everyone apparently it is also available on switch PlayStation 4 Xbox One GeForce now and Microsoft Windows wonderful I'll be switching over to G I'm at the end of the game but before I'll switch over to GeForce now moving forward um chance of Sinar is a uh it's a puzzle game about languages uh but it is also kind of like the presentation of it it kind of surprised me um I wasn't really sure what to expect other than that it has this kind of uh Mobius kind of looking cell-shaped graphic novy kind of look to it um and it's got this semi fixed camera perspective like old survival horror games which is you know I'm a sucker for um so it has these like beautiful bits of cinematography in it but the the game itself is um you're kind of like a Stranger in a Strange Land you don't speak any of the language and basically it starts you off very slow and kind of linear where there'll be a guy and he'll be like and then it'll be you know four characters you don't understand right and based on inference and context and what's going on around you and just looking around you basically have to just kind of infer what people are saying to you having no grasp of the language um and then you have a notebook and what happens is as you see new characters uh like like letters u they're they're like pictographs it's more like kanji in Japanese where each character is a word um you open your notebook and those characters appear in your notebook and uh before you lock them in you can guess what they mean so you hit triangle and it brings up a keyboard and you're like uh I think this is like apple or whatever and you type in apple and then henceforth when you see someone say that word above it in a different color text will be your like guess as to what the word means um and so it's fun because as you start to guess what things mean you can either go down the wrong kind of rabbit hole on guessing what words mean and then people will be like saying total nonsense things and you're like oh geez I I thought for sure that meant Soldier but now everyone is you know this guy's like hungry for a soldier so I guess I was wrong about that um funny is this a Tower of Babble thing uh it might be it it does have a tower and it is all about different languages and there is a it takes place on a tower or something the whole game is like ascending through a tower that's uh has like a cast system yeah and is there is there lots of different languages yes yeah oh it must be a tower got I didn't it didn't even occur to me but you're totally right um yeah yeah so there's a bunch of different languages which is also fun because then you can you'll find like a taet somewhere and it'll be like all Warriors must you know carry weapon and then you'll see a new language you don't have and then you're like oh well that you know it's the same four characters it must mean all Warriors carry weapons but then you get into linguistic rules and twists on that so like you'll find a new language and it's like oh the verb comes at the end of the sentence in this language so oh that's wild so it leads to like mistranslations and stuff that are really really interesting um yeah it's like one of the best puzzle games I've played in a really long time it's very surprising and challenging I went to the uh Tower of Babble Wikipedia page um for those who don't know the tower because I feel like the Tower of Babble is also like a it's like an idiom that's used wrong like people use it like house of cards or something you know what I mean I don't know I maybe that's just me but I think in like Greek myth it's like what was it the the it was a it was a city where everyone spoke all these different langu languages but the whole thing was that like the gods didn't want Humanity to speak one language because now I'm going to get it wrong because they'd be able to like learn too much and cooperate too well so they like split us all into different languages and [ __ ] like that but apparently I need to relearn my Greek mythology I can't remember exactly what it was but I just went to it and they said that the uh this uh United human race speaking a single language and migrating eastwards comes to the land of shinar oh not that far from senar no it's got to be that that's crazy yeah that's really cool um yeah yeah so that's really interesting yeah I think Tower of bow they they all spoke the same language and then they were building a tower to the heavens or something that's that makes sense yeah you're right were like not invented Spanish and they were like ah now half you don't and then nobody could get along or or talk to each other yeah yeah that's what it was yeah um yeah no that's crazy I did not even occur to me but that's such a like such a clear influence once he pointed it out um yeah so you're you're basically just working your way through these different zones it's also probably like a Hebrew or a Mesopotamian thing I don't think it's it's no yeah I think it's an abrahamic thing um right but um but yeah this game is really cool it's it's beautiful it's like intriguing it's kind of a uh it's there are some brief stealth sections which are my least favorite part of the game I kind of feel like they don't necessarily need to exist but I they they kind of serve a thematic and narrative purpose of you know you this isn't just like a peaceful Jaun where you're learning languages you're kind of like making your way up through a tower against adverse forces um oh so you're like avoiding them like like like view cone style kind of your it's uh it's pretty it's pretty stripped down it's more just like um you'll have like a like a setpiece puzzle and you'll see like dudes walking down a hallway and guards on either side and then you're like okay I need to time it so that when I walk in front of the guards the dudes are blocking their view or something um okay it's very very simple and if you it's it's pretty forgiving like if you uh if their puzzles are pretty short of the stealth puzzles and if you mess up Midway between it kind of starts you Midway through the puzzle even though it's one room so I kind of feel like they probably play tested this and a few people got frustrated on the spell stuff um but uh but yeah I mean it's it's been a pretty M it's been like 10% or less of the experience has been that stuff uh and mostly it's just like going around and uh trying to like solve what different words mean through inference and I don't know I I was shocked how much mileage they got out of this concept cuz I thought it was just going to be like comparing things people said but um I'm trying not to I'm trying to talk around how they do it but there's a million different ways where they uh you know like I'll I'll say one that's not spoilery where you um there's like a little monkey next to kind of like a uh I don't know what you call it like he like cranks a thing and it's like a little like puppet show kind of for kids and under it it'll say like you know word word word word word word word word word and then the puppets kind of represent like you know like a like a farmer holding a saw and it's like oh that must mean like Farmers hold saw or like farmer Ed tool you know what I mean it's stuff like that um but uh yeah it's brilliant I think this game is really really clever it really surprised me uh according to the steam Fage here uh overwhelmingly positive um with uh both recent and all reviews about four and a half thousand let's say since it was released uh not too long ago in September of this year H chance of sonara like I said demo available as well to check it out but it is only 20 bucks um how's the music they're selling the soundtrack on vinyl here which usually means that put some effort into the music yeah yeah it's um it's good it's kind of like uh it's funny cuz I I hadn't really thought about it until you mentioned it and I think that's a sign that it's like it's working as kind of a scoring should be like it's not calling my it's not like death's door where the music like swells and I'm like Miami yeah yeah exactly it's it doesn't call attention to itself but um it's very kind of uh yeah it sets the mood properly if you feel like you're you know a Stranger in a Strange Land and it feels kind of uh exotic um the other thing I really like about it is uh I've been kind of like dab and learning Japanese over the last year and uh and watching like watching Japanese media in Japanese is so difficult because there's such a huge G like I need someone in my life who speaks Japanese to speak to me in short brief like non-complex sentences and I feel like chance of Sinar is like going to a foreign land and everyone like the only the way they speak is like I like apple and you're like okay wa get this down I gotta write this down and they're like do you like apple you're like okay i' I heard Apple again you know like people don't talk like that in real life um but the everything is so it's like a it is it is a toy box version of going to a foreign land and learning a foreign language everything is so simplified that it really it gives you the same feeling as learning a foreign language but in like a gamified way there you go it's like Arabic on du lingo or something exactly getting your getting your getting your hit there that is chance of Sinar that's double n a r chance of sonar H speaking of towers um and beautiful looking games dant played a bit of it this is the don't nod game that Jesse talked about last week the climbing game um I'm really enjoying it it's on game fast so I went and played it over there uh I really think it's fantastic um Jesse was was on the money it's the the climbing is very intuitive it's very fun and the world that they build is very interesting um it's just gorgeous it just looks like you know it's another sort of like cell shaded um uh really beautifully like it like it has elements of um you know I don't want to say uh what was the shadow col Colossus folks what was the one with the anim with the animal well actually no what was the one with franois what's it called again the uh the one they made before shadow of classes e Eco thank you it's got Eco Vibes a little bit it's not as you know it's more colorful and it's not as quite as cavernous and big but it's it has like sort of elements of that I think with like a young person on this sort of solo Expedition as it were although Eco it's you're not solo well she doesn't talk much so I guess that kind of counts um yeah so uh I've really enjoyed it yeah I think you if you're interested in in you know um some of this Indie stuff and and especially if we if the the I guess the mechanics of climbing as we spoke about it with regard to Zelda and stuff um I think they squeeze a lot out of this The Swinging and stuff is really cool like putting in your little pit on or have you played it as well I played the demo through twice I haven't played full game but the demo is like probably the first 45 minutes or hour of the game yeah I I Jesse talked about it before I played and then I saw where it stopped and I I was like oh yeah okay that would be a strong demo to basically play that first whole chapter The Swinging is is like unbelievably brilliant I mean I like it is it's one of those things that's so open-ended that um like if you if you gave them like a Spider-Man you know shooting webs I feel like it would ruin the game so they they they have to like reign in the ability to let the player just climb all over the place uh but it feels like it's like it it doesn't punish you super hard for falling but it feel it still feels like there's an interesting challenge there but the Rope just feels like so like it just lets you do whatever you want yeah I don't know how it doesn't just get like you get caught on something I I did some like stupid [ __ ] up stuff with it at one stage and it got like wrapped around something and even then it like didn't really freak out it was like it kind of was able to figure it out and when Jesse said you can't you don't fall much like literally a lot of the time when you like go to the edge of a thing you literally won't let you jump off like but it doesn't ever feel like it does feel dangerous and I asked him as well if he felt like the Willies basically you know like when you're doing climbing stuff because I often get that in those types of games like Assassin's Creed and he said he didn't feel it um and I was like oh maybe the game just doesn't have that effect but it actually really does with me like I do feel like oh boy like palms palms are sweaty mom's spetti when you're when I'm doing some of the stuff so um yeah uh I've really enjoyed it I have nothing else to say about it four games we enjoyed this week it sounds like um the Invincible uh which I don't is that a g that feel I gotta check if that's a game pass game I don't know if it is I did check but it's not it's not okay it was only 30 bucks sounds like it looks like a game that might be on a thing at some stage who knows but it's also 30 bucks and if that feels like it's too much you know give it a save it'll it'll probably be on sale at some stage um like a dragon giden uh I can't read the name rest of it because Frank's name is there on my Google doc it's like blocking the [ __ ] name of it the man who thank you Frank it was my fault the man who erased his name chance of sonar and uh jant Frank we have do we have any messages this week yeah we had one message uh in our Discord and again if people want to write in podcast at no clip. videoo or if you're a patron or we have our podcast uh channel on Discord Mark L wrote a question what is your favorite unknown fact about a game uh mine is about the hideo Kojima game bokai uh where he plays a vampire hunter using an actual sunlight on the cartridge I discovered myself by myself that you could use a plasma ball light the orb lights electricity running through them to simulate sunlight in the game I'd sit and play at nighttime uh because of vampires and be resting my prize Game Boy Advance on the small ball of electrical frazzle using electricity ball light to cheat a game or use sunlight to fight actual vampires that is absolutely wild that's a real good example of here's a question I have the best answer yeah yeah I'm struggling to think of one um yeah try try and try and figure it out I this is like such an obvious one but and another hideio Kima one but I love the um the is it psychic mantis reads your memory card psycho mantis psych mantis I haven't played I've that's is that mgs1 or is that MGS okay cool I haven't finished mgs1 I'm just familiar with that and I love it oh dude well it's so funny because I I remember like you don't you don't could read Konami games yeah and the only Konami game that like a lot of European kids during that era had was like proevolution soccer so it was very strange to have psycho mantis say I see you've been playing proevolution soccer like you know just like the least intimidating game he could have talked about I think it was Pez one or two I forget PlayStation one man um yeah hidden favorite unknown fact it's hard to bring it up in the moment trying to think about like weird esoteric Amiga stuff there's a lot of that the the one that came to mind is like I think I said this on the noclip panel at PS but we talked about 50 Cent Blood on the Sands but there's a story where 50 Cent when he would come into these meetings to check how his game was being worked on he would bring his seven-year-old son and he would be the play tester to decide if it was good or not and his son liked the game but he said this is good but I want I wish there were helicopters so 50 Cent told the devs you heard him make a level with helicopters in it so there's a mission in 50 c blond the sand where you're like going down the freeway and you're being chased by a helicopter the entire time and it's so annoying but the only reason that level is in there is because because 50 Cent son wanted helicopters in it and it's like I love that that's amazing that's un I remember interviewing uh David cage years and years ago uh and the I asked him about David Bowie working on Omicron The Nomad Soul because I'm I just love that weird [ __ ] game it's so strange and he told me a story about how he met David Bowie in a uh restaurant in London because David boy is like he sings songs in the soundtrack but he plays a character in the game who is a who is a musician who's like who was like in you can go listen to him in bars and this is like how I got into David Bowie because of this obscure ass [ __ ] French weird ass video game that's awesome H but he told me a story about how he went you know he went to a restaurant or whatever and then eventually Bo he was like lce like he thought he was like big timeing or something but apparently the tube was lace like the boy he just was on the tube um but he turned up with Duncan Jones with his son and and was like oh my son's the video game expert here you know and uh I've always wanted to ask Duncan Jones about that as well because he's obviously gone on to like direct like the World of Warcraft movie and you know has obviously you know made a bunch of great movies like Moon and stuff like that um so I always thought that was interesting that like oh like maybe Duncan Jones had a hand in some of the weirdness of Omicron The Nomad soul I have no idea that game is still very strange uh I do have one more I I was thinking more of like hidden mechanics but if it's just like interesting like facts about games uh in Super Mario RPG I just learned this recently even though I've played that game a hundred times um there are the the Snippets who are like the minions of booster in booster's Tower and uh in one area of the game you can meet like another sniffit who's not part of their organization and it's like one of the weakest enemies in the game and he says that he's in training and if you let him kill you then he goes and be he joins the Snippets and becomes one of them you can go find him and say he's in training and you can do this I think you can do it nine times and there's just like they line up and say that they're all like the recruits the new recruits for the Snippets but you have to let the the like weakest enemy in the game defeat you when you're like unbelievably overpowered for the fight oh my God it's like that one guy in Saving Private Ryan who stabs the dude and he lets him go and then later he kills him yeah it's it's just as dark is that yeah man oh man yeah I'll I'll think of seeing a thing any some more uh for next week if you have any though podcasts that no clipped off video send them in weird factoids um like I said a project that we've been working on with secret tape may be on the internet right now hard to tell hopefully it is hopefully my hard drive is okay um aside from that though we have H documentaries on NHL 94 going on Early Access next week over on patreon return to Monkey Island as well NHL docs is just under an Hour Return to Monkey Island is currently an hour and 40 minutes but I think I'm going to trim it down a little bit but there's a lot in there CU I was like monkey i f just sick man you got to give them all the details all those hot details were were a sick breed of people um just support our podcast fund these documentaries get access to loads of bonus stuff on our official Discord you can do so over at cliff and that is episode 151 Jeremy what are you doing for the rest of your week that isn't coloring footage for this thing that might come out on Friday oh well there won't be time for anything else you're right you're right yeah no I'm going to do like four hours of color grading today and uh slap that over to you so it's hot and ready in the morning and uh yeah other than that probably do some Game Dev hang out go for some walks it's gotten like uh we're getting like rainy Winters kicking in here so the mushrooms were exploding all over my yard oh nice are the spiders the spiders are out in full force uh I've become accustomed to them I feel like two years ago I would see a big spider and it would you know like it would hard it'd be hard to sleep that night and uh I found like a huge spider crawling on my head recently and I I just was like that's kind of annoying yeah when I was in Maryland it got there and then one day I had a very like uh humbling moment where I opened my I think it was a bag I think it was like a bag that I had sports gear in and it was up in my like closet in the bedroom so it was like miles away from anywhere you could get outdoors and like a [ __ ] huge centipede walked out of it and I was like nope absolutely not like just like a really thick long guy and I was like that is hell like I cannot deal with this [ __ ] I like smashed it to pieces and it just like left it there for a couple hours and came back later um so yeah yeah I'm with you I think I think you get used to it after a little while so godp speed as long as they don't bite you as long as little red [ __ ] don't little red dot don't bite you you're good uh Frank what are you doing for the rest of your week I think you're done on this other thing no I I'm not going to ask you to record any more pickups I promise I promise uh I I I checked and I had I recorded 677 gigabytes of stuff wow which is which is also telling because we we we recorded like a little bit more compressed this time because it was so much stuff it's still a lot right we did because we knew this was going to happen yeah so we'll we'll do a tell all soon hopefully but uh we will tonight in La I'm seeing the hives uh they put out a new album that's like it kicks ass so it's I last saw them like 20 years like 19 years ago um so I'm excited to see the hives uh and then tomorrow night I'm going to a local Indie wrestling show uh John Moxley Ronda Rousey randomly is gonna be there oh really yeah shewe anymore she was she left she left she's out she leave or she get kicked what up I don't know I feel like I don't know uh she's burning a lot of bridges man yeah yeah so I don't know will the audience boo well no this this wrestling show is actually good it's it's Revol it's promotion called wrestling revolver which I think John Moxy has a hand in or like he he promotes it a lot but it's a uh it's Relief Fund for all of the the fires that happened I believe in Maui so it's a so it's like a for a good cause a lot of great wrestlers on there Billy Starks Masha slamovich Gringo Loco like a lot of ones I love M Bailey so I'm like oh my God and every show Greeno Loco is an American Born Luchador he's from sh it's great I saw him do a Luchador match and it was like this wrestler from you know Tijana this wrestler from Mexico City uh this wrestler from Chicago like um so no Gringo Loco is phenomenal so yeah so and every time I go to wrestling shows invite more and more friends I I'm getting a big crew together so it's very fun and then this is the first Saturday where I don't have anything planned so I might just like play video games and read Comics exercise but like I I need my brain I was talking to Jeremy right before but like with Game of the Year stuff coming up it's like oh man there's so many projects and things I want to do that I just need time just to like sit and chill because my brain's been so hyperactive so get get hooked on something and just relax is he man dude I am I am already thinking of what I'm going to do once this thing is out I'm like this is all I've thought about for about two months basically and you know apologies to all of our patrons we missed a patron show last month for the first time ever Patron show went up today for for November um I don't think there was no I I don't think we put out a dock last month you will forgive us that's all I'm gonna say all will be forgiven so once that's done I'm gonna um I'm gonna relax this weekend the Las Vegas Grand Prix is on um I had original I I don't want to go because it's such an expensive thing the hotels are cheap enough racing see the the actual race thing tickets were like insanely stupidly expensive but I like flirted with the idea of like oh I could just go up to a bar in Vegas you know it's you can get a flight to Vegas from here for like a hundred bucks you know it's like just go do that and hang out maybe for the night but um I don't think I will I think it's just it's I'm gonna [ __ ] collapse once I'll watch I'll be happy to watch it from home it'll be fun it's like a midnight qualifying 10 p.m race so that should be that'll be enough for me yeah I'm going to chill out this weekend and read some comments hopefully and relax me and my wife my kids gotten into Lego a bit more she's kind of like getting into it and then me and my wife gotten into Lego so we built we got like we started doing these nights where we'd watch friends and do the friends Central Park Lego set so we fully built it now and it's a good time um orp Chandler Bing orp Gunther as well he died a few years back so I've never seen an episode of friend in my entire life that's so I think I'm a I think here I'm a bit I think here I might be wrong culturally I've heard that friends was something girls watched over here and like Seinfeld was something guys watched or you know or like our era of teenagers or whatever whereas in Ireland friends was on right after school so [ __ ] I have like a like like Star check the Next Generation I have a like bibl biblography the dictionary Style like knowledge of friends in a way that like has really ingratiated myself to ladies in America like all my wife's friends awesome yeah that I know so much about friends but it's like everyone back home in Ireland knows everything about friends because we all watched [ __ ] friends it was right on after school that's funny yeah I do I have an En encyclopedic knowledge of Seinfeld so that that checks out whereas I i' I I had to Google the soup guy thing a few months back I didn't know about The Soup Nazi thing I was like it's very funny and but I just picture you reading the Wikipedia and going that's very funny no soup for you oh I get it I get it I like that yeah yeah it's his super is really good but they're being picky and of course Kramer gets on with him because Kramer's the best character Feld exactly yeah ethnic yeah ethnic and mean that's a 90s joke for you right there you go New York um yeah so I don't know I did a Jurassic Park little I got a little so whenever we buy Lego for my girl I'm like can I get a little bit of Lego here but the problem is Lego is [ __ ] not cheap so I bought like a Jurassic Park Lego like Jeep but it was still like 20 bucks I'm like [ __ ] all right damn um so uh yeah maybe I'll just maybe I'll master builder myself this weekend just make some [ __ ] with the with Gen pop Lego you know just is master builder when you build Legos Alone by yourself yeah it's kind well if you it's like I this this shows that I'm a dad because like The Lego Movie The Master Builders are the people who can make Legos out of without the instructions you know what I mean where you just have the big box of Lego and you make some [ __ ] like the way we grew up playing Lego before they had like instructions and like [ __ ] specific things so Goa I was thinking it sounded like masturbation and that's what I oh you're right it does sound like I'm jerking off onto these Legos that my child play SP the weekend Master building won't be do yeah I can't think of a less comfortable thing to use to to mate with you said me there's like rubber tires I don't know there's there how look ma fitting I don't know about you but I ain't fitting in those little [ __ ] rubber tires they just have there's a lot of unique pieces don't discount I mean I know there's a lot of like rough bricks with rough edges but there's other unique shapes and don't keep shame Frank some people like it rough you know what I mean some of those pieces might fit up your ass I don't know call the hospital I've got a Lego Millennium Falcon in my ass and I need help immediately is it still in one piece oh my God where's chewy that's been the podcast folks episode 151 is done and we'll see you next time [Music] bye
Channel: Noclip Podcast
Views: 3,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yo-jytiOV30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 54sec (4194 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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