Scuba Tech Tips: Adjusting Breathing Effort - S09E04

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[Music] hi guys Natalie Pierce scuba back with another tech tip I hope that you guys are having some fun with these Kevin I do a lot of work I do all the work really I'm the talent all right I have to look good ID to know what I'm talking about Kevin oh he does is the lights and the camera work and the editing and the posting anyway but we do put a lot of work into this and we don't get paid up any of this none of this we don't take any money from any manufacturers or from YouTube so make your lap and you learn something I'm happy it's all a sport anyway let's get going here so first of all I should mention read a new facility yeah this is a whole new set we're at the scuba Shack the scuba Shack has been here for a long long time I don't know exactly how long but I'll bet you it's been at a part of 40 years and it's Cuba Shack is not owned by a couple different owners and old friends of mine and the current owner is is a wonderful lady and it's just a great facility and in some respects it's a great facility because it's the only facility up in this area if you're gonna be diving anywhere and in most quarter legs it's a big region then you're gonna know the scuba Shack is this place to go but it's a great facility anyway they're unique in several ways first of all unique because you're in the Muskoka Lakes so unique because they almost exclusively not exclusively but they almost in fact they've built a reputation on running dives out to a famous shipwreck Cody Wyoming wao m-e way oming so look that up way ohmy shipwreck and Muskoka Lakes read about that fantastic great shipwreck the dive on all kinds of that they train they service everything else they are unique as well in that they have a hydro testing station we're going to see that very few doctors do their own hydros anymore it's just there's a hearth it quite frankly but they do and we're going to see their hugger testing station and that'll also allow me then to show you guys you've asked about hydros hydro testing I was like and they do lots of stuff too in fact it's the only a region take a look it's the only dive store in this region that has a big source of pure and they do mattracks fills all levels they cater a little bit to to tech divers if you're a techie diver they can help you there's one great little bachelor so don't forget about it scuba check so anyway today I want to share a quick tech tip a very quick tech tip some of you have asked how do you adjust the breathing of your regulator how do you adjust the breathing effort well it's very difficult for a diver to really adjust his breathing effort there are ways to do it but it's very difficult for him to adjust it accurately and dive stores and server centers we adjust it very accurately according to what we call factory specifications we can actually you can actually adjust a regular so it breathes better shall we say easier then is specified in factory specifications how do we do that well use the same tools but the difference is that we have instruments that allow us to measure very very accurately which the typical diver does not have they're available you can get them they're not inexpensive let me just quickly show you what we do in a dye store when we a white when we finish servicing we're going to assume we finish servicing your regulator now we want to but justice will breeze beautifully so I've mounted this regulator on here simply a tip of a regulator first stage second stage it has a safe second hide as a little pressure of BC inflator hole you even as an SPG all we're concerned about right at the moment is the person second stage so the first thing you need to do if you're going to adjust the breathing effort is make sure that the intermediate pressure is correct and we've talked about this before you check back in my tips you'll see that there are several ways of checking the intermediate pressure and I showed you I think excuse me I think I showed you how to make a very cheap very inexpensive I mean these are a hundred and fifty bucks but you can buy these gauges at Home Depot or other places for less than ten bucks you have to get the proper scuba fitting and and and and a little adapter in here but then there is an intermediate pressure checker and if you have the regulator on air an air turned on now the special fitting just fits into your Ribisi inflator hose watch the air on one that'd be very simple way to check your intermediate pressure the larger the gauge the more accurate the gates so if you have a little typical two inch gauge like this you're going to adjust the pressure to 150 155 160 and so on or if you want to adjust it more accurately than that which really isn't necessary but if you do then you get a bigger gauge so you have a gauge like this for instance and you can set this gauge you can you can adjust the intermediate pressure to 151 152 153 147 whatever you want to it's just a bigger gauge so your gauge then the individual markings on the gauge are more separated watch Kevin you see the gauge to the BC inflator hose on this fitting on the side and there you go there's a meter pressure in this case it's 151 or there abouts and that's just fine once you intermediate pressure is set to within within specified limits and immediate pressure is seldom a fixed number when you look on the service manuals they don't say 137 they don't say that they don't say 143 what they indicate generally is that the intermediate pressure should be 140 plus or minus 15 psi well realize that that means anywhere from 125 to 155 sometimes it will specify the range it will say that intermediate pressure should be between 135 or 155 anywhere in there is acceptable so this is certainly acceptable that's pretty typical the marsh regulator some regulators a few not too many but a few of them are higher I said may be as high as 160 a summer a little lower perhaps as well as 120 but generally speaking most regulators are in that 135 to 155 intermediate pressure range so we're good that has nothing to do with breathing effort housing at all we're going to assume that first stage delivers air to the second stage does now you might notice something else you see that the minute the second stage starts to flow give me the pressure drops never do that again the instant your breathe drops okay that's important to remember and the reason well that's pretty simple if you've been following my tech tips at all you know that the intermediate pressure is the pressure coming from the first station this entire hose and the valve mechanism in the second stage there's full of air at intermediate pressure in this case 150 if you press on the second stage purge and that air all that system drops very slightly until the first stage opens and delivers new air to bring the pressure back up or that very slight drop for just a split second shoulder on that gauge that's all I did all right that's important though now I want to adjust the intermediate pressure now you know why I spoke earlier about that special tool that you can purchase you can do this with a screwdriver but back over my tech tips and you'll find the the episode that shows you how to adjust second stage breathing you know I had that special tool in here so I can adjust the intermediate pressure listen a little too easy huh hey it's free Brian so I would adjusted as carefully as possible right to that edge see it's not free point but it's very very close to free fly so now when you're breathed on it oh yeah nice hair let's go okay airs good huh however how do you measure that and if you wanted to measure it how do you do it and if you wanted to adjust it barely very specifically how you do that well the only way other than this and this is the most common way by the only way other than that is by with the use of the Magna Alec gauge a Magna helic gauge Magna helic say that everybody three times magnet here does right here cab you take a look over here to what nice and close this is a very very special gauge Magna helic it measures a reduced pressure you have a hose connected to that magnet Hallett gauge like this pressure goes now let's say for instance if you inhale on this hose you can watching Kevin let's see that I'm just drawing in very very very lightly and the gauge goes up but anyway so we want to measure this so what do you do well it's very simple now what you do is you install this magnet alligator can go in a variety of ways we're going to do it this way this time you're install it over the mouthpiece so it's sealed on the monkeys now when I draw in on this tube now I'm drawing air from the second stage just as if I was taking your breath and when I draw air from the second stage it draws the diaphragm in and opens the valve and I get air at the same time this Magna Hallie gauge through the adaptor here is going to measure how much effort it took for me to draw in let's do it once first you saw the gauge move all right so now what do we do with all that neat information well first of all we have to determine exactly what effort is required there are two ways to determine and the difficulty here is determining exactly the moment that that develop opens and air starts to flow when is that moment and there are two ways to do that if your ears are very very good you were here you were here the initial tiny escaping air coming out of this mouth it's close to your head and you'll hear it my ears don't work very well any more variety of reasons for that not just dying so I sometimes depend on intermediate pressure did you notice that well I drew in on this and you heard that slight hiss indicating the second-stage valve had just opened and the mallet Magna Hallie gauge was up in this area here if you didn't notice take a look this time you'll notice that at the same time you need to meet a pressure gauge drop watch Bertie Nina so me in my case I don't listen for the sound of escaping air I watched this gauge the 2nd of this year starts to drop I quickly register on the first gauge and I can see that it's measuring one one and a half or two just said easy if I want to adjust it I can screw the seat in this is something that previous detective make it a bit harder I want to make it easier I can back it out a little bit make it a bit easier up to the point of free flow there you go that's how it's done now what does this pH measuring this gauge is measuring pressure psi what does this gauge measuring over here and retina is measuring inches of water inches of water yeah exactly if you had a glass tube a glass tube like a drinking straw would work good a long one if you can are you put it in some water and you're marked a glass tube every inch one two three four five six seven nine ten every inch I go put your mouth over the end and you start the draw when the water comes up to the one inch mark you now have reduced the pressure inside that glass tube equal to one inch of water okay one is your water the pressure on the water surface outside is greater and the pressure in the tube because you've been drying on it and that pressure difference is equal to one inch it's your really simple it's a simple concept draw a little harder you draw the water up to two inches now you have a breathing effort if you like a two inches just that easy so typically regulators factory specs on regulars are somewhere in the inch and a half to two inch mark let's take a quick look here keV the suit we got here Wow that's less than an inch you see that that's now you can't stop that needle you can't lock it that's a variable needle you are harder I got but you even take a look at it when that air started the floor it was only about three-quarters everything's very easy breathing boy I adjusted that well than them so they all tried and true method seems to work pretty well simple hope that's clear there is the instrumentation there is the method again whoever was a couple people actually they're sent in the comment asking me how we measure accurately breathing effort I hope that's answered your questions believe me more questions now anyway there you go Alec Pearce tech tips coming all the way from Gravenhurst the scuba Shack off on the Muskoka Lakes tucked again real soon
Channel: Alec Peirce Scuba
Views: 10,241
Rating: 4.9674797 out of 5
Keywords: alec, peirce, pierce, scuba, tech, tips, tip, underwater, dive, diving, vintage, sea, hunt, remembered, skin, salt, water, fresh, At, The, Ranch, service, professional, fun, safe, safety, gear, air, diy, home, made, adjust, breath, breathing, effort, resistance, psi, regulator, 2nd, second, stage, hydro, ip, intermediate, pressure, setting, magnehelic, inch, meter, metre, crack, inline, in-line, free, flow, shack, muskoka, gravenhurst, ontario, canada
Id: SA3xrqrwaEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2019
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