Scuba Tech Tips: Adjusting The 2nd Stage - S05E14

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ah [Music] hey divers alley fish scuba you know I'm back to games I had a tech tip understand tip is another one another ticket it is a result of questions comments from from you subscribers I love it keep those questions and comments coming you keep asking me questions I'll do this forever well maybe you should stop anyway here we go so I want to go if somebody asked me whether or not they get mixed different brands I wasn't sure what he meant they want to sure would spin in one foot screw the both in on the other but know what you meant and I knew this is it possible permissible even technically able to have different parts in a regulator so suppose you had a spirit bill first stage and surely second stage would that work that's was yes well if you go back to that I forget what that was in mixing brands maybe I think it was a video a while ago called mixing brands so that's probably it and the answer is yes you can do that almost a hundred percent not quite there a couple of them but almost a hundred percent of the major scooper brands made today today 100% compatible threads the hoses are all almost exactly the same so the answer is yes you can mix it however there's always a handout however there's always a but isn't there and as I explained in that particular video but because the threads and the hoses and the fittings all working to can put it all back together and it looks beautiful doesn't mean it's going to perform properly and the reason for that is is as I explained in that video is very simple that the first stage of the regulator cakes pressure from the tank at 3,000 psi and it reduces it to what's called intermediate pressure will call it IEP intermediate pressure that's the pressure that comes out of the first stage and travels to the second stage and it's much lower than this is three thousand this intermediate pressure is about one hundred and fifty three as 150 as a as a general term that could be anywhere from 120 to 160 150 plasma and then goes to the second stage right to your mouthpiece second stage 115 to the second stage and then when you and it's taser sit sir we're ready to go you suck on the you suck on the second stage and the air is sitting there waiting and you pull the diaphragm in that lever comes in and you get air I'm just use you take that air out of the hose and the first stage opens again it takes more air out of the tank at 3,000 drops it 150 plus in it already fear so that's what happens 3,000 chain turns into 150 and then to ambient to you on the surface or on your Peters mat it's always the same as pressure where you work so that's how it works now here's the problem mixing brand so here's an example we have asked you before march 17 first aid mark 25 first stage and scuba pull my points either venerable old a long time very very popular very classic very reliable very very good for stage mark 25 first date and I have stuck on on it under the whole here's the horse on the mark 25 I start on the animal is this Sherwood brute so we have a very high-class very sophisticated first stage and here we have a very standard very straightforward second stage of good quality second stage but certainly nothing fancy about it it works that's its redeeming feature there mismatched right but let's get on there the horse is all fit perfectly let's watch and see what happens hey you see what I mean so they fit together perfectly if they're not matched somebody was asking me what how do you imagine I told them take it to your local bachelor if they have the proper tools in the expectation and the the training and everything else to do it for you I'm I said if you have a situation like this you take in your local dye store and say hey can you adjust this for me it might take five minutes maybe 10 and the chap just to be fair this yesterday and I thought you got a wife and kids and all those neat things as well he has to pay you probably going to charge you a few dollars but it shouldn't be very much than 15 20 bucks and you're out of there so there's nothing else wrong with the system okay straightforward adjustment of the second stage I know a lot of you guys out there got a clean plane and you're doing this you change this stuff stuff like that not a big proponent that should be certain it was under warranty you need to even after Ridge you should be taking it to your local - are using the proper components of proper tools however I'm going to show you something okay here we have a regulator system first stage it has to be a scooter pill mark 25 and it has a second stage on here for some strange reason or this particular diver but there's the old Brook good old solid Sherwood this is this is the f-150 right okay this is your machine he's been gonna make a pickup truck good good because the f-150 is the best there is habbaniyah so here we have mismatched we also happen to have a safe second down here an octopus and I also have a low pressure hose down here okay so we're all set to go so we got it all bad together everything fits working for a fitting to turn the air on and second stage Tripos what do you do well here's what you do first of all you need some wrenches here's what you need I'll show you the tools exactly looking you probably need in order to change the ports a and allen key 5/32 allen key here's all you need to service regulators basic service not en colonel allen key 5/32 you need a 9/16 wrench open in need a 5 H key in 11 16 and 3/4 I call it 9 5 11 and 3 9 5 11 and 3 9/16 5/8 11 16 3/4 okay and you need a flat bladed screwdriver medium medium flatly like that these are not the technical tools that a dive store that your local dive store would use the doctor will always have an intermediate pressure gauge with relief that would have an inline adjuster leave those away for a minute I'll show you how they're working just a second here we go so what about to do well that's second stage you carefully put on the end of the hose take it off like that can take that second stage off look in the end let's say 90% 80% of regulators you look in the end you will see down in the end you'll see a slot see a hole and you see it's a slot or scooter if it's in that slot the screwdriver in that slot turn it in half a turn like that okay I'll put it back on the hose quickly check it's not to be on tight because it's all ring shield back on then that's pretty good that's actually the safe second making a little bit there we'll put that out of the way I have to do that man there we go yes oh we're sorry honey oh we're getting sewn they're not too much because that turns in a little bit too much that's the adjustment of this second stage making the session stage match the intermediate pressure coming from the first stage we turn it into much I showed you I suggest that you could turn that in half a turn take it back out a quarter turn like that put the hose back gun see it's not hard to do it's just time consuming painstaking and not too accurate so you take a backup is dragging nice better we're gonna live it better still a little bit high so what you do is you turn it a little bit more Sunni just time consuming sort of just a little bit more made a bit easier to breathe let's try that together think so but it can be done this takes time Oh a little bit of a playful little wee bit breathe beautifully bit of a free flow though so what do you do now you go back inside little bit back the way it was that'll stop for feet will still be easy breathing if you see what you're doing you're adjusting the second stage to match the intermediate pressure so with the valve when the second stage will stop that in the pressure from flowing through until your suck on it push the diaphragm like that okay now how do you do it though no suppose in this case we have a safe second and this safe second is from excess scuba excellent save seconds and this one is exactly the same if you open this up and look in the end but Scecina if there's a screw in it so that was free-flowing a little bit so we'll just put that in quite a bit put this back on now same thing same process all second stages are exactly same put that back on now let's turn this I thought I see what happened Shh still sees a little bit try one more time hmm let's turn it back in a little bit more like that hosebag on you fellows are playing they own regulators Ganga river I'm not condoning this but you asked I'm showing everybody no free flow step still Rix what help free cloth yep revision huh now it's not perfect if you're not right on the edge to get a regular breathing beautifully easy you want to have it loose enough that is just about to start free-flowing so when you breathe on it easy not loose enough that it actually does free flow how you do that really accurately where you can spend another 20 minutes back and forth back and forth back and forth but there actually is an easier way obviously die store service people don't do that it we just take them forever to service your regular so die store service people technicians they have a device called an inline adjustment and this is a tool looks just like this this two goes into the second stage passes in place and then the hose goes here so you see like called inline that's exactly this tool is in line and now this thing here you see this this is actually got a screwdriver on the end watch this yeah turn this open turn it closed open closed right on the edge no Rico Rico so reckless is perfect during the Arab surges take those off put it back together prep work and your second station can adjust it perfectly get immediate pressure of the first stage even though they're different brands and tightest it doesn't matter said regrets 150 psi from Shira bill is 150 psi from trailer dude that's nice and the octopus assembly kick the octopus off adjust it now with octopus is what we'll often do is get it right on the edges I just did and make it a little bit hurt just a little bit in a bit harder that's the vents you gotta push from free flowing to easily know sometimes you jump in octopus legs off or you can adjust it so not quite as easy to breathe that's the first stage intermediate pressure I showed you this other gauge if you have an intermediate pressure gauge like this it is a fitting we'll go into a low pressure hose like this watch the gauge for second I put this low pressure DC hose on to that pressure gauge 137 137 psi which is perfect for skip it block there's supposed to be 135 to 145 psi every time rightly so this all this does to show the technician exactly what the intermediate pressure is now if you watch that gauge for a moment wipers your regular watch me watch this Kevin I'm going to purge the regulator and be too close on it goes here ready as I said well you suck on the second stage it takes year out of this hose which is the intermediate pressure same as this house it drops then the first stage kicks in throws it back up clear again I'm not condoning that you would just take apart even play with your own regular this is always better to take it to the technician at the LDS it was in Nice VA you will probably show you these things you can take training programs yourself as well speak your local gangster that's the best source but now you have a better idea what I met earlier when I said Skiba throw Sherwood oceanic aqua London air you can mix them all up but then they have to be set so the pressures match it all make sense I hope so get the crown that's coming Ali thirst scuba tech tips
Channel: Alec Peirce Scuba
Views: 38,959
Rating: 4.9188094 out of 5
Keywords: alec peirce, alec peirce scuba, scuba tech tips, tech tip, scuba tip, underwater, scuba diving, scuba, vintage scuba, sea hunt remembered, diving, skin diving, scuba 2000, first stage, 1st stage, second stage, 2nd stage, free flow, inline adjuster, intermediate pressure, easy breathing, regulator, service professional, port plug, adjust, ip, ambient, pressure, local dive shop
Id: wkU2OB_fkVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2017
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