Vintage Scuba: Diver Training - Skills You Should NOT Learn - S08E03

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Alec beers scuba right there in my chest you can see it and guess what I'm the talent I get such a kick out of these shirts actually Kevin's dear Oh Joanne made these shirts as a birthday present for Kevin and she made these fantastic how they pure scuba shirts for the talent anyway we're here to talk about something very serious because it's a little while ago we had a vintage scuba topic it was called diver training old versus new which is best great topic great topic and the reason I say it was a great topic is because I got hundreds if not thousands of comments on it yeah that's how I know it's a great topic okay 90% yeah 80% of the comments were positive meaning that the people felt as I did expressed that new training is better put soaked better divers better but better divers and the old training in the old days in the 50s and 60s I was trained in 1960 in the old days in the 50s and 60s the diver training was an obstacle course it was an elimination process basically what it amounted to all the instructors were Navy divers my instructor was an ex-navy diver he did the part he looked up earth - or like this big brush cut talk like this alright and the books the textbooks of the day were written by Navy divers the most experienced divers in the world yeah there were there were all the divers in the world but there were Navy divers there weren't recreational divers they didn't do it for fun they went down and hardhat another gear vertically sat on the edge of a shipwreck and fixed things that's not what we do so their training methods while certainly dynamic it's pretty fair word we're not good training techniques for recreational divers okay and I talked about this in it really look look back and you'll find a diver training so anyway I pulled this got so many comments I thought I better do another one I bet have a follow-up these are like two diver training old versus new so that's what this one isn't what do we call this one given this is the things you should not learn okay so you took your training program more than 20 years ago you learn the wattage stuff a lot of stuff yeah should not have learned some of that stuff yeah no that's by today's standards at that time when you took the course that's the way the courses were I trained that way too I've said numerous times on my in my comments there I am embarrassed about the number of divers who came to me in the hopes of being a frogman as I did when I was 12 years old and I dashed their homes I said to the milk nope you can't do this you can't be a frogman goodbye I'm embarrassed about that but anyway let me carry you let me say let me explain this is my textbook are you've seen this book before the new science of skin and scuba diving meaning this is a new version of the old book that was written 12 to 15 years earlier by these wonderful group of ex Navy divers okay this is mine this is actually mine mine 60 years ago Seaver says right there that says a/c Pierce Britain's Ontario written in a very childish writing as a tender twelve year old would write his name a/c Pierce I put my initials on it because I thought was cool you know you see Pierce bins in there this is actually my textbook from back bends this is one this is the one we used okay you'll notice a couple things right off the front cover the guys wearing an old-fashioned oval mask probably a single seal one strap he's also using a two hose regulator yeah yeah because of course it's what we're using I was trained on two hose I'd over to hold on to owes for several years so this is a genuine vintage textbook let's call it old textbook let's see what's in it okay here's the stuff you learned deal with the academics okay the fact that the ghost shoot talks about compressors how you clean air and spearfishing and how your service your regulator and all the different types of regulars work I'm not gonna go through all that we've already dealt with that a little bit that that is something that you don't need to learn today any more than you need to learn how to fix your your limited slip differential on your car or do you need to explain the principle of a constant velocity joint every car has them you didn't even know that maybe you certainly probably don't know how their work much less how to fix them but you're a great driver right kind of the same principle anyway let's not I don't wanna deal with academics I wanna deal with skills things that you should not have learned now there's one right off the bat here's a picture of a diver now some happens this is a skin diver but the same principle the same the same the same skill if you like applies for both now here's the picture of a skin diver and happens to have a spear gun but that's that's the way it was in those days there's a top that you're a good guy coming up and he's coming up from the bottom and he's been skin diving been holding his breath he's probably in a hurry when he's holding his breath rubies on scuba Trudy it doesn't affect the skill he's coming up how is he coming up he's looking up it's always smart to look in the direction you're moving while you're driving a car or scuba diving and secondly he's got his hand up overhead your hand is your most vulnerable part you know you don't want to hurt your head you got to protect your head at all times okay so you put your hand up over your head on your circle as you come towards the service watching the service that is a standard skill that you learn in there just Cuba diving course and you know what that's a good skill 16 years ago it's a good skill they had those other cute little cartoon down here both this dummy I guess this guy is not gonna be a frogman now looking up not head up and hitting the bottom of the boat got a hurt wooden boat but anyway so this is a good skill let's see what else is in here couple pages farther on I marked these pages and went through this book a little earlier mark these pages and let's go on to the next skill it's in here the next skill is simple very simple very important skill that we learned I learned very important skill and this is how to roll as you clear that your mouth pieces in your to hose that's a really important skill and we practice this because if you don't know this with a two-horse regulator in many cases did not have non-return valve so that there was two big hoses those tube wonderfully big hoses that robbed but all my buddies like when did I have to hose mm-hmm hurry up they fill with water those two hoses probably hold half a gallon two or three liters of water I do want to clear that regulator you have two choices you swallow all that water you gonna happen or somehow you get the air and the regulator to blow that water out in order to do that with the dual role you have to learn how to do it pretty good skill right no you don't need that skill doesn't apply anymore to single hose regulars now here's another method over here now this kill over here this is how to recover your two-horse regulator pull it down back in your mouth and clear all right no not going to happen you probably don't know this or maybe you do that if a two hose regulator belt comes out of your mouth it goes up goes up in the air whether you're a single hose regular you use if it pops out your mouth it falls down here and you know you have recovery methods you get your shoulder you reach like this you pull it around and put it back in your mouth what they do with the two hose rate goes up in the air and you can't reach it or anything it's bubbling like mad wasting air so that was a good skill back then today no there's another skill that that you may have learned and and you should not have learned certainly not today okay here we go again here's another one or these guys buddy breathing body breathing yeah the old Bugaboo everybody said body breathing is a good skill boy we learn how to Buddy breathe with no masks on we swam around the pool with no masks on for 10 minutes and then we switched sides without coming to the surface and we swam upside down and that's I don't know I heard this body brace a great skill no body breathing is not a good skill no more than sharing your parachute with your fellow a skydiver there's a good skill no they don't teach that in skydiving how to give you a parachute to your buddy and they don't do that the regulator in your mouth is your life that's just keeping your life - think about that for a while just wait a minute think about that okay long enough no Reagan your mouth you're you're at risk why would you ever take your regulator out of your mouth no more not taking your parachute out you don't take your rig out of your mouth if your buddy breathing you have to true buddy breathing is not using an octopus by the way for your newer divers party breathing you take your rig and you give it to your buddy I hope he's calm and cool and collected but she isn't cuz he ran out of there he's an idiot and you're gonna give me a ring to him anyway you know buddy breathing is unknown oh wow that doesn't hurt to learn it does hurt to learn body breathing for two reasons first of all it's a skill that you don't need raises anxiety and put your life at risk that's one reason and that's pretty straightforward there's another reason that people don't think about when you learn how to buddy breathe subconsciously you now think about your buddy's primary in his mouth as the source of air and an emergency in an emergency think about that when you learn to buddy breathe you now think subconsciously perhaps or picture whatever that your buddy's primary regulator is a source of air it is not a source of air after you it's a source of air for him not for you here's an octopus is a source of air for you the octopus is our regulator sitting on right here not in his mouth brightly colored on a special clip on a nice long hose all you need to grab it stick in your mouth as opposed to is primary you got to go over you gotta grab it hopefully he's not hanging out you got pull others the most inter I've seen I've seen the mouthpiece get yanked up because the primary diver is holding on to his right pretty tightly yank it out and the most peaceful is off neither one of you have any air you gotta yank it out you're stood on your mouth and now you're jammed up because the host is about this long he's fighting the honor goes no no no no the octopus nice big second-stage hanging right here brightly colored long hose grab it stick it about that's what you do it and out of there emergency you do not buddy and if you teach buddy breathing a high anxiety high risk activity skill you subconsciously implant the idea that oh I can grab my buddy's primary here's an octopus anyway before and she's relying you grab his primary I understand that's why I'm so adamant about not teaching buddy breathing anymore think about it think about that I'm not always right but I'm right this time thinking about it thank you buddy okay we're here here's a good one there's a good here's a skill that you should all learn trite right how to dawn your scuba unit if it's a full face mask unit skip that pages we don't use them anymore there's a skill that if you did learn it you shouldn't have I didn't we didn't use full face cube in the old days we used a good old us divers Mistral Mistral double hose you know the one okay here we go this is a good one how to put the scuba gear on over your head maybe if you watch some old movies if you want see hunt a few times or you've seen some old divers and they put the scuba unit on over their head you reach down Victor Chan cap on a boat yeah Oh on water water moves boat moves you know yeah yeah a little pull their headlight and the strap gets caught they wiggle it on finally and that's the regulator you do not put your Scooby isn't on over your head in the old days when we had just a tank just a tank and three straps it could be done in a relative safety arm through both straps up over your head slide down grew up the waist it could be done at relative safety not today not would be CDs and we're not going to give up B CDs B CDs are one of the greatest safety inventions ever made for scuba divers right behind octopuses for today B CDs they're all floppy and flexible and they got a cummerbund with those big velcro things that get jammed up and you got shoulder straps with clips and hangers on you can't get your arm down inside firing like you lifted halfway up and the octopus in the gauge Oh No put your tank on over your head so there's a skill if you learned it you probably did if you took the scuba course 20 years or more ago you probably learned you should not have learn that skill all I got in here oh yeah my favorite switching gear underwater oh boy oh boy we used to have so much fun with this in this particular skill two divers scuba divers folio treaded go to the bottom of the pool and they switch gear yeah the trade masks the trade fins they traded weight belts and the trade scoop units yeah so keV and I are at the bottom we trade masks they'll fit we trade finish I'm size 9 and a half cabins 11 13 okay we trade weight belts I wait bad with 34 inches long there's this 52 we trade scuba units not gonna happen silly silly exercise recently the only ones that are sillier are a couple of other months I want to mention because you may remember the terms if you were an aw we certified diver and that's just fine I'm a man I'll be instructor had been since 1975 great organization it was it's not what it used to be but it was a great organization wonderful people good instructors they had an exercise called the naw weed off and gone now we often gone it was so famous that they had their own name board yeah and I'll be dopping down you're on the bottom on your scuba unit by yourself you see so little diving anyway you're on the bottom by yourself with your scuba you do you take it off you take out ready to take your Scooby in turn up you sit it on the bottom you take your fins off and you set it down take your mask off you set it down there you take it away belt off and your shuttle on top to hold it all now you get your regular your mouth you put it down there I didn't go to the surface now there a skillet you're gonna really use not only dockland take all your gear off swim to the surface right away you have no regen mafia no source of air and you're swimming to the surface with nothing in your mouth now during that exercise we do learn that you should be exhaling slightly as you as you go to the surface and y'all know why so that's good she get to the surface you got through that you get to the surface now the dog bird yeah you take a big breath of air yeah hyperventilate which is a no-no you die back down to the bottom of the pool and we did this in the Olympian here in Toronto 16 feet deep died back down to the bottom of the pool and you put it all back on you put your fins on and you wipe out your mask and finally you get your your scuba tank and you put the rag in your mouth and breathe and put the tank on oh it works first of all is high anxiety even though you're holding your breath you you're Hertz going buh buh buh buh boom like this so why did they do it well the theory back then was maybe military you can get through this you can be a frogman will make you a frogman no matter how wimpy you are where's the philosophy using so they had all these exercises were actually quite difficult some of them sport a scuba diver you're safer than us every beam even though I have millions of participants and most of the participants took a modern course think about all that anyway there you go more comments coming I'm sure that keep them coming I were to enjoy them I will talk some more about diver training as he used to be and as it is today take care guys talk to you soon al akir scuba vintage diving [Music]
Channel: Alec Peirce Scuba
Views: 12,184
Rating: 4.8386168 out of 5
Keywords: alec, peirce, pierce, scuba, tech, tips, tip, underwater, dive, diving, vintage, sea, hunt, remembered, skin, salt, water, fresh, At, The, Ranch, service, professional, fun, safe, safety, gear, air, diver, training, the, talent, new, science, manual, buddy, breathing, donning, u.s., navy, recreation, military, techniques, not, learn, skill, spear, fishing, clear, mouthpiece, recover, double, two, hose, regulator, nursing, full face, mask, over head, swap, under, naui, instructor, doff, don, and
Id: NARyByS7odY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 17 2019
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