Scriptures to Overcome Rejection - Sleep Peacefully With 8 hours of Encouraging Scriptures - ASMR

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Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special pleasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body and Hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you were of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows [Music] Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special culture Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad the great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not two Sparrow sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you were of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows through the words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy chapter 14. verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you were of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows through the words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad the great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not two Sparrow sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special pleasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad the great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body and Hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows [Music] Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you were of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body and Hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows [Music] Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you were of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes first Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows through the words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body and Hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows [Music] Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes first Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad the great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body and Hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows [Music] Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes first Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body and Hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows [Music] Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special pleasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you were of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows through the words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows [Music] Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you were of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you were of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows [Music] Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you were of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad the great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows [Music] Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you were of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy chapter 14. verse 2 you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special pleasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy chapter 14. verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you were of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not two Sparrow sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy chapter 14. verse 2 you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you were of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not two Sparrow sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy chapter 14. verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you were of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not two Sparrow sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy chapter 14. verse 2 you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special pleasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not two Sparrow sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy chapter 14. verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not two Sparrow sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy chapter 14. verse 2 you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes first Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you were of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not two Sparrow sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy chapter 14. verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you were of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows through the words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not two Sparrow sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy chapter 14. verse 2 you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not two Sparrow sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy chapter 14. verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you were of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not two Sparrow sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy chapter 14. verse 2 you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes first Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not two Sparrow sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy chapter 14. verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows through the words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not two Sparrow sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy chapter 14. verse 2 you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special pressure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you were of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not two Sparrow sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy chapter 14. verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows through the words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad the great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not two Sparrow sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy chapter 14. verse 2 you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes first Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you were of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not two Sparrow sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy chapter 14. verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you were of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not two Sparrow sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy chapter 14. verse 2 you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you were of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy chapter 14. verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you were of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad the great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not two Sparrow sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy chapter 14. verse 2 you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special pressure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you were of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy chapter 14. verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad the great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not two Sparrow sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy chapter 14. verse 2 you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy chapter 14. verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not two Sparrow sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy chapter 14. verse 2 you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you were of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows through the words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy chapter 14. verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad the great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not two Sparrow sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy chapter 14. verse 2 you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not two Sparrow sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy chapter 14. verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad the great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy chapter 14. verse 2 you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not two Sparrow sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy chapter 14. verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad the great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body and Hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows [Music] Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not two Sparrow sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy chapter 14. verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you were of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad the great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not two Sparrow sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you were of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad the great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not two Sparrow sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy chapter 14. verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad the great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body and Hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows [Music] Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not two Sparrow sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body and Hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows [Music] Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not two Sparrow sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you were of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad the great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows [Music] Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not two Sparrow sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows [Music] Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad the great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not two Sparrow sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you were of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows [Music] Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you were of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad the great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not two Sparrow sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows through the words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad the great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not two Sparrow sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad the great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special pleasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows through the words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad the great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows [Music] Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you were of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad the great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not two Sparrow sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows through the words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad the great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not two Sparrow sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad the great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not two Sparrow sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special pleasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad the great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body and Hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows [Music] Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you were of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad the great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not two Sparrow sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special pleasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad the great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad the great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not two Sparrow sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special pleasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad the great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not two Sparrow sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body and Hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows [Music] Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad the great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows through the words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad the great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body and Hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows [Music] Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body and Hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows [Music] Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows through the words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad the great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not two Sparrow sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special pleasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad the great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body and Hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows [Music] Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad the great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body and Hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows [Music] Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body and Hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows [Music] Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special culture Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows through the words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body and Hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows [Music] Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad the great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body and Hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows [Music] Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows through the words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body and Hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows [Music] Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you were of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body and Hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows [Music] Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special culture Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows through the words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad the great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body and Hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows [Music] Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad the great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body and Hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows [Music] Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows through the words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body and Hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows [Music] Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you were of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad the great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows [Music] Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad the great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body and Hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special literature Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you were of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows through the words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad the great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not two Sparrow sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes first Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you were of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body and Hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows [Music] Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special literature Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you were of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not two Sparrow sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes first Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you were of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body and Hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you were of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes first Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad the great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes first Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you were of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad the great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body and Hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you were of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not two Sparrow sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes first Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad the great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body and Hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special literature Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you were of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of iniquity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows Psalms chapter 94 verse 14. for the Lord will not cast off his people nor will he forsake his inheritance Deuteronomy Chapter 14 verse 2. you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Psalms 118 verse 21 to verse 23 I will praise you for you have answered me and have become my salvation the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone this was the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes First Peter chapter 2 verse 4. you are coming to Christ who is the living Cornerstone of God's Temple he was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor John chapter 15. Verse 18 to verse 20. then Jesus said to his servants if the world hates you remember that it hated me first if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word I said to you servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you if they kept my word they will keep yours also Psalms chapter 27 verse 10. when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take care of me Psalms chapter 64 verse 1 to verse 5 and verse 7. hear my voice oh God in my meditation preserve my life from Fear of the enemy hide me from the secret plots of the wicked from rebellion of the workers of inequity who sharpened their tongue like a sword and bend their bows to shoot their arrows bitter words that they may shoot in secret at the blameless suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear they encourage themselves in an evil matter they talk of laying snares secretly they say who will see them but God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly they shall be wounded Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3 to verse 4 and verse 10 to verse 12. then Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who are before you Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 to verse 30. then Jesus said and do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell are not Two Sparrows sold for a cup of coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs on your head are all numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than many sparrows
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Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #encouragement, #encourage, #uplift, #uplifting, #overcome, #rejection, #rejected, #asmr, #sleep, #sleepmusic, #sleepingmusic, #sleeping, #scriptures, #scripture, #peace, #peaceful, #sad, #happy, #joy, #reject, #love, #reels, #reel, acceptance
Id: sOgjqxdqcbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 506min 15sec (30375 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 07 2022
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