Sleep Hypnosis to Overcome Your Fear Of Failure + Affirmations (8-hrs)

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hello this is anthony reed certified hypnotist never listen to this recording while driving or operating heavy machinery as this is a powerful hypnotic recording and staying alive and safe is top priority toward the end of this recording you will be given suggestions to fall into a deep and revitalizing sleep so be sure to listen to this recording only at night when you're fully ready for bed and nothing will disturb you [Music] if you're under medical care please consult with your doctor before undergoing hypnosis thank you for listening and let's begin i'd like you to begin by breathing deeply and slowly in and out that's right [Music] just let go relax your muscles and continue breathing in this way now before you let go completely and go into a deep hypnotic state of relaxation just let yourself listen carefully to everything i say to you now it's going to happen automatically so you don't need to think about that now and you will have no conscious control over what happens the muscles in and around your eyes will relax all by themselves as you continue breathing deeply in and out easily and freely without thinking about it you will soon enter a deep peaceful hypnotic trance without any effort there is nothing important for your conscious mind to do right now there is nothing really important except the activities of your subconscious mind and that is just as automatic as dreaming as you know how easily you can forget your dreams when you awaken you are responding very well now without noticing it you have already altered the rate of your breathing you are breathing much more easily and freely now and you are revealing signs that indicate you are beginning to drift into a hypnotic trance you can now enjoy relaxing more and more since your subconscious mind will listen to each word i say and it keeps becoming less important for you to consciously listening to my voice your subconscious mind can hear me even if i whisper and so you continue to drift into a more detached state as you examine privately in your own mind secrets feelings sensations and behavior you didn't even know that you had and at the same time letting go completely your own mind is solving that problem at your own pace just as rapidly as it feels you're ready and all the while you continue becoming more relaxed and comfortable as you sit there with your eyes closed so as you experience that deepening comfort you don't have to move or talk or let anything bother you if you hear noises outside my voice they will only serve to let you relax even deeper your own inner mind can respond automatically to everything i tell you and you will be pleasantly surprised with your continuous progress you're getting much closer to a deep hypnotic trance you're beginning to realize now that you don't care whether or not you're going into a deep trance at all being in this peaceful state enables you to experience the comfort of the hypnotic trance being hypnotized is always a very enjoyable very pleasant calm peaceful and completely relaxing experience it seems natural then to include hypnosis in your future every time you listen to these sessions it becomes more enjoyable and you continue experiencing more and more benefits you enjoy these sensations of comfort of peacefulness of calmness and all the other sensations that come automatically from this wonderful hypnotic experience you're also learning something about yourself you are developing your own techniques of therapy without even knowing you're developing them now [Music] imagine yourself relaxing in a place you like very much this could be by a lake or on a beach by the ocean perhaps you're floating gently on a sailboat on a peaceful lake on a warm summer day you're continuing to relax even more now becoming more comfortable this is your own world that you like very much you find that anytime you want to spend a few minutes by yourself relaxing and feeling very comfortable and serene you can automatically go back to this feeling you're experiencing right now you can put yourself into this world any time you like there are times when you will want this serene feeling and it is yours whenever you want it continue enjoying this pleasant experience now as your subconscious mind receives everything i tell you [Music] in a moment i'm going to ask you to imagine certain things and as you do you'll find yourself drifting deeper and deeper into this wonderful relaxing feeling first i would like you to imagine a bright red door and on the door is a very large number seven that's right a number seven now take a moment to get a good picture of this bright red door with the number seven on it see the door clearly in your mind now [Music] start walking towards the door you will find the door is closed so push on the door to open it don't worry it will open easily you just have to push now push the door open and enter the room that's in front of you good now you walk into a brightly colored red room notice how all the walls are red and most of the furniture is red this room represents the problem that you're seeking help with even though the room is bright red it feels somehow comforting because you know you're getting inside the problem and you're going to overcome it so look around you now and examine your problem decide on the best way to move forward are there any tools you need to help you i'm going to stay quiet for just a few moments now to give you time to pick up any tools and any resources you think will help you on your way all right now go through the room and walk over to the far side of it you will find an orange door here with a large number six on it a nice bright orange door with the number six on it as you reach this door you wonder what is beyond it and as you push the door open you walk into a lovely bright orange room this orange room represents your desire to overcome the problem you seek help with you really want to overcome it and you know with certainty that you will all you need are the tools you may have picked up in the previous room and all you have to do is follow my voice for my voice calms you and soothes you and you know that my voice will help you overcome the problem you seek help with now feel that desire to overcome your problem radiate from the walls bask in it let it fill your whole being until you are one with that desire let it seep into every pore every fiber every cell until you are completely filled with this desire to overcome your problem and until you are the desire itself feel how powerful that desire is feel how powerful you are now step forward with that powerful desire that you are yourself and go to the yellow door at the far end of this room see that the yellow door has a large number five on it now enter the room as you enter the yellow room you're filled with hope and optimism you can feel that hope and optimism enter your soul and into the deepest parts of your mind you like this room very much for this lovely little yellow room is like a burst of sunshine it's a wonderful room where you feel that your hope and optimism is increasing by the moment your hope and your optimism is increasing moment by moment as you are filled with hope and optimism you walk over to the green door now at the end of this room and open the green door with the number four on it you enter the green room now and you find that you were drifting a little deeper drifting a little deeper into this wonderful calm and relaxing feeling drifting deeper and deeper still the green room you're in now represents abundance and growth just like the new growth of spring and its promise of things to come it symbolizes how your desire to overcome your problem transforms into determination to overcome it as your determination manifests itself you know without a doubt that you will be able to accomplish what you have set your mind to you are determined and confident and you are absolutely sure that you can achieve whatever you want with every breath you take your determination grows stronger and stronger and with every word that i say your confidence grows stronger and stronger you are now determined and positive and confident and you will feel wonderful about yourself with that determination to succeed you step to the door at the end of the green room and see that it is a blue door a blue door with a number three on it it is a bright blue door bright and cheerful just like the way you feel as you drift deeper still and deeper still into that calm and relaxing feeling where you are ready to overcome your problem forever you open this blue door and step inside and immediately feel a great strength in the room strength with which you can overcome any problem in your life and you feel an overwhelming sense of calmness too feel this great strength and let the room charge you fully with it enjoy relaxing in this room while the strength of it fully becomes yours find a nice comfortable chair or sofa in the room and just relax now and enjoy how much stronger and calmer you become with every breath you take with every breath you take you become stronger and stronger and calmer and calmer just relax and enjoy it before we move to the next room [Music] now that you're fully charged and you're feeling stronger than ever and calmer than ever before go slowly to the door at the far side of the room this door is an indigo door [Music] the color of the deep blue sea and there is a number two on it push the door open now and enter the room which is the color of the deep blue sea and feel how waves of peace and serenity wash over you being in this room feels like watching the ocean waves so calm and peaceful [Music] as you're in this room you begin to notice how a feeling of total peace and total serenity comes over you a feeling of total peace and serenity as you go deeper and deeper and deeper still [Music] as you try to reach for the last door a purple door with a number one on it it feels as though you were floating above the ground floating towards this last door a purple door with the number one on it you reach the door now you push it open and enter the last room and immediately you find yourself in a room of the most perfect shade of violet a rich purple a color so divine you find it hard to believe such a color could actually exist as you're standing there in awe and watching this rich deep color you feel one with the universe and you feel that you have finally arrived at last you have finally arrived you are now in a deep state of relaxation notice how this deep peaceful and relaxing feeling washes over you and soothes your body and your mind embrace this deep peaceful and relaxing feeling and feel just how safe and relaxed you feel when you are in this state let this deep peaceful and relaxing feeling envelop you let it cover you like a warm blanket your warm blanket of relaxation surrounds you covers you and envelops you it protects and it soothes you and you can always relax more and more and you will always relax more and more and more because you know that your warm blanket of relaxation protects you and soothes you any outside noises you hear do not disturb you anymore in fact they only help you to relax more and more the only sound you are now interested in is the sound of my voice because the sound of my voice soothes you and you know that it guides you and helps you to achieve the positive changes in your life that you want let me help you achieve that positive change let me help you so that you can let go of the past letting go of the past is in fact really easy you just have to keep listening to my voice the first thing you have to know to be able to let go is that your past experiences have made you the person you are today that person was strong enough to endure all the hardships and wise enough to realize that you have the right and the power to change your life for the better and you are here today listening because you have acted upon that wisdom and you have chosen to change your life for the better all of us at some point in our lives have faced difficult situations which seemed hopeless at the time and all of us have been deeply hurt by someone at least once know that feeling hurt and helpless is perfectly normal harboring the negative emotions you have felt at the time and being unable to let go of these emotions and move on is perfectly normal too and happens to all of us even the people who have hurt you are probably unable to let go of some past memories themselves now imagine these people who have hurt you and caused you suffering and imagine all the hardships you have faced in life imagining them one by one gather all your unpleasant memories the ones that happened at home at school at work with your parents or with your friends and the ones with your loved ones feel all those negative emotions that you have felt at the time you've been carrying around all these negative emotions with you every day and every night they have been poisoning your body and your mind for all these years and have paralyzed you so that as of this moment you are unable to move on they have become the burden to you now is the time for you to let that burden go to let go of that burden simply imagine that you put all your negative emotions all your unpleasant memories into a big soap bubble which is floating in the air in front of you the more memories and emotions you put into it the bigger the bubble gets imagine this bubble getting bigger and bigger until you have filled it with all your negative emotions and unpleasant memories and is about to burst and as you fill the bubble with all your negative emotions and unpleasant memories you start noticing that the more negative emotions and unpleasant memories that you put into that bubble the less of those emotions and memories remain within you and as you completely fill this bubble you realize that all of your negative emotions and unpleasant memories are now contained in that bubble and none of those emotions or memories remain inside you now now your emotions and memories are safely sealed in that bubble now let this bubble like a big floating beach ball float in front of you and as the ball is floating in front of you notice its shape notice its size notice its color notice if it's making any noise while floating in the air notice whether it has any particular smell now stretch out your hand and touch the ball feel what its material feels like to the touch don't worry the ball will not burst if you touch it now i want you to play a little game let the ball bounce on your palm feel how light and soft it is isn't this a good game letting that ball bounce on your open palm up and down up and down can you hit the ball so that it goes up in the air try hitting it so that goes above your head did you do it good job now try hitting it so that it goes up to the ceiling you could do that too right that ball is really light and easy to play with now imagine that the walls of this room disappear and there is only you and that ball i want you to hit the ball one last time hit it really hard so that it flies away and out of sight completely out of sight ready now hit the ball watch it go well done did you see how fast it flew can you see where it is now if you can still see it somewhere in the distance simply blow on it very gently and it will disappear at that very moment there you are you suddenly notice how light you now feel and how calm and peaceful as the ball that just disappeared carried away with it all of your negative emotions and unpleasant memories from the past that kept you from enjoying the present and realizing your full potential you now realize that the burden you have been carrying all these years is now gone and you're free to enjoy your life and all that life can give you [Music] your past experiences have made you the person you are today that person was strong enough to endure all hardships and wise enough to realize that you have the right and the power to change your life for the better and you are here today because you have acted upon that wisdom and have chosen to change your life for the better whatever experiences you may have had you no longer have any negative feelings attached to them and only have the wisdom and knowledge that you have gained from those experiences you now realize that all hardships you have ever endured were only milestones on the road tools to become who you are today you also realize that all the people who have ever hurt you contributed in their own way to your becoming the person you are today be proud of yourself [Music] you are unique you are one of a kind and there is no one else like you you were born for happiness and you have every right to be happy and you have all the power to achieve happiness [Music] [Music] you're filled with expectations expecting to be successful expecting to accomplish whatever you put your mind on you realize there's no such thing as failure only feedback you may find ways that things don't work out but that simply steer you in the right direction look at it as a process of elimination failure only exists to those who quit and you're a winner so it doesn't pertain to you winners win you now follow through in finishing whatever you start you know that you'll succeed you look at all of your tasks as new tasks new experiences that you approach with excitement that you can focus 100 of your intention on them accomplishing to completion doing this gives you great satisfaction whenever you take on a new project or even an old existing one you look forward to it with the eyes of a child with curiosity and excitement anxious to get to it and do it have no fear of failure they're curious excited and give their all in everything they do they play hard they work hard they enjoy new challenges and now you find yourself looking at things the same way you too are developing this childlike quality in your life you're doing this because you want to you're excited to attempt things for the first time you're excited to succeed you expect to succeed and therefore you do you now approach success with curiosity excitement and willingness you're happy to succeed and welcome it with open arms that's right now if you are listening to this at night and if you want to fall into a deep and restful sleep then you will now begin to fall into a deep restful and restorative sleep understand that while you're dreaming tonight your subconscious mind will be processing and incorporating every word i have sent to you so far and each time you hear these words my suggestions become more and more powerful for you each and every time you listen to these words these suggestions become more and more a part of who you are each and every time you listen to this you become more and more the person of your choosing a relaxed comfortable confident person and when you awaken in the morning you will be well rested refreshed revitalized and feel wonderful [Music] ready to make the most of the new day ahead your optimism positively transforms your reality you can create the life you love positive thinking is transforming your life you were in the right place at the right time doing the right thing you are someone who feels naturally positive all the time you're full of positive thoughts from the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep you give yourself permission to earn as much as you like you focus only on that which you have the power to change that which is out of your control no longer stresses you out positive thinking is a natural part of who you are you are making yourself proud life is getting better all the time [Music] thinking positively is just the way your mind works you choose to focus on the next step not only the entire path you are healthy and filled with energy you always find the positive in everything you will always persevere you are in charge of how you feel positive thinking feels more natural with each passing day you love yourself you believe in yourself and you support yourself always you think positively in every difficult or stressful situation thinking positively feels natural and normal for you you truly enjoy thinking positively you have the power to create change you are full of optimism others look up to you because of your positive attitude [Music] you are organized and productive your ability to think positively will lift the people around you you are very thankful you will think positively no matter what you are worthy enough to follow your dreams and manifest your desires you will always choose positive thoughts over negative thoughts you make positive choices for yourself you were a naturally positive thinker each day your thoughts become more and more positive you are someone that others are drawn to because of your positivity you know what you want positive thinking comes easy to you you are becoming effortlessly positive your possibilities in life are endless you always feel optimistic no matter what life throws your way you know you will succeed you will harness the power of positive thinking to reach your goals being a positive thinker is an important part of who you are you are free from self-doubt and filled with self-confidence staying positive no matter what is just a part of who you are you find it easy to have positive thoughts at will you think positive thoughts and radiate positive energy with ease you continue to improve yourself each and every day no longer fear taking action you know you are confident because you remember many clear examples of being confident [Music] you are sure about what you know and what you don't know you thrive on taking action you are no longer held back by self-doubt you are powerful confident and capable in whatever you set out to accomplish you've got this you are a vibrant and rock solid person you are always finding ways to make life simpler and less complicated your self-worth is high [Music] you take good care of your health you have clear goals and know where you're headed in life you are not afraid to be wrong as it isn't a reflection of who you are you continually seek out truth and are happy to correct yourself when you find it your confidence comes from a rock-solid foundation you constantly hone your self-image to become the best version of yourself [Music] you are kind but never a pushover you are strong and secure in your own body and mind you are grateful for the blessings you have you are flexible and open to new experiences [Music] you always look to the positive side in any situation you are courageous when needed you are a reliable person you embody a successful personality [Music] you love and respect yourself and always act in your long-term interests your optimism positively transforms your reality you can create the life you love positive thinking is transforming your life you were in the right place at the right time doing the right thing [Music] you are someone who feels naturally positive all the time you are full of positive thoughts from the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep you give yourself permission to earn as much as you like you focus only on that which you have the power to change that which is out of your control no longer stresses you out positive thinking is a natural part of who you are you are making yourself proud life is getting better all the time thinking positively is just the way your mind works you choose to focus on the next step not only the entire path you are healthy and filled with energy you always find the positive in everything you will always persevere you are in charge of how you feel positive thinking feels more natural with each passing day you love yourself you believe in yourself and you support yourself always you think positively in every difficult or stressful situation thinking positively feels natural and normal for you you truly enjoy thinking positively you have the power to create change you are full of optimism others look up to you because of your positive attitude you are organized and productive your ability to think positively will lift the people around you you are very thankful you will think positively no matter what you are worthy enough to follow your dreams and manifest your desires you will always choose positive thoughts over negative thoughts you make positive choices for yourself you were a naturally positive thinker each day your thoughts become more and more positive you are someone that others are drawn to because of your positivity you know what you want thinking comes easy to you [Music] you are becoming effortlessly positive your possibilities in life are endless you always feel optimistic no matter what life throws your way you know you will succeed you will harness the power of positive thinking to reach your goals [Music] being a positive thinker is an important part of who you are you are free from self-doubt and filled with self-confidence staying positive no matter what is just a part of who you are you find it easy to have positive thoughts at will you think positive thoughts and radiate positive energy with ease you continue to improve yourself each and every day you no longer fear taking action you know you are confident because you remember many clear examples of being confident you are sure about what you know and what you don't know [Music] you thrive on taking action [Music] you are no longer held back by self-doubt [Music] you are powerful confident and capable in whatever you set out to accomplish [Music] you've got this you are a vibrant and rock solid person you are always finding ways to make life simpler and less complicated your self-worth is high you take good care of your health you have clear goals and know where you're headed in life you are not afraid to be wrong as it isn't a reflection of who you are you continually seek out truth and are happy to correct yourself when you find it your confidence comes from a rock solid foundation you constantly hone your self-image to become the best version of yourself you are kind but never a pushover you are strong and secure in your own body and mind you are grateful for the blessings you have [Music] you are flexible and open to new experiences [Music] you always look to the positive side in any situation you are courageous when needed you are a reliable person you embody a successful personality you love and respect yourself and always act in your long-term interests your optimism positively transforms your reality you can create the life you love positive thinking is transforming your life you were in the right place at the right time doing the right thing you are someone who feels naturally positive all the time you are full of positive thoughts from the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep you give yourself permission to earn as much as you like you focus only on that which you have the power to change that which is out of your control no longer stresses you out positive thinking is a natural part of who you are you are making yourself proud life is getting better all the time thinking positively is just the way your mind works you choose to focus on the next step not only the entire path you are healthy and filled with energy [Music] you always find the positive in everything [Music] you will always persevere you are in charge of how you feel positive thinking feels more natural with each passing day you love yourself you believe in yourself and you support yourself always you think positively in every difficult or stressful situation thinking positively feels natural and normal for you you truly enjoy thinking positively you have the power to create change you are full of optimism others look up to you because of your positive attitude you are organized and productive your ability to think positively will lift the people around you you are very thankful [Music] you will think positively no matter what you are worthy enough to follow your dreams and manifest your desires you will always choose positive thoughts over negative thoughts you make positive choices for yourself you were a naturally positive thinker each day your thoughts become more and more positive you are someone that others are drawn to because of your positivity you know what you want positive thinking comes easy to you you are becoming effortlessly positive your possibilities in life are endless you always feel optimistic no matter what life throws your way you know you will succeed you will harness the power of positive thinking to reach your goals being a positive thinker is an important part of who you are you are free from self-doubt and filled with self-confidence staying positive no matter what is just a part of who you are you find it easy to have positive thoughts at will you think positive thoughts and radiate positive energy with ease you continue to improve yourself each and every day you no longer fear taking action you know you are confident because you remember many clear examples of being confident you are sure about what you know and what you don't know you thrive on taking [Music] action you are no longer held back by self-doubt you are powerful confident and capable in whatever you set out to accomplish you've got this you are a vibrant and rock-solid person you are always finding ways to make life simpler and less complicated your self-worth is high you take good care of your health [Music] you have clear goals and know where you're headed in life you are not afraid to be wrong as it isn't a reflection of who you are [Music] you continually seek out truth and are happy to correct yourself when you find it your confidence comes from a rock-solid foundation you constantly hone your self-image to become the best version of yourself you are kind but never a pushover you are strong and secure in your own body and mind you are grateful for the blessings you have you are flexible and open to new experiences you always look to the positive side in any situation [Music] you are courageous when needed [Music] you are a reliable person [Music] you embody a successful personality you love and respect yourself and always act in your long-term interests your optimism positively transforms your reality you can create the life you love positive thinking is transforming your life you are in the right place at the right time doing the right thing you are someone who feels naturally positive all the time you are full of positive thoughts from the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep you give yourself permission to earn as much as you like you focus only on that which you have the power to change that which is out of your control no longer stresses you out positive thinking is a natural part of who you are you are making yourself proud life is getting better all the time thinking positively is just the way your mind works you choose to focus on the next step not only the entire path you are healthy and filled with energy you always find the positive in everything you will always persevere you are in charge of how you feel positive thinking feels more natural with each passing day you love yourself you believe in yourself and you support yourself always you think positively in every difficult or stressful situation thinking positively feels natural and normal for you you truly enjoy thinking positively you have the power to create change you are full of optimism others look up to you because of your positive attitude [Music] you are organized and productive your ability to think positively will lift the people around you you are very thankful you will think positively no matter what you are worthy enough to follow your dreams and manifest your desires you will always choose positive thoughts over negative thoughts you make positive choices for yourself you were a naturally positive thinker each day your thoughts become more and more positive you are someone that others are drawn to because of your positivity you know what you want positive thinking comes easy to you you are becoming effortlessly positive your possibilities in life are endless you always feel optimistic no matter what life throws your way you know you will succeed you will harness the power of positive thinking to reach your goals being a positive thinker is an important part of who you are you are free from self-doubt and filled with self-confidence staying positive no matter what is just a part of who you are you find it easy to have positive thoughts at will you think positive thoughts and radiate positive energy with ease you continue to improve yourself each and every day you no longer fear taking action you know you are confident because you remember many clear examples of being confident you are sure about what you know and what you don't know you thrive on taking action you are no longer held back by self-doubt you are powerful confident and capable in whatever you set out to accomplish [Music] you've got this you are a vibrant and rock-solid person you are always finding ways to make life simpler and less complicated [Music] self-worth is high [Music] you take good care of your health you have clear goals and know where you're headed in life you are not afraid to be wrong as it isn't a reflection of who you are you continually seek out truth and are happy to correct yourself when you find it your confidence comes from a rock-solid foundation you constantly hone your self-image to become the best version of yourself you are kind but never a pushover you are strong and secure in your own body and mind you are grateful for the blessings you have you are flexible and open to new experiences you always look to the positive side in any situation you are courageous when needed you are a reliable person you embody a successful personality you love and respect yourself and always act in your long-term interest your optimism positively transforms your reality you can create the life you love positive thinking is transforming your life you were in the right place at the right time doing the right thing you are someone who feels naturally positive all the time you are full of positive thoughts from the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep you give yourself permission to earn as much as you like you focus only on that which you have the power to change that which is out of your control no longer stresses you out [Music] positive thinking is a natural part of who you are you are making yourself proud life is getting better all the time thinking positively is just the way your mind works you choose to focus on the next step not only the entire path you are healthy and filled with energy you always find the positive in everything you will always persevere you are in charge of how you feel positive thinking feels more natural with each passing day you love yourself you believe in yourself and you support yourself always you think positively in every difficult or stressful situation thinking positively feels natural and normal for you you truly enjoy thinking positively you have the power to create change you are full of optimism others look up to you because of your positive attitude [Music] you are organized and productive your ability to think positively will lift the people around you you are very thankful you will think positively no matter what you are worthy enough to follow your dreams and manifest your desires you will always choose positive thoughts over negative thoughts you make positive choices for yourself you were a naturally positive thinker each day your thoughts become more and more positive you are someone that others are drawn to because of your positivity you know what you want positive thinking comes easy to you you are becoming effortlessly positive your possibilities in life are endless you always feel optimistic no matter what life throws your way you know you will succeed you will harness the power of positive thinking to reach your goals being a positive thinker is an important part of who you are you are free from self-doubt and filled with self-confidence staying positive no matter what is just a part of who you are you find it easy to have positive thoughts at will you think positive thoughts and radiate positive energy with ease you continue to improve yourself each and every day you no longer fear taking action you know you are confident because you remember many clear examples of being confident you are sure about what you know and what you don't know you thrive on taking action [Music] you are no longer held back by self-doubt you are powerful confident and capable in whatever you set out to accomplish you've got this you are a vibrant and rock solid person you are always finding ways to make life simpler and less complicated your self-worth is high you take good care of your health you have clear goals and know where you're headed in life you are not afraid to be wrong as it isn't a reflection of who you are [Music] you continually seek out truth and are happy to correct yourself when you find it your confidence comes from a rock-solid foundation [Music] you constantly hone your self-image to become the best version of yourself you are kind but never a pushover you are strong and secure in your own body and mind you are grateful for the blessings you have you are flexible and open to new experiences you always look to the positive side in any situation you are courageous when needed [Music] you are a reliable person [Music] you embody a successful personality you love and respect yourself and always act in your long term interest your optimism positively transforms your reality you can create the life you love positive thinking is transforming your life [Music] you were in the right place at the right time doing the right thing you are someone who feels naturally positive all the time you're full of positive thoughts from the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep you give yourself permission to earn as much as you like you focus only on that which you have the power to change that which is out of your control no longer stresses you out positive thinking is a natural part of who you are you are making yourself proud life is getting better all the time thinking positively is just the way your mind works you choose to focus on the next step not only the entire path you are healthy and filled with energy you always find the positive in everything you will always persevere you are in charge of how you feel positive thinking feels more natural with each passing day you love yourself you believe in yourself and you support yourself always you think positively in every difficult or stressful situation thinking positively feels natural and normal for you you truly enjoy thinking positively you have the power to create change you are full of optimism others look up to you because of your positive attitude you are organized and productive your ability to think positively will lift the people around you you are very thankful you will think positively no matter what you are worthy enough to follow your dreams and manifest your desires you will always choose positive thoughts over negative thoughts you make positive choices for yourself you are a naturally positive thinker each day your thoughts become more and more positive [Music] you are someone that others are drawn to because of your positivity you know what you want positive thinking comes easy to you you are becoming effortlessly positive your possibilities in life are endless [Music] you always feel optimistic no matter what life throws your way you know you will succeed you will harness the power of positive thinking to reach your goals being a positive thinker is an important part of who you are you are free from self-doubt and filled with self-confidence staying positive no matter what is just a part of who you are you find it easy to have positive thoughts at will you think positive thoughts and radiate positive energy with ease you continue to improve yourself each and every day you no longer fear taking action you know you are confident because you remember many clear examples of being confident you are sure about what you know and what you don't know [Music] you thrive on taking action [Music] you are no longer held back by self-doubt you are powerful confident and capable in whatever you set out to accomplish you've got this you are a vibrant and rock solid person you are always finding ways to make life simpler and less complicated your self-worth is high you take good care of your health you have clear goals and know where you're headed in life you are not afraid to be wrong as it isn't a reflection of who you are you continually seek out truth and are happy to correct yourself when you find it your confidence comes from a rock-solid foundation you constantly hone your self-image to become the best version of yourself you are kind but never a pushover [Music] you are strong and secure in your own body and mind you are grateful for the blessings you have you are flexible and open to new experiences you always look to the positive side in any situation [Music] you are courageous when needed you are a reliable person you embody a successful personality you love and respect yourself and always act in your long term interest your optimism positively transforms your reality you can create the life you love positive thinking is transforming your life you are in the right place at the right time doing the right thing you are someone who feels naturally positive all the time you are full of positive thoughts from the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep you give yourself permission to earn as much as you like you focus only on that which you have the power to change that which is out of your control no longer stresses you out positive thinking is a natural part of who you are you are making yourself proud life is getting better all the time thinking positively is just the way your mind works you choose to focus on the next step not only the entire path you are healthy and filled with energy you always find the positive in everything you will always persevere you are in charge of how you feel positive thinking feels more natural with each passing day you love yourself you believe in yourself and you support yourself always you think positively in every difficult or stressful situation thinking positively feels natural and normal for you you truly enjoy thinking positively you have the power to create change you are full of optimism [Music] others look up to you because of your positive attitude [Music] you are organized and productive your ability to think positively will lift the people around you you are very thankful you will think positively no matter what you are worthy enough to follow your dreams and manifest your desires you will always choose positive thoughts over negative thoughts you make positive choices for yourself [Music] you are a naturally positive thinker each day your thoughts become more and more positive you are someone that others are drawn to because of your positivity you know what you want positive thinking comes easy to you you are becoming effortlessly positive your possibilities in life are endless you always feel optimistic no matter what life throws your way you know you will succeed you will harness the power of positive thinking to reach your goals being a positive thinker is an important part of who you are you are free from self-doubt and filled with self-confidence staying positive no matter what is just a part of who you are you find it easy to have positive thoughts at will you think positive thoughts and radiate positive energy with ease you continue to improve yourself each and every day you no longer fear taking action you know you are confident because you remember many clear examples of being confident [Music] you are sure about what you know and what you don't know you thrive on taking action you are no longer held back by self-doubt you are powerful confident and capable in whatever you set out to accomplish you've got this you are a vibrant and rock solid person you are always finding ways to make life simpler and less complicated [Music] your self-worth is high you take good care of your health you have clear goals and know where you're headed in life [Music] you are not afraid to be wrong as it isn't a reflection of who you are you continually seek out truth and are happy to correct yourself when you find it your confidence comes from a rock-solid foundation you constantly hone your self-image to become the best version of yourself you are kind but never a pushover you are strong and secure in your own body and mind you are grateful for the blessings you have [Music] you are flexible and open to new experiences [Music] you always look to the positive side in any situation [Music] you are courageous when needed you are a reliable person you embody a successful personality you love and respect yourself and always act in your long-term interests your optimism positively transforms your reality you can create the life you love positive thinking is transforming your life you were in the right place at the right time doing the right thing you are someone who feels naturally positive all the time you are full of positive thoughts from the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep you give yourself permission to earn as much as you like you focus only on that which you have the power to change that which is out of your control no longer stresses you out positive thinking is a natural part of who you are you are making yourself proud life is getting better all the time thinking positively is just the way your mind works you choose to focus on the next step not only the entire path you are healthy and filled with energy you always find the positive in everything you will always persevere you are in charge of how you feel positive thinking feels more natural with each passing day you love yourself you believe in yourself and you support yourself always you think positively in every difficult or stressful situation thinking positively feels natural and normal for you you truly enjoy thinking positively you have the power to create change you are full of optimism others look up to you because of your positive attitude you are organized and productive your ability to think positively will lift the people around you you are very thankful you will think positively no matter what you are worthy enough to follow your dreams and manifest your desires [Music] you will always choose positive thoughts over negative thoughts you make positive choices for yourself you were a naturally positive thinker each day your thoughts become more and more positive you are someone that others are drawn to because of your positivity you know what you want positive thinking comes easy to you you are becoming effortlessly positive your possibilities in life are endless you always feel optimistic no matter what life throws your way you know you will succeed you will harness the power of positive thinking to reach your goals being a positive thinker is an important part of who you are [Music] you are free from self-doubt and filled with self-confidence staying positive no matter what is just a part of who you are you find it easy to have positive thoughts at will you think positive thoughts and radiate positive energy with ease you continue to improve yourself each and every day you no longer fear taking action you know you are confident because you remember many clear examples of being confident you are sure about what you know and what you don't know you thrive on taking action [Music] you are no longer held back by self-doubt you are powerful confident and capable in whatever you set out to accomplish you've got this you are a vibrant and rock solid person you are always finding ways to make life simpler and less complicated your self-worth is high you take good care of your health you have clear goals and know where you're headed in life you are not afraid to be wrong as it isn't a reflection of who you are you continually seek out truth and are happy to correct yourself when you find it your confidence comes from a rock-solid foundation you constantly hone your self-image to become the best version of yourself you are kind but never a pushover you are strong and secure in your own body and mind you are grateful for the blessings you have [Music] you are flexible and open to new experiences you always look to the positive side in any situation you are courageous when needed you are a reliable person you embody a successful personality you love and respect yourself and always act in your long-term interests your optimism positively transforms your reality you can create the life you love positive thinking is transforming your life you were in the right place at the right time doing the right thing you are someone who feels naturally positive all the time you are full of positive thoughts from the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep [Music] you give yourself permission to earn as much as you like you focus only on that which you have the power to change that which is out of your control no longer stresses you out positive thinking is a natural part of who you are you are making yourself proud life is getting better all the time thinking positively is just the way your mind works you choose to focus on the next step not only the entire path you are healthy and filled with energy you always find the positive in everything you will always persevere you are in charge of how you feel positive thinking feels more natural with each passing day [Music] you love yourself you believe in yourself and you support yourself always [Music] you think positively in every difficult or stressful situation thinking positively feels natural and normal for you you truly enjoy thinking positively [Music] you have the power to create change you are full of optimism others look up to you because of your positive attitude you are organized and productive your ability to think positively will lift the people around you you are very thankful you will think positively no matter what you are worthy enough to follow your dreams and manifest your desires you will always choose positive thoughts over negative thoughts you make positive choices for yourself you are a naturally positive thinker each day your thoughts become more and more positive you are someone that others are drawn to because of your positivity you know what you want positive thinking comes easy to you you are becoming effortlessly positive your possibilities in life are endless you always feel optimistic no matter what life throws your way you know you will succeed you will harness the power of positive thinking to reach your goals being a positive thinker is an important part of who you are you are free from self-doubt and filled with self-confidence staying positive no matter what is just a part of who you are you find it easy to have positive thoughts at will you think positive thoughts and radiate positive energy with ease you continue to improve yourself each and every day you no longer fear taking action you know you are confident because you remember many clear examples of being confident you are sure about what you know and what you don't know you thrive on taking action you are no longer held back by self-doubt you are powerful confident and capable in whatever you set out to accomplish you've got this [Music] you are a vibrant and rock-solid person you are always finding ways to make life simpler and less complicated your self-worth is high take good care of your health you have clear goals and know where you're headed in life [Music] you are not afraid to be wrong as it isn't a reflection of who you are [Music] you continually seek out truth and are happy to correct yourself when you find it your confidence comes from a rock-solid foundation you constantly hone your self-image to become the best version of yourself you are kind but never a pushover [Music] you are strong and secure in your own body and mind you are grateful for the blessings you have you are flexible and open to new experiences you always look to the positive side in any [Music] situation you are courageous when needed you are a reliable person you embody a successful personality you love and respect yourself and always act in your long-term interest [Music] your optimism positively transforms your reality you can create the life you love positive thinking is transforming your life you were in the right place at the right time doing the right thing you are someone who feels naturally positive all the time you're full of positive thoughts from the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep you give yourself permission to earn as much as you like you focus only on that which you have the power to change that which is out of your control no longer stresses you out positive thinking is a natural part of who you are you are making yourself proud life is getting better all the time thinking positively is just the way your mind works you choose to focus on the next step not only the entire path you are healthy and filled with energy you always find the positive in everything you will always persevere you are in charge of how you feel positive thinking feels more natural with each passing day you love yourself you believe in yourself and you support yourself always you think positively in every difficult or stressful situation thinking positively feels natural and normal for you you truly enjoy thinking positively you have the power to create change you are full of optimism others look up to you because of your positive attitude you are organized and productive your ability to think positively will lift the people around you you are very thankful you will think positively no matter what you are worthy enough to follow your dreams and manifest your desires you will always choose positive thoughts over negative thoughts you make positive choices for yourself you are a naturally positive thinker each day your thoughts become more and more positive you are someone that others are drawn to because of your positivity you know what you want [Music] positive thinking comes easy to you you are becoming effortlessly positive your possibilities in life are endless you always feel optimistic no matter what life throws your way you know you will succeed you will harness the power of positive thinking to reach your goals being a positive thinker is an important part of who you are you are free from self-doubt and filled with self-confidence staying positive no matter what is just a part of who you are you find it easy to have positive thoughts at will you think positive thoughts and radiate positive energy with ease you continue to improve yourself each and every day you no longer fear taking action you know you are confident because you remember many clear examples of being confident you are sure about what you know and what you don't know you thrive on taking action you are no longer held back by self-doubt you are powerful confident and capable in whatever you set out to accomplish you've got this you are a vibrant and rock solid person you are always finding ways to make life simpler and less complicated your self-worth is high you take good care of your health you have clear goals and know where you're headed in life you are not afraid to be wrong as it isn't a reflection of who you are you continually seek out truth and are happy to correct yourself when you find it your confidence comes from a rock-solid foundation constantly hone your self-image to become the best version of yourself you are kind but never a pushover [Music] you are strong and secure in your own body and mind you are grateful for the blessings you have [Music] you are flexible and open to new experiences you always look to the positive side in any situation you are courageous when needed you are a reliable person you embody a successful personality [Music] you love and respect yourself and always act in your long-term interest your optimism positively transforms your reality you can create the life you love positive thinking is transforming your life you were in the right place at the right time doing the right thing you are someone who feels naturally positive all the time you are full of positive thoughts from the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep you give yourself permission to earn as much as you like you focus only on that which you have the power to change that which is out of your control no longer stresses you out positive thinking is a natural part of who you are you are making yourself proud life is getting better all the time thinking positively is just the way your mind works you choose to focus on the next step not only the entire path you are healthy and filled with energy you always find the positive in everything you will always persevere you are in charge of how you feel positive thinking feels more natural with each passing day you love yourself you believe in yourself and you support yourself always you think positively in every difficult or stressful situation thinking positively feels natural and normal for you you truly enjoy thinking positively you have the power to create change you are full of optimism others look up to you because of your positive attitude you are organized and productive your ability to think positively will lift the people around you you are very thankful [Music] you will think positively no matter what you are worthy enough to follow your dreams and manifest your desires you will always choose positive thoughts over negative thoughts you make positive choices for yourself you are a naturally positive thinker each day your thoughts become more and more positive you are someone that others are drawn to because of your positivity you know what you want positive thinking comes easy to you you are becoming effortlessly positive your possibilities in life are endless you always feel optimistic no matter what life throws your way you know you will succeed you will harness the power of positive thinking to reach your goals being a positive thinker is an important part of who you are you are free from self-doubt and filled with self-confidence staying positive no matter what is just a part of who you are you find it easy to have positive thoughts at will you think positive thoughts and radiate positive energy with ease you continue to improve yourself each and every day you no longer fear taking action you know you are confident because you remember many clear examples of being confident you are sure about what you know and what you don't know you thrive on taking action you are no longer held back by self-doubt you are powerful confident and capable in whatever you set out to accomplish you've got this you are a vibrant and rock solid person [Music] you are always finding ways to make life simpler and less complicated your self-worth is high [Music] you take good care of your health you have clear goals and know where you're headed in life you are not afraid to be wrong as it isn't a reflection of who you are you continually seek out truth and are happy to correct yourself when you find it your confidence comes from a rock-solid foundation you constantly hone your self-image to become the best version of yourself you are kind but never a pushover you are strong and secure in your own body and mind [Music] you are grateful for the blessings you have [Music] you are flexible and open to new experiences [Music] you always look to the positive side in any situation you are courageous when needed you are a reliable person you embody a successful personality you love and respect yourself and always act in your long term interest your optimism positively transforms your reality you can create the life you love positive thinking is transforming your life you were in the right place at the right time doing the right thing you are someone who feels naturally positive all the time you are full of positive thoughts from the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep you give yourself permission to earn as much as you like you focus only on that which you have the power to change that which is out of your control no longer stresses you out positive thinking is a natural part of who you are you are making yourself proud life is getting better all the time thinking positively is just the way your mind works you choose to focus on the next step not only the entire path [Music] you are healthy and filled with energy you always find the positive in everything you will always persevere you are in charge of how you feel positive thinking feels more natural with each passing day you love yourself you believe in yourself and you support yourself always [Music] you think positively in every difficult or stressful situation thinking positively feels natural and normal for you you truly enjoy thinking positively you have the power to create change you are full of optimism others look up to you because of your positive attitude you are organized and productive your ability to think positively will lift the people around you you are very thankful you will think positively no matter what you are worthy enough to follow your dreams and manifest your desires you will always choose positive thoughts over negative thoughts you make positive choices for yourself you were a naturally positive thinker each day your thoughts become more and more positive you are someone that others are drawn to because of your positivity you know what you want [Music] positive thinking comes easy to you you are becoming effortlessly positive your possibilities in life are endless you always feel optimistic no matter what life throws your way you know you will succeed you will harness the power of positive thinking to reach your goals being a positive thinker is an important part of who you are you are free from self-doubt and filled with self-confidence staying positive no matter what is just a part of who you are you find it easy to have positive thoughts at will you think positive thoughts and radiate positive energy with ease you continue to improve yourself each and every day you no longer fear taking action you know you are confident because you remember many clear examples of being confident you are sure about what you know and what you don't know [Music] you thrive on taking action you are no longer held back by self-doubt you are powerful confident and capable in whatever you set out to accomplish [Music] you've got this [Music] you are a vibrant and rock solid person you are always finding ways to make life simpler and less complicated your self-worth is high you take good care of your health you have clear goals and know where you're headed in life you are not afraid to be wrong as it isn't a reflection of who you are you continually seek out truth and are happy to correct yourself when you find it your confidence comes from a rock-solid foundation you constantly hone your self-image to become the best version of yourself you are kind but never a pushover [Music] you are strong and secure in your own body and mind you are grateful for the blessings you have you are flexible and open to new experiences you always look to the positive side in any situation you are courageous when needed you are a reliable person you embody a successful personality you love and respect yourself and always act in your long-term interests [Music] your optimism positively transforms your reality you can create the life you love positive thinking is transforming your life you are in the right place at the right time doing the right thing [Music] you are someone who feels naturally positive all the time you are full of positive thoughts from the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep you give yourself permission to earn as much as you like you focus only on that which you have the power to change that which is out of your control no longer stresses you out positive thinking is a natural part of who you are you are making yourself proud life is getting better all the time thinking positively is just the way your mind works you choose to focus on the next step not only the entire path you are healthy and filled with energy you always find the positive in everything [Music] you will always persevere you are in charge of how you feel positive thinking feels more natural with each passing day you love yourself you believe in yourself and you support yourself always [Music] you think positively in every difficult or stressful situation thinking positively feels natural and normal for you you truly enjoy thinking positively you have the power to create change you are full of optimism others look up to you because of your positive attitude you are organized and productive your ability to think positively will lift the people around you you are very thankful you will think positively no matter what you are worthy enough to follow your dreams and manifest your desires you will always choose positive thoughts over negative thoughts you make positive choices for yourself you were a naturally positive thinker each day your thoughts become more and more positive you are someone that others are drawn to because of your positivity you know what you want thinking comes easy to you you are becoming effortlessly positive your possibilities in life are endless you always feel optimistic no matter what life throws your way you know you will succeed you will harness the power of positive thinking to reach your goals being a positive thinker is an important part of who you are you are free from self-doubt and filled with self-confidence [Music] staying positive no matter what is just a part of who you are you find it easy to have positive thoughts at will you think positive thoughts and radiate positive energy with ease you continue to improve yourself each and every day you no longer fear taking action you know you are confident because you remember many clear examples of being confident you are sure about what you know and what you don't know you thrive on taking action you are no longer held back by self-doubt you are powerful confident and capable in whatever you set out to accomplish you've got this you are a vibrant and rock solid person you are always finding ways to make life simpler and less complicated your self-worth is high [Music] you take good care of your health you have clear goals and know where you're headed in life [Music] you are not afraid to be wrong as it isn't a reflection of who you are you continually seek out truth and are happy to correct yourself when you find it your confidence comes from a rock-solid foundation [Music] you constantly hone your self-image to become the best version of yourself you are kind but never a pushover you are strong and secure in your own body and mind you are grateful for the blessings you have [Music] you are flexible and open to new experiences you always look to the positive side in any situation you are courageous when needed you are a reliable person [Music] you embody a successful personality [Music] you love and respect yourself and always act in your long-term interests your optimism positively transforms your reality you can create the life you love positive thinking is transforming your life you were in the right place at the right time doing the right thing you are someone who feels naturally positive all the time you are full of positive thoughts from the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep you give yourself permission to earn as much as you like you focus only on that which you have the power to change that which is out of your control no longer stresses you out positive thinking is a natural part of who you are you are making yourself proud life is getting better all the time thinking positively is just the way your mind works you choose to focus on the next step not only the entire path you are healthy and filled with energy you always find the positive in everything you will always persevere [Music] you are in charge of how you feel positive thinking feels more natural with each passing day you love yourself you believe in yourself and you support yourself always you think positively in every difficult or stressful situation thinking positively feels natural and normal for you you truly enjoy thinking positively you have the power to create change you are full of optimism others look up to you because of your positive attitude you are organized and productive your ability to think positively will lift the people around you you are very thankful you will think positively no matter what [Music] you are worthy enough to follow your dreams and manifest your desires you will always choose positive thoughts over negative thoughts you make positive choices for yourself you were a naturally positive thinker [Music] each day your thoughts become more and more positive you are someone that others are drawn to because of your positivity you know what you want positive thinking comes easy to you you are becoming effortlessly positive your possibilities in life are endless you always feel optimistic no matter what life throws your way know you will succeed you will harness the power of positive thinking to reach your goals being a positive thinker is an important part of who you are you are free from self-doubt and filled with self-confidence staying positive no matter what is just a part of who you are you find it easy to have positive thoughts at will you think positive thoughts and radiate positive energy with ease you continue to improve yourself each and every day you no longer fear taking action [Music] you know you are confident because you remember many clear examples of being confident you are sure about what you know and what you don't know you thrive on taking action are no longer held back by self-doubt you are powerful confident and capable in whatever you set out to accomplish you've got this you are a vibrant and rock-solid person you are always finding ways to make life simpler and less complicated your self-worth is high you take good care of your health you have clear goals and know where you're headed in life you are not afraid to be wrong as it isn't a reflection of who you are you continually seek out truth and are happy to correct yourself when you find it [Music] your confidence comes from a rock-solid foundation [Music] you constantly hone your self-image to become the best version of yourself you are kind but never a pushover you are strong and secure in your own body and mind you are grateful for the blessings you have you are flexible and open to new experiences you always look to the positive side in any situation you are courageous when needed [Music] you are a reliable person you embody a successful personality you love and respect yourself and always act in your long-term interests your optimism positively transforms your reality you can create the life you love positive thinking is transforming your life you are in the right place at the right time doing the right thing [Music] you are someone who feels naturally positive all the time you are full of positive thoughts from the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep you give yourself permission to earn as much as you like you focus only on that which you have the power to change that which is out of your control no longer stresses you out positive thinking is a natural part of who you are you are making yourself proud life is getting better all the time thinking positively is just the way your mind works you choose to focus on the next step not only the entire path you are healthy and filled with energy you always find the positive in everything you will always persevere you are in charge of how you feel positive thinking feels more natural with each passing day you love yourself you believe in yourself and you support yourself always [Music] you think positively in every difficult or stressful situation thinking positively feels natural and normal for you you truly enjoy thinking positively you have the power to create change you are full of optimism others look up to you because of your positive attitude [Music] you are organized and productive your ability to think positively will lift the people around you you are very thankful you will think positively no matter what you are worthy enough to follow your dreams and manifest your desires you will always choose positive thoughts over negative thoughts you make positive choices for yourself you are a naturally positive thinker each day your thoughts become more and more positive you are someone that others are drawn to because of your positivity you know what you want positive thinking comes easy to you you are becoming effortlessly positive your possibilities in life are endless you always feel optimistic no matter what life throws your way you know you will succeed you will harness the power of positive thinking to reach your goals being a positive thinker is an important part of who you are you are free from self-doubt and filled with self-confidence staying positive no matter what is just a part of who you are you find it easy to have positive thoughts at will [Music] you think positive thoughts and radiate positive energy with ease you continue to improve yourself each and every day you no longer fear taking action you know you are confident because you remember many clear examples of being confident you are sure about what you know and what you don't know you thrive on taking action you are no longer held back by self-doubt you are powerful confident and capable in whatever you set out to accomplish [Music] you've got this you are a vibrant and rock-solid person you are always finding ways to make life simpler and less complicated [Music] your self-worth is high you take good care of your health you have clear goals and know where you're headed in life you are not afraid to be wrong as it isn't a reflection of who you are you continually seek out truth and are happy to correct yourself when you find it your confidence comes from a rock-solid foundation [Music] you constantly hone your self-image to become the best version of yourself [Music] you are kind but never a pushover you are strong and secure in your own body and mind [Music] you are grateful for the blessings you have you are flexible and open to new experiences you always look to the positive side in any situation you are courageous when needed you are a reliable person you embody a successful personality you love and respect yourself and always act in your long-term interests your optimism positively transforms your reality you can create the life you love positive thinking is transforming your life you were in the right place at the right time doing the right thing you are someone who feels naturally positive all the time you are full of positive thoughts from the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep you give yourself permission to earn as much as you like you focus only on that which you have the power to change that which is out of your control no longer stresses you out positive thinking is a natural part of who you are you are making yourself proud life is getting better all the time thinking positively is just the way your mind works you choose to focus on the next step not only the entire path you are healthy and filled with energy you always find the positive in everything you will always persevere you are in charge of how you feel positive thinking feels more natural with each passing day you love yourself you believe in yourself and you support yourself always you think positively in every difficult or stressful situation thinking positively feels natural and normal for you you truly enjoy thinking positively you have the power to create change you are full of optimism others look up to you because of your positive attitude you are organized and productive your ability to think positively will lift the people around you you are very thankful you will think positively no matter what you are worthy enough to follow your dreams and manifest your desires you will always choose positive thoughts over negative thoughts you make positive choices for yourself you were a naturally positive thinker [Music] each day your thoughts become more and more positive you are someone that others are drawn to because of your positivity you know what you want [Music] positive thinking comes easy to you [Music] you are becoming effortlessly positive your possibilities in life are endless you always feel optimistic no matter what life throws your way you know you will succeed you will harness the power of positive thinking to reach your goals being a positive thinker is an important part of who you are you are free from self-doubt and filled with self-confidence staying positive no matter what is just a part of who you are you find it easy to have positive thoughts at will you think positive thoughts and radiate positive energy with ease you continue to improve yourself each and every day you no longer fear taking action [Music] you know you are confident because you remember many clear examples of being confident you are sure about what you know and what you don't know you thrive on taking action [Music] you are no longer held back by self-doubt [Music] you are powerful confident and capable in whatever you set out to accomplish you've got this you are a vibrant and rock solid person you are always finding ways to make life simpler and less complicated your self-worth is high you take good care of your health you have clear goals and know where you're headed in life you are not afraid to be wrong as it isn't a reflection of who you are you continually seek out truth and are happy to correct yourself when you find it your confidence comes from a rock-solid foundation you constantly hone your self-image to become the best version of yourself you are kind but never a pushover you are strong and secure in your own body and mind you are grateful for the blessings you have you are flexible and open to new experiences you always look to the positive side in any situation you are courageous when needed you are a reliable person [Music] you embody a successful personality you love and respect yourself and always act in your long term interest your optimism positively transforms your reality [Music] you can create the life you love positive thinking is transforming your life you were in the right place at the right time doing the right thing you are someone who feels naturally positive all the time you are full of positive thoughts from the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep you give yourself permission to earn as much as you like you focus only on that which you have the power to change that which is out of your control no longer stresses you out positive thinking is a natural part of who you are you are making yourself proud life is getting better all the time thinking positively is just the way your mind works you choose to focus on the next step not only the entire path you are healthy and filled with energy you always find the positive in everything [Music] you will always persevere you are in charge of how you feel [Music] positive thinking feels more natural with each passing day you love yourself you believe in yourself and you support yourself always you think positively in every difficult or stressful situation thinking positively feels natural and normal for you you truly enjoy thinking positively you have the power to create change you are full of optimism others look up to you because of your positive attitude you are organized and productive your ability to think positively will lift the people around you you are very thankful you will think positively no matter what you are worthy enough to follow your dreams and manifest your desires you will always choose positive thoughts over negative thoughts you make positive choices for yourself you were a naturally positive thinker each day your thoughts become more and more positive you are someone that others are drawn to because of your positivity you know what you want positive thinking comes easy to you you are becoming effortlessly positive your possibilities in life are endless you always feel optimistic no matter what life throws your way you know you will succeed you will harness the power of positive thinking to reach your goals being a positive thinker is an important part of who you are you are free from self-doubt and filled with self-confidence staying positive no matter what is just a part of who you are you find it easy to have positive thoughts at will you think positive thoughts and radiate positive energy with ease you continue to improve yourself each and every day you no longer fear taking action you know you are confident because you remember many clear examples of being confident you are sure about what you know and what you don't know you thrive on taking action you are no longer held back by self-doubt you are powerful confident and capable in whatever you set out to accomplish you've got this you are a vibrant and rock solid person you are always finding ways to make life simpler and less complicated [Music] your self-worth is high [Music] you take good care of your health you have clear goals and know where you're headed in life you are not afraid to be wrong as it isn't a reflection of who you are you continually seek out truth and are happy to correct yourself when you find it your confidence comes from a rock-solid foundation you constantly hone your self-image to become the best version of yourself you are kind but never a pushover [Music] you are strong and secure in your own body and mind [Music] you are grateful for the blessings you have you are flexible and open to new experiences you always look to the positive side in any situation [Music] you are courageous when needed [Music] you are a reliable person you embody a successful personality you love and respect yourself and always act in your long term interest your optimism positively transforms your reality you can create the life you love positive thinking is transforming your life you were in the right place at the right time doing the right thing you are someone who feels naturally positive all the time you are full of positive thoughts from the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep you give yourself permission to earn as much as you like you focus only on that which you have the power to change that which is out of your control no longer stresses you out positive thinking is a natural part of who you are you are making yourself proud life is getting better all the time thinking positively is just the way your mind works you choose to focus on the next step not only the entire path you are healthy and filled with energy you always find the positive in everything you will always persevere you are in charge of how you feel positive thinking feels more natural with each passing day you love yourself you believe in yourself and you support yourself always you think positively in every difficult or stressful situation thinking positively feels natural and normal for you you truly enjoy thinking positively you have the power to create change you are full of optimism others look up to you because of your positive attitude you are organized and productive [Music] your ability to think positively will lift the people around you you are very thankful you will think positively no matter what you are worthy enough to follow your dreams and manifest your desires [Music] you will always choose positive thoughts over negative thoughts you make positive choices for yourself you are a naturally positive thinker each day your thoughts become more and more positive you are someone that others are drawn to because of your positivity you know what you want positive thinking comes easy to you you are becoming effortlessly positive your possibilities in life are endless you always feel optimistic no matter what life throws your way you know you will succeed you will harness the power of positive thinking to reach your goals being a positive thinker is an important part of who you are you are free from self-doubt and filled with self-confidence [Music] staying positive no matter what is just a part of who you are you find it easy to have positive thoughts at will you think positive thoughts and radiate positive energy with ease you continue to improve yourself each and every day you no longer fear taking action you know you are confident because you remember many clear examples of being confident you are sure about what you know and what you don't know you thrive on taking action you are no longer held back by self-doubt you are powerful confident and capable in whatever you set out to accomplish you've got this you are a vibrant and rock solid person you are always finding ways to make life simpler and less complicated your self-worth is high you take good care of your health you have clear goals and know where you're headed in life you are not afraid to be wrong as it isn't a reflection of who you are you continually seek out truth and are happy to correct yourself when you find it your confidence comes from a rock-solid foundation you constantly hone your self-image to become the best version of yourself you are kind but never a pushover you are strong and secure in your own body and mind you are grateful for the blessings you have you are flexible and open to new experiences you always look to the positive side in any situation you are courageous when needed you are a reliable person you embody a successful personality you love and respect yourself and always act in your long-term interests your optimism positively transforms your reality [Music] you can create the life you love positive thinking is transforming your life you were in the right place at the right time doing the right thing you are someone who feels naturally positive all the time [Music] you are full of positive thoughts from the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep you give yourself permission to earn as much as you like you focus only on that which you have the power to change that which is out of your control no longer stresses you out positive thinking is a natural part of who you are you are making yourself proud life is getting better all the time thinking positively is just the way your mind works you choose to focus on the next step not only the entire path you are healthy and filled with energy you always find the positive in everything you will always persevere you are in charge of how you feel positive thinking feels more natural with each passing day you love yourself you believe in yourself and you support yourself always you think positively in every difficult or stressful situation thinking positively feels natural and normal for you you truly enjoy thinking positively [Music] you have the power to create change you are full of optimism [Music] others look up to you because of your positive attitude you are organized and productive your ability to think positively will lift the people around you you are very thankful you will think positively no matter what you are worthy enough to follow your dreams and manifest your desires you will always choose positive thoughts over negative thoughts you make positive choices for yourself you were a naturally positive thinker each day your thoughts become more and more positive you are someone that others are drawn to because of your positivity you know what you want positive thinking comes easy to you you are becoming effortlessly positive your possibilities in life are endless you always feel optimistic no matter what life throws your way you know you will succeed you will harness the power of positive thinking to reach your goals being a positive thinker is an important part of who you are you are free from self-doubt and filled with self-confidence staying positive no matter what is just a part of who you are you find it easy to have positive thoughts at will you think positive thoughts and radiate positive energy with ease you continue to improve yourself each and every day you no longer fear taking action you know you are confident because you remember many clear examples of being confident you are sure about what you know and what you don't know you thrive on taking action you are no longer held back by self-doubt [Music] you are powerful confident and capable in whatever you set out to accomplish you've got this [Music] you are a vibrant and rock solid person you are always finding ways to make life simpler and less complicated your self-worth is high you take good care of your health you have clear goals and know where you're headed in life you are not afraid to be wrong as it isn't a reflection of who you are you continually seek out truth and are happy to correct yourself when you find it [Music] your confidence comes from a rock-solid foundation [Music] you constantly hone your self-image to become the best version of yourself [Music] you are kind but never a pushover you are strong and secure in your own body and mind you are grateful for the blessings you have you are flexible and open to new experiences you always look to the positive side in any situation you are courageous when needed you are a reliable person you embody a successful personality you love and respect yourself and always act in your long-term interests your optimism positively transforms your reality you can create the life you love positive thinking is transforming your life you are in the right place at the right time doing the right thing you are someone who feels naturally positive all the time you are full of positive thoughts from the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep you give yourself permission to earn as much as you like you focus only on that which you have the power to change that which is out of your control no longer stresses you out positive thinking is a natural part of who you are you are making yourself proud life is getting better all the time thinking positively is just the way your mind works you choose to focus on the next step not only the entire path you are healthy and filled with energy you always find the positive in everything you will always persevere you are in charge of how you feel positive thinking feels more natural with each passing day you love yourself you believe in yourself and you support yourself always you think positively in every difficult or stressful situation thinking positively feels natural and normal for you [Music] you truly enjoy thinking positively you have the power to create change you are full of optimism others look up to you because of your positive attitude you are organized and productive your ability to think positively will lift the people around you you are very thankful you will think positively no matter what you are worthy enough to follow your dreams and manifest your desires you will always choose positive thoughts over negative thoughts you make positive choices for yourself you were a naturally positive thinker [Music] each day your thoughts become more and more positive [Music] you are someone that others are drawn to because of your positivity you know what you want positive thinking comes easy to you you are becoming effortlessly positive your possibilities in life are endless you always feel optimistic no matter what life throws your way you know you will succeed you will harness the power of positive thinking to reach your goals being a positive thinker is an important part of who you are you are free from self-doubt and filled with self-confidence staying positive no matter what is just a part of who you are you find it easy to have positive thoughts at will you think positive thoughts and radiate positive energy with ease you continue to improve yourself each and every day you no longer fear taking action you know you are confident because you remember many clear examples of being confident you are sure about what you know and what you don't know you thrive on taking action you are no longer held back by self-doubt you are powerful confident and capable in whatever you set out to accomplish you've got this you are a vibrant and rock-solid person you are always finding ways to make life simpler and less complicated your self-worth is high you take good care of your health you have clear goals and know where you're headed in life you are not afraid to be wrong as it isn't a reflection of who you are you continually seek out truth and are happy to correct yourself when you find it [Music] your confidence comes from a rock-solid foundation you constantly hone your self-image to become the best version of yourself you are kind but never a pushover you are strong and secure in your own body and mind you are grateful for the blessings you have you are flexible and open to new experiences you always look to the positive side in any situation you are courageous when needed you are a reliable person you embody a successful personality [Music] you love and respect yourself and always act in your long-term interest your optimism positively transforms your reality you can create the life you love positive thinking is transforming your life you are in the right place at the right time doing the right thing you are someone who feels naturally positive all the time you are full of positive thoughts from the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep you give yourself permission to earn as much as you like you focus only on that which you have the power to change that which is out of your control no longer stresses you out positive thinking is a natural part of who you are [Music] you are making yourself proud life is getting better all the time [Music] thinking positively is just the way your mind works you choose to focus on the next step not only the entire path you are healthy and filled with energy you always find the positive in everything you will always persevere you are in charge of how you feel positive thinking feels more natural with each passing day you love yourself you believe in yourself and you support yourself always you think positively in every difficult or stressful situation thinking positively feels natural and normal for you you truly enjoy thinking positively you have the power to create change you are full of optimism others look up to you because of your positive attitude you are organized and productive your ability to think positively will lift the people around you you are very thankful you will think positively no matter what you are worthy enough to follow your dreams and manifest your desires you will always choose positive thoughts over negative thoughts you make positive choices for yourself you were a naturally positive thinker [Music] each day your thoughts become more and more positive you are someone that others are drawn to because of your positivity you know what you want positive thinking comes easy to you you are becoming effortlessly positive your possibilities in life are endless you always feel optimistic no matter what life throws your way you know you will succeed you will harness the power of positive thinking to reach your goals being a positive thinker is an important part of who you are you are free from self-doubt and filled with self-confidence [Music] staying positive no matter what is just a part of who you are you find it easy to have positive thoughts at will you think positive thoughts and radiate positive energy with ease you continue to improve yourself each and every day [Music] you no longer fear taking action you know you are confident because you remember many clear examples of being confident [Music] you are sure about what you know and what you don't know you thrive on taking action you are no longer held back by self-doubt you are powerful confident and capable in whatever you set out to accomplish you've got this you are a vibrant and rock solid person you are always finding ways to make life simpler and less complicated [Music] [Music] your self-worth is high you take good care of your health you have clear goals and know where you're headed in life you are not afraid to be wrong as it isn't a reflection of who you are you continually seek out truth and are happy to correct yourself when you find it your confidence comes from a rock-solid foundation [Music] you constantly hone your self-image to become the best version of yourself [Music] you are kind but never a pushover you are strong and secure in your own body and mind you are grateful for the blessings you have you are flexible and open to new experiences you always look to the positive side in any situation you are courageous when needed you are a reliable person you embody a successful personality you love and respect yourself and always act in your long-term interest your optimism positively transforms your reality you can create the life you love positive thinking is transforming your life you were in the right place at the right time doing the right thing you are someone who feels naturally positive all the time you are full of positive thoughts from the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep you give yourself permission to earn as much as you like you focus only on that which you have the power to change that which is out of your control no longer stresses you out positive thinking is a natural part of who you are you are making yourself proud life is getting better all the time thinking positively is just the way your mind works you choose to focus on the next step not only the entire path you are healthy and filled with energy you always find the positive in everything you will always persevere you are in charge of how you feel positive thinking feels more natural with each passing day you love yourself you believe in yourself and you support yourself always you think positively in every difficult or stressful situation thinking positively feels natural and normal for you you truly enjoy thinking positively you have the power to create change [Music] you are full of optimism others look up to you because of your positive attitude you are organized and productive your ability to think positively will lift the people around you you are very thankful [Music] you will think positively no matter what you are worthy enough to follow your dreams and manifest your desires you will always choose positive thoughts over negative thoughts you make positive choices for yourself you are a naturally positive thinker each day your thoughts become more and more positive you are someone that others are drawn to because of your positivity you know what you want positive thinking comes easy to you you are becoming effortlessly positive your possibilities in life are endless you always feel optimistic no matter what life throws your way you know you will succeed you will harness the power of positive thinking to reach your goals being a positive thinker is an important part of who you are [Music] you are free from self-doubt and filled with self-confidence [Music] staying positive no matter what is just a part of who you are you find it easy to have positive thoughts at will you think positive thoughts and radiate positive energy with ease you continue to improve yourself each and every day you no longer fear taking action you know you are confident because you remember many clear examples of being confident you are sure about what you know and what you don't know you thrive on taking action you are no longer held back by self-doubt you are powerful confident and capable in whatever you set out to accomplish you've got this you are a vibrant and rock solid person you are always finding ways to make life simpler and less complicated your self-worth is high you take good care of your health [Music] you have clear goals and know where you're headed in life you are not afraid to be wrong as it isn't a reflection of who you are you continually seek out truth and are happy to correct yourself when you find it [Music] your confidence comes from a rock-solid foundation you constantly hone your self-image to become the best version of yourself you are kind but never a pushover [Music] you are strong and secure in your own body and mind you are grateful for the blessings you have [Music] you are flexible and open to new experiences you always look to the positive side in any situation you are courageous when needed you are a reliable person you embody a successful personality you love and respect yourself and always act in your long term interest your optimism positively transforms your reality [Music] you can create the life you love positive thinking is transforming your life you were in the right place at the right time doing the right thing you are someone who feels naturally positive all the time you're full of positive thoughts from the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep you give yourself permission to earn as much as you like you focus only on that which you have the power to change that which is out of your control no longer stresses you out positive thinking is a natural part of who you are you are making yourself proud life is getting better all the time thinking positively is just the way your mind works you choose to focus on the next step not only the entire path you are healthy and filled with energy you always find the positive in everything you will always persevere you are in charge of how you feel positive thinking feels more natural with each passing day you love yourself you believe in yourself and you support yourself always you think positively in every difficult or stressful situation thinking positively feels natural and normal for you you truly enjoy thinking positively you have the power to create change you are full of optimism others look up to you because of your positive attitude you are organized and productive your ability to think positively will lift the people around you you are very thankful you will think positively no matter what you are worthy enough to follow your dreams and manifest your desires you will always choose positive thoughts over negative thoughts you make positive choices for yourself you are a naturally positive thinker each day your thoughts become more and more positive you are someone that others are drawn to because of your positivity you know what you want positive thinking comes easy to you you are becoming effortlessly positive your possibilities in life are endless you always feel optimistic no matter what life throws your way you know you will succeed you will harness the power of positive thinking to reach your goals being a positive thinker is an important part of who you are you are free from self-doubt and filled with self-confidence staying positive no matter what is just a part of who you are you find it easy to have positive thoughts at will you think positive thoughts and radiate positive energy with ease you continue to improve yourself each and every day you no longer fear taking action you know you are confident because you remember many clear examples of being confident you are sure about what you know and what you don't know [Music] you thrive on taking action you are no longer held back by self-doubt you are powerful confident and capable in whatever you set out to accomplish you've got this you are a vibrant and rock solid person you are always finding ways to make life simpler and less complicated your self-worth is high you take good care of your health you have clear goals and know where you're headed in life [Music] you are not afraid to be wrong as it isn't a reflection of who you are [Music] you continually seek out truth and are happy to correct yourself when you find it [Music] your confidence comes from a rock-solid foundation you constantly hone your self-image to become the best version of yourself you are kind but never a pushover you are strong and secure in your own body and mind you are grateful for the blessings you have you are flexible and open to new experiences you always look to the positive side in any situation you are courageous when needed you are a reliable person you embody a successful personality you love and respect yourself and always act in your long-term interests your optimism positively transforms your reality you can create the life you love positive thinking is transforming your life you are in the right place at the right time doing the right thing you are someone who feels naturally positive all the time you are full of positive thoughts from the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep you give yourself permission to earn as much as you like you focus only on that which you have the power to change that which is out of your control no longer stresses you out positive thinking is a natural part of who you are you are making yourself proud life is getting better all the time [Music] thinking positively is just the way your mind works you choose to focus on the next step not only the entire path you are healthy and filled with energy you always find the positive in everything you will always persevere you are in charge of how you feel positive thinking feels more natural with each passing day you love yourself you believe in yourself and you support yourself always you think positively in every difficult or stressful situation thinking positively feels natural and normal for you you truly enjoy thinking positively you have the power to create change you are full of optimism others look up to you because of your positive attitude you are organized and productive your ability to think positively will lift the people around you you are very thankful [Music] you will think positively no matter what you are worthy enough to follow your dreams and manifest your desires you will always choose positive thoughts over negative thoughts you make positive choices for you were a yourself positive thinker each day your thoughts become more and more positive you are someone that others are drawn to because of your positivity you know what you want positive thinking comes easy to you you are becoming effortlessly positive your possibilities in life are endless you always feel optimistic no matter what life throws your way you know you will succeed you will harness the power of positive thinking to reach your goals being a positive thinker is an important part of who you are you are free from self-doubt and filled with self-confidence [Music] staying positive no matter what is just a part of who you are you find it easy to have positive thoughts at will you think positive thoughts and radiate positive energy with ease you continue to improve yourself each and every day you no longer fear taking action you know you are confident because you remember many clear examples of being confident [Music] you are sure about what you know and what you don't know you thrive on taking action you are no longer held back by self-doubt you are powerful confident and capable in whatever you set out to accomplish you've got this you are a vibrant and rock-solid person you are always finding ways to make life simpler and less complicated your self-worth is high you take good care of your health you have clear goals and know where you're headed in life you are not afraid to be wrong as it isn't a reflection of who you are you continually seek out truth and are happy to correct yourself when you find it your confidence comes from a rock-solid foundation you constantly hone your self-image to become the best version of yourself you are kind but never a pushover you are strong and secure in your own body and mind you are grateful for the blessings you have you are flexible and open to new experiences [Music] you always look to the positive side in any situation you are courageous when needed you are a reliable person you embody a successful personality you love and respect yourself and always act in your long-term interests your optimism positively transforms your reality you can create the life you love positive thinking is transforming your life you are in the right place at the right time doing the right thing you are someone who feels naturally positive all the time you are full of positive thoughts from the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep you give yourself permission to earn as much as you like you focus only on that which you have the power to change that which is out of your control no longer stresses you out [Music] positive thinking is a natural part of who you are you are making yourself proud life is getting better all the time thinking positively is just the way your mind works [Music] you choose to focus on the next step not only the entire path you are healthy and filled with energy you always find the positive in everything you will always persevere you are in charge of how you feel positive thinking feels more natural with each passing day you love yourself you believe in yourself and you support yourself always you think positively in every difficult or stressful situation thinking positively feels natural and normal for you you truly enjoy thinking positively you have the power to create change you are full of optimism others look up to you because of your positive attitude you are organized and productive your ability to think positively will lift the people around you you are very thankful you will think positively no matter what you are worthy enough to follow your dreams and manifest your desires you will always choose positive thoughts over negative thoughts you make positive choices for yourself you were a naturally positive thinker each day your thoughts become more and more positive you are someone that others are drawn to because of your positivity you know what you want positive thinking comes easy to you you are becoming effortlessly positive your possibilities in life are endless you always feel optimistic no matter what life throws your way you know you will succeed you will harness the power of positive thinking to reach your goals being a positive thinker is an important part of who you are you are free from self-doubt and filled with self-confidence staying positive no matter what is just a part of who you are you find it easy to have positive thoughts at will you think positive thoughts and radiate positive energy with ease you continue to improve yourself each and every day [Music] you no longer fear taking action you know you are confident because you remember many clear examples of being confident you are sure about what you know and what you don't know you thrive on taking action you are no longer held back by self-doubt you are powerful confident and capable in whatever you set out to accomplish you've got this you are a vibrant and rock-solid person [Music] you are always finding ways to make life simpler and less complicated your self-worth is high you take good care of your health [Music] you have clear goals and know where you're headed in life you are not afraid to be wrong as it isn't a reflection of who you are you continually seek out truth and are happy to correct yourself when you find it [Music] your confidence comes from a rock solid foundation you constantly hone yourself image to become the best version of yourself you are kind but never a pushover you are strong and secure in your own body and mind you are grateful for the blessings you have you are flexible and open to new experiences you always look to the positive side in any situation you are courageous when needed you are a reliable person you embody a successful personality you love and respect yourself and always act in your long-term interests your optimism positively transforms your reality you can create the life you love positive thinking is transforming your life you were in the right place at the right time doing the right thing you are someone who feels naturally positive all the time you are full of positive thoughts from the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep you give yourself permission to earn as much as you like you focus only on that which you have the power to change that which is out of your control no longer stresses you out positive thinking is a natural part of who you are you are making yourself proud life is getting better all the time thinking positively is just the way your mind works you choose to focus on the next step not only the entire path you are healthy and filled with energy you always find the positive in everything you will always persevere you are in charge of how you feel positive thinking feels more natural with each passing day you love yourself you believe in yourself and you support yourself always you think positively in every difficult or stressful situation [Music] thinking positively feels natural and normal for you you truly enjoy thinking positively you have the power to create change you are full of optimism others look up to you because of your positive attitude [Music] you are organized and productive your ability to think positively will lift the people around you you are very thankful you will think positively no matter what you are worthy enough to follow your dreams and manifest your desires you will always choose positive thoughts over negative thoughts you make positive choices for yourself you are a naturally positive thinker each day your thoughts become more and more positive you are someone that others are drawn to because of your positivity you know what you want positive thinking comes easy to you [Music] you are becoming effortlessly positive your possibilities in life are endless you always feel optimistic no matter what life throws your way [Music] you know you will succeed you will harness the power of positive thinking to reach your goals [Music] being a positive thinker is an important part of who you are you are free from self-doubt and filled with self-confidence staying positive no matter what is just a part of who you are you find it easy to have positive thoughts at will you think positive thoughts and radiate positive energy with ease you continue to improve yourself each and every day you no longer fear taking action you know you are confident because you remember many clear examples of being confident you are sure about what you know and what you don't know you thrive on taking action you are no longer held back by self-doubt you are powerful confident and capable in whatever you set out to accomplish you've got this you are a vibrant and rock solid person you are always finding ways to make life simpler and less complicated your self-worth is high [Music] you take good care of your health [Music] you have clear goals and know where you're headed in life you are not afraid to be wrong as it isn't a reflection of who you are [Music] you continually seek out truth and are happy to correct yourself when you find it your confidence comes from a rock-solid foundation you constantly hone your self-image to become the best version of yourself you are kind but never a pushover [Music] you are strong and secure in your own body and mind you are grateful for the blessings you have you are flexible and open to new experiences you always look to the positive side in any situation you are courageous when needed you are a reliable person you embody a successful personality [Music] you love and respect yourself and always act in your long-term interest your optimism positively transforms your reality you can create the life you love positive thinking is transforming your life you were in the right place at the right time doing the right thing you are someone who feels naturally positive all the time [Music] you are full of positive thoughts from the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep you give yourself permission to earn as much as you like you focus only on that which you have the power to change that which is out of your control no longer stresses you out positive thinking is a natural part of who you are you are making yourself proud life is getting better all the time [Music] thinking positively is just the way your mind works you choose to focus on the next step not only the entire path you are healthy and filled with energy you always find the positive in everything you will always persevere you are in charge of how you feel [Music] positive thinking feels more natural with each passing day you love yourself you believe in yourself and you support yourself always you think positively in every difficult or stressful situation thinking positively feels natural and normal for you you truly enjoy thinking positively you have the power to create change you are full of optimism others look up to you because of your positive attitude you are organized and productive your ability to think positively will lift the people around you you are very thankful you will think positively no matter what you are worthy enough to follow your dreams and manifest your desires you will always choose positive thoughts over negative thoughts you make positive choices for yourself you are a naturally positive thinker each day your thoughts become more and more positive you are someone that others are drawn to because of your positivity you know what you want positive thinking comes easy to you you are becoming effortlessly positive your possibilities in life are endless you always feel optimistic no matter what life throws your way you know you will succeed you will harness the power of positive thinking to reach your goals being a positive thinker is an important part of who you are you are free from self-doubt and filled with self-confidence staying positive no matter what is just a part of who you are you find it easy to have positive thoughts at will you think positive thoughts and radiate positive energy with ease you continue to improve yourself each and every day you no longer fear taking action you know you are confident because you remember many clear examples of being confident you are sure about what you know and what you don't know you thrive on taking action [Music] you are no longer held back by self-doubt you are powerful confident and capable in whatever you set out to accomplish you've got this you are a vibrant and rock solid person you are always finding ways to make life simpler and less complicated your self-worth is high you take good care of your health you have clear goals and know where you're headed in life [Music] you are not afraid to be wrong as it isn't a reflection of who you are [Music] you continually seek out truth and are happy to correct yourself when you find it your confidence comes from a rock-solid foundation you constantly hone your self-image to become the best version of yourself you are kind but never a pushover you are strong and secure in your own body and mind you are grateful for the blessings you have you are flexible and open to new experiences you always look to the positive side in any situation you are courageous when needed you are a reliable person you embody a successful personality you love and respect yourself and always act in your long-term interest your optimism positively transforms your reality you can create the life you love positive thinking is transforming your life you were in the right place at the right time doing the right thing you are someone who feels naturally positive all the time you are full of positive thoughts from the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep you give yourself permission to earn as much as you like you focus only on that which you have the power to change that which is out of your control no longer stresses you out positive thinking is a natural part of who you are you are making yourself proud life is getting better all the time thinking positively is just the way your mind works you choose to focus on the next step not only the entire path you are healthy and filled with energy you always find the positive in everything you will always persevere [Music] you are in charge of how you feel positive thinking feels more natural with each passing day you love yourself you believe in yourself and you support yourself always you think positively in every difficult or stressful situation thinking positively feels natural and normal for you you truly enjoy thinking positively you have the power to create change you are full of optimism others look up to you because of your positive attitude [Music] you are organized and productive your ability to think positively will lift the people around you you are very thankful you will think positively no matter what [Music] you are worthy enough to follow your dreams and manifest your desires you will always choose positive thoughts over negative thoughts you make positive choices for yourself you were a naturally positive thinker each day your thoughts become more and more positive [Music] you are someone that others are drawn to because of your positivity you know what you want positive thinking comes easy to you you are becoming effortlessly positive your possibilities in life are endless you always feel optimistic no matter what life throws your way you know you will succeed you will harness the power of positive thinking to reach your goals being a positive thinker is an important part of who you are you are free from self-doubt and filled with self-confidence staying positive no matter what is just a part of who you are you find it easy to have positive thoughts at will you think positive thoughts and radiate positive energy with ease you continue to improve yourself each and every day you no longer fear taking action you know you are confident because you remember many clear examples of being confident you are sure about what you know and what you don't know you thrive on taking action you are no longer held back by self-doubt you are powerful confident and capable in whatever you set out to accomplish you've got this you are a vibrant and rock solid person you are always finding ways to make life simpler and less complicated your self-worth is high you take good care of your health [Music] you have clear goals and know where you're headed in life you are not afraid to be wrong as it isn't a reflection of who you are you continually seek out truth and are happy to correct yourself when you find it your confidence comes from a rock-solid foundation you constantly hone your self-image to become the best version of yourself you are kind but never a pushover you are strong and secure in your own body and mind [Music] you are grateful for the blessings you have you are flexible and open to new experiences you always look to the positive side in any situation [Music] you are courageous when needed you are a reliable person you embody a successful personality you love and respect yourself and always act in your long term interest your optimism positively transforms your reality you can create the life you love positive thinking is transforming your life you are in the right place at the right time doing the right thing you are someone who feels naturally positive all the time you are full of positive thoughts from the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep you give yourself permission to earn as much as you like you focus only on that which you have the power to change which is out of your control no longer stresses you out positive thinking is a natural part of who you are you are making yourself proud life is getting better all the time thinking positively is just the way your mind works you choose to focus on the next step not only the entire path you are healthy and filled with energy you always find the positive in everything you will always persevere you are in charge of how you feel positive thinking feels more natural with each passing day you love yourself you believe in yourself and you support yourself always you think positively in every difficult or stressful situation thinking positively feels natural and normal for you you truly enjoy thinking positively you have the power to create change you are full of optimism others look up to you because of your positive attitude you are organized and productive your ability to think positively will lift the people around you you are very thankful you will think positively no matter what you are worthy enough to follow your dreams and manifest your desires you will always choose positive thoughts over negative thoughts you make positive choices for yourself you are a naturally positive thinker each day your thoughts become more and more positive you are someone that others are drawn to because of your positivity you know what you want positive thinking comes easy to you you are becoming effortlessly positive your possibilities in life are endless you always feel optimistic no matter what life throws your way you know you will succeed you will harness the power of positive thinking to reach your goals being a positive thinker is an important part of who you are you are free from self-doubt and filled with self-confidence staying positive no matter what is just a part of who you are you find it easy to have positive thoughts at will you think positive thoughts and radiate positive energy with ease you continue to improve yourself each and every day you no longer fear taking action you know you are confident because you remember many clear examples of being confident you are sure about what you know and what you don't know you thrive on taking action [Music] you are no longer held back by self-doubt you are powerful confident and capable in whatever you set out to accomplish [Music] you've got this you are a vibrant and rock solid person you are always finding ways to make life simpler and less complicated [Music] your self-worth is high you take good care of your health you have clear goals and know where you're headed in life you are not afraid to be wrong as it isn't a reflection of who you are [Music] you continually seek out truth and are happy to correct yourself when you find it your confidence comes from a rock-solid foundation you constantly hone your self-image to become the best version of yourself [Music] you are kind but never a pushover [Music] you are strong and secure in your own body and mind you are grateful for the blessings you have you are flexible and open to new experiences you always look to the positive side in any situation you are courageous when needed you are a reliable person you embody a successful personality you love and respect yourself and always act in your long-term interests your optimism positively transforms your reality you can create the life you [Music] love positive thinking is transforming your life you were in the right place at the right time doing the right thing you are someone who feels naturally positive all the time you are full of positive thoughts from the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep you give yourself permission to earn as much as you like you focus only on that which you have the power to change that which is out of your control no longer stresses you out positive thinking is a natural part of who you are you are making yourself proud life is getting better all the time thinking positively is just the way your mind works you choose to focus on the next step not only the entire path you are healthy and filled with energy you always find the positive in everything you will always persevere you are in charge of how you feel positive thinking feels more natural with each passing day you love yourself you believe in yourself and you support yourself always you think positively in every difficult or stressful situation thinking positively feels natural and normal for you you truly enjoy thinking positively [Music] you have the power to create change you are full of optimism others look up to you because of your positive attitude you are organized and productive your ability to think positively will lift the people around you you are very thankful you will think positively no matter what you are worthy enough to follow your dreams and manifest your desires you will always choose positive thoughts over negative thoughts you make positive choices for yourself you were a naturally positive thinker each day your thoughts become more and more positive you are someone that others are drawn to because of your positivity you know what you want positive thinking comes easy to you [Music] you are becoming effortlessly positive your possibilities in life are endless you always feel optimistic no matter what life throws your way you know you will succeed you will harness the power of positive thinking to reach your goals being a positive thinker is an important part of who you are you are free from self-doubt and filled with self-confidence staying positive no matter what is just a part of who you are you find it easy to have positive thoughts at will you think positive thoughts and radiate positive energy with ease you continue to improve yourself each and every day you no longer fear taking action you know you are confident because you remember many clear examples of being confident you are sure about what you know and what you don't know you thrive on taking action you are no longer held back by self-doubt you are powerful confident and capable in whatever you set out to accomplish you've got this you are a vibrant and rock solid person you are always finding ways to make life simpler and less complicated your self-worth is high you take good care of your health you have clear goals and know where you're headed in life you are not afraid to be wrong as it isn't a reflection of who you are you continually seek out truth and are happy to correct yourself when you find it your confidence comes from a rock-solid foundation you constantly hone your self-image to become the best version of yourself you are kind but never a pushover you are strong and secure in your own body and mind you are grateful for the blessings you have you are flexible and open to new experiences you always look to the positive side in any situation [Music] you are courageous when needed you are a reliable person [Music] you embody a successful personality you love and respect yourself and always act in your long-term interests your optimism positively transforms your reality you can create the life you love positive thinking is transforming your life you were in the right place at the right time doing the right thing you are someone who feels naturally positive all the time you are full of positive thoughts from the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep you give yourself permission to earn as much as you like you focus only on that which you have the power to change that which is out of your control no longer stresses you out [Music] positive thinking is a natural part of who you are you are making yourself proud life is getting better all the time thinking positively is just the way your mind works you choose to focus on the next step not only the entire path you are healthy and filled with energy you always find the positive in everything you will always persevere you are in charge of how you feel positive thinking feels more natural with each passing day you love yourself you believe in yourself and you support yourself always you think positively in every difficult or stressful situation thinking positively feels natural and normal for you you truly enjoy thinking positively you have the power to create change you are full of optimism others look up to you because of your positive attitude you are organized and productive your ability to think positively will lift the people around you you are very thankful you will think positively no matter what you are worthy enough to follow your dreams and manifest your desires you will always choose positive thoughts over negative thoughts you make positive choices for yourself you are a naturally positive thinker each day your thoughts become more and more positive you are someone that others are drawn to because of your positivity you know what you want positive thinking comes easy to you you are becoming effortlessly positive your possibilities in life are endless you always feel optimistic no matter what life throws your way you know you will succeed you will harness the power of positive thinking to reach your goals being a positive thinker is an important part of who you are you are free from self-doubt and filled with self-confidence staying positive no matter what is just a part of who you are you find it easy to have positive thoughts at will you think positive thoughts and radiate positive energy with ease [Music] you continue to improve yourself each and every day you no longer fear taking action you know you are confident because you remember many clear examples of being confident [Music] you are sure about what you know and what you don't know you thrive on taking action you are no longer held back by self-doubt you are powerful confident and capable in whatever you set out to accomplish you've got this you are a vibrant and rock solid person you are always finding ways to make life simpler and less complicated [Music] your self-worth is high [Music] you take good care of your health you have clear goals and know where you're headed in life [Music] you are not afraid to be wrong as it isn't a reflection of who you are you continually seek out truth and are happy to correct yourself when you find it your confidence comes from a rock-solid foundation you constantly hone your image to become the best version of yourself you are kind but never a pushover you are strong and secure in your own body and mind you are grateful for the blessings you have you are flexible and open to new experiences you always look to the positive side in any situation you are courageous when needed you are a reliable person you embody a successful personality you love and respect yourself and always act in your long-term interests [Music] your optimism positively transforms your reality you can create the life you love positive thinking is transforming your life you are in the right place at the right time doing the right thing you are someone who feels naturally positive all the time you you're full of positive thoughts from the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep [Music] you give yourself permission to earn as much as you like you focus only on that which you have the power to change that which is out of your control no longer stresses you out positive thinking is a natural part of who you are you are making yourself proud life is getting better all the time thinking positively is just the way your mind works you choose to focus on the next step not only the entire path you are healthy and filled with energy you always find the positive in everything you will always persevere you are in charge of how you feel positive thinking feels more natural with each passing day you love yourself you believe in yourself and you support yourself always you think positively in every difficult or stressful situation thinking positively feels natural and normal for you you truly enjoy thinking positively you have the power to create change you are full of optimism others look up to you because of your positive attitude [Music] you are organized and productive [Music] your ability to think positively will lift the people around you you are very thankful you will think positively no matter what you are worthy enough to follow your dreams and manifest your desires you will always choose positive thoughts over negative thoughts you make positive choices for yourself you were a naturally positive thinker each day your thoughts become more and more positive you are someone that others are drawn to because of your positivity you know what you want positive thinking comes easy to you you are becoming effortlessly positive your possibilities in life are endless [Music] you always feel optimistic no matter what life throws your way you know you will succeed you will harness the power of positive thinking to reach your goals being a positive thinker is an important part of who you are you are free from self-doubt and filled with self-confidence staying positive no matter what is just a part of who you are you find it easy to have positive thoughts at will you think positive thoughts and radiate positive energy with ease you continue to improve yourself each and every day you no longer fear taking action you know you are confident because you remember many clear examples of being confident you are sure about what you know and what you don't know you thrive on taking action you are no longer held back by self-doubt you are powerful confident and capable in whatever you set out to accomplish you've got this you are a vibrant and rock solid person you are always finding ways to make life simpler and less complicated your self-worth is high [Music] you take good care of your health you have clear goals and know where you're headed in life you are not afraid to be wrong as it isn't a reflection of who you are continually seek out truth and are happy to correct yourself when you find it your confidence comes from a rock solid foundation you constantly hone your self-image to become the best version of yourself [Music] you are kind but never a pushover you are strong and secure in your own body and mind you are grateful for the blessings you have [Music] you are flexible and open to new experiences you always look to the positive side in any situation you are courageous when needed you are a reliable person you embody a successful personality you love and respect yourself and always act in your long-term interest your optimism positively transforms your reality you can create the life you love positive thinking is transforming your life you are in the right place at the right time doing the right thing you are someone who feels naturally positive all the time you are full of positive thoughts from the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep you give yourself permission to earn as much as you like [Music] you focus only on that which you have the power to change that which is out of your control no longer stresses you out positive thinking is a natural part of who you are you are making yourself proud life is getting better all the time thinking positively is just the way your mind works you choose to focus on the next step not only the entire path you are healthy and filled with energy [Music] you always find the positive in everything you will always persevere you are in charge of how you feel positive thinking feels more natural with each passing day you love yourself you believe in yourself and you support yourself always you think positively in every difficult or stressful situation thinking positively feels natural and normal for you you truly enjoy thinking positively you have the power to create change you are full of optimism others look up to you because of your positive attitude you are organized and productive your ability to think positively will lift the people around you you are very thankful you will think positively no matter what you are worthy enough to follow your dreams and manifest your desires you will always choose positive thoughts over negative thoughts you make positive choices for yourself you were a naturally positive thinker each day your thoughts become more and more positive you are someone that others are drawn to because of your positivity you know what you want positive thinking comes easy to you you are becoming effortlessly positive your possibilities in life are endless you always feel optimistic no matter what life throws your way you know you will succeed you will harness the power of positive thinking to reach your goals being a positive thinker is an important part of who you are you are free from self-doubt and filled with self-confidence staying positive no matter what is just a part of who you are you find it easy to have positive thoughts at will you think positive thoughts and radiate positive energy with ease you continue to improve yourself each and every day no longer fear taking action you know you are confident because you remember many clear examples of being confident you are sure about what you know and what you don't know you thrive on taking action [Music] you are no longer held back by self-doubt [Music] you are powerful confident and capable in whatever you set out to accomplish you've got this you are a vibrant and rock solid person [Music] you are always finding ways to make life simpler and less complicated your self-worth is high you take good care of your health [Music] you have clear goals and know where you're headed in life [Music] you are not afraid to be wrong as it isn't a reflection of who you are you continually seek out truth and are happy to correct yourself when you find it [Music] your confidence comes from a rock-solid foundation [Music] you constantly hone your self-image to become the best version of yourself you are kind but never a pushover you are strong and secure in your own body and mind you are grateful for the blessings you have you are flexible and open to new experiences you always look to the positive side in any situation you are courageous when needed you are a reliable person you embody a successful personality you love and respect yourself and always act in your long term interest your optimism positively transforms your reality you can create the life you love positive thinking is transforming your life you were in the right place at the right time doing the right thing you are someone who feels naturally positive all the time you are full of positive thoughts from the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep you give yourself permission to earn as much as you like you focus only on that which you have the power to change that which is out of your control no longer stresses you out positive thinking is a natural part of who you are you are making yourself proud life is getting better all the time thinking positively is just the way your mind works you choose to focus on the next step not only the entire path you are healthy and filled with energy you always find the positive in everything you will always persevere you are in charge of how you feel positive thinking feels more natural with each passing day you love yourself you believe in yourself and you support yourself always you think positively in every difficult or stressful situation thinking positively feels natural and normal for you you truly enjoy thinking positively you have the power to create change you are full of optimism others look up to you because of your positive attitude you are organized and productive your ability to think positively will lift the people around you you are very thankful you will think positively no matter what you are worthy enough to follow your dreams and manifest your desires you will always choose positive thoughts over negative thoughts you make positive choices for yourself you are a naturally positive thinker each day your thoughts become more and more positive [Music] you are someone that others are drawn to because of your positivity [Music] you know what you want positive thinking comes easy to you you are becoming effortlessly positive your possibilities in life are endless you always feel optimistic no matter what life throws your way you know you will succeed you will harness the power of positive thinking to reach your goals being a positive thinker is an important part of who you are you are free from self-doubt and filled with self-confidence staying positive no matter what is just a part of who you are you find it easy to have positive thoughts at will you think positive thoughts and radiate positive energy with ease you continue to improve yourself each and every day you no longer fear taking action you know you are confident because you remember many clear examples of being confident you are sure about what you know and what you don't know you thrive on taking action you are no longer held back by self-doubt you are powerful confident and capable in whatever you set out to accomplish you've got this [Music] you are a vibrant and rock solid person [Music] you are always finding ways to make life simpler and less complicated your self-worth is high [Music] you take good care of your health you have clear goals and know where you're headed in life you are not afraid to be wrong as it isn't a reflection of who you are you continually seek out truth and are happy to correct yourself when you find it your confidence comes from a rock-solid foundation you constantly hone your self-image to become the best version of yourself you are kind but never a pushover you are strong and secure in your own body and mind you are grateful for the blessings you have [Music] you are flexible and open to new experiences you always look to the positive side in any situation [Music] you are courageous when needed you are a reliable person you embody a successful personality you love and respect yourself and always act in your long-term [Music] interests your optimism positively transforms your reality you can create the life you love positive thinking is transforming your life you were in the right place at the right time doing the right thing you are someone who feels naturally positive all the time you are full of positive thoughts from the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep [Music] you give yourself permission to earn as much as you like you focus only on that which you have the power to change that which is out of your control no longer stresses you out positive thinking is a natural part of who you are you are making yourself proud life is getting better all the time [Music] thinking positively is just the way your mind works you choose to focus on the next step not only the entire path you are healthy and filled with energy you always find the positive in everything you will always persevere you are in charge of how you feel positive thinking feels more natural with each passing day you love yourself you believe in yourself and you support yourself always you think positively in every difficult or stressful situation thinking positively feels natural and normal for you you truly enjoy thinking positively you have the power to create change you are full of optimism others look up to you because of your positive attitude you are organized and productive your ability to think positively will lift the people around you you are very thankful you will think positively no matter what you are worthy enough to follow your dreams and manifest your desires you will always choose positive thoughts over negative thoughts you make positive choices for [Music] you were a yourself positive thinker each day your thoughts become more and more positive you are someone that others are drawn to because of your positivity you know what you want thinking comes easy to you you are becoming effortlessly positive your possibilities in life are endless you always feel optimistic no matter what life throws your way you know you will succeed you will harness the power of positive thinking to reach your goals being a positive thinker is an important part of who you are you are free from self-doubt and filled with self-confidence staying positive no matter what is just a part of who you are [Music] you find it easy to have positive thoughts at will you think positive thoughts and radiate positive energy with ease you continue to improve yourself each and every day you no longer fear taking action you know you are confident because you remember many clear examples of being confident you are sure about what you know and what you don't know you thrive on taking action you are no longer held back by self-doubt you are powerful confident and capable in whatever you set out to accomplish you've got this you are a vibrant and rock solid person you are always finding ways to make life simpler and less complicated [Music] your self-worth is high [Music] you take good care of your health you have clear goals and know where you're headed in life you are not afraid to be wrong as it isn't a reflection of who you are you continually seek out truth and are happy to correct yourself when you find it your confidence comes from a rock-solid foundation you constantly hone your self-image to become the best version of yourself you are kind but never a pushover you are strong and secure in your own body and mind you are grateful for the blessings you have you are flexible and open to new experiences you always look to the positive side in any situation you are courageous when needed you are a reliable person you embody a successful personality [Music] you love and respect yourself and always act in your long-term interests [Music] your optimism positively transforms your reality you can create the life you love positive thinking is transforming your life you were in the right place at the right time doing the right thing you are someone who feels naturally positive all the time you are full of positive thoughts from the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep you give yourself permission to earn as much as you like you focus only on that which you have the power to change that which is out of your control no longer stresses you out positive thinking is a natural part of who you are you are making yourself proud [Music] life is getting better all the time thinking positively is just the way your mind works you choose to focus on the next step not only the entire path you are healthy and filled with energy you always find the positive in everything you will always persevere you are in charge of how you feel positive thinking feels more natural with each passing day you love yourself you believe in yourself and you support yourself always [Music] you think positively in every difficult or stressful situation thinking positively feels natural and normal for you you truly enjoy thinking positively you have the power to create change you are full of optimism others look up to you because of your positive attitude you are organized and productive your ability to think positively will lift the people around you you are very thankful you will think positively no matter what [Music] you are worthy enough to follow your dreams and manifest your desires you will always choose positive thoughts over negative thoughts you make positive choices for yourself you were a naturally positive thinker each day your thoughts become more and more positive [Music] you are someone that others are drawn to because of your positivity [Music] you know what you want [Music] positive thinking comes easy to you you are becoming effortlessly positive your possibilities in life are endless you always feel optimistic no matter what life throws your way you know you will succeed you will harness the power of positive thinking to reach your goals [Music] being a positive thinker is an important part of who you are you are free from self-doubt and filled with self-confidence staying positive no matter what is just a part of who you are you find it easy to have positive thoughts at will you think positive thoughts and radiate positive energy with ease you continue to improve yourself each and every day no longer fear taking action you know you are confident because you remember many clear examples of being confident you are sure about what you know and what you don't know you thrive on taking action you are no longer held back by self-doubt you are powerful confident and capable in whatever you set out to accomplish you've got this you are a vibrant and rock-solid person [Music] you are always finding ways to make life simpler and less complicated your self-worth is high you take good care of your health you have clear goals and know where you're headed in life you are not afraid to be wrong as it isn't a reflection of who you are you continually seek out truth and are happy to correct yourself when you find it your confidence comes from a rock solid foundation [Music] you constantly hone your self image to become the best version of yourself you are kind but never a pushover [Music] you are strong and secure in your own body and mind you are grateful for the blessings you have you are flexible and open to new experiences you always look to the positive side in any situation you are courageous when needed you are a reliable person you embody a successful personality you love and respect yourself and always act in your long-term interests your optimism positively transforms your reality you can create the life you love [Music] positive thinking is transforming your life you are in the right place at the right time doing the right thing you are someone who feels naturally positive all the time you are full of positive thoughts from the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep you give yourself permission to earn as much as you like you focus only on that which you have the power to change that which is out of your control no longer stresses you out positive thinking is a natural part of who you are you are making yourself proud life is getting better all the time thinking positively is just the way your mind works you choose to focus on the next step not only the entire path you are healthy and filled with energy you always find the positive in everything you will always persevere you are in charge of how you feel positive thinking feels more natural with each passing day you love yourself you believe in yourself and you support yourself always you think positively in every difficult or stressful situation thinking positively feels natural and normal for you you truly enjoy thinking positively you have the power to create change you are full of optimism others look up to you because of your positive attitude you are organized and productive your ability to think positively will lift the people around you [Music] you are very thankful you will think positively no matter what [Music] you are worthy enough to follow your dreams and manifest your desires you will always choose positive thoughts over negative thoughts you make positive choices for yourself you were a naturally positive thinker each day your thoughts become more and more positive you are someone that others are drawn to because of your positivity you know what you want positive thinking comes easy to you you are becoming effortlessly positive your possibilities in life are endless you always feel optimistic no matter what life throws your way you know you will succeed [Music] you will harness the power of positive thinking to reach your goals being a positive thinker is an important part of who you are you are free from self-doubt and filled with self-confidence staying positive no matter what is just a part of who you are you find it easy to have positive thoughts at will you think positive thoughts and radiate positive energy with ease you continue to improve yourself each and every day no longer fear taking action you know you are confident because you remember many clear examples of being confident you are sure about what you know and what you don't know [Music] you thrive on taking action you are no longer held back by self-doubt you are powerful confident and capable in whatever you set out to accomplish [Music] you've got this you are a vibrant and rock solid person you are always finding ways to make life simpler and less complicated your self-worth is high [Music] you take good care of your health you have clear goals and know where you're headed in life you are not afraid to be wrong as it isn't a reflection of who you are [Music] you continually seek out truth and are happy to correct yourself when you find it your confidence comes from a rock-solid foundation you constantly hone your self-image to become the best version of yourself you are kind but never a pushover you are strong and secure in your own body and mind you are grateful for the blessings you have you are flexible and open to new experiences you always look to the positive side in any situation you are courageous when needed you are a reliable person you embody a successful personality you love and respect yourself and always act in your long-term interest [Music] your optimism positively transforms your reality you can create the life you love positive thinking is transforming your life you were in the right place at the right time doing the right thing you are someone who feels naturally positive all the time you are full of positive thoughts from the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep you give yourself permission to earn as much as you like you focus only on that which you have the power to change that which is out of your control no longer stresses you out positive thinking is a natural part of who you are you are making yourself proud life is getting better all the time thinking positively is just the way your mind works [Music] you choose to focus on the next step not only the entire path you are healthy and filled with energy you always find the positive in everything you will always persevere you are in charge of how you feel [Music] positive thinking feels more natural with each passing day you love yourself you believe in yourself and you support yourself always you think positively in every difficult or stressful situation thinking positively feels natural and normal for you you truly enjoy thinking positively you have the power to create change you are full of optimism others look up to you because of your positive attitude you are organized and productive your ability to think positively will lift the people around you you are very thankful you will think positively no matter what you are worthy enough to follow your dreams and manifest your desires [Music] you will always choose positive thoughts over negative thoughts you make positive choices for yourself you were a naturally positive thinker [Music] each day your thoughts become more and more positive you are someone that others are drawn to because of your positivity you know what you want positive thinking comes easy to you you are becoming effortlessly positive your possibilities in life are endless you always feel optimistic no matter what life throws your way you know you will succeed you will harness the power of positive thinking to reach your goals being a positive thinker is an important part of who you are you are free from self-doubt and filled with self-confidence staying positive no matter what is just a part of who you are you find it easy to have positive thoughts at will you think positive thoughts and radiate positive energy with ease you continue to improve yourself each and every day you no longer fear taking action you know you are confident because you remember many clear examples of being confident you are sure about what you know and what you don't know you thrive on taking action you are no longer held back by self-doubt you are powerful confident and capable in whatever you set out to accomplish [Music] you've got this you are a vibrant and rock solid person you are always finding ways to make life simpler and less complicated your self-worth is high you take good care of your health you have clear goals and know where you're headed in life you are not afraid to be wrong as it isn't a reflection of who you are you continually seek out truth and are happy to correct yourself when you find it your confidence comes from a rock-solid foundation you constantly hone your self-image to become the best version of yourself you are kind but never a pushover you are strong and secure in your own body and mind you are grateful for the blessings you have [Music] you are flexible and open to new experiences [Music] you always look to the positive side in any situation you are courageous when needed you are a reliable person you embody a successful personality you love and respect yourself and always act in your long-term interest your optimism positively transforms your reality you can create the life you love positive thinking is transforming your life you were in the right place at the right time doing the right thing [Music] you are someone who feels naturally positive all the time you are full of positive thoughts from the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep you give yourself permission to earn as much as you like you focus only on that which you have the power to change that which is out of your control no longer stresses you out [Music] positive thinking is a natural part of who you are you are making yourself proud life is getting better all the time thinking positively is just the way your mind works you choose to focus on the next step not only the entire path you are healthy and filled with energy you always find the positive in everything you will always persevere you are in charge of how you feel positive thinking feels more natural with each passing day you love yourself you believe in yourself and you support yourself always you think positively in every difficult or stressful situation thinking positively feels natural and normal for you you truly enjoy thinking positively you have the power to create change you are full of optimism others look up to you because of your positive attitude you are organized and productive your ability to think positively will lift the people around you you are very thankful you will think positively no matter what you are worthy enough to follow your dreams and manifest your desires you will always choose positive thoughts over negative thoughts you make positive choices for yourself you are a naturally positive thinker each day your thoughts become more and more positive you are someone that others are drawn to because of your positivity you know what you want positive thinking comes easy to you you are becoming effortlessly positive your possibilities in life are endless you always feel optimistic no matter what life throws your way you know you will succeed you will harness the power of positive thinking to reach your goals being a positive thinker is an important part of who you are you are free from self-doubt and filled with self-confidence staying positive no matter what is just a part of who you are you find it easy to have positive thoughts at will you think positive thoughts and radiate positive energy with ease you continue to improve yourself each and every day you no longer fear taking action you know you are confident because you remember many clear examples of being confident you are sure about what you know and what you don't know you thrive on taking action you are no longer held back by self-doubt you are powerful confident and capable in whatever you set out to accomplish [Music] you've got this [Music] you are a vibrant and rock solid person [Music] you are always finding ways to make life simpler and less complicated your self-worth is high you take good care of your health you have clear goals and know where you're headed in life you are not afraid to be wrong as it isn't a reflection of who you are you continually seek out truth and are happy to correct yourself when you find it your confidence comes from a rock-solid foundation you constantly hone your self-image to become the best version of yourself you are kind but never a pushover you are strong and secure in your own body and mind you are grateful for the blessings you have you are flexible and open to new experiences you always look to the positive side in any situation you are courageous when needed [Music] you are a reliable person you embody a successful personality you love and respect yourself and always act in your long term interest your optimism positively transforms your reality you can create the life you love positive thinking is transforming your life you are in the right place at the right time doing the right thing you are someone who feels naturally positive all the time you are full of positive thoughts from the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep you give yourself permission to earn as much as you like you focus only on that which you have the power to change [Music] that which is out of your control no longer stresses you out positive thinking is a natural part of who you are you are making yourself proud life is getting better all the time thinking positively is just the way your mind works you choose to focus on the next step not only the entire path you are healthy and filled with energy you always find the positive in everything you will always persevere you are in charge of how you feel positive thinking feels more natural with each passing day you love yourself you believe in yourself and you support yourself always [Music] you think positively in every difficult or stressful situation [Music] thinking positively feels natural and normal for you you truly enjoy thinking positively you have the power to create change you are full of optimism others look up to you because of your positive attitude you are organized and productive [Music] your ability to think positively will lift the people around you you are very thankful you will think positively no matter what you are worthy enough to follow your dreams and manifest your desires you will always choose positive thoughts over negative thoughts you make positive choices for yourself you are a naturally positive thinker [Music] each day your thoughts become more and more positive are someone that others are drawn to because of your positivity you know what you want positive thinking comes easy to you you are becoming effortlessly positive your possibilities in life are endless [Music] you always feel optimistic no matter what life throws your way you know you will succeed you will harness the power of positive thinking to reach your goals being a positive thinker is an important part of who you are you are free from self-doubt and filled with self-confidence staying positive no matter what is just a part of who you are [Music] you find it easy to have positive thoughts at will you think positive thoughts and radiate positive energy with ease you continue to improve yourself each and every day you no longer fear taking action you know you are confident because you remember many clear examples of being confident you are sure about what you know and what you don't know you thrive on taking action you are no longer held back by self-doubt you are powerful confident and capable in whatever you set out to accomplish you've got this [Music] you are a vibrant and rock solid person you are always finding ways to make life simpler and less complicated your self-worth is high you take good care of your health you have clear goals and know where you're headed in life you are not afraid to be wrong as it isn't a reflection of who you are you continually seek out truth and are happy to correct yourself when you find it your confidence comes from a rock-solid foundation you constantly hone your self-image to become the best version of yourself [Music] you are kind but never a pushover you are strong and secure in your own body and mind you are grateful for the blessings you have you are flexible and open to new experiences you always look to the positive side in any situation you are courageous when needed you are a reliable person [Music] you embody a successful personality [Music] you love and respect yourself and always act in your long-term interests [Music] you
Channel: Antony Reed - Sleep Meditations
Views: 16,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HmcFUcJhCTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 486min 2sec (29162 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 02 2022
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