Hidden Treasures of the Bible - Chuck Missler

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Can you summarize the video? Not all of us have the time to click on every televangelist.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Tekhead001 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Do you really expect someone to slog through 1.5hrs of video to figure out things for you?

At the very least summarize what you consider the strongest arguments in the video.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Edgar_Brown πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Lol, the same thing can be done with Harry Potter (somebody did, I’ll find the link later) and you can still find whatever message you’re looking for by selecting different intervals to pick letters.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Snow75 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This Chuck Missler?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FlyingSquid πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

It's confirmation bias/cherry picking.

When you have such a large set of text you can search for words to match pretty much any hypothesis you want. I'm sure someone could use the same method to show that Satan wrote the bible. Just search till you find the words that make sentences you like and bam: Satan did it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/prajnadhyana πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

He’s a lunatic

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Tulanol πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

He’s probably a con man like TV evangelists roll. You purchase materials and he gets rich.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Iowa1995 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Does he present a single novel argument? If so, tell us what it is.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Agent-c1983 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Books written with words (that have been translated) in patterns show supernatural influence? Keep on believing. I’m happy for you. If this is the basis for debate, it is just not worth it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BingoBangoJam πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
Koinonia house is a non-profit Christian ministry that is supported by the purchasing of materials and donations to learn more about Koinonia house and the materials we have available visit k house org and please be responsible in the sharing and dissemination of this information and respect the copyrights therein thank you it is a bit overwhelming for me to be here at Bethlehem College speaking to educators what a privilege because you're going to reach our kids through the classroom not the pulpit I think that's exciting our organization is only trans nationalists trans denominational so we really appreciate this approach to improving the biblical literacy and what an initiative is represented by this gathering I I just appreciate that some of you may know we wrote a book that's that become a definitive text cosmic codes hidden messages from the edge of eternity but it's a very heavy tome so we have a very little summary of it called hidden treasures and that's what I'm going to draw on for this little gathering I come to this whole topic from a high technology executive background rather than a seminary background and because of that I have perhaps a little different perspective this little diagram is just a warm-up thing it will draw up on its implications later in the talk but you notice that in the Bible of course there's 12 tribes of Israel and you can always leave one out and still have 12 you may wonder how that's done not by this diagram you'll see that little later but I just that's just my little teaser to see make sure that everything else is working so we'll just move on here we're going to talk about hidden treasures I should tell you right up front I get so frustrated on a broadcast where we have some Christian commentator make some positive statement about the Bible but he always preface --is it with a little disclaimer you can't prove the Bible but and then they go on to make a positive statement I'm so tired of that because this you can I want to show you some things that I think will put you on a little different footing regarding this incredible treasure that we have here in our laps the Word of God from a little different perspective and so this is going to be first part of two part thing here but in our little book here we have a warning on it that it's sort of like a cosmetic warning on a prescription drug or something this presentation may prove damaging to the comfort of closely-held presuppositions and we don't try to play favorites we'll have something in this briefing to offend everybody so so well we'll do what we can there and so our ministry has really based on two discoveries and these discoveries you should not take because I assert them I want you to challenge them in your own study the discovery is that the 66 books that we glibly called the Bible even though they were penned by over 40 different guys who didn't even know each other and yet despite that there's 66 books over 40 authors and this was gathered over a period of over - about 2,000 years now the significant discovery that comes out of this is that there are two discoveries the first is that the 66 books penned by over 40 different guys over several thousand years is an integrated message system I'm using that is a technical term I'm not saying that there's a theme in the Old Testament fulfilled anew no much more than that the thing you need to discover is that every number every place name every detail in those 66 books is there by deliberate design and that's something you need to discover for yourself because if once you discover that it changes your perspective in regarding the integrity of the whole not just in broad brush sense in a very detailed way when you discover that you stumble into a second discovery about that that the origin of that package had originated from outside our time domain it has supernatural origin and you can prove that very simply by doing just what I said so I want to challenge you with that and dwell on that as we go so one of the places we're going to go I know this is going to make some people nervous here but just bear with me are there hidden messages in the Bible and that is mentioned several places one way is in proverbs 25:2 it's the Gloria God to conceal a thing and the duty or honor of Kings to find them out so I'm going to show you some of those things as example let's start with the riddle we all know who's the oldest man in the Bible anybody who's the oldest man of the Bible anybody Methuselah good for you he lived 969 years and yet he died before his father that bother you he's the oldest man in the Bible but he died before his father see everybody forgets who his father was and so his father was Enoch right now he knocks an interesting guy we know quite a bit about Enoch strangely enough when he was 65 years old something happened in his life which caused him from that day on to walk with God whatever that means okay what happened there something else you need to understand the flood of Noah did not come as a surprise the flood of Noah was preached on for four generations and Enoch was told that as long as his newly born son is alive the judgment of that flood would be withheld and he that's why he named him Methuselah as you analyze that word in the Hebrew it comes from a root moose which means his death occurs 125 times in the Old Testament and the verb shelach which means to send forth to bring her set forth the name Methuselah actually means from the roots his death shall bring and it's interesting as you study your Bible Methuselah lived 187 years and then he had a son by the name of Lamech and when Lamech was and when he was a hundred and eighty-two he had a son by the name of Noah and we know that in it was in the six hundredth year of Noah's that the flood came in other words Methuselah 's life was a duration of God's mercy but it got to a point when the judgment came so it he fulfilled that prophecy you girls can you imagine raising that kid every time he caught a cold the entire neighborhood would go into panic as long as he's alive everything's fine but when he died the flood came now what's interesting about this is when you get to Genesis chapter 5 we tend to sort of skip over it Genesis 1 and 2 of the creation that's great stuff Genesis 3 is the seed plot for the whole Bible Genesis for the murder and so forth and Genesis 6 on is the flood of Noah Genesis 5 is one of those chapters you have a tendency to skip over I mean what is it it's just a genealogy of ten guys okay Adam Seth Enosh Kenan Mahalalel Jared Enoch Methuselah Lamech and Noah the problem with Genesis 5 is that it's not translated for you most of us are operating from an English translation in this case those names are transliterated the meaning isn't there it's an approximation of how they pronounced it and said we we don't know how to deal with the tract see what our names mean my legal name is Charles what does that mean nobody knows it's been lost people have different conjectures but no one's quite sure many of us in this room probably have names that were just given to us by parents because it appealed to them at the time doesn't necessarily carry significance but in Hebrew it's a whole other thing many of you may not realize that Hebrew is the only language that's anemic not just phonetic most alphabets are phonetically they lend insight as to how you pronounce a word Hebrew is unique in that the original Hebrew the paleo hebrew symbolized a concept not just a sound a meaning the first letter was written served like an ox instead it represented strength or first Aleph that's what it originally meant after the Babylonian captivity Hebrew adopted a box form that we see today it's lost its roots from its original paleo hebrew the hebrew department of the university of arizona pointed out to me that if they teach the kids the paleo hebrew letters which will remind them of the meaning of the letter they can end up that takes maybe an hour to learn they can read about 80% of Hebrew because Hebrew verbs especially but Hebrew words are based on a three-letter root and if you know the Alpha the meaning of the alphabet you can know what the word mean the aleph there is typically means first or strength and and or leader if you will the second letter is bet originally written like it is on the left today it's written a little differently but that bet represented a house or home and bet that's what it means it means house or family bethlehem the house of bread beth-el the house of god see beth the letter itself carries meaning it's um it's a it's a semi not just a phoneme and so if you take an Aleph and a bet together that's the first or this the leader of the house who's the leader of the house that's their name for father you see Abba Abba Father okay and if you take the letter hei which is a breath like an open window or two arms reg up the word het is a breath or spirit if you will if you put a hay in the middle of the word it represents the essence of that word and if you take it comes from hands lifted up what-have-you so it means Behold or revealed or wind or spirit breeze when is a hay and so if you take the table The Aleph and the Beth that put the hay right in the middle of it that gives you the essence of the Father you're following me what is the essence of the Father it's the is the word is love a hob is the Hebrew word for love see why I'm trying to get across is in the Hebrew the letters themselves carry the meaning not just the sound and that's why we you understand that you can generally infer the meaning of the word from the structure of the letters and so that's so now when a member Abraham and Sarah said I I should say change their name when God changed the name he's simply what he did was he added a hey in the name he inserted the Spirit of God in their lives and Abram became Abraham and so forth let's get back to our little genealogy bear with me in Genesis 5 the first one is Adam and that's pretty straightforward Otto mama means man no problem there so his son Seth means appointed in this case chapter four the earlier chapter in genesis iva explains it he said for god hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel whom came who came flew so uh so the the mean the name Seth meant means appointed okay we're getting somewhere the next one is Enoch and that is a verb which means mortal frail or miserable from the root and osh which is usually used of a wound or grief or something like that pretty tough handle to go through school with he has a son by the name of Kenan not Canaan the some of your Bible that Kenan because Balaam in fact does a pun on those names in numbers but the point is that word can mean sorrow dirge or le that's another tough label to go through school with you know hey sorrow you're on our team you know it's a pretty tough name so when he has a son he says enough of this he named his son a mouthful but a great name he called his son Mahalalel Mahal which means the blessed or praised one and L of course the name for God so Mahalalel it's a mouthful but what it means is the blessed God or the praised God so far so good now his son is named Jared which is a verb meaning to come down and there's a whole story behind that I'll spare you for this particular discussion and he has a son by the name of Enoch which we mentioned already but what is the name anak mean it turns out it's an academic term it means commencements or teaching if you will and Enoch of course as I said before had a son buddy Methuselah and of course that was his death shall bring and that was the year when he dies is the year the flood came we went through that he has a son by the name of Lamech and this is a case where the root is still available to us in our English the the root there we see it in lament or lamentation and Lamech is means despairing the root that implies despairing and Lamech has a son by the name of Noah how many of you have heard of Noah I have about 60% Graham during okay I'm kidding of course okay Noah it's a it's derived from the Hebrew word Nahum which means to bring relief or comfort in fact the comforter arrest is what the term implies and in fact he his father says he calls his name Noah saying the same shall comfort us the name Noah Khomeini's comfort or rest okay so you've been with me so far we have a genealogy here then of 10 people Adam Seth Enosh Kenan Mahalalel Jared Enoch Methuselah Lamech and Noah that's let's not transliterate it let's translate it what do those names mean well Adam means man Seth means appointed Enoch means mortal kenan means sorrow Mahalalel means the blessed god Yared means shall come down enoch teaching Methuselah his death shall bring Lamech the despairing and Noah comfort arrest man's appointed mortal sorrow but the blessed God shall come down teaching that his death shall bring whose death God's death man has appointed mortal sorrow but the blessed God shall come down teaching that his death shall bring the despairing comfort arrest Wow every time I do this I get goosebumps now there's no way this has several implications there's no way you'll ever convince me that a group of Jewish rabbis conspired to hide a summary of the New Testament Christian gospel in a genealogy in the Torah no way this also tells you that God's plan for man was not a knee-jerk reaction to a surprise he and the son planned the Redemption before the foundation of the earth Ephesians 1:4 will confirm that to you and there's other passages of course breathtaking inside by paying attention to the text I've studied the Bible for about 65 years and every all through those years I often had to change my views as I learned more but in summarizing all that I was stunned to realize that every time I had to change my views about the text it was always in the direction of taking it more seriously than before I be information scientist I've now learned that the key is precision be precise with words you sometimes have to be even more precise than your translators were you need to do a little bit of homework one integrated design new Testament is in the Old Testament concealed and the Old Testament is in the New Testament revealed it's one book I often threaten to have a have a conference where we're going to tear the page out and the Bible it's unnecessary that'll bring out all the fundamentalists and then with great ceremony will open the book and tear out the page between the old New Testament it's one book sixty-six books but penned by a single author well we talked about the flood when it started let me change subjects on you a little bit when did the flood end we all know what the flood of Noah in Chapter six and seven and so on when you get to chapter eight verse four we have an interesting verse it says the ark rested in the seventh month on the seventeenth day of the month and on the mountains of Ararat now if you've been a if you're a normal person when you read something like that you just keep reading go on but if you've been to one of my Bible studies you know you are no longer a normal well-adjusted person don't you remember that I have this peculiar view that everything in the scripture is there deliberately the Holy Spirit had a reason okay well why did the Holy Spirit want you to know the this very date the date that their Ark finally after the foot comes to rest it tells you that it's the seventeenth day of the seventh month well that's you have to understand a little background to follow this you're going to have to know that the Jews have two calendars the Genesis calendar it starts with the first of Tishri in the fall that's Rosh Hashanah they've head of the new year they're new year starts typically in our fall that's we'll call that the Genesis calendar which is the one that's referred to in Genesis chapter eight but when you get to the book of Exodus you have the pass were introduced and you the Lord says when he introduces Passover he says this month month of nasaan shall beat unto you the beginning of months it shall be the first month of the year to you so that suddenly the Jews have two calendars have the civil calendar I'll call it the one that's the Genesis calendar that's what the when Rosh Hashanah their new year they celebrate and so forth fine but the religious calendar the spiritual calendar starts in the spring the month of design because it's on the 14th of this on that they celebrate Passover and so so if you look at this you realize that the month that is the first month of the Exodus calendar is the month of Nisan which is the seventh month of the Genesis calendar well with that in sight now you look at this that month of the Sun we notice it we talk about beginnings we know that Jesus was crucified on Passover he was the Passover anyway and those were fulfilled on that day so we have crucified he was crucified on the fourteenth and a sign how long was he in the grave how many how many was it anyone three days we agree in there okay well that means he resurrected then on the 17th of nasaan right but wait a minute that was the seventeenth day of the seventh month connect the dots on this now noah's new beginning on the planet earth was on the anniversary in advance of our new beginning in Christ now you can shrug that off as a coincidence except there are hundreds of mothers of Scripture and that's why - - a Greek mind like yours in mind if we're Gentile is prophesies of prediction and a fulfillment a prediction of fulfillment not to the Hebrew mind the Hebrew nine prophecy is pattern there in the paddock and God has a pattern the Jews catechism is his calendar and it's amazing how many things linked to that and so okay let me shift gears here a little bit I was playing with you earlier with this 12 and 13 thing on the slide I want to talk about the camp of vision when you get to numbers chapter 2 you have all these numbering of the tribes I'm going to suggest to you that every detail in the scriptures there by deliberate design well what on earth might be hidden behind all these numbers in numbers chapter 2 you have all these numbers Jesus said the volume of the book is written of me he says that in Psalm 40 verse 7 it's quoted in Hebrews also and so let's take a look at this well when you go through numbers chapter 2 you discover the jito with seventy four thousand six hundred the type of this a karthick their numbering people over to the males only over twenty-five but anyway sitting out aside Jude is seventy four six hundred is the car 54 four and we discover that that twelve tribes are clustered into four camps and but let's just go through these numbers and I won't go all the details the point is they're all in numbers chapter two and as you go through these and look them over there they are and you say so what on earth why are these numbers in your Bible let me tell you another secret God always rewards the diligent if you're paying attention to numbers chapter two carefully you know that the twelve tribes are clustered into four camps Judah Issachar and Zebulun together become the camp of Judah Reuben Simeon and GAD become the camp of Reuben Ephraim Manasseh and Benjamin become the camp of Ephraim and Dan Asher and Naphtali the tribe of Dan I'd the camp of Dan so the nation was grouped into four camps and when we look at that and tally them we have a glimpse of those four camps so far you with me let's notice something else as we go here you notice those are twelve tribes without Levi Levi was separated to see there's 13 tribes you can choose from you always have to get a baker's dozen so you've got a spare here the the Levites camped in the middle there was the tabernacle we always have the bottom of the map that the with east at the bottom north to the right WestEd and so forth and in there we have the Levites the three families the coast Knights Kuroko fights and merits are in the west south and north side of the tabernacle then at the east side you have Moses and the priests so that was the way the levites including Moses in the priests camped we don't know how much space were required by them but whatever it is is going to be our unit so whatever space that is it is that's the space because you'll see what and where I'm headed here you've got to you've got to give them credit they really tried very hard to follow the law and what the Torah says is the camp of Judah is to be east of the Levites okay and the camp of Reuben is to be south of the Levites and so on when you examine it carefully you realize to be really strict here what do you do with the area that South East it's neither south nor east okay so what do you do with that I'm going to suggest to you that if you follow the Torah's instruction you only can use the ordinal points of the compass and the width of the camp for Levi is the basic unit you're going to use and the length of the arm will be proportional to the population so let's take a look at this right in the middle we have the Levites and they add up to about 22,000 as a total we have Judah to the south but they are to the east I mean and that the emblem of the tribe of Judah was the lion the line of the tribe of Judah that was all 12 tribes had a ensign but Judah was to be the head of the camp of Judah and so that's what they all camp but they could only camp as wide as the Levites if they're going to stay east of the Levites they can't get wider than that or they're no longer east of the Levites you're following me so far okay and they would take them as much space as they needed Reuben is to the south his symbol happened to be the man a man and that was his ensign and he could he could only camp as wide as the Levites camp was if he's going to be south of there and then he goes as far as he needs and then of course see the people down here in this space that South East is neither south or east so it's not camped you're following me that's it that's overlooked by most people as you look at the text very carefully well so the south east south west north those are forbidden areas to the west we have ephraim and his three to make the camp of ephraim and his symbol was the ox a symbol of servanthood if you will and then of course to the north we have the tribe of Dan now the tribe of Dan originally had the symbol of the serpent in Genesis 49 but a he's er didn't like that so he changed this symbol to an eagle with a serpent in its mouth and that becomes the symbol or the instant if you will of the tribe of Dan many people fumble on that by not knowing that little detail but the point is his symbol was of course the eagle and that's well documented through your text and again he would be northeast can only be north the only part that's north of it can only be as wide as the camp of the Levites so now we have a problem because we've got populations that are different ok Judah is 186,000 and and both Reuben and Dan about a hundred and fifty some odd and then Ephraim has only 108 so let's get in our imaginary helicopter that's also a time machine we'll go back to the time of the wilderness wanderings what have you and we'll take a look at what this looked like from the air isn't that interesting that when the camp of Israel was the the nation was encamped when Balaam was up on the top of the hill for King Balak that's what he saw and the the longest one being on the east that's the population of the camp of Judah the smallest room to the west which is the camp before I am the other two roughly the same size you can take your Bible and make your own scale drawing for this and come your own conclusions but you've got a sketch a narrow aerial view of the the camp of Israel in your Bible it's called numbers chapter 2 to get some paper and try that when you get home something else by the way of the twelve tribes four of them instance were used as the four camps and we have the lion the man the ox and the eagle we recognize that right away as the four phases of the Karia been in both the Seraphim and Isaiah 6 and the Seraphim and the cherubim zekiel 1 and 10 and certainly in Revelation 4 and 5 and on so you can run with that one if you like but they apparently when they were in camp we're making a model of the throne of God a throne of God in fact those same four things if you look at the design of the Gospels we know that Matthew's Gospel is designed to present him as the Messiah the Messiah the king of Judah mark has no genealogy he we don't care about the predicate of the servant Luke emphasizes his manhood the Son of Man and John of course is deity a son of God and so they have genealogies that proportional to that matthew's genealogy starts with the first Jew Abraham Luke starts with Adam and goes to the end and Mark doesn't deal with genealogist because he's dealing with a servanthood you don't worry about the pedigree of a servant John has a genealogy and his gospel but you don't recognize it because it's the genealogy of the pre-existent one in the first three verses and as we move on then we have Matthew what Jesus said marks the shooting script for Peter it's a what Jesus what he did Luke gives us his humanity who you feel how he felt and then of course John who he really was and so and they reach right to a distinctive audience and they each the miracle the first miracle fits that model and the they each end Matthew with the resurrection of course is marked with the Ascension Luke sets up his sequel book Luke volume 2 called the book of Acts for the promise of the Spirit John sets up his sequel in his thing called the revelation I believe his gospel was written before after the Pat miss experience but each one of these were recognized by the early church as being represented by the four faces of the cherubim the lion the ox the man and the eagle the same signatures if you will that surround the camp when they're in camp so those are things that you can take a look at and come to your own conclusions by them so again the weave have the New Testament is in the Old Testament concealed and the Old Testament is in the New Testament revealed and one book if you will what we've been talking about serpents we talked about the strange thing he's or had changed his the serpent to a to an eagle when you get to numbers 21 a very strange event occurs and the people were upset with God God and against Moses because all God had sent these these fiery serpents fiery because they it's a way of describing a poisonous serpent because from the burning effects of the poison but these serpents were killing people in God Moses went to God and God said people came to Moses of course and said we have sinned for we spoke against the Lord and against the prey unto the Lord that he take away the Serpent's from us and so Moses prayed for the people the Lord said unto Moses make me a fiery Serpent and set it up on a pole and it shall come to pass that every one that is bitten when he looketh upon it shall live so we have this strange event there to make a serpent out of brass put it on a pole on top of a hill everybody that looks to that would be healed now that's it's funny how God always uses these strange remedies and so why why did God do nowhere in the Old Testament is that explained nowhere is why that peculiar remedy and it's a serpent of brass okay which is a copper or bronze technically but okay and so and everybody looked to it lived what a strange remedy a serpent isn't that a figure for sin or evil why is that doing here and why brass well that's the metal it could stain fire so Leviticus it's sort of India idiomatic of a judgment a judgment and you can search the entire Old Testament not find an explanation of that anywhere in fact it proves to be a nemesis when you if I was in his lady we get to the date in the days of Hezekiah they're worshiping this thing is still around in 2nd Kings 18 see this guy was a good guy he did what was right in the side of the Lord he removed the high place but in those days the children Israel did burn incense to this thing and so Hezekiah says calls it a hush town a thing of brass he destroys it because they're worshiping it like a fetish or something a piece of brass you know it's interesting from that event back in numbers 21 we've get some legends in Greek mythology and elsewhere that lead to the rod of asclepius which is a symbol for medicine as you've seen on license plates and in logos and so forth in America it's kind of funny because they whoever picked the court the its emblem inadvertently didn't pick the emblem of aesculapius he picked the wand of Hermes which is two of these that's the symbol for the God of Commerce I'm always amused when I see a doctor with that on his license plate that he's he's showing an allegiance to the god of Commerce rather than the God of healing but he may not be sensitive to the difference between the caduceus and the aesculapius but we'll go on here the real question is why is this in the Old Testament first Corinthians 10 tells us now all these things happen to them for examples and they are written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the world are come the word examples there in the Greek is two posts or type it's a type it's an anticipatory type and we don't see any explanation of this until Nicodemus makes Jesus Christ that night when you get to John chapter three and see all this is the pattern it's a it's a prefiguring if you will in the New Testament Jesus explains to Nicodemus as and as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness even so must the Son of Man be lifted up and he Jesus announces that this was an anticipatory symbol or type back in numbers 21 that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life so Jesus is building a type on that numbers 21 event that he identifies himself with in John chapter II in fact not only that it leads to the most famous Bible verse in the entire Bible because he goes on and he says for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life most famous Bible verse is Jesus response to his explanation in numbers 21 so it's interesting that you know there's a number in Matthew 22 the enemies of Israel attacking the Herodians have their attack on them the Sadducees have their attack on them and then the Pharisees have their attack on them and he says okay can you guys have asking me questions can I ask you a question well sure okay so he says and when the Pharisees were gathered Jesus asked them saying what think ye of Christ whose son is he and they said I am the son of David you know they got that part right okay he say them how then death David in spirit call him Lord saying and they quotes the first verse of Psalm hundred and ten the Lord said unto my lord sit thou at my right hand till I make thine enemies thy footstool and it's interesting bait when you're dealing with lawyers you gotta have to do your homework and Jesus are dealing with lawyers here right and he asked them a question and they could not answer it in fact I love the last verse in Matthew 22 it says no man was able to answer my word neither Durst any man from that day forth asked him any more questions I love that now say you and I read that in math 22 we not meat we don't get the full impact unless you look at the Hebrew more carefully let's take a look at what ji-sun in fact the son of David that's all through the Bible you can chase that down in your notes and a problem and in fact the proverbs 30 verse 4 it says who should who ascended up to heaven are descended who have gathered the wind in his fists who have bound the waters in a garment who hath established all the ends of the earth what is his name and what is his son's name if thou canst tell here's another allusion to Jesus Christ in the Old Testament but anyway let's take a look at what Jesus said in psalm of David the Lord said unto my lord sit thou at my right hand until I've made thine enemies thy footstool s the way we see it in our King James let's take a look at the Hebrew but so people goes from right to left okay and says we look at this we recognize the yo Dave Ave the word for the unpronounceable name of God then right after that we have I don't I the word for Lord but you see the whole thing the reason they couldn't answer him was because at the right the left end of that at the end of that word there is a yacht that little yacht is one of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet that you and I would mistake for a blemish on the paper it looks like apostrophe or something but what that does to the word Adonai it makes it possessive the Lord said unto my lord see it's that possessiveness they could not deal with and because and so we picked that up now why am I making such a big thing of this because Jesus in the Sermon on the mountain says think not that I come to destroy the Torah or the prophets I come not to destroy but to fulfill for verily I say unto you till heaven and earth pass one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law till all be fulfilled a yachtie a tittle that's a he brazenly we might say not the dotting of an i or the crossing of a t we'll pass from law this is a call by the Lord Jesus to take the text seriously precisely and one of the things I've learned throughout the 65 years I've studied is the light word that God means what he says and says what he means and you have a high respect for the text and he always honors that one yarder one tittle taking very seriously and so that's why these lawyers no man was able to answer him a word neither just any man from that day forth asked him any more questions I love that I love it and so we see the same kind of thing every Christmas we always get a Christmas cards a a 9:6 for unto us a child is born unto us a son is given and the government shall be on his shoulder and his name shall be called wonderful counsellor the mighty God the everlasting father the Prince of Peace a child is born and a son is given those are not synonymous you think that's anonymous you haven't done your homework a child is born as human a son is given is divine the son the child is born that was fulfilled in a place called Bethlehem the son is given occurred in a place called Golgotha and of the increase of his government should be no end upon the throne of David upon his kingdom to order it to establish it with judgment and justice from henceforth and forever the zeal of the Lord of Hosts had performed this upon the throne of David boy there are people that need to go back who claim they believe their Bible they better figure out what that throne of David is really all about we'll move on here we use the term gospel all the time how many of you can tell me what the gospel is and be careful well it's the good news that's a cliche metaphors reign were mysteries designed what is the gospel Paul tells us by the way in the first four verses of 1st Corinthians 15 says moreover brethren I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you which also you have received and wearing you stand by which also ye are saved if you keep in memory what I preached unto you unless you have believed in vain I declare indeed the gospel he's going to define the gospel for us here and by the way you can't believe in vain think about that a little bit but we'll move on here what is the gospel for I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to scriptures that's his definition of gospel you notice the things that he did not mention didn't mention his miracles didn't mention his teachings or his examples no no the gospel are those three things period okay first that he died for our sins according to scriptures we just talked about that a little bit I like the previous example and that he was buried only a Paul makes emphasis on that and relates this to baptism Peter makes a declare alleged to know his flood but then the third thing is that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures Jesus predicted that specifically in John 2 and Matthew 27 but it's interesting Paul highlights that this was according to the scriptures when he says Scriptures he means the Old Testament at this point right where in the Old Testament does it say he's going to be in the tomb three days well there's a number of places Jonah Rahab scored the Toller worm and the ikeda the offering of Isaac now Jonah is pretty straightforward we'll take a look at that you all know in matthew 12:40 jesus himself said as for as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whales belly so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth so we get that one pretty quickly we remember that but there's probably not many of you in here that may have discovered the little secret that's tucked away in rouen Rahab's comments to the protecting the two spies in Joshua chapter 2 strange little story Josh in Joshua chapter 2 these two spies have been able to hide in rehabs place he's on the wall she let them down by a cord through the window for her house was up on the town wall and she dwelt upon the town wall and the scripture here where it uses the word cord in the Hebrew happens to use the word hebel Hebel obviously can mean a rope or cord it also is a word that can mean pain sorrow or travail it's a pun if you will okay fair enough when you get down to verse 18 they say to her in response behold when we come into the land thou shall bind this line of scarlet thread in the window which thou has let down by and thou shalt bring thy father thy mother and thy brethren and all thy father's house will come to thee in other words for shielding us will protect your house so this cord that you're using I tie it on the window and when we take over Jericho our troops will protect you and your family as a accommodation you get the picture except what they when they use this term the holy spirit here records the word line here it isn't the word Hebel it uses the different word use the word pick phonetic book can obviously mean a line or chord but it also has another meaning the word Tikvah means hope hatikvah is the national anthem of israel it means the hope or expectation if you will well that's pretty interesting okay so what are you make in that jug you're making something anything oh look between these two verses between 50 and 80 Ness verse 16 she says in them get you to the mountain lest the pursuers meet you and hide yourselves there three days until the pursuers be returned and afterward may you go your way in other words there's going to be a search on so she advises them when they get down the wall to go hide in the mountains don't go back to the camp and wait till the search is over and then go home and she says you should wait he's a high in the mountains three days why not four or two she picked three does she know why I don't know Holy Spirit saw that she did why well I'll show you why see Hebel can mean rope or cord or pain sorrow and travel tikva can mean the same thing in terms of a rope or a cord but it spun the other word is a little different so instead of the primary use of each these words let's shift to the alternative pun value of each one of these and obviously she puts in three days between the two really okay pain sorrow travail what's the ultimate one of those the cross what's the ultimate hope the empty tomb how much space is between Chapel and tikva is three days between the cross and the empty tomb now some of you may say Chuck you're making something out of nothing okay I'll yield if you feel that way it gives me chills because I'd enly discover many hundreds of places where the Holy Spirit has edited the text to give us an additional meeting I'll take give you an example that in the in one of the other sessions Jesus he hangs on the cross according to Psalm 22 which reads as if he dictated while hanging on the cross says us he says a strange thing was hanging the cross Jesus says I am a worm and no man a reproach of men and despised the people what on earth is Jesus talking about when he calls himself a worm the word the word in the Hebrew is Tola which means were and it also is a word meaning scarlet it means or crimson if you will 38 Times's translated crimson the scarlet dye in israel was made from a particular worm called the thermos of Emilio and it has a very interesting lifecycle it Pierce's the thin bark of twigs to suck the sap from which it prepares a waxy scale to protect its soft body that red dye is in that scale when reproducing the female claims a tree usually a home or oak where it bears the eggs and it's larvae hatch and feed on the body of the worm it gives its life if you will for them a crimson spot is left on the branch when the scarlet spot dries out in three days it changes to white as it flakes off Jesus and no man that's what Isaiah points out to you in Isaiah 1:18 come now let us reason together saith the Lord though your skins be as scarlet they shall be white as wool though they be red like crimson they shall be as wool praise His Holy Name there's another one the occido but I'll leave that to the next session but as the three days and three nights if you've done your homework you realize that there were three days and three nights which tells you by the way I'm sorry if it offends anybody but we at least we hold the view that the the crucifixion could not have been on a Friday with all due respect to the church traditions it could not possibly have been for a lot of reasons and in in Matthew 28 verse one there's a error in your English in the Greek it's very very clear at the end of the Sabbath's plural and that means that that there were at least two Sabbath's that week and indeed there were the feast of unleavened bread as well as Shabbat on Saturday and of course the resurrection did occur at Sun at at the Sundown men and discovered a course on Sunday the feast of firstfruits says the feast of firstfruits were being celebrated temple some girls were finding discovering the empty tomb that morning but the resurrection of Jesus Christ if obviously is the key to the gospel as Paul points out is the key the key belief that separates us from others he was raised for our justification Romans tells us who without the resurrection our faith is vain Paul tells us it's a prerequisite to being an apostle by the way it's a key truth it was Peter at Pentecost who points it out the Apostles at Solomon's porch and before the Sanhedrin and of course proclaimed the Gentiles it's astonishing to see how fundamental that is to the church and how rare it is preached from the pulpits so joint actions every major action by God is attributed to three people the Incarnation is referred in Hebrew Standard tributed the Father and Philippians 2 to the son and Luke 1 the Holy Spirit the atonement is attributed to the father in Isaiah 53 to the son and Ephesians 5 and to the Holy Spirit in Hebrews 9 and the resurrection in Romans 5 to the father and John 10 to the son and the holy spirit it's interesting how these three things point to the Trinity throughout the Bible they were equal in nature separate in person and subservient and duties praise God praise His Holy Name you Koinonia house is a non-profit Christian ministry that is supported by the purchasing of materials and donations to learn more about Koinonia house and the materials that we have available visit k house org and please be responsible in the sharing and dissemination of this information and respect the copyrights therein thank you Koinonia house is a non-profit Christian ministry that is supported by the purchasing of materials and donations to learn more about Koinonia house and the materials that we have available visit k house org and please be responsible in the sharing and dissemination of this information and respect the copyrights therein thank you father we thank you for who you are and we thank you for bringing us together and we do pray father that your spirit would open our hearts and lives to how you would best use us in the days ahead as we commit ourselves into your hands in the name of Yeshua HaMashiach our Lord Jesus our Messiah indeed amen well we're in the second part of some of these explorations of what I call hidden treasures in the biblical text but I like the pause with a little exercise I want you at least in your imagination assume you have a pad in front of you and I want to talk a little bit about sevens in the Bible and they occur in over 600 passages I probably should have said 700 and some are very overt some are structural you really have to and some of them are even hidden but the sevens are everywhere in fact there's a discovery that I want touch on about called the hepatic structure of the the Bible I want you to imagine a challenge imagine yourself being assigned in the classroom context with a blank sheet of paper and what I want you to imagine you're on earth to literally do it but I want you in your mind's eye to accept an assignment to create a genealogy you can do it from fiction if you like but I want the number of words that you're going to end up using to be divisible by 7 in other words if you take whatever met when you finish making your little genealogy if you count the words and divide by 7 there should be no remainder or not and I was I want you to have your your assignment a multiple of seven exactly how many could do that that's not hard to do especially I guess you can fudge it around ok except I got another condition I want you to meet I want the number of letters that you use if you count them up to be divisible by seven exactly that's a little tougher isn't it because you might get the words come out but you need to get the letters to come out but by fudging around you could probably do that except I heaven I want the number of vowels and the number of constants each to be a multiple of seven how many are still playing with me okay well I've got some additional rules I want your assignment to meet I want the number of words that begin with a vowel to be divisible by seven I want the number of words that begin with a consonant to be divisible by seven and I have some other things I want the number of words that occur more than once to be a multiple of seven exactly and I'd like to have those that occur in more than one form to be divisible by seven and those that are in only one form divisible by seven how many are still playing okay you realize every time I impose another Sevenfold rule you've got six chances of losing in one of winning just by randomness you with me okay the number of nouns should be divisible by 7 only seven words won't be nouns and the number of names should be divisible of seven only seven other kinds of nouns are permitted anyone still playing okay and so what you probably some other things here the number of male names divisible by seven number of generations and you've probably guessed what I'm doing here I'm describing to you the genealogy of Jesus Christ in the first 11 verses of the Gospel of Matthew they meet all those rules now you can't imagine doing that yourself and I'm talking about Greek which is rigid every Greek verb has to meet five conditions it's much more structured than our English that we're used to and so the precision that what I'm trying to get across is that we discover as you investigate the text it has properties that are not simulated all trying to do that even with the aid of a computer is a very empowering also is one of the two language there's two languages that have a numerical value for every letter in their alphabet Hebrew and Greek have that peculiar characteristic that means that every word has a value they call the geometrical value and we could go through this of the rest of chapter one and find it still pays dozens of these Sevenfold challenges and we'll go through them all here but almost every characteristic you measure turns out to be a number that's an exact multiple of seven now the child have Christ in Matthew two same also fits all of that and we could go on and on about this the chances of these things happening by statistical axle accident are phenomenally unlikely if I just have two of these if I have one right a rule of seven you've got six chances losing one of winning right but if I have two rules that's one chance in seven squared or 49 in other words you have by randomness you have one chance in 49 if it's coming out the way you want at you're with me and if I have three of those it's one chance in 343 so it's always the exponent of the number you're looking at and so if I have four it's two it's you have one chance in 2400 of getting it by just statistical accident and so if you go down this list I've given you some nine rules so far those nine rules mean you have one chance in 40 million of having it come out right by just statistical accident you know once you understand the statistical behavior the more rules are the more unlikely it is to come about by anything other than deliberate design and so and if you'd like to try this let's assume you say well I can try to do that if I've got to do that if I work eight hours a day 40 hours a week 50 weeks a year that's 2,000 man-hours a year in effect and in seven to nine chances means I've got to have 40 million attempts to try to get it by randomness if I can do it takes ten minutes at a time to write one of these genealogies then that would take 400 million minutes or over 3,000 years but it gets worse than that that's just a quick approximation let's look at further if I go on with these words these rules it turns out that I can give you actually 34 of these and that's one chance in ODIs okay and so if you still want to try doing this mechanically and that means you got seven to the 34th power that's 5 times 10 to the 25th tries would be needed and there are 3 times 10 to the 7th tries in seconds per year let's assume you had a supercomputer that would do 400 million of these per second how long would it have to work it still would have to work over 4 times 10 to the 12th computer years in other words I had a million of these supercomputers it still would take over 4 million years I think it's a cross that it's not the lot this is not something that could happen by randomness and so and this is only with 30 for a doctor even piling up on whose research this who discovered these things he identified 75 not 34 rules and that goes beyond our imagining doctor I've even panin born in Russia back in 1955 exiled an early age got involved in a plot against the Tsar emigrated to Germany and then the US he graduated from Harvard in 1882 and interestingly enough he discovered Christ now every one of us in this room that have discovered Christ are the result of a miracle but if you've got a PhD in it from Harvard that's the bigger miracle okay and so but he also discovered early in his career what he calls the hepatic structure of the scripture and back in 1890 actually he committed the rest of his 50 years of his life generating over 43,000 pages of discoveries very dry reading but staggering in their implications woody because among other things it tells you there all kinds of properties of the Torah that depend on the precise letters that you're using which tells you not only did God give Moses the Torah he gave it to Moses letter by letter you pull one letter out of that and some of those properties start to dissipate staggering staggering implication to an information scientists and so but I want to shoot mention just one of these that to me is the most staggering of them all the New Testament consists of 27 books that means they they have a word that starts them and a word that ends them and there's 27 books of the New Testament then you've got 54 words okay and so there's a total vocabulary of those words that happen to be as 28 words in the Gospels and so if you go through all these arithmetic the shortest word the longest word all that sort of thing each one of those are portable you bow 7 but here's the one that's interesting to me the vocabulary in the Gospel of Matthew that is unique to the Gospel of Matthew happens to be a multiple of 7 it occurs 42 times at 7 times 6 it has a 226 letters at 7 times 18 and that's the only property that these words have is that they are unique to the Gospel of Matthew and they come out precisely as a multiple of 7 you with me so far my question is gee that's interesting how could that have been organized let's imagine that Matthew deliberately tried to make it come out that way how would you go about doing that there's only two ways you could do that one is you could have all the other authors of the New Testament agree not to use those those words how many think that happened I don't think so well the other way you could use that argument linguistically to prove that Matthew must have written his last that's the only way he could preserve that property right so I could use that as an argument at least that Matthew wrote his document last that's pretty interesting so Gospel of Matthew wrote his last except I discovered there a look at the gospel market has the same property that the words that are unique to the Gospel of Mark are a multiple of seven exactly that proves that mark was written last well now wait a minute if I look at the Gospel Luke it also has that property but the words that are unique writing in the New Testament those words there's the number of words that are unique to him are multiple of seven exactly that proves that Luke wrote his last except so did John it's one of these wrote those last in fact so did James Peter Jude and Paul each wrote last each one of their writings the collective writings has a vocabulary unique to them staggering staggering you can't prove the Bible yes you can the more you know about the information Sciences the more you discover that we're dealing with something that is supernatural that is supernatural in Hosea God reveals something says I've also spoken by the prophets and I have multiplied visions and used similitudes by the Ministry of the prophets used similar tunes there are part there are figures of speech that our rhetorical devices used in the Bible often a radio show and so forth the P I would get some tagging allenge being the radio on something and and I was I was about to come back and say you know I take the Bible literally but I knew the minute I said that he would say well then you think God has feathers because of Psalm 91 unders wings I children so I as I started to answer the guy instead of saying literally I searched for some reason maybe I was tired me it was the Holy Spirit operating I says I take it seriously and the other guy on the other end of the line got so upset I knew I'd struck gold because he didn't want to get down he wanted to go down the literal argument which is a argument for naive day actually but that you take it seriously see there are figures of speech in the Bible do you know how many different kinds there are how many different rhetorical devices they are using the Bible other similes allegories analogies you can make a list you can make a list of over 200 and they're all cataloged for you in the appendix to some of our materials back there if you're interested that use similitudes the Lord uses some of it we saw one in the last session how the Holy Spirit used puns with Hebel and tikva to get across a thing there are figures of speech there are similes of course allegories metaphors types to talk type of and analogy and of course hypothesis there's 200 of these things but more to the point Paul tells us in first Corinthians 10 now all these things happen in four examples and we're written for our admission other wording examples there in the Greek is two posts which is from which we get the word type like a prototype if you will and so there are types and that those are very very important they they express a pattern that's the Hebrew concept of prophecy is patterns and we're going to explore the classic one in the Bible I saved it for this one because I didn't want it I didn't try to squeeze it into the last session that you put it in here the offering of Isaac we all know the story I assume the Hebrew term for that event is called the Akkad ah the offering of Isaac and it shocks many people when they read their Bible that it would seem that God is admin admonishing child sacrifice because we always have the Sunday school mentality that there's this little kid going up the hill with Abraham well let's take a look at this a little bit and came to pass after these things that God did tempt Abraham said Abraham he said behold Here I am he said take now thy son thine only son Isaac whom thou lovest and get the end of the land of Moriah and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of by the time you get to Genesis 22 Abram had learned his lesson that's what God said so the next morning he's off to do just that to offer a son Wow by the way there's also a law in Hmong exposit is called the law of first mention when you find a place in the Bible a subject comes up the first time he generally discovers very significant one this is the first place that the word love appears in the Bible is the Abraham offering his son and we'll see why that's so significant here shortly the next morning Abraham rose up early in the morning saddled his ass took two of his young men with him there's four people now Abraham Isaac and two young men and the donkey and innocent and they clave the word for the burnt offering and they rose up and he went unto the place of which God had told him now we know from the Epistle to Hebrews chapter 11 verse 19 the as far as Abraham is concerned his son was dead when the commandment came as far as anybody the commandment came as far as Abraham's concerned he reckoned him dead it's a question of just executing what God told him to do so they travel from Bear Sheva to Jerusalem they're down by chevre when all this happens they travel to Jerusalem Araya if you will and so that turns out to be a three day journal journey then on the third day it's a three day journey that's going to be interesting because Isaac will be dead to Abraham for three days apparently lifted up his eyes he saw a place afar off and Abram said unto his young men a by D here with the ass and I in the lad will go yonder and worship and come again to you so they leave these two young men at the bottom of the hill with a donkey Abraham and Isaac go up the hill to worship and Abram says we're going to come back see Abraham knew something Seiji was awfully brave he's going to offer his son Abraham's attitude was that's the gods problem because God had promised him that Isaac would have children so if God wants me to kill him God's got a problem is going to have to raise him from the dead because he promised me it's going to have kids that's his look very logical so he's telling the young boy we'll come back we're going to offer him there buddy we're going to come back really and Abram took the wood of the burnt offering and laid upon Isaac his son took the fire in his hand and a knife and both they both went in agreement that both together but in agreement what most people don't realize that this is not a kid let's walk up the hill with his dad this is a thirty year old son walking up the hill with his dad and so okay and it's the third day we will come again to you he says good and so and Isaac spake this spake unto Abraham's father said finally said here am I said my friend said behold the far in the wood but where is the lamb for the burnt offering good question they're on the way up the hill where's the lamb and what does Abraham say to him you're it no no exactly abran said my son God will provide himself a lamb for the burnt offering so they went both of them together interesting I was thought this was a stall to the kid until he got up there no look what he said God will provide who himself Abraham knew he was acting out prophecy because he names the place in the Mount of the Lord shall be seen he may not have known the details that 2,000 years later on that very spot another father would offer his son as an offering for sin the ultimate one Wow it gets better they came to the place where God had told him of Ravan built an altar there and laid the wood in order and bound Isaac his son and laid upon him upon the altar the wood and he stretched forth his hand and took the knife he's ready to do it and of course you know the story he gets interrupted they substitute a ram where is this happening well if you look at the top of map the Mount Moriah is a ridge system going from south to north and there's a mount to the left to the west called Mount Zion there's a valley that used to be there at European Valley it's been filled since and you go to the east there's a Kedron Valley and on the other side of that is the Mount of Olives and so it's a ridge between two mountains to the south there's another valley the Hinnom Valley and so salem is at the base is about six hundred meters above sea level but as you go up that ridge you're going increased altitude until you get to the threshing floor of Araunah which is later purchased by David to be the site of the temple but that's hundreds of years later the peak of that place is the academics place at the peak which is the flashing floor Arun is about 741 meters so another 30 meters higher you get to the peak called let's look at this little bigger and that's the place that we call Golgotha and so the angel of the Lord called him out of the heaven and said Abraham Abraham I says lay not thy hand upon the lad neither do anything to him for now I know that thou fearest God that thou has not withheld thy son thine only son from me so you know the story let's table this for a moment I'll come back to it in the next two chapters later Abraham again has an errand for his business partner his servant you don't find his name in that after but by doing some homework you find out what his name was his name happened to be Eliezer which means comforter and so he Commission's Eliezer to gather a bride for Isaac he sends them to the to the old country into Laban Eliezer qualifies the gal by oh well she agrees to marry a bridegroom she hasn't met and he gives her gifts and so forth and brings her back and and she joins her bridegroom by the well of low high ROI it all occurs in chapter 24 we were in chapter 22 in chapter 24 I want you that perspective okay because again we have Abraham in a type of the father eliazar in a type of the Holy Spirit and Isaac in the type as a type of the bridegroom the son and Rebekah will turn out to be the bride again it's a type I said a foreshadowing as you free follow me but we can learn something interesting from this Abraham's the father Isaac the son Eliezer the Holy Spirit sent to gather a bride for the son praise God let's go back and there's a verse that fascinates me in Genesis 22 just after they substitute the RAM it says the following in verse 19 Abraham returned unto his young men and they rose up and went together to bear Sheva and Abraham dwelt in Bear Sheva in other words after the episode up there on the Mount Abraham goes down the hill the two guys are still down there with a donkey they all go home every with me so far you notice something missing where's Isaac now you and I jumped to the conclusion and it's correct obviously Isaac went with him home Abraham and Isaac went down and joined the two young men they went home that's obvious that's the way we read it and presume that but we're being presumed presumptuous because the Holy Spirit's done something very interesting here you don't find Isaac's name there really did he go down the hill of course he did because they all go home and the story goes on you with me but the Holy Spirit we discover something when we examine the text very carefully where as Isaac the person of Isaac is edited out of the record from the time he's offered until the time he is United with his bride by the well of a high ROI the Holy Spirit has diddled with the text so that it fits the model astonishing is God concerned with patterns of course he is he has Moses strike the rock for water Meribah a ref Adam he asks him to speak to the rock and Moses strikes it again and because that he doesn't get to inherit after 120 years of service Wow 40 years in Egypt 40 years in Midian and 40 years in the wilderness and after all of that he doesn't inherit because he didn't follow the model that God got out because if he'd done it right the two water deliveries would have modeled his first and second coming strike first struck the first time not struck the second interesting so we'll move on here the New Testament is in the Old Testament concealed in the Old Testament is the New Testament revealed praise His Holy Name there's another macro study and over study that I'll try to summarize here can I think it's useful for our purpose here that's the Book of Ruth a little for chapter book that's the most elegant love story in literature it's taught in many secular colleges just as an exact example of the love story but it has huge huge implications you have to understand about hermeneutics being the theory of interpretation the Western model is prophecy equals prediction plus fulfillment the Hebrew mind is prophecy as pattern that's what we call types and we looked at the big type which we just looked at Genesis the achey down in justice 22 there's another one here that we won't look at the book of Ruth and this is this is in the days of Judges I want you to get the timing here this is in the days of Judges you've got Moses five books Joshua and judges we're not at cent amel yet it's the ultimate love story in the mind of many at the literary level and clearly at the prophetic level I maintain you cannot understand the book of Revelation unless you understand the book and it's one of the most significant books of the Old Testament for the church how interesting Old Testament church there's not a contradiction no because it profiles the role of the kinsman redeemer and it's a central prerequisite to the book of Revelation to understand that and it's in four chapters the first chapter is love's revolve where Ruth insists upon clear the Moabite as' insists upon clinging to her mother-in-law and the second chapter about how she regathered for them as widows and orphans do and then love's requests very strange scene in chapter 3 that most people misunderstand I'll come back to that and the final chapter is about the redemption of both the land to Naomi and the bride for Boaz in the first chapter Ruth in the days of Judges and the names of all the players are relevant to the story but in the interest of this summary I won't go into the details there just alert you to that so you you can do the homework on those there in your Bible and so but the second chapter she decides to go back to Bethlehem with Naomi she's been away for ten years but they're destitute and what they have to understand the law of gleaning is a couple of laws of the old ancient Israel you need to understand which is part of the blessing is the way they had their welfare system he owned a parcel of land you could reap it once but what you missed had to be left for the widows and orphans they would glean after the Reapers and they were entitled to do that so Ruth being a the taking care of Naomi the bit with the widow effect they're both widows she cleans she's able to go after Reapers and she happens to fall upon Boaz's field which turns out to be the key to the whole plot of course that's the provision for the destitute and she happened in the field of Boaz I love that because in God the rabbi's have an interesting because they say that the coincidence is not a kosher word or cuz we say there's no accidents in God's aget kingdom and this was all pretty and so Boaz is is a name that means in him is strength how do I know that because they named one of the two pillars of the temple after him yochanan bow has and that's a whole nother story but the point is he is introduced to Ruth by an unnamed servant the holy spirit always acts as an unnamed servant and Jesus explains that in John 16 that he never never testifies of himself never testifies himself but we'll go on here and Boaz instructs his Reapers to leave handful leave handfuls on purpose so the fix is in he's easy she's caught his eye obviously boys is going to end up becoming the go well the kinsman redeemer and you have to understand this you have to understand the law of redemption and how that worked in Leviticus 25 and also the the law of levirate marriage the law of redemption was that when you sold a piece of land you sold its use but a kinsman could always come back and redeem the land that's what what is operative here but also there's a if a husband died without issue the next of kin could if he chose to raise issue to the widow to continue the line that's called a low levira is a next of kin kind of word and love right marriages is his operative here and so in chapter 3 Naomi realized that she that her that Ruth has stumbled on a kinsman's land and she sees an opportunity to get her land back and also to provide a future for Ruth so she instructs her exactly what she should do and so she recognizes the opportunity for the redemption of the land and for a new life for Ruth so she instructs Ruth and what to do so that we have to understand how thrashing was done they would there was a typically a Saddleback area where there's a prevailing wind and what they did was they would at the harvest they would thrash on that in such a way that the good stuff would fall nearby but the wind would carry the the chaff further if you did it right you handed up with two piles the one that's nearby you'd bet you'd say for market the stuff it was further down you'd burn to keep the vermin away what they did at the end of the day of all of that they would celebrate that night with a party and then the owners would sleep next to the marketable drain to protect it and that would be the thing for the day she only told her to watch and watch where Boas slept after the party which he does and this thing's quiet down it's all dark she slips according to what NIR and sleeps at his feet and he wakes up and discovers as a woman there okay and so verse 9 is 8 and 9 widely misunderstood by people who don't have the background came to pass at midnight that the man was afraid he turned himself and behold a woman lay at his feet he said who art thou she has it I am Ruth thy handmaid spread therefore thy skirt over thy handmaid for thou art a near kinsman now you and I without knowledge of that ancient Israel would sounds like she's been propositioning like a prostitute no no it's worse than that it's worse than that spread you need to understand the custom in that culture your rank in the society was embroidered on the hem of your garment we think of stripes on a sleeve or on a shoulder as evidences of rank that culture was on the on the skirt of there if you're a Levite it had a particular indication on the edge and so forth if you were King David cut the hem off of Saul's thing to prove that he could have killed him that night when they discovers he's in the same cave and all that and next morning he waves it proved he saw that he could have killed him he didn't he later regrets it because he felt guilty for having cut off the the genealogy of the king it was when when the woman with the issue of blood pushes through the crowd and tries to touch him Jesus his hem of His garment that's where she visualized his authority being invested see when God speaks to Isaiah that he was going to spread his skirt over the keynesian spreading his authority if you know that's what she's asking him to do spread his skirt over her mean take her to Wed as the levirate husband that spread therefore thy skirt over thy handmaid for thou art a near kinsman he's eligible to marry her and perform as the goal of the whole so that's the big plot point right here so she approaches Boaz to fulfill the role of the Goyal and he says to her I'll be glad to I'd love to do it except there's somebody as the closer kinsman I always visualize if I was setting this up for a movie you know I would have Boaz be a you know a Charlton Heston or a Russell Crowe kind of guy and the nearer kinsman would be Danny DeVito or somebody think the nearer kinsman is in the way the next morning though Boaz who is apparently the council chairman City Council he calls him over and explains that Naomi has a piece of ground and we need a kinsman redeemer she says I'll be glad to be the kinsman redeemer you don't know you'll go away no then whoever does that also has to take Ruth his wife that's part of the deal because therefore conditions I'll come to that - what a girl had to do he couldn't do that because what Mara's own inheritance so he passes and the symbol of passing on the obligation was they took off his shoe and gave his shoe to Boaz that was just a symbol of him passing on the opportunity that was supposed to be being done by Ruth but Boaz is acting as her advocate if you will which is self is interesting and see for him that shoe was a mark of disgrace for Boaz it was his wedding license that cleared the day for chapter 4 which is the Big Finish and that's what I'm hitting up for here so a little thing occurs at the end of chapter 3 that most readers don't get because what what he says to her I'll deal with this tomorrow and he gives her 6 measures of grain to take back to Naomi you and I don't know what's going on Naomi would figure it out because he's Jewish because that would mean to her that he won't rest until it's resolved from the from Genesis one saying it's a code of sorts but any we'll move on here for now chapter 4 Boaz confronts the so called nearer kinsman he's willing to redeem the property but he's not willing to take Ruth so he passes on the whole thing yields issue to relieve the obligation then Bowa steps up and he purchases the land for Naomi which is the plot problem that started way back in chapter one and he purchased the interesting term purchases Ruth as a bride that's where we are she's a Gentile bride did you know that there are seven Gentile brides in the Bible did you know that none of them have a death recorded they obviously died but it's not recorded variously the Holy Spirit how he plays with us but then during the festivities because boys is the big hero he's bought the land for you know me he's marrying a Ruth a big big upbeat deal this is the big finish right and somebody says may your house be like far as now if you don't know your Bible it sounds like that sounds like a good thing if you know your Bible you'd say same to you fella because what's this Ferriss business well you see you've got to know your Bible because you get there and we're dealing here of course boys is the go I'll the kinsman-redeemer which means he has to be a kinsman get there that's important he has to be able to perform he has to be willing to perform and he has to assume all the obligations those are four conditions of a go l and Boaz fulfills all four and it's from this that we understand a great deal about the redemption of Jesus Christ because he's our Goyal he's our kinsman redeemer what does that mean and so he's the Lord of the harvest he's given Reimer Naomi of course the type of Israel and the roof is the Gentile bride interesting there's much more to all of this obviously but we get to the book of Revelation we see chapter five open and I saw on the right hand of him who sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside sealed with seven seals and I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice who is worthy to open the book and to loose the seals thereof we all know that passage right and no man in heaven o nor an earth neither under the earth was able to open the book neither to look thereon had to be a man you don't you know I don't know what's going on but John did as John says I sobbed convulsively is what it actually says in degree I say what much because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book and neither to look thereon it had to be a kinsman of Adam to redeem it had to be a man even Satan couldn't imagine God becoming a man and fulfilling that obligation on our behalf Wow incredible so John said I wept much because no man was found worthy to open the book Luiza and to read the book and look thereon it had to be a man to fill the situation one of the owners is always the elders there that are explaining things to him one of the oldest enemy weep not behold the Lion of the tribe of Judah the root of David hath prevailed to open the book of the loose the seals of the Lion of the tribe of Judah that's a man that's a title of a man who is a you all United both novenas then I beheld and lo in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures in the midst of the elders stood a lamb as it see that the tribe of Judah has prevailed and it's the streudel lamb as it had been slain having seven horns and seven eyes which are seven spirits of God those are identities from the first chapter of revelation of Jesus Christ of course and he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat on the throne and when he had taken the book and the four beasts and the four and twenty elders fell down before the lamb having every one of them harps and golden vials full of door odours which are the prayers of the saints and on it goes Wow some observations let's get back to Ruth again okay Ruth is a type of the church Naomi the Land of Israel Israel in order to bring Ruth to Naomi Naomi had to be exiled from her land that's how it all came about that's interesting what the law could not do grace could see was illegal for Boaz two men to marry a Moabite us but he did anyway Ruth does not replace Naomi Ruth learns of Boaz's ways through Naomi but Naomi meets Boaz through Ruth think that through in the type Wow no matter how much Boaz loved Ruth he had to wait her move and of course Boaz not Ruth confronts the near his own he steps in as her advocate and that's Jesus's full-time job as we speak he's our intercessor can you imagine the Book of Ruth in Hue in Jewish terms is always read at the feast of Pentecost why is it always read the feast of Pentecost they have their reasons we have ours because it's Shevat that is the feast of Pentecost when the church is born how interesting that's always when the Book of Ruth is being read and you won't really understand revelation 5 until you understand the Book of Ruth and you and I are also beneficiaries of love stir of a love story that was written in blood on a wooden cross erected in judaism 2,000 years ago he was crucified on a cross of wood yet he made the hill on which it stood but we're still not through this guy at the end of the Bruce he says may let your house be like Farrah's whom Tamar bore on the Judah of the seed of which the Lord shall give there of this young woman now if you know your Bible you say what on earth is that guy that is that a toast no it's a prophecy not a toast like we would think of in a wedding toast no it's a prophecy there's a law you need to understand all the laws in there speak of Christ in Deuteronomy 23 there's a rule that a bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation so a bastard and incidentally you have this strange story where let's see if I got a summary of that here I might have in Genesis 38 there's this weird weird story where Judah is tricked into sleeping with his daughter-in-law thinking she was a prostitute she gets pregnant and he then realizes his sin was greater than hers because he was supposed to provide a another son for her to marry whenever for the first guy died and so this weird story isn't and injustice 38 now what's the issue here well the point is the illegitimate children are ineligible for inheritance for ten generations so let's examine the ten generations from Peres hezron RAM and minute AB Nashawn Salman Boaz ΓΆbut Jesse David David was the tenth generation when Israel's screaming for a king God had a king in red in in the wings for him it wasn't but he wasn't ready yet so Saul Saul was a patch for their request in other words what we also discover that Boaz Obed Jesse and David are encrypted in Genesis 38 in the in the in the Torah and let's see if I can show you that there the whole just how about Jewison Tamar and the story of Joseph begins chapter 37 goes to the end of to the chapter 50 of Genesis but right before that this 38 we got this sordid episode what's that all in there for because it preserves the Messianic line is what the answer that rabbis will tell you and so that's why it's here but I want you to notice something this is the Hebrew of Genesis 38 and what we discover tucked away in this at 49 letter intervals is the named Boaz well that's kind of interesting and then at 49 letter intervals we also find the name of Ruth wow that's interesting as we continue through here we discover it for another letter intervals we find Obed and then 49 letter intervals again we find a Shea or what we would say Jesse and then we have at 49 letter intervals again we have interestingly F divided let's summarise this we've got Boaz Ruth Obed Jesse dahveed encrypted in the book of Genesis chapter 38 all in 49 letter intervals and all in chronological order statistically that the being an accident is less than one in 70 million astonishing properties in the text pull one out put a letter out from there and it falls apart it's the integrity of the text that says it as just a student of the text staggers me there's a thing called the appointed time see the juice catechism is their calendar according to Rabbi Hirsch and they have a hepatic calendar there's a week of days that's Shabbat we all know about that there's also a week of weeks that's short they have the week of months that's the religious year if you will they have the week of years that's the sabbatical year and they have seven weeks plus one the jubilee year and where all the land reverts to its owners slaves go free and debts are forgiven that's a prophecy of the millennium of course and the time of the restitution of all things Peter calls that next chapter three in a second sermon in Genesis chapter 14 chapter 1 verse 14 God says let there be lights in the firmament of heaven and did divide the day in the night let there be signs and for seasons and for days and for years now for the word seasons there is Hamoui deem the appointed times now if you search that with a computer throughout the Torah you discover it should occur quite a few times it does only occurs once strangely and there are 70 appointed times if you add the Shabbats and Sabbath's and the various holidays every Jew knows there's 70 appointed times not just 52 Sabbath's but some other Sabbath's on top of that and so if equidistant letter sequence appears only once in Genesis the statistical expectation would be five times in the 70 thousand letters of Genesis but it only appears once at an interval of 70 centered on that very verse therein so the odds against this being unaided by the sunday the chance could have been estimated greater than 170 million to one but the feasts of Israel the spring feasts in the first month Passover Feast of Unleavened bread feast the firstfruits and then you have the fall feasts another group you have the Feast of Trumpets Yom Kippur and the Feast of Tabernacles each one of the feasts is now historically commemorative they're also prophetic and the first three feasts the first three spring feasts speak of the first coming of Jesus Christ and they're fulfilled on the very day that they're celebrated and the last three are also prophetic of a second coming and we expect them to be fulfilled but there's this one weird when in between the two the feast of weeks which most scholars recognizes that the occasion it's the only occasion in the entire Old Testament where you use leavened bread so it has a Gentile flavor to it and it is course the birth of the church which occurred in Acts chapter two occurring on the day that it's celebrated but it may not be fully celebrated yet because they also have a tradition in Jew or Judaism that Enoch was translated on his birthday which was the day they celebrate for Easter weeks so is there more here to be found study yourself and come to your own conclusions but if you start studying these LSE's you'll discover in Isaiah 63 the Holy of Holies of the Old Testament you find a lot of fascinating things of the people that are at the foot of the cross que ifs anise and a number of others but you also find the names of the disciples you find Peter Matthew John Andrew Philip Thomas James and to James's incidentally Simon Thaddeus and Matthias three Mary's interestingly enough salami and Joseph how fascinating it is even one of the marriages interweave and with the encryptions of john there's something that's even more bizarre than these names showing up statistically in those 12 verses there is a name that's made up of high frequency letters which means it has a high probability being there by accident that is astonishing that it's not among them that's the name of Judas he's not there that's he's missing stranger Matthias by the way max one is there interestingly enough and you can go through frequency tables and study that if you like but again my summary emphasis here is the Old Testament is in the old the New Testament is in the Old Testament concealed and the Old Testament is in the New Testament revealed the principal discovery our ministry just to remind you 66 books penned by over 40 guys over almost 2,000 years and it's integrated every detail every number every place name is there deliberately and you need to discover that for yourself to have the impact you need in 1980 there was a young man from Rwanda that was forced by his tribe to either renounce Christ or face certain death and he refused to renounce Christ and he was killed on the spot when they went to his room they found this nailed to his wall the night before he'd written isn't posted in his room I'm part of the Fellowship of the unashamed I love that I have Holy Spirit power the Diceman caste I have stepped over the line the dishes and has been made I'm a disciple of his I won't look back let up slow down back away or be still my past is redeemed my present makes sense my future is secure I'm finished with low living sight walking small planning smooth knees colourless dreams tame visions mundane talking cheap living and dwarfed goals I no longer need preeminence prosperity position promotions plaudits or popularity he obviously went to seminary with the alliteration there ISM I don't have to be right first tops recognized praised regarded or rewarded I now live by faith leaned on his presence walked by patience lift by prayer and labor by power my face is set my gait is fast my goal is heaven my road is narrow my way rough my companions view my guide reliable my mission clear I cannot be bought compromised detoured lured away turned back deluded or delayed I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice hesitate in the presence of the adversary negotiate the table of the enemy ponder at the pool of popularity or meander in the maze of mediocrity I won't give up shut up let up until I have stayed up stored up prayed up paid up or preached up for the cause of Christ I'm a disciple of Jesus and I must go till he comes give till I drop preach till all know and work till he stops me and when he comes for his own he will have no problems recognizing me my banner will be clear so okay let's bow our hearts father we thank you for the privilege of gathering together and we do indeed claim the name of Christ among us we thank you for the fellowship that pervades this group here and we thank you for the opportunities you provided all of us to influence young people on the reality of your word and the extremes that you've gone to that we might live we do pray father that you would through your spirit as well as your word empower each of us to be more effective stewards of the opportunities before us as we commit ourselves into your hands in the name of Yeshua our Lord Jesus Christ indeed amen and god bless you Koinonia house is a non-profit Christian ministry that is supported by the purchasing of materials and donations to learn more about Koinonia house and the materials that we have available visit k house org and please be responsible in the sharing and dissemination of this information and respect the copyrights therein thank you
Channel: Jessica Riley
Views: 575,046
Rating: 4.8207545 out of 5
Keywords: Bible, The Bible (Religious Text), Chuck Missler
Id: UYiuM43u0Q4
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Length: 99min 16sec (5956 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 02 2013
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