Scripture and Tradition with Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ

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moment with the lord and with their son hey buddy hateful when i finally surrendered everything to god i was just overcome with so much peace and and that which has allowed me to really enjoy the pregnancy and enjoy every moment with fulton as they continue to pray for the intercession from one famous fulton perhaps their own fulton is already an evangelizer himself my hope is that fulton's story can maybe save somebody else's life we can help anybody else or inspire anyone else to just put all their trust in god um you know through our story and through our little fulton then we would you know that would we'd be so grateful [Music] baby fulton is due at the end of this month and currently weighs just over two pounds will you please join us in praying for the hood family and baby fulton you can follow along their journey and listen to fulton song at that does it for this edition of ewtn pro-life weekly until next time we'd love to hear from you find us on social media at ewtn pro-life on all social media platforms twitter facebook instagram we're there you can also send us a message by emailing prolife weekly we love to hear from you remember life is a gift your life is a gift god bless [Music] [Music] so ewtn continues this year-long homage to saint joseph with this special holy land event from the basilica of the annunciation in nazareth holy mass of the solemnity of saint joseph friday at 4 30 a.m eastern and again at 11 30 a.m eastern on ewtn ewtn live truth live [Music] catholic [Music] [Music] welcome to scripture and traditional father mitch pacquiao and this is a program where we take a look at the meaning of sacred scripture in light of the apostolic tradition that goes back to the apostles and originally to them from jesus himself now we love to have you become part of the show by adding questions or comments during the live broadcast which is tuesday at 2 p.m eastern time you can call live and the phone number to call is nine 1-800-221-9460-1-800-221-944 six zero of course that works only in north america so if you are outside north america you can call 205 271 two nine eight zero two oh five get well country code one then 205 271 2980 you can also send us questions by email writing to scripture and tradition at or you can use our social media pages like facebook or youtube so any one of those now tonight today we'll be discussing some of the basic attitudes about how an objective principle for discerning god's will for listening to god is to accept god's revelation on his terms and not on our own that this is a basic principle for listening to god so if you are working with my book how to listen when god is speaking uh which is a guide for modern day catholics we are on page 36 of how to listen and you can join us brother if you still want to get that book you can do so by going to it is item 1833 all right well let us now go over to take a look at this picture remember our uh first two basic uh objective principles are that we make a commitment to god as our first priority and secondly we make a commitment to do everything to get to heaven and of course as a corollary to avoid hell so that's what we've been talking about those two basic principles now we have to deal with a third principle namely the need to accept god's revelation on his terms and then let his revelation guide us now revelation that comes to us in sacred scripture and in sacred tradition remember how saint paul laid that out for us in the second letter to the thessalonians chapter 2 verse 15 where he said hold unto the traditions that i left you whether by word or by letter so scripture never teaches that you use the bible alone scripture teaches that use the bible and oral tradition the bible is written tradition and then you have the oral tradition and saying paul says there that you hold on to both okay and this makes up revelation and you know the council of trent and the vatican council are very cl you know clear they don't say that half of revelation is in tradition half and scripture it's not like that they both contain what's the material of each other in fact one time when i was debating that question of use the bible alone or the bible and tradition the man said well is there anything in the oral tradition that is not already in scripture which was in effect an admission by him that they contain each other the material of one is in the other except for one point i did mention to him when he asked the question i smiled and i looked up and said yes what's in the tradition that's not in the bible the table of contents you don't know the list of books of the bible from the bible you only know it from tradition so that's important but all of this together makes up revelation and when we it comes especially to the sacred scripture part of revelation it applies to the tradition we see that there are a variety of topics in revelation one that's very dominant is the history of israel secondly also very dominant is the life of christ we see that in the four gospels and we also see the early history of the church so there is history from the time of abraham uh in the 1800s bc until the uh 62 of the uh a.d right you also see a lot of teachings about god himself see teachings about his nature or at least they give us clues to his nature we see teaching about law morality ceremonies and liturgy how to worship god and we see the problems of life that everybody in every time faces but we see them in the light of wisdom so we have a number of wisdom books such as proverbs sirac and the wisdom of solomon you also see folks who are dealing with wisdom in the midst of pain and suffering that would be true of the book of job and the book of tobit both of them suffering quite a bit and find wisdom there and sometimes you see that they're questioning the absurdities of life and you see that in the book of ecclesiastes also called in hebrew kahaleth okay so these are different books of wisdom we also have a lot of poetry in the bible and different kinds of poetry on one hand you have the psalms the psalms are poems and then you also have a number of love poems in the song of solomon also called the song of songs okay so that's and and the rabbis have a great comment they say that the psalter teaches us to love god with our whole heart mind and soul because the psalms are addressed to god but the song of solomon teaches us to love our neighbor with our spouse being the neighbor closest to us and is to teach how to love your your spouse your beloved we also see another set of poems that are critiques of israel's failures but also poems of hope for restoration after failure this is the prophetic books the prophets often spoke poetically and there is this quality of poetry in the way they criticize israel but also when they promise that the lord will restore you and it's hard to see the poetry this is always the problem of poetry when you translate from one language to another you miss a lot of the poetic qualities but in the hebrew text the poetry shows up not so much in rhyme they don't they they do some rhyming not a whole lot and that's providential because rhymes from one language don't translate into another language very well so they do it by repetition of ideas and they use rhythm in in the hebrew text so you'll you'll hear and say psalm 24 or rhythm um so they've got this rhythm to the text and this is uh some of the poetic aspect and we also see other literature for instance uh in the new testament there are a lot of letters some in the old testament too but most in the new testament and these letters correct us admonish us and teach us they encourage early christians and to this day we still read those letters of mostly saint paul but also saint peter saint john saint jude saint james okay now we see that these wide variety of books each have to be read and interpreted in their own way on their own terms you don't uh treat poetry exactly the same way you do prose it's treated differently you have to try to understand the poetry uh so there's there's that and you have to start off that you're going to approach these books of the bible with faith and there are other ways to approach them you can approach them in a scholarly way and i knew new testament and old testament professors who did not believe and they they study it but for them it's a piece of literature nothing more we on the other hand are going to interpret each book by its own norms and we're going to do so with faith and the goal of approaching the bible with faith is not just to understand the beautiful literature but it's to let the lord guide our lives that's why we study these these scriptures now there are lots and lots of books out there by different scholars that help you interpret the different books of the bible you can you know analyze the different types of literature and within that for instance even in the psalms even though they're all poems there are different kinds of poems in the psalms these are different poems than among themselves some are hymns of praise some are lamentations over pain some are teaching psalms like psalm 119 is called a didactic poem it's a didactic means it's teaching about how good the law is um so all sorts of things what we'll discuss are some of the basic attitudes that each one of us has to have when we approach scripture we need to have these basic attitudes so that when we approach the bible we learn to listen to god that's what this whole book is about you know how to listen when god is speaking we want to learn to understand how the lord is speaking to us so let's take a look at some of these basic ideas about god and about his holy word one of the things i already mentioned is that we approach the bible and reproach all of revelation with faith and it's faith that god is good now a lot of christians almost take that for granted but they ought not in many religions you do not assume that the gods are good you don't uh some of the gods are very mischievous uh big trouble makers so you have to be really careful about the pagan gods that's very very important to keep in mind we come with faith in god and that faith states that god is good and therefore if the lord who is the author of scripture he's the uh he uses human authors to be sure don't you know god didn't dictate the bible to anybody he used the human authors and that's why you see that the prophet hosea writes with a northern dialect while isaiah writes with a southern dialect and jeremiah who came from the border region at anatot has some of the northern and some of the southern mixed together and you see each of the prophets each of the evangelists has their own abilities to understand that i oftentimes compare say the evangelists these are four writers who are all writing about the life of jesus christ and they take different perspectives and they can focus on certain details more than on others very much the way a camera works now when you have a camera it has different kinds of lenses when i was a little boy we had this little brownie uh automatic it was a small small little camera made by kodak i believe and it gets some real basic pictures you know we did black and white because it was cheaper but you know got a lot of simple pictures with a simple camera but then i've also been able to use in times past 35 millimeter cameras and some of them have telescopic lenses some have lenses that round round things out and some have lenses that can look like a microscope you know and all sorts of different kinds of lenses and different settings on those lenses depending on the quality but they're all taking pictures of the same object but different details will be highlighted differently in each camera still the same picture all taking a picture saying of the empire state building but they'll show different levels of detail perspective and so on similarly the gospel writers are all giving us a picture of the life of christ but they have their own lenses their own abilities and god uses those to reveal to us how they structure the gospel how they express things so that's one of the things that we try to understand and no matter what style they have we see that what they give in revelation what god has authored by inspiring these sacred writers is something that is good for us there is a goodness to the revelation we assume that it is beneficial to us and the gospel and all the rest of revelation is so inherently good that it is worth basing our lives on it is worth following revelation as a guide for our lives now we'll stop here for a second we'll take a little break and come back and take a look at some of the ways that we you know compare and contrast this with ideas in the world so please stay with [Music] us [Music] hello family as catholics were obligated to attend mass every sunday sadly during the past year most of us were unable to go regularly because of coronavirus restrictions and our churches being closed but for those who are homebound due to age illness or injury this is nothing new every day ewtn makes it possible for tens of thousands of people who are homebound to experience the mass we hear from countless people young and old who are grateful for the opportunity to receive spiritual blessings through the mass that's available on tv internet and radio because of your generous support ewtn is able to reach out to those who are hungry for daily mass the holy rosary programs that teach about the saints and the sacraments news from a faithful catholic perspective and so much more this is why i hope you'll make a donation today your gift will help us share the beauty of the church with those who need it most may god bless you ewtn is 100 viewer supported please make a gift today by going to forward slash daily mass online you may also call us at 1-800-447-ewtn or send your donation to ewtn 5817 old leeds road irondale alabama 35210 [Music] [Music] [Music] alright one of the things that it's worth noting before we continue explaining the goodness of scripture is that there are a lot of books out there that claim to offer solutions to the world's problems and these books i will assert are not worthy of belief and do not offer something that is worth living by as a matter of fact many of these books offer great dangers for the world to follow i would give as an example mein kampf which means my struggle by adolf hitler this set out a racist theory and an economic theory of national socialism and it was seen as a solution to the post-world war one depression and to the the really horrible imposition of punishments that were placed on germany after world war one and it was also considered an antidote to communism but even though it said it ended up disastrously tens of millions of people died 10 million were executed in concentration camps and tens of millions of others died in battle along with the empire japan with its racist nationalism during world war ii then you have other attempts like das capital which means the capital capital this is the basic book of communism and it tries to present a solution to economic inequality or economic inequity why should some people have more than others it's not fair you see that all the time and it's coming back national socialism and communism keep coming back into people's minds as solutions but the reality is communist pursuit of equality in economics rather than equal opportunity communist pursuit led to the death of hundreds of millions of people way more than nazism again hitler executed 10 million people stalin executed 61.9 million so this was an even worse thing these are not worthy of belief and accepting communism is destructive of the lives of victims as well as the people who were promoting those ideas whereas i would assert that god's revelation is worthy of belief and if people took the norms of god's revelation applied it to thinking about national socialism or communism they would have rejected them as a matter of fact you read in the 1930s how pope pius the 11th wrote an encyclical critiquing communism by revelation and showing its how it was doomed to failure and then he did another one letter another encyclical doing the same critique to national socialism to the nazis both are wrong they don't fit scripture and had he been listened to had his criticism of communism and nazism been heeded and that scripture was listened to and revelation was trusted 300 million people would have lived a good long life in the 20th century that's how many died in the 20 305 million people not to mention the loss of so many souls who participated in annihilating others breaking god's commandment and murdering the innocent so we need to have scripture as the touchstone to guide us in this life now what is it that makes scripture and god's word so worthy belief again you start off god himself is good and therefore if he is good he makes therefore a creation that is good from the beginning all of creation was blessed by god and declared to be good and therefore we trust that god's word is meant to help us live in an orderly way within this good creation for the good god the good god who made a good creation also makes a law that is good so that we can live here well for instance one of his laws thou shalt not kill and the word kill in hebrew means specifically to murderers not talk there are other words for killing one word for killing animals and then there's also words for um you know killing in battle and executing criminals those are haraag and hey meet a different word entirely but this word means to murder and if that were kept by everyone you could walk everywhere on the planet earth without fear of being assaulted but people don't listen to god's word and people do get assaulted and shot and killed and i certainly know that having witnessed murder and been shot at myself if everybody followed god's law thou shalt not commit adultery think of how much more firm family life would be in the security that belongs to family would help children grow up it's hard enough when things up when people are faithful but what's infidelity worse or other sins against adultery like rape would be eliminated if everybody obeyed this law think about thou shalt not steal where you don't have a right to take or destroy other people's property if everybody kept this the only harm would be done to the locksmith industry they wouldn't need to make any more locks in fact i was privileged to live at a jesuit high school i didn't teach there but i lived there while i was teaching in college and at this high school in dallas the students don't have locks on their lockers they trust each other and they don't have stealing from the lockers so you know that's that would be a good thing imagine if everybody kept the commandment thou shalt not bear false witness think about what a change that would be in the courtroom if people were honest straight up honest or think about how not bearing false witness would affect the way we read newspapers just we just saw today i think was one of the big newspapers out east might be new york times or something or washington post admitted that they had followed a false lead about something said allegedly said by president trump that wasn't true and they admitted that it wasn't true they found out but you if you follow this commandment of not bearing false witness you won't publish it until you know for sure that it's true all of the press would be effect and all of us have to be alert to that on more private levels as well this is a good thing now we have to ask a question we can see the goodness in god's commandments and how god's commandments would make a better society are any god's laws evil do they harm virtue or harm world behavior no they don't and one of the things that i will assert is that the more we spend time meditating on god's moral laws the more wise and intelligent they appear sometimes you have to take the effort to meditate on them and understand them better but this is exactly what we had as readings last week last wednesday in deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 6 moses said keep the commandments and do them for that will be your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the peoples who when they hear all these statues will say surely this great nation is a wise and understanding discerning people so this is very important for us to keep these laws and learn this wisdom of god and then we can take a look at the commandment for instance to honor your mother and father in order to have a long life in the land if you honor the ones who gave you life then you'll be rewarded with life our lord jesus very importantly you know takes these laws and deepens them he gives us more reflection on them so he says you know it's not just don't kill i say don't even be angry it's not that you don't have lust but you also um you know don't even look with love you don't even start down this role and christ wants us to be perfect as the heavenly father is perfect this is why he goes more deeply and we also need to reflect on the sermon on the mount on his teaching so that we enter more deeply into living out these laws and seek up to seek that perfection that the heavenly father has and wants us to have as well this is key okay all right so we'll stop there and next week we'll um take a look at how society would benefit from these laws what i'd like to do now is take a call let's start off with angelo angelo where are you calling from i'm calling from campbell sport wisconsin father it's so good to hear you thank you thank you very much what can we possibly do for you today father today's topic was very interesting scripture and tradition yes i am greek orthodox and all the orthodox churches throughout the world celebrate uh easter after the jewish passover and i was wondering why the rest of the churches roman catholic churches etc they have a tendency of celebrating easter the resurrection prior to the passover i know every so many years it does fall ironically on the same on the same day every four years i believe it falls on the same time but i'm wondering if it's with the roman catholic church is it just a tradition to follow it a certain way because as you discussed today scripture is one thing tradition's another and i'm wondering if you're going to answer that for me sir sure if you take a look do you have access to the um decrees of the council of nicaea yeah okay get a hold of that and you see there that's where they established the date for easter but the but the bible every time you read scripture it follows jewish passover well here's here's one of the things what uh that's why i want you to take a look at what was written at uh the council of nicea the prince there was tension between some folks in the eastern part of the church and the west about celebrating easter some said that good friday well that you always celebrated on the first day of passover but that wouldn't be always on a friday of course changes from day from a day to day different years so they came up with this formula that easter is celebrated on the first sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox so the vernal equinox is in march and then the first full moon after that because in fact passover begins with the full moon after the vernal equinox but christians decided and the eastern and western uh bishops all agreed to celebrate this way that we would maintain celebrating easter on a sunday no matter what year the passover or what day passover started on would always be on a sunday because sunday is the lord's day you see that in scripture and so it's and the lord rose on a sunday so every sunday is a celebration of easter and every easter is celebrated on a sunday rather than midweek and so they came with this formula now here's where difficulties arise in some years the people of israel the jewish people have to add a 13th month to their calendar because they follow a lunar calendar and every few years they have to make up for the fact that they're only 28 days in a lunar month more or less and so they add a 13th month muslims do the same thing exactly and when that occurs then passover is going to be quite a bit later so we don't tie our celebration of easter to passover on two levels not on the day and sometimes not even the very weak that's where there's a split we follow the um uh decision of the council nicaea and then when further wrinkles shows up in that uh at the time of nicaea they followed the julian calendar and that was corrected it was it's astronomically off a little bit uh because it didn't account for uh leap year and things like that so it's a little bit different and you know the correction on the gregorian calendar made for another difference so that's where that comes in but that's how we determine it all right we are going to take a break and we will come back with your questions and comments so please stay with us [Music] sacrifice is a profound virtue catholics can lovingly embrace especially during lent but this year why not also indulge in something good for your soul give yourself the gift of ewtn's national catholic register and stay connected to the latest developments and historical traditions of our catholic faith try the register for free today and get it delivered to your home office or parish get six free issues filled with spiritual insights on world events along with compelling catholic news and information to get your six free issues order online at forward slash tv or call 800-421-3230 and mention code tv the national catholic register it's the one indulgence you won't ever want to give up order online today at forward slash tv or call 800-421-3230 and mention code tv the national catholic register read faithfully do you guys know what this is a baby what about this one do you guys know what this one is [Music] what is this a baby do you guys know what this is [Music] [Music] all right welcome back i'm going to start off with an email from elizabeth in the great commonwealth of virginia father mitch i believe that god literally speaks to people but my question is are there examples of famously devout people who said that they never heard god speak to them um i'm trying to think i don't have any at the top of my head um that that said that i um i don't i just don't know if anybody who is you know very famously um devout uh there may well be i for instance i don't know uh that saint augustine ever experienced that and you know another person that you know felt in fact a lot of dryness rather than the sense of god's presence was saint mother teresa of calcutta she i don't know that she ever heard god speak to her she felt dryness um and when i think of her also think of a another saint a jesuit saint um this this is not well known but it's uh saint alfonso rodriguez he was a porter um he had been uh he had applied to the uh actually had entered the visit but because his father died he had to take care of his family he left uh then got married had a couple of kids but everybody died his mom died his wife his two sons they all died he was alone and then he entered the jesuits as a brother and he always felt this emptiness you know that he always felt you know that god had abandoned him but he didn't believe it he knew that god had not abandoned him and uh she you know so he very much uh you know trusted in god and became very very holy but i don't think he ever experienced consolation uh such as we know it mother teresa had trouble with that yet alone hearing god speak so those would be the few that i can think of off the top of my head all right and then we have k calling k where are you calling from uh kentucky great welcome and well it's a k is a great name to have for somebody from kentucky uh so what is your question okay i'd like to thank you father for taking my question and enjoy your program and your teaching but also a priest had told us that if you have down anointing you do not have to go to confession you know i get i'm assuming serious sin but anyway he just said if you've been anointed you don't have to go to confession but uh my question is uh do is that correct and also uh the catechism i looked it up in two different places and i said uh you need to go to confession for serious sin at least once a year yeah also another another place in the catechism and has under the precepts of the church says that you shall confess your sins at least once a year which i thought that was the correct uh but it has two different things one says serious then the other one doesn't say if you're anointed or not and that that you let go once a year or you should go once a year to confess yeah no the uh and by anointing uh you're referring to the anointing of the sick correct right yeah yeah and here the anointing of the sick does include forgiveness of sins but even when somebody receives the anointing when somebody is in the extreme extreme you know when they're getting close to dying and they want to get the anointing of the sick confession is a normal part this is um this is a very normal part of receiving the anointing you do confess your sins and get reconciled and then also receive the anointing of the sick and it's the the anointing of the sick is not a substitute for confession in the normal process now if the dying person cannot speak then yeah well you say don't you there's nothing you can do you just exhort them because you don't know if they can hear you or not sometimes so you exhort them to repent but they can't physically confess their sins so you entrust them to our lord and the grace of the anointing but the normal process is that you would confess your sins before receiving the anointing of the sick and even more normal everyday life you go to confession as the normal way to receive reconciliation and what the catechism says is correct that we are required under pain of mortal sin to confess at least once a year and to receive holy communion at least once a year now my experience of my own life is that i need confession a lot more than once a year once a month isn't enough for me i need it and um you the once a year is what you know you have if you commit immortal sin you should confess that mortal sin at least but based on knowing a lot of married couples if you have trouble remembering your sins please ask your spouse your spouse will give you some suggestions of things that you might consider confessing because they have observed it even if you don't notice it so much you know i frankly have no idea whether i snore or not because there's nobody sleeping in the room with me so if i snore except my cats and they snore so i don't think they mind if i did i just don't know and this is uh something that you need other people to let you know that you snore well you may need other people to let you know whether you sin and i assure you if you humbly ask your spouse they'll give you a few suggestions of things you might take to confession i'll be plenty there so that's definitely good get the confession and by the way it has to be confession once a year during easter tide which means from ash wednesday all the way till trinity sunday so there's a lot of time in there to make sure you get to confession okay all right and then i have another email from joe in missouri hello father mitch i am a 63 year old convert who has an annulment petition pending until then neither my current wife nor i can partake in the sacrament of reconciliation i am hopeful that of a favorable decision from the tribunal however i realized it may not be god's will it could go the other way if by any chance i'm not able to partake partake in reconciliation am i able to have my mortal sins resolved by where direct prayer to the almighty i ask for forgiveness of past mortal sins on a daily basis and strive to live a life free of them joel in missouri well joe yes you can seek to make an ever more perfect act of contrition you know you you can't do that because you know until you can receive that sacrament that is the way that you deal with reconciliation um you know i hope that you know this does work out um that would be a good thing but uh and all of us should be asking god's forgiveness on a daily basis and then at least monthly get to confession i was just speaking at a men's convent conference in victoria texas and uh bishop cahill of that diocese made a strong appeal for everybody to everybody in his diocese to go to the sacramento reconciliation at least once a month then we have another email from laura hello father how do i hear god's answer when i pray and ask what is your will what you want me to do lord i don't know how to hear the answer also my husband and i pray the rosary daily our prayers are sincere we see no answers for five or more years to multiply petitions any insight as to why a couple things when the way that you're going to hear the lord speak and answer will be in a number wise rarely i i don't hear god's voice speak i i don't i just don't um and that's fine but i have a strong sense of god directing me and in in this sense that i have felt a variety of attractions and the attraction remains with me oftentimes for years i first felt my vocation to the priesthood 63 years ago now that's a long time for an attraction to stay with me and and and you you can trust that that is from god secondly you also find that there is not only an attraction to it but that there is peace that is a lasting peace and this we're going to talk a lot more about that as we go through my book but you find that peace and it stays with you that's how the lord tends to answer and you know it's a matter sometimes of paying attention to those movements and when there is no answer it doesn't mean that you're bad at all but it may be that you're not getting an answer to something because there's another option other than what you've asked for and the lord doesn't give you peace with the wrong option but he will wait for that to um you know to come to you as a in time and so it's keep being open to what god wants and we're going to talk a lot more about these principles of how to discern what what god is saying and finally just from mary as the father mitch what is the church's teaching on prosperity preaching is there a catholic perspective on giving to god and the church to be blessed with prosperity um yeah there is a teaching that it's not so simple there are a lot of people who give uh and they don't get prosperity in return but they give because they're generous that we realize this would be catholic teaching everything is god's anyway it passes through my hands but it belongs to god and when i pass away it'll still be his so you know we don't believe that you earn the right to keep a bunch of stuff and get a bunch of blessings will god be outdone in generosity no god will always be more generous than we are but it may not be in prosperity so don't focus on that focus on giving everything to god with your whole mind heart and soul that's what god requires of us and whatever he gives you you enjoy all right lord bless you all and keep you and cause his face to shine upon you the father the son and the holy spirit and we appreciate all the support that you give us so please continue to keep us in between your gas bill electric bill and cable bill so we can pay our bills too thank you and god bless [Music] [Music] coming up pray the chaplet of divine mercy next here on ewtn [Music] i'm tracy staple tonight on ewtn news nightly as president joe biden considers whether to raise taxes we take a look at what it would mean for you plus new developments on the status of the vatican museums as italy heightens its coronavirus restrictions join us for news from a catholic perspective next time on ewtn live dr ann hendershot reveals how a culture of envy inspires people to turn to violence and destruction and what we can do to stop it on the next ewtn live see who's coming to the pinto house on at home with jim and joy next time leanne thyman challenges catholics to find god's love in ordinary everyday events and activities at home with jim and joy here on the global catholic network ewtn [Music] ewtn live truth live [Music] catholic [Music] in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen you expired jesus but the source of life gushed forth for souls and the ocean of mercy opened up for the whole world o font of life unfathomable divine mercy enveloped the whole world and empty yourself out upon us oh blood and water which guides forth from the heart of jesus as the bounds of mercy for us i trust in you o blood and water which gushed forth from the heart of jesus as a fountain of mercy for us i trust in you o blood and water which gushed forth from the heart of jesus as a bound of mercy for us i trust in you our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven [Music] hail mary full of grace the lord is with thee blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb jesus i believe in god the father almighty creator of heaven and earth and in jesus christ his only son our lord who was conceived by the holy spirit born of the virgin mary suffered under pontius pilate was crucified died and was buried he descended into hell on the third day he rose again from the dead he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of god the father almighty from there he will come to judge the living and the of the dead catholic church the communion of saints the creators of sins the resurrection of god [Music] eternal father i offer you the body and blood of your dearly beloved son our lord jesus christ [Music] passions for the sake of his sorrowful passion [Music] for the sake of his sorrowful passion [Music] for the sake of his sorrowful passion
Channel: EWTN
Views: 3,883
Rating: 4.9689922 out of 5
Keywords: Catholic, EWTN, Christian, television
Id: XwjQ6xFvR8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 25sec (4045 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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