Scripture and Tradition with Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ

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[Music] from ewtn news nightly in washington d.c i'm tracy sabol with an ewtn news link the white house officially terms russian actions in ukraine quote an invasion the move is set to trigger sanctions against the kremlin russian president vladimir putin says ukraine is being used by outside countries to threaten moscow saint antonio church in brazil commemorates the 180 victims who died in the mudslide last week the church is sheltering many of the people who lost their homes in the natural disaster more than 100 people are still missing pope francis appoints father jacques fabre to be the new bishop of charleston south carolina the 66 year old was born in haiti and was ordained in brooklyn new york in 1986 the diocese of charleston was established in 1820 and covers the entire state i'm tracy sabol with ewtn news nightly tune in tonight some of the more popular items on the rc show this month are the ashtag garden and house flags spread the lenten message of repentance in dust and ashes with the original ashtag this ewtn exclusive is perfect for outside your home or in the yard to order go to and search for item numbers 1 asht or 2 asht [Music] join a deeper conversation about the most consequential issues facing catholics today get ewtn news in depth delivered to your inbox with details on each week's show covering the topics that are important to you go to in-depth and sign up today ewtn live truth live catholic [Music] [Music] i'm father mitch pacquiao welcome to scripture and tradition where we talk about the word of god through the lens of sacred tradition now of course we love having you to be part of the show you can do that by adding your questions or comments to calling during the live program which is on tuesday at 2 p.m eastern time and the phone number you can call in north america is 1-800-2219 four six zero one eight hundred two two one nine four six zero if you are outside north america that won't work so you can call country code one area code 205-271-2980 you can also send us your questions and comments by email by writing to scripture and tradition at scripture and tradition at or follow us and participate with the show on facebook and youtube today we will look at the interaction between jesus christ our lord and john the baptist at the jordan river and we are looking at matthew chapter 3 verse 14. we want to take a look at john's confusion that jesus needs to be baptized by john instead of the other way around and take a look at why now we'll be using as a book that as a god the book that i wrote it's called praying the gospels jesus launches his public ministry and you can get this book over at it is item number i 52687-52687 the scripture passages and meditations that i'm reflecting on here as we go through this program so it may be helpful to you to have as well as helpful in praying about these passages otherwise so here we are dealing with the third meditation on the whole scene of the baptism which is john's confusion in matthew 3 14 we see our lord say well actually john said there that he would have prevented jesus from being baptized and he says i need to be baptized by you and do you come to me but jesus answered him and said let it be so now for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness and then he consented okay so that's what we're starting off now let's take a look at this verse john is feeling a certain amount of confusion he had already been preaching to the crowds that came to him at the jordan in matthew chapter 3 verse 11 he wrote i baptize you with water for repentance but one who is more powerful than i is coming after me i am not worthy to carry his sandals he will baptize you with the holy spirit and fire now this is where saint john in great humility had recognized the superiority of the baptism that would be done by the messiah that he recognizes that superiority and he would like to get that better baptism the baptism in the holy spirit and fire and yet we see here that jesus our lord comes to be baptized by john and he is also meeting john's humility that recognizes the superiority of jesus baptism jesus meets that humility with an even greater one by allowing himself to submit to baptism so this is something that is beyond john's ability to understand john doesn't get it and i want us to reflect on this because there are a lot of people in the gospels who do not understand what the lord is doing they don't get it they just don't understand they don't comprehend this and it's not a matter of their vice that underlies it it's not because they're so bad take a look at how saint joseph does not understand how the virgin mary his betrothed would be with child and it's not his child and it's in that experience that we see saint joseph very much has to be given a revelation from god the angel has to come and explain that the virgin conceiving and bearing a son [Music] is the fulfillment of a prophecy in isaiah chapter 7 verse 14. and again it's still we suspect because joseph doesn't give his thoughts on that but it would have been very confusing similarly our lady does not quite understand when the angel appears to her and says that you'll conceive and bear his son and she said well how will i conceive since i do not know man and she's she's wondering what how this will be what does she have to do and this is something she doesn't understand we also see that she doesn't understand why the shepherds had come no she had to ponder these things in her heart but she didn't quite understand them and especially when christ as a child is lost in the temple she doesn't understand and she has to contemplate this now it's very important for us to see that saint joseph the blessed virgin mary and saint john the baptist are not incomprehending because of their sin hardly these are some of the holiest people that there ever were and our lady is the holiest person apart from christ himself so this is something that is part of humanity to not fully understand and yet they have to live out their role in the fulfillment of christ's mission they each had a role to play and even though they did not understand why the lord would do these things why be conceived in a virgin why you know get lost in the temple why should the messiah baptize john the baptist it doesn't grab their mind that they understand and yet it is up to them to accept this without understanding and do their part in the role of god this is a very important element in this part of the passage and we can consider there's something i'd like us then to bring to our own prayer consider if the blessed virgin mary did not understand what god was doing if saint joseph had trouble understanding and if saint john the baptist had trouble understanding then why should we be surprised when we do not understand why god is doing certain things or allowing certain things in our own lives we don't see how this makes sense but that doesn't stop god's plan from going forward his plan doesn't happen because i comprehend it it happens because he comprehends it and it's something beyond my own ability it's something that we should consider from our own lives think back on some of the times when you have had perhaps even your best moments those times when we are really trying to find the will of god we we said lord i want to do what you want and even in those best of moments we rarely have clarity about what god is going to do exactly when somebody realizes for instance that they have a vocation to be married and they go ahead and propose and accept the proposal and go ahead and get married do you think that once they take their vows to be married and they're doing god's will that then they understand everything that's going to happen to them not the married couples i know the plans that they make don't always work out exactly as they had first thought and you don't know you may have your own ideas of what kind of child you would have but your kids are going to be a surprise because you don't create their personality they come to you with a personal character and you have to learn to deal with it and sometimes people get very angry when their plans don't go just as they had thought sometimes they get confused and frustrated when they don't understand and they get angry they really do we sometimes get mad at the situation and some people get very angry at god this happens often enough now one of the things though that like especially you seasoned citizens you seasoned we seasoned citizens on one of them so i'm still having trouble getting the older folks to accept me as an old guy to say nah you're not old but the middle-aged guy said no you're too old for us i feel like a tween i'm in between old age and middle age at any rate stop complaining the the thing that we have to do is take a look back on life when we've had these experiences and how we can sometimes look back and find that what looked like a bad turn of events a mistake by us sometimes sometimes even something sinful that we did wrong that when we turn back to god or as we stay faithful to god even when we made a good plan stayed pretty good and followed that plan as best we could and it doesn't go right sometimes after a number of years we can begin to see how it did turn out way better than we had ever dreamed or planned this is when we can meditate on saint paul in romans chapter 8 verse 28 where he wrote we know that all things work together for good for those who love god who are called according to his purpose this is a very important verse because there are a lot of things that we don't like we didn't plan and we didn't want to happen but it does and then there are also some people who are like saint john the baptist and saint joseph who died before they saw things work out for the good but that didn't stop them from trusting they may have had questions later on in the gospel saint john will send his disciples to jesus right before he's executed and say you know are you really the messiah are you the one who has to come and you know our lord answers him back yes and so he trusts he trusts but he doesn't see the fulfillment during this life and that also happens to many people but they die trusting in god and this is where their sanctity is that's why it's saint john the baptist and saint joseph so we have to you know pay close attention to this in our own lives that you know ask ourselves when we saw a decision that we made something we believed really was god's will when we're at our best we really are trying to do god's will and we see god's plan start to unfold in front of us for our marriages for my priestly vocation and so on we have to ask did things turn out the way i planned i would say no not for me i didn't off one thing i never planned on working in television never occurred to me wasn't part of my vision at all i matter of fact at different stages i didn't even think i'd be an academic or a college teacher college professor didn't occur to me but a variety of things go on some of them very painful and tragic and some of them you know disappointing you know certainly when my superiors sent me to go teach in a high school i did not want to go i did not like the idea of teaching high school students at all i was very disinterested in that kind of work and they sent me and yet when i looked back years later i realized that was where i learned how to teach those young men were very important to teach me a lot about teaching and there were a lot of other changes in me that went on because i was teaching at a high school and it i look back on it now and i see this was something that worked out well and this is true for lots and lots of other elements in life so this is something that we have to pay close attention to and then another question we should ask when we were going through this could we pray from romans 8 verse 28 could we say that we believe that everything works out for the good for those who love god did in other words did was i able to trust in god's providence i've known lots of married couples including my own parents who in retrospect look back on having kids in the early 50s and raising us and such and they looked back and said i don't know how we did it we didn't have the money and yet we didn't go hungry and we always had a place to live and we always had clothes on our back and that but they'll say we still don't know how we did it this had to be god that's awful that's what i mean by looking back in god's providence and like saint joseph like our lady like saint john the baptist we need to trust in god's providence to take care of these situations and just keep trusting and see what it is that the lord does to make it all turn out for the good as we learn to love god well let's take a break and we'll come back and we'll take a look at the next verse matthew chapter 3 verse 15 so please stay with us [Music] many of father mitch pacquiao's books are available through the ewtn religious catalog to get your copy of any of these works including his book wheat and tares restoring the moral vision of a scandalized church log on to our web store 24 hours a day seven days a week or call 1-800-854-6316 [Music] hello i'm john at williams our guest was just 15 the first time she was sexually assaulted by the priest at her parish she lived in trauma and shame until a counselor helped her begin her journey toward healing she'll tell us her story and why no matter what misery we've experienced there is always reason to hope that's women of grace tomorrow at 1 pm eastern here on ewtn [Music] the way in which different peoples are coming to this country and also within the church itself in our parishes is a bringing about of life i think mother angelica came along at just the right time instead of ewtn because what it's done is given catholic film producers directors like myself a platform you rediscover that the sacrament of the moment in the present moment and knowing god in that moment that it is about give us this day our daily brain [Music] the holy father's prayer intention for the month of february is religious sisters and consecrated women we pray for religious sisters and consecrated women thanking them for their mission and their courage may they continue to find new responses to the challenges of our times [Music] all right let's not take a look at the next verse matthew 3 15 where jesus responds to john the baptist by saying let it be so for now for it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness this is a very interesting verse let's take it and look at different parts of it remember that jesus responded to john's deference john wanted to be baptized by jesus and jesus goes to john and says to him that he has to it's proper to fulfill all righteousness and jesus could have baptized john with the holy spirit with fire but for now for now the time for all righteousness to be fulfilled was not yet present now this gets at something very important first our lord sees himself as constantly fulfilling something else he fulfills prophecies from the old testament constantly for instance we already mentioned that he fulfills the prophecy of isaiah 7 14 that he would be born of a virgin that was already there his return from egypt fulfilled a prophecy in matthew chapter 8 verse 17 we see that he fulfills the prophecy of healing that came from isaiah chapter 53 verse 4. we also see that he is called a gentle messiah who did not shout and did not break a bruised reed that fulfills a prophecy in isaiah 42. the lord rides a donkey on palm sunday in fulfillment of a prophecy from the book of zechariah and this goes on and on because our lord taught during the sermon on the mount think not that i have come to abolish the law and the prophets i have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them that's what he said in matthew 5 17. so fulfillment of the law and the prophets is his very identity and he does this many times and it states it many times in the gospel secondly our lord also came to fulfill the will of his heavenly father very frequently we see our lord say in john's gospel especially john chapter 4 verse 32 my food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work that's his job john 6 38 i've come down from heaven not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me in john 5 30 i seek not my own will but the will of him who sent me and then in the garden of gethsemane he says not as i will but as you will he came to fulfill the will of his heavenly father so that's another aspect of his fulfillment and now he's also here to fulfill all righteousness and both the prophecies of the old testament and the will of the father in his mission in the new testament then we also see that our lord will predict many actions his own actions and other events and his task is to fulfill those predictions he predicted three times that he would suffer die on a cross and be buried and rise again and that this is how he would redeem the world and fulfilling that prediction was key to his whole mission but it is also in his suffering death burial and resurrection that he gives us the gift of righteousness and this fulfills all righteousness and in fact it will be true that baptism and all the other sacraments are able to be effective in bestowing righteousness upon us because christ fulfilled all righteousness in being baptized himself and then later on in fulfilling the predictions he made about his saving death and glorious resurrection and they're only effective because christ accomplished that righteousness that's where the power of baptism comes from and that's not my personal feeling my personal feelings are irrelevant it is rather the teaching of scripture itself that's why saint paul wrote in romans chapter six beginning with verse 3. do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into christ jesus were baptized into his death we were buried therefore with him by baptism into death so that as christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the father we too might walk in newness of life for if we have been united with him in a death like his we shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the sinful body may be destroyed and we might no longer be enslaved to sin this is key that baptism is baptism into the death of christ which is the source of our righteousness that's why in first peter chapter 3 saint peter wrote by the way today is the feast of saint peter's chair saint peter wrote in 1st 3 21 and baptism which this prefigured now serves you not as removal of dirt from the body but as an appeal to god for a good conscience through the resurrection of christ and baptism now saves you baptism now saves you that's the power that it has and this is extremely important and because our baptism is so powerful as to now right now even though you've been baptized it is an ongoing source of grace for your salvation and mind this is something that we ought to consider do you know the date of your baptism do you ever celebrate the anniversary of your baptism i had to look it up when i was 19 and was joining my order the jesuits i'd have my baptismal records before i could enter the society and give it to the society so they could put on there that i was now a religious that would make it impossible for me to be married in the church because when you get married they also ask for your baptism record they want to say oh you're a jesuit well what are you doing here oh you can't be married that's uh keep we keep this record or you've been married already and you want to get married again did your wife die what's going on so we finally well you can find out your baptism date as it turns out for me i have a sort of a cool situation that my baptism anniversary is the date of my entrance into the jesuits so august 21st is the date of anniversary of my baptism and of my becoming a jesuit so i get to celebrate both and you celebrate it by remembering what saint peter said baptism now saves you so consider that this righteousness of christ is occurring in your soul and it begins this process of forgiving original sin and be goes on with the other sins later on in life it's an instinct of faith that gets you gives you a drive to want to learn more of the faith and what we can do this would be a good meditation examine our own conscience and ask ourselves how do i cooperate with this gift of all righteousness that christ gives me a righteousness that christ won for me by dying on the cross and we can ask ourselves do i cooperate with god's graces to avoid sin during this life as i continue on and as a baptized catholic do i recognize that i have a citizenship in heaven this gives me an eternal citizenship and do how do i rank my citizenship in heaven with my citizenship here on earth i love being an american but eventually that's not going to be nearly so relevant as being a citizen of heaven and again that idea of citizenship in heaven is not my idea saint paul writes about that multiple times because i received this gift of baptism and the righteousness that christ bestows i have to ask do i seek his kingdom first and his righteousness remember the line in matthew 6 33 seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness this is very important to keep as your highest priority and this flows from fulfilling the righteousness that comes to us in baptism so we can begin to understand that righteousness in that light and we do well to do so we'll stop there next week i want to do two more meditations on our lord's baptism the actual being baptized itself that christ undergoes and uh you know what happens in the revelation of the blessed trinity so hopefully um you all will be able to be here with us until then let us now take a look at some of the questions you have first we have a caller anastasia yeah father thanks for taking my call sure where are you calling from ohio great what don't say it like that ohio it's not too bad today it's a little rainy but it's not cold yeah yeah well it is february in ohio that's true spend a few february's up there myself so what can we do for you today okay uh the monday reading february 7th uh from the first book of kings chapter 8 verse i don't know what verse it is but it was talking about the elders of israel and king solomon they brought the ark of the covenant in and it said here there was nothing in the ark but the two stone tablets which moses had put there in horeb when the lord made a covenant with the children of israel as their departure from the land of egypt what there's also supposed to be um a measure of mana and the staff of aaron i know there was that was in there at one time right you know when that disappeared we don't see when that disappears but here here's what we do know that the philistines took the ark of the covenant from the israelites at the battle of afic and they took it to their own country and they opened it now they got a plague as a result if you want to take a look at that's in first samuel i believe it'd be in chapter 5 i believe it chapter 5. and the ark of the covenant is lost and at first the philistines don't understand why they're suffering this and then they put the ark into a cart led by two milk cows whose whose calves were kept in philistia and they said if the calves stay here then which would have been natural if they stay here with their calves so they can continue to nurse them then it's it's not from god but if the calf if the two cows take the ark to israel then god is the one who has brought this plague of us and by the way the plague is uh was apparently a plague of hemorrhoids um they that's what it says in the hebrew text later on it's first segment four not five five continues the story but for samuel four um and uh they they got these plagues and they sent it back but they may well be the ones because i believe that the manor that had been inside it was in a golden jug and i would not be surprised they would not have tried to keep that golden jug so that and they may even have tried to keep the staff of aaron that had been put in there as well because they might see it as something that would have that power okay hopefully that will help you anastasia i have an email from uh ismail dear father mitch you mentioned that john the baptist might have been an orphan as elizabeth and zechariah may have passed away during his childhood if that is the case did jesus and john know each other as relatives ismail ismail we have no way to know that there is no recorded instance of them meeting or discussing anything prior to meeting at the baptism we just don't know and it would be something that is just left silent and so when something is kept silent like that i tend to do the same i don't like to speculate when there is that silence in the gospel now i'm sure that there are people who write novels to try to fill in these gaps um that's that's a very strong human tendency many of the stories in the midrash are filling in the blanks kind of stories but there's no evidence in the biblical text so i i don't speculate on those things and we just don't know if they had any contact my own suspicion i think i mentioned this from the way that john acts and the way he dresses and etc he may well have been raised by the essenes near the dead sea because they typically took in orphans especially orphans of priests and his father was a priest father zechariah was a priest so they may well have taken him in as an orphan so that wouldn't surprise me at all but even that's a bit of speculation educated guests with some good likelihood since he stayed close to obscene settlements and dressed and acted like them but it was celibate like they were but that's as much as we can say okay so we have to be careful all right take a little break be back with more of your questions and comments so please stay with us [Music] [Music] pursue what matters most in 2022 life liberty truth from the capital to the classroom from the pulpit to the pew ewtn's national catholic register delivers in-depth news analysis and commentary through the lens of the catholic faith with so much at stake in our country there's never been a more important time to read the register and with award-winning catholic journalism that goes beyond what you'll find from any secular news service you'll get the real story behind the events that unfold over the course of the year try the register for free today and get it delivered to your home office or parish join the catholics who depend on the register for its faithful and courageous reporting get six free issues today online at forward slash tv or call 800-421-3230 and mention code tv that's forward slash tv or call 800 421 and mention code tv the national catholic register read faithfully [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] welcome back now i just want to remind you tomorrow night on ewtn live which is 8 p.m eastern time i will be talking with father bill casey of the fathers of mercy and we want to talk about what it means to stand strong in the faith even when you're living in an age of apostasy which means people are giving up faith and running around doing their own stuff so that's that's very important um all right so hopefully we'll see you there watching with father billy many of you know from the network as well we have another caller on the line mona where are you calling from from texas where from in texas near galveston island okay all right you sold it by the wet part of texas yes good to have you with us mona and what is your question or comment yes father my grandchildren were invited to a non-denominational service and they went with their friends and this preacher was saying that mary is of sin and that jesus had brothers and that uh joseph had relations after she delivered jesus with mary and i try to tell them that that is not so she's immaculate she's a virgin and all and they're not buying it so i i'm i'm asking you to give me some proof uh and so i can satisfy my grandchildren and also all of the others that believe the same all right now um a couple things about you know the this question let's take a look first because the minister is starting off with mary having other children right moani is still there and referring that she is of sin right i know but let but here's where you want to start off is that uh mary had other kids and that that's a very important place to start let me just take a look here um the brothers and sisters of jesus are named in the gospel right yes if you take a look at matthew 15 um yeah you take a look there and also mark chapter 6 in mark chapter 6 verses 1 one following especially in verse three it says is this is not this the carpenter the son of mary and the brother of james and joseph's and judas and simon right those are his brothers they're named and are not his sisters here with us now then we can take a look and the same names show up in matthew if you take a look at matthew 27 verse 56 and i'd write that down if you could matthew 27 56 it says among the people standing at the cross were mary magdalene and mary the mother of james and jose's and the mother of the sons of zebedee also in mark chapter 15 verse 40. it said there are also women looking on from afar among whom were mary magdalene and mary the mother of james the younger and of jose's and salome and then now let's take a look at one more verse in john chapter 19 verse 25 standing by the cross of jesus were his mother and his mother's sister mary the wife of clopas and mary magdalene so there is this woman named mary standing next to the blessed virgin mary and mary magdalene so there's three women named mary a very common name among jewish people because moses sister was named maryam so this is a very common name and mary is our english form but in the greek text and in hebrew and in arabic too she's called maryam just like moses sister and there are three of them one is the mother of jesus one is the mother of jesus brothers james and jose's mother of g okay so mary of josie and that that the mother of jesus brothers is not jesus mother it's her sister okay now wait a minute why would they have two girls in the same family named mary so this is a problem a little bit but here's what's going on according to saint hegisipus saintagus was a jewish nobleman who became a christian and he met and interviewed the sons of saint jude and the great excuse me the grandsons of saint jude the apostle and they explained that clopas was the full brother of saint joseph and his wife mary was the sister-in-law of the blessed virgin mary so jesus brothers are in fact the children of his uncle and aunt okay does that make sense yes yes yes and i'm not i'm not coming up with this from something else i'm using the bible to show that the mother and father of jesus brothers are not mary and joseph you can tell your grandchildren yes that the preacher does not know how to read the bible carefully enough and he better learn to read the bible more carefully secondly now we can take take a look at that first because that's something you can demonstrate secondly you then go to the gospel and the angel gabriel says to the blessed mother hail full of grace the lord is with you does that sound like the greeting to a sinner no and then elizabeth later on in the same chapter 1 of luke's gospel calls her the most blessed woman when it says blessed are you among women that's the aramaic and hebrew and arabic way to say you're the most blessed woman and so that's an idiom in their language so she is more blessed than any other woman including eve and she's more blessed because eve was created without sin but fell into sin later our lady was also conceived without sin but never fell into it our lady and i don't know about the minister but in my neighborhood we didn't say negative things about our friends moms yeah i don't think our savior jesus wants people going around saying that his mom's a sinner yes i don't think that's a good idea that's a good idea it makes sense yes yes father what country are you from uh excuse me which country are you from originally oh i am from uh baghdad iraq aha submit minsotic austria [Laughter] god bless you arabic yes speak arabic and a little bit of chaldean good for you good for you well you're welcome tell them to they need to study a little bit more carefully okay i will do that thank you so much god bless you very much you're welcome let us now go to an email from uh mary josephine in pennsylvania says hi father mitch i'm well aware that gossiping is a sin however i'm confused as to if or when it becomes a mortal sin can you help clear this up for me yeah here's what makes something a mortal sin it is grave matter another serious matter so you know it's always always a sin to steal but if you steal a pack of gum from a store that's not the same as taking 500 from the store one really hurts the business the other one less so although both are wrong so it's more serious to steal the large amount of money that's when it becomes mortally sinful now with gossip it's something similar you can say well i can't believe that this woman does not have the kind of clothes to make to match you know or they would say that about me except everything i wear is black so my clothes match but that's the only way i can i know how to make but say oh he's just got such terrible taste and he doesn't even know how to get his clothes to match um that's nothing that's gossip but it's not a big deal but if you start to gossip well did you know that that hussy is out there and she's chasing mary jane's husband and i saw them i i met somebody who said they saw them and things like that then you are damaging their re their reputation if it's true how are you going to fix it if it's not true you got to say that it's false that's a very serious damage to somebody's reputation and you have to be very very careful gossip is generally not a good idea you know and most of the news agencies need to learn that a lot of times that's what they're doing both right and left all right and then we have an email from jan dear father mitch dodd god did not create anything evil are demons like those who jesus sent to the swine fallen angels followers are lucifer or they something else jan they're fallen angels these the the all the demons were created as angels and at some point using their free will they chose not to follow god not to love god not to obey him and by choosing that that's what made them demonic and we have to pay close attention to this you can recognize jesus our lord teaches us you can recognize the evil spirit in three ways one the devil is a liar and the father of lies so deception is one thing second that satan is a murderer so those who use murder and the killing of the innocent they are forces following satan and thirdly those who try to manipulate you with guilt because the devil is called the accuser of our brethren in the book of revelation chapter 12. so that's what you look for make sure you avoid all three of those elements of the demonic well lord bless you and keep you and cause his face to shine upon you the father the son and the holy spirit and i also happen to bring with me someone who just want to mention to you to keep in mind ewtn so that you keep us in between your gas bill your electric bill and your cable bill and we'll be able to pay all of our bills too god bless you and thank you all [Music] i'm tracy sable tonight on ewtn news nightly new developments in the tension between russia and ukraine we have reports from kiev and the white house plus hear more about the history surrounding today's feast day dedicated to saint peter join us for news from a catholic perspective on ewtn if you want to become the best that you can be you must have faith faith is something god created he created the universe and he placed desire this capacity to believe within us there's things that happen sufferings that happen in life that can shake our faith i want you to to live to grow be your best [Music] the holy father's prayer intention for the month of february is religious sisters and consecrated women we pray for religious sisters and consecrated women thanking them for their mission and their courage may they continue to find new responses to the challenges of our times [Music] ewtn live truth live catholic [Music] you
Channel: EWTN
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Keywords: Catholic, EWTN, Christian, television, Bible
Id: 3O03x3YCYxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 55sec (3775 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 22 2022
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